Page 1: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction

True o

r Fa

lse in 2



Half of all workers made less than $26,364. That means the typical wage is at its lowest level since 1999, after adjusting for inflation.

The number of millionaires increased by about 20 percent.

Core Value: Engagement of Students as Active Learners 21CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectively Standard 10(Drama)

Page 2: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction

1. Main migrant road

2. Long concrete path across the country

3. Mother road

4. Mean migrant road

#2 They’re scared that they’re going to break down

#3 They don’t want you to get into the state if you don’t have land or a license

To control who goes in and who goes out

#4 Just good business sense

#5 Al

#6 Worrying about the what ifs

Core Value: Engagement of Students as Active Learners 21CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectively Standard 10(Drama)

Page 3: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction

Tom and Ma= practical

Steal or not buy anything


Capitalism, bank, big business

That it’s a monster out to get people


The rich


scaredCore Value: Engagement of Students as Active Learners 21CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectively Standard 10(Drama)

Page 4: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction



Ivy Wilson




Heart broken


Granpa, WilsonCore Value: Engagement of Students as Active Learners 21CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectively Standard 10(Drama)

Page 5: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction

150, 40

Bury him

Tom, murder

He died before it got difficult for them to live; they don’t know what trouble is ahead

3 weeks

Everyone is going for the same jobs in CA


Core Value: Engagement of Students as Active Learners 21CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectively Standard 10(Drama)

Page 6: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction




What do you see as a problem both locally, nationally, and globally? How would we get it to change?

Core Value: Engagement of Students as Active Learners 21CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectively Standard 10(Drama)

Page 7: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction

Agenda 1



Activator Chapter 14- What’s Wrong with the World?

Listening Comprehension: NPR broadcast “Occupy Movement”

Discuss “This IWe Believe…” Reflection Paper

Quiz Chapter 15

Extra Credit is on eBoard.

Page 8: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction

“Occupy Wall Street, Tea Party: United In Distrust”

1. Both groups are united in their distrust for what?

2. Both the left and the right feel that there is too much power in whose hands?

3. Lessig wants who to fund congressional campaigns, instead of big businesses?

Core Value: Engagement of Students as Active Learners 21CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectively Standard 10(Drama)

Page 9: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction






1) Check-in,

2) Check Quiz

3) Go over study guide

4) FWA 5

Homework: Read Chapter 16

Page 10: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction

1. Steinbeck writes that “the great owners, striking at the immediate thing, the widening government, the growing labor unity; striking at new taxes, at plans; not knowing these things are results not causes. Results, not causes; results, not causes (204). What are the causes of the owners nervousness then?

“The causes lie deep and simply— the causes are a hunger in a stomach , multiplied a million times; a hunger in a single soul, hunger for joy and some security, multiplied a million times; muscles and mind aching to grow, to work, to create, multiplied a millions.”

Page 11: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction

Manself is the essence of humanity, but what are man’s muscles and minds aching to do?

To grow, to work, to create.

Page 12: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction

“Fear the time when the bombs stop falling while bombers live—for every bomb is proof that the spirit has not died. And fear the time when the strikes stop while great owners live—for every little beaten strike is proof that the step is being taken. And this you can know—fear the time when Manself will not suffer and die for a concept, for this one quality is the foundation of Manself, and this one quality is man”

Page 13: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction

Pa borrowed money from the bank, so the banks now owns the land where the tractor plows. What would make the tractor good according to the unnamed migrant speaking? How does this connect with one of our themes (Jim Casy’s philosophy)?

“If this tractor were ours it would be good, not mine but ours.”

Page 14: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction

“Here is the node, you who hate change and fear revolution. Keep these two squatting men apart; make them hate, fear, suspect each other… This is the zygote. For here ‘I lost my land’ is changed; a cell is split and from its splitting grows the thing you hate—‘We lost our land.’ The danger is here, for two men are not as lonely and perplexed as one” (206). What benefit is there from keeping the men separate? Who would benefit from this? What danger is there when they are joined?

Page 15: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction

6. What is the thing to bomb? Why? Who would want to bomb it?

Iwe, unions. Powerful, big businesses/wealthy

Page 16: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction

7. What does Steinbeck foreshadow in this chapter? Use DQE (Directly Quoted Evidence) to support your answer.

“The Western States are nervous under the beginning change. Need is the stimulus to concept, concept to action. A half-million people moving over the country…”(207)

Page 17: True or False in 2010…

Chapter 15

Page 18: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction

1. Characterize the rich in this chapter.

Rich have things they don’t need. Everything they could want, but they are still unhappy. Why?

Page 19: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction

2. Who is Mae? Describe her

3. Who is Al? Describe him.

Page 20: True or False in 2010…

Core Value: Higher order thinking skills21st CLE: Students should communicate clearly and effectivelyEQ: How did the time period in which the work was written affect how and why it was written?Standard 12: Students will identify, analyze, and apply knowledge of the structure and elements of fiction


Write a reflection paper, focusing on what we discussed in class. What do you believe are some serious issues that as a society we are facing? What can we do to ameliorate them? What is our responsibility? Consider the arguments that you have heard in class, as well as the arguments that Steinbeck makes. You may work with a partner on this.

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