Page 1: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

UNIT 8Online Service

Page 2: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

You will be able to:

1. offer good online shopping service.

2. solve problems about online shopping.

Page 3: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping


1 Warming up

3 Reading and Writing

5 Culture Corner

6 My Progress Check

4 Extended Activities

2 Listening and Speaking

Page 4: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Listen and match.11

Warming up

shopping cart


sign in


Page 5: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Listen and choose.

Warming up


1. What’s the man doing?

A. He is selling things.B. He is doing a research.

C. He is asking the way.

2. Who has shopped online?

A. The woman.B. The woman’s friends.

C. Neither A nor B.

3. What do the woman and her friends think of Internet shopping?

A. Easy.B. Cheaper.

C. Not safe.

Key sentences

1. Could you please do me a favour?2. Shopping online is cheaper and

saves time and energy.3. Thank you for your time.

Man:Excuse me! I’m from the Data Company. We are doing research on online shopping. Could you please do me a favour? You’d just need to answer some questions.Woman:OK.Man:Have you heard of internet shopping?Woman:Yes. It’s said to be cheaper and saves time and energy.Man:Yes, that’s true. Have you ever shopped online?Woman:Never.Man:How about your friends? Have you talked about it?Woman:Well, they would like to try it. But we don’t think it is safe to pay online. Man:In fact, it is as safe as web banking. This brochure is about online shopping. Maybe it will get you more interested in online shopping. Thank you for your time.Woman:That’s all right. Thank you.

Page 6: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Learn the words.11

Listening and Speaking

account 账户button 按钮instruction 指令deliver 递送

Page 7: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Receptionist:Hello! Data Company. May I help you?

Customer:Hello! I want to buy the book Best Services from you, but online shopping is new to me. May I just buy it over the phone?

Receptionist:Sorry, we only sell it via the Internet. Do you have an account on

Customer:No. I don’t know how to use it.

Receptionist:Well, at the top of our company website’s homepage, there is a Sign-in button. Click on it, and a form will appear. Please fill in the form first.

Customer:OK… That’s done. What now?

Receptionist:Using the search box, you can find the book you want. On the web page for the book, there is a button: Add to shopping cart.

Customer:Whoa! That was easy. Then I just check out, just like shopping in a supermarket!

Receptionist:I’m glad you like it. Next, just follow the instructions and the book should be delivered to your home.

Customer:Thank you for your help.

Listen to the dialogue and repeat.22

Listening and Speaking


neither... nor... 既不……也不……


Page 8: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Decide true (T) or false (F).33

Listening and Speaking

1. The customer is doing Internet shopping for the first time.

2. The Data Company accepts orders by fax and mail.

3. You should have your account ready if you want to shop online.

Page 9: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Complete the dialogues.44

Listening and Speaking

1. —Must I ______ first when I shop online?—No, you needn’t do that. When you want to _________ any item, the site will remind you to sign in.

2 —There are thousands of items! How can I find what I need?—You can use the _________.

search box

sign in

check out

sign in

check out

search box

Page 10: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Listen and complete the dialogue.55

Listening and Speaking

Customer: Hello, I bought the book Best Services from your website. But some pages are missing.

Receptionist: __________________ When did you discover that?

Customer: When I came to Page 178.

Receptionist: ______________________

Customer: 123456. This is the first time that I’ve shopped online.

Receptionist: _____________________________ The delivery was done one month ago. According to the refund policy of our company, within 30 days of delivery, you may return this book if it is still in the same condition. But in your case, you can’t prove whose error this was. _______________________________

Customer: Sure, go ahead.

Receptionist: As this is your first order, you will be able to return the book. ________________________

Customer: So I should have checked the book on delivery. That’s fair enough.

Receptionist: Thank you for your understanding.

I’m sorry to hear that.

What’s your order number?

I have got the details of your order.

Would you like to hear my suggestion?

But we don’t pay for shipping.

A. What’s your order number?

B. I’m sorry to hear that.

C. But we don’t pay for shipping.

D. Would you like to hear my suggestion?

E. I have got the details of your order.

shopping online 大 致 流 程 是 : 在 homepage ( 网 站 首页) sign in (登录)→在 search box (搜索框)输入要寻找的商品→找到你需要的商品→加入 shopping cart (购物车)→ check out (结账),和生活中去实体店购物流程相似。



Page 11: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Pair work. Complete the dialogue.66

Listening and Speaking


You may use:

Is your shipping address...?Will you pay on delivery?The shipping is free.Please check your goods carefully when you receive them.

A: Hello, Miss Chen. You have just submitted your order. This is the first time you’ve ordered at our website. Do you need any help?

B: I have no problem for now. Thank you.

A: I’d like to confirm your order once again...

A:Hello, Miss Chen. You just submitted an order. This is the first time you’ve ordered from our website. Do you need any help?B:I have no problem for now. Thank you. A:I’d like to confirm your order once again, Miss Chen. You have ordered one green T-shirt. The Three-6 brand. Your shipping address is No. 66 Jianguo Road, in Beijing. Is this right? B:Yes.A:Will you pay on delivery or…?B:Yes, I’ll pay on delivery. Do I have to pay for the shipping?A:No, the shipping is free. Please check your goods carefully when you receive them.B:You’re so kind. Thank you.

Page 12: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Learn the words and expression.11

Reading and Writing

track 追踪package 包裹shipping method 运输方式

Page 13: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Read the text with these questions in mind.22

Reading and Writing

Dear Mr Li,

The item you have ordered (Order No. 12345678) on our website will be delivered to you on 26 January. You can visit our website to track your package. On the Your Orders page, fill in your order number in the search box. Then click on the Go button. The shipping method for your item and where it is will be listed.

At, we keep working to improve our business. Once your items arrive, please tell us if they are in good condition or if there are any problems. We depend on your comments to improve our service.

We hope you continue to enjoy shopping at

Yours sincerely,

1. When will Mr Li get his package?

2. How can Mr Li track his package?

He will get it on 26 January.

On the Your Orders page of, fill in his order number in the search box. Then click on the Go button. In this way, the shipping method for the item and where it is will be listed.

Page 14: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Complete the email.33

Reading and Writing

A. place one order for everything in your cart B. the use of shopping cart

C. will become easier and more pleasant D. the two books you ordered arrived separately

Dear Mr Li,

In your email of 27 January, you noted that 1)______________________ _______________, and that we have charged you the shipping fee twice. We have checked your order. It turns out that you ordered the two books in two separate orders.

We are presuming that you may not be familiar with 2)_________________ ____. It’s just like shopping in a supermarket. Once you find an item that interests you, you may add it to the shopping cart. You should keep searching and keep adding the items to your shopping cart, until you get everything you want. You may then 3)__________________________________. So you only need to fill in one order form.

We sincerely hope your future online shopping 4)___________________ ____________.

Yours truly,

the two books you ordered arrived separately

the use of shopping cart

place one order for everything in your cart

will become easier and more pleasant

为了保护买卖双方的权益,在线购物的一个重要环节是,在货物送达后,检查货物是否完好( in good condition) 并进行信用评价。这有助于网站提高服务质量。


Page 15: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Listen and take notes.11

Extended Activities

(由于缺货,客服人员同 Mrs Jefferson 确认订单。 )

1. Mrs Jefferson ordered _______________________.2. The MP3 players that Mrs Jefferson ordered _______

_________________.3. Mrs Jefferson wanted them to deliver ______.

2 MP3 players and 3 PSPs are not

available at present 3 PSPs

Page 16: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Complete the dialogue.22

Extended Activities

(由于天气原因, Mrs Jefferson 订购的货物未能及时送达。你是客服中心的接待员,请向 Mrs Jefferson 解释延误送货的原因。 )

A: I ordered some Christmas gifts from your website. Christmas is almost here, but I haven’t got my package yet.

B: Sorry to hear that. What’s your order number, please?

A: ...

A:I ordered some Christmas gifts from your website. Christmas is almost here, but I haven’t got my package yet.B:Sorry to hear that. What’s your order number, please?A:I can’t remember. B:Would you please tell me your email address?A:[email protected]:OK, got it. You ordered 3 PSPs.A:That’s right. B:Your package has not been delivered due to the sudden snowstorm. All expressways and roads leading into your city have been closed. Will you please wait another day or two? The expressways and roads should be reopened by then. A:OK. B:Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Page 17: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Read the email and then discuss the questions with your partners.


Extended Activities

( Mrs Jefferson 收到客服中心发来的邮件。 )

Dear Mrs Jefferson,

We are truly sorry for the delay. The items you ordered from our website are to be delivered today. Once you receive the package, please kindly click on the “Delivered” button and give an evaluation of our products and services.

In order to make shopping even easier for you, we have a new service—the “Fortune Box”. This programme should make it easier for you to find the best offers online. Here is the link: Please try it out, and enjoy a new shopping experience.

Yours sincerely,

To: [email protected]: [email protected]

Subject: Delivery has been made

Page 18: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Read the email and then discuss the questions with your partners.


Extended Activities

( Mrs Jefferson 收到客服中心发来的邮件。 )

1. How can the buyer evaluate the seller’s products and services?

2. Why would suggest Fortune Box?

The buyer can click on the “Delivered” button on the webpage and give an evaluation of the seller’s products and services.

Because Fortune Box can make it easier for customers to find the best offers online.

Page 19: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Complete the letter.44

Extended Activities

Dear Mrs Jefferson,

I’m 1)_____ to inform you that due to the unexpected snowstorm, the New York Airport has been closed. Your package which is supposed to arrive at your home this Friday, has been delayed.

Maybe you have already received a phone call from our receptionist and been informed about this.

2)_____________ once again. I will see what we can do to have your package get to you as soon as possible!

If you want to track your package, you can sign in on our website. 3)________ ______________________________.

Yours sincerely,

May Woods

Customer Service Manager


My apologies

Thank you for your understanding and patience

Page 20: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Culture Corner

Computer and the Internet have changed the world steadily and enormously. In 1995,, one of the first online shops, began to sell books using the Internet. It didn’t have a store to visit. The only way you could access Amazon is to use a computer linked to the Internet.

Amazon makes it easy to buy online. You can browse books at its website. When you find what you need, just place an order and type in your Credit Card number to pay for it. A postman will deliver your package to you as soon as the next day.

1. When did Amazon begin to sell books online?

2. What’s the advantage of buying online?

Amazon began to sell books online in 1995.Buying online is cheaper and more convenient.

Page 21: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

Culture Corner

Amazon has changed the way people buy things. Just click the mouse and you can buy almost any product. It is cheaper and more convenient. It saves you money, time and energy.

The links between the buyer and the seller have become closer, and the profit margin becomes larger. Amazon’s success has attracted more and more companies to join the business. Good online companies offer an effective and secure shopping environment.

Page 22: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

My Progress Check

Words I have learned in this unit are:

Now I know ________ new words.More words I know in this unit are:_________________________________________________

Great! Now I know ________ useful phrases and expressions.More useful phrases and expressions I know in this unit are:_________________________________________________

□ account □ instruction□ homepage

Phrases and expressions I have learned in this unit are:

□ shopping cart □ sign in □ shipping method

□ track□ deliver

□ button

□ package

Page 23: U NIT 8 Online Service. You will be able to: 1. offer good online shopping service. 2. solve problems about online shopping

My Progress Check

I can:

□ solve problems about online shopping.

□ offer good online shopping service.

What progress I have made! I’m happy.

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