Page 1: Trinity Academy Eppleby Forcett and Middleton Tyas€¦ · Friday 15th March 2019 Spring Term -Issue 9 School Newsletter Trinity Academy Eppleby Forcett and Middleton Tyas Proud to

Friday 15th March 2019 Spring Term - Issue 9

School Newsletter Trinity Academy Eppleby Forcett and Middleton Tyas

Proud to be church of England Academies


Dear Parents and Carers,

We have had a lovely end to the week celebrating Red Nose Day but also thinking seri-ously about some of the amazing work that the Comic Relief Charities facilitate. At Eppleby Forcett, we have been wearing red and, at Middleton Tyas, we have been uti-lising our funny photo booth – Do have a look at some of the hilarious pictures on the blog! We have thoroughly enjoyed British Science Week (BSW) and especially enjoyed the planetarium visit at Middleton Tyas on Wednesday.

The children in Preschool have been thinking about spring. They had a very exciting start to the week when some of the frogspawn turned into tadpoles! They have planted sunflowers and made beautiful pictures of our stunning daffodils. Do ask them about the lovely new playdough too! In Reception, they started BSW reading Ada Twist Scientist and talked about curiosity. The children really enjoyed and engaged with their exciting experiments. They launched a rocket, ob-served an egg turning into a bouncy ball, saw Skittles create a rainbow and made lemon volcanoes. The fizzing volcanoes sparked lots of discussion with some amazing vocabulary and inspired lots of drawing and writing.

This week, Year 1 have been celebrating BSW by learning all about Helen Sharman, the first British person to go into space. They have had lots of fun carrying out their own rocket launch experiment, and many other experiments in their science lab coats, and found out lots of interesting facts through their scientific investigations. The children have also been looking at why adjectives are so fun, useful and important in English, to help take a sentence and transform it into a fantastic de-scriptive piece of writing. In Year 2, the children have been investigating which type of chocolate (white, milk or dark) melts the quickest. They made predictions and observed closely to find out what happened. After discussing the results, they discovered that dark chocolate takes longer to melt because of the high cocoa content in it. In maths they have been finding three quarters of numbers and shapes. Finally, they enjoyed football on Wednesday when Mrs Parker's son led the training and set up a penalty shoot-out at the end of the session.

Year 3 have enjoyed BSW and completed some research on Mary Anning. She was an early palaeontologist who discov-ered many fossils. She found the first fossil Ichthyosaurus (an ancient sea creature like a dolphin). Her discoveries showed scientists in the early 1800s that the earth must have been formed millions of years ago. This week, Year 4 have been lov-ing lots of Science activities for BSW. They thoroughly enjoyed the Planetarium on Wednesday and they also looked at the scientist Charles Darwin. They then made some very funny VLOGS retelling all the fun facts we found about him. Another fun week of learning!

Year 5 have been working very hard this week finding fractions of amounts in Maths and writing information texts about Yellowstone National Park. They have also had great fun with Science this week, making water walk, demonstrating day and night and learning the different constellations of stars during the planetarium visit. This week Year 6 have been ed-iting letters to improve their writing and in Science, they had great fun using spaghetti and marshmallows to create wind-proof towers. In RE they have been re-enacting sections from Luke’s gospel on Jesus’ rising from the tomb and how Chris-tians view this event as a vital part of their faith.

For day-to-day enquiries please contact the school office or speak to your child(ren)’s class teacher. As you know, I work for the Federation for 50% of the week and share my time between school sites, so am not always available. Do remember that our Head of School, Mrs McLean, can be contacted on a daily basis if necessary.

I look forward to seeing you in school soon.

Kindest regards,

Mrs K. Williamson, Executive Headteacher

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As you are aware we are ‘Nut Free’ schools.

Please can you ensure that children do not bring in any products that may contain nuts.

This includes all variants of Chocolate Spread.


To qualify for free school meals you must fulfil one of the following criteria:

Universal Credit, provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods (£616.67 per month);

Income Support; Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance; Income-related Employment and Support Allowance; Support under part six of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999; The guarantee element of Pension Credit; Child Tax Credit, provided you are also not entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual household

gross income that does not exceed £16,190 (as assessed by HMRC); or Working Tax Credit run-on, paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit.

Please note that contributions-based benefits, including contribution-related Jobseekers' Allowance do not enti-tle you to claim free school meals.

If you meet the criteria, apply by clicking here to use the online application form.

Applications are usually processed within five working days. You will be notified in writing, either by post or email, if your child is entitled and we will also let the school know. You should continue to pay until confirmation comes through. before a free school meal can be provided.

If you are not entitled to free school meals, you will be notified in writing.


Do you think your child may be entitled to Free School Meals?

Every child in Reception to Year 2 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals.

If you have a child in our schools and feel you fit any of the criteria listed below it would be worth applying for

Free School Meals, even if your child is in Reception, Y1 or

Tuesday 19th March - Samba Workshop for Year 5 (every Tuesday)

Monday 25th March to Wednesday 27th March - Parent Consultation Evenings

Wednesday 27th March - Quicksticks Hockey at Richmond School

Thursday 4th April - Disco at Middleton Tyas, Reception/KS1 3:30 - 4:30pm, KS2 4:45 - 5:45pm

Friday 5th April - Bake Sale after school at both settings

Tuesday 9th April - Reception watching dress rehearsal of Jonah and the Whale at Middleton Tyas 2pm

Wednesday 10th April - Y3/4 performance of Jonah and the Whale at 2pm and 6pm

Thursday 11th April - Easter Service for Y1-Y6 at St Michael and all Angels Church, Middleton Tyas at 2pm

Friday 12th April - Easter Service for Preschool and Reception at St Cuthbert’s, Forcett at 9:15am

Friday 12th April - Schools finish for the Easter break

Tuesday 30th April - Schools open for children

Tuesday 30th April - UKMT Junior Maths Challenge

Thursday 2nd May - Year 5 Science Transition at Richmond School

Monday 13th May - Group photographs at Eppleby Forcett

Thursday 6th June and Friday 7th June - BAG2SCHOOL at Eppleby Forcett and Middleton Tyas


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We are now recycling writing instruments!

The recent media focus on single use plastic has brought this issue to everyone's attention. At school we are looking at ways we can make our activities more sustainable. Rather than contin-ue to send our empty pens to landfill, where they will sit for over 500 years, we have joined a scheme to recycle them.

We would love to encourage our children to continue their recycling at home and so we invite you to send any empty pens into school to be recycled.

All of the classes have a box for collection so all your child needs to do is bring them in and pop them in their class box. As an added bonus, the pens we recycle will be weighed and our school will receive money towards our fundraising efforts.

We thank you for your support in helping us educate our children as responsible citizens of the world!


Please can all parents, that have children travelling on any of the buses that serve our two schools, ensure a bus slip is completed each week.

We need a slip for every child that travels on the bus. It must be handed to Miss Robinson, Mrs Booth or either school office by no later than Thursday afternoon, for the following weeks travel or alternatively you can email the slip to the school office where your child is taught by 3pm on Thursday. If there are any changes to the slip during the week, please contact the relevant school office and then follow it up with a confirmation email of the changes

For safeguarding reasons, If we do not receive a bus slip for your child we will assume they are not needing to travel on the bus that following week. They will be kept at the school they are taught at and you will need to collect them from there at the end of the day.

If you need some more booking slips please contact either school office or alternatively click here to be taken to the link on our school website for the slips.

Thank you for your assistance with this.

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Please can all parents with children in Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6 ensure they login to ParentPay and pay for school lunches.

All lunches must be paid half termly in advance.

The amounts are as follows;

Daily = £2.50

Weekly = £12.50

This Half Term = £75.00


We know it is early but Schoolshop have set a cut off date to order uniform for September.

The last day for ordering is 7th August 2019.

For all orders you can visit their website;

Alternatively you can phone them on;

01904 607331

Thank you


Well done to Year 4 for an amazing 99.3% attendance this week.

They were followed extremely closely by Reception and Year 2 with 99.2%.

This has been a great week for attendance with every class achieving 96% or above.

Keep up the great attendance because every day counts!


Thank you all so much for your donations towards Red Nose Day.

We raised a total of £150 from the sale of Red Noses and a further £82.45 from donations towards the wearing of something red at Eppleby Forcett and the photo booth at Middleton Tyas.

Please do check the blog for some great photos.

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100 CLUB


CLICK this link and you will be directed to the application form.

Please support the 100 club if you can.

Many thanks for your generosity.


Good news!

You can now pay for FRIENDS events by BACS.

This means that instead of sending cash or cheque in for Discos, Film Nights, etc you can now pay by BACS.

Our bank details are;

Sort Code: 30-98-97

Account No: 66843168

Please make sure you put your child’s surname and year group as a reference.

So, why not set it up today and then you’re ready to pay by BACS for the next FRIENDS event.


Thank you to everyone that donated Bags for our

BAG2SCHOOL collection.

We will let you know how much we raised soon.

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There is a lot going on in and around the Rich-mondshire area to help support parents, chil-dren and young people.

Please click on this link to find out more about our daily activities that are on offer for chil-dren and families.

Thank you


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