  • 1. By: Justin Graham Performance Task-Types of Sentences Power Point8 Sentences for each typeIllustration that relates to examplesSimple. Complex, Compound, & Compound ComplexDeclarative, Imperative, Interrogative, Exclamatory

2. Subject + Predicate=Independent ClausePredicate=Dependent Clause Subject=Dependent ClauseA subject and predicate cant stand alone.Together they can become an independent sentence.But his gets even more elaborate 3. There are two types of Clauses; Independent and Dependent. The two types can make different types of sentences Independent SentencesIndependent sentences can be used in a proper manner and has both the necessities for a sentence that can stand by itself.Dependent Sentences Dependent sentences cant be used in a proper manner and is usually referred to as a fragment or in language slang. Dependent sentences cant stand a lone and without whats missing they can only stand with a independent sentence 4. Sentence Structure! Simple Sentence A simple sentence is just one independent clause that can have multiple subjects and verbs.ID SP A compound sentence has two D,I independent and are joined by SSP Compound Sentence a comma and conjunction or a semi colon. SPP SSPPI,cI I;IComplex Sentence A complex sentence consist of one independent clause and one dependent clause. When independent clause comes before the dependent theres no comma but when the dependent comes first their will be a comma. 5. Sentence purpose Interrogative-question |Expressed with ? Declarative-statement | Expressed with . Imperative-Demand | Expressed with . Exclamiatory-surprised/loud statement | expressed with !

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