

Transition PlanningHow To Avoid the "Black-Hole" Between Graduation and Adulthood

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Jennifer Kaut, M.Ed., BCBAState Autism and Developmental Disorders Specialist

Texas Workforce Solutions | Rehabilitation Services Division

Jennifer Kaut is the State Autism and Developmental Disorders Specialist for Texas Workforce Solutions, Vocational Rehabilitation Services. She provides staff consultation and training and collaborates with stakeholders (employers, school districts, public universities, legislative staff and other state agencies). Jennifer published the first DARS state policy on Applied Behavior Analysis. This enables intervention for consumers who have challenging behaviors or social skill deficits that create barriers in transitioning from school to post-secondary opportunities or obtaining and maintaining employment. Jennifer has published 4 additional state policies that created the first-ever, Autism Endorsement for Employment Specialists (earned through UNT) an Autism Premium and Vocational Assessment for Developmental Disorders. In addition to working with the state of Texas, Jennifer is the Founder and Executive Director of Inspire Behavior Therapy. Inspire Behavior was founded in 2008 and employs Board Certified Behavior Analysts who provide treatment for children and adults with developmental disorders.

Professionally, Jennifer has expertise treating Developmental Disorders, but she gained the most insight from her role as a mom. Her oldest son came into her life when he was 7 years old. Kevin has DiGeorge Syndrome and autism spectrum disorder. Today, Kevin is a 21-year-old man who has been able to live on his own and learn to drive after receiving intensive supports during his transition to employment. He has been successfully employed at Home Depot for the past 4 years, but a month ago obtained a full time position as a mail clerk for the Texas Workforce Commission. Creating successful transition strategies is her passion.


What is Transition?

Should be a seamless Bridge

IF the Bridge to Transition Crumbles…

Students can fall into the “Black Hole”…..

Who is at Risk? Students with a Neurodevelopmental Disorder…. (Learning Disorders, AD/HD, Autism and Intellectual Developmental Disorders)

But who is the MOST at Risk?

Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder

Students with Autism

Only 55.1 percent of young adults with autism held paying jobs during their first six years out of high school, the lowest percentage among the disability categories examined.

9 out of 10 people with Autism are either unemployed or underemployed

40% of those with Autism that do attempt college, less than half will NOT complete it.

regardless of their IQ or education level


Successful Transition Starts With A…

Successful Transition

Is purposely driven with clear and concise objectives

Contains a specific and detailed roadmap that should be established by 9th grade.

Successful Transition

Step 1: 1. A baseline of the student’s strengths and deficits

must be determined. In order to obtain this baseline, a thorough transition assessment should be conducted.

Successful Transition

Transition Resources

Successful Transition

Step 2: 1. A working “road map” is established per the

results of the transition assessment/s. The “road map” is adjusted year by year as progress is made or new deficits are discovered.

Example of a Road Map: Autism

• 9th grade: severe generalized anxiety, cognitive inflexibility and inability to engage people

• 10th grade: progress was made with overall anxiety in the school setting, but had not generalized in others


Example of a Road Map: ASD

• 11th grade: inability to self advocate, inability to identify his strengths and weakness, sudden increase in cognitive inflexibly and still working on social anxiety

• 12th grade: peer social engagement , literalism and work stamina



Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)

Vocational Rehabilitation

• Is a federal program

• Is available in all states

• Can be accessed if the student’s disability is a barrier to post secondary options

Historically ….

During the graduation ARD, students and parents were handled a brochure and told they could access VR services, but there was no collaboration between the school and this agency existed.

This contributes to the “Black Hole”


Specialized Services for Developmental Disorders

Specialized Services Examples:

• Applied Behavior Analysis

• Statewide team of specially trained VR Counselors

• Autism endorsement for Employment Specialists that can be earned through the University of North Texas

Specialized Services

More Examples:

• If they earn the endorsement it enables Employment Specialists to receive a premium for working with Autism clients (of all ages, not just with students)

• New assessment called the “Environmental Work Assessment” (EWA) is designed to identify variables that effect the client’s ability to function at his or her potential


WIOA Makes Transition a Priority


• Stands for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act

• These new federal regulations contained in WIOA, requires that all VR programs spend at least 15 % of their federal dollars on PRE-Employment Services for students ages 10-22 who have a disability

WIOA• This establishes transition as a priority when before,

accessing students while still in school, were not.

• Provides Pre -Employment Services opportunities that had not existed before or were not commonly accessed.

• Creates the opportunity to bridge the gap between transitioning from school to post secondary options


• Provides the opportunity for a much needed collaboration between schools and VR.

• While VR can not duplicate school services, we can fill in service gaps when the school cannot.

• In Texas, are few examples of what we can provide: in home support, pay for driving lessons, treatments such as Applied Behavior Analysis and help obtaining their first job.

To learn more about Accelify find us online at and on social media. For additional information, contact: [email protected]

Thank you.

Transition PlanningHow To Avoid the "Black-Hole" Between

Graduation and Adulthood

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