
PowerPoint Presentation

Unidad 5Leccin 2La Gramtica

Qu (no) te gusta hacer en tu tiempo libre?

Qu (no) te gusta hacer en tu tiempoUnidad 5Leccin 2La Gramtica libre?1As we go through this moduleTake notes.

Practice your pronunciation.

Use your vocabulary list.

Remember the lesson goals.

As we go through this module, there are a few steps you can take to master our objectives.

Take notes. These notes will help you on future assignments.

Practice pronunciation. When given time in the lesson, repeat the words as you hear them.

Use your vocabulary list as we go along. The concepts presented here are presented using this lessons vocabulary list.

Remember the lesson goals and objectives! By the end of this lesson, you should be able to talk about your daily routine and someone elses. 2Me gusta

You can use me gusta with all of these infinitive verbsIt means I like and you can use it with all of these activities.3Me encanta(N)I love __________.

I love dogs.

Me encantan los perros.

I love the cat.

Me encanta el gato.

Me encanta and Me encantan work just like Me gusta

I love___________.

I love dogs.

Me encantan los perros. (we use an n on the end to note we are talking about plural things)

I love the cat.

Me encanta el gato. (we use just an a on the end to note we are talking about one thing)

4me encanta (n)nos encanta (n)te encanta (n)os encanta (n)le encanta (n)les encanta (n)

me encanta (n)nos encanta (n)te encanta (n)os encanta (n)le encanta (n)les encanta (n)

here are the forms on encantar to enchant (to love a thing)

5Me aburre(N)Me aburre la msica clsica.Classical music bores me.

Me aburren los programas de la tele.Television programs bore me.

Me aburre(N)

Me aburre la msica clsica.Classical music bores me.

Me aburren los programas de la tele.Television programs bore me.

Aburrir works the same way to say something bores me I would say me aburre if more than one thing bores me I will change it to Me aburren.6me aburre (n)nos aburre (n)te aburre (n)os aburrele aburre (n)les aburre (n)

me aburre (n)nos aburre (n)te aburre (n)os aburrele aburre (n)les aburre (n)

Here are the forms we will use of aburrir

Note again we are going to just use the l, ella ud. form and the ellos ellas uds. form and who we are talking about will change with the indirect pronouns me, te, le, nos, os and les.7Me Disgusta(N)Me disgusta el desayuno. I disgust breakfast.

Me disgustan los deportes.Sports disgust me.

Me Disgusta(N) this disgusts me

Me disgusta el desayuno. I disgust breakfast.

Me disgustan los deportes.Sports disgust me.

This or these things disgust me. 8me disgusta (n)nos disgusta (n)te disgusta (n)os disgusta (n)le disgusta (n)les disgusta (n)

me disgusta (n)nos disgusta (n)te disgusta (n)os disgusta (n)le disgusta (n)les disgusta (n)

These are the forms we will use of disgustar.9Me Interesa(n)Me interesan los libros.

Books are interesting to me.

Me interesa la clase de computadoras.

Computer class is interesting to me.

Lastly we have the verb interesar which works the same way:

Me Interesa(n)

Me interesan los libros.

Books are interesting to me.

Me interesa la clase de computadoras.

Computer class is interesting to me.

10me interesa (n)nos interesa (n)te interesa (n)os interesa (n)le interesa (n)les interesa (n)

me interesa (n)nos interesa (n)te interesa (n)os interesa (n)le interesa (n)les interesa (n)

are the forms we will use of interesar11Las imgenesTodas las imgenes vienen de Microsoft PowerPoint

Todas las imgenes vienen de Microsoft PowerPoint


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