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Unit 3: Mental and Emotional Health

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Mental Health is generally having a positive outlook, being comfortable with yourself and others, and being able to meet life's challenges and demands.

Mental health means much more than not being mentally ill. Self-esteem is

central to mental and emotional wellness.

Feed Back is when messages from others that indicate who they think you

are or what they think your like.

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Signs of Good Mental Health.• Are realistic about their strengths and weaknesses.• Are responsible for their personal behavior.• Avoid high risk behaviors such as using tobacco, alcohol, and other

drugs.• Are open minded and flexible.• Are fun loving and able to relax with others.• Respect both their own and others needs.• Respects everyone's value as a human being –including their own.• Express their emotions in ways that do not hurt themselves or

others.• Invest time and energy into nourishing relationships.• Put their talents and abilities to good use.• View change as a challenge and opportunity.

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Roadblocks to Mental Health.

• All or nothing thinking. Many situations have “shades of gray”. Learn to recognize and accept these subtle degrees of differences.

• Expecting the worst in others or yourself. Look for the good and you will be more likely to find it.

• Being a perfectionist. Trying to be perfect or thinking you can do it all often leads to failure and frustration. Remind yourself that nobody is perfect. Don’ t be afraid to ask for help when you need it.

• Letting your actions or words betray your values. Stand up for what you believe in and know is right.

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Promoting a Positive Self-Image.

1. List your assets or strengths. Include your mental, emotional, and physical strengths. Read this list everyday for a week.

2. Surround yourself with positive supportive people. Choose friends who support you, believe in you, and respect your

individual rights and needs.3. Find something you love to do, and do it frequently. If your

always to busy to do the things you enjoy your not fully taking care of yourself. Make time for your favorite activities and

pastimes,4. Stop making life a contest. Recognize that there will always be

people more and less able than you in all areas of life. Be content with doing the best you can do in all areas that really

matter to you.5. Help someone else. One way to feel good about yourself is to

see the positive effect of your own words or actions on someone else's life.

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Your Needs, Your Personality.

• All human beings have basic needs.

• When basic needs are continuously not meant, physical and mental illness may occur.

• Personality is shaped by 3 main factors: Heredity, Environment, and Behavior.

• The factor that you have the most control over is your personal behavior.

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Ch.1 Lesson 2 Health Terms.

• Hierarchy of needs: A ranked list of those needs that are vital to human growth and development presented in ascending order from the most basic to the most fulfilling.

• Aesthetic: Artistic.• Self-Actualization: the striving to become the best you

can be.• Personality: a complex set of characteristics that make

you unique and sets you apart from everyone else.• Psychologist : professional with doctoral degrees who

diagnose and treat emotional and behavioral disorders.• Modeling: copying the behaviors of those you are

exposed too.

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Lesson 3. Understanding Your Emotions.

• Emotions are signs that tell your mind and body how to react.

• Empathy is the ability to imagine and understand how someone else feels.

• Phobias are irrational fears that can get in the way of leading of a normal life.

• Hostility is the intentional use of unfriendly or nasty behavior.

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Lesson 4. Handling Emotions in Healthful ways.

• Defense mechanism are strategies used to deal with strong or stressful emotions and situations.

• Resiliency one additional factor related to your outlook which is the ability to adapt strongly and recover from hard times.

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Chapter 9 - Lesson 1. Health Terms.

1. Stress is the body and minds reaction to everyday problems.2. Distress is negative stress.3. Ensures is positive stress.4. Stressor is any stimulus that produces a stress response. 5. Alarm is the first stage in the stress response, when the body and

mind go on high alert. 6. Adrenalin is an “emergency hormone”. It is to prepare the body to

respond to a stressor. 7. Resistance is the second stage in the stress response, when the

body tries to repair from damage and return to its normal stage. 8. Fatigue is the third stage of the stress response that results in a tired

feeling that lowers ones level of activity.

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What is Stress?

• Stress is a normal part of everyday life.

• The response to stress is different for everyone and may change from situation to situation.

• How you manage stress can greatly effect your mental, emotional, and physical health.

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Ch. 9 - Lesson 2. Health Terms.

1. Stress tolerance is the amount of stress that you can handle before you reach a stage of too much stress.

2. Type A Personality is a competitive, high achieving personality type most likely to develop heart disease.

3. Type B Personality is seen as a laid back non competitive personality, and is less likely to suffer from heart diseases.

4. Psychosomatic response is a psychical disorder that results from stress rather than from an injury or illness.

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The Decision Making Process.

1) State the situation.

2) List the options.

3) Weigh the optional outcomes possible.

4) Consider your values.

5) Make a decision and act.

6) Evaluate the decision.

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Stress in your Life.

• Several factors effect a persons level of stress.

• Stress can negatively impact a persons health.

• You can learn to recognize the signs of stress in your own body and life.

• Stress can often be controlled by how you view the stressor.

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Stress and your Personality Types.

Stress can effect you depending on your personality type.

Change. The hardy personality likes and welcomes change, viewing it as an opportunity for growth.

Commitment. The hardy personality has a strong sense of purpose and is committed to people, activities, and principal that bring meaning to his/ her life.

Control. The hardy personality has a sense of power that his/ her own life and feels some influence over what happens, taking action when possible. This person also recognizes that some things can’t be controlled.

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Ch. 9 - Lesson 3. Health Terms.

1. Rechanneling is transferring or redirecting your energies.

2. Relaxation Response is a state of deep rest that can be reached if one or more relaxation techniques are practiced regularly.

3. Support Group is an informal or formal gathering of people who meet and share experiences, feelings and trust.

4. Time Management skills are specific strategies for planning time in effective, helpful ways.

5. Priorities are goals, tasks, or activities that you judge as more important to do than others.

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Sweat your stress away!

You can Exercise to release stress.Exercising will: Calm you down,Wake you up,Make you more alert,Improve your mood,Pump up your confidence,Improve your appearance.

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Ch. 9 - Lesson 4. Health Terms.

1. Grief Reaction is an individuals total response to a major loss.

2. Delayed Grief Response is a putting off of the most intense stages of grief.

3. Closure is coming to an end of the most intense parts of the grieving process.

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Stages of loss.• Stage 1: Denial. Denial is a person’s initial reaction to any loss. At this stage, a

person who suffered a significant loss can’t believe the loss has occurred.• Stage 2: Anger. A persons next move from denial to anger or the “why me?”

stage. During this stage the person may be critical, demanding, or uncooperative.

• Stage 3: Bargaining. As the reality of the loss sets in, the anger begins to subside and is replaced by bargaining. The person may pray or promise to change if only the lost person/object can be returned even for a while.

• Stage 4: Depression. This stage is often marked by silence and withdrawal. Earlier feelings of disbelief, isolation, anger, and rage are replaced with a deep sense of quiet sadness.

• Stage 5: Acceptance. This is the last stage in dealing with a deep loss. While the depression stage may leave a person feeling helpless, this last stage can involve a sense of power, allowing the person to face reality in constructive ways and make significant and meaningful gestures surrounding the idea of the loss.

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Chapter 10 : Lesson 1.What are mental disorders?

Mental disorder is a illness of the mind that can affect the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors of a person, preventing him or her from leading a normal life.

Anxiety disorder is an illness in which real, imagined, or persistent fears prevent a person from enjoying life.

Somatoform disorder describes an illness in which a person complains of disease symptoms, but no physical cause can be found.

Hypochondria is a preoccupation with the body and fear of presumed diseases that are not present.

Affective disorder is when a psychological illnesses or conditions that relates to emotions and involves mood swings or mood extremes that interfere with everyday living.

Bipolar disorder is when a psychological illness characterized by extreme mood swings between depression and extreme happiness.

Personality disorders is a variety of psychological illnesses or conditions that affect a persons ability to get along with others.

Schizophrenia is a mental illness disorder meaning “split the mind”.

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Lesson 2 :Suicide prevention.

Suicide is the taking of one persons life.

Depression is when feelings of happiness, hopelessness, and sadness occurs.

Cluster suicides is a rash of suicides occurring within a short space of time and involving people in the same school/community.

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Lesson 3 : Getting help.

Psychiatrist is a medical doctor who specialized in diagnosing and treating mental disorders and can prescribe medications.

Neurologist is a physician who specialized in organic disorders of the brain and nervous system.

Clinical physiologist is a physiologist who diagnoses and treats emotional and behavioral disorders but cant prescribe medication.

Psychiatric social worker is one who has concentrated on psychiatric case work, doing field work in a mental hospital, mental health clinic, or family service agency that provides guideless and treatment for clients with emotional problems.

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