
TUTORIAL 2C(CHAPTER 2) Course :ECG353 (Soil Engineering) Lecturer :Group: Semester:Date: Name:UiTM student ID: Learning Outcomes:These tutorial questions are designed to assess students understanding on: CO1:Explain and differentiate methods of soil exploration for civil engineering purposes and soil engineering concepts on soil response to various geotechnical situations (C2-C4) CO2 :Analyse and evaluate soil engineering problems related to vertical stresses distribution in soils, lateral earth pressure, bearing capacity and slope stability (C4-C6)PO1 :Ability to acquire and apply basic knowledge of science, mathematics and engineering (C)PO3 :Ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems using thinking skills and engineering reasoning (C) Answer ALL questions. Question 1 Figurebelowshowsa4meterhighofmasonrywalltosupportclayeySANDasabackfill.Forthe structure shown, draw the lateral earth pressure distribution diagram and calculate the total thrust and its line of action at both sides of the masonry wall. Question 2 Figurebelowshowsaretainingwallconstructedtoretaintheearthbackfill.Sketchthelateralearth pressuredistributiondiagramsbehindtheretainingwallandcalculatethetotalresultantactivethrust exerted onto the wall. Then, find the location of the resultant active thrust. Question 3 A4mhighretainingwallwithaverticalbackfaceisshowninfigurebelow.Forthebackfill,soil properties are given as follows; Unit weight , = 19 kN/m3 Cohesion, c = 26 kN/m2 Angle of friction, = 0 a)Considering the existence of the tensile crack, determine the active force, Pa and the location of the resultant on the wall. b)Design the required depth (Hp) of passive thrust in front of the wall in order to produce the same magnitude of active thrust as in Question 3(a). Question 4 Figure below shows a system of retaining wall of 4.5 m high. a)Draw the lateral earth distribution diagram behind the retaining wall. b)Carry out the calculation on total active thrust behind the wall and its line of action. c)Calculate the required depth (Hp) for passive thrust in front of the wall in order to retain the same magnitude of thrust from Question 4(b).

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