Page 1: Tuesday 11 Sept Agency + Business Digital Transformation ... · Drupal PKM: A personal knowledge management Drupal distro Managing digital service data streams with Migrate API Avoiding

Agency + Business

E commerce

Digital Transformation + Enterprise

Higher Education

Drupal Community

Social + No-Profi t

DevOps + Infrastructure


Drupal Technology

Publishing + Media

Room spectrum A 2.07 aurum 2.03 vanadium 3.08 neon 2.04 titanium 3.05 radon0.04 dynamicum 3.03 germanium 2.02 chromium 3.09 helium3.02 hassium

Tuesday 11 Sept

08:30 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:30

11:15 - 11:30

10:30 - 11:15

11:30 - 12:15

12:15 - 13:45

14:30 - 14:45

13:45 - 14:30

14:45 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:00

16:45 - 17:00

17:00 - 17:45

16:00 - 16:45

Splash Awards

Break Break Break Break

Break Break Break Break

Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch

Break Break Break Break

Break Break Break Break

Break Break Break Break

SIWECOS - CMS security sponsored by the German government

Linked Data & the Decentralised Web: Is this the Future?

Decentralized Drupal: The decoupled Drupal endgame

It’s All About the Experience: What I’ve Learnt from Talking to Thousands of People About Drupal

Creating an enterprise level editorial experience for Drupal 8 using React

Willy Wonka and the Secure Container Factor

The digital revolution at Chatham House - from fi ght to full fl ight

Why this Open Source warrior joined Microsoft - and what it’s like working there

Radically Candid, the modern psychology that leads to eff ective leadership

How to boost your team members performance

It takes a village to transform the digital platform of a large publishing conglomerate

Fostering a contribution culture against a backdrop of secrecy

Successfully Proving Enterprise Drupal 8 at Bayer

Out of the Box is Out of the Box!

CMI 2.0 updates and the best of confi g management today

Form steps - Complex Forms, simple UI : take advantage of Drupal 8 native features for your multisteps forms

Better Console Applications

REST Ready: Auditing established Drupal 8 websites for use as a content hub

Code with style! Prettier + ESLint

Professional Drupal hosting and development with Kubernetes and Helm

Dealing with IRQ confl icts in 2018

Modular software, modular infrastructure

DevOps 101: building blameless, systematic, intentional culture at your organization

Virtual Machine, Container, or Serverless

Drupal in the cloud - Serverless and more

Autopsy of Vulnerabilities

Build Decoupled Applications with Gatsby & Drupal

Bringing the Search API to Drupal Core

After The Goldrush

Drupal and the Ethereum Blockchain

How the biggest trade fair in sports became a leading digital publisher

Contentpool - Centrally editing distributed content!

Handy modules when building and maintaining your site

Connecting media solutions beyond Drupal

Front-end page composition with Geysir

Integration of an editorial calendar with Drupal / Thunder

ow to COPE with External Entities

Preventing Burnout

What could you expect from Drupal core contributing

Dynamic Virtual Reality apps with decoupled Drupal

Public Code with Free Software: Modernising Digital Public Infrastructure

Herding cats – How to build and run a large distributed team of experts

Building large scale government websites with the Drupal distribution deGov

Commerce 2.x for the business-specifi c - Feedback on a 2k person days project

No! Update

Being more human, taking Open Source, Agile and Cloud beyond tech!

pensource your daily work

Governance Task Force: An Update on Current Progress

#287 after a life of fl ying solo

Lessons Learned from applying Drupal in Higher Education Projects

Human side of technological transition

With Great Power, Comes Great Responsibility

How to grow up skills, by contribution to community

There is a solution for everything, if you just understand the problem.

Visual Regression Testing with BackstopJS

Why Greenpeace moves to a multi-instance Wordpress architecture

Building Local Communities - foster Drupal adoption

Making Mentoring Magic

An introduction to Islandora CLAW, and how it could help your university

Digital Transformation in the Financial Sector: Challenges and Opportunities

The fi rst OpenSource Campus Management solution - OpenCampus, a community driven project for Higher Ed administration

Companion Guide to Drupal: Enhance Your Learning

Should my website be a learning tool?

Varnish workshopDecoupled Drupal and a Global Learning Platform

VUEJS and Drupal: How to build a decoupled SPA

Page 2: Tuesday 11 Sept Agency + Business Digital Transformation ... · Drupal PKM: A personal knowledge management Drupal distro Managing digital service data streams with Migrate API Avoiding

Agency + Business

E commerce

Digital Transformation + Enterprise

Higher Education

Drupal Community

Social + No-Profi t

DevOps + Infrastructure


Drupal Technology

Publishing + Media

Room spectrum A 2.07 aurum 2.03 vanadium 3.08 neon 2.04 titanium 3.05 radon0.04 dynamicum 3.03 germanium 2.02 chromium 3.09 helium3.02 hassium

08:15 - 09:00

09:00 - 10:00

10:00 - 10:15

10:15 - 10:30

11:15 - 11:30

10:30 - 11:15

11:30 - 12:15

12:15 - 13:45

14:30 - 14:45

13:45 - 14:30

14:45 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:00

16:45 - 17:00

17:00 - 17:45

16:00 - 16:45

DriesnoteGroup Photo

Site Building 2.0: How Layout Builder will change everything

The OpenEuropa Initiative

Blockchain Panel for the Open Free Web

Responsible disclosure, cross-project collaboration, and Drupal 8 security

How UNICEF Built A Donation Platform Across 135 Currencies and 7 Languages

Hackers automate but the Drupal Community still downloads updates ...

Introducing the Gutenberg content editor for Drupal 8

Why DevOps, Containers, and Tooling Matter in Digital Transformation

Paperless: The paper-to-digital transformation chronology

OpenSource meets Enterprise - how Drupal and SAP Hybris can team up

Upgrading vs. Upcycling - How to stay ahead of the curve

Compelling USPs for Drupal in large organisations

Full Stream ahead in 8 weeks and beyond

Lesser-known perks of using Composer

Create a chatbot on Drupal Data

Content management in AI-driven world

SAML And JWT For SSO As Part Of Enterprise Drupal Implementations

State of Drupal performance through the eyes of real-world users

How we built a government video platform using Vue.js in just 100 days

Modern Workfl ows for the Modern Developer

The Way We Work: Culture, Communication, and Containers

GitLab (Auto) Review Apps with Drupal

Down the rabbit hole: containerizing your Drupal site on Kubernetes and deploying it the blue/green way

Look at Me Looking at Drupal Looking at PatternLab

A present for lazy developer: automating code quality control

Modules proudly hosted elsewhere

Symfony Framework style API building in Drupal

24Kitchen, the no. 1 platform for food lovers

Testing small to medium size client projects with Behat

Towards a standard for User interface text

Drupal & Elm

Add open source to your DNA – how Burda built the Drupal 8 distribution for professional publishing - looking back over the past two years

The secrets of high-performance Drupal teams

YES, you can get the company you work for to contribute to Drupal

The Latest on AMP and Progressive Web Apps: What, Why and How

Data visualisation

Enrich your Paragraphs workfl ow with features you didn’t know about

Multicurrency with Drupal 8 Commerce

Africa: The next 1.2 Billion

How to build social knowledge distribution platforms - A case study with Open Social

Sell it again: licenses and subscriptions on Drupal Commerce

Breaking the double digit, no wait, double digit millions, barrier for products

What is this estimation thing? Making sense of estimation strategies and understanding why “no estimation” is not as crazy as it sounds.

The king is dead, long live the king - or how Hooks were superseded by object oriented alternatives in Commerce 2.x.

Open Source E-commerce solutions : Stop to compare, start to analyze

The Future of Drupal Watchdog Magazine

The Drupal Association: What it is, isn’t, and could be.

The Challenge of Emotional Labor in Open Source Communities

Analyzing the Drupal Community: a Data-driven Approach

Community events in WordPress

Dries Q&A

How to improve AND maintain Team Health AND Productivity when you are managing “multiple projects”

Docker 101 for Drupal Developers

Launching a successful educational portal

ICOs, a revolutionary way to raise money for your company

GDPR and Privacy Experience

Why agencies and their clients should understand Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

Implementing Drupal at Heidelberg University

How you can handle updates easily with best practices and keep your Drupal site secure

Break Break Break Break

Break Break Break Break

Break Break Break Break

Break Break Break Break

Break Break Break Break

Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch

Wednesday 12 Sept


Using React with Drupal. The Basics.

Coming soon, Drupal 8 and a half!

Page 3: Tuesday 11 Sept Agency + Business Digital Transformation ... · Drupal PKM: A personal knowledge management Drupal distro Managing digital service data streams with Migrate API Avoiding

Agency + Business

E commerce

Digital Transformation + Enterprise

Higher Education

Drupal Community

Social + No-Profi t

DevOps + Infrastructure


Drupal Technology

Publishing + Media

Room spectrum A 2.07 aurum 2.03 vanadium 3.08 neon 2.04 titanium 3.05 radon0.04 dynamicum 3.03 germanium 2.02 chromium 3.09 helium3.02 hassium

09:00 - 10:00

10:15 - 10:30

11:15 - 11:30

10:30 - 11:15

11:30 - 12:15

12:15 - 13:45

14:30 - 14:45

13:45 - 14:30

14:45 - 15:30

15:30 - 16:00

16:45 - 17:00

17:00 - 17:45

16:00 - 16:45

Panel: Future of the open web and open source

Decoupled Drupal: Implications, risks and changes from a business perspective

Drupal Diversity & Inclusion: Building a Stronger Community

Drupal distributions panel

Building a Social Impact Platform with Drupal Distributions: from migrant to government projects

The road to a headless Drupal Commerce future

Using game theory to close bigger (Drupal) sales

Challenges in a digital world

Drupal PKM: A personal knowledge management Drupal distro

Managing digital service data streams with Migrate API

Avoiding the “best practices” trap: thanks for the theory, but let’s solve the problems I actually have fi rst.

Myths and Legends of Breaking the Monolith

Drupal in multichannel publishing environments

Content Syndication, Staging and Synchronization in Drupal

Autosave and concurrent editing in Drupal 8

JavaScript Modernisation Initiative

Decoupling Drupal with GraphQL & Twig

Advanced Solr - Build Data Driven Features

Let’s write secure Drupal code!

Progressive Web Apps for all Drupal sites

Befriending Goliath: how to manage large projects from a small agency perspective

A healthy approach to risk and governance

Finding Drupal Talent - A Recruiter’s Dilemma Panel

Open Source Engagement to Empower Business

A Drupalers Guide to Marketing

Developing for privacy and data protection

Open source software at European Commission’s IT department

How Drupal Can (and Is) Powering Open Data Eff orts Worldwide

Building a citizen portal for 100+ services using a microservices architecture

Drupal 8, Services and Decoupling Patterns

Why I forked my own project and my own company

Drupal GDPR Module - Exploration of a suite of Drupal specifi c GDPR tools to help achieve compatibility.

Elasticsearch powering Drupal – beyond search

Case Study: How we built a protected community for people with MS

Entity access for lists: A crucially missing piece of the puzzle

Blockchain Distributed Media - A Future for good publishing

Building high-performance Thunder sites

There should be a better /admin/content! Improve your content management with Content Planner.

Landing pages and designing connected content

Improving the Editor Experience: Paragraphs FTW

Fields, Bricks, Paragraphs, etc... What’s the next? Media Driven Content Architecture

Decentralized Dynamic Federation of Rocket.Chat Servers

Open Source Marketing Automation

Understanding community values - how we turned our university challenge into success

Conversational Commerce: Integrating Bots with Drupal Commerce

Drupal as an interface to a world of commerce

Browser Testing with Nightwatch.js

We are all ambassadors of Drupal and we should follow a code..

Essential Drupal marketing at the regional level

Agile business analysis for Drupal agencies

Come play with us! Empathy Building via Serious Play

Component-based Theming with Pattern Lab and Twig

Break Break Break Break

Break Break Break Break

Break Break Break Break

Break Break Break Break

Break Break Break Break

Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch

Thursday 13 Sept

Drupal Europe - what’s next?

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