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Copyright © 2009 – Mensino Limited, London UK 1

Understanding SAP CRM’s Webclient User Interface

By Mervyn George

Nov 2009

Much has changed since CRM 5.0. The inclusion of a new web-based user interface (UI) has meant that any upgrade

to CRM versions 6.0 or 7.0 will require significant consideration and planning. That is because the web-based UI has

not been revised but has instead has been completely replaced. Although the underlying principles and technical

elements of the new UI exist in previous versions the new UI has been completely rebuilt and renamed and the

means of access users need to follow have been adjusted as well. An upgrade of this nature effectively requires a

new implementation of the UI.

Figure 1: Screenshot of SAP CRM 7.0 Webclient UI

In this whitepaper you will find some useful topics to give you some understanding of how the CRM Webclient UI

works. We dissect the system to identify the core components and to learn how we can change them to suit your

needs on projects.

As with all SAP-related knowledge transfer and documentation there is always a deeper level of understanding you

can gain. If by the end of this document you have a few unanswered questions or would like to arrange a deep dive

session, feel free to contact us at so we can find our more about your exact requirements.

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The evolution of SAP CRM’s UIs

As with other SAP systems CRM has always used the SAPGUI (SAP Graphical User Interface). The SAPGUI continues

to be an integral part of CRM and up to and including release 5.0 it was the UI that many daily system users would

work on.

This is no longer the case. From version 6.0 onwards daily CRM users only access the system via a web-based UI

(known as the CRM Webclient UI). The SAPGUI still exists but is used only by administrators, developers or

consultants performing some system configuration.

Along the way there have been some minor and major changes to the UIs on offer with SAP CRM. Here is a

breakdown of the history of system releases, their respective UIs and any new features offered with each release:

System Version SAPGUI Usage Web-Based UI Usage

CRM 3.x SAPGUI used as the main UI. No web-based CRM UI exists.

CRM 4.0 SAPGUI continues to be used as a main UI for all users but it is not the only UI option. Not all new functionality is available on SAPGUI.

A web-based UI is introduced, known as People-Centric User Interface (PCUI). PCUI is designed to work via a Netweaver Portal system. Some new functionality, such as Case Management, is introduced exclusively to the PCUI.

CRM 5.0 SAPGUI continues to be used as a main UI but it is not the only UI option.

PCUI is still available. Some ECC screens are integrated into PCUI as standard functionality.

CRM 5.1 and CRM 5.2 (Development Trial Versions)

SAPGUI is only used as a configuration and system administration tool and is not available for regular users.

CRM Webclient UI is introduced and replaces PCUI. A Netweaver Portal system is no longer required as the Webclient UI is browser-based.

CRM 6.0 (also known as CRM 2007)

SAPGUI is only used as a configuration and system administration tool.

Webclient UI continues to be used. Some minor changes are made to the appearance and behaviour of the UI.

CRM 7.0 (also known as CRM 2009)

SAPGUI is only used as a configuration and system administration tool.

Webclient UI continues to be used. Some minor changes are made to the appearance and behaviour of the UI. UI configuration becomes more directly integrated with the Webclient UI, moving more administrative features away from the SAPGUI. Non-SAP applications and widgets are more easily integrated with the UI.

Figure 2: The Evolution of SAP CRM UIs

The Webclient UI has definitely been the biggest change in the recent versions of SAP CRM. Although a few features

have been introduced on the functional CRM back end the majority of investment has been put into refining the

web-based front end. It is likely that for the next few releases of SAP CRM the UI will merely be tweaked to

incorporate more useful features, such as integrating non-SAP or other SAP applications.

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The components of the Webclient UI

The Webclient UI is presented in what’s known as the ‘L-Shape’. The L-Shape was introduced with an older version of

SAP CRM when used in the SAPGUI Customer Interaction Center in CRM 3. Since then it has been adapted to the

various web versions of the call center tool and now forms the basis of the structure for the Webclient UI.


Logo / Banner







Figure 3: Components of CRM Webclient UI

The components of the L-Shape are as follows:

1. Navigation Bar – Containing buttons specific to user roles. For example, a sales representative has a set of

buttons, different to that of a service manager as they need access to different types of data.

2. Quick Create Links – A list of frequently created documents and records for ease of access.

3. Recent Items – A list of the 5 most recently used data records for a user. This is a new feature as of CRM 7.0

4. Title Bar – Indicating what you are currently working on.

5. History – Allows you to navigate back or forward to previously used screens. By using these navigation icons

you do not need to use the back and forward buttons in the web browser. The web-browser’s buttons can

actually be disabled to avoid confusion.

6. Search Box – Provides central searching for a range of data objects and records. The set of data that can be

searched for can differ for each user role (Sales Representative, Service Manager, etc). You can also store

saved searches that can be called from this search box.

7. System Links – Allows users to log off and personalize their session. It also allows for the inclusion of links to

help documentation for users.

8. Work Area – A window that displays the current data a user is working on or viewing.

These components are not designed to be rearranged or edited. They have been allocated to these slots by default

and would be used as is. Some aspects of the navigation bar can be customised, which we discuss in the Adapting

your UI to meet your needs section.

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The architecture

As with many software systems, SAP CRM has been divided into 3 main layers – Database Layer, Business Layer and

Presentation Layer. The Database Layer incorporates Netweaver components, database storage and implemented

configuration of SAP CRM. The Business Layer handles the mapping and distribution of data from the database to the

front end presentation that users see, while the Presentation Layer is responsible for displaying content to the user.

Not much has changed in terms of the way the Database and Business Layers operate but plenty of research and

development has gone into getting the Presentation Layer to its current state.


Database Layer

Business Layer

Presentation Layer








Figure 4: Architecture of CRM Webclient UI

The Presentation Layer is split into a further 3 levels, known as MVC or Model-View-Controller.

The Model contains information about the range of data structures used, each known as a Context. In terms

of CRM, the Context for a sales order is different to the context for a customer record as they contain

different fields or Context Nodes. The model communicates with the BOL in the Business Layer. The BOL

(Business Object Layer) is another sub-layer of mapping required for Context data to be understood by the

database. The GENIL (Generic Interaction Layer) is the tool that handles the communication with the

database, as it works with several APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) when reading from or writing

to the database.

The View contains an html file and is responsible for displaying the Model’s information to the screen. It is

also responsible for defining a layout for each page a user sees so we know where certain buttons, tables,

fields and labels will be displayed for each Context we are displaying. This is the most commonly customised

part of the Webclient UI.

The Controller listens for actions performed by the user, known as Events. Sample Events include users

clicking on a Save button or clicking on a dropdown list box. If a user saves a new customer record the

controller sends an instruction, the model interprets the data to be saved and sends it via the Business Layer

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to the Database Layer. Once the data is saved an acknowledgement (in this case a generated customer

number) is sent from the Database Layer via the Business layer, via the Model to the View so that it can be

displayed on the screen. Changing controllers requires development knowledge using ABAP.

MVC is a generic concept in information systems. SAP CRM’s specific version of MVC is referred to as BSP (Business

Server Page) technology. Many technical consultants work with BSPs to change the standard view or behaviour of

the front end Webclient UI to something more suitable for project-specific requirements.

Adapting the UI to meet your needs

Changing the standard Webclient UI to a customised, project-specific version is a regular occurence in

implementation projects. The Webclient UI offers a host of changes that can be made using a range of easy-to-use

configuration tools. Here is a list of the types of adjustments that can be made and their respective tools:

Adjustment Required SAP CRM Tool

Adding new fields to Views

CRM 7.0 introduced the Application Enhancement Tool that allows the addition of new fields directly from the Webclient UI. SAPGUI access is not required. The Easy Enhancement Workbench (EEWB) contains a wizard that can be used to simplify the process of adding fields. SAPGUI access is required for EEWB.

Adding new tables to Views

The EEWB contains a wizard that can be used to simplify the process of adding tables. SAPGUI access is required for EEWB as it has been around for many releases.

Creating new Views or changing existing Views

This can be done using the BSP Component Workbench. New Views are created when the existing ones do not cater for your needs.

Hiding fields This can be done using the UI Configuration tool that is accessible from the Webclient UI.

Changing fields of the type ‘text input’ to ‘dropdown list boxes’ or ‘selection lists’

A Design Layer Object can be used to change the behaviour of a field at a global level. Fields can be easily switched from hidden to visible, and from text input to dropdown list boxes or selection lists.

Changing the look and feel of the Webclient UI for different users or types of users

Personalisation can be used by each user to change the Skin or colour scheme. Business Roles can be defined to group sets of functionality for different types of job function or user role. For example, Sales representatives can see a different navigation bar to service managers. Navigation Bar profiles can be defined to change which navigation bar buttons each type of user can see, effectively changing which data and functionality they have access to.

Viewing non-SAP or non-CRM screens in the Webclient

The Transaction Launcher can be used to integrate non-SAP screens, such as URLs or third-party software systems. It can also be used to integrate other SAP screens, such as ECC delivery documents, Business Intelligence reports or HR payroll screens.

Adding new buttons to Views

New buttons can be introduced by changing the Views and creating new Events (ABAP development code) to handle the actions required by using those buttons. This can be done using the BSP Component Workbench.

Creating new Skins or colour schemes

The Skin Explorer can be used to download and change existing themes using Cascading Style Sheets.

Adding Call Centre functions for users

Business Roles can contain different function profiles that relate to call centre scenarios. These include the use of conversation scripts, broadcasting of information to agents, chat messaging integration, telephony buttons and caller identification profiles.

Figure 5: Possible Webclient UI adjustments

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The first step is to identify the types of changes that are required. Once that has been done the relevant tools can be

selected for use and the functional specifications can be drawn up.

Functional specifications are documents that outline the changes required from a business perspective. These can be

agreed upon and signed off as confirmation of the expected changes to the system. Technical consultants then use

these functional specifications to create technical specifications to indicate exactly what each changes means from a

system perspective.

Technical specifications can also be agreed upon and signed off once approved. They can be used as quality checks

to see if the required changes were completely and accurately implemented. They also aid support teams to

understand the customised system when troubleshooting processes are required.


The SAP CRM Webclient UI is definitely an area that organisations need to pay close attention to. The fact that

hundreds or thousands of users rely on its accuracy and ease of use on a daily basis requires careful planning and

support of any customised implementation. Since this area of CRM has had the most development in recent years it

is likely to be retained and simply enhanced over the coming years. Major changes to the UI are not expected.

A solid understanding of its components and concepts is strongly advised to ensure that you can be adequately

prepared for any changes your department, organisation or industry may demand. This detailed level of system

understanding, combined with business experience and the use of best practices, will give you the foundation you

need to successfully plan, implement and manage the CRM Webclient within your organisation.

Mensino offers tailored workshops allowing consultants, project team members and project managers the chance to understand the options available with using CRM Webclient UI throughout the organisation and the benefits of implementing the optimal solution for each type of user, business scenario or industry. Mensino offers consultant-level training to familiarise yourself with the processes involved in customising the Webclient UI according to project-specific needs, as well as end-user training to establish a sense of competence and confidence amongst the user community.

For information on our free on-site needs assessment contact [email protected] or visit

Mensino Limited M: +44 79 325 326 39

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