Page 1: Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost| October 24, 2021

Mass Schedule

(Holy Days as announced)

Sunday 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:00 AM (High)

Monday - Thursday 12:15 PM

Friday 7:00 PM ~ Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament from 5:30 PM – 6:45 PM

Saturday 9:00 AM ~ Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on First Saturdays from 7:30 AM - 8:45 AM


Heard 30 minutes before Daily Mass, 45 minutes before Sunday Masses

+All Masses and Sacraments are celebrated according to the Usus Antiquior (Traditional Form) of the Roman Rite

Served by the Priestly Fraternity of St. Peter

Fr. Christopher Pelster, FSSP Fr. Daniel Mould, FSSP

Pastor Associate Pastor

435 4th Street NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 ~ (612) 379-4996

Parish Email: [email protected] - Parish Website:

Filiae Laboris Mariae Sisters - Mother Maria Regina, FLM, Superior

428 5th Street NE Minneapolis, MN 55413 ~ (612) 353-6343

Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost| October 24, 2021

“Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s;

and to God, the things that are God’s.”

From Today’s Gospel: Matthew 22:21�

The Tribute Money - Tiziano Vecelli (1489 - 1576)�

Page 2: Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost| October 24, 2021


The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary

+Sunday, October 24

Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost, II Class Green

8:00 AM Father Bourmaud, SSPX

9:30 AM Mike, Fr. James, George, Andy, and The-

resa Livingston

11:00 AM Pro Populo (High Mass)

Epistle: Philippians 1:6-11 Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21

+Monday, October 25 Green

Feria, IV Class

12:15 PM Thad and Jill Wolfe; Tori and Julie Wolfe;

Logan and Molly (Wolfe) Koehler; Al and Helen Wolfe; Kelley

Wolfe; Kirk Wolfe; Alison Wolfe; Beau and Alice Sprague; Jill Ann

Sprague; Dick and Barbara Domaleski

Epistle: Philippians 1:6-11 Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21

+Tuesday, October 26 Red

St. Evaristus, Pope and Martyr, III Class

12:15 PM Manu and Mayumi Wolfe; Nevada Wolfe

and Kevin Frazier; +Clyde Wolfe; +Leona Wolfe; +Cari Wolfe;

+Spencer Wolfe; +William and Lillian Strathern; +Charles “Bud”

Sprague; +Billy Oelshlager; +Clarence L. Tinker

Epistle: 1 Peter 5:1-4, 10-11 Gospel: Matthew 16:13-19

+Wednesday, October 27 Green

Feria, IV Class

12:15 PM For all children whose lives were lost to

abortion and for parents who lost a child

to miscarriage or abortion

Epistle: Philippians 1:6-11 Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21

+Thursday, October 28 Red

Ss. Simon and Jude, Apostles, II Class

12:15 PM (sung) All who suffer from addiction or

mental illness

Epistle: Ephesians 4:7-13 Gospel: John 15:17-25

+Friday, October 29 Green

Feria, IV Class

7:00 PM Cynthia Aamot

Epistle: Philippians 1:6-11 Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21

+Saturday, October 30 White

Our Lady on Saturday, IV Class

9:00 AM Souls in Purgatory; Joe and Jill Biden;

George Soros; Bill Gates; Kristen, John and Violet

Lesson: Ecclesiasticus 24:14-16 Gospel: Luke 11:27-28

+Sunday, October 31 White

Feast of Christ the King, I Class

8:00 AM +Sandra Rotz; +Irene Rotz; Mike

Rotz Sr. +Fidelis Bierkes; +Marlene Trunk

9:30 AM +Cheryl Elfstrom

11:00 AM Pro Populo (High Mass)

Epistle: Colossians 1:12-20 Gospel: John 18:33-37

Parish Staff and Apostolate Contacts

Pastor + Fr. Pelster: 612-379-4996, ext. 2

Associate Pastor + Fr. Mould: 612-379-4996, ext. 3

Sacramental Emergency 612-379-4996, ext. 8

Parish Office + Sr. Maria Josepha: 612-379-4996, ext.0,

[email protected]

Director of Music +Jacob Flaherty: 612-379-4996, ext. 4,

[email protected]

St. Stephen’s Altar Server Guild + Alan Young 612-597-2934

+ Kurt Greene

All Saints Homeschool Co-op and Catechesis

Director: + Sibyl Nieman [email protected]

Board Members: Jeni Bradac, Chad Cmejla, Jacob Flaherty, Michael

Hagler, Candice Oglesbee, Brett Thoreson [email protected]

Safe Environment Coordinator: [email protected]

All Saints 20’s and 30’s Group +Sylvia Michael See Flocknotes

St. Joseph Men’s Guild +Nathan Aamot See Flocknotes

Queen of All Saints Sodality +Kirstin Matlock See Flocknotes

St. Rita’s Women’s Group +Sr. Maria Josepha and FLM Sisters See Flocknotes

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd +Anne Schneiderjan See Flocknotes

Grocery Apostolate +Karen Hastreiter See Flocknotes

Parish Bookkeeper +James Hentges Parish Cleaning +Sarah Berglof

MealTrain +Jenessa Graczyk: [email protected]

Food Outreach + Deanna Loomis: 917-837-6119, [email protected]

To sign up for and receive information about/prom any of the parish’s groups/apostolates

simply do one of the following:

1. Text ’COAS’ to 84576 and follow the prompts.

2. Go to and follow the prompts.


+ Please pray for the repose of the soul of Mr. Robert

Ronyak, whose funeral was Wednesday, October 20. Eternal

rest grant unto Him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.

+ Come to our All Saints Party is on Sunday, October

31st at 1:30 PM at the St. Mark School Building campus. Pizza

will be served in the cafeteria. (Don’t forget to respond to

the pizza sign-up that was sent out on Flocknote on

Saturday, October 23 no later than this coming

Wednesday - this helps us estimate how much pizza to buy).

Immediately following, a game of ’Guess Which Saint I Am’

will be played in the gym (assuming you are wearing a costume

of a Saint!), with the priests and some of the Sisters serving as

’guessers’, along with various other games. (Be prepared to

know something about your Saint!) We will gather at 3:45 for

a short prayer and the awarding of some raffle prizes. Every

family is asked to bring a bag of candy. Can’t wait to

see you there!

+ Come to Holy Mass (12:15 - Low and 7:00 PM - High) on

Monday, November 1st, our parish’s patronal Feast of All

Saints. While not strictly obligatory (since it falls on a Mon-

day) consider it a Holy Day of Highly Recommended.

+ All Souls Day is on Tuesday, November 2nd. Low

Mass will be at 12:15 PM; High Mass, accompanied by Fr.

Tomas Luis Victoria’s Requiem for 6 Voices, will be at 7:00 PM.

+ You are welcome to add the names of deceased friends

and relatives on the paper found on the vestibule table. Mass

will be offered for them each day of the week following All

Souls Day.

Sacred Music at Today’s High Mass: Processional: Praise, My Soul, the

King of Heaven; Ordinary: Mass IX, Credo VII; Offertory: Ecce Quam

Bonum - Hassler; Communion: De Profundis - Charpentier;

Recessional: Sing Praise to God, Who Reigns Above

Page 3: Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost| October 24, 2021

FINAL THOUGHT - CAESAR OR GOD from The Life of Christ by Venerable Fulton J. Sheen

Men talk most about health when they are unhealthy. So too they talk most about freedom when they are in danger of losing it or

when they are enslaved. At times freedom has been identified with license at one extreme, or with tyranny at the other. Since Our

Lord came into a country that was enslaved and subjugated, it was to be expected that some would have a desire for no other kind of

freedom than the political, or release from a conqueror’s yoke. If He were an ethical reformer that is precisely the freedom He

should have given; but if He was a Savior, as indeed He was, then spiritual freedom was more important than political freedom. On

the mountaintop, Satan tried to make Him concentrate on a political career but failed. Later on, when the masses attempted to make

Him king, He fled into the mountains. But the idea of political liberation was rampant and foremost in the popular mind. The coun-

try, then, was a tributary of Rome. When the word “freedom” was used, it was almost always understood in the political sense of

overthrowing the slavery of Caesar. Our Lord, therefore, constantly had to deal with this problem—either because some hoped He

would be a political liberator, or because whenever He spoke of freedom it was misunderstood as liberation from Rome. In three

separate incidents He cleared up His position on this subject, leaving no doubts as to what He regarded as the True Freedom: 1. Po-

litical freedom from Caesar was not primary. 2. True Freedom was spiritual and meant liberation from sin. 3. To acquire this Free-

dom for everyone, Jew and Gentile alike, He would submit Himself voluntarily as a ransom for sin.

Two groups held contrary views concerning Caesar: the Herodians and the Pharisees. The Herodians were not a sect or a reli-

gious school, but a political party. Outwardly they were friends of Caesar and of the Roman authority; though they were not Ro-

mans, they favored the House of Herod as the occupant of the Jewish throne; this made them friends of pagan Rome and Caesar.

Another party was the Pharisees, who were now at the height of their power. Being Puritans concerning the Law and Jewish tradi-

tions, they refused to acknowledge any authority to Rome; they had even attempted, according to Josephus, to put Herod to death.

As nationalists, they refused to acknowledge Roman dominion and hoped that one day the Jews under their Messias-King would rule

the world. Both of these groups were enemies, not only because the Herodians sided with Caesar and were willing to pay tribute to

the conqueror, while the Pharisees despised Caesar and paid tribute under protest, but also because the Herodians were not particu-

larly interested in religion, while the Pharisees professed to be its most exemplary models.

One day after Our Lord had cured a man on the Sabbath, the Pharisees began plotting with those of Herod’s party to make away

with Him. That the Pharisees should have tolerated even such a temporary alliance with the Herodians, shows the virulence of the

hatred directed against Our Blessed Lord. The Herodians could not have come before Our Blessed Lord without arousing some sus-

picion of their base motives, nor did the Pharisees, always astute, come to Him in person. They sent some of their young scholars, as

though in their guileless simplicity they were merely seeking information. The Pharisees gave Our Blessed Lord the impression that a

dispute had arisen between them and the Herodians, as indeed would have been very natural. They desired to settle it by referring it

to Him as the great scholar. They began by praising Him, thinking foolishly that He might be won over by a little flattery.

“Give us your ruling on this: are we or are we not permitted to pay taxes to the Roman Emperor? (Mt. 22:18)

They expected Our Blessed Lord to answer either “Herodians” or “Pharisees.” If He answered, “No, it is not lawful to render trib-

ute to Caesar,” then the Herodians would have delivered Him over to the Roman authorities, who in turn would order His death for

conspiring to revolution. If He said, “Yes, it is lawful,” then He would displease the Pharisees, who would go before the people and

say that He was not a Messias, for no Messias, or deliverer, or Savior would ever consent that the people should put their necks un-

der the yoke of an invader. If He refused to pay the tax He was a rebel; if He agreed to pay it, He was an enemy of the people. To say

“No” would make Him a traitor to Caesar; to say “Yes” would make Him antinational, antipatriotic. In either case it would seem that

He was caught in a trap. The fellow travelers would condemn Him for being an enemy of the great leader, Caesar; the semireligious

would damn Him for being an enemy of His country. The snare in the question was heightened by the fusion of the religious and the

political elements in the ancient history of Israel; but now the two were separated. How could an absolute standard be applied to

both God and Caesar? To read the entire chapter, visit

+ Next Sunday, October 31st, is the Feast of Christ the King. We will have some added Solemnity at these Masses,

including an Act of Consecration of the Human Race to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, called for by Pope Pius XI in his 1925 Encylical Quas

Primas. After High Mass we will have Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.

+ Mark your calendar: Two identical, informative March for Life meetings will happen on both Sunday, November 7th in

the garage after the 11:00 AM Mass and Friday, November 12th at 1:15 PM at St. Mark’s during the Co-op day for the par-

ents (and young people if they wish) of all those interested in possibly attending. Much good information will be handed out

and questions will be answered. Those 18 - 22 who would like to come along are asked to make one of those meetings. Con-

tact Mr. Jacob Flaherty if you are interested but absolutely unable to attend either date. We hope to see you there!

+ Collection: Thursday, October 14 - Wednesday, October 20: $11,497.84 God reward you!

+ A terrific article from entitled The History of All Saints and All Souls Day Customs was sent by Fr.

Pelster in this past Saturday’s weekly Flocknote email. It describes some wonderful ways these holy days were (and still are)

celebrated by Catholics from around the world. Perhaps some of these would be helpful for your family to learn about

together ahead of time. (There is also a recipe for ‘All Saints Cakes’). Extra copies may be found on the vestibule table...

Page 4: Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost| October 24, 2021

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