
Trailer Analysis



The trailer opens with a close of a man, telling the audience he is going to be one of the main characters in the film. Could tell the viewer that it’s a film for adults and teens.

Like The Conjuring, this trailer also includes blackout, helping the trailer to flow. Also telling you information about the makers of this film, helping with advertising.

A long shot introduces what could be the setting of the film. Could be a family home.

Close up of two of the main characters, showing fear on their faces. Could mean the trailer is starting to build up tension, the viewers will start to become scared.

A point of view shot from one of the characters watching the horse rocking on it’s own. Making the audience start to question what’s going on.

A long shot of a dark and dull hall way, building up the tension as the audience will be wondering what’s at the end.


• Towards the end of the trailer the editing is very fast paced with the use of a lot of extreme close ups of characters feared faces and unexplainable things happening in the house. This is really build up the tension for the audience probably making them quite scared. While there are all the fast cuts there’s dramatic music in the background making it more scary than just a lot of fast moving shots.

• From the use of dialogue in the trailer from scenes from the film is allows the audience to pick up on the storyline.

How is the narrative portrayed?

• Firstly you’re shown a man sitting in a nicely furnished home, suggesting it’s his house. You get a quick shot of the outside of a house, introducing the setting to the audience. The house looks quite big and is modern, instantly the audience knows the film is set in the 21st century.

• It then shows the man, a women most likely his wife and a young boy getting ready in the kitchen. Showing they are a young, happy family

• Towards the end the women is shown at home during the day time. Lots of fast paced shots are used when frightening things are happening, which is shown from the fear on her face.

Who does the trailer represent?

• Firstly you’re shown a man sitting in a nicely furnished home, suggesting it’s his house. You get a quick shot of the outside of a house, introducing the setting to the audience. The house looks quite big and is modern, instantly the audience knows the film is set in the 21st century.

• It then shows the man, a women most likely his wife and a young boy getting ready in the kitchen. The man is wearing a suit showing he’s probably going to work suggesting they are a working/middle class family.

• Towards the end you see a lot of shots of the women being frightened at home during the day time. This further suggests it’s a middle class family as she’s able to stay at home.

Target audience

• From the use of characters in the trailer, i think the film is again targeted at family, but mainly teenagers from the age of 15. This is because even though the adults are some of the main characters, there’s probably not an amazing storyline that older adults would be that interested in and that’s why I think the main target audience is teenagers from 15 to about 20.

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