Page 1: Trestle Executive Summary


 Overview  of  Courses  by  Trestle  Consultancy    


Prepared  by:  Erika  Maitland  

Email:  [email protected]  

Telephone:  +971526334359  

Dubai  Internet  City,  Building  11  Office  no:  107,  P.O.  Box  500483  

Dubai,  UAE  


Company  Registration  no:  91499  

Page 2: Trestle Executive Summary

Trestle  Education  Enable,  Educate,  Empower,  Energize  

 Our  Company  

• We  enable,  educate,  empower  and  energize  young  and  seasoned  professionals  by  providing  an  end-­‐to-­‐end  educational  program,  both  off-­‐the-­‐shelf  as  well  as  tailor-­‐made  for  individuals  needs.  

• The  objective  is  to  assist  professionals  in  their  career  advancement  by  going  through  our  Signature  4E  Program.  

• We  are  associated  with  consulting  companies,  Trestle  Group  (  and  Leading  Edge  Forum  (www.leadingedgeforum)  and  have  access  to  additional  training  resources.    

Our  Mission  • We  are  the  catalyst  for  people  who  want  to  realize  their  full  potential  through  mindset  and  

behavioral  shift.  • We  organize  workshops  and  seminars  that  help  individuals  discover  themselves,  as  well  as  

manage  the  daily  demands  in  life,  by  giving  them  a  fresh  perspective.  • We  ensure  the  education  delivery  meet  the  skills,  needs  and  objectives  of  each  individual.  


Our  Unique  Proposition  • We  are  the  trusted  advisor  in  the  industry  because  we  have  a  holistic  approach  to  personal  

career  development  and  growth.  • We  place  strong  emphasis  on  the  educators.  Hence,  all  our  programs  are  developed  and  led  by  

internationally  renowned  educators,  who  are  subject  matter  experts  with  deep  industry  experience.  

• We  provide  structured  and  progressive  education  programs,  which  are  up-­‐to-­‐date  and  relevant,  catered  specifically  for  the  modern  professionals.  

• Established  as  a  forward-­‐thinking  company,  we  deliver  and  present  our  education  programs  with  the  right  blend  of  virtual  and  classroom  learning.  

 Our  Clients  

• Our  programs  cater  to  both  individuals  and  enterprises.  • We  provide  coaching  to  young  professionals  or  entrepreneurs  who  want  a  fast  start  for  their  

career  or  business.  • We  also  assist  seasoned  professionals  who  are  pursuing  their  career  advancement,  or  have  

decided  to  switch  career  path.  • Most  of  our  clients  are  sales  and  marketing  professionals,  public  speakers,  C-­‐level  executives,  

corporate  spokespersons  and  entrepreneurs.  • Our  focus  industries  include,  but  are  not  limited  to:  Technology,  Telco,  Finance,  Oil  &  Gas  and  



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Management  Frank  Luijckx   Erika  Maitland  CEO,  United  Arab  Emirates   COO,  United  Arab  Emirates    


 Our  Educator  Team  Pia  Cornaro   Sergio  Lobo   Jane  Scandurra  Softkills  Educator  &  Coach   Mini  Sales  School  Educator   Social  Media  Educator      

     Nationality:  US-­‐American,  Austrian   Nationality:  Brazil   Nationality:  US-­‐American  Experience:  20  years   Experience:  15  years   Experience:  25  years  Worked  for  IBM,  Henkel,  OEMV   Worked  for  IBM,  Samsung   Worked  for  IBM,  Nokia,  Prodigy,    Specialised  in  Communication,  Team-­‐   Owner  of  Software  &  Consulting   Bristol-­‐Myers,  BBDO  Advertising  Building,  Self  Management.   Business.  Specialised  in  Sales     Expert  in  online  marketing,  global       negotiations  and  presentations.   program  &  campaign  management.    

Jeremy  Nicholas   Geoff  Sankey   Peter  Urey  Public  Speaking  &  Media  Educator   SYOB  educator   SYOB  Educator    

Nationality:  British   Nationality:  British   Nationality:  British  Experience:  30+  years  BBC  Broadcaster   Experience:    30+  years   Experience:  25  years  Fellow  of  the  PSA,  Stadium     Specialised  in  assessment,  develop-­‐   Worked  for  HP.  coach  &  consultant  Announcer  for  West  Ham,  Owner   ment,  financing  of  fast  grown,  early-­‐   to  Symantec,  Canon,  Epson.    of  Talking  Toolbox. stage  businesses. Developed  business  online  courses.

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Courses  Overview        _____________________________________________________________________________________          

Personal  Excellence:  Maximise  your  potential         2  days  training  Educator:  Pia  Cornaro  


Success  and  effectiveness  are  not  a  matter  of  being  born  lucky  or  a  genius:  there  are  well-­‐proven  strategies  that  lead  to  achieving  what  is  important  to  you!    This  training  offers  you  both  the  theory  and  the  practise  of  personal  excellence,  drawing  on  the  latest  research  in  psychological  and  brain  science:  the  brain  and  neuroplasticity,  the  connection  between  the  mind-­‐feelings-­‐body  language,  formulating  SMART  goals,  transforming  negative  beliefs  and  thoughts,  think  yourself  rich-­‐successful-­‐happy,  creating  supportive  affirmations,  managing  your  inner  state:  thoughts-­‐feelings-­‐body  language,  how  to  use  visualisation  for  success.    

Postive  Communication                 2  days  training  Educator:  Pia  Cornaro    

We  all  learn  to  speak  at  a  young  age  but  none  of  our  official  education  institutions  teach  us  how  to  get  our  message  across,  how  to  express  ourselves  without  offending  or  criticising,  how  to  listen  to  others,  how  to  show  empathy  with  others,  how  to  stand  up  for  ourselves  without  alienating  others  -­‐  all  basic  skills  that  we  need  when  we  interact  with  each  other.    We  look  at  the  fundamentals  in  communication,  both  from  a  theoretical  point  of  view  and  with  a  lot  of  practise  and  role  plays:  the  island  model,  the  iceberg  model,  the  logical  levels  and  how  they  affect  every  interaction,  active  listening  -­‐  what  is  it  really,  expressing  oneself  clearly  using  the  4-­‐step  model,  avoiding  assumptions  and  positive  wording.    

Customer  Service  Orientation               2  days  training    Educator:  Pia  Cornaro    

It  is  a  well  known  fact  that  acquiring  new  customers  cost  more  than  keeping  existing  ones  happy  and  loyal.  Depending  on  the  type  of  business,  we  analyse  the  customer-­‐friendliness  of  your  customer  interactions.  For  Customer-­‐facing  staff:  we  train  them  in  politeness,  customer  focus,  customer-­‐centric  communication,  dealing  with  objections  and  complaints.    For  Online  store:  how  easy  is  it  to  find  products,  to  find  prices,  to  navigate  your  website  and  to  proceed  to  check-­‐out.  For  Retail  outlets:  accessibility,  availability  of  competent  staff  and  finding  products.    This  is  analysed  by  means  of  mystery  shopping,  comparing  the  customer  orientation  of  your  enterprise  with  your  direct  competitors  and  planning  your  strategy  using  these  feedback  &  analysis.    Handling  complaints  and  difficult  customers         2  days  training  Educator:  Pia  Cornaro    

Customers  can  be  challenging,  and  even  sales  staff  can  have  a  bad  day.    The  right  techniques  can  help  your  customer  facing  staff  keep  their  cool  and  their  professional  attitude.    This  2  days  training  providing  useful  techniques  and  lots  of  practical  role-­‐plays  with  video-­‐feedback:  managing  your  inner  state  and  your  emotions,  listening  attentively  and  actively  to  the  customer,  clarifying  complaints  and  objections,  showing  empathy  with  the  customer,  offering  creative  solutions  and  ultimately  erasing  'BUT'  from  your  vocabulary!      

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Time  and  Self-­‐Management               2  days  training  Educator:  Pia  Cornaro    

Time  is  the  only  resource  that  is  justly  and  evenly  distributed  -­‐  and  yet  most  people  complain  about  the  lack  of  time!    No  training  can  give  you  more  than  your  24  hours,  however,  an  in-­‐depth  self-­‐analysis  will  reveal  where  you  are  losing  your  time,  and  give  you  the  strategies  and  techniques  to  become  master  of  your  time  and  yourself  again!    This  2  days  training  offers:  analysis  of  your  current  situation,  identification  of  time  robbers  (internal  &  external  ones),  setting  priorities  -­‐  understanding  what  is  really  important  to  you,  difference  between  important  and  urgent,  work-­‐life  balance  and  stress  management,  strategies  to  make  more  time  available  for  what  matters  and  setting  SMART  goals  and  keeping  on  track.    

Efficient  Meetings                   2  days  training  Educator:  Pia  Cornaro    

Time  analysis  amongst  employees  of  any  large  organisation  reveals  without  fault  that  a  huge  amount  of  time  is  perceived  as  lost  in  endless  and  useless  meetings!    When  you  calculate  how  much  it  costs  to  have  your  employees  spending  8-­‐10  hours/week  in  unproductive  meetings,  the  need  for  this  training  quickly  becomes  apparent!    This  2  days  training  involves  some  theory  and  practise  with  video-­‐feedback.    It  is  guaranteed  that  the  time  spent  in  meetings  will  be  reduced  by  at  least  50%!    We  will  cover  what  is  required  for  different  types  of  meetings,    preparation,  who  is  really  needed,  the  role  of  the  chair,being  a  productive  participant,    group  dynamics  and  discussions,  presenting  information  clearly  with  action  points  and  responsibilities.    

Intercultural  Awareness                 2  days  training  Educator:  Pia  Cornaro    

Whilst  it  is  true  that  as  human  beings  we  all  share  the  same  universal  needs,  there  are  differences  in  the  way  we  go  about  fulfilling  them,  and  what  we  consider  'normal'  and  the  'right  way'.    Understanding  these  differences  will  help  us  keep  an  open  mind  and  be  willing  to  understand  our  differences.    This  training  offers  some  theoretical  input  and  is  high  on  self-­‐reflection  and  exchange  in  small  groups:  what  are  my  values,  How  do  I/does  my  culture  go  about  building  relationships,  how  do  we  communicate;  very  directly  -­‐  very  indirectly,  how  do  we  perceive  hierarchy,  how  do  we  go  about  solving  problems  and  conflicts,  how  rigid/open-­‐minded  am  I,  how  high  is  my  own  'insecurity  tolerance  factor'  when  dealing  with  other  cultures?    

Conflict  Management                 2  days  training  Educator:  Pia  Cornaro    

Learn  how  to  use  conflict  as  an  opportunity  for  everybody  to  learn,  grow  and  increase  productivity!    Often  one  is  going  to  see  on-­‐going  rivalry  and  conflict  between  2  teams  or  2  departments,  like  Sales  vs  Marketing,  or  Production  vs  Marketing.  We  will  look  at  conflict  and  differences  from  a  theoretical  point  of  view,  but  mainly  we  practise  in  role-­‐  plays  and  through  self-­‐reflection.    Contents  of  this  2  days  training:  the  difference  between  observation  and  interpretation,  the  difference  between  strategy  and  need,  focusing  on  what  we  want  rather  than  what  we  don't  want,  identifying  the  common  ground  -­‐  Why  only  Win-­‐Win  is  an  option,  we  can  agree  to  disagree  on  some  issues,  listening  to  the  other's  perception  of  the  situation,  expressing  one's  own  perception  without  criticism  or  blame  and  exploring  creative  solutions  rather  than  'either  -­‐  or".  

“Soft skills gets little respect but will make or break your career”

-­‐  Peggy  Klaus      

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Talking  Toolbox  -­‐  Starter                 1  day  training  Educator:  Jeremy  Nicholas    

Learn  the  secrets  the  broadcasters  use  to  enhance  your  presentations  and  give  you  the  edge  in  business.  You  will  learn  how  to  grab  your  audience’s  attention  from  the  start  and  hold  it.    Modules  covered:  How  to  overcome  nerves.  Methods  for  you  to  remember  your  talk.    Add  power  to  your  PowerPoint  presentations.    How  to  use  stories  for  maximum  effect.  Microphone  technique.  Stagecraft      

Talking  Toolbox  –  Advanced  Presenting           1  day  training  Educator:  Jeremy  Nicholas    

Talking  Toolbox  Masterclass.  Learn  how  to  inspire  &  engage  the  audience.  Communicate  with  ease,  own  the  stage  and  use  nervous  energy  to  enhance  your  performance.    Modules  covered:  Structure  your  talk,  Deliver  your  talk,  Add  Sparkle  to  your  talk  and    20  Top  Tips  on  Speaking.      

Corporate  Storytelling                 3  hours  training  Educator:  Jeremy  Nicholas    

How  to  create  maximum  impact  for  your  brand/business  by  developing  stories  that  show  what  you  do  so  your  customers  know  you,  like  you  and  trust  you.      

How  to  Attract  Publicity  for  Your  Business         1  hour  training  Educator:  Jeremy  Nicholas    

How  to  create  maximum  impact  for  your  brand/business  by  developing  stories  that  show  what  you  do  so  your  customers  know  you,  like  you  and  trust  you.      

Make  your  own  video                 2  hours  training  Educator:  Jeremy  Nicholas    

How  to  shoot  a  simple  video  to  promote  your  business.  This  is  a  two  hour  workshop  in  which  demonstrates  what  you  need  in  a  video  and  how  to  do  it  yourself  or  direct  a  professional  to  do  it  for  you.      

Media  Training                   half  or  full  day  training  Educator:  Jeremy  Nicholas    

How  to  come  across  well  on  TV,  radio,  in  the  written  press  and  online.  Typically  this  is  in  groups  of  2-­‐6  people  who  have  a  chance  to  be  interviewed  on  camera  and  then  their  performance  will  be  reviewed.  Larger  groups  can  be  accommodated    (up  to  12)  with  the  support  of  an  additional  educator.  

“There are always three speeches, for every

one you actually gave. The one you practiced,

the one you gave, and the one you wish you gave.”

- Dale  Carnegie

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Starting  Your  Own  Business               2  day  training  Educator:    Peter  Urey  &  Geoff  Sankey    

Learn  about  the  necessary  conditions  and  characteristics  required  to  become  a  successful  SME  and  Entrepreneur.    Understand  the  motivation  and  the  steps  to  plan  your  business,  conceptually  and  practically.    We  will  introduce  you  to  the  Breakthrough  Planning  Process,  how  it  works,  where  are  we,  where  we  could  go  and  how  will  we  get  there.    You  will  be  taught  methods  to  quickly  assess  the  state  of  the  market  and  see  the  big  picture  before  creating  your  business  plan.    On  the  2nd  day,  you  will  craft  your  business  plan,  discuss  and  present  to  the  class,  after  learning  the  5  Quick  Filter  questions  on  emerging  ideas.    We  will  also  cover  the  process  of  pitching  a  business  idea  with  investors  and  customers.    You  will  then  present  your  Business  Plan  to  the  class  and  have  the  opportunity  to  give/receive  feedback.        

“Any time is a good time to start a company.” -­‐Ron  Conway  


Mini  Sales  School                   2  day  training  Educator:    Sergio  Lobo    

Effective  selling  requires  discipline  and  methodology  which  we  cover  in  this  2  days  course.    This  is  a  theoretical  and  practical  sales  training  for  sellers  who  want  to  achieve  peak  performance  –  fast!    You  will  learn  how  to  increase  your  closing  rates,  how  to  move  your  opportunities  through  the  sales  process  faster  and  forecasting  your  pipeline.    The  course  will  also  include  proposal  writing,  presenting  to  ‘C’  level  customers  and  negotiating  the  contract  to  finally  winning  the  deal!    

“It’s not about having the right opportunities. It’s about handling the opportunities right.”    

-­‐  Mark  Hunter  


Social  Media  Bootcamps  for  Business  Professionals       Virtual,  8  weeks  Educator:    Jane  Scandurra    

Move  quickly  from  a  newbie  on  Social  Media  to  Champion  over  the  course  of  8  weeks.      You  will  learn  the  skills  of  making  a  good  impression  online  and  become  an  expert  at  building  and  maintaining  your  Social  Authority.    We  will  teach  you  best  practices  for  setting  up  profiles,  engaging  in  discussions  and  using  social  media  to  promote  events  and  products.    We’ll  be  your  guide  to  learning  how  to  use  this  powerful  tool  for  generating  inbound  leads  and  amplifying  marketing  messages.  Depending  on  your  valuable  time,  we  have  3  different  versions  of  this  virtual  course:  Premier  with  live  weekly  conference  sessions  with  a  personal  coach,  Guided  which  is  a  recorded  weekly  sessions  with  assignments,  group  sessions  and  a  coach  available  during  set  office  hours  and  lastly  Self-­‐Paced  which  is  online  weekly  virtual  lessons,  assignments  and  coaching  as  needed.    

What is Social Authority?

It’s the new social currency.

It can’t be bought, it must be earned.

15 minutes a day is a great start. –  Profitecture  


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