Page 1: UNASUR Declaration of Guayaquil

DECLARATION OF GUAYAQUILSex, 19 de Fevereiro de 2010 10:22



The Ministers of Defense attending the II Ordinary Meeting of the South American DefenseCouncil (CDS) on May 6 and 7, 2010 in Guayaquil; Reiterate their decision to contribute to the strengthening of peace in the region, by means ofdialogue and cooperation Affirm that the unrestricted respect to sovereignty, integrity and territorial inviolability of theStates, the nonintervention in internal affairs and the self determination of peoples, are essential to consolidate the regional integration. Convinced that the confidence-building and security measures promote the understandingamong States and strengthen regional stability, Decided to promote the construction of a shared vision in defense matters AGREE: Approve the procedures for the implementation of the confidence-building and securitymeasures, developed in the meetings  of  the Executive Board held in Manta on January 28 and29, 2010 and in Guayaquil on May 5, 2010,  in accordance to the mandate of the Resolution ofthe  Ministers of Foreign Affairs and Defense of UNASUR of November 27,  2009 Decide to submit to the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs the agreements on the SecurityField Measures, numbers IIIb. regarding the national systems of marking and tracing of arms;IIIc. Regarding the measures to prevent and impede the action of the armed groups at themargin of law and IIId., regarding the compromises for fighting terrorism, so that they canevaluate and identify the competent entities and bodies for their implementation, follow up andevaluation, also taking into consideration the relevant recommendations on future eventualbodies of UNASUR. Decide to convey the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs the proposed procedure inAttachment 1 on measure IIIe. regarding the prevention, cooperation and sanction to anyinfringement of the constitutional order, for their consideration, evaluation and identification ofthe competent entity for the purposes of the implementation, follow-up and evaluation. Approve the Statute of the Strategic Studies Defense Center as an entity for the generation ofknowledge and dissemination of the South American strategy thinking in matters of defense andsecurity.

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DECLARATION OF GUAYAQUILSex, 19 de Fevereiro de 2010 10:22

Adopt the schedule of activities for the establishment of the Strategic Studies Defense Center,and within that framework, we agreed that the proposal for appointing the Director is to bepresented by the Republic of Argentina. Promote the issue of transparency in defense expenses; for this purpose Argentina, Chile andPeru committed to lead a working group for the development of a Methodology to addresstechnical and design elements of the system for measuring defense expenses in our countries,on a common basis generally accepted Provide the establishment of a working group formed by Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuelaand Ecuador, in the condition of Pro Tempore Presidency, to perform an objective study of theDocument "Global Strategy en Route Strategy, Air Mobility Command (AMC) WhitePaper", keeping in mind the Report of the Pro Tempore Presidency of CDS on the debateheld during the II Meeting of the Executive Board on January 28 and 29, 2010 in connectionwith said document, for its future incorporation to the agenda for the UNASUR – United Statesdialogue. Appreciate the work of the Executive Board regarding the fulfillment of the activitiescorresponding to the 2009-2010 Plan of Action which, as agreed in the I Ordinary Meeting of theSouth American Defense Council in Santiago de Chile in March 2009, is composed of fourthemes or guidelines, 1) Defense Policies; 2) Military Cooperation, Humanitarian Action andPeace Operations; 3) Defense Industry and Technology and 4) Education and Training, whichin turn include several initiatives. Ratify the commitment to fulfill the responsibilities as well as the participation of our delegationsin the events of the South American Defense Council, that are scheduled to be held, namely, seminar “Vision of the Conceptual Approaches of Defense, Risks and Threats to the Region”, tobe held on May 26 to 29 in Caracas; Seminar “The participation of the Ministries of Defense andArmed Forces in the case of natural disasters”, to be held in the city of Ica, June 07 to 11;Conference on Lessons Learned in Peace Operations, to be held during the third week ofAugust in Uruguay. Delegate Argentina, Chile and Peru the preparation of the proposed topics to be included inthe Agenda of the IX Conference of Ministers of Defense of the Americas that will take placefrom 22 to 25 November, 2010, in Bolivia.  For this purpose, we decided that the ExecutiveBoard articulate joint positions related to the Preparatory Meeting of Vice ministers of Defenseof the Americas to be held on July 19 and 20, 2010, in Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia. Delegate Chile, Guyana and Ecuador the preparation of the proposal for a permanenttechnical secretariat of administrative support for the Pro Tempore Presidency that dependsfrom the UNASUR General Secretariat in order to contribute with the institutionalization of theSouth American Defense Council.

Nilda Celia Garré, Minister of Defense of the Republic of Argentina  Rubén Saavedra Soto, Minister of Defense of the Plurinational State of Bolivia    Nelson Jobim, Minister of Defense of the Federal Republic of Brazil      

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DECLARATION OF GUAYAQUILSex, 19 de Fevereiro de 2010 10:22

Jorge Mario Eastman, Vice-Minister of Defense of the Republic of Colombia    Jaime Ravinet, National Minister of Defense of the Republic of Chile Javier Ponce Cevallos, National Minister of Defense of the Republic of Ecuador    Miguel Ramón  Hermosilla, Representative of National Minister of Defense of the Republic ofParaguay   Clement Rohee, Minister of Interior of the Republic of Guyana Rafael  Rey Rey, Minister of National Defense of the Republic of Peru Carlos Mata Figueroa, Minister of the Popular Power for the Defense of the BolivarianRepublic of Venezuela Luis Rosadilla, Minister of National Defense of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay                             


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