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Signs and Portents


Prin"i#a$it% o '$e( Regiona$ Ad)entureVersion 1

*% o+ Kun,en and

Da)e rainardReviewers: PLAYTESTERS

Playtesters: PLAYTESTERS

The rewards o advent!re are "ore than "ere #old$ "ere %ewels$ "ere "a#i&' (a"e and #lory are thetr!e treas!res so!#ht )y wo!ld-)e heroes$ )!t the tr!ly #reat *!est or an even hi#her #oal: to ins+ireothers to strive and a&hieve even "i#htier deeds' An invitation has arrived$ not to ta,e on a deadly"onster or +l!") the de+ths o an an&ient to")$ )!t tole&t!re.

 A Prin&i+ality o Ule, re#ional advent!re or APLs /-10'

ased on the ori#inal U23E42S  RA342S r!les &reated )y E' 3ary 3y#a7 and ave Arneson and the new U23E42S  RA342S

#a"e desi#ned )y 8onathan Tweet$ 9onte oo,$ S,i+ ;illia"s$ Ri&hard a,er$ and Peter Ad,ison'

This #a"e +rod!&t &ontains no 4+en 3a"e ontent' 2o +ortion o this wor, "ay )e re+rod!&ed in any or" witho!t +er"ission o ;i<ards o the oast and the a!thor' To learn "ore a)o!t the 4+en 3a"in# Li&ense and the d=0 SYSTE9 li&ense$ +lease visit


This is an oi&ial RP3A +lay do&!"ent' To ind o!t "ore a)o!t the RP3A and to learn "ore on how yo! &an san&tion and r!nU23E42S  RA342S #a"e events o all si<es$ visit o!r we)site at www'r+#a'&o"'

U23E42S RA342S$ $ 3REY?A;@$ LV23 3REY?A;@$ RE;ARS$ RP3A$ Player’s Handbook $ DungeonMaster’s Guide$ and Monster Manual  are trade"ar,s o ;i<ards o the oast$ n&'$ in the US and other &o!ntries' This "aterial is+rote&ted !nder the &o+yri#ht laws o the United States o A"eri&a' Any re+rod!&tion or !na!thori<ed !se o the "aterial or artwor,

&ontained herein is +rohi)ited witho!t the e7+ress written +er"ission o ;i<ards o the oast$ n&' and the a!thor' This +rod!&t is a wor,o i&tion' Any si"ilarity to a&t!al +eo+le$ or#ani<ations$ +la&es$ or events is +!rely &oin&idental' B =005 ;i<ards o the oast$ n&'

Visit the LV23 3REY?A;@ we)site at www'r+#a'&o"'

(or r!les *!estions s+e&ii& to this do&!"ent and the LV23 3REY?A;@ &a"+ai#n e"ail r+#ah*Cwi<ards'&o"'

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Introdu"tionThis is an RP3A 2etwor, s&enario or the!n#eons ra#ons #a"e' A o!r-ho!r ti"e)lo&, has )een allo&ated or ea&h ro!nd o thiss&enario$ )!t the a&t!al +layin# ti"e will )e &loser 

to three and a hal ho!rs' The rest o the ti"e iss+ent in +re+aration )eore #a"e +lay$ and re&ord-,ee+in# ater the #a"e' The ollowin# #!idelinesare here to hel+ yo! with )oth the +re+aration andvotin# se#"ent o the #a"e' Read this +a#e&are!lly so that yo! ,now and &an &o""!ni&ate toyo!r +layers the s+e&ial as+e&ts o +layin# anRP3A s&enario'


(irst yo! sho!ld +rint this s&enario' This s&enariowas &reated to s!++ort do!)le-sided +rintin#$ )!t+rintin# it sin#le sided will wor, as well' There is

eno!#h roo" alon# the inside "ar#in to )ind theadvent!re$ i yo! desire'

Read this entire advent!re at least on&e )eoreyo! r!n yo!r #a"e' e s!re to a"iliari<e yo!rsel with any s+e&ial r!les$ s+ells$ or e*!i+"ent+resented in the advent!re' t "ay hel+ to hi#hli#ht+arti&!larly i"+ortant +assa#es'

;hen yo! r!n an RP3A advent!re weass!"e that yo! have a&&ess to the ollowin#)oo,s: the Player’s Handbook $ the DungeonMaster’s Guide$ and the Monster Manual ' ;e alsoass!"e that yo! have a set o di&e Dat least one

d/$ d6$ d$ d10$ d1=$ and d=0F$ so"e s&ra+ +a+er$a +en&il$ an RP3A s&orin# +a&,et$ and yo!r senseo !n' t is also a #ood idea to have a way to tra&,"ove"ent d!rin# &o")at' This &an )e as si"+leas a +ad o #ra+h +a+er and a +en&il$ as handy asa vinyl #rid "a+ and &hits$ or as ela)orate as resind!n#eon walls and "iniat!res'

@ee+ in "ind that yo! "!st have at least o!r +layers Dnot &o!ntin# the %!d#eF$ or the #a"esession to )e a san&tioned RP3A event' As well$yo! &annot have "ore than si7 +layers +arti&i+atin#in the #a"e'

P$a%ing t.e Ga+enstr!&t the +layers either to +re+are their 

&hara&ters to +arti&i+ate in the advent!re )eorethe session )e#ins$ or wait !ntil yo! read theintrod!&tion$ de+endin# on the re*!ire"ents o thes&enario as des&ri)ed in the introd!&tion'

4n&e yo! are ready to +lay$ it is handy toinstr!&t ea&h +layer to +la&e a na"eta# in ront o hi" or her' The ta# sho!ld have the +layerGs na"e

at the )otto"$ and the &hara&terGs na"e$ ra&e$ and#ender at the to+' This "a,es it easier or the+layers Dand the %!d#eF to ,ee+ tra&, o who is+layin# whi&h &hara&ter'

The +layers are ree to !se the #a"e r!les tolearn a)o!t e*!i+"ent and wea+ons their 

&hara&ters are &arryin#' That said$ yo! as the %!d#e&an )ar the !se o even &ore r!le)oo,s d!rin#&ertain ti"es o +lay' (or e7a"+le$ the +layers arenot ree to &ons!lt the !n#eon 9asterGs 3!idewhen &onronted with a tra+ or ha<ard$ or the9onster 9an!al when &onronted with a "onster'

So"e o the te7t in this s&enario is written sothat yo! "ay +resent it as written to the +layers$while other te7t is or yo!r eyes only' Te7t or the+layers will )e in )old itali&s' tGs stron#lyre&o""ended that yo! +ara+hrase the +layer te7tinstead o readin# it alo!d' So"e o this te7t is#eneral and "!st )e ada+ted to the s+e&ii&

sit!ation or to a&tions o the +layer &hara&ters'


 Ater the +layers have &o"+leted the s&enario or the ti"e allotted to r!n the s&enario has r!n o!t$the +layers and %!d#e ill o!t the RP3A Tra&,in#Sheet' The %!d#e sho!ld &o"+lete the to+ o theor" and list his na"e and RP3A n!")er' The+layers sho!ld ea&h list their na"e and RP3An!")er' Ater the or" is illed o!t it sho!ld )e#iven to the Event oordinator'


This is a LV23 3REY?A;@ Advent!re' As a LV23

advent!re it is e7+e&ted that +layers )rin# their own &hara&ters with the"' +layers do not havea LV23  3REY?A;@  &hara&ter #enerated$ #et a&o+y o the &!rrent LV23  3REY?A;@  &hara&ter #eneration #!idelines$ and a &hara&ter sheet ro"yo!r &onvention &oordinator or the RP3A ;e)site$ and then have any +layers witho!t a&hara&ter &reate one' 4n&e all +layers have aLV23 3REY?A;@ &hara&ter$ +lay &an )e#in'

 Alon# with the other "aterials dis&!ssed inthe Pre+aration se&tion a)ove that yo! are

ass!"ed to have in order to r!n a #a"e$ it isalso re&o""ended that yo! have a &o+y o theLIVING GREYHAW  Ga!etteer"


e&a!se +layers )rin# their own &hara&ters toLV23  3REY?A;@  #a"es$ this advent!reGs&hallen#es are +ro+ortioned to the avera#e&hara&ter level o the Ps +arti&i+atin# in the

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9!ndane Ani"als Ee&t

on APL

H o Ani"als

1 = I /

   :   R

  o      A  n   i  "

  a   l

1>/ 1>6 0 0 0 1

1>I 1>= 0 0 1 1

1 1 1 = I

= = I / 5

I I / 5 6

/ / 6 J

5 5 J K

6 6 K 10

J J K 10 11

advent!re' To deter"ine the Avera#e Party LevelDAPLF:

1' eter"ine the &hara&ter level or ea&h o the Ps+arti&i+atin# in theadvent!re'

=' Ps )rin# ani"als thathave )een trained or &o")at D"ost li,ely )ein#war horses$ do#s trained or warF$ other than those)ro!#ht )y virt!e o a &lassa)ility Di'e' ani"al&o"+anions$ a"iliars+aladinGs "o!nts$ et&'F !sethe side)ar &hart todeter"ine the n!")er o levels yo! add to the s!"a)ove' Add ea&h

&hara&terGs ani"alsse+arately' A sin#le P "ayonly )rin# o!r or ewer ani"als o this ty+e$and ani"als with dierent Rs are addedse+arately' 2evertheless$ i a &hara&ter hasthe 9o!nted o")at eat$ he "ay )rin# asin#le warhorse$ li#ht or heavy$ with hi" in theadvent!re and it will not &o!nt toward the APL&al&!lation'

I' S!" the res!lts o 1 and =$ and divide )y then!")er o &hara&ters +layin# in theadvent!re' Ro!nd to the nearest wholen!")er'

/' yo! are r!nnin# a ta)le o si7 Ps$ add oneto that avera#e'

y ollowin# these o!r ste+s$ yo! will havedeter"ined the APL' Thro!#ho!t this advent!re$

 APLs &ate#ori<e the level o &hallen#e the Pswill a&e' APLS are #iven in even-n!")eredin&re"ents' the APL o yo!r #ro!+ alls on anodd n!")er$ as, the" )eore the advent!re)e#ins whether they wo!ld li,e to +lay a harder oreasier advent!re' ased on their &hoi&e$ !seeither the hi#her or the lower ad%a&ent APL'

 APL also ae&ts the a"o!nt o e7+erien&e

and #old a P "ay #ain at the end o theadvent!re' a +layer &hara&ter is three &hara&ter levels or "ore either hi#her or lower than the APLat whi&h this advent!re is )ein# +layed$ that&hara&ter will re&eive only one-hal o thee7+erien&e +oints or the advent!re' (!rther$ i the P is three &hara&ter levels or "ore lower than the APL at whi&h this advent!re is )ein#+layed$ that P will re&eive one-hal #old or theadvent!re as well' This si"!lates the a&t that

either the P was not &hallen#ed as "!&h asnor"al or relied on hel+ )y hi#her-level &hara&ters

to rea&h the o)%e&tives'

(!rther$ a P who is o!r or "ore levels hi#her thanthe hi#hest APL s!++orted

)y the advent!re "ay not+lay the s&enario !nless thehi#hest APL s!++orted )ythe advent!re is APL 1='

2ote: LV23  3REY?A;@

advent!res are desi#ned or  APL = and hi#her' (o!r or ive 1st-level &hara&ters "ayind dii&!lty with the&hallen#es in a LV23

3REY?A;@  advent!re' a#ro!+ is APL 1 there are twothin#s that the #ro!+ &an do

to hel+ even the s&ore'

1' Atte"+t to &reate a ta)le o si7 1st-level&hara&ters$ or try to enlist hi#her-level&hara&ters to +lay at that ta)le'

=' Advise &hara&ters to )!y ridin# do#s to hel++rote&t the"$ and i#ht or the"' All ridin#do#s are &onsidered trained to atta&,' Pswho want their do#s to atta&, "!st s!&&eed ata ?andle Ani"al or haris"a &he&, D 10F'(ail!re indi&ates that the ani"al will not atta&,that ro!nd' This is a "ove a&tion Ds+o,en&o""andF that "ay )e atte"+ted ea&h ro!nd' the ani"al is wo!nded or has ta,en anynonlethal da"a#e or a)ility s&ore da"a#e$ the in&reases to 1='

i+e 'nits and '#(ee#

This is a standard 1-ro!nd Re#ional advent!re$set in the Prin&i+ality o Ule,' hara&ters nativeto the Prin&i+ality +ay one Ti"e Unit +er ro!nd$ allothers +ay two Ti"e Units +er ro!nd'

 Advent!rerGs Standard U+,ee+ &osts 1=#+ +er Ti"e Unit' Ri&h U+,ee+ &osts 50#+ +er Ti"eUnit' L!7!ry U+,ee+ &osts 100#+ +er Ti"e Unit'hara&ters that ail to +ay at least Standard

U+,ee+ will retain te"+orary a)ility da"a#e !ntilthe ne7t advent!re$ "!st )!y new s+ell&o"+onent +o!&hes and healerGs ,its$ and "ays!er other in-#a"e +enalties Dor +ossi)ly #ain in-#a"e )eneitsF as "ay )e detailed in thiss&enario'

 A &hara&ter who does not +ay or at leastStandard U+,ee+ "ay also avoid the a)ove-des&ri)ed +enalties )y livin# o the wild' the

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&hara&ter +ossesses o!r or "ore ran,s in theS!rvival s,ill and s!&&eeds at a S!rvival &he&,D =0F$ the &hara&ter will heal te"+orary a)ilityda"a#e as i he or she +aid or Standard U+,ee+$"ay reill s+ell &o"+onent +o!&hes and healerGs,its$ and "ay resto&, !+ to =0 arrows or )olts i the &hara&ter has at least o!r ran,s in ratD)ow"a,in#F' The +layer is allowed to Ta,e 10 onthis roll'

9ore inor"ation a)o!t Liestyle and U+,ee+&an )e o!nd in the Liestyle and U+,ee+M se&tiono ha+ter I o the LIVING  GREYHAW   (a)*aign'our+ebook '

Ad)enture a"(groundThe war over the is+!ted Territory has #ro!nd onor ive lon# years' Every wee,$ "ore sons andda!#hters enlist in the ar"y$ so"e o!t o love o 

&o!ntry$ so"e o!t o an#er$ others o!t o sheer des+erationN and every wee,$ ar"y wa#ons )rin#sons and da!#hters )a&, to their ho"es$ so"ewo!nded$ so"e "ai"ed$ and so"e not "ovin# atall'

4ver the &o!rse o the war$ the h!"an +o+!lationo the Prin&i+ality has s!ered the heaviest&as!alties )y ar' This is lar#ely a +rod!&t o sheer n!")ers$ as h!"ans are the "ostn!"ero!s &iti<ens o the &o!ntry' ?owever$ thedwarvesG native to!#hness and "artial &!lt!re$and the hallin#sG inherent l!&, and a#ility$ #ive&ons&ri+ts o these ra&es an ed#e over their 

h!"an &o"rades$ and the )!t&herGs )ill rele&tsthis'

There has always )een an !nder&!rrent o an#er a"on# the h!"an +o+!lation o the Prin&i+ality o Ule,$ dissatisa&tion at )ein# r!led )y the Sto!t(ol,' The war has )ro!#ht these lin#erin#resent"ents to the ront o "any hearts$ ,e+t in&he&, )y the +o+!la&eGs #eneral #oodwill and theneed to +resent a stron# ront a#ainst the sava#ehordes to the east' ?owever$ &ra&,s have starteda++earin# in this aOade o loyalty: on&e-res+e&t!l ar"ers have #rown s!llen a)o!t +ayin#ta7es to their dwarven overlordsN &ri++led

veterans &lo# the streets o the &ities sho!tin#tales o ine+t leadershi+ and dwarven elitis"N+rotests and de"onstrations have )e&o"e&o""on+la&eN and r!"ors o soldiers "!rderin#their oi&ers and desertin# have s+read li,ewildire a&ross the Prin&i+ality'

This +otential or wides+read &ivil !nrest hasattra&ted the eye o the S&arlet rotherhood$ ase&ret ally o the Slave Lords who r!le thePo"ar%' S+ies and agents *ro,o+ateur have

slowly iltered into the Prin&i+ality o Ule,$ as wellas a n!")er o "issionaries o ;astri$ the S!el#od o h!"an s!+re"a&y$ and Pyre"i!s$ the S!eldeity o reven#e' These a#ents have )eensto,in# the ires o an#er$ or#ani<in# the "ost)itter h!"ans$ and insti#atin# a&ts o +rotest$ ever &allin# or es&alation to violen&e i the Prin&e&ontin!es to i#nore their &lai"s'

Unter Ra7 is one o these a#ents' ?e has o!nd ali,ely +air o a&&o"+li&es in 3ryra7$ the heirs to awealthy shi++in# &on&ern' These twins$ !int!sand Toral Vid,!n$ are o +!re S!el )lood$ wealthy$inl!ential$ and a")itio!s' Toral$ the yo!n#er o the +air$ is a s,illed sailor and &a+tains thea"ilyGs la#shi+$ 'ky’s E)ber ' !int!s$ as eldest$handles the a"ily )!siness$ )ro,ers tradea#ree"ents$ and "oves in the hi#hest tiers o 3ryra7 so&iety' ?owever$ he eels that the&lannish dwarves have sh!t hi" o!t o the "ostl!&rative deals and the "ost inl!ential #atherin#s$and is ertile #ro!nd or the S&arlet rotherhoodGs+ro+a#anda'

4n&e he had insin!ated hi"sel into the Vid,!nho!sehold$ Unter Ra7 *!i&,ly steered !int!s intos!++ortin#$ then or#ani<in#$ a n!")er o lo&al+rotest &o""ittees and h!"an-ri#hts #ro!+s intoa solidarity "ove"ent &alled 9an,ind (irst' ?ehas even ta,en &ashiered soldiers and dis#ra&ed"er&enaries on the +ayroll$ standin# )y or theinevita)le &onli&tNM while they wait or that day$they inti"idate the Vid,!nsG rivals$ sa)ota#e&o"+etitors$ and )!lly &o""on ol, intos!++ortin# the 9an,ind (irst a#enda'

4ne o !int!sG #reatest tri!"+hs was winnin# theae&tions o enara restley$ a lovely$ talentedyo!n# wo"an he "et at 3ryra7 University' The#olden &o!+le "ade *!ite a s+lash on 3ryra7so&ietyN !int!s is "ost &a+a)le o layin# on the&har" when he wishes$ and enaraGs )ea!ty is ar "ore than s,in dee+' !int!s has en%oyed their 

 %oint +o+!larity i""ensely$ not only )e&a!se it has&ata+!lted hi" into the li"eli#ht$ )!t )e&a!se ithas +rovided hi" hitherto-i"+ossi)le a&&ess tothe wealthiest and "ost +ower!l "e")ers o thePrin&i+alityGs elite'

Unort!nately$ a ew days a#o$ a dr!n,en !int!slet sli+ so"e o his +lans or ater the Prin&e wasoverthrown and the hairy )eastsM +!t in their +ro+er +la&e as slaves' This revelation %arredenara to s!&h an e7tent that she de&ided to ta,ea &loser loo, at her +ara"o!r$ and her +reli"inaryinvesti#ations en&o!ra#ed her to di# !rther into!int!sG "ysterio!s doin#s' To that end$ she&alled !+on a ew o her riends ro" University

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or aid$ a s"all #ro!+ o veterans &allin#the"selves the Sons o Ule,'

The Sons had only %!st )e#!n +o,in# aro!ndwhen !int!s #rew s!s+i&io!s o enaraGs +ryin#*!estions a)o!t his a&tivities and +oliti&s' Ta,in#the lessons he had a)sor)ed ro" Unter Ra7 to

heart$ yo!n# Vid,!n set o!t to "!rder his#irlriend )eore she &o!ld share her s!s+i&ionswith anyone else' To that end$ he &on&o&ted anela)orate +lan "eant to shield hi"sel ro" any)la"e )y !sin# his twin$ re&ently ret!rned ro" atrade voya#e to the Solnor o"+a&t$ as a de&oy'

Ad)enture Su++ar%The Ps have re&eived invitations to le&t!re atthe +resti#io!s 3ryra7 University$ sharin# tales o their advent!res and e7+lorations with thest!dents there' Ater a&in# the +erils o a)sent-

"inded +roessors$ sta#e-ri#ht$ and *!estionsro" the a!dien&e$ the Sons o Ule,$ i"+ressed)y the heroesG tales$ invite the" o!t or a drin,and a show at the a+tainGs 9ast' The +arty has a&han&e to &hat with enara and the Sons or a )it)eore she #oes on sta#e$ and "ay see her waveto Toral in his dis#!ise as !int!s'

!rin# the show$ a )ri)ed server sli+s a )it o &on&entrated oyster +!ree into enaraGs drin,'!int!s ,nows she has a stron# aller#y toshellish$ and !ses this ,nowled#e to wea,en her and or&e her to #o ho"e$ into his &l!t&hes' S!reeno!#h$ ater only a ew son#s$ enara t!rns a )it

#reen and e7&!ses hersel$ wavin# or her riendsand the +arty to stay and en%oy the"selves$ and)r!shin# o !int!sGM atte"+t to es&ort her ho"e'

 Ater she #ets there$ however$ the real !int!swaits or her to #o to slee+ and s"others her'

 Already wea,ened )y the oysters$ enara is!na)le to resist and dies'

The ne7t "ornin#$ the Ps re&eive a visit ro"the Sons o Ule,$ who tell the" that enara isdead and they ho+e the +arty will hel+ the" loo,into it' They &oness that it loo,s li,e enara diedo so"e nat!ral &a!se$ )!t add that her re*!est toinvesti#ate !int!sG doin#s s!##ests so"ethin#

"ore is #oin# on' They +ro+ose dividin# theinvesti#ation: one tea" sho!ld &he&, o!t thes&ene o the &ri"e$ the other +o,e aro!nd as,in#a)o!t what$ e7a&tly$ !int!s has )een !+ to' They+ro+ose "eetin# !+ at the a+tainGs 9ast or l!n&h to share inor"ation'

Sho!ld the +arty ele&t to e7a"ine enaraG ho"e$they &an s+ea, with the ;at&h"an assi#ned tothe &ase$ e7a"ine the )ody$ and sear&h or &l!es'S,ill!l investi#ation$ or +ro+er !se o divinations$

&an reveal that enara was deinitely "!rdered$and +rovide so"e &l!es to the identity o the ,iller'

the Ps de&ide to loo, into what !int!s Vid,!nhas )een !+ to$ &are!l *!estions and !ses o &onta&ts &an reveal that he s!++orts$ and evendire&ts$ a n!")er o +rotest #ro!+s' They &an

also +i&, !+ hints o his !sin# e7tortion andsa)ota#e to drive down &o"+etition and in&rease"e")ershi+ in the 9an,ind (irst "ove"ent'

;hi&hever &o!rse o investi#ation the Ps&hoose$ !int!s event!ally hears a)o!t their nosin# aro!nd and dis+at&hes a )!n&h o th!#s todis&o!ra#e the"' ;hile they sho!ld )e no "at&hor a +arty o e7+erien&ed advent!rers$ ast!teheroes sho!ld reali<e that the Sons o Ule, arealso tar#ets' the +arty hastens to their aid$ they&an save the SonsN otherwise$ one is ,illed andthe rest )adly wo!nded when the +arty shows !+'

This &r!de atte"+t at a warnin# sho!ld s!##estthat so"ethin# o!l is deinitely #oin# on' ;iththe inor"ation the Ps and the Sons have#athered$ it sho!ld )e airly &lear that !int!s is)ehind the "!rder' A#ain$ the Sons s!##ests+littin# their or&es$ as they i#!re an e*!al&han&e o Vid,!n )ein# at either the a"ilytownho!se or their oi&es )y the do&,s' Theywarn that !int!s is very well &onne&ted$ and)rin#in# in the ;at&h witho!t stron#er +roo wo!ld

 %!st allow hi" wri##le away'

the Ps &hoose to investi#ate the townho!se$they are re&eived )y ?yneral$ the Vid,!nGs lawyer'

 Ater tryin# di+lo"a&y$ )ri)ery$ and inti"idation to#et the +arty to sto+ +ryin#$ he atte"+ts to !se as&roll to ne!trali<e the"$ +ro"+tin# a r!nnin#)attle thro!#h the ho!se as #!ards$ #!ests$ andservants +o+ in and o!t o roo"s the Ps aresear&hin#' Event!ally$ the +arty &an ind a&on&ealed door leadin# to the !nder#ro!ndtrainin# roo" Unter Qa7 !ses or the twinsGindo&trination into the S&arlet rotherhood'

Sho!ld the +arty head to the do&,s$ instead$ theya&e a s!rly #!ard who denies that !int!s in+resent and re!ses entry' s!i&ientlywheedled$ )ri)ed$ inti"idated$ or ,no&,ed on thehead$ he lets the +arty +ast' A sear&h o thewareho!se reveals a se&ret +assa#e leadin#!nder#ro!nd' A narrow )ea" +rovides a dry +athover the slow-lowin# strea" o "!&, illin# thet!nnel$ as well as a way to avoid the horri)le$)lo))y "onsters #!ardin# the t!nnel' 4n&e +astthe dis#!stin# sentinels$ the +arty indsthe"selves at the se&ret rotherhood do%o'

nside$ they en&o!nter Unter Qa7 and his a&olytes$!int!s and Toral$ s!rro!nded )y +its$ ro+es$

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d!""ies$ and other trainin# #ear' Ro!ndly&!rsin# !int!s or his arro#an&e and st!+idity$Qa7 orders the twins to redee" the"selves )ydealin# with the intr!ders' ?e is &ontent too)serve !ntil )oth twins all$ or he is$ hi"sel$atta&,ed' Sho!ld this en&o!nter +rove too to!#hor the Ps$ the Sons o Ule, &an stor" in alon#the other +ath to hel+ o!tN otherwise$ they arriveon&e the +arty is vi&torio!s'

n the se&ret lair$ the heroes &an dis&over eviden&e o the Vid,!nGs involve"ent with theS&arlet rotherhood$ as well as si#ns o that evilor#ani<ationGs "eddlin# in the 9an,ind (irst"ove"ent' these do&!"ents are +la&ed in the+ro+er hands$ the Prin&eGs loyal ollowers &an !sethe" to tra&, down the orei#n insti#ators o violen&e and re"ove that threat to the real"Gssaety'

 A thoro!#h +arty "ay also ind a se&ret door 

leadin# to a lon#$ narrow +assa#e that event!allyter"inates in a sto!t iron door' This door leadsinto the &ellars o the Lordshi+ o the slesGe")assy' Altho!#h the +arty is t!rned o!t )y thee")assy #!ards Dand the Ada"antine 3!ard$ i ne&essaryF the t!nnel is deinitely a si#n that theS&arlet rotherhood +!++et is ta,in# an a&tive+art in s"!##lin# a#ents and inor"ation' A ewdays ater the heroes )rin# !int!s to %!sti&e$ thePrin&e severs ties with the Lordshi+ o the slesand e%e&ts the a")assador' Thi&, &ol!"ns o s"o,e ro" )!rnin# do&!"ents +o!r ro" thee")assyGs &hi"neys as the advent!re ends'

Pre#aration or P$a%t "ay )e hel+!l to ind o!t what ea&h +layer &onsiders to )e their &hara&terGs #reatesta&&o"+lish"ent' ?ave Proessor 3ladstone"a,e a ew reeren&es to these events toreinor&e the +layersG sense o )ein# a"o!s'

Sin&e this s&enario involves a "!rder-"ystery$ )e+re+ared to #ive a n!d#e i the +arty see"s to )est!&,$ or headin# in the wron# dire&tion' TheSons o Ule, oer to hel+ with the investi#ationd!rin# the &o!rse o the advent!res$ so they are a

+ere&t way to hel+ +layers who have "issed ani"+ortant &l!e'

Introdu"tionThis s&enario starts with ea&h P re&eivin# aletter invitin# the" to visit the University o 3ryra7' 3ive the +layers ?ando!t H1' TheUniversity will +rovide Standard !+,ee+ ree o &har#eN &hara&ters who wish or a "ore l!7!rio!s

liestyle will need to +ay the whole )ill the"selves'Read o +ara+hrase the ollowin#:

The road to Gryrax, capital of the Principality of Ulek, has been long, dusty, and uneventful.The most excitement you’ve had sincereceiving that invitation was barely avoiding 

getting trampled by a oyal !rmy messenger in a bit of a hurry. "ther than that, there haveonly been wagons, wagons, and morewagons. #ome were heavily laden withweapon, armor and foodstuffs for the troopsholding the line against the Pomar$ in the%isputed Territory& others, e'ually stuffed,carried wounded soldiers or stacks of coffins.The lightest were those carrying crops tomarket in the city. Good thing this Professor Gladstone has promised to foot the bill&turnips must be getting pricey if thesecaravans are all that’s coming in.

 At the #ate$ ea&h P is s!)%e&ted to a +er!n&toryinterview$ a&&o"+anied )y a s&an ro" a +aladino 9oradin or lan##eddin' Any &hara&ters whodete&t as evil are ta,en aside and *!estioned"ore thoro!#hly$ as well as #iven a *!i&, sear&hor +rohi)ited ite"s' As lon# as the P +ro"isesto o)ey the law$ they are event!ally +assed'

 Any "o!nts$ ani"al &o"+anions$ a"iliars$ et&'$other than do#s or horses$ lar#er than S"all si<e$"!st )e let o!tside the &ity walls' As the&hara&ters were aware they wo!ld )e headin# intothe &ity$ allow dr!ids and ran#ers to swit&h o!t or a "ore s!ita)le &o"+anion$ i they wish'

9e")ers o the Royal Ar"y$ Royal 2avy$ and the9ine Ran#ers are e7e"+ted ro" the a)overestri&tions$ and #reeted war"ly )y their ellowsa"on# the #!ard'

4n&e +ast the #ate$ +lease read or +ara+hrase theollowin#:

(ow that the hustle and bustle of the gate is past, you look forward to the delights offered by the Principality’s greatest city. )owever,the broad, tree*lined avenues are crowded with people. +nots of folk congregate onstreet*corners, listening to men and women

giving speeches. eggars, some in the tattersof oyal !rmy uniforms, ply the edges of these crowds, while soldiers, especially thefamed !damantine Guard, seem even more inevidence than usual. #matterings of conversations and shouts reach your ears-

/ost me leg in the trenches, m’lord. 0ust acopper to get summat warm in me belly1 2 

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ain’t got no clan to whisk in a priesty to fix any splinter 2 gets.3 

!nd furthermore, the rolls of the oyal  !cademy clearly show that while dwarvesmake up almost 456 of the !rmy, they represent only 786 of the casualties9 :e’re

treated no better than the goblins driven ontoour spears by the orcs93 

;iti<en, 2 don’t care how many arrows you took defending )yle, you can’t set up a booththat blocks the street. Pack it up or 2’ll pack you off to the magistrate.3 

;ome to our rally tonight, brother. 2f enoughof us get together, even the walls of the Palaceitself aren’t thick enough to silence our demands. Take this ribbon to show that you support )umanity =irst93 

Soon eno!#h$ yo! ind yo!rsel at yo!r 

destination: The Thin,in# a+'

En"ounter /ne0 !eeting t.ea"u$t%

The +arty has )een +rovided lod#in#s at TheThin,in# a+$ a &o<y inn with a +o+!larta+ho!se atta&hed' t is re*!ented )yst!dents ro" the near)y University$ and iswidely ,nown or its &hea+$ illin# "eals and+lenti!l ales$ la#ers$ and "eads' 4n&e the+arty has #otten settled$ a )ar"aid &alls the"

to a +rivate dinin# roo" or dinner withProessor 3ladstone$ their host' Read or+ara+hrase the ollowin#:

=ollowing the shapely barmaid’s directions,you find yourselves in a co<y dining room,dominated by a great oval table surrounded by tall armchairs. ! round*bellied, middle* aged man rises as you enter. )is face splits ina broad grin as he bows and waves his full goblet in greeting.

Good evening, good evening indeed9 2 ammost pleased that you chose to accept my humble invitation to Gryrax. 2 am, of course,

Professor amius Gladstone, %ean of )istory at Gryrax University. !nd, if you will allow anold man an indulgence, please allow me to

 perform the introductions.3 

 At this +oint$ Proessor 3ladstone +resents ea&hP$ atta&hin# a++ro+riate e+ithets anddes&ri+tionsN or instan&e The warrior Re#dar$"i#hty deender o the Tenha +eo+le$ and 8o<an$avored o the s!n'M 3ladstone is ond o 

over)lown s+ee&h and li,es the so!nd o his ownvoi&eN he tra"+les ri#ht over any +rotestationsthat the Ps "ay ,now ea&h other already'

The Proessor is very well-learned$ and ,ee+s !+to date on all the "a%or doin#s in the re#ion'

 Allow the +layers to &hat with ea&h other and their 

host or a )it' As dessert is )ein# served$3ladstone steers the &onversation to his reasonor invitin# the +arty to 3ryra7' Read or +ara+hrase the ollowin#:

! most fascinating account, indeed9 2 must  $ot that down in my $ournal when 2 get home. !h, 2 see that the lovely +ara is wheeling inthe dessert trolley, which tells me that 2 should let you know exactly why 2 re'uired your 


!s you know, no doubt better than most,these are turbulent times. The #heldomar >alley, no, all of the =lanaess is poised on thebrink of great change. ?any fear that calamitous misfortune is but moments away.2, on the other hand, am a student of )istory."ne thing that )istory has demonstrated isthat no matter how dark and dire the times,regardless of the odds or danger or terror,heroes always arise to pull us back fromdisaster.

@ou have all performed mighty deeds, driving evil to flight and preserving peace and hope inthe face of desperate danger. 2 asked you tocome here so you each could share your reasons for treading the path of adventure, tell us why you pressed on where others would give up, flee, or die. The students at theUniversity are the most idealistic and hopeful 2 have ever seen, and 2 want you to inspire themto $oin your ranks as defenders of peace,

 protectors of $oy, liberators of the enslaved9...

Pardon me, harrumph, got a bit carried away.The wine was 'uite good, wasn’t it1 :herewas 21 !h, yes. Tomorrow 2 have put together a collo'uium, a gathering of interested students and faculty who want to meet you,hear your stories, and ask you about your adventures. #urely it’s the least you can do torepay an old public servant for a fine dinner and soft bed1

2 will expect you at 75-55 sharp in the /esser  !mphitheater on the campus. @ou will eachhave a chance to recount your most thrilling adventure, then there will be a period of 'uestions from the audience, followed by afine luncheon. !lthough 2 have only scheduled you as a group for tomorrow, 2 do

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hope you will take this opportunity toexperience our university. :e have much toshare, and perhaps even a few spots for visiting lecturers. egardless, your rooms at the Thinking ;ap are paid through the week.

 !nd with that thought, and this last bit of trifle, 2 bid you all a very fine night93 

Ea&h P has a +rivate roo"$ very *!iet des+itethe ra!&o!s &onversation in the ta+roo"'hara&ters that s+end so"e ti"e in the &o""onroo" have a &han&e to hear so"e o the r!"orslyin# a)o!t town' Inor+ation

• D2 130 9y &o!sinGs riend went to the

veteranGs hos+ital$ and she said they donGteven have any short )eds at all warvesin%!red in )attle #et all i7ed !+ )y their +riests'

• D2 140 ThereGs s!++osed to )e a )i# rallyin the 3reat S*!are toni#ht' So"ethin#a)o!t !s needin# "ore dwarves to #et,illed in the line o d!ty or so"ethin#'

• D2 150 There are an aw!l lot o really

#ood-loo,in# wo"en at the University' So"any even a "!# li,e "e has a #ood&han&e

• D2 160 There s!re are a lot o or"er 

soldiers si#nin# !+ or &lasses' heardthat the ar"y is even wor,in# with thea&!lty to desi#n s+e&ial$ intensive &lasses

to their oi&ers &an learn ta&ti&s and st! *!i&,er'

• D2 430 ?ave yo! head enara sin#.

SheGs in "y history &lasses$ )!t she +aysher t!ition )y +eror"in#' &o!ld listen toher orever

• D2 450 head that thereGs #oin# to )e anew )!ildin# on &a"+!s$ a "!se!" o allthe &ontri)!tions h!"ans have "ade tothe &o!ntry' The Vid,!n Tradin# artel is"a,in# a )i# donation to the +ro%e&t$ )!tthey %!st want it &alled The ?all o 9en'M

 A)o!t ti"e$ say' That dis+lay in the9etal&rat ?all is nothin# )!t dwar )ra##in#

Proessor Ra+ius G$adstone0 L3 "ale h!"anE7+6 Di+lo"a&y 1=$ @nowled#e: ?istory 15$@nowled#e: Lo&al Sheldo"ar Valley 15$@nowled#e: 2o)ility and Royalty 15$ Peror":4ratory 1=F

En"ounter 7o0 2ane Worse .an a o$$o7-

u# 8uestion9The ni#ht +asses !nevent!lly$ and the ollowin#"ornin# dawns )ri#ht and )ree<y' Any &hara&tersinterested in +er!sin# the sho+s o thePrin&i+alityGs lar#est &ity have +lenty o ti"e to doso' Those who do vent!re into the &ity noti&e ana)nor"ally lar#e n!")er o +atrols on the streets$and so"e street-swee+ers &leanin# tattered+la&ards$ &hea+ ri))ons$ and )ri#htly-&olored la#so the &o))les o the 3reat S*!are'

as,ed$ the swee+ers say it is detrit!s ro" arally held the ni#ht )eore$ +rotestin# !nair treat"ent o ?!"an soldiers' The +la&ards )ear an!")er o slo#ans$ li,e E*!al Ri#hts or E*!alloodM and 10 9en ie or Every eardM Therally al"ost &a"e to )lows when the ;at&h triedto )rea, it !+$ and te"+ers are still a )it raw$ th!sall the e7tra +atrols'

Event!ally$ the +arty sho!ld ind the"selves onthe &a"+!s o 3ryra7 University' Sit!ated on a+air o hills %!st northwest o the &ity$ theUniversity &onsists o a do<en stately )!ildin#ss!rro!ndin# a +air o )road #reens' The "ost+ro"inent are the ?alls o Lore$ a wide$ rin#-sha+ed edii&e with a s&ore o tall s+iresN the

 A&ade"y o En#ineerin# and A++lied rats$ )!iltin the traditional dwarven style o thi&, walls ands*!are windowsN and the 2ational 3arden$ alar#e-s&ale "a+ o the Prin&i+ality &reated ro"livin# e7a"+les o every +lant that #rows within its)o!ndaries'

St!dents are everywhere$ h!rryin# to &lass$so&iali<in# and lirtin#$ readin# !nder the trees'

 As the eanGs Tower &arillon si#nal 10:00$ the+arty inds the"selves at the Lesser  

 A"+hitheater$ a )owl d!# o!t o the side o thenorthern hill' Perha+s =00 st!dents and a&!lty$+l!s a ew interested townsol,$ have t!rned o!t tosee the heroes' Proessor 3ladstone h!rries over as the +arty a++roa&hes'

;utting things a bit close, eh1 (o matter, nomatter. /ooks like a good turnout9 (o need tobe nervous. :hat you lack in formal education you more than make up for withreal world grit and experience9 0ust forget all those eyes and ears $udging your every twitchand stutter.3 

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 Ater so"e o+enin# re"ar,s and introd!&tions$Proessor 3ladstone #est!res or the irst s+ea,er to ste+ !+' The a!dien&e$ whi&h had still )eenwhis+erin# and %ostlin# as 3ladstone s+o,e$ allssilent$ o&!sin# their all their attention on the irsts+ea,er'

 As they ste+ !+ to s+ea,$ have ea&h &hara&ter "a,e a ;ill save$ 5$ to resist sta#e-ri#ht' Any)on!ses the &hara&ter "ay have a#ainst ear a++ly Dth!s$ +aladins need not "a,e the saveFand a &hara&ter with at least 1 ran, in any sort o Peror" s,ill is li,ewise i""!ne' (ailin# the saveleaves the &hara&ter da<ed or 1 ro!nd$ andsha,en or 1 "in!te'

 Allow ea&h +layer two or three "in!tes to +resenttheir tales' En&o!ra#e heroi& des&ri+tions$ wilde7a##erations$ and whatever other theatri&s see"en%oya)le'

4n&e ea&h o the &hara&ters has had a &han&e to)ra#$ Proessor 3ladstone o+ens the loor to*!estions' (eel ree to invent whatever ty+e o *!estioner see"s !n' A ew e7a"+les are+rovided )elow:

-leder (olt.  A yo!n# and #aw,y teena#er$ (leder is i7ated on whatever e7oti& wo"en or +r!riente+isodes the +layers "ay "ention' Ty+i&al*!estions: Are drow wo"en as se7y as theysay.M ;hat was it li,e ,issin# that s!&&!)!s.Mid the r!st "onster eat all yo!r ar"or.M

Hor,id /ib0ell.  A +!rely intelle&t!al sno)$ ?orvidis !tterly dis"issive o those who !se or&e to

solve their +ro)le"s' ?e as,s *!estions "eant to"a,e the Ps loo, oolish: id yo! try  the door )eore yo! ,i&,ed it in.M ;as it really ne&essaryto sla!#hter all the "odrons.M ;hat did yo! t1ink wo!ld ha++en i yo! &ast a ire)all s+ell in the"iddle o a +at&h o swa"+ #as.M

Pro2essor -iddle*ins.  An a#ed #no"e$ Proessor (iddle+ins tea&hes Philoso+hy and E&ono"i&s'?e as,s esoteri& *!estions a)o!t &a!se-and-ee&trelationshi+s and !noreseen &onse*!en&es: idyo! e7+e&t the or& +o+!lation to tri+le ater yo!,illed the dra#on that was eatin# the".M ?ow"any )andit raids wo!ld yo! e7+e&t a villa#e to

s!er ater yo! s+ent$ say$ =000 #old +ie&esthere.M oesnGt reein# slaves %!st raise the+ri&es$ and th!s the +roits$ o the slave trade.M

-araday 3e*1yr. 4ne o the Sons o Ule,$(araday as,s insi#ht!l *!estions$ and tries to )ailo!t anyone who see"s to )e lo!nderin#: Sin&eit t!rned o!t that the vi<ier was really ado++el#an#er$ it was all or the )est that yo!atta&,ed hi" at irst si#ht$ ri#ht.M &an see why

tryin# to wrestle a )erser, owl)ear "i#ht see"&ra<y$ )!t who wo!ldnGt try so"ethin# &ra<y to+rote&t a downed &o"rade.M ?owever did yo!&o"e !+ with the notion o lettin# the ,o)oldes&a+e so yo! &o!ld see whi&h s+ots he avoided$and th!s ind the tra+s.M

4n&e the +layers have had a &han&e to res+ond toa ew *!estions$ it is ti"e or l!n&h' The&hara&ters "ay &ontin!e &hattin# i they wish$ )!tevent!ally$ (araday a++roa&hes and introd!&eshi"sel' Read or +ara+hrase the ollowin#:

 ! sturdy young man approaches. )e hasreddish hair and a hint of a limp. "n his lapel is a pin signifying an honorable dischargefrom the oyal (avy. )e seems to be a few years older than most of the other students.

Pardon me, good folks. The name’s =araday Aephyr. 2t surely was a treat hearing fromfolks actually making a difference in the world.?y friends weren’t able to make it to your talk,so 2 would like to invite you $oin us for somedrinks and a song or two this evening. :eusually get together at the ;aptain’s ?ast around sundown.3 

(araday Qe+hyr is a veteran o the Royal 2avy$who has de&ided to i"+rove hi"sel )y investin#his share o +ri<e "oney into an ed!&ation' ?e isvery riendly to ellow 9arines$ %o,in#ly derisive o sailors$ and res+e&t!l toward "e")ers o the

 Ar"y and 9ine Ran#ers' (araday is a +leasantellow$ and is honestly i"+ressed with the heroesGa&&o"+lish"ents'

Qe+hyr has "et a ew li,e-"inded or"er soldiersat the University$ and they or"ed a loose so&ial&l!) &alled the Sons o Ule,' They s+end "ost o their ti"e hashin# over the old days and #ivin#ea&h other a )rea, ro" the endless trivialities o &olle#e lie$ )!t also try to en&o!ra#e the +atrioti&s+irit in their ellow st!dents' Lately$ they have)een very &on&erned a)o!t the 9an,ind (irstrhetori& that has )een swee+in# the &a"+!s'

The Sons are also riends with enara restley$ avery talented sin#er who is st!dyin# ?istory at the!niversity' She +eror"s at the a+tainGs 9ast

twi&e ea&h wee,$ and (araday has invited the+arty to see her +eror"an&e'

 Ass!"in# the +arty a&&e+ts the invitation$ theyhave a ew "ore ho!rs to sho+ or rela7 )eorethey +ro&eed to En&o!nter Three'

En"ounter .ree0 S7anSong

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The a+tainGs 9ast is one o the "ost e7&l!siveni#ht&l!)s in 3ryra7' Sit!ated on a +rivate+ier$ the est hall was )!ilt ro" the h!ll o thePrin&i+alityGs irst warshi+ over a &ent!ry a#o't retains a na!ti&al the"e$ and is very+o+!lar with 2avy and 9arine oi&ers' Reador +ara+hrase the ollowin#:

The Gryrax docks bla<e with light, as even at this hour stevedores and sailors labor to get the ships loaded and ready to catch the tide,only a few short hours away. @our destinationsits apart from the bustle of the wharf- ! long,rounded structure reminiscent of a shipturned on its back. !s you walk up, a graceful lady alights from a delicate carriage, handed down by a one*legged old sea dog in the

 $acket and epaulet of a post*captain. ! pair of burly men in peacoats stand by the door,bowing respectfully to the captain and hiscompanion, but turning steely glares in your directions.

The a+tainGs 9ast is a #enteel esta)lish"ent$and enor&es a stri&t &ode o dress and )ehavior'Visi)le ar"or is or)iddenN a &han#in# roo" ands!ita)le attire is availa)le o the oyer$ or a +ri&eo 1 3P' Li,ewise$ only "ilitary oi&ers$ a&tive or retired$ are +er"itted to &arry a wea+on lar#er than a da##er' The )o!n&ers e7+lain these r!les+olitely to any P who is o)vio!sly )rea,in# the"'They "ay &he&, any or)idden ite"s and retrievethe" on their way o!t' Players who re!se toa)ide )y these r!les are or)idden entry$ altho!#hthey "ay atte"+t Slei#ht o ?and &he&,s tos"!##le or)idden ite"s in Dthe #!ards have S+ot"odiiers o 5F'

4n&e inside$ read or +ara+hrase the ollowin#:

"nce past the entryway, you can see why the;aptain’s ?ast has ac'uired its reputation asthe finest hall in Gryrax. =lickering candles inhurricane lamps provide an intimate glow, and the curved benches and alcoves of the mainfloor seem built to encourage pleasant conversation or companionable silence, while

allowing plenty of room to traverse the roomand mingle. #mall galleries above allow for 

 privacy, and discreet servers appear at $ust thethought of ordering a drink.

Perhaps threescore folk are on the main floor,many dressed as officers of the oyal !rmy and (avy. ! flicker of movement from a large,sinuous table to the left attracts your attention

to =araday. )e sits with a small group of fellow veterans.

4n&e the +arty %oins the Sons o Ule,$ (araday"a,es *!i&, introd!&tions' o"+lete statisti&s or the Sons o Ule, are in the A++endi7'

Gerry 4arrelto*. a Sto!t ?allin# who served inthe S&o!tin# or+s' 3erry is a )it "ore ta&it!rnthan the !s!al ?allin#$)!t "ore %ovial than adwar' ?e i""ediately ta,es a shine to any?allin#s in the +arty and orders a sele&tion o theinest drin,s to show o the a+tainGs 9astGs&ellars' 3erry is st!dyin# "edi&ine and ani"alh!s)andry$ as he ho+es to )e&o"e a do#-)reeder'

Lars 'tone2ort. a )la&,-)earded dwar$ Larsserved as a &o")at en#ineer' ?e lost the last twoin#ers on his let hand d!rin# a hot a&tiondis"antlin# a )rid#e a&ross the 8ewel' Lars #ets*!ite ra!&o!s when in his &!+s$ and has an!nort!nate ondness or insensitive )ad %o,esD?ow "any elves does it ta,e to )!ild a )rid#e.2one They never leave elene ?ar har harFLars is inishin# !+ his "aster+ie&e at 9asonrys&hool$ and ho+es to ret!rn to the Ar"y as a"aster en#ineer'

rol 'tone2ort. LarsG )rother$ @rol served as a&ross)ow"an at (ort Stonewall' ?e is at theUniversity ho+in# to learn "ore o the ?ate!l;ars and why they ailed$ in the ho+es o re"edyin# that error this ti"e aro!nd and wi+in#o!t the or&s or #ood' @rol is #enerally *!iet andreserved$ )!t or&es hi"sel to )e e7tra +olite tohal-or&s in an eort to &on&eal his loathin#' ?e isalso +ossessed o a ine )aritone$ whi&h is whatirst )ro!#ht enara into &onta&t with the #ro!+:she heard hi" h!""in# a dir#e on the way to a&lass they shared$ and started a &onversation inthe ho+es o #ettin# hi" to +eror" a d!et withher'

 Ater a )it o s"all-tal, and "ilitaryre"inis&en&es$ a h!sh alls over the roo" asenara ta,es the sta#e' Read or +ara+hrase theollowin#:

The crowd grows suddenly 'uieter& +rol #tonefort gestures toward the stage and raises

a finger to his lips for silence. Turning your attention that way, you see that a young woman has stepped into the spotlight.

:ith apple cheeks and a turned up nose, sheis more cute than beautiful, but her wide blueeyes sparkle so brightly you can’t help but smile along with her. "f a sudden, she beginssinging a pure, wordless melody, the kind of thing young children sing out of sheer <est for 

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life. 2t takes long moments to reali<e that aflute and <ither have $oined in with her song.

)er performance seems to last for hours, asshe sings songs of love discovered, virtuerewarded, courage immortali<ed, but all toosoon the music fades away, the spotlight 

dims, and she steps off the stage. The singer blows a kiss toward a handsome blonde manat a table across the way, shares a few wordswith an elderly dwarf in an admiral’s coat, and glides over to your table.

@ou must be the heroes Professor Gladstonebrought in9 "h, 2 do hope you will give me achance to pick your brains one of these days.2t must be far more interesting living history than $ust reading about it in dusty books9 2B 

=araday interrupts her. =riends, this littlebird, while a nightingale on the stage, is a bit of a magpie at the table. %enara ;restley, may 2 introduce you to the fine folk who haverisked so much for the ideals we only chat about.3 

:ith %enara at the table, the conversations all grow livelier. #he has 'uestions about everything, and her charming voice and genuine interest inspire all at the table. #heoccasionally casts a glance over her shoulder at the handsome man across the room, who isnow deep in conversation with an officer inthe ?arines.

as,ed a)o!t the "an she ,ee+s loo,in# at$

enara says ThatGs "y )oyriend$ !int!s' ,now he wo!ld +reer to )e over here havin# !nwith !s$ )!t his shi++in# &o"+any has a lot o &ontra&ts with the 2avy$ so whenever he &o"es into wat&h "e +eror"$ so"e oi&er or other always&orrals hi" with )!siness tal,' Gll "a,e it !+ tohi" ater the show'M

 !fter a bit, %enara tosses back her drink and announces its time for her second set,lowing another kiss at her admirer across theroom, she mounts the stage and leaps into asong about a rose and a hummingbird.

2t isn’t until the third song that you noticesomething is amiss. ! faint sheen of sweat stands out on %enara’s face, and she seems tobe turning slightly green. #he manages tocomplete the song, then 'uickly makesapologies and dashes off the stage.

!int!s has )ri)ed one o the servers to add as*!irt o oyster +!ree to enaraGs last drin,$ as he,nows she has a stron# aller#y to shellish' She is&!rrently eelin# a )it na!seo!s'

Ps who thin, to loo, "ay noti&e that the )londe"an enara had )een lirtin# with rises with a&on&erned loo, on his a&e$ )!t seats hi"sel ater a wave ro" enara and words ro" the Ad"iralhe was seated with'

on&erned Ps &an ollow her )a&,sta#e$ where

she is "a,in# her a+olo#ies to alver !rnsto&,$the 9astGs owner$ who is #ood-nat!redly da))in#at a ew s+ots on his tro!sers where enara"issed a )!&,et' enara has &o"e to the"ista,en &on&l!sion that she "i#ht )e +re#nant$and is in a r!sh to #et ho"e and &ons!lt with her sister' She )r!shes o any oers o assistan&e$&lai"in# she eels ine' +!shed$ she will shareher s!s+i&ion and )e# the +arty to ,ee+ the notion*!iet !ntil she &an &onir" it'

Paranoid Ps &astin# dete+t *oison or the li,e indno eviden&e o any to7in' Li,ewise$ as !int!sGtwin Toral is Law!l 2e!tral$ there is no res!lt ro"

anyone !sin# dete+t e,il  in or aro!nd the a+tainGs9ast'

anyone tails enara or so"e reason$ sheh!rries ho"e$ o&&asionally sto++in# or dryheaves$ and r!shes inside' Ater a )rie$ e7&ited&onversation with her sister$ she retires$ and!int!s s"others her a)o!t an ho!r later$es&a+in# !nder &over o in,isibility '

De)e$o#+ent0 any Ps thin, to *!estion their server a)o!t their drin,s$ he is easy eno!#h totra&, down' Rory is an a"ia)le yo!n# "anN a 15 i+lo"a&y &he&,$ or a s!&&ess!l nti"idate&he&, Dhe is a 1st  level &o""onerF #ets hi" tos+ill his #!ts'

2i#ht )eore last$ he had a&&e+ted 5 #old to +o!r a )it o "edi&ine into enaraGs drin,' 4 &o!rsehe was s!s+i&io!s$ )!t the "an who hired hi"e7+lained that he was a riend o the Vid,!na"ily who wanted to end o s&andalN the"edi&ine was "eant to +revent +re#nan&y$ andthe "an even too, a swi# to +rove it washar"less' ?e re&alls the "an had a &!lt!reda&&ent$ )!t &anGt really des&ri)e hi" as other thanavera#e hei#ht$ avera#e wei#ht$ )rown hair$ yo!,now$ a re#!lar #!y'M n a&t$ it was !int!sen%oyin# the ee&ts o a is#!ise Sel s&roll'

he is inor"ed that enara is dead$ Rory )rea,sdown &o"+letely' ?e even oers to t!rn hi"sel into the ;at&h or his role in her death'

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En"ounter our0 A RudeA7a(ening

 As the Ps are at )rea,ast the ne7t "ornin#$they are interr!+ted )y (araday )!rstin# into theroo"' ?e eyes are red$ and he loo,s an#ry and


?y apologies for intruding on your meal, but something terrible has happened9 %enara isdead, she died last night9 The other #ons and 2 are going to look into it, but we would really appreciate your help.3 

(araday e7+lains what little he ,nows:

• Early this "ornin#$ @rol sto++ed )y

enaraGs ho!se to &he&, !+ on her';hen her sister went in to wa,e her !+$she was dead'

•  A&&ordin# to the wat&h$ she died o s!o&ation' ?er throat and ton#!e wereswollen$ and her sister ad"itted thatenara was aller#i& to shellishN she hadal"ost died as a &hild ater eatin# as&allo+'

• There was no si#n o or&ed entry or a

str!##le$ so the ;at&h is writin# it o as anat!ral death' (araday thin,s they are

 %!st "ore &on&erned a)o!t thede"onstration s&hed!led or this evenin#'

• (araday is very s,e+ti&al a)o!t her 

a&&identally eatin# a shellish$ as alver !rnsto&, li,ed her sin#in# so "!&h hedidnGt allow any seaood to )e served atall on ni#hts she is +eror"in#'

• (inally$ (araday ad"its that a ew days

a#o$ enara had &o"e to the Sons as,in#the" to loo, into !int!s Vid,!nGs&onne&tions with the 9an,ind (irst"ove"ent' They had %!st )e#!n +o,in#aro!nd$ and already t!rned !+ so"e hintso !nsavory a&tivity$ and now enara isdead'

 At that +oint$ the rest o the Sons troo+ in' All loo,sad$ an#ry$ and deter"ined$ and ea&h is ar"edand ar"ored in their old "ilitary #ear'

:ell, now that the rest of the lads are here,will you help us out13 

they re!se$ (araday a+olo#i<es or )otherin#the" and the Sons o Ule, leaveN @rol lo!dly"!tters 2ot all theyGre &ra&,ed !+ to )e$ ater 

allM as he #ets to the door' the +arty a#rees tohel+$ &ontin!e )elow'

2 knew we could count on you9 The way 2 seeit, there are a couple of things that need looking into- the crime scene itself, poor %enara’s body, and getting to the bottom of 

whatever it is that %enara wanted to know about Cuintus in the first place. 2 figure if wedivide up the investigations, we can get moredone. :e’ll meet here for lunch and sharewhat we’ve learned. (ow, would you prefer to

 poke around asking after Cuintus’ doings, or check out %enara’s house and the morgue13 

the Ps &hoose to loo, into !int!s Vid,!nGsa&tivities$ +ro&eed to En&o!nter (ive: Unwel&o"eVisitorsN i they +reer to &he&, o!t the &ri"es&ene and enaraGs )ody$ #o to En&o!nter Si7:ead ;o"en o Tell Tales$ instead'

En"ounter i)e0 'n7e$"o+eVisitors

The Sons o Ule, &an tell the Ps what little they,now a)o!t !int!s Vid,!n and his )!siness'

• The Vid,!n a"ily is a airly old line o 

"er&hants' Ater !int!s inherited the)!siness$ he has e7+anded into shi++in#and "ade a #ood deal o wealth$es+e&ially ater several o his "ain&o"+etitors s!ered set)a&,s over the+ast ew "onths'

• !int!s has a yo!n#er )rother who

s+ends "ost o his ti"e a)oard shi+' ?eis r!"ored to )e on a lon# voya#e to theSolnor o"+a&t'

• The Vid,!n shi++in# &o"+any has "ade

a n!")er o &harita)le donations over the+ast ew "onths$ in&l!din# a hos+ital or &ri++led soldiers$ a veteranGs relie !nd$ aso!+ ,it&hen in Th!nderstri,e$ and a new)!ildin# at 3ryra7 University'

(araday s!##ests that the "ost li,ely +la&es to#et answers are the hos+ital or as,in# aro!nd in

the +oorer *!arters o the &ity where veterans&on#re#ate'

Gent$e o7ers Hos#ita$

/ocated in a derelict neighborhood, thehospital stands out like a green tree in a dead forest. :ith its whitewashed walls and manicured lawn, it exudes a sense of healing.

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• D2 140  9y )rother al"ost #ot ,illed

ta,in# Strand,ee+ a ew wee,s )a&,$ )!this &o""ander &arried hi" o!t on his)a&,' So"eti"es thin, "y )rother or#ets that a dwar saved his lie when he#oes to those 9an,ind (irst "eetin#s'

• D2 150  the ;at&h tries to "ess with !sli,e they did the other day$ weGll )e ready't wonGt %!st )e la#s and si#ns$ this ti"e'

• D2 160  was s!r+rised at how "any

"er&hants and shi++in# &on&erns donGthave a sin#le shred o eelin# or the+li#ht o o!r +eo+le' ;eGve )oy&otted a)!n&h o the" !ntil they either went o!t o )!siness or started ,i&,in# in their air share'

• D2 430  A "an &o!ld earn #ood &oin#ettin# on the VeteranGs Relie (!nd' 2ot

"!&h to do e7&e+t +ay visits to "er&hantsand "a,e s!re theyGre #ivin# their air share to the str!##le'

• D2 450  yo! do a #ood %o) on

&olle&tions$ so"eti"es Vid,!n hires ol,son the Relie (!nd to hel+ strai#hten o!tol,s who are a#ainst the &a!se' ts not

 %!st the "oney$ its #ood to )estrai#htenin# o!t ol,s who %!st donGt!nderstand what 9an,ind (irst is alla)o!t

 As the +arty is headin# )a&, to the Thin,in# a+$they are inter&e+ted )y a #an# o th!#s sent to#ently dis&o!ra#e the +arty ro" &ontin!in# totro!)le itsel with enaraGs death' Pro&eed toEn&o!nter Seven: A S!)tle 9essa#e'

En"ounter Si:0 Dead Wo+enDo e$$ a$es

Denara;s House

enara lives with her sister$ ;ineth$ in a s"alltownho!se downtown' ;hen the +arty

a++roa&hes the ho!se$ they &an hear a stran#e$wet whirrin# so!nd and *!iet so))in# &o"in# ro"the )a&, #arden$ where ;ineth$ a +otter$ is tryin#to wor, at her wheel'

;ineth is *!ite distra&ted and doesnGt noti&e anyPs who de&ide to +rowl aro!nd' the +artyanno!n&es itsel$ she wi+es her eyes on a ra#Dleavin# a lar#e s"!d#e o &lay on her &hee,F andtries to )e +olite'

The back of the house, where the strangenoise came from, seems to be an outdoor 

 potter’s workshop. ! plump young woman is $ust rising from a potter’s wheel to greet you.%o<ens of pots, vases, and urns stand or lieabout the area, and a small brick kiln gives off waves of heat. The woman pats a stray hair back into place and looks at you with a faFadeof polite curiosity.

Good morning. 2s there anything 2 can helpyou with1 ! pot, perhaps13 

the Ps e7+lain that (araday had as,ed the" toinvesti#ate enaraGs death$ ;ineth sheds a ew"ore tears )!t a#rees to answer their *!estions'

as,ed or the story$ ;ineth "ana#es to #et o!tthe ollowin#:

/ast night %enara came home early. #he wasvery excited about throwing up on poor ?r.

urnstock. #he thought she was pregnant with Cuintus’ baby9 2 told her it was probably indigestion and that she should go to bed. 2 tucked her in tight, put a bucket where shecould reach it, and turned in myself.

(ext morning, one of %enara’s friends, +rol #tonefort, came by to check up on her. :hen2 went in to wake her, she wasshe was dead9 2 ran for a doctor and +rol went for the :atch,but it was too late. #he was already cold3 

Sear&hin# the area &an reveal a ew &l!es:

 A &hara&ter &he&,in# the ront door &an "a,e a

Sear&h &he&, D =0F to noti&e resh &ra&,s in the+aint near the )olt$ lat&h$ and &hain$ as i theywere thrown violently o+en' A S+ell&rat &he&,D ==F allows a P to re&o#ni<e this as ty+i&al o a kno+k  s+ell Dwhi&h !int!s !sed to #ain entry tothe ho!seN he relo&,ed the door ro" the inside$,illed enara$ then e7ited via a window$ !sin# theo*en5+lose &antri+ to sh!t it )ehind hi"'F ;inethswears the door was lo&,ed when @rol dro++ed )y'

Loo,in# aro!nd in enaraGs )edroo" reveals aew &l!es' A Sear&h &he&, D 15F !n&oversenaraGs diary in her des,N it is "ostly illed withson# lyri&s$ daydrea"s$ and re"inders or 

a++oint"ents$ )!t the "ost re&ent entry readsCuintus said the most disturbing thingsabout the dwarves last night. 2 think he may be a bit of a bigot. 2’ll keep my ears open, and ask dear +rol and the #ons to look into himfor me. 2 have a feeling he is hiding thingsfrom me.3 

 A P who "a,es a =5 S+ot &he&, &an noti&ethat one o the +illows is "!&h &leaner than the

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other' D!int!s !sed it to s!o&ate enara$ then!sed a *restidigitation &antri+ to &lean it !+'F

The )!&,et on the loor is layin# on its side)etween the )ed and the wall' as,ed$ ;ineth&lai"s that enara was still t!&,ed in ti#ht$ and&o!ldnGt have rea&hed the )!&,et witho!t

disarran#in# her )lan,etsN +l!s$ she see"s tore&all leavin# it nearer the door' D!int!s ,i&,edthe )!&,et over while ,illin# enara$ and didnGtthin, to re+la&e it'F

The window is &losed )!t not lat&hed' t does nothave any handles on the o!tside$ and there is noled#e or handhold to allow so"eone to &lose itro" the o!tside' The street is =0 eet )elow'D!int!s !sed a 2eat1er 2all  s&roll to %!"+ saely$then &losed the window with "a#i&'F

4verall$ there is not "!&h to learn at the ho!se$altho!#h very &lever +layers "ay ass!"e thatso"eone !se "a#i& to #ain entry and e7it'

.e !orgue

enara is laid o!t at the &ity "or#!e awaitin#&re"ation in the aternoon' A P "!st "a,e a 15 i+lo"a&y &he&, to &onvin&e 9erton$ theassistant !nderta,er$ to allow the" so"e +riva&yto say arewell to the dead'

the Ps !se "a#i& to interro#ate the &or+se$)ear in "ind that it #ets a save a#ainst the s+ell!nless the &aster is haoti& 3ood DenaraGs ;illsave is /F' ?er re&olle&tions o the ni#ht o her "!rder are:

She +eror"ed$ then "et the Sons o Ule, andtheir new riends' !int!s was at her show$ )!t)!sy every ti"e she tried to tal, to hi"' ?is newdo!)let was very latterin#$ his ar"s andsho!lders loo,ed "!&h "ore +ower!l in it' Shestarted her se&ond set$ #ot si&,$ threw !+ on 9r'!rnsto&,$ and went ho"e to tell ;inith she "i#ht)e +re#nant' ;o,e !+ to see a +illow loatin#over her a&e$ had tro!)le )reathin#$ )la&,ed o!t'Last thin# she heard was Th!s dies a trea&hero!s"istressM in )adly a&&ented An&ient S!loise'

9!ndane investi#ation &alls or a ?eal &he&,' U+to three &hara&ters "ay e7a"ine the &or+se at

on&e$ allowin# two Ps to atte"+t to assist the+ri"ary investi#ator' A 15 ?eal &he&, revealsthat she see"s to have s!ered an aller#i&rea&tion to so"ethin#$ while a =0 allows theinvesti#ator to deter"ine that her nose was)ro,en )eore she died$ )!t the )lood was &leanedaway very thoro!#hly' A =5 ?eal &he&, showsthat she was$ indeed$ s!o&ated to death )yso"eone +ressin# a sot o)%e&t over her a&e'

4n&e the +arty has learned all it &an at enaraGsho!se and the "or#!e$ they sho!ld head over tothe Thin,in# a+ to "eet !+ with the Sons o Ule,' 4n the way$ they #et waylaid a )and o th!#s !int!s sent to s&are o )!sy)odies'Pro&eed to En&o!nter J: A S!)tle 9essa#e

En"ounter Se)en0 A Su*t$e!essage

!int!s Vid,!n soon #ets word that ol,s areshowin# "ore o an interest in enaraGs deaththan he had ho+ed' n order to dis&o!ra#e +ryin#$he sends a )and o his VeteranGs Relie (!ndre&i+ients to warn away the Ps and the Sons o Ule,' Read or +ara+hrase the ollowin#:

)urrying back to the Thinking ;ap for your rende<vous with the #ons of Ulek, you find yourselves making your way down yet another 

street lined by decaying, abandoned houses.The war has broken up families throughout the country, but it seems that Gryrax hassuffered more than her share.

:ith thoughts like this in your mind, you almost don’t notice the small group rounding the corner up ahead. ! pair of men raisecrossbows from under their cloaks, while twoburly half*orcs strain to hold the leashes onsome vicious, snarling dogs.

9ilitary Ps "ay "a,e S+ot &he&,s D 15F tonoti&e that these th!#s still wear re"nants o their 

!nior"s$ altho!#h their e+a!lets and stri+es have)een ri++ed o' the +arty &ontains anydwarves$ #no"es$ or ?al lin#s$ read or +ara+hrase the ollowin#:

:e heard some stunties was pokin’ their beards into ?ankind =irst business. 2t’s timefor that to stop. The gate’s thataway, bethrough it by highsun. %on’t come back.3 

there are no dwarves$ #no"es$ or ?allin#s inthe +arty$ read or +ara+hrase the ollowin#:

@ou forgot your horsetail beards, dwarf* lovers9 :e don’t take kindly to spies pokin’ 

around in ?ankind =irst business. The gate’sthataway, be through it by highsun. %on’t come back.3 

The th!#s are "ore than ha++y to i#ht the +arty i the heroes re!se to leave town'


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7/21/2019 ULP5-06 - Signs and Portents 16/41 =4>0 ?!"an Ro#1>;ar1N h+ 16N see A**endi6 7ne

.ugs =4>0  ?-4r& )n1>;ar 1N h+ 1KN see A**endi6 7ne

Riding Dogs =4>0 h+ 1I ea&hN see Monster Manual +' =J=

 APL ? =EL @> =4>0 ?!"an Ro#=>;ar1N h+ ==N see A**endi6 7ne

.ugs =4>0  ?-4r& )n=>;ar 1N h+ =N see A**endi6 7ne

Worgs =4>0 h+ I0 ea&hN see Monster Manual +' =56

APL 6 =EL > =4>0 ?!"an Ro#/>;ar1N h+ I/N see A**endi6 7ne

.ugs =4>0  ?-4r& )n/>;ar 1N h+ /6N see A**endi6 7ne

Winter Wo$)es =4>0 h+ 51 ea&hN see Monster Manual +' =56

APL 13 =EL 11> =4>0 ?!"an Ro#6>;ar1N h+ /6N see A**endi6 7ne

.ugs =4>0  ?-4r& )n6>;ar 1N h+ J1N see A**endi6 7ne

Winter Wo$)es =<>0 h+ 51 ea&hN see Monster Manual +' =56

a"ti"s0 4ne o the ro#!es readies to interr!+t ana++arent &aster )y shootin# his hand &ross)ow$while the other tries or lan,s ro" the )ar)ariansor the ho!nds' The )ar)arians si& their do#s ons"all or wea,-loo,in# &hara&ters$ and !se Power 

 Atta&, to advanta#e a#ainst tri++ed ene"ies' Any#iven th!# lees i red!&ed to their nor"alhit+ointsN i hal the #an# is laid low witho!t havin#inli&ted si#nii&ant &as!alties on the +arty$ thea)andon any s!rvivin# do#s and ta,e to their heels'


 APL /: L: /J0 #+N : 0 #+N 9: +loak o2 resistan+e 89  D=N I #+ ea&hF: *otion o2 +ure)oderate 0ounds  D=N =5 #+ ea&hF: *otion o2 in,isibility 0ounds D=N =5 #+ ea&hF 

 APL 60 L: 1=0/ #+N : 0 #+N 9: 89 breast*lateD=N 11I #+ ea&hF$ 89 +1ain s1irt D=N 10/ #+ ea&hF$+loak o2 resistan+e 89 D=$ I #+ ea&hF: *otion o2 

bull’s strengt1 D=N =5 #+ ea&hF$  *otion o2 +ure)oderate 0ounds  D/$ =5 #+ ea&hF: *otion o2 in,isibility D=$ =5 #+ ea&hF$  +ollar o2 disguise D=N150 #+ ea&hN see A++endi7F

 APL :  L: 1J0 #+N : 0 #+N 9: 89 sa* D=N 1K=#+ ea&hF$ 89 greata6e D=N 1KI #+ ea&hF$ 89

breast*late D=N 11I #+ ea&hF$ 89 +1ain s1irt D=N 10/#+ ea&hF$ +loak o2 resistan+e 89 D=$ I #+ ea&hF:

 *otion o2 bull’s strengt1 D=N =5 #+ ea&hF$ *otion o2 +ure )oderate 0ounds D/$ =5 #+ ea&hF: *otion o2 in,isibility D=$ =5 #+ ea&hF$  +ollar o2 disguise D=N150 #+ ea&hN see A++endi7F

 APL 10: L: I50= #+N : 0 #+N 9: 89 sa* D=N 1K=#+ ea&hF$ 89 greata6e D=N 1KI #+ ea&hF$ 89breast*late D=N 11I #+ ea&hF$ 89 +1ain s1irt D=N 10/#+ ea&hF$ glo,es o2 de6terity 8; D=N III #+ ea&hF$

 *eria*t o2 1ealt1 8; D=N III #+ ea&hF$ +loak o2 resistan+e 89  D=$ I #+ ea&hF: *otion o2 bull’sstrengt1 D=N =5 #+ ea&hF$ *otion o2 +ure )oderate

0ounds D/$ =5 #+ ea&hF: *otion o2 in,isibility D=$ =5#+ ea&hF$ +ollar o2 disguise D/N 150 #+ ea&hN see


De)e$o#+ent0 any o the +layers twi# to the+ossi)ility that the Sons o Ule, "i#ht also )e atar#et$ and h!rry to &he&, !+ on the" Dnot waitin#to #et healed$ et&'F they arrive in ti"e to save Larsro" #ettin# ,illed' The a++earan&e o a se&ondor&e drives the s&o!ndrels to li#ht' Sho!ld the+arty de&ide to +!rs!e$ their *!arry are identi&al tothe th!#s sent to ri#hten the +arty'

Sho!ld the +layers not thin, to assist the Sons$ or dawdle a)o!t )eore doin# so$ they arrive %!st as@rol and 3erry +olish o the last th!#$ and(araday &la")erin# to his eet and r!shin# to sto+Lars ro" )leedin# to death' a Ps #ets to Larsin = ro!nds with either a +ure s+ell or a s!&&ess!l?eal &he&,$ he lives$ otherwise$ he )leeds o!t anddies'

?el+in# the Sons o Ule, deter"ines howee&tive they are as reinor&e"ents in the )attlea#ainst the Vid,!n twins and Unter Qa7 inEn&o!nter 11: Pra&ti&e 9a,es Pere&t'

En"ounter Eig.t0 Lun".

rea(4n&e the Ps and Sons o Ule, #et +at&hed !+ as)est as +ossi)le D(araday has a 0and o2 +ure lig1t 0ounds  he is willin# to !se on )adly wo!ndedPsF they &an swa+ inor"ation over l!n&h'

the Ps &he&,ed o!t enaraGs ho!se and&or+se$ the Sons o Ule, ,now that !int!s see"sto )e +ro+a#atin# an anti-dwar$ +ro-h!"an

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a#enda$ and has a #reat deal o inl!en&e in the9an,ind (irst "ove"ent' ?e also see"s to )e!sin# that +oliti&al "ove"ent to !rther his)!siness #oals'

the Ps &he&,ed o!t the hos+ital and 9an,ind(irst$ the Sons o Ule, ,now that enara was

deinitely s"othered to death$ and that so"eone#ot into the ho!se$ "ost li,ely )y "a#i&'

(araday theori<es that !int!s !sed a hiredassassin or &atGs-+aw to a&t!ally +eror" the"!rder$ as he was in +lain view o the +arty$ theSons o Ule,$ and hal the Ad"iralty d!rin# thewhole ti"e the "!rder &o!ld have o&&!rred'

;hile it sho!ld )e airly evident that !int!s is)ehind the "!rders$ so"ehow$ there is no realeviden&e to s!++ort a &onvi&tion' Pl!s$ as 3erryis *!i&, to +oint o!t$ the Vid,!ns are veryinl!ential$ and &o!ld li,ely wri##le o!t o a real&ase'

The Sons are still very an#ry$ and want nothin#less than to )eard the ,iller in his lair' They dotheir )est to tal, the +arty into hel+in# the" stor"the Vid,!n &o"+o!nd$ or at least their shi++in#oi&es'

3erry i#!res that any eviden&e o the Vid,!nGsatte"+ts to oster !nrest wo!ld )e at their oi&es$i they were anywhere$ while !int!s hi"sel wo!ld )e at his ho!se' ?e has )een ,nown towor, late$ however$ so it wo!ld )e )est to &over )oth +otentials' The Sons a#ain oer to s+litor&es: theyGll ta,e either the do&,s or the "anor$

whi&hever the +arty +reers' They s!##est anearly evenin# atta&,$ )!t are willin# to listen toalternate +lans' the +arty heads to the Vid,!n"anor$ +ro&eed to En&o!nter 2ine: ?o!se#!ests' they +reer to hit the shi++in# oi&e$ +ro&eed toEn&o!nter 10: Un+leasant S!rro!ndin#s'

the +arty de&ides to tr!st in the ;at&h and notdo anythin# else$ the Sons #o in on their own and#et sla!#htered$ and !int!s wri##les o!t o theli"sy &ase the Ps &an )!ild'

En"ounter Nine0

HouseguestsVid,!n 9anor stands on a s"all hill %!st east o 3ryra7' S!rro!nded )y orna"ental hed#es andstat!ary$ it oers no &hallen#e to Ps atte"+tin#to #et &lose' 3ettin# in is another "atter$however'

The "anor is a two-story$ U-sha+ed )!ildin#' Theeast win# holds the ,it&hens$ stora#e$ and

servants *!arters$ the west win# the a"ilyGs+rivate roo"s$ and the "ain ho!se &ontains the)allroo"$ dinin# roo"$ li)rary$ and #!est roo"s'

 All o the windows and doors$ with the e7&e+tiono the ront doors and #arden door$ are tra++ed'4+enin# a tra++ed +ortal witho!t disar"in# it

so!nds an alar" in the #!ardroo"$ as well as!int!sG and ToralGs *!arters '

A$ar+ ra#0 R W: "e&hani&alN to!&htri##erN "an!al resetN Sear&h 1APLNisa)le evi&e 15APL'

 All doors in the "anor are "ade o heavy wood'

Wooden Doors0 = in' thi&,$ hardness 5N h+=0N A 5N rea, =0'

.e 2i)i$i,ed Route

the Ps +resent the"selves at the ront door with a reasona)le story$ the +orter es&orts the" to

the Li)rary DRoo" 1-5F to s+ea, with ?yneral$ theVid,!nGs attorney' They are let alone or a)o!t 10"in!tes )eore he &ondes&ends to "eet with the"Das he has )een )!sy warnin# the ho!se #!ardsand #atherin# his toolsF' 2ote that el Ps whowander )ehind the )ar have a &han&e to noti&ethe se&ret door there'

 !fter about 75 minutes of cooling your heelson the rich leather couches in the >idkun’slibrary, the door finally opens to reveal aslender man with thinning pale hair, dressed in plain, but fine, professional robes. )eglances over each of you with an appraising 


?y apologies for the delay& we have been'uite busy aiding the oyal (avy intransporting war materiel east now that #trandkeep has been destroyed.

2 am )yneral, the >idkun family’s businessand legal advisor. 2 understand you havesome 'uestions for ?aster Cuintus1 2 will domy best to help you until he returns.3 

?yneralGs #oal is to dele&t the Ps investi#ationhowever he &an' ?e has &ons!"ed a  *otion o2 undete+table align)ent  )eore enterin#$ and is a

s,illed liar' Sho!ld any P )e#in &astin# a s+ell inhis +resen&e$ he ta,es i""ediate oense$ t!##in#on a )ell-+!ll to s!""on a #!ard to es&ort the+arty o!t'

?yneral ado+ts several ta&ti&s to derail theinvesti#ation:

• ri)ery: i$ ater a ew *!estions as to

why the +arty is involved at all$ ?yneral

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eels they are ater "oney$ he oers the"DAPL750F 3P as an in&entive to ind therealM "!rderer and )rin# hi" to %!sti&e'

• 4)!s&ation: i the Ps see" resistant to

)ri)ery Dor instan&e$ i there are +aladinsor other ri#hteo!s ty+es in the +artyF he

+ro+oses alternate theories o the &ri"e$relyin# on the Ps own o)servation o !int!sGM +resen&e at the a+tainGs 9astat the ti"e o enaraGs death' ?ynerals!##ests that @rol was inat!ated withenara$ and that !int!s had "entionedseein# the dwar han#in# aro!nd her +la&e "ore than on&e'

• Pro+riety: sho!ld he ind hi"sel !na)leto diss!ade or )ri)e the heroes$ ?yneralde"ands that his e"+loyer )e allowed toanswer any &har#es in a +ro+er &o!rt o lawN a res+e&ta)le "er&hant sho!ldnGt

need to res+ond to )!sy)odies or vi#ilantes' ?yneral +ro"ises that he willdeliver 9aster Vid,!nM to the hi#h &o!rtin the "ornin#$ where he will answer tothe le#iti"ate a!thorities'

• r!te (or&e: i ?yneral has e7ha!sted all

other o+tions$ he #oes )ehind the )ar to+o!r hi"sel a drin,$ li+s thro!#h his+a+ers to a s+roll o2 ra*id dee* slu)ber $and endeavors to +!t the +arty to slee+)eore leein# thro!#h the se&ret door'  he so"ehow "ana#es to ta,e o!t thewhole +arty$ he #athers to#ether so"e#!ards to )ind the heroes and &art the"o to the do&,s$ where they will )e sento to S&arlet rotherhood lands as slaves'4therwise$ this initiates a r!nnin# )attleN+ro&eed to The ?ard ;ay$M )elow'

Sho!ld ?yneral s!&&eed in diss!adin# the heroes$whether thro!#h &ash or s,ill!l tal,$ the Ps willnever hear ro" the Sons o Ule, a#ain$ as theywere destroyed )y the &reat!res #!ardin# theVid,!nsG se&ret san&t!"' they head down to thedo&,s that ni#ht$ +ro&eed to ootle##erGs R!n$M)elow' Unter Ra7 and the Vid,!ns &lear o!t their lair )y dawn$ &olla+sin# the t!nnels )ehind the"$so sho!ld the +arty wait too lon#$ they will loseany &han&e o dis&overin# the hidden )ase andthe inor"ation it holds'

.e Hard Wa%

Sho!ld the +arty de&ide to or&e their way in$snea, in$ or otherwise i#nore the &o""onr!les o so&iety$ they will a&e the ho!se#!ards$ as well as ?yneral and @i)er,$ a #!est

Toral had )ro!#ht )a&, ro" Rel Astra todis&!ss trade o+tions'

irst $oor 

1-1: (oyer-road ste+s lead !+ to a +air o ela)orately &arved do!)le doors' They arese&!red )y a 3ood lo&, D4+en Lo&,s I0F'The oyer itsel is *!ite o+!lent$ withhandso"e tea, +anelin#$ +olished )rassla"+s and &oat-ra&,s$ and a ine "!ralde+i&tin# the +ro#ression o the seasons onthe &eilin#' A +air o !nlo&,ed do!)le doorslead into the 3reat ?all'

1-=: 3reat ?all-This lar#e$ airy roo" isdo"inated )y a wide$ &!rvin# stair&aseleadin# !+' Li#ht is +rovided )y a #olden-h!ed do"ed s,yli#ht d!rin# the day$ and ah!#e &handelier ater dar,' The walls arede&orated with res&oes de+i&tin# wood- andwater-ny"+hs dis+ortin# in sylvan #lades'o!)le doors lead to the inin# Roo" andallroo"$ while s"aller doors +rovide entry tothe Li)rary and the Parlor'

1-I: inin# Roo": A h!#e$ oval ta)le anda&&o"+anyin# &hairs ill "ost o this roo"'Side)oards and servin# ta)les line the walls'The roo" is +lenti!lly s!++lied with s&ented&andela)ra and a +air o &handeliers$ )!t isonly lit on s+e&ial o&&asions' ;ide windows"a,e !+ the western wall$ +rovidin# a view o a +re&isely lands&a+ed lower #arden' A +air o doors in the north wall lead into the @it&hen'

1-/: allroo": A wide e7+anse o )la&,-and-white tiled loor &o"+rises "ost o this roo"'hairs and s"all ta)les line the walls$ and awide dais in the northwest &orner hold "!si&stands and &hairs or "!si&ians' 3lass doorsleadin# o!t the terra&e &an ee&tively do!)lethe si<e o the roo" in air weather' A se&retdoor DSear&h ==F in the north wall leads toa li#ht o stairs to the se&ond loor$ and to theServant !arters )eyond'

1-5: Li)rary: A &o"orta)le roo" with walls!ll o )oo,s D"ostly histories$ with a ew)oo,s o +oetry and e&ono"i& treatises

s&attered thro!#ho!tF and ine leather &o!&hes' A s"all$ well-sto&,ed )ar o&&!+iesone &orner o the roo"' There is a se&retdoor lo&ated in the north wall DSear&h ==Fleadin# to the Servant !arters'

1-6: rawin# Roo": This is a little-!sed roo"intended to )e a re!#e or the ladies o theho!se' The roo" hold )ri#htly-!+holstered&hairs and divans$ )oo,s o +oetry and

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ro"anti& sa#as$ as well as e")roidery hoo+sand other tools or #enteel handi&rats' Ase&ret door DSear&h ==F leads to theServant !arters'

1-J: @it&hen-This is a lar#e$ well-e*!i++ed,it&hen' A lon# &o!nter ills the &enter o the

loor$ and a lar#e oven and stove standsa#ainst the northern wall' A s"all door leadso!t to an her) #arden$ and another o+ens intothe Pantry'

1-a: Pantry: A ty+i&al +antry or a wealthy"anor ho!se$ this s"all roo" holds )!ndleso oodst!s$ )!n&hes o her)s$ and so on' Atra+ door &overs a stee+ li#ht o stairs leadin#down to the ;ine ellar and S+rin#ho!se' A&on&ealed tra+ door in the &eilin# DSear&h =5F leads !+ to !int!sG )edroo"'

1-): ;ine ellar: Tall ra&,s hold do<ens o )ottles o wine$ "any de&ades old' arrels o ale and wine stand alon# the so!th and eastwalls' A heavy stone door leads west into theS+rin#ho!se' n the so!thwest &orner$ a alseho#shead &on&eals DSear&h 1$ as!int!s had ailed to +ro+erly se&!re it )ehindhi"F the entran&e to a se&ret t!nnel r!nnin#so!th toward the o&,s'

1-&: S+rin# ?o!se: This roo" is noti&ea)ly&ooler than the rest o the ho!se$ than,s tothe )!))lin# s+rin# #!shin# !+ in the &orner'

 A snarl o +i+es &o"e down ro" the +!"+ inthe ,it&hen a)ove' The stone shelves are !llo &heeses$ "eats$ and other oodst!s'

1-K: Linen loset: This roo" &ontains the)lan,ets$ ta)le&loths$ &leanin# s!++lies$ andother "aterial ne&essary to "aintainin# awealthy ho"e'

1-10: ServantGs !arters: The &oo,$ the)!tler$ and the ho!se,ee+er all have +rivateroo"s here' The se&ret doors to areas 1-5and 1-6 are *!ite evident ro" this hallway' Adoor in the so!th wall leads to the a&, Stairs!+ to the se&ond loor' The servants are non-&o")atants and either &ower in their roo"s$or lee to et&h the ;at&h i the o++ort!nity

+resents itsel to do so saely' ?yneral hashad a &han&e to alert the ho!se #!ard$ onewaits in the hallway to &over the lawyerN theylan, and atta&, any Ps vent!rin# thro!#hthe se&ret door'

1-11: Stora#e: This &loset holds "ores!++lies'

1-1=: a&, Stairs: This li#ht o stairs allowsthe servants dis&reet a&&ess to the se&ondloor'

Se"ond $oor 

=-1: 3reat ?all: The )road$ swee+in# stairslet o!t onto a "e<<anine on the se&ond loor'

=-=: Solari!": A lon#$ narrow roo" with#lass walls$ the Solari!" &ontains &o"orta)le&hairs and aords an e7&ellent view o the&ity$ and the sea )eyond'

=-I: Unter Ra7G Roo": 4ri#inally a #!estroo"$ this )edroo" has )een altered to it its&!rrent residen&e' The only !rnit!rere"ainin# is a thin +allet$ a s"all &hestD&ontainin# only +lain &lothin#F$ and an ar"in#d!""y' The west wall holds an iron )ra<ier and a !ll &oal s&!ttleN the +laster )ehind the)ra<ier is s&or&hed as i it were re*!ently

sto,ed to very hi#h te"+erat!res' ehind as"all )atht!)$ a se&ret door in the north wallDSear&h ==F leads into !int!sG oi&e'

=-/: losets: These hold &loa,s$ )oots$ and&lothin# a++ro+riate to the resident o theroo" they are atta&hed to'

=-5: !int!sG Parlor: A s"all$ inti"ate roo"where !int!s "eets +eo+le when he want"ore +riva&y than the Li)rary aords' A door leads to his 4i&e$ and another to hisedroo"'

=-6: !int!sG 4i&e: A lavishly a++ointed

oi&e$ with a dar,wood des, a#ainst the westwall' Led#ers$ "aniests$ and other +a+erwor, litter the des,$ while )oo,s o tradelaws ro" vario!s &o!ntries stand on shelves'!int!s is &are!l to ,ee+ nothin#in&ri"inatin# hereN the only thin# thesere&ords rele&t is a #rowin# )!siness as theVid,!nGs &o"+etitors slowly #ive way' Ase&ret door DSear&h ==F in the so!th wallleads to Unter Ra7G roo"'

=-J: !int!sG edroo": An in&redi)lyl!7!rio!s )a&helorGs &ha")er$ with sil,en&!rtains$ h!#e o!r-+oster )ed$ and l!sh

&ar+etin#' A hidden tra+door in the loor DSear&h =5F leads to the Pantry$ )elow$while a se&ret door in the east wall DSear&h ==F leads into ToralGs *!arters' A )ell rin#shere i one o so"eone tri##ers a door or window alar"'

=-: ToralGs !arters: This s"all$ S+artanroo" holds a narrow )ed$ a s"all ar"oire$and a travelin# &hest Dwhi&h &ontains so"e

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na!ti&al &lothin#$ sea &harts$ and a &o"+assF' A se&ret door in the west wall DSear&h ==Fleads into !int!sG )edroo"' t a++ears thatwhoever lives here is still in the +ro&ess o "ovin# in' A s"all )ell rin#s here i one o the door or window alar"s is tri++ed'

=-K: arra&,s: A +lain roo" holdin# two )!n,)eds and o!r &hests' This is where the ho!se#!ards slee+ when o-d!ty'

=-10: 3!ardsG o""on Area: This irre#!larlysha+ed roo" hold a )attered &o!&h$ a ro!ndta)le$ and several &hairs' ;ine )ottles and+layin# &ards litter the ta)le$ as this is whereo-d!ty #!ards while away the ho!rs' Toralalso !ses this roo" to interview +otentialsailors and "er&hant "arines' The walls are&overed with dart)oards$ lewd wood&!ts$ andd!ty rosters' A )ell rin#s here i one o thedoor or window alar"s is tri++ed'

=-11: 3!ard o""anderGs Roo": Thiss"all$ +lain roo" is &!rrently !no&&!+ied$ as!int!s has dis+at&hed his #!ard &o""ander$R!alo$ to Easthaven on a "ission' t holds aneat )ed$ a s"all &hest D&ontainin# a little&lothin#F$ and a +ortrait o a at$ %olly-a&edhal-or& wo"an'

=-1=: Ar"ory and Stora#e: This roo" holds aew do<en &rates and )arrels$ &ontainin#shortswords and arrows$ res+e&tively'!ndles o +olear"s stand in the &orners$ andwooden shields lie neatly sta&,ed alon# thewalls' A se&ret door in the so!th wall DSear&h ==F leads to the a&, Stairs'

=-1I: a&, Stairs: This li#ht o stairs allowsthe servants dis&reet a&&ess to the irst loor'

 A se&ret door on the north wall o the landin#DSear&h ==F leads into the Ar"ory'

=-1/: 3!est Roo": This &o"orta)le roo" is&!rrently ho"e to @i)er,$ an envoy ro" Rel

 Astra' ?e is "ore than willin# to hel+ deendthe Vid,!nGs ho"e' he is alerted to the+resen&e o intr!ders$ he dons his ar"or and+re+ares to en#a#e ene"ies on the"e<<anine$ where he &an try to +!sh the"

over the railin# and !se the stairs to hisadvanta#e' @i)er,Gs roo" holds a travelin#&hest Dwhi&h &ontains &lothin#$ so"e *!iteela)orateF$ an ar"in# d!""y$ and a s"allshrine to ?e7tor' 4n the s"all des, aredo&!"ents detailin# +otential tradea#ree"ents )etween Vid,!n Shi++in# andso"ethin# &alled the Si7 Arrows Tradin#onsorti!"$M +ri"arily e7+ortin# ar"s andar"or and i"+ortin# l!7!ry #oods'


A$$ APLs

House Guards =4>0 ?!"an ;ar1N h+ KNsee A**endi6 9

APL < =EL <>

H%nera$0 ?!"an E7+1>Ro#1N h+ 1=N see A**endi6 9

Ki*er(0  ?!"an (trIN =N see A**endi6 9

APL ? =EL ?>

H%nera$0 ?!"an E7+1>Ro#IN h+ ==N see A**endi6 9

Ki*er(0  ?!"an (tr5N h+ //N see A**endi6 9

APL 6 =EL 6>

H%nera$0 ?!"an E7+1>Ro#5N h+ I=N see

 A**endi6 9

Ki*er(0  ?!"an (trJN h+ 60N see A**endi6 9

APL 13 =EL 13>

H%nera$0 ?!"an E7+1>Ro#JN h+ /=N see A**endi6 9

Ki*er(0  ?!"an (trKN h+ J6N see A**endi6 9

a"ti"s0 the Ps have +resented

the"selves as +ro+er #!ests$ ?yneral alerts@i)er, to the li,elihood o &onli&t$ andstations a #!ard in the hallway leadin# to theServant !arters' The other l!r,s in therawin# Roo"$ waitin# to r!sh in on the +artyin the Li)rary ro" ehind'

the Ps snea, in witho!t settin# o analar"$ ?yneral is wor,in# in the Li)rary$ the#!ards are &aro!sin# in their o""on Area$and @i)er, is +eror"in# his devotions in hisroo"' The &oo, is in the ,it&hen$ &leanin# !+$and )oth the )!tler and the "aid are in their *!arters'

the Ps set o an alar"$ one o the #!ards"oves to alert @i)er,$ while the other ta,esthe )a&, stairs to et&h ?yneral' The lawyer sends the )!tler to et&h the ;at&h$ and ta,eshis #!ard !+stairs$ where they +e++er Ps inthe 3reat ?all with "issile ire !ntil hel+arrives'

2ote that ?yneral only &alls or the a!thoritiesi he does not ,now that the Ps are the

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atta&,ers' ?e wo!ld +reer to ,ill the" thanhave the" &arted o )y the ;at&h$ who wo!lddo!)tless as, so"e !n&o"orta)le *!estions'


 APL /: L: 5= #+ : 9: 0and o2 s1o+king gras* DL=$ =5 &har#es$ 6I #+F$ s+roll o2 barkskin D1I #+F: s+roll o2 dee* slu)ber DwithRa+id S+ell eat$ L J-see A++endi7N 5 #+F$s+roll o2 dis*la+e)ent DI1 #+F: s+roll o2 lig1tning bolt DI1 #+F: s+roll o2 )age ar)or D=#+F: s+roll o2 *1antas)al assailants DA +'11J$ see A++endi7N 1I #+F$ s+roll o2 ray o2 en2eeble)ent DL IN 6 #+F$ *otion o2 +ure lig1t 0ounds D/N / #+ ea&hF 

 APL 6: L: 0 #+ : 9: 89 1ea,y 2lail D1KI#+F: 0and o2 s1o+king gras* DL=$ =5&har#es$ 6I #+F$ 0and o2 sound burst D15&har#esN 11I #+F$ s+roll o2 barkskin D1I #+F:s+roll o2 dee* slu)ber Dwith Ra+id S+ell eat$L J-see A++endi7N 5 #+F$ s+roll o2 dis*la+e)ent DI1 #+F: s+roll o2 lig1tning bolt DI1 #+F: s+roll o2 )age ar)or D= #+F: s+roll o2 

 *1antas)al assailants DA +' 11J$ see A++endi7N 1I #+F$ s+roll o2 ray o2  en2eeble)ent DL IN 6 #+F$ *otion o2 +ure lig1t 0ounds D/N / #+ ea&hF

 APL : L: 1=1 #+ : 9: 89 1ea,y 2lail D1KI#+F: 89 2ull *late D==1 #+F$ ring o2 *rote+tion89 D16J #+F$ 0and o2 )agi+ )issile < L J$ =5&har#esN =1K #+F  0and o2 s1o+king gras*DL=$ =5 &har#es$ 6I #+F$ 0and o2 sound burst D15 &har#esN 11I #+F$ s+roll o2 barkskinD1I #+F: s+roll o2 dee* slu)ber Dwith Ra+idS+ell eat$ L J-see A++endi7N 5 #+F$ s+roll o2 dis*la+e)ent DI1 #+F: s+roll o2 lig1tning bolt DI1 #+F: s+roll o2 )age ar)or D= #+F: s+roll o2 

 *1antas)al assailants DA +' 11J$ see A++endi7N 1I #+F$ s+roll o2 ray o2  en2eeble)ent DL IN 6 #+F$ *otion o2 +ure lig1t 0ounds D/N / #+ ea&hF$  *otion o2 *rote+tion2ro) +1aos D/ #+F'

 APL 10: L: =156 #+ : 9: 89 s0ee*ing 1ea,y 2lail DAE3$ +' K-see A++endi7N 6KI#+F: 89 2ull *late D==1 #+F$ +ir+let o2 

 *ersuasion DIJ5 #+F$ ring o2 *rote+tion 89 D16J#+F$ 0and o2 )agi+ )issile < L J$ =5 &har#esN=1K #+F  0and o2 s1o+king gras* DL=$ =5&har#es$ 6I #+F$ 0and o2 sound burst D15&har#esN 11I #+F$ s+roll o2 barkskin D1I #+F:s+roll o2 dee* slu)ber Dwith Ra+id S+ell eat$L J-see A++endi7N 5 #+F$ s+roll o2 dis*la+e)ent DI1 #+F: s+roll o2 lig1tning bolt DI1 #+F: s+roll o2 )age ar)or D= #+F: s+roll o2 

 *1antas)al assailants DA +' 11J$ see

 A++endi7N 1I #+F$ s+roll o2 ray o2  en2eeble)ent DL IN 6 #+F$ *otion o2 +ure lig1t 0ounds D/N / #+ ea&hF$  *otion o2 *rote+tion2ro) +1aos D/ #+F':

De)e$o#+ent0 Sho!ld the Ps +rovetri!"+hant$ they sho!ld$ i they are thoro!#h$

event!ally ind the se&ret t!nnel in the ;ineellar and "a,e their way to the Se&retSan&t!"' The lon#$ eat!reless t!nnel #oesso!th or *!ite a way$ then ends at a st!rdy$)!t !nlo&,ed$ wooden door' Pro&eed toEn&o!nter 1='

they donGt ind the se&ret t!nnel$ or aredriven o )y the #!ards and>or the ;at&h$ theSons o Ule, "iss the rende<vo!s at theThin,in# a+' The Ps "ay +ro&eed toootle##erGs R!nM i they "ove )eore dawn$otherwise$ Ra7 and the Vid,!ns &over their tra&,s and &olla+se the t!nnels'

En"ounter en0 /i"e S#a"e !ccording to =araday, the >idkun #hipping offices are located at the head of their privatedock, along with their warehouse. :ith thetide going out to sea, the docks are 'uieter than usual, sailors, stevedores and dockhandshaving taken their shouts and shoves to theinns and taverns across the bay.

 ! low fence surrounds a small compound ahead, consisting of a pair of warehouses and a single*story office. The large, painted sign

 proclaims it to be the >idkun Trading head'uarters. There is a single guard,snoring on a stool with his feet propped up ona crate.

The #!ard on d!ty is so!ndly aslee+N Ps "ayatte"+t to snea, )y hi" with a #ood &han&e o s!&&ess Da++ly a -10 +enalty to his Listen &he&,F'

awa,ened$ whether on +!r+ose or a ailedatte"+t to sli+ +ast$ the #!ard sho!ts or everyoneto leave$ threatenin# to &all the ;at&h on anyonewho dawdles' ?e tries to lee i atta&,ed$ )!ti#hts i &ornered'


A$$ APLs =EL B>

House Guard0 ?!"an ;ar1N h+ KN see A**endi6 9'


 All APLs: L: 50 #+ : 0 9:  *otion o2 +ure lig1t 0ounds D= #+F'

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&he&,s to avoid allin# da"a#e' The walls o theshat are ro!#h$ nat!ral stone Dli") =0F' Thet!nnel and the &ave )eyond are !nlit'

The t!nnel )eyond is 5G wide and a)o!t G hi#h'4&&asional &ra&,s in the walls tri&,le sea water into the t!nnel$ leavin# the loor !nder a)o!t an

in&h o water' Al#ae #rows alon# the lower hal o the walls'

1: loa, Roo": A)o!t halway alon# the t!nnel$there is a &on&ealed door in the east wall DSear&h =0APLF' t slides o+en to reveal a s"allroo" that holds several sets o &lothin# and as"all shel' At the "o"ent$ there is a no)leGso!tit and a travelerGs o!titN !int!s and Toral&han#ed into the "on, o!tits that are !s!ally ,e+there on their way to "eet Ra7' There is also as"all al&ove holdin# =  *otions o2 +ure lig1t 0ounds and = s+rolls o2 s*ider +li)b:  whi&h!int!s !ses to )y+ass the #!ardian &reat!res

ahead' At APLs 6 and $ a &!rio!s ear"!-li,e&ontra+tion rests on a hoo,$ ne7t to = "ore e"+tyhoo,s DThe Vid,!ns and Ra7 !se these ite"s or +rote&tion a#ainst the #i))erin# "o!therN any&hara&ter who wears one is ee&tively eaenedF'

=: The 3a!ntlet: The t!nnel ends in a sheer dro+des&endin# a)o!t 15G to )la&, water' A thi&,et o )ar)ed iron s+i,es rin# the entran&e and e7it o this roo"$ "eant to +revent the &reat!res withinro" &li")in# into the t!nnels' The roo" )eyondis a lar#e$ nat!ral &avern a)o!t I0G ro" loor to&eilin#$ whi&h is &overed in a)o!t 5G o in,y water'S!s+ended ro" the &eilin# )y thi&, ro+es are a

series o 6M wide )ea"s$ or"in# a +re&ario!s+athway a&ross the &ha")er Dalan&e 15 to&rossF' hara&ters who all o the )ea"s s!er 1d6 nor"al and 1d6 non-lethal da"a#e$ as thewater &!shions so"e o the )low'

9edi!" si<e &reat!res in the water "ay wal, athal s+eed or swi"N S"all &reat!res "!st swi"'The ilthy "orass +rovides total &on&eal"ent to&reat!res )eneath the s!ra&e$ and &on&eals the+iles o )ones let ro" the #!ardian "onstersG"eals D#oats and shee+ &arried in )y Ra7F' Any&hara&ter wal,in# thro!#h the water has a 1 in 6&han&e o ste++in# on a shar+ )one Dtreat as

&altro+sF +er ro!nd' (inally$ any &hara&ter whota,es +ier&in# or slashin# da"a#e Dor )lood drainFwhile in the water "ay &ontra&t (ilth (ever D(ort 1= to resistN see DMG +' =K=F'

There are also "onstro!s #!ardians +rote&tin#this ro!te' reat!res with a li") s+eed "ayatta&, &hara&ters on the )ea"s ro" the areas"ar,ed XM' !int!s and Toral !s!ally distra&t the&reat!res )y tossin# a )it o ood at the"'

4n the ar side o the &ha")er is another sheer &li rin#ed with s+i,es Dli") =5FN the last 5G o the &li") s!)%e&ts the &li")er to 1d/ s+i,es Dtreatas &altro+s$ e7&e+t that rather than s!erin#red!&ed s+eed on a ailed Rele7 save$ the&hara&ter s!ers a -1 +enalty to atta&, rolls andother &he&,s involvin# the handsF'

 A st!rdy door allows enran&e to the San&t!")eyondN it is neither lo&,ed nor )arred'


APL < =EL <>

2arrion 2ra7$er0 h+ 1KN see Monster Manual +' I1'

APL ? =EL ?>

Gi**ering !out.er0  h+ /=N see Monster Manual +' 1=6

2arrion 2ra7$er0 h+ 1KN see Monster Manual +' I1

APL 6 =EL 6>

Gi**ering !out.ers =4>0  h+ /= ea&hN seeMonster Manual +' 1=6

/".re Ce$$%0 h+ 6KN see Monster Manual +'=0=

APL 13 =EL 13>

Lee".7a$(er0 h+ KJN see A**endi6 9


 All APLs: L: 0 : =0 #+N 9: 89 dagger D1K= #+F:89 )it1ral +1ain s1irt D1J5 #+F= He0ard’s 1andy 1a,ersa+k D16J #+F: ,est o2 es+a*e D/II #+F

=a: Led#e: 4n the east wall$ a)o!t 10G a)ove theloor$ is a s"all led#e$ &ontainin# the #nawed-on&or+se o a ha+less a#ent o the ;e)$ ,illed whileinvesti#atin# r!"ors o the Vid,!ns )ein#s"!##lers' ?e "ana#ed to &li") !+ to the led#e)eore s!&&!")in# to his wo!nds' So"e o his#ear is still !sea)leN he also has a &oded %o!rnal'

I: The P!rii&ation Roo": This s"all roo" holds

a +air o straw "ats$ a )arrel o water$ and a lit)ra<ier whi&h ills the area with sweet-s"ellin#s"o,e' A +lain )eaded &!rtain se+arates theP!rii&ation Roo" ro" the San&t!" +ro+er'Stealthy &hara&ters "ay )e a)le to overhear Unter Ra7 )eratin# !int!s and Toral in An&ientS!loiseN &hara&ters who &an !nderstand thatlan#!a#e &an #ather that he is disa++ointed in!int!sG &hildishly ine+t "!rder +lot$ and that he is

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rethin,in# his de&ision to +la&e so "!&h +ower inhis hands'

Ra7$ !int!s$ and Toral are all distra&ted D-5+enalty on S+ot and Listen &he&,s$ )!ti""ediately noti&e any &hara&ter enterin# theroo" Deven invisi)lyF d!e to the &latterin# o the

)eaded &!rtain as they +ass'


En"ounter 140 .e Se"retSan"tu+

;hether the +arty &o"es ro" the Vid,!n "anor$or the shi++in# oi&es$ their +ath event!ally ta,esthe" here'

4n&e the Ps "ove thro!#h the &!rtains into theSan&t!" itsel$ read or +ara+hrase the ollowin#'

This large, irregular chamber is roughly I5’ across at its widest points. :hile the wallsand 78’ ceiling are still rough, the floor hasbeen worked smooth. #moking torchesspaced evenly around the walls provide light,as do the magical glows coming from statuesnear the east and west walls

To the east, a small alcove holds a grotes'uestatue of a demon*faced, bat*eared manholding a flaming sword and fiery whip.

 A @nowled#e: Reli#ion &he&, D 15F will allow a

P to re&o#ni<e this as a de+i&tion o Pyre"i!s$S!el deity o ire$ "!rder$ and reven#e' Pyre"i!sis also one o the avored #ods o the S&arletrotherhood'

%irectly ahead is a wide, sandy circle, similar to a wrestling ring. eyond that is a beaded curtain, much like the one you $ust passed through.

To the west, a long trench divide the room. 2t runs into a wider open pit holding a number of 

 posts of varying heights, each about J3 thick.

"n the far side of the trench are a pair of 

statues atop a dais. They portray a man and woman who exemplify the #uel race- well* built, with high foreheads, narrow noses, and 

 pointed chins. Their golden hair shines with amagical glow, as do their sapphire*blue eyes.The man holds a book on his outstretched 

 palms, while the woman holds a bowl.

efore the dais are three men, who seem tohave been arguing before you entered. The

two younger men are almost identical inappearance, with golden hair and classically handsome features. @ou last saw that face at the ;aptain’s ?ast, speaking with an admiral while %enara performed. They are attired insimple monastic robes.

The third man is older, with a shaved head and hawk*like features. )is eyes seem to burnwith a crimson flame. )e barks something inan archaic*sounding language, then settlesback with his arms folded. The twins leap toattack9 

hara&ters who s+ea, An&ient S!loise &an!nderstand what Unter Ra7 says: Yo! have)ro!#ht yo!r own +!nish"ent !+on yo!rsel' @illthe intr!ders to +rove yo!rsel worthy o yo!r )loodM

 A: Shrine: A lar#e stat!e o Pyre"i!s ills thisal&ove' t holds a sword and a whi+ en&hantedwith +ontinual 2la)e s+ells in its hands$ and a lon#)ra<ier at its eet hold the ash and sla# o )!rntoerin#s' A se&ret door is hidden )ehind thestat!e DSear&h ==F that leads to the &ellars o the Lordshi+ o the sles e")assy'

: ;restlin# Pit: This is a )road$ shallow )owl$illed with ine sand' The rin# is &onsideredii&!lt terrain'

: Tren&h and Poles: The tren&h is 5G a&ross and10G dee+' The wider area has a n!")er o +oles+lanted in the loor$ their lat to+s set at varyin#hei#hts' A &hara&ter "ay "ove a&ross the +oles

at hal s+eed )y "a,in# a alan&e &he&, D 15F'

: ais: A +air o handso"e stat!es$ en&hantedwith +ontinual 2la)e s+ells on their hair and eyesto draw attention to the S!elGs "ost deinin#&hara&teristi&s' The "ale stat!e holds a &o+y o the Gri)oire Ar+ana)a+1a$ while the wo"anholds a silver )owl o +!re water'

E: overed Pits: These areas are &on&ealed +ittra+s' Ra7$ !int!s$ and Toral all ,now wherethey are and avoid the"$ )!t they "ay try to l!reor +!sh ene"ies into the"' 2ote that elves anddwarves +assin# within 5G o this tra+ "ay noti&e itwith a +assive Sear&h &he&,'

S#i(ed Pit ra#0 R =N "e&hani&alN lo&ationtri##erN "an!al resetN =0 Rele7 save avoidsN=0G dee+ D=d6$ allFN +it s+i,es DAt, 10 "elee$1d/ s+i,es or 1d/= ea&hFN Sear&h 1Nisa)le evi&e 15'

(: Stron#)o7: A heavy iron sae stands in this&orner' t &ontains "any do&!"ents +ointin# toS&arlet rotherhood iniltration o the Prin&i+alityN

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details o &ri"inal a&tivities and es+iona#e+eror"ed thro!#h the 9an,ind (irst "ove"entNand eviden&e showin# that the Lordshi+ o thesles e")assy is a&tively involved in s"!##lin#s+ies and inor"ation a&ross the )order' naddition to its 3ood lo&, D4+en Lo&,s I0F$ thesae is also +rote&ted )y a 2ire tra*$ whi&hdestroys the +a+ers inside as well as in%!rin# awo!ld-)e thie'

Iron Sae0 / in' thi&,$ hardness 10N h+ 1=0N A 5Nrea, I5'

ire ra#0 R IN s+ellN s+ell tri##erN no resetNs+ell ee&t D2ire tra*$ Ird  level dr!id$ 1d/I ire$ 1I Rele7 save hal da"a#eFN Sear&h =JNisa)le evi&e =J'


APL < =EL @>

8uintus Vid(un0 9ale h!"an DS!elF Ari1>Sor=N h+ =0N see A**endi6 9

ora$ Vid(un0 9ale h!"an DS!elFSwash)!&,ler=N h+ N see A**endi6 9

'nter Ra:0 9ale h!"an DS!elF9on,=>(tr=>(avored So!l=N h+ N see A**endi6 9

APL ? =EL >

8uintus Vid(un0 9ale h!"an DS!elF Ari1>Sor/Nh+ I0N see A**endi6 9

ora$ Vid(un0 9ale h!"an DS!elF9n,=>Swash)!&,ler=N h+ N see A**endi6 9

'nter Ra:0 9ale h!"an DS!elF9on,=>(tr=>(avored So!l=>Sa&red (ist=N h+ N see

 A**endi6 9

APL 6 =EL 11>

8uintus Vid(un0 9ale h!"an DS!elF Ari1>Sor6Nh+ /0N see A**endi6 9

ora$ Vid(un0 9ale h!"an DS!elF9n,=>Swash)!&,ler/N h+ N see A**endi6 9

'nter Ra:0 9ale h!"an DS!elF9on,=>(tr=>(avored So!l=>Sa&red (ist/N h+ N see

 A**endi6 9

APL 13

8uintus Vid(un0 9ale h!"an DS!elF Ari1>SorNh+ 50N see A**endi6 9

ora$ Vid(un0 9ale h!"an DS!elF9n,=>Swash)!&,ler5>S!el Ar&ana"a&h1N h+ N see

 A**endi6 9

'nter Ra:0 9ale h!"an DS!elF9on,=>(tr=>(avored So!l=>Sa&red (ist6N h+ N see

 A**endi6 9


 APL /: L: : 9: bra+ers o2 ar)or 89 DI #+F$0and o2 )agi+ )issile DLI$ I0 &har#esN 11I #+F

 APL 6: L: : 9: bra+ers o2 ar)or 89 DI #+F$+loak o2 resistan+e 89 DI #+F$ 0and o2 )agi+ )issile DLI$ I0 &har#esN 11I #+F$ 0and o2 ray o2 en2eeble)ent D6I #+F

 APL : L: : 9: bra+ers o2 ar)or 89 DI #+F$+loak o2 resistan+e 89 DI #+F$ lesser )eta)agi+ rod o2 silent s*ell D=50 #+F$ 0and o2 )agi+ )issileDLI$ I0 &har#esN 11I #+F$ 0and o2 ray o2 en2eeble)ent D6I #+F

 APL 10:

De)e$o#+ent0 the +arty inds the se&ret door )ehind the stat!e o Pyre"i!s$ they will ind itleads to a eat!reless t!nnel that leads east or *!ite a distan&e' t event!ally ends at a heavyiron door' t is )arred ro" the ar side'

Sho!ld the +arty "a,e it thro!#h the door$ theyind the"selves in a well-sto&,ed wine-&ellar'  they or&ed their way in$ they ind the"selves atthe &enter o a &ir&le o h!"an #!ards"enwearin# the &olors o the Lordshi+ o the sles$ as

well as a +air o dwarves in the !nior" o the Ada"antine 3!ard' ;hatever e7+lanations the+arty oers$ they are ro!#hly es&orted o the+re"ises Daltho!#h the Ada"antine 3!ards"ando whis+er their interest in hearin# the Ps storylaterF'

?eroes who "ana#e to #et +ast the door *!ietly"ay snea, a)o!t or a )it$ soon learnin# that theyare in the Lordshi+ o the sles e")assy' Thei"+li&ations o a se&ret t!nnel &onne&tin# these&ret head*!arters o a S&arlet rotherhood &elland the e")assy sho!ld )e o)vio!s'

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A##endi: /ne NP2s

A$$ APLs

 En"ounter Nine

House Guard0 9ale h!"an ;ar1N R 1>=N 9edi!" h!"anoid Dh!"anFN ? 1d1N ?P KN nit 0N S+d=0GN A 1J$ to!&h 10$ lat-ooted 1J D5 &hain "ail$ = heavy steel shieldFN A>3r+ 1>=N At, I "eleeD1d1>1K-=0 9; lon#swordF or = ran#ed D1d10>1K-=0$ heavy &ross)owFN (!ll At, I "elee D1d1>1K-=0 9; lon#swordF or 1 ran#ed D1d10>1K-=0$ heavy &ross)owN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN AL 2N SV (ort I$ Re 0$ ;ill 0N Str 1I$ e7 11$ on 1=$ nt 10$ ;is 10$ ha '

'kills and -eats. nti"idate I$ Listen /$ S+ot /N Alertness$ ;ea+on (o&!s: Lon#sword

Possessions. 9; Lon#sword$ heavy &ross)ow$ 10 9; )olts$ &hain "ail$ heavy steel shield$  *otiono2 +ure lig1t 0ounds

P1ysi+al Des+ri*tion: A stolid-loo,in# ellow in +olished ar"or and livery$ this #!ard &arries hi"sel with the air o a trained soldier'


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En"ounter Se)en 9ale h!"an Ro#1>;ar1N R 1N 9edi!" h!"anoid Dh!"anFN ? 1d1d6/N ?P 16N nit =NS+d I0GN A 16$ to!&h 1=$ lat-ooted 1/ D= e7$ / 9; &hain shirtFN A>3r+ 1>1N At, = "eleeD1d6>7= nonlethal$ 9; sa+F or I ran#ed D1d/>1K-=0$ hand &ross)owFN (!ll At, = "elee D1d6>7=nonlethal$ 9; sa+F or I ran#ed D1d/>1K-=0$ hand &ross)owFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA snea, atta&, 1d6N

S tra+indin#N AL 2EN SV (ort 5$ Re 5$ ;ill 0N Str 10$ e7 15$ on 1/$ nt 1I$ ;is $ ha 1=''kills and -eats. l! 5$ i+lo"a&y 5$ Es&a+e Artist 5$ 3ather nor"ation 5$ nti"idate 5$

8!"+ I$ Listen I$ Proession: Soldier I$ Slei#ht o ?and 5$ S+ot I$ T!")le 5N o")at E7+ertise$"+roved (eint

Possessions. 9; sa+$ hand &ross)ow$ 10 )olts$ 9; &hain shirt$ +loak o2 resistan+e 89$  *otion o2 in,isibility '

P1ysi+al Des+ri*tion: A slender h!"an o "i7ed des&ent$ wearin# an old Royal Ar"y &loa, over anew set o +lain &lothes' ?a##ard eyes and a wan &o"+le7ion hint at hard ti"es that re&ent +ros+erityhas yet to erase'

.ug0 9ale hal-or& )n1>;ar1N R1N 9edi!" h!"anoid Dor&FN ? 1d1=1d/N ?P 1KN nit 1N S+d

I0GN A 16$ to!&h 11$ lat-ooted 15 D1 e7$ 5 9; )reast+lateFN A>3r+ =>5N At, 6 "eleeD1d1=/>7I$ 9; #reata7eFN (!ll At, 6 "elee D1d1=/>7I$ 9; #reata7eFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA ra#eNS dar,vision 60G$ ast "ove"entN AL EN SV (ort 6$ Re 1$ ;ill 1N Str 1J$ e7 1I$ on 1/$ nt 6$;is 1=$ ha '

'kills and -eats. ?andle Ani"al /$ nti"idate /N Power Atta&,'

Possessions. 9; #reata7e$ 9; )reast+late$ *otion o2 +ure )oderate 0ounds

P1ysi+al Des+ri*tion.  A stereoty+i&al e7a"+le o a hal-or& who has s!&&!")ed to his )estial side$this th!##ish individ!al is !n,e"+t$ "!s&le-)o!nd$ and s&arred' ?e wears a &hea+ s!it o #a!dy &lothin#and wears several ostentatio!s rin#s and ne&,la&es'

En"ounter Nine

H%nera$0 9ale h!"an DS!elF E7+1>Ro#1N R 1N 9edi!" h!"anoid Dh!"anFN ? =d6=N ?P 1=N nit 1NS+d I0GN A 1J$ to!&h 11$ lat-ooted 16 D1 e7$ / )age ar)or $ = nat!ralFN A>3r+ 0>-1N At, -1"elee D1d/-1>1K-=0 da##erF or 1 ran#ed D1d/-1>1K-=0$ da##erFN (!ll At, -1 "elee D1d/-1>1K-=0 da##erFor 1 ran#ed D1d/-1>1K-=0$ da##erFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA snea, atta&, 1d6N AL LEN SV (ort 1$ Re I$ ;ill =N Str $ e7 1I$ on 1=$ nt 1/$ ;is 10$ ha 15'

'kills and -eats. l! J$ e&i+her S&ri+t J$ i+lo"a&y K$ 3ather nor"ation J$ @nowled#e:Lo&al J$ Proession: Lawyer 5$ Sense 9otive 5$ S+ell&rat K$ Use 9a#i& evi&e 1=N 9a#i&al

 A+tit!de$ S,ill (o&!s: Use 9a#i& evi&e

Possessions. da##er$ 0and o2 s1o+king gras* D=5 &har#es$ L=F: s+roll o2 barkskin DLIF: s+roll o2 dee* slu)ber Dwith Ra+id S+ell eatN L JFN s+roll o2 dis*la+e)ent DL5F: s+roll o2 lig1tning bolt DL5F:s+roll o2 )age ar)or DL1F: s+roll o2 *1antas)al assailant DLIF: s+roll o2 ray o2 en2eeble)ent DLIF:

 *otion o2 +ure lig1t 0ounds

P1ysi+al Des+ri*tion: A +ale-s,inned$ slender "an with thinnin# )londe hair and +ier&in# )l!e eyes'?yneral wears +lainly &!t )!t well-"ade +roessional #ar)'

>a+ti+s. ?yneral atte"+ts to !se his store o "a#i&al devi&es in &o")at$ +reerrin# to !se his 0and o2 s1o+king gras* on a lan,ed ene"y' ?e has s!&&ess!lly a&tivated his 0and o2 s1o+king gras* in the+ast$ so he #ains an additional = on his Use 9a#i& evi&e &he&,s to o+erate it' ?yneralGs st!dy o S+ell&rat and e&i+her S&ri+t #rant hi" an additional / )on!s to a&tivate s&rolls' ?e has already !seds&rolls o )age ar)or and barkskin on hi"sel )eore he "eets the +arty'

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'kills and -eats. ?andle Ani"al 5$ nti"idate 5N ron ;ill$ Power Atta&,

Possessions. 9; #reata7e$ 89 breast*late$  *otion o2 bull’s strengt1: *otion o2 +ure )oderate0ounds

P1ysi+al Des+ri*tion.  A stereoty+i&al e7a"+le o a hal-or& who has s!&&!")ed to his )estial side$this th!##ish individ!al is !n,e"+t$ "!s&le-)o!nd$ and s&arred' ?e wears a &hea+ s!it o #a!dy &lothin#and wears several ostentatio!s rin#s and ne&,la&es'

En"ounter Nine

H%nera$0 9ale h!"an DS!elF E7+1>Ro#IN R IN 9edi!" h!"anoid Dh!"anFN ? /d6/N ?P ==N nit 1NS+d I0GN A 1J$ to!&h 11$ lat-ooted 16 D1 e7$ / )age ar)or $ = nat!ralFN A>3r+ =>1N At, 1"elee D1d/-1>1K-=0 da##erF or I ran#ed D1d/-1>1K-=0$ da##erFN (!ll At, 1 "elee D1d/-1>1K-=0 da##erFor I ran#ed D1d/-1>1K-=0$ da##erFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA snea, atta&, =d6N S evasion$ tra+ sense1N AL LEN SV (ort =$ Re /$ ;ill IN Str $ e7 1I$ on 1=$ nt 1/$ ;is 10$ ha 16'

'kills and -eats. l! 10$ e&i+her S&ri+t K$ i+lo"a&y 1=$ 3ather nor"ation 10$ @nowled#e:Lo&al K$ Proession: Lawyer J$ Sense 9otive J$ S+ell&rat 11$ Use 9a#i& evi&e 15N o")atE7+ertise$ 9a#i&al A+tit!de$ S,ill (o&!s: Use 9a#i& evi&e

Possessions. da##er$ 0and o2 s1o+king gras* D=5 &har#es$ L=F: 0and o2 sound burst DL I$ 15&har#esF$  s+roll o2 barkskin DLIF: s+roll o2 dee* slu)ber Dwith Ra+id S+ell eatN L JFN s+roll o2 dis*la+e)ent DL5F: s+roll o2 lig1tning bolt DL5F: s+roll o2 )age ar)or DL1F: s+roll o2 *1antas)al assailant DLIF: s+roll o2 ray o2 en2eeble)ent DLIF: *otion o2 +ure lig1t 0ounds

P1ysi+al Des+ri*tion: A +ale-s,inned$ slender "an with thinnin# )londe hair and +ier&in# )l!e eyes'?yneral wears +lainly &!t )!t well-"ade +roessional #ar)'

>a+ti+s. ?yneral atte"+ts to !se his store o "a#i&al devi&es in &o")at$ +reerrin# to !se his 0and o2 s1o+king gras* on a lan,ed ene"y' ?e has s!&&ess!lly a&tivated his wands in the +ast$ so he #ainsan additional = on his Use 9a#i& evi&e &he&,s to o+erate the"' ?yneralGs st!dy o S+ell&rat ande&i+her S&ri+t #rant hi" an additional / )on!s to a&tivate s&rolls' ?e has already !sed s&rolls o )age ar)or and barkskin on hi"sel )eore he "eets the +arty'

Ki*er(0 9ale h!"an D4eridianF (tr5N R5N 9edi!" h!"anoid Dh!"anFN ? 5d1010N ?P //N nit 1NS+d =0GN A 1K$ to!&h 11$ lat-ooted 1 D1 e7$ 9; !ll +lateFN A>3r+ 5>N At, 10 "eleeD1d10J>1K-=0$ 89 1ea,y 2lail F or "elee D1d6=>7=$ ar"or s+i,esF or 6 ran#ed D1d10>1K-=0$ heavy&ross)owFN (!ll At, 10 "elee D1d10J>1K-=0$ 89 1ea,y 2lail F or "elee D1d6=>7=$ ar"or s+i,esF or 6ran#ed D1d10>1K-=0$ heavy &ross)owFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN AL LEN SV (ort 6$ Re =$ ;ill 1N Str 16$e7 1=$ on 1/$ nt 1I$ ;is 10$ ha '

'kills and -eats. i+lo"a&y /$ nti"idate J$ Proession: 9er&hant $ Ride KN o")atE7+ertise$ "+roved isar"$ "+roved Tri+$ ;ea+on (o&!s: ?eavy (lail$ ;ea+on S+e&iali<ation:?eavy (lail'

Possessions. 89 1ea,y 2lail: 9; &old iron heavy lail$ heavy &ross)ow$ 9; s+i,ed !ll +late$  *otiono2 +ure lig1t 0ounds

P1ysi+al Des+ri*tion.  A tall "an in an i"+osin# s!it o )la&, s+i,ed ar"or$ he wears a )lood-redta)ard dis+layin# the &len&hed ist and arrows o ?e7tor' ?e swin#s a "assive )la&, lail with an easy#ra&e'

>a+ti+s. @i)er, +reers to i#ht in &onined areas where only one oe &an rea&h hi" at a ti"e' Aavored ta&ti& is to tri+ his ene"y$ then !se his ree atta&, to disar" the" while they are at adisadvanta#e' he is en&o!ntered on the se&ond loor$ he will ris, an Ao4 to )!ll-r!sh an o++onent over the rail Dthis +rovides the deender a = &ir&!"stan&e )on!s to the o++osed &he&,F$ &a!sin# the" to all=0G'

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En"ounter 7e$)e

8uintus Vid(un0 9ale h!"an Ari1>Sor/N R /N 9edi!" h!"anoid Dh!"anFN ? 1d/d/10N h+ I0Nnit 1$ S+d I0G$ &li") =0GN A 1=$ to!&h 11$ lat-ooted 11 D1 e7$ 1 bra+ers o2 ar)or FN A>3r+ =>=N

 At, I "elee D1d6>1-=0$ 9; ra+ierFN (!ll At, I "elee D1d6>1-=0$ 9; ra+ierFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA

s+ellsN AL 2EN SV (ort /$ Re I$ ;ill 6N Str 10$ e7 1I$ on 1/$ nt 1=$ ;is $ ha 16''kills and -eats. l! 1=$ on&entration 10$ i+lo"a&y 11$ 3ather nor"ation J$ nti"idate

11$ @nowled#e: Lo&al DSheldo"ar ValleyF /$ Proession: 9er&hant 6N 3reater S+ell (o&!s:En&hant"ent$ Pers!asive$ S+ell (o&!s: En&hant"ent'

'or+erer '*ells no0n D6>J>/$ )ase 1Is+ell levelN En&hant"ent 15s+ell levelF: 0-da!e:dete+t )agi+: lig1t: *restidigitation: ray o2 2rost: resistan+e= 1st- +1ar) *erson: 1y*notis): slee*= =nd->as1a’s 1ideous laug1ter 

Possessions. "on,Gs o!tit$ 9; ra+ier$ bra+ers o2 ar)or 89$ +loak o2 resistan+e 89: 0and o2 )agi+ )issile DL I$ I0 &har#esF$ 0and o2 ray o2 en2eeble)ent:  *otion o2 +ure lig1t 0ounds

Des+ri*tion.  A tall$ handso"e$ well-)!ilt "an with #olden hair and )l!e eyes' ?is li+ &!rls in a sneer o derision'

>a+ti+s. !int!s is still !nder the ee&ts o a s*ider +li)b s+ell he read ro" a s&roll to #et +ast the3a!ntlet' ?e +reers to "ove alon# the &eilin# over one o the +its D+reera)le a hidden oneF and atta&,with is s+ells and wand'

ora$ Vid(un0 9ale h!"an DS!elF "n,=>swash)!&,ler =N R /N "edi!" h!"anoid Dh!"anFN ? =d10=dN h+ I/N nit =N S+d I0GN A 1K$ to!&h 1/$ lat-ooted 1J D= e7$ 1 ;is$ 1 nat!ral$ 1dele&tion$ / )age ar)or FN A>3r+ I>IN At, 5 "elee D1d6>7=$ !nar"ed stri,eF or 6 ran#edD1d=>7=$ 9; sh!ri,enFN (!ll At, I>I "elee D1d6>7=$ !nar"ed stri,eF or />/ D1d=>7=$ 9; sh!ri,enFNS+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA: l!rry o )lowsN S evasion AL L2N SV (ort $ Re 6$ ;ill IN Str 10$ e7 1/$on 1/$ nt 1/$ ;is 1=$ ha 1=' (W $ +' 11

'kills ? -eats. alan&e 11$ li") J$ 8!"+ K$ Proession: Sailor K$ Swi" J$ T!")le 11No")at E7+ertise$ ele&t Arrows$ od#e$ "+roved Unar"ed Stri,e$ 9o)ility$ St!nnin# (ist$ ;ea+on(inesse

Possessions. 10 9; sh!ri,en$ a)ulet o2 natural ar)or: ring o2 *rote+tion 89: *otion o2 +ure lig1t 0ounds: *otion o2 enlarge *erson D7=F$ *otion o2 )age ar)or 

Des+ri*tion.  A tall$ handso"e$ well-)!ilt "an with nearly-white hair and )l!e eyes' ?is a&e is r!ddyro" sea and s!n'

>a+ti+s. Toral atte"+ts to !se the eat!res o the roo" to his advanta#e$ atta&,in# a&ross +its$)alan&in# on +oles$ and otherwise "ovin# aro!nd to ,ee+ o)sta&les )etween hi"sel and ene"ies tota,e !ll advanta#e o his s!+erior rea&h'

'nter Ra:0 9ale h!"an DS!elF "n,=>tr=>avored so!l=>sa&red ist = DPyre"i!sFN R N "edi!"h!"anoid Dh!"anFN =d106d16N h+ 61N nit =N S+d I0GN A 1K$ to!&h 1I$ lat-ooted 1J D= e7$ 1"is&$ 6 89gla)ered )it1ral breast*late@= A>3r+ 6>10N At, 10 "elee D1d/>7=$ !nar"ed stri,eFN(!ll At, 10>5 "elee D1d/>7=$ !nar"ed stri,eFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA s+ellsN S evasionN AL LEN SV(ort 1/$ Re 11$ ;ill 6N Str 1$ e7 1/$ on 1/$ nt 10$ ;is 10$ ha 1/' (D +' J

'kills ? -eats. alan&e 10$ li") 5$ on&entration K$ i+lo"a&y 6$ 8!"+ 1/$ @nowled#e:Reli#ion $ T!")le 15N o")at astin#$ o")at Rele7es$ (lyin# @i&, D(W F "+roved !ll R!sh$"+roved Unar"ed Stri,e$ Power Atta&,$ Ro!nda)o!t @i&, D(W F$ St!nnin# (ist

-a,ored 'oul '*ells no0n. D6>J>/$ )ase 10s+ell levelFN 0-+ure )inor 0ounds: dete+t )agi+:dete+t *oison: guidan+e: lig1t: resistan+e= 1st-+ure lig1t 0ounds: di,ine 2a,or entro*i+ s1ield: *rote+tion2ro) good= =nd-aid: resist energy: silen+e

Possessions. 89 gla)ered )it1ril breast*late: gauntlets o2 ogre *o0er: *otion o2 bear’s enduran+e: *otion o2 +ure )oderate 0ounds

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>a+ti+s. Unter Ra7 is &ontent to "erely o)serve how his +!+ils air a#ainst these interlo+ers' Ater the irst ro!nd$ he readies to atta&, anyone who en#a#es hi"$ &har#in# in with a lyin# ,i&,' 4therwise$he "oves to "elee when one o the twins alls$ as that is a si#n that the intr!ders are worthy o++onents'

Des+ri*tion.  A )road-sho!ldered$ )ald-headed "an o early "iddle years$ &lad in si"+le ro)es' ?iseyes #lea" )ri#htly in the reddish li#ht o the tor&hes'


En"ounter Se)en 9ale h!"an Ro#/>;ar1N R /N 9edi!" h!"anoid Dh!"anFN ? 1d/d610N ?P I/N nit INS+d I0GN A 1$ to!&h 1I$ lat-ooted 15 DI e7$ 5 89 +1ain s1irt FN A>3r+ />/N At, "eleeD1d61>7= nonlethal$ 89 sa*F or J ran#ed D1d/>1K-=0$ hand &ross)owFN (!ll At, "elee D1d61>7=nonlethal$ 89 sa*F or J ran#ed D1d/>1K-=0$ hand &ross)owFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA snea, atta&, =d6NS evasion$ tra+indin#$ tra+ sense 1$ !n&anny dod#eN AL 2EN SV (ort 6$ Re $ ;ill 1N Str 10$ e7

16$ on 1/$ nt 1I$ ;is $ ha 1=''kills and -eats. l! $ i+lo"a&y 10$ Es&a+e Artist K$ 3ather nor"ation $ nti"idate 10$

8!"+ $ Listen 6$ Proession: Soldier I$ Slei#ht o ?and 11$ S+ot 6$ T!")le 11N o")atE7+ertise$ "+roved (eint$ ;ea+on (inesse

Possessions. 89 sa*$ hand &ross)ow$ 10 )olts$ 89 +1ain s1irt $ +loak o2 resistan+e 89$  *otion o2 +ure)oderate 0ounds: *otion o2 in,isibility '

P1ysi+al Des+ri*tion: A slender h!"an o "i7ed des&ent$ wearin# an old Royal Ar"y &loa, over anew set o +lain &lothes' ?a##ard eyes and a wan &o"+le7ion hint at hard ti"es that re&ent +ros+erityhas yet to erase'

.ug0 9ale hal-or& )n/>;ar1N R/N 9edi!" h!"anoid Dor&FN ? /d1=1d10N ?P /6N nit 1N S+d

I0GN A 1J$ to!&h 11$ lat-ooted 16 D1 e7$ 6 89 breast*lateFN A>3r+ 5>KN At, 10 "eleeD1d1=J>7I$ 89 greata6eFN (!ll At, 10 "elee D1d1=J>7I$ 89 greata6eFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA ra#e=>dayN S dar,vision 60G$ ast "ove"ent$ tra+ sense 1$ !n&anny dod#eN AL EN SV (ort $ Re =$;ill /N Str 1$ e7 1I$ on 1/$ nt 6$ ;is 1=$ ha '

'kills and -eats. ?andle Ani"al J$ nti"idate JN ron ;ill$ Power Atta&,

Possessions. 89 greata6e$ 89 breast*late$ *otion o2 bull’s strengt1: *otion o2 +ure )oderate 0ounds

P1ysi+al Des+ri*tion.  A stereoty+i&al e7a"+le o a hal-or& who has s!&&!")ed to his )estial side$this th!##ish individ!al is !n,e"+t$ "!s&le-)o!nd$ and s&arred' ?e wears a &hea+ s!it o #a!dy &lothin#and wears several ostentatio!s rin#s and ne&,la&es'

En"ounter Nine

H%nera$0 9ale h!"an DS!elF E7+1>Ro#5N R 5N 9edi!" h!"anoid Dh!"anFN ? 6d66N ?P I=N nit 1NS+d I0GN A 1J$ to!&h 11$ lat-ooted 16 D1 e7$ / )age ar)or $ = nat!ralFN A>3r+ I>=N At, ="elee D1d/-1>1K-=0 da##erF or / ran#ed D1d/-1>1K-=0$ da##erFN (!ll At, = "elee D1d/-1>1K-=0 da##erFor / ran#ed D1d/-1>1K-=0$ da##erFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA snea, atta&, Id6N S evasion$ tra+ sense1$ !n&anny dod#eN AL LEN SV (ort =$ Re 5$ ;ill IN Str $ e7 1I$ on 1=$ nt 1/$ ;is 10$ ha 16'

'kills and -eats. l! 1=$ e&i+her S&ri+t 11$ i+lo"a&y 1/$ 3ather nor"ation 1=$@nowled#e: Lo&al 11$ Proession: Lawyer K$ Sense 9otive K$ S+ell&rat 1I$ Use 9a#i& evi&e1JN o")at E7+ertise$ "+roved (eint$ 9a#i&al A+tit!de$ S,ill (o&!s: Use 9a#i& evi&e

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Possessions. da##er$ 0and o2 )agi+ )issile D=5 &har#es$ L JF$ 0and o2 s1o+king gras* D=5&har#es$ L=F: 0and o2 sound burst DL I$ 15 &har#esF$ s+roll o2 barkskin DLIF: s+roll o2 dee* slu)ber Dwith Ra+id S+ell eatN L JFN s+roll o2 dis*la+e)ent DL5F: s+roll o2 lig1tning bolt DL5F: s+roll o2 )agear)or DL1F: s+roll o2 *1antas)al assailant DLIF: s+roll o2 ray o2 en2eeble)ent DLIF: *otion o2 +ure lig1t 0ounds

P1ysi+al Des+ri*tion: A +ale-s,inned$ slender "an with thinnin# )londe hair and +ier&in# )l!e eyes'

?yneral wears +lainly &!t )!t well-"ade +roessional #ar)'

>a+ti+s. ?yneral atte"+ts to !se his store o "a#i&al devi&es in &o")at$ +reerrin# to !se his 0and o2 s1o+king gras* on a lan,ed ene"y' ?e has s!&&ess!lly a&tivated his wands in the +ast$ so he #ainsan additional = on his Use 9a#i& evi&e &he&,s to o+erate the"' ?yneralGs st!dy o S+ell&rat ande&i+her S&ri+t #rant hi" an additional / )on!s to a&tivate s&rolls' ?e has already !sed s&rolls o )age ar)or and barkskin on hi"sel )eore he "eets the +arty'

Ki*er(0 9ale h!"an D4eridianF (trJN RJN 9edi!" h!"anoid Dh!"anFN ? Jd101/N ?P 60N nit 1NS+d =0GN A =1$ to!&h 1=$ lat-ooted 1K D1 e7$ 1 dele&tion$ K 89 2ull *lateFN A>3r+ J>10N At,1= "elee D1d10J>1K-=0$ 89 1ea,y 2lail F or 10 "elee D1d6=>7=$ ar"or s+i,esF or ran#ed D1d10>1K-=0$ heavy &ross)owFN (!ll At, 1=>J "elee D1d10J>1K-=0$ 89 1ea,y 2lail F or 10>5 "elee D1d6=>7=$ar"or s+i,esF or ran#ed D1d10>1K-=0$ heavy &ross)owFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN AL LEN SV (ort J$ Re 

I$ ;ill =N Str 16$ e7 1=$ on 1/$ nt 1I$ ;is 10$ ha '

'kills and -eats. i+lo"a&y 5$ nti"idate K$ Proession: 9er&hant 10$ Ride 11N o")atE7+ertise$ "+roved isar"$ "+roved S!nder$ "+roved Tri+$ Power Atta&,$ ;ea+on (o&!s: ?eavy(lail$ ;ea+on S+e&iali<ation: ?eavy (lail'

Possessions. 89 1ea,y 2lail: 9; &old iron heavy lail$ heavy &ross)ow$ 9; s+i,ed !ll +late$  *otiono2 +ure lig1t 0ounds: *otion o2 *rote+tion 2ro) +1aos

P1ysi+al Des+ri*tion.  A tall "an in an i"+osin# s!it o )la&, s+i,ed ar"or$ he wears a )lood-redta)ard dis+layin# the &len&hed ist and arrows o ?e7tor' ?e swin#s a "assive )la&, lail with an easy#ra&e'

>a+ti+s. @i)er, +reers to i#ht in &onined areas where only one oe &an rea&h hi" at a ti"e' Aavored ta&ti& is to tri+ his ene"y$ then !se his ree atta&, to disar" the" or s!nder their wea+on while

they are at a disadvanta#e' he is en&o!ntered on the se&ond loor$ he will ris, an Ao4 to )!ll-r!sh ano++onent over the rail Dthis +rovides the deender a = &ir&!"stan&e )on!s to the o++osed &he&,F$&a!sin# the" to all =0G'

En"ounter 7e$)e

8uintus Vid(un0 9ale h!"an Ari1>Sor6N R 6N 9edi!" h!"anoid Dh!"anFN ? 1d6d/1/N h+ /0Nnit 1$ S+d I0G$ &li") =0GN A 1=$ to!&h 11$ lat-ooted 11 D1 e7$ 1 bra+ers o2 ar)or FN A>3r+ I>IN

 At, / "elee D1d6>1-=0$ 9; ra+ierFN (!ll At, / "elee D1d6>1-=0$ 9; ra+ierFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SAs+ellsN AL 2EN SV (ort 5$ Re /$ ;ill JN Str 10$ e7 1I$ on 1/$ nt 1=$ ;is $ ha 16'

'kills and -eats. l! 1/$ on&entration 1=$ i+lo"a&y 1I$ 3ather nor"ation J$ nti"idate11$ @nowled#e: Lo&al DSheldo"ar ValleyF /$ Proession: 9er&hant N 3reater S+ell (o&!s:En&hant"ent$ Pers!asive$ Point lan, Shot$ S+ell (o&!s: En&hant"ent'

'or+erer '*ells no0n D6>J>6>/$ )ase 1Is+ell levelN En&hant"ent 15s+ell levelF: 0-da!e: dete+t )agi+: dete+t *oison: lig1t: *restidigitation: ray o2 2rost: resistan+e= 1st- +1ar) *erson:grease: 1y*notis): slee*= =nd-s+or+1ing ray: >as1a’s 1ideous laug1ter= Ird-ray o2 e61austion

Possessions. "on,Gs o!tit$ 9; ra+ier$ bra+ers o2 ar)or 89$ +loak o2 resistan+e 89: lesser )eta)agi+ rod o2 silent s*ell: 0and o2 )agi+ )issile DL I$ I0 &har#esF$ 0and o2 ray o2 en2eeble)ent:

 *otion o2 +ure lig1t 0ounds

Des+ri*tion.  A tall$ handso"e$ well-)!ilt "an with #olden hair and )l!e eyes' ?is li+ &!rls in a sneer o derision'

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>a+ti+s. !int!s is still !nder the ee&ts o a s*ider +li)b s+ell he read ro" a s&roll to #et +ast the3a!ntlet' ?e +reers to "ove alon# the &eilin# over one o the +its D+reera)le a hidden oneF and atta&,with is s+ells and wand'

ora$ Vid(un0 9ale h!"an DS!elF "n,=>swash)!&,ler /N R 6N "edi!" h!"anoid Dh!"anFN ? /d10=d1=N h+ 50N nit =N S+d /0GN A 1K$ to!&h 1/$ lat-ooted 1J D= e7$ 1 ;is$ 1 nat!ral$ 1dele&tion$ / )age ar)or FN A>3r+ 5>5N At, J "elee D1d6=>7=$ !nar"ed stri,eF or ran#ed

D1d=>7=$ 9; sh!ri,enFN (!ll At, 5>5 "elee D1d6=>7=$ !nar"ed stri,eF or 6>6 D1d=>7=$ 9;sh!ri,enFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA: l!rry o )lows$ insi#ht!l stri,eN S evasion AL L2N SV (ort K$ Re J$ ;ill /N Str 10$ e7 1/$ on 1/$ nt 1/$ ;is 1=$ ha 1=' (W +' 11

'kills ? -eats. alan&e 1I$ li") K$ 8!"+ =0$ Proession: Sailor 11$ Swi" K$ T!")le 1INo")at E7+ertise$ ele&t Arrows$ od#e$ "+roved Unar"ed Stri,e$ 9o)ility$ S+rin# Atta&,$ St!nnin#(ist$ ;ea+on (inesse

Insig.tu$ Stri(e =E:>0  At Ird level$ a swash)!&,ler )e&o"es a)le to +la&e her inesse atta&,s wherethey deal #reater da"a#e' She a++lies her ntelli#en&e )on!s Di anyF as a )on!s on da"a#e rolls Dinaddition to any Stren#th )on!s she "ay haveF with any li#ht wea+on$ as well as any other wea+on that&an )e !sed with ;ea+on (inesse$ s!&h as a ra+ier$ whi+$ or s+i,ed &hain' Tar#ets i""!ne to snea,atta&,s or &riti&al hits are i""!ne to the swash)!&,lerGs insi#ht!l stri,e' A swash)!&,ler &annot !se thisa)ility when wearin# "edi!" or heavy ar"or or when &arryin# a "edi!" or heavy load'

Possessions. 10 9; sh!ri,en$ boots o2 striding and s*ringing: a)ulet o2 natural ar)or: ring o2  *rote+tion 89: *otion o2 +ure lig1t 0ounds: *otion o2 enlarge *erson D7=F$ *otion o2 )age ar)or 

Des+ri*tion.  A tall$ handso"e$ well-)!ilt "an with nearly-white hair and )l!e eyes' ?is a&e is r!ddyro" sea and s!n'

>a+ti+s. Toral atte"+ts to !se the eat!res o the roo" to his advanta#e$ atta&,in# a&ross +its$)alan&in# on +oles$ and otherwise "ovin# aro!nd to ,ee+ o)sta&les )etween hi"sel and ene"ies tota,e !ll advanta#e o his s!+erior "o)ility'

'nter Ra:0 9ale h!"an DS!elF "n,=>tr=>avored so!l=>sa&red ist / DPyre"i!sFN R 10N "edi!"h!"anoid Dh!"anFN =d10d16N h+ J5N nit =N S+d /0GN A 1K$ to!&h 1I$ lat-ooted 1J D= e7$ 1"is&$ 6 89gla)ered )it1ral breast*late@= A>3r+ >1=N At, 1= "elee D1d/>7=$ !nar"ed stri,eFN(!ll At, 1=>J "elee D1d/>7=$ !nar"ed stri,eFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA sa&red la"es$ s+ellsN SevasionN AL LEN SV (ort 16$ Re 1/$ ;ill N Str 1$ e7 1/$ on 1/$ nt 10$ ;is 10$ ha 1/' (D +' J

'kills ? -eats. alan&e 1=$ li") J$ on&entration 11$ i+lo"a&y $ 8!"+ 1/$ @nowled#e:Reli#ion $ T!")le 1JN o")at astin#$ o")at Rele7es$ ele&t Arrows$ (lyin# @i&, D(W F "+roved!ll R!sh$ "+roved Unar"ed Stri,e$ Power Atta&,$ Ro!nda)o!t @i&, D(W F$ St!nnin# (ist

Sa"red $a+es =Su>0  At /th level$ a sa&red ist "ay !se a standard a&tion to invo,e sa&red la"esaro!nd his hands and eet' These la"es add to the sa&red istGs !nar"ed da"a#e' The additionalda"a#e is e*!al to the sa&red istGs &lass level +l!s ;isdo" "odiier Di anyF' ?al the da"a#e is ireda"a#e Dro!nd !+F$ and the rest sa&red ener#y and th!s not s!)%e&t to ee&ts that red!&e ire da"a#e'The sa&red la"es last 1 "in!te and &an )e invo,ed on&e +er day' At th level$ a sa&red ist &an invo,esa&red la"es twi&e +er day'

-a,ored 'oul '*ells no0n. D6>J>5$ )ase 10s+ell levelFN 0-+ure )inor 0ounds: dete+t )agi+:dete+t *oison: guidan+e: lig1t: resistan+e= 1st-+ure lig1t 0ounds: di,ine 2a,or: entro*i+ s1ield: *rote+tion2ro) good: s1ield o2 2ait1= =nd-aid: resist energy: silen+e

Possessions. 89 gla)ered )it1ril breast*late: ar)bands o2 )ig1t DVF$ +loak o2 resistan+e 89:gauntlets o2 ogre *o0er: *otion o2 bear’s enduran+e: *otion o2 +ure )oderate 0ounds: *otion o2 1aste

>a+ti+s. Unter Ra7 is &ontent to "erely o)serve how his +!+ils air a#ainst these interlo+ers' Ater the irst ro!nd$ he readies to atta&, anyone who en#a#es hi"$ &har#in# in with a lyin# ,i&,' 4therwise$he "oves to "elee when one o the twins alls$ as that is a si#n that the intr!ders are worthy o++onents'

Des+ri*tion.  A )road-sho!ldered$ )ald-headed "an o early "iddle years$ &lad in si"+le ro)es' ?iseyes #lea" )ri#htly in the reddish li#ht o the tor&hes'

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APL 13

En"ounter Se)en 9ale h!"an Ro#6>;ar1N R 6N 9edi!" h!"anoid Dh!"anFN ? 1d6d61/N ?P /6N nit NS+d I0GN A 1K$ to!&h 1/$ lat-ooted 15 D/ e7$ 5 89 +1ain s1irt FN A>3r+ 5>5N At, 10 "eleeD1d61>7= nonlethal$ 89 sa*F or K ran#ed D1d/>1K-=0$ hand &ross)owFN (!ll At, 10 "elee D1d61>7=nonlethal$ 89 sa*F or K ran#ed D1d/>1K-=0$ hand &ross)owFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA snea, atta&, Id6NS evasion$ tra+indin#$ tra+ sense =$ !n&anny dod#eN AL 2EN SV (ort J$ Re 10$ ;ill =N Str 10$e7 1$ on 1/$ nt 1I$ ;is $ ha 1='

'kills and -eats. l! 10$ i+lo"a&y 1=$ Es&a+e Artist 1=$ 3ather nor"ation 10$ nti"idate1=$ 8!"+ 10$ Listen $ Proession: Soldier I$ Slei#ht o ?and 1/$ S+ot $ T!")le 1/N o")atE7+ertise$ "+roved (eint$ "+roved nitiative$ ;ea+on (inesse

Possessions. 89 sa*$ hand &ross)ow$ 10 )olts$ 89 +1ain s1irt $ +loak o2 resistan+e 89$ glo,es o2 

de6terity 8;:  *otion o2 +ure )oderate 0ounds: *otion o2 in,isibility 'P1ysi+al Des+ri*tion: A slender h!"an o "i7ed des&ent$ wearin# an old Royal Ar"y &loa, over a

new set o +lain &lothes' ?a##ard eyes and a wan &o"+le7ion hint at hard ti"es that re&ent +ros+erityhas yet to erase'

.ug0 9ale hal-or& )n6>;ar1N R6N 9edi!" h!"anoid Dor&FN ? 6d1=1d=1N ?P J1N nit 1N S+dI0GN A 1J$ to!&h 11$ lat-ooted 16 D1 e7$ 6 89 breast*lateFN A>3r+ J>11N At, 1= "eleeD1d1=J>7I$ 89 greata6eFN (!ll At, 1=>J "elee D1d1=J>7I$ 89 greata6eFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA ra#e=>dayN S dar,vision 60G$ ast "ove"ent$ i"+roved !n&anny dod#e$ tra+ sense =N AL EN SV (ort 10$Re I$ ;ill 5N Str 1$ e7 1I$ on 16$ nt 6$ ;is 1=$ ha '

'kills and -eats. ?andle Ani"al K$ nti"idate KN "+roved 4verr!n$ ron ;ill$ Power Atta&,

Possessions. 89 greata6e$ 89 breast*late$  *eria*t o2 1ealt1 8;:  *otion o2 bull’s strengt1: *otion o2 +ure )oderate 0ounds

P1ysi+al Des+ri*tion.  A stereoty+i&al e7a"+le o a hal-or& who has s!&&!")ed to his )estial side$this th!##ish individ!al is !n,e"+t$ "!s&le-)o!nd$ and s&arred' ?e wears a &hea+ s!it o #a!dy &lothin#and wears several ostentatio!s rin#s and ne&,la&es'

En"ounter Nine

H%nera$0 9ale h!"an DS!elF E7+1>Ro#JN R JN 9edi!" h!"anoid Dh!"anFN ? d6N ?P /=N nit /NS+d I0GN A 1$ to!&h 1=$ lat-ooted 16 D= e7$ / )age ar)or $ = nat!ralFN A>3r+ 5>/N At, /"elee D1d/-1>1K-=0 da##erF or J ran#ed D1d/-1>1K-=0$ da##erFN (!ll At, / "elee D1d/-1>1K-=0 da##erFor J ran#ed D1d/-1>1K-=0$ da##erFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA snea, atta&, /d6N S evasion$ tra+ sense=$ !n&anny dod#eN AL LEN SV (ort I$ Re J$ ;ill /N Str $ e7 1/$ on 1=$ nt 1/$ ;is 10$ ha 16'

'kills and -eats. l! 1J$ e&i+her S&ri+t 1I$ i+lo"a&y 1K$ 3ather nor"ation 1J$@nowled#e: Lo&al 1I$ Proession: Lawyer 11$ Sense 9otive 11$ S+ell&rat 15$ Use 9a#i& evi&e==N o")at E7+ertise$ "+roved (eint$ 9a#i&al A+tit!de$ S,ill (o&!s: Use 9a#i& evi&e

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#ra++ledF' n either &ase$ ea&h s!&&ess!l #ra++le &he&, it "a,es d!rin# s!&&essive ro!ndsa!to"ati&ally deals tenta&le ra,e and )lood drin, da"a#e'

Wounding =E:>0  A wo!nd res!ltin# ro" a lee&hwal,erGs tenta&le ra,e atta&, )leeds or anadditional I +oints o da"a#e +er ro!nd thereater' 9!lti+le wo!nds ro" s!&h atta&,s res!lt in&!"!lative )leedin# loss Dtwo wo!nds or 6 +oints o da"a#e +er ro!nd$ and so onF' The )leedin# &an)e sto++ed only )y a s!&&ess!l ?eal &he&, D 10F or the a++li&ation o a +ure s+ell or so"e other 

healin# s+ell D1eal  or the li,eF'

A$$-Around Vision =E:>0  A lee&hwal,er &an see in all dire&tions at on&e' e&a!se o this a)ility$ it#ains a / ra&ial )on!s on Sear&h and S+ot &he&,s$ and it &annot )e lan,ed'

I++unities0 e&a!se o the ver"ino!s &overin# o its )ody$ a lee&hwal,er ta,es hal da"a#e ro")l!d#eonin# wea+ons' t is not s!)%e&t to nonlethal da"a#e$ a)ility da"a#e$ a)ility drain$ or death ro""assive da"a#e'

Ver+in raits0  A lee&hwal,er is i""!ne to all "ind-ae&tin# ee&ts D&har"s$ &o"+!lsions$+hantas"s$ +atterns$ and "orale ee&tsF' t also has dar,vision D60G ran#eF'

P1ysi+al Des+ri*tion.  A "assive$ 6G tall h!"anoid &overed with tho!sands o dar,$ writin# lee&hes'Tho!#h it has a head$ it +ossesses no re&o#ni<a)le a&ial eat!res' ts )ody is sli&,$ as i &oated with athin layer o &lear sli"e$ and it has an i"+ossi)ly )loated sto"a&h'

En"ounter 7e$)e

8uintus Vid(un0 9ale h!"an Ari1>SorN R 6N 9edi!" h!"anoid Dh!"anFN ? 1dd/1N h+ 50Nnit =$ S+d I0G$ &li") =0GN A 1I$ to!&h 1=$ lat-ooted 11 D= e7$ 1 bra+ers o2 ar)or FN A>3r+/>/N At, 5 "elee D1d6>1-=0$ 9; ra+ierFN (!ll At, 5 "elee D1d6>1-=0$ 9; ra+ierFN S+a&e>Rea&h5G>5GN SA s+ellsN AL 2EN SV (ort 5$ Re 5$ ;ill N Str 10$ e7 1/$ on 1/$ nt 1=$ ;is $ ha 16'

'kills and -eats. l! 16$ on&entration 1/$ i+lo"a&y 1I$ 3ather nor"ation J$ nti"idate1I$ @nowled#e: Lo&al DSheldo"ar ValleyF /$ Proession: 9er&hant 10N 3reater S+ell (o&!s:

En&hant"ent$ Pers!asive$ Point lan, Shot$ Pre&ise Shot$ S+ell (o&!s: En&hant"ent'

'or+erer '*ells no0n D6>J>J>6>I$ )ase 1Is+ell levelN En&hant"ent 15s+ell levelF: 0-a+id s*las1: da!e: dete+t )agi+: dete+t *oison: lig1t: *restidigitation: ray o2 2rost: resistan+e= 1st- +1ar)

 *erson: grease: 1y*notis): ray o2 en2eeble)ent: s1ield= =nd-blur: s+or+1ing ray: >as1a’s 1ideouslaug1ter= Ird-1old *erson: ray o2 e61austion= /th-+on2usion

Possessions. "on,Gs o!tit$ 9; ra+ier$ bra+ers o2 ar)or 89$ +loak o2 resistan+e 89: lesser )eta)agi+ rod o2 silent s*ell: bead o2 2or+e: s+roll o2 'u))on Monster VI:  0and o2 )agi+ )issile DL I$I0 &har#esF$ 0and o2 ray o2 en2eeble)ent:  *otion o2 +ure lig1t 0ounds

Des+ri*tion.  A tall$ handso"e$ well-)!ilt "an with #olden hair and )l!e eyes' ?is li+ &!rls in a sneer o derision'

>a+ti+s. !int!s is still !nder the ee&ts o a s*ider +li)b s+ell he read ro" a s&roll to #et +ast the3a!ntlet' ?e +reers to "ove alon# the &eilin# over one o the +its D+reera)le a hidden oneF and atta&,with is s+ells and wand'

ora$ Vid(un0 9ale h!"an DS!elF tr1>"n,=>swash)!&,ler/>S!el ar&ana"a&h1N R N "edi!"h!"anoid Dh!"anFN ? 5d10Id1=N h+ 65N nit =N S+d /0GN A 1K$ to!&h 1/$ lat-ooted 1J D= e7$1 ;is$ 1 nat!ral$ 1 dele&tion$ / )age ar)or FN A>3r+ 6>6N At, "elee D1d6=>7=$ !nar"edstri,eF or K ran#ed D1d=>7=$ 9; sh!ri,enFN (!ll At, 6>6>1 "elee D1d6=>7=$ !nar"ed stri,eF or J>J>= D1d=>7=$ 9; sh!ri,enFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA: l!rry o )lows$ insi#ht!l stri,e$ s+ellsN S

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evasionN AL L2N SV (ort 11$ Re K$ ;ill N Str 10$ e7 15$ on 1/$ nt 1/$ ;is 1=$ ha 1=' (W +' 11$(A +' 6I

'kills ? -eats. alan&e 1/$ on&entration 6$ li") K$ 8!"+ =1$ Proession: Sailor 11$S+ell&rat J$ T!")le 1/N o")at astin#$ ele&t Arrows$ od#e$ "+roved Unar"ed Stri,e$ ron ;ill$9o)ility$ S+rin# Atta&,$ St!nnin# (ist$ ;ea+on (inesse

Insig.tu$ Stri(e =E:>0  At Ird level$ a swash)!&,ler )e&o"es a)le to +la&e her inesse atta&,s wherethey deal #reater da"a#e' She a++lies her ntelli#en&e )on!s Di anyF as a )on!s on da"a#e rolls Dinaddition to any Stren#th )on!s she "ay haveF with any li#ht wea+on$ as well as any other wea+on that&an )e !sed with ;ea+on (inesse$ s!&h as a ra+ier$ whi+$ or s+i,ed &hain' Tar#ets i""!ne to snea,atta&,s or &riti&al hits are i""!ne to the swash)!&,lerGs insi#ht!l stri,e' A swash)!&,ler &annot !se thisa)ility when wearin# "edi!" or heavy ar"or or when &arryin# a "edi!" or heavy load'

'uel Ar+ana)a+1 s*ells. D=$ )ase 11s+ell levelF: 1-2ist o2 stone D(AF

Possessions. 10 9; sh!ri,en$ boots o2 striding and s*ringing: a)ulet o2 natural ar)or: ring o2  *rote+tion 89: 0and o2 +riti+al strike D(V F: *otion o2 +ure lig1t 0ounds: *otion o2 bull’s strengt1: s+roll o2 enlarge *erson D7=F$ s+roll o2 )age ar)or 

Des+ri*tion.  A tall$ handso"e$ well-)!ilt "an with nearly-white hair and )l!e eyes' ?is a&e is r!ddyro" sea and s!n'

>a+ti+s. Toral atte"+ts to !se the eat!res o the roo" to his advanta#e$ atta&,in# a&ross +its$)alan&in# on +oles$ and otherwise "ovin# aro!nd to ,ee+ o)sta&les )etween hi"sel and ene"ies tota,e !ll advanta#e o his s!+erior "o)ility' ?e tri##ers his 0and o2 +riti+al strike every ro!nd he has theo++ort!nity'

'nter Ra:0 9ale h!"an DS!elF "n,=>tr=>avored so!l=>sa&red ist 6 DPyre"i!sFN R 10N "edi!"h!"anoid Dh!"anFN =d1010d16N h+ KN nit =N S+d 50GN A ==$ to!&h 1/$ lat-ooted 1 D= e7$ ="is&$ 8 gla)ered )it1ral breast*late@= A>3r+ 10>15N At, 15 "elee D1d5>7=$ !nar"ed stri,eFN(!ll At, 15>10 "elee D1d5>7=$ !nar"ed stri,eFN S+a&e>Rea&h 5G>5GN SA sa&red la"es$ s+ellsN S)lindsense 10G$ evasionN AL LEN SV (ort 1J$ Re 15$ ;ill KN Str =0$ e7 1/$ on 1/$ nt 10$ ;is 11$ha 1/' (D +' J

'kills ? -eats. alan&e 1/$ li") K$ on&entration 1I$ i+lo"a&y 10$ 8!"+ 1/$ @nowled#e:

Reli#ion $ T!")le 1KN o")at astin#$ o")at Rele7es$ ele&t Arrows$ (lyin# @i&, D(W F "+roved!ll R!sh$ "+roved Unar"ed Stri,e$ Power Atta&,$ Pra&ti&ed S+ell&aster DF$ Ro!nda)o!t @i&, D (W F$St!nnin# (ist

Sa"red $a+es =Su>0  At /th level$ a sa&red ist "ay !se a standard a&tion to invo,e sa&red la"esaro!nd his hands and eet' These la"es add to the sa&red istGs !nar"ed da"a#e' The additionalda"a#e is e*!al to the sa&red istGs &lass level +l!s ;isdo" "odiier Di anyF' ?al the da"a#e is ireda"a#e Dro!nd !+F$ and the rest sa&red ener#y and th!s not s!)%e&t to ee&ts that red!&e ire da"a#e'The sa&red la"es last 1 "in!te and &an )e invo,ed on&e +er day' At th level$ a sa&red ist &an invo,esa&red la"es twi&e +er day'

-a,ored 'oul '*ells no0n. D6>J>J>I$ )ase 10s+ell levelFN 0-+ure )inor 0ounds: dete+t )agi+:dete+t *oison: guidan+e: lig1t: read )agi+: resistan+e= 1st-+ure lig1t 0ounds: di,ine 2a,or: entro*i+ s1ield:lesser ,igor DF$ *rote+tion 2ro) good: s1ield o2 2ait1= =nd-aid: bear’s enduran+e: resist energy: silen+e=


- *rayer: )agi+ ,est)ent: 0ra+k  DFPossessions. 89 gla)ered )it1ril breast*late: ar)bands o2 )ig1t DVF$ +loak o2 resistan+e 89:

belt o2 giant strengt1 8B: *otion o2 bear’s enduran+e: *otion o2 +ure )oderate 0ounds: *otion o2 1aste

>a+ti+s. Unter Ra7 is &ontent to "erely o)serve how his +!+ils air a#ainst these interlo+ers' Ater the irst ro!nd$ he readies to atta&, anyone who en#a#es hi"$ &har#in# in with a lyin# ,i&,' 4therwise$he "oves to "elee when one o the twins alls$ as that is a si#n that the intr!ders are worthy o++onents'?e has already &ast )agi+ ,est)ent  on his ar"or$ in&reasin# its enhan&e"ent )on!s to I'

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Des+ri*tion.  A )road-sho!ldered$ )ald-headed "an o early "iddle years$ &lad in si"+le ro)es' ?iseyes #lea" )ri#htly in the reddis li#ht o the tor&hes'

#LP$%& 'igns and Portents Pa#e I

Page 40: ULP5-06 - Signs and Portents

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Page 41: ULP5-06 - Signs and Portents

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DoH, &U, *o

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