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University of Massachusetts Boston

Capstone Portfolio

Fall, 2011 EDC G 688

To Meet the Requirements of the Graduate Teacher Education Program

Graduate College of Education

Professor: Virginia DiFranza


By: Gabriel Valerio

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Table of Contents

I. Philosophy of Education: pp. 4-10

II. Self-Evaluation: pp. 11-14

III. Instructional Practices: pp. 15-22

A. Outline of Unit taught during the practicum in Appendix A: pp. 12-18

B. Three detailed Lesson Plans

B.1.1. Introduction to Lesson One: pp. 23-24

B.1.2. Lesson One: Cognates: pp. 25-27

B.1.3. Lesson One Reflection: pp. 28-29

B.1.4. Cognates (Extra material): pp. 30-39

B.2.1. Introduction to Lesson Two: pp. 40-41

B.2.2 Lesson Two: Ordering in a Restaurant: pp. 42-45

B.2.3. Lesson Two Reflection: pp. 46-47

B.2.4. Lesson Two Extra Activities: pp. 48-57

B.2.5. Lesson Two Extra Vocabulary: pp. 58-60

B.2.6. Lesson Two (Useful Phrases): pp. 61-62

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B.3.1. Introduction to Lesson Three: pp. 63-64

B.3.2. Lesson Three: Conjugating Past Tense Verbs in Spanish: pp. 65-67

B.3.3. Lesson Three Reflection: pp. 68-69

B.3.4. Lesson Three Extra Activities: pp. 70-72

C. Three (3) Assessments

C.1.1. Introduction to Initial Assessment: pp. 73-74

C.1.2. Initial Assessment: pp. 75-77

C.1.3. Reflection on Initial Assessment: pp. 78-79

C.2. 1. Introduction to Midterm Assessment: pp. 80-81

C.2. 2. Midterm Assessment: pp. 82-83

C.2. 3. Reflection on Midterm Assessment: pp. 84-85

C.3.1. Introduction to Summative Assessment: pp. 86-87

C.3.2. Summative Assessment: pp. 88-94

C.3.3. Reflection on Summative Assessment: pp. 95-96

D. Examples of 2 students’ work on each assessment:

D.1. Student # 1“Struggling”: Narrative Essay: pp. 97-101

D.1.2. Student # 2

D.1.3. Rubric for one Unit assessment (Labeled) pre---Mid--- or post—

E. Technology Essay: pp. 102-106

F. PPA: 108-119

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Philosophy of Education

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Gabriel Valerio

Practicum Seminar

1. Philosophy of Education

I believe that the main goal of educators should be the success of the learner.

Educators need to find positive ways to better teach our students. I believe the utilization

of good strategies is imperative for the well being and success of the students.

My philosophy, as an educator, consists of the progress and success of all my

students. Students need to be MOTIVATED, first from their home including from their

parents, brothers and sisters, all family member). They need motivation from society, and

our school system, including teachers, administrators, and the guidance department.

Motivation is crucial at the moment of learning a second language. As an educator, it is

my responsibility to motivate students, individually, no matter what’s going on in his/her

life. It is my responsibility to motivate them to produce at their highest level. In order to

do these, I need to set up some important strategies that will be crucial in their own

learning progress. I understand that we have many ways to help students learn, but I try to

provide the best way to help all of them to succeed in my particular area, The USA Today

states that:

“Today’s society is indeed and educated, sophisticated one and we must all be prepared to accept and meet the challenges and opportunities of that erudite society. Having more than one window open to this vast universe, the student who speaks, reads, and writes more than one language can broaden his perspectives and horizons and, in this way, truly better the society in which he lives”.

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As a world language educator, it is my philosophy to immerse my students into

the world of the target language, including its culture, and history. To make my lessons

more understandable, I present it with the new vocabulary, as a strategy to master the

target language. As an educator it is extremely important to present the same vocabulary

to advanced students, new students or students who are struggling in the subject area. My

goal is to make everyone in my classroom able to understand, speak, read, and write in

Spanish. I ask my students to define what each word means, and then, I present the word

with some examples. It is important to be clear in the content and concept when

presenting any lesson plan. Carol Ann Tomlinson and Jay McTighe state in their book


“It is vital to be clear about what is essential in content. Clarity about content reveals our awareness that human being seek to make sense of their world and that the big ideas of the disciplines reveal the big ideas of life. Inevitably, to grasp the key concepts and principles of any subject also helps us better understand ourselves, our lives, and our world”.

I think that good educators should be clear and specific when presenting their

curriculum to students. A clear presentation of the curriculum could be fundamental and

essential in the progress and success of the student. In developing the curriculum, the

success of the student and knowledge retained by the student, should always be the

curriculum goal. I believe, my responsibility is to create an environment in which all

students should learn the concept and content of the target language simultaneously. I

stress the importance for them to know more than one language. During the school year, I

address this part many times. It is an essential part of my curriculum. I use different

strategies for teaching including demonstrations. I believe that educators should be fluent

in their context in order to teach well.

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Accepting responsibility for learning success is a second strategy that I use as an

educator. The principal goal of any educator should be the student’s success, and their

role that they will play in the society. As an educator I make sure that each individual is

learning. Learning to be good citizens, and, of course, good professionals. It is the

teacher’s responsibility to find good and positive ways to better teach the students.

Teachers need to establish good learning environment. It is important to say that the

classroom environment will be more effective if students come to school with positive

motivation and behavior.

In my philosophy, as an educator, I try to create and develop a community of

respect. Developing communities of respect is the third strategy that I use during my

teaching career. How can respect be a strategy? When I am presenting my lesson to each

individual, I present it with respect. I respect myself, my lesson, and my students. My

target language is Spanish and I address my female students as señoritas and my male

students as señores. They address me as Mr.Valerio, and if they respect mine why not

respect their names. If you give respect you have a bigger chance of receiving it. Students

should, also respect each other, even when making mistakes. I like to question my

students with respect. Respecting their own thinking, and point of view. As stated before,

it is extremely important to create an environment where teachers and students work

together, where teachers and students feel safe, and where everyone accept each other

and collaborate for the common or individual goal. In my classroom I allow my students

and their friends to be together, but they have to be working with respect to the target

language, and challenging each other. Friends in the classroom are not to socialize or talk

about anything else, only about the target language, and talk about the culture involved.

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As a high school educator, for more than fifteen years, (working in the Dominican

Republic, in Chelsea School System, and the last fifteen years, in Saugus High School), I

have met many differences people, cultures, backgrounds driven for one common goal, to

get an education to live a better life.

In my philosophy, as an educator, it is important to create a good relationship

between teachers and students. It is a kind of reciprocal learning. I have the opportunity

to know my students, and they have the same opportunity to know me, and of course,

each other.

Educators need to develop some kind of management routines that contribute to

success. I mean, directions need to be written on the board, material have to be secured,

distributed and collected. Students work needs to be checked or filed.

As a world language educator, I believe to create groups in which students have

the opportunity to read and express what they understand. I like, also, to make them write

a paragraph about what they understood. This part is very important, because students

write about what fascinated them the most. Students, have the opportunity to talk about

what they read, and their understanding. Later during the class, they have to present their

own ideas to me. These kinds of activities give them the skills to communicate inside the

classroom, and more importantly, outside the classroom.

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Finally, as an educator, I like to watch my students working individually. They

have to read, write, and listen in the target language. They have to speak to me and to the

whole class in Spanish. I ask them, also, to work in small groups. For each assignment

that I give, students should have something in mind. They have to collaborate with their

own learning process. I understand the challenge that I face with my students, but this

challenge makes me feel comfortable because I know that I am collaborating with the

success of many of them, and of course, that I am collaborating with their own freedom,

as Paulo Freire, state in his book: “The essence of education as the practice of freedom”.

In summary I implement strategies in my classroom. I mostly say that we,

students and I are implementing different kind of strategies for the well being and success

of students, and for my own success. I feel very happy with the success of my students. It

is philosophy and my unique goal as an educator.

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1. Tomlison, Carol Ann and McTighe, Jay (2006)

Integrating Differentiated Instruction, p. 38

2. The USA Today, 2007. Pg. 10

3. Freire, Paulo (1968) Pedagogy of Oppressed

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Gabriel Valerio

Practicum Seminar

4. Self-evaluation of teaching

The first thing that comes to my head is: Do I want to continue my career as a

teacher spending the rest of my life helping others? I ask myself this question because,

being an effective and real teacher is not an easy job. It takes time, dedication, patience,

love, courage, and a positive attitude. In addition, to be a good teacher a person need to

be creative, responsible, cooperative, and have the ability to accept critiques from

students, parents, colleagues and administrators. I realize that at this point in my career

and education, the only place that I can learn all of these qualities are within the

classroom setting. I can attend seminars and or classes and learn more, however, on the

job training is where I can know whether or not I am an effective, good teacher, and is it

worth my time and effort to continue in with this path. Yes, students (good and bad)

create effective, good teachers. In the classroom not only students learn, teachers learn

too. Teachers learn how to read to students in a teaching manner, that make others

understand what they read. Teachers learn how to write more effectively with practice, as

well as, how to speak better so that their students understand them better. However, one

important thing that all effective good teachers must learn is how to listen. Yes, I think

this is one of the most important parts of teaching. Listen to students tell you where they

are at that moment, physically, mentally and educationally, and where they are going.

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This is one important aspect of education. We, as educators, need to listens our

student voices. We are, in many cases, the only adult that our students can trust;

therefore, we cannot betray the confidentiality that they have with us. We need to be able

to help them at any moment. We cannot live our profession without them, and they

without us. So, we need each other mutually, like we (your students) need you Professor

DiFranza. It doesn’t matter the age of the student or the subject, what matters is the

teacher /student scenario.

I feel that I spend a great deal of time working hand in hand with my students,

trying to get them to trust me enough to educate them and to build my trust with them.

My concern is that I spend a large amount of non school hours doing this and I need to

figure out a way to continue with my goal of teaching yet to find some free time to enjoy

my non professional life. This is something that I personally need to improve upon.

Therefore, I have joined the schools professional learning committee so that my

colleagues can assist me in this area. I believe that teachers also depend on other teachers

or professors, to assist them with the growth process. For example, the other day one of

my colleagues told me that I should write my lessons plans down on one day, and then go

back to them the next day or later, to edit them or adjust them so that I am sure I am

accomplishing my objectives. I began to do this, and now instead of spending hours and

hours trying to reinvent the wheel of my lesson, right after I wrote it and have one way

stuck in my mind, I have a fresh outlook on the lesson, and my critique is more specific

and flows better the next time I look at it. I am now spending on quarter of my time

doing this.

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My opinion about my teaching career is that teachers and students need to work

together in the classroom and outside the classroom to build the new listeners, readers

and writers of the future. Teachers and students need to work together to prepare the

educators of the new generations. I feel that I have over the last twenty years of teaching

I have done this and because I have done this I am a better teacher. I feel that if I can

continue to find a way to stay as dedicated to my students and my school, and continue to

make a difference, and still learn ways to improve upon myself, professionally, yet,

lesson the physical hours I need to dedicate to this job, I will surely continue my career as

an educator. I believe it will all be worth it.

Lastly, as I reflect upon myself, I realize that there is one more professional goal

that I want to accomplish. I would like to continue with my own personal education, and

receive a doctorate in education. Realistically, I know that this goal, for me, will be a

long term goal. It is one that I would like to achieve, when I have more time to emerge

myself into my education, and more time to share my knowledge with others.

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Instructional Practices

Outline of Unit taught during

the practicum in Appendix A

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Gabriel Valerio Unit Grammar/Culture1. What is the title/topic of the unit? There are three lessons in this unit. There are one lesson on grammar/culture and two on Grammar.

II. What is the place of this unit within the curriculum? What is context? How did the

unit originate? Was it modified? Cite relevant sources specifically.

Some people have the opportunity to learn a new language by living in another

country. Most of us, however, begin learning another language and getting acquainted

with another culture in a classroom, with the help of a teacher, classmates, book, and

good lesson plans.

I created this unit plan in order to help my students learn the Spanish language

and about the cultures of the people who speak Spanish. The lessons in this unit are

created to teach in an environment where the teacher and students can work together, as

well as, students sharing their knowledge between themselves and helping each other,

this being what I consider a very important tool of the learning development. Students

can learn easy and quickly with the help of these lessons and the help of the teacher, or

their peers.

These lessons all follow the guidelines that are identified in section III of this

paper, entitled, relevant to the Curriculum Frameworks. My school system does not

currently have a pacing guide for world language, so as educators we are creating a new

template that we will follow. These lesson plans will all be included in these templates

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so that we all are working towards achieving the same goals for the same level (in this

case level 3).

I will be presenting my lessons with the assistance of technology using Power Point


III.Modifications and Accommodations for Diverse Learners

This unit plan is great to work individually or in group, so students can learn the

target language using different modalities. Also, this unit plan is designed to teach the

four proficiency skills or levels: (beginning, developing, intermediate, and advanced)

where students can take advantage of the target language. Also, in this unit plan students

will learn the target language and its culture with the eminent contribution of different

resources such as:

1. Textbook Ven Conmigo

2. Text book Pacesetter Spanish

3. Internet

This unit plan is designed to work in a group of three of four or students can work

individually. The lessons in this unit plan are designed for high school students grades

10th to 12th, and some class are mixed with students from, 10th, 11th, and 12th. The

majority of my students (97%) are non-native Spanish Speaker, but the vocabulary use in

this unit is easy to understand.

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This unit plan is a valuable learning tool for non-native Spanish speaker, and

Spanish speaker, too. I really believe that the teacher will incorporate and provide certain

aspects of the Hispanic cultures in order for the students to learn and understand some

topics: (words, phrases…) that were, are, and will be influenced by the Hispanic culture.

The length of time that I will develop this unit plan is two weeks.

During the development of this unit I will make sure to meet the individual objectives of

my students on their particular IEP, and or their 504 Plans.

IV. Identify the relevant MA Curriculum Frameworks. Quote both the numbers

and the standards themselves.

In this unit we will cover some topics which help the students how they can build a

positive image about themselves looking for the example of the other. Also, these lessons

give students a great opportunity to enter in a world where they can find many answers to

their questions that they possible have related with the Hispanic Cultures and grammar

based on the Massachusetts Foreign Language Curriculum Framework:

This unit corresponds to the following strands of the Massachusetts Foreign Language

Curriculum Framework:

1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings

and emotions, and exchange opinions.

1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.

1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or

readers on a variety of topics.

2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and

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perspectives of the culture studied.

2.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the products and

perspective of the culture studied.

3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the

foreign language.

3.2 Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only

available through the foreign language and its culture.

4.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons of

the language studied and their own.

5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school.

5.2 Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for

personal enjoyment and enrichment.

V. What is the unit’s coherence? What holds it together?

• You must include the goals of the unit. What are the big ideas (enduring

understandings: ideas central to the subject matter) that you are trying to

teach or have the students explore? What are the main skills that you are

asking the students to practice? (These goals should also be the focus of your

culminating assessment.)

• If relevant, describe the unifying theme/s of the unit.

• If relevant, include the essential questions (large questions that guide the

study) of the unit.

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The Massachusetts Foreign Language Curriculum, state in its Guiding Principles,

that: “Learning a second language reinforces understanding of one’s first language,

develops communicative competence, strengthens reading and writing skills, and opens

the door to a deeper understanding of and appreciation for richness of diverse cultures”.

That’s why I am teaching this unit; so that my students can begin to master the Hispanic

culture and Spanish grammar.

One of my goals when presenting this unit to students will be to allow each

particular student to think critically, to communicate effectively, and to develop an

appreciation of the world in which we live (Its culture, people, government, religions,

etc). Throughout the development of this unit I will collaborate with the Mission and

Vision for Students in Saugus, Ma. The mission reads as follows: “The Mission of the

Saugus Public Schools is to educate, challenge, and empower students to be life-long

learners and to achieve excellence with integrity in the 21st century as productive, caring,

and contributing members of society… Saugus is a place of excellence where children

are able to achieve their full potential. For Saugus it's more than a place of excellence.

Excellence is a Culture. Everything we do is focused on doing the best for our children

so that they can compete, successfully, in this ever changing global community. It is

about providing a quality education, with the best technologies and skills, that will enable

all children to contribute, survive, in a new world order… The challenge is to ready our

children for the complex world we live in".

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VI. What are the major components of the unit? Please include major areas of

focus, not a day by day outline.

Before I start presenting my grammar/cultural lesson plan, I will encourage

students to do a previous investigation about the topics that I will present to them. I will

then introduce this unit by giving an in depth explanation of it and asking students what

they already know about the Hispanic culture (Dominican Republic), and what they know

about the Spanish grammar: (cognates and past tense in Spanish). I will teach the class

the new vocabulary, past tense conjugations, and then I will call students to help me

decide how to use it in any situation of our life. Students will be reminded and

encouraged to learn each of the particular part of this unit because it would be useful to

them outside of the classroom. This will give students a real understanding of our


Lesson 1: (days 1, 2 and 3): How Spanish and English are related? Cognates

Lesson 2: (days 4, 5 and 6): Grammar/Cultural Lesson Plan: Ordering in a restaurant.

Lesson 3: (days 4, 5 and 6): Conjugating Past Tense Verbs in Spanish

Day 10: Class review prior to test in game form (jeopardy)

Day 11: Unit test (assessment)

Each one of these lessons will build upon skills that they have learned prior to this

unit, as well as, skills they have learned within this lesson. They will also need to be able

to speak appropriately in Spanish when ordering their food from the restaurants. This

will utilize their cognates.

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VII. Describe the culminating assessment of the unit. How will students

demonstrate that they have met the unit goals? Will the work of the unit

culminate in a final product? If so, describe that product.

As I state, in my philosophy of education, that the main goal of educators should

be the progress and success of the learner. This, in my opinion, is the essence of our

career: help our students to be good human beings, good citizen and finally, good


I designed this unit to help my students understand part of our Hispanic culture

and to gain more knowledge of Spanish grammar.

Assessment: Quizzes on various activities based on specific skills, tests on each skill,

graded role play on Restaurant ordering, internet activities (graded), verbal proof of

cultural knowledge demonstrated during classroom discussions, and homework


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Introduction to Lesson One

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Introduction to Lesson One: Cognates

Subject: Spanish IIITopic: CognatesLesson 1

Spanish Lesson Plan: Cognates

I. What is your generative topic? Spanish /English vocabulary

What is your essential question? How are Spanish and English


II. Who are your students? My students are in grade 10, 11and 12 and

are in Level 3 Spanish class. The ideal class size for this lesson is

between 18 and 22 students. I do currently have students on an IEP in

this class. However, activities for this lesson plan can be modified for

students on an IEP. In honors courses the students are generally

grouped into classes with other students of like ability.

III. Why are you teaching this lesson? I am teaching this lesson so that

my students will learn about the correlation between the Spanish and

English languages.

IV. What prior knowledge do students bring to this lesson?

Students will use their prior knowledge of Spanish and English

vocabulary to comprehend and communicate the similarities

between the languages.

The lesson will focus on English and Spanish vocabulary that is

similar in sound and meaning.

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Lesson One: Cognates

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Saugus High SchoolWorld Language Department

Mr. Gabriel ValerioGrade: 10, 11 and 12Subject: Spanish IIITopic: CognatesLesson 1

Spanish Lesson Plan: Cognates

Goals: This lesson corresponds to the following strands of the

Massachusetts Foreign Language Curriculum Framework:

1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a

variety of topics.

3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines

through the foreign language

5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school

Objectives: Students will learn the rules in order to understand some

Spanish and English words that are very similar or share the same root.

Students will also be able to identify false cognates.

Concepts: This lesson incorporates interpersonal and intrapersonal

modalities because students can share information, work together and talk

about Spanish and English cognates.

Language: Students will be able to understand words in Spanish based

upon their connection to English words.

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What are the learning activities that will build student

understanding? For this lesson in the language lab students will utilize the

website and complete exercises 1, 2 and 3. Interactive online

exercises include matching, concentration, word search, flash cards cloze

activity, and battleship game. (25 minutes)

What will be your extension and enrichment activities? Students will use

the dictionary and find 20 additional cognates. (10 minutes)

How are you going to assess students’ understanding? What is your plan

for ongoing assessment of student’s understanding? Teacher will observe

students as they identify all possible cognates. Students will be both

formally and informally assessed for this lesson. Throughout the course of

the class, students will be required to complete additional worksheets as part

of a class participation grade. (10 minutes)


Homework will be assigned and it will count towards an overall homework



1. Textbook: Ven Conmigo

2. Computer

3. Computer Lab

4. Flash cards

5. Video

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This lesson was probably the hardest lesson for the students. At first,

the students need to understand the concept that I was teaching the skill to.

This was difficult for them, mainly due to the fact that most students only

have experience in English, and now Spanish. They had not realized that the

romance languages all share similar components. Once they realized this, it

was then important for them to understand how to apply what they knew.

This required a large amount of effort and focusing on the student’s part.

However, with that being said, I also feel that this lesson, taught the

students the most, in reference to skills learned. I was happy with the


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Cognates (Extra material)

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The cognates fall into suffix categories which, for clarity and convenience, have been grouped under the following terms:


Many Spanish nouns can easily be converted into English nouns.

English nouns and Spanish nouns ending in '-or' are very often identical.

#1. -or = -or

English Spanish

• actor • color • doctor • director

• horror

• actor • color • doctor • director

• horror

English nouns and Spanish nouns ending in '-al' are very common identical.

#2. -al = -al

English Spanish

• animal • general • hospital • manual

• moral

• animal • general • hospital • manual

• moral

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Many English nouns ending with '-ist', can be converted into Spanish nouns by changing to '-ista'.

#3. -ist → -ista

English Spanish

• artist • egoist • list • socialist

• tourist

• artista • egoista • lista • socialista

• turista

#4. -ism → -ismo

English Spanish

• idealism • despotism • mechanism • organism

• optimism

• idealismo • despotismo • mecanismo • organismo

• optimismo

#5. -nce → -ncia

English Spanish

• abundance • arrogance • experience • patience

• intelligence

• abundancia • arrogancia • experiencia • paciencia

• inteligencia

#6. -ty → -dad

English Spanish

• activity • curiosity • electricity • identity

• university

• actividad • curiosidad • electricidad • identidad

• universidad

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#7. -tion → -ción

English Spanish

• association • combination • condition • exemption

• instruction

• asociación • combinación • condición • exempción

• instrucción

English nouns ending with '-y' often corresponds to Spanish nouns ending with '-ía', '-ia', or '-io'.

#8. -y → '-ía', '-ia', or '-io'

English Spanish

• agency • agony • battery • family • history • urgency • remedy • salary • testimony

• dictionary

• agencia • agonía • batería • familia • historia • urgencia • remedio • salario • testimonio

• diccionario


Like nouns, many English adjectives can be converted into Spanish simply by changing the word ending. Here are some useful rules.

#1. -ive → ivo

English Spanish

• active • decisive • festive • effective

• activo • decisivo • festivo • efectivo

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• indicative • indicativo

#2. -al = -al

English Spanish

• brutal • usual • local • criminal

• natural

• brutal • usual • local • criminal

• natural

#3. -ous → -oso

English Spanish

• ambitious • gracious • delicious • generous

• venomous

• ambicioso • gracioso • delicioso • generoso

• venenoso

#4. -ic → -ico

English Spanish

• magnetic • fantastic • electric • artistic

• automatic

• magnético • fantastico • eléctrico • artistico

• automatico

#5. -ble = -ble

English Spanish

• admirable • impossible • terrible • favorable

• notable

• admirable • imposible • terrible • favorable

• notable

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#6. -nt → -nte

English Spanish

• ignorant • convenient • prudent • important

• triumphant

• ignorante • conveniente • prudente • importante

• triunfante

#7. -id → -ido

English Spanish

• stupid • lucid • splendid • candid

• solid

• estupido • lúcido • esplendido • cándido

• solido

#8. -ile → -il

English Spanish

• agile • fragile • mobile • juvenile

• automobile

• ágil • frágil • movil • juvenil

• automóvil

#9. -ary → -ario

English Spanish

• actuary • arbitrary • ordinary • imaginary

• ordinary

• actuario • arbitrario • ordinario • imaginario

• ordinario

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There are many English verbs that can be converted into Spanish, usually by changing the ending of the English verb and adding the Spanish verb suffices 'ar', 'er' or 'ir'.

Almost every English verb ending in '-ate' can be coverted into a Spanish infinitive by replacing the final '-ate' with '-ar'.

#1. -ate → -ar

English Spanish

accelerate acelerar

accentuate acentuar

aggregate agregar

associate asociar

demonstrate demostrar

estimate estimar

exaggerate exagerar

negotiate negociar

operate operar

participate participar

terminate terminar

Many English verbs ending in VOWEL + CONSONANT + T can be converted into Spanish verbs by adding '-ar' or '-ir' to the end of the English verb.

#2. VOWEL + CONSONANT + T → '-tar' or '-tir'

English Spanish

insult insultar

consult consultar

exalt exaltar

present presentar

represent representar

comment comentar

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ferment fermentar

lament lamentar

import importar

comport comportar

insert insertar

support soportar

export exportar

convert convertir

insist insistir

Many English infinitive verbs ending VOWEL + CONSONANT + E can be converted into Spanish infinitive verbs by dropping the final E and adding '-ar'.


English Spanish

abuse abusar

accuse acusar

cause causar

excuse excusar

admire admirar

adore adorar

compare comparar

declare declarar

implore implorar

analyze analizar

authorize autorizar

civilize civilizar

paralyze paralizar

complete completar

converse conversar

escape escapar

ignore ignorar

invite invitar

imagine imaginar

prepare preparar

organize organizar

utilize utilizar

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Almost every English infinitive verb ending with '-ify' can be converted into a Spanish verb by replacing the final '-ify' with '-ificar'.

#4. '-ify' → '-ificar'

English Spanish

unify unificar

simplify simplificar

solidify solidificar

classify clasificar

notify notificar

modify modificar

gratify gratificar

justify justificar

pacify pacificar

verify verificar

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In English, "-ly" combines with many adjectives to form adverbs.

In Spanish, "-mente" combines with (feminine) adjectives to form Spanish adverbs.

English Spanish

absolutely absolutamente

normally normalmente

naturally naturalmente

finally finalmente

correctly correctamente

exactly exactamente

evidently evidentemente

difficultly difícilmente

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Introduction to Lesson


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Subject: Spanish IIITopic: Ordering in a RestaurantLesson 2

Spanish Lesson Plan: Ordering in a Restaurant

What is your generative topic? How to order food in a restaurant

What is your essential question? When you are hungry and you sit down in

a restaurant and the waiter doesn’t speak English, how will you order?

Who are your students? My students are in grade 10, 11and 12 and are in

Level 3 Spanish class. The ideal class size for this lesson is between 18 and

22 students. I do currently have students on an IEP in this class. However,

activities for this lesson plan can be modified for students on an IEP. In

honors courses the students are generally grouped into classes with other

students of like ability.

Why are you teaching this lesson? I am teaching this lesson so that my

students will learn about the correlation between the Spanish and English


What prior knowledge do students bring to this lesson?

Students will use their prior knowledge of Spanish and English vocabulary

to comprehend and communicate the similarities between the languages.

The lesson will focus on English and Spanish vocabularies that are related to

food, eating and restaurants.

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Lesson Two

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Lesson Two: Ordering in a Restaurant

Mr. Gabriel ValerioGrade: 10-12Spanish IIISpanish Lesson Plan

I. Brief Description of Lesson: Through the reading selection students should identify

the preterite tense of pedir, servir and traer

II. Objectives:

Unit Chapter (long range): Students will learn how to conjugate the preterite

tense of pedir, servir and traer; and also they will learn a new vocabulary which

can be so important because they can apply this to real life situation.

Lesson (day’s lesson): Ordering in a restaurant.

III. Coverage (What will the teacher be doing? Time: 15-20 minutes

Teacher will present topics through oral and written activities.

IV. Activity (What activities will the students be doing? Time: 35-45 minutes

Students will read a short story about a restaurant, and when they are finished

they will answer some questions provided.

V. Involvement (How will the students be engaged?:

- Individual reading

- Group activities

- Talking with the teacher

- Asking each other questions

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VI. Mastery:

a) How will I know if they know it or can do it?

When they answer oral and written questions

b) What do I want students to know or be able to do when the lesson is over?

Assessment and rubric.

- Students will be able to order any kind of food in a Hispanic restaurant

- Students will know a new vocabulary.

VII. Thinking: What thinking skill do I want students to practice and develop?

- Reading

- Writing

- Listening

- Talking

VIII. Tie in to Frameworks Standards in this lesson.

1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics

2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and

perspectives of the culture studied.

2.2 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship

between the products and perspective of the culture studied.

3.2 Students acquire information and recognize the distinctive viewpoints that are only

available through the foreign language and its culture.

5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school.

4.1 Students demonstrate understanding of the nature of language through comparisons

of the language studied and their own.

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3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the

foreign language

1.3 Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or

readers on a variety of topics

5.2 Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for

personal enjoyment and enrichment.

IX. Tie in to the Mission and Expectation for Students in this lesson.

- During the development of this lesson plan all students must be challenged to think at a

high level.

- Completing written and oral activities students will be actively involved in the learning


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Overall, I think that this was my favorite lesson plan in the unit. The students

were all very excited about the different activities that we did in this unit. I think their

excitement call from their ability to truly relate to this task. The challenge for them was

using the Spanish vocabulary in ordering their food. However, most of them have, on

numerous occasions, experienced this skill in English, in restaurants, so they knew what

to do. The only thing that I would like to do differently in the future, would be to actually

set up a restaurant setting where the student s could actually role play their parts and have

food. I think this would add another fun yet educational component to this lesson.

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Lesson Two Extra Activities

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Activity 1:

Conecta las columnas A y B con una línea. Primero haz las conexiones que conoces, luego busca las palabras que no sabes en el diccionario.


pescado bistec

ensalada cerdo

carne de res almejas

chuletas comida mexicana

mariscos huevos

piña mar

tacos verduras

fideos frutas

pollo pasta

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Activity 2:

Escribe el significado y los mandatos correspondientes a los siguientes verbos:

verbo significado mandato familiar mandato formal

freír fríe

to cook cocine

to boil hierve

colar cuela

poner ponga




2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________________

10. ____________________________________________________________________

11. ____________________________________________________________________

12. ____________________________________________________________________


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Activity 3

1. ¿Qué recetas esperas encontrar en el restaurante valerio que vas a visitar?

A) ____________________________________________________________B) ____________________________________________________________C) ____________________________________________________________D) ____________________________________________________________E) ____________________________________________________________F) ____________________________________________________________

2. ¿Qué ingredientes crees tú que son los más frecuentes en esta comida?

A) __________________________________________________________B) __________________________________________________________C) __________________________________________________________D) __________________________________________________________E) __________________________________________________________F) __________________________________________________________

3. ¿Has comido comida dominicana? ¿Cuál es tu plato favorito?

A) __________________________________________________________B) __________________________________________________________C) __________________________________________________________D) __________________________________________________________E) __________________________________________________________F) __________________________________________________________

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Activity 4:

1. Haz una lista de los encabezamientos (headings) que te parecen más importantes.

A) _________________________________________________________________B) _________________________________________________________________C) _________________________________________________________________D) _________________________________________________________________E) _________________________________________________________________F) _________________________________________________________________

2. Busca palabras que son similares en inglés y en español.

A) _________________________________________________________________B) _________________________________________________________________C) _________________________________________________________________D) _________________________________________________________________E) _________________________________________________________________F) _________________________________________________________________

3. ¿Qué tipo de componentes y aliños te parece que aparece con mayor frecuencia.

A) _________________________________________________________________B) _________________________________________________________________C) _________________________________________________________________D) _________________________________________________________________E) _________________________________________________________________F) _________________________________________________________________

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Activity 5:

Busca una receta de cocina que te guste más. Prepara una lista de los ingredientes que en tu opinión es más dificil encontrar en los supermercados

1. _____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________________

10. _____________________________________________________________________

11. _____________________________________________________________________

12. _____________________________________________________________________

13. _____________________________________________________________________

14. _____________________________________________________________________

15. _____________________________________________________________________

16. _____________________________________________________________________

17. _________________________________________________________________

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____18. _________________________________________________________________

____19. _________________________________________________________________

____20. _________________________________________________________________


Activity 6:

Escribe una receta de cocina de un plato que sepas preparar.

1. ___________________________________________________________________

2. ___________________________________________________________________

3. ___________________________________________________________________

4. ___________________________________________________________________

5. ___________________________________________________________________

6. ___________________________________________________________________

7. ___________________________________________________________________

8. ___________________________________________________________________

9. ___________________________________________________________________

10. ___________________________________________________________________

11. ___________________________________________________________________

12. ___________________________________________________________________

13. ___________________________________________________________________

14. ___________________________________________________________________

15. ___________________________________________________________________

16. ___________________________________________________________________

17. _________________________________________________________________

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__18. _________________________________________________________________

__19. _________________________________________________________________

__20. _________________________________________________________________


Activity 7:

Reading Selection: Restaurante Valerio (Viva el Sazón)

Nuestro restaurante está ubicado en el mismo corazón de la hermosa ciudad de

La Vega, en La República Dominicana. Aquí vienen personas de todas las

esferas sociales, pues tenemos un variado menú, el cual es del agrado de toda

la ciudadanía. En este restaurante se sirven todo tipo de comida, bebida,

ensaladas, y mucho más. Por ejemplo, el 25 de Diciembre del año pasado

(2008) se sirvió lechón asado, el cual estaba muy bueno. Los visitantes lo

pidieron en su totalidad. Nuestros empleados sirvieron todo lo que tenía el

restaurante. Así es; para cada época del año tenemos diferentes variedades.

Por ejemplo, para Semana Santa, tenemos las famosas habichuelas con dulces;

para las madres tenemos la mejor comida durante el año: Arroz, habichuela,

carne, todos los tipos de ensaladas, bebidas al gusto de las madres.

Tenemos una gran variedad de música, la cual es el agrado de nuestros

visitantes: merengue típico, merengue de calle, merengue de los años 70 y 80,

salsa, bolero, bachata, música rock, etc. También se presentan a través de la

pantalla gigante videos de la República Dominicana: su cultura, gobierno,

geografía, historia, personalidades importantes destacadas en nuestro país, etc.

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Este es nuestro restaurante familiar, donde usted encuentra de todo. Si

realmente Usted puede encontrar de todo, puesto que al lado de nuestro

restaurante existe un elegante supermercado, donde se vende todas clases de

mariscos, carnes, vegetales, bebidas, y todo lo que necesite para el hogar.

En Julio de este año, un grupo de cinco estudiantes de la Universidad

Tecnológica del Cibao, en La Vega, República Dominicana visitó nuestro

restaurante familiar, y parece que a ellos les gustó demasiado la comida que se

sirvió en el restaurante. Cada uno pidió algo diferente de nuestro menú.

Antonio pidió arroz con pollo al horno. La mesera se lo sirvió con mucho gusto,

algo que a Antonio le agrado muchísimo, puesto que fue su primera visita al


Maritza, la novia de Antonio le preguntó a Antonio que iban a tomar; los dos se

pusieron de acuerdo y ordenaron un agua de limón. Ambos le pidieron a la

mesera que les sirviera a los demás miembros del grupo, pero la mesera le trajo

el agua con limón al instante. Ellos se pusieron muy contentos.

Arístides, un primo de Oscar trajo con el su propia comida, ya que sufre de

diabete, pero al ver a los demás compañeros tan entusiasmados, decidió

ordenar también, y pidió arroz, habichuela, chicharrón y ensalada verde. De

tomar pidió un refresco rojo. La mesera se lo sirvió muy encantada.

La mesera, muy experta en su trabajo le sirvió a cada uno un flan el cual iba por

los dueños del restaurante, o sea este no tenía que ser pagado.

Mercedes, una de las estudiantes más tímidas que yo haya visto no quería

ordenar nada, pero se decidió y pidió pescado frito con tostones (plátanos fritos).

De tomar le sirvieron agua.

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El novio de Mercedes, Oscar ordenó papas fritas con carne al horno, y de tomar

dijo que le trajeran agua bien fría.

La comida estaba muy deliciosa. Todos comieron hasta no más.

Al final, la mesera le trajo la cuenta la cual todos pagaron con mucho gusto y

deseo de regresar a nuestro restaurante Valerio

Activity 8:

Write the correct preterite form of each verb according to the subjects provided.

1. Antonio_________________(pedir) arroz con pollo al horno.

2. La mesera le ____________________(servir) la comida a Antonio.

3. El 25 de Diciembre del año pasado en nuestro restaurante se

_________________(servir) lechón asado.

4. Mercedes ___________________(pedir) pescado.

5. La mesera __________________(servir) flan a cada estudiante.

6. Arístides, mi primo ____________________(traer) su propia comida.

7. La mesera le _________________(servir) a Arístides muy encantada

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Lesson Two Extra


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Extra Vocabulario

Vocabulario usado en nuestro restaurante:

Todos tienen que comer, por eso pienso que algunas frases

alrededor de la cocina serían divertidas y de mucha ayuda

Everyone has to eat, so I thought that some good phrases in Spanish around the kitchen

would be fun and very helpful.

Plato = Plate

Cubiertos = Silverware

Cubiertos de Plástico = Plasticware

Cuchillo = Knife

Tenedor = Fork

Cuchara = Spoon

Taza = Cup

Plato hondo = Bowl

Bandeja = Tray

Tabla de cortar = Cutting Board

Cocina = Kitchen

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Estufa = Stove

Lava platos = Dishwasher

Fregadero = Sink

Horno = Oven

Nevera = Refrigerator

Congelador = Freezer

Mesón de cocina = Counter top

Gabinete = Cabinet

Mesa = Table

Silla = Chair

Mantel = Table Cloth

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Frases Utiles: Useful Phrases

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Vamos a comer = Let's go eat

Quiero comer = I want to eat

Pásame la sal por favor = Pass the salt please

Páseme la pimienta por favor = Pass the pepper please

Quiero más queso por favor = I want more cheese please

Quiero más crema por favor = I want more cream please

Está muy salado = It's too salty

Está muy dulce = It's too sweet

Sin cebollas por favor = Without onions please

Sin vegetales por favor = Without veggies please

Sin sal por favor = Without salt please

Sin azúcar por favor = Without sugar please

Quisiera ordenar tres tacos por favor = I would like to order three tacos please

Quisiera ordenar una soda por favor = I would like to order a soda please

Quisiera ordenar un postre por favor = I would like to order a dessert please

A qué hora cierran la cocina? = What time do you close your kitchen?

A qué hora abren el restaurante = What time do you open your restaurant?

¿Qué tipo de carnes sirven ustedes? = What kind of meat do you serve?

Ustedes sirven mariscos? = Do you serve shell fish?

Ustedes sirven pollo? = Do you serve chicken?

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Ustedes sirven carnes rojas? = Do you serve red meats?

Me puede traer los vegetales aparte por favor? = Can you bring me the vegetables on

the side please?

Ustedes sirven vino? = Do you serve wine?

Introduction to Lesson Three

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Mr. Gabriel ValerioGrade: 10, 11 and 12Spanish Lesson PlanGrammar: “Conjugating Past Tense Verbs in Spanish” Lesson Plan 3

Introduction to Lesson Three: Conjugating Past Tense Verbs in Spanish

What is your generative topic? Spanish grammar through interactive activities

What is your essential question? What are the verb conjugations in Spanish for the past tense?

Who are your students? My students are in grade 10, 11 and 12 and are in Level 3 Spanish class. The ideal class size for this lesson is between 15 and 18 students. I do currently have students on an IEP in this class. However, activities for this lesson plan can be modified for students on an IEP. In honors courses the students are generally grouped into classes with other students of like ability

What prior knowledge do students bring to this lesson?

1. Understand and be able to use the English concepts of conjugation of past tense.

2. Knowledge of conjugation of Spanish verbs in the present tense.

Why are you teaching this lesson? I am teaching this lesson so that my students can practice verb conjugation in Spanish.

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Lesson Three: Conjugating Past Tense Verbs in Spanish

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Mr. Gabriel ValerioGrade: 10, 11 and 12Spanish Lesson PlanGrammar: “Conjugating Past Tense Verbs in Spanish”

Goals: This lesson corresponds to the following strands of the Massachusetts Foreign Language Curriculum Framework:

1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics.3.1 Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language5.1 Students use the language both within and beyond the school5.2 Students show evidence of becoming life-long learners by using the language for person enjoyment and enrichment.

Objectives: Students will be able to use correct past tense verb conjugations in communication.

Concepts: Identification of past tense in the story.

Language: Students will be able to develop their reading, writing, listening and speaking skills.

What are the learning activities that will build student understanding? For this lesson in the language lab students will utilize the website They will use level 12 and 13 (age), describing events in the past show in each presentation. Using this website, students will work on the various interactive learning activities. (25 minutes)In the classroom, students will listen to a computer video program and do the accompanying listening activity in the book. (10 minutes)

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What will be your extension and enrichment activities? The following day, each student will make a poster that they will present to the rest of the class at the conclusion of his/her work (25 minutes)

How are you going to assess students’ understanding? What is your plan for ongoing assessment of student’s understanding? Students will be both formally and informally assessed for this lesson. During the class, students will be required to complete three (3) worksheets and computer exercises which will be part of a class participation grade and class work grade.

Homework: One worksheet will be assigned for homework and it will count towards an overall homework grade. In addition, students will finish any work that was not completed during class.

Materials: 1. Textbook Ven Conmigo Level III2. Grammar Book3. Computer Lab4. Massachusetts Foreign Languages Curriculum Framework5. Listening exercises using a computer video.

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Lesson Three Reflection

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I enjoyed the whole process of this lesson. It was interesting watching

the students work in the computer lab, and peer share. The students were

able to speak with each other and answer each other’s questions. I found it

interesting that the students did not necessarily speak to their friends in

Spanish, but spoke with their classmates. I first thought that the students

might be shy doing this activity and only wanted to speak with their close

friends because of this. It appeared that they were “showing off” their ability

to speak Spanish instead. It was almost like they had transformed

themselves to an all Spanish speaking classroom.

I think this was because not only were they comfortable with the skills

being taught (learning how to conjugate verbs) but they were also

comfortable with their ability in speaking Spanish.

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Lesson Three Extra Activities

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I. Activities to be completed by students

1. Leti is describing a family wedding she went to last Saturday. Complete her

description with the correct preterite form of the verbs in parenthesis.

Remember to use the correct reflexive pronoun.

Mi primo Guille 1.________________________(casarse) con su novia Teresa el

sábado. Fue una boda muy interesante. Primero, mi familia y yo llegamos tarde

porque yo 2._______________________(perderse) buscando la iglesia. Luego,

durante la ceremonia la mama de Teresa 3.____________________(dormirse)

porque estaba tan cansada. Después, en la recepción, mi tío Lucas

4.______________________(caerse). Al principio todos los invitados

5.________________________(creer) que se hizo daño, pero por suerte no le

pasó nada serio. Pero, sí 6._______________________(romperse) varios platos y

vasos. ¿Qué más pasó? Durante la cena, Guille le

7.________________________(leer) un poema de amor a Teresa. Qué romantico,


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2. Magdalena’s grandmother is explaining how everything has changed since

she was a little girl. Write an essay using the present tense and the preterite

to explain how the change has happened.
























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Introduction to Initial Assessment

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Exam 1 is given at the beginning of the unit. The reason I have given the students

this exam is because I want to take information that they have already known, in this

case, my starters to the sentences, and incorporate the cognates that they are learning, into

writing a complete sentence in Spanish. The multitude of skills needed to complete this

will inform me, as the teacher, of the understanding of not only the cognates, but also of

their ability to write a complete sentence in Spanish. I will be able to determine how

each student understands the Spanish grammar. I will then be able to take students

individually and explain to those who are unable to convert the grammar, the correct

format. I feel the visual is an added bonus for the students so that they can make the

connections visually first and in written form second.

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Saugus High School

Initial Exam Spanish IIIMr. Gabriel ValerioStudent:________________________________Grade:_________________________________

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Exam 1: Using Cognates, based on the visual, write a complete thought in Spanish. Use the starter in each sentence.

1. Mis amigos y yo _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Carlos y Andrés


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3. Manuel_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Yo_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. Tú______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Choose the correct cognates to complete each sentences1. Quiero llamar a mi madre usando el a) autobús b)el teléfono c) la llave

2. Ando buscando un buen a)sol b) amigo c) diccionario que sea sincero

3. Me gusta a) la historia b) la lámpara c) la siciología porque quiero saber más de mí

4. A mi padre le gustaría ir a) al cine b) mercado c) parque a comprar la comida

5. Nosotros vamos a a) estudiar b) comer c) bañarnos para pasar el exámen

3. Complete each sentences with the correct Spanish cognates 1.Yo voy a llamar por ______________________(telephone)

2. Necesito un buen _______________________(dictionary)

3. La _____________________________(geography) en California es muy diversa

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4. Ella es un ___________________________(artist)

5. La _____________________________(pharmacy) está cerrada

6. Los Estados Unidos es una _________________________(nation) grande

7. ¡Qué ____________________________(fabulous) - ganó mi equipo!

8. Esta playa es un ______________________________(paradise)

9. Los estudiantes viven en un ________________________________(dormitory)

10. Llegar a la luna era paso importante para _______________________(humanity)

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Reflection of Initial Assessment

I was very excited when I received the assessments back from my classes.

I feel each assessment gave me the information I was looking for, on the majority

of my students. Exam 1 showed me quite a few students that were not able to

complete their sentences correctly. When I worked with them individually, I was

able to identify their problems. In most cases it wasn’t that they misunderstood

the cognates, it was that the grammar from English to Spanish was confusing

them. Therefore I was able to work with them, some individually, and some in

small groups, to improve this skill. There were three students who were unable to

transfer over, from the English to Spanish, the Cognates. However, this did not

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surprise me since these same students are not fully participating or doing their

homework. I had these students come back after school to review the material.

There were minimal changes with two of the three students. I think this was

mainly because these students really have not yet invested in their education. The

third student, who I have identified in another section, showed improvement.

I feel that this assessment was beneficial to everyone concerned and I plan

on using this exam or at least this style again in my classes.

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Introduction to Midterm


Midterm Exam is given so that the students can practice in more depth the

cognates which they have learned in my class or somewhere on their own. This exam is

in a simple form, where I can identify their understanding of cognates, as well as

reinforcing the appropriateness of sentence writing, which includes punctuation,

capitalization and appropriate grammar. This exam is given midway in the unit to assess

the skills learned thus far.

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Saugus High School

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Midterm Exam Spanish IIIMr. Gabriel ValerioStudent:________________________________Grade:_________________________________

Midterm Exam: Applying Cognates

Write twenty five sentences using the cognates that you already learn.

1. ________________________________________________

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2. ________________________________________________3. ________________________________________________4. ________________________________________________5. ________________________________________________6. ________________________________________________7. ________________________________________________8. ________________________________________________9. ________________________________________________10.________________________________________________11.________________________________________________12.________________________________________________13.________________________________________________14.________________________________________________15.________________________________________________16.________________________________________________17.________________________________________________18.________________________________________________19.________________________________________________20.________________________________________________21.________________________________________________22.________________________________________________23.________________________________________________24.________________________________________________25.________________________________________________

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Reflection of Assessments Two

On exam two, the students demonstrated their ability to write the sentences much

better, and to identify, on their own, Cognates. I found this assessment, reinforced my

thinking that the students were beginning to understand much better, Cognates, and that

the students were now applying themselves a little more on writing their sentences with

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more effort in their punctuation and capitalization. The students also showed a better

understanding of the rules of grammar. I was very happy with these results. I was truly

amazed at how many students were able to come up with new Cognates. I was so

impressed with the new vocabulary words that I spent a part of a lesson having the

students share their Cognates with their classmates.

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Introduction to Summative


Summative Exam is an assessment that I will give at the end of the unit. It is to

determine whether or not the students understand Cognates and whether or not they can

differentiate the English from the Spanish. Additional skills that will be utilized are the

students’ ability to translate the paragraph either in full or via context clues. Although

when I correct this exam I won’t know their true understanding of each word, I will know

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whether or not they are able to use their knowledge in this language to figure out enough

information to complete the task.

Saugus High School

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Summative Assessment Spanish IIIMr. Gabriel ValerioStudent:________________________________Grade:_________________________________

Summative Exam: Identify the Cognates in Spanish and then write the English word for them.

Era una vez, un estudiante muy inteligente, calculaba

cada uno de sus pasos por donde caminaba, pues

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el entendía que otros jóvenes muy similares a él querían

imitarlo . Un día, llegó a su casa y su madre que lo

miraba un poco distraído le preguntó, ¡hola hijo! ¿Qué te

pasa? ¿Qué es lo que te preocupas? Dime la verdad.

¿Tienes algún problema? Tu padre, tus hermanos y yo

estamos aquí para ayudarte. No te olvides, somos una familia,

la cual siempre ha estado unida.

El joven estudiante al verse interpelado por los ruegos de su

madre decidió contarle su verdadera historia acerca de lo que

él creía y pensaba. En su interior, el siempre soñaba con ser piloto

pero al ver otros chicos como él se limitaba a mantener su sueño en secreto,

hasta tal punto que solo él sabia lo que quería ser cuando fuera grande. Otros

chicos, los cuales compartían el mismo grado que él le encantaba hablar en

público de lo que querían ser cuando llegaran a la adultez. Esto le preocupaba a

este despierto e intelectual jovencito, pero su timidez no le permitía hablar como

los otros de lo que él quería ser en el futuro. Ahora, en este momento es que se

decide a hablar con sus padres y hermanos acerca de “problema” que le

atormentaba por mucho tiempo.

1._____________-____________ 11. _____________-____________

2. _____________-____________ 12. _____________-____________

3. _____________-____________ 13. _____________-____________

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4. _____________-____________ 14. _____________-____________

5. _____________-____________ 15. _____________-____________

6. _____________-____________ 16. _____________-____________

7. _____________-____________ 17. _____________-____________

8. _____________-____________ 18. _____________-____________

9. _____________-____________ 19. _____________-____________

10. _____________-____________ 20. _____________-____________

After the reading selection, students should identify the cognates in Spanish and then write the English word for them.

Restaurante Valerio (Viva el Sazón)

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Nuestro restaurante está ubicado en el mismo corazón de la hermosa

ciudad de La Vega, en La República Dominicana. Aquí vienen personas de

todas las esferas sociales, pues tenemos un variado menú, el cual es del agrado

de toda la ciudadanía. En este restaurante se sirven todo tipo de comida, bebida,

ensaladas, y mucho más. Por ejemplo, el 25 de Diciembre del año pasado

(2008) se sirvió lechón asado, el cual estaba muy bueno. Los visitantes lo

pidieron en su totalidad. Nuestros empleados sirvieron todo lo que tenía el

restaurante. Así es; para cada época del año tenemos diferentes variedades.

Por ejemplo, para Semana Santa, tenemos las famosas habichuelas con dulces;

para las madres tenemos la mejor comida durante el año: Arroz, habichuela,

carne, todos los tipos de ensaladas, bebidas al gusto de las madres, etc.

Tenemos una gran variedad de música, la cual es el agrado de nuestros

visitantes: merengue típico, merengue de calle, merengue de los años 70 y 80,

salsa, bolero, bachata, música rock, etc. También se presentan a través de la

pantalla gigante videos de la República Dominicana: su cultura, gobierno,

geografía, historia, personalidades importantes destacadas en nuestro país, etc.

Este es nuestro restaurante familiar, donde usted encuentra de todo. Si

realmente Usted puede encontrar de todo, puesto que al lado de nuestro

restaurante existe un elegante supermercado, donde se vende todas clases de

mariscos, carnes, vegetales, bebidas, y todo lo que necesite para el hogar.

En Julio de este año, un grupo de cinco estudiantes de la Universidad

Tecnológica del Cibao, en La Vega, República Dominicana visitó nuestro

restaurante familiar, y parece que a ellos les gustó demasiado la comida que se

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sirvió en el restaurante. Cada uno pidió algo diferente de nuestro menú.

Antonio pidió arroz con pollo al horno. La mesera se lo sirvió con mucho gusto,

algo que a Antonio le agrado muchísimo, puesto que fue su primera visita al


Maritza, la novia de Antonio le preguntó a Antonio que iban a tomar; los dos se

pusieron de acuerdo y ordenaron un agua de limón. Ambos le pidieron a la

mesera que les sirviera a los demás miembros del grupo, pero la mesera le trajo

el agua con limón al instante. Ellos se pusieron muy contentos.

Arístides, un primo de Oscar trajo con el su propia comida, ya que sufre de

diabete, pero al ver a los demás compañeros tan entusiasmados, decidió

ordenar también, y pidió arroz, habichuela, chicharrón y ensalada verde. De

tomar pidió un refresco rojo. La mesera se lo sirvió muy encantada.

La mesera, muy experta en su trabajo le sirvió a cada uno un flan el cual iba por

los dueños del restaurante, o sea este no tenía que ser pagado.

Mercedes, una de las estudiantes más tímidas que yo haya visto no quería

ordenar nada, pero se decidió y pidió pescado frito con tostones (plátanos fritos).

De tomar le sirvieron agua.

El novio de Mercedes, Oscar ordenó papas fritas con carne al horno, y de tomar

dijo que le trajeran agua bien fría. La comida estaba muy deliciosa. Todos

comieron hasta no más. Al final, la mesera le trajo la cuenta la cual todos

pagaron con mucho gusto y deseo de regresar a nuestro restaurante Valerio.

1._____________-____________ 11. _____________-____________

2. _____________-____________ 12. _____________-____________

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3. _____________-____________ 13. _____________-____________

4. _____________-____________ 14. _____________-____________

5. _____________-____________ 15. _____________-____________

6. _____________-____________ 16. _____________-____________

7. _____________-____________ 17. _____________-____________

8. _____________-____________ 18. _____________-____________

9. _____________-____________ 19. _____________-____________

10. _____________-____________ 20. _____________-____________

11._____________-____________ 21. _____________-____________

12. _____________-____________ 22. _____________-____________

13. _____________-____________ 23. _____________-____________

14. _____________-____________ 24. _____________-____________

3. Magdalena’s grandmother is explaining how everything has changed

since she was a little girl. Write an essay using the present tense and the

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preterite to explain how the change has happened. You should use ten

cognates in her description.






















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Reflection of Summative Assessment

The summative exam was also a success, however, in retrospect, I wonder if it was a little

too easy for the students. Many of the students received a hundred or close to that. I am

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okay with that for many reasons. First, they apparently learned the skills I was teaching.

Secondly, the students were comfortable with this assessment and loved their results. I

think this is great for their self esteem and desire to do well in a world language. Lastly,

I’m glad to know that the students were able to isolate the material enough to complete

the task.

One of the only students that didn’t do well, according to “the numbers” on this

final assessment was, Crystal, my student who I spoke about, specifically, as a student

who was struggling and beginning to turn around due to the interactions we have been

having. She received a score of 63%. . However, this was a marked improvement over

her 27% on the baseline. I have included my thoughts on this under the comments in the

student work sample section.

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Narrative Essay

Students Work Sample

After performing motivational activities to my high school students, I have

seen on going improvements with many students. During this process, I took the

opportunity to observe a specific student (C). This student was demonstrating

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behaviors that indicated that she was uninterested in learning. She also refused

to become involved in anything, for what seemed to me to be her fear of failing.

She wasn’t showing any improvement, even when she appeared to be engaged

in the classes’ activities. I decided to meet ( C )in a one to one, situation, and told

her that I saw her as a student who wanted to do well in school, but because she

had an incredibly hard time academically, she didn’t feel she should or even

could try, due to always failing. Immediately her eyes showed me I was correct.

She then told me that she hated trying because no matter what she did she didn’t

do well. I explained to her that if she tried with me, she not only would do well,

she would learn a lot. I told her that I was going to be doing some new activities,

for my schooling, and that I would show her all of the ways she improved and

what she had learned when I was done. She was absolutely thrilled with this

idea. I told her that this was not something I was only going to do, for my class, I

was doing this because, I wanted to see her succeed and feel successful. I told

her that she should come to me, whenever she needed help or if she needed

someone to encourage her.

At that point she shared some other important information with me. She

lives with her mother, and two weeks ago, after ten long years, she spoke with

her father on the phone. He is now living in the Dominican Republic. She told me

that our talk couldn’t have come at a better time. She is very happy because she

wants to see her father personally, and of course, she wants to learn how to

speak, read and write in Spanish. Since her mother encourages her to keep her

grades up by checking in with all of her teachers by email or phone call, she now

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feels that she can make her mother happy as well.

She has made a lot of progress since our conversation.

She didn’t pass the baseline test at the beginning of the year. She actually

received 27%; and she didn’t pass my Initial Test from this unit. This result is

evidence that she was having a lot of problems in her reading, writing and

spelling in Spanish grammar. My first assessment showed that grammar was a

real weakness for her. Even though she was able to use most of the vocabulary

words correctly during class, she wasn’t able to show any follow through when it

was needed to be applied. I think that this was due to many factors. First she

wasn’t comfortable with taking a risk. Second, she wasn’t following through, with

class work and homework. Lastly, she didn’t feel she could ask questions about

what she didn’t understand. She did understand the vocabulary of the words,

just not how to apply them. After our discussion, and after, working on improving

these areas, the difference in her ability was amazing. She went from barely

getting anything correctly, to doing better than 85% of the assignment correctly.

Prior to retaking this test we did many activities practicing, vocabulary,

grammar, verbs, cognates and culture. We work on it very slowly, and we spent a

lot of time practicing how to identify cognates. For example, we read different

articles (in Spanish), and we identify different cognates; with these cognates we

wrote sentences. At the beginning, she had some problems when she wrote her

sentences, but in the end she was doing fine. She stayed after school for extra

help finishing her sentences. Her sentences are mostly correct, and the only

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errors she made were some spelling errors. This work sample showed a major

improvement over the baseline quiz we took at the beginning of the year. (63%).

Although some teachers might feel that this score is still no a passing score, I am

thrilled that she went from a 27% to a 63%. This is an amazing progress in a

relatively short period of time. I have spoken with her and I have decided that I

want her to continue coming for extra help and redoing certain assignments. I

feel that she is now motivated to do well and I want to see her succeed. I am

willing to adjust her grades accordingly, to her new average. She is willing to do

the extra work and show her, as well as me, what she knows in Spanish.

In the second formative assessment (Mid-term) she

completed, which was done on 10/14/2011, she still making some mistakes

when writing sentences using cognates.

Since the progress and success of the students is part of my philosophy

as an educator, I obviously monitored throughout the development of this unit

there progress and success. I saw positive results in both areas with many

students, but I wanted to see the same progress with students ( C ). She was

learning (succeeding) but not at the same pace as the other students. In turn, I

pay special attention to her learning style and rhythm. I was collecting her work

and I went over with her, all her work, to teach her using verbal, visual and

auditory channels, whenever there were any mistake. This multi-sensory

approach seemed to work best for her, as well as myself, in terms of me

understanding her weaknesses.

My focus was on grammar, vocabulary (cognates), and culture. She

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improved a lot over her grammar issues, but she still has some issues

understanding some concepts, and how to write correct sentences. I saw this

issue, again, when correcting her Summative Assessment. We need to

understand, for example, that in Spanish adjectives need to agree with nouns in

gender and in number, so in order to create sentences I taught my students

about this Spanish rules. My students ( C ) had a lot of problem identifying

cognates, and creating sentences.

I have to admit that I am extremely pleased with her progress and success

thus far. I realize that this is a large amount of extra work for me, however, it is

worth, especially since she is putting the effort in to do an even larger amount of

extra work, and it is paying off.

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When it comes to my use of technology within my world language

classes, I must admit that I use technology all the time. It begins with

the way I input my grades and activities onto a program which the

students and parents have access to, at any time. All my grades are

input, daily, for tests, quizzes, class work and homework. I also post the

homework on a site that is kept current. Parents are encouraged to view

these sites, so that they are up to date on their child’s participation, their

child’s homework assignment, and whether or not they are doing it, as

well as, their child’s grades.

Throughout the development of this unit on Spanish Grammar and

culture, students had the opportunity to use the Internet. I did this as a

way to examine the influence that technological terminology has, on

students, when learning Spanish. It also allowed students the

availability to consider the etymology of different words. : Educación,

persona, escuela, arte, ensayo, historia, geografía, tecnología,

hombre, etc. (various cognates)

In my opinion, it is very important to understand, that when

students have the opportunity to use the internet, correctly, they have a

chance to use and develop all four proficiency skills: Reading, writing,

listening and even speaking. Some people feel that students tend to

“cheat” or take the easy way out, when given the opportunity to use the

internet. I have found the complete opposite. I have found that my

students take the time to actually look for the information they need and

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that they take the time to correctly use this information. I am beginning

to think that this is because they are encouraged to use the internet

rather than not be allowed to use it (many of my colleagues tend not to

allow the internet and have gone as far as charging students with

plagiarism due to their use). I have also found that, since I am a world

language educator, that my students are being taught information from

the internet, on my subject. Often times I hear students say that they

used the language converters to assist them in doing their homework.

When I spoke to them on this, they said they were able to understand the

rules better when they could put various information into the computer,

and then they could go backwards by analyzing the information in order

to do the work they need to do. I think that this is a wonderful way to

learn and I think by doing this they are spending more time learning the


I also use the computer during my class time. When we go to the

lab, the student can listen to each other by using headphones and a

special program where they can listen to each other. By doing this

activity the students not only learn from each other the correct

pronunciations of words, but, they can also assist each other with other

world language issues such as grammar, vocabulary or culture. Students

also get the opportunity to work on their writing skills, without the use,

or at times, with the use, of grammar and/ or spell check. At all times, I

am able to view and interact with each computer.

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I also present all my lesson plans by PowerPoint. I find that by

doing this, I get the students attention quicker and they are more

focused and interact more. I also find that I am able to get more

information out to the students in less time. I also know that exactly

what I have covered with the class and what I have not been able to

cover. There is no gray area on whether or not I could have forgotten to

give certain information. I am also able to use my computer to get

additional information, immediately, when I need it, to enhance an

answer to a student’s question. Another benefit to using a PowerPoint

presentation is that I am able to modify so many students’ education

(including but not limiting special education students and 504 student),

by giving them a copy of my presentation, for future use, or as a study

guide, or even as notes for those students that are unable to take notes

or students who are not multi-taskers. This assists them in learning the

material I am teacher.

In all my lessons and in future lessons I will continue to use

technology in my classes. I have found no negatives in using this. As I

have already stated, I have only found positive outcomes, with technology

use in a world language class. I do realize that at some point I could have

a student (i.e. visually impaired, hearing impaired…) that for one reason

or another, the technology I use could be at a disadvantage or disability

to them. Should this be the case, I would obviously modify the program,

appropriately for them.

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The Commonwealth of MassachusettsDepartment of Education

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350 Main Street, Malden, Massachusetts 02148-5023 Telephone: (781) 338-3000

Preservice Performance Assessment for Practicum or Practicum EquivalentProfessional Standards for Teachers: See 603 CMR 7.08.

Part I –To be completed by the applicant. Practicum:_____________Practicum Equivalent: ___________

1. Legal Name: Gabriel A. Valerio 2. SSN: 015-76-2081

3. Address: 126 South Common Street, Lynn MA 01902

4. Sponsoring Organization: University of Massachusetts, Boston Program & Level: Initial License K 5-12

5. Practicum/Equivalent Course Number: EDC G 688 Credit Hours: 6 Course Title: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6. Practicum/Equivalent Site: Saugus High School 7: Grade Levels of Students: 9-12

8. Total number of practicum hours: _________________Number of hours assumed full responsibility in the role: ______________________

9. Other Massachusetts licenses held if any: Social Studies

10. Have any components of the approved program been waived (see Regulations 7.03(1)(b)): No

Part II – To be completed by the Program Supervisor

Name: (print)___________________________________________________________________Position/Title_____________________________

The Applicant completed a practicum/equivalent designed by the Sponsoring organization as partial preparation for the following license:

Applicant’s License Field: ___________________________________________________________Grade Level: __________________________

Part III – To be completed by the Supervising Practitioner

Name: (print)_____________________________________________________________________Position: _______________________________

School System: _____________________________________________________License: Initial (# yrs. experience): ______or Professional: _____

Massachusetts License #: ______________________________________________________Field(s): ____________________________________

Part IV – Initial 1, 2, and 3.

1. Initial meeting held at which the Professional Standards and the procedures for evaluation were explained to the Applicant.

Date: ________Applicant: _________________ Program Supervisor: __________________ Supervising Practitioner: __________________

2. Meeting held midway through the practicum at which the Applicant’s progress toward the Professional Standards was discussed.

Date: ________Applicant: __________________ Program Supervisor: _________________ Supervising Practitioner: __________________

3. Final meeting held to complete evaluation and to allow Applicant an opportunity to raise questions and make comments.

Date: ________Applicant: __________________ Program Supervisor: _________________ Supervising Practitioner: __________________

Part V

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Candidate has successfully completed the Preservice Performance Assessment (Sections: 7.03(2)(a)(4) & 7.04(2)(b)(4)(b)) Yes: _____No: _____

Program Supervisor (sign): _______________________________________________ Date: _________Supervising Practitioner (sign): ___________________________________ Date: _____________________Mediator (if necessary: see 7.04(4))(sign): ________________________ Date: ____________________

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Please use this assessment in conjunction with the Preservice Performance Assessment Guidelines: the rating scale is described on page 4; evaluation questions relating to the standards are pages 5 - 12, and license-specific questions per standard B2c are pages 13-44.

Standard A - Plans Curriculum and InstructionIndicators Evidence

1. Draws on content standards of the relevant curriculum frameworks to plan sequential units of study, individual lessons, and learning activities that make learning cumulative and advance students’ level of content knowledge. (Specify Curriculum Framework title, learning standards, and concept and skills used [attach list if necessary]).

2. Draws on results of formal and informal assessments as well as knowledge of human development to identify teaching strategies and learning activities appropriate to the specific discipline, age, level of English language proficiency, and range of cognitive levels being taught.

3. Identifies appropriate reading materials, other resources, and writing activities for promoting further learning by the full range of students within the classroom.

4. Identifies prerequisite skills, concepts, and vocabulary needed for the learning activities and design lessons that strengthen student reading and writing skills.

5. Plans lessons with clear objectives and relevant measurable outcomes.

6. Draws on resources from colleagues, families, and the community to enhance learning.

7. Incorporates appropriate technology and media in lesson planning.

8. Uses information in Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) to plan strategies for integrating students with disabilities into general education classrooms.

Base on one of my lesson plan I can answer Indicator 1: saying that the Massachusetts Foreign Language Curriculum standard 1.2 stays that "students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics". 3.1 states that "students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines through the foreign language", and 5.1 states that "students use the language both within and beyond the school setting".All standard above are shown by using an interactive online exercise which included numerous games and activities students through the understanding and interpretation of the written and spoken language in a variety of ways. Indicator 2: Through teacher observation and interactive scoring the lesson is appropriate in all areas. Indicator 3: I have a large variety of Hispanic books, magazine, computer sites, video and other resources which readily available to my students and reference them very often. Indicator 4: I like to teach my entire lesson base on life lesson, teacher and students interaction, and I like to demonstrate to my students the correlation between the languages prior the computer interaction. Indicator 5: I have written lessons plan which clear and relevant measurable outcomes which follow the MFLCF. Indicator 6: I am part of a Teacher Learning Community at my school and I am able to use my colleagues to enhance my lessons. I am also an active member of the school system translating department which bridges Hispanic family’s knowledge and

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concerns with the schools concerns and policies. Indicator 7: Teach incorporate class lessons by using current computer mater. Indicator 8: Plans from IEP students and 504 students are followed and adapted to meet student’s needs.

Rating: Explanation of Rating for Standard A - Plans Curriculum and Instruction

Rating Scale: 1=Does Not Meet the Standard; 2=Meets the Standard, 3=Exceeds the Standard; NA=Not Applicable.

Candidate’s Name: Gabriel A. Valerio License: 328650

Program Supervisor (initial): __________________________________________________Date: ______________________

Supervising Practitioner (initial): _______________________________________________Date: _____________________

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Standard B – Delivers Effective InstructionIndicators Evidence

1. Communicates high standards and expectations when beginning the lesson.a) Makes learning objectives clear to students.b) Communicates clearly in writing and speaking.c) Uses engaging ways to begin a new unit of study or lesson.d) Builds on students’ prior knowledge and experience.2. Communicates high standards and expectations when carrying out the lesson.a) Uses a balanced approach to teaching skills and concepts of

elementary reading and writing.b) Employs a variety of content-based and content-oriented

teaching techniques from more teacher-directed strategies such as direct instruction, practice, and Socratic dialogue, to less teacher-directed approaches such as discussion, problem solving, cooperative learning, and research projects (among others).

c) Demonstrates an adequate knowledge of and approach to the academic content of lessons. (See license-specific questions in Guidelines, pp. 13-44)

d) Employs a variety of reading and writing strategies for addressing learning objectives.

e) Uses questioning to stimulate thinking and encourages all students to respond.

f) Uses instructional technology appropriately.g) Employs appropriate sheltered English or subject matter

strategies for English learners.3. Communicates high standards and expectations when extending and completing the lesson.a) Assigns homework or practice that furthers student learning

and checks it.b) Provides regular and frequent feedback to students on their

progress.c) Provides many and varied opportunities for students to

achieve competence.4. Communicates high standards and expectations when evaluating student learning.a) Accurately measures student achievement of, and progress

toward, the learning objectives with a variety of formal and informal assessments, and uses results to plan further instruction.

b) Translates evaluations of student work into records that accurately convey the level of student achievement to students, parents or guardians, and school personnel.

1. Uses high standards and expectations at the beginning of each lesson. I clearly explain objectives orally; written directions are on the small board, posted on the corner, and also indicated in a Power Point Presentation. Written directions are, whenever possible, in the target language. I interject at appropriate times, making references to prior knowledge, and experiences and allows the students to give feedback.

2. While carrying out my lesson plans, I use a large variety of approaches during my lessons, which communicates high standards. I break up my classroom into timed segments so I can have verbal time, written time and computer time, all which supports my content material and give me instant feedback on progress. I also give a pre-activity to the lesson and a homework assignment for follow up. The lesson allows for extra time for any other question related to the lesson, introduces reinforcing homework assignments, questioning to check understanding, use all learning skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking which gives students the opportunity to be successful when learning the target language.

3. High standards and expectations are communicated when lessons are being completed and/or extended in the following manner: I ask questions to students, and listens to their answer to see how well they are doing. I uses ongoing observation of students work to see their progress, and regularly, observing students to make sure they are working on their particular assignment and completing it correctly.Assignments are collected and graded, as well as, reviewed after correcting, for

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assessment purposes and for learning. This allows the students to receive feedback from the teacher, on a regular basis, and also allows the student frequent opportunities to be successful and to achieve competency.

4. When evaluating student learning, high standards and expectations are communicated via my follow up lessons of all material. When I see that a specific skill needs further development with the majority of the class, a new lesson to supplement the skill is given. When only a few students need extra help on a specific skill, I offer them time back before school, during lunch, and after school. I try hard to modify my availability based on my students’ independent needs. I also keep updated computer grades and computerize my homework assignments for the viewing of my students and their families. Progress reports are given to all students in the middle of the quarter, however, I believe that if a report needs to go home at another time, I do give them out, and if a student is struggling and a parent can be notified, I do make a phone call or email home. In the rare occasion that a student needs help from a guidance counselor, in order to assist that student with success, I contact and work together with that person. In addition, I stay in touch with all special needs personal and 504 coordinators, to make sure that students with individual educational needs have their goals met..

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Rating: Explanation of Rating for Standard B – Delivers Effective Instruction

Rating Scale: 1=Does Not Meet the Standard; 2=Meets the Standard, 3=Exceeds the Standard; NA=Not Applicable.

Candidate’s Name: ___________________________________License: __________________

Program Supervisor: ____________________________________Date: __________

Supervising Practitioner (initial): _____________________________________________Date: __________

Page 115: Umass - Final Portfolio  Fall 2011


Standard C – Manages Classroom Climate and OperationIndicators Evidence

1. Creates an environment that is conducive to learning.

2. Creates a physical environment appropriate to a range of learning activities.

3. Maintains appropriate standards of behavior, mutual respect, and safety.

4. Manages classroom routines and procedures without loss of significant instructional time.

I am ready in the classroom waiting for students to come, sit in their desk, and learn, in a positive and safety environment.Teacher walks up and down observing and checking students work, interacting with individual students when needed. Power Point Presentation to teach lesson to increase students learning and confidence to learn. Encouraged students to participate in class discussion, and support each other.The classroom is nicely decorated in interesting and appropriate educational material. I demonstrate appropriate standards of behavior and follows appropriate guidelines of rules and regulations that need to be followed. I show a major concern on safety issues and show respect to all my students and in turn the students appear to show respect to me. I demonstrate the importance of mutual respect by addressing each individual as Mr. (Señor), and Miss (Señorita) or Usted.

Rating: Explanation of Rating for Standard C – Manages Classroom Climate and Operation

Rating Scale: 1=Does Not Meet the Standard; 2=Meets the Standard, 3=Exceeds the Standard; NA=Not Applicable.

Standard D – Promotes EquityIndicators Evidence

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1. Encourages all students to believe that effort is a key to achievement.

2. Works to promote achievement by all students without exception.

3. Assesses the significance of student differences in home experiences, background knowledge, learning skills, learning pace, and proficiency in the English language for learning the curriculum at hand and uses professional judgment to determine if instructional adjustments are necessary.

4. Helps all students to understand American civic culture, its underlying ideals, founding political principles and political institutions, and to see themselves as members of a local, state, national, and international civic community.

1. I often quote to my students saying that I has on a poster, on my wall, “Don’t play games with your future”. I explain to them that what they put in to their education will be what makes them achieve in society, and their lives.2. I encourage students to learn to success as individual learners. I offer them a large variation of opportunities to help individuals and my classes as a whole, to achieve more.

3. Lesson plans with objectives and essential questions are well paced, and time is provided for directions and clarification in the target language. Accommodation is used to meet students on IEP or 504 plans. The activities in the unit plan are a valuable learning tool for non-native Spanish speaker, Spanish speaker, and students who might struggle would all remain engaged. I like to walk up and down observing students work.

4. I reinforce school policies and its Mission and Expectation. Students are encouraged to compare our culture to other Hispanic culture and to see what we have in common.

Rating: Explanation of Rating for Standard D – Promotes Equity

Rating Scale: 1=Does Not Meet the Standard; 2=Meets the Standard, 3=Exceeds the Standard; NA=Not Applicable.

Candidate’s Name: _____________________________________________________License: ____________

Program Supervisor (initial): ___________________________________Date: ___________

Supervising Practitioner (initial): ____________________________________________Date: __________

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Standard E – Meets Professional ResponsibilitiesIndicators Evidence

1. Understands his or her legal and moral responsibilities.

2. Conveys knowledge of and enthusiasm for his/her academic discipline to students.

3. Maintains interest in current theory, research, and developments in the academic discipline and exercises judgment in accepting implications or findings as valid for application in classroom practice.

4. Collaborates with colleagues to improve instruction, assessment, and student achievement.

5. Works actively to involve parents in their child’s academic activities and performance, and communicates clearly with them.

6. Reflects critically upon his or her teaching experience, identifies areas for further professional development as part of a professional development plan that is linked to grade level, school, and district goals, and is receptive to suggestions for growth.

7. Understands legal and ethical issues as they apply to responsible and acceptable use of the Internet and other resources.

1. I am very prepared for the class, and am familiar with the Saugus High School Mission and Expectations for Students Learning. I realize that I too have rules and regulations which I must obey and works within those obligations. I also realize that I am a court mandated reporter and do not hesitate to inform the correct personal when a student or other, is at risk, has safety concerns, or when I see or hears of illegal activity.

2. Motivational lesson plans, using appropriate techniques are imperative to encourage student’s success. Demonstrated competence in speaking and writing Spanish and English. When a connection can be made to a successful use of the language, by a student, I use that opportunity to promote the educational benefits of the language.

3. I present the class in the target language that I am teaching. Demonstrated a perfect knowledge of the target language. Encouraged interpersonal communication between students, and encourages conversation appropriate to the subject matter.

4. Member of the PLC (Professional Learning Community) at Saugus High School. Develop a positive and productive relationship with specialist and departmental colleague. Utilizes my professional relationship with colleagues at various other levels, so that I am always learning and improving.

5. Communication with parents via Email or Phone Call. Parents can check students Assignment, Homework, Grade on X2: School Web Site and he keep all

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material up to date.

6. Students’ progress and success is the mantra, so to maintain this philosophy I am always questioning myself, my teaching style, and my methodology, to assure I am helping my students achieve their particular goals. I regularly checks in with my colleagues for recommendations.

7. New technology (Internet) is used for academic purpose, however, a compiled list is available of all students who have permission to use the internet and to those students that are or aren’t allowed to be identified on the net or in photographs.

Rating: Explanation of Rating for Standard E – Meets Professional Responsibilities

Rating Scale: 1=Does Not Meet the Standard; 2=Meets the Standard, 3=Exceeds the Standard; NA=Not Applicable.

Candidate’s Name: __________________________________License: __________________

Program Supervisor (initial):___________________________________Date: ____________

Supervising Practitioner (initial): ________________________________Date: ___________

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Summary Decision for Preservice Performance Assessment

Teacher candidate’s Preservice Performance Assessment in the practicum or practicum equivalent meets the Professional Standards for Teachers: Yes ________ or No ________.

Candidate (sign): ____________________________________________________License: ________________

Program Supervisor (sign): ___________________________________Date: __________

Supervising Practitioner (sign): __________________________________Date: __________

Standard Rating (from pp. 2-5)(a) Plans Curriculum(b) Delivers Effective Instruction(c) Manages Classroom Climate(d) Promotes Equity(e) Meets Professional Responsibilities

Rating Scale: 1=Does Not Meet the Standard; 2=Meets the Standard, 3=Exceeds the Standard; NA=Not Applicable.

Summary Comments (integrated assessment of performance):

The sponsoring organization should maintain this assessment record as part of its candidate’s permanent file. Copies do not have to be sent to the Department of Education.

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