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Traffic Management Act 2004Network ManagementDuty Guidance

November 2006

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The Government is committed to tackling congestion on theroad network. The Traffic Management Act 2004 gives localtraffic authorities new powers and a duty to keep roads clearand traffic moving.

The network management duty established under the Actemphasises the importance of active and co-ordinatedmanagement of the road network. The new duty will takeeffect from 26th October 2006, and authorities will be able tofocus more sharply on tackling the causes of congestion anddisruption.

Network management is one element of an authority’s transport activities andshould complement other policies and actions. As such, local traffic authoritiesshould incorporate desired outcomes and policies under the networkmanagement duty within Regional Transport Plans in order to achieve a coherentapproach.

The Network Management Duty Guidance includes techniques of networkmanagement providing a practicable and good practice approach to performingthe duty.

This guidance was originally prepared in England by a working group composedof key stakeholders, including those representing local authorities and utilitycompanies and an advisory group that comprised representatives from road usergroups. It was also the subject of extensive consultation with interestedorganisations. A separate consultation followed in Wales and the responses wereconsidered by a Consultative Review Group comprising representatives ofhighway authorities and utilities and chaired by an Officer of the Welsh AssemblyGovernment. Following detailed discussion, both sides agreed this resultingdocument.

I should like to thank those involved for their hard work.

I hope that this new guidance will help authorities to perform the duty, for thedelivery of a better-managed road network that we all want to see.

Andrew DaviesMinister for Enterprise, Innovation and Networks

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November 2006

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INTRODUCTION 3Context 3The Network Management Duty 4The Traffic Manager requirement 6Strategic Approach 6

SCOPE OF THE DUTY 7Main considerations 7Managing other issues 8Monitoring and evaluation 9

BROAD PRINCIPLES OF NETWORK MANAGEMENT 10Common requirements 10A whole authority approach 11Working with partners and stakeholders 11Managing works in the street 12Information gathering and dissemination 13


GOOD PRACTICE ADVICE ON TECHNIQUES AND APPROACH 15Identifying and managing different road types 15Monitoring the road network 16Identifying locations where regular congestion occurs 16Co-ordination and direction of works 17Dealing with planned events 18Management of incidents 20Making the best use of technology 21Managing parking and other traffic regulation 22Enforcing road traffic regulation 23Accommodating essential service traffic 23Regular reviews of the network 23Consultation and engagement with stakeholders 24Provision of travel information to road users and the community 24

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Network Management Duty Guidance

1. This guidance is issued by the Welsh Assembly Government under Section 18of the Traffic Management Act 2004 (“the Act”). It applies to Local TrafficAuthorities (LTAs) and any future Joint Traffic Authorities established in Wales,which must have regard to this guidance when exercising their networkmanagement duty under the Act.



2. Making the best use of our current road network is important for botheconomic vitality and society in general. Roads facilitate the transport of peopleand goods, provide access to homes, businesses and other destinations, andprovide public space where people shop, socialise or relax. Under the surfacelies the infrastructure for the communications and services that underpin amodern society.

3. The provision of additional road space, especially in our towns and cities, isoften impractical and undesirable. In most cases the local road network will be afinite resource with legitimate competing pressures from those that use it. Thisneeds to be managed effectively.

4. Road users may have differing expectations. Reliable journey times areimportant to the majority of users. Added to this are the needs of the LTAs andthe utilities to occupy the road in order to maintain and upgrade their equipmentfor the benefit of their customers. For everyone, the ability to undertake theiractivities in safety remains a priority.

5. Clearly potential conflicts need to be carefully handled and a co-ordinated,proactive approach is necessary to manage the network.

6. Local authorities play an important role in this. Management of the roadnetwork in Wales is split: Transport Wales is responsible for the motorways andtrunk roads; local roads, comprising 95% of the network, are the responsibility of22 unitary and county authorities.

7. These authorities already have a range of powers and duties under which theymaintain and improve the network, and manage its use and the activities takingplace on it. These include the Highways Act 1980 (“the 1980 Act”) principallycovering the structure of the network; the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991

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(“the 1991 Act”) covering utility street works; and the Road Traffic Regulation Act1984 regulating the activities of road users.

8. The Act adds to these powers. It also adds the network management duty,which requires local traffic authorities to do all that is reasonably practicable tomanage the network effectively to keep traffic moving.

The Network Management Duty

9. Part 2 of the Act places a network management duty on LTAs. Section 16 (1)states:

“It is the duty of a local traffic authority to manage their road network witha view to achieving, so far as may be reasonably practicable havingregard to their other obligations, policies and objectives, the followingobjectives:

(a) securing the expeditious movement of traffic on the authority’sroad network; and,(b) facilitating the expeditious movement of traffic on road networksfor which another authority is the traffic authority.”

10. Section 31 of the Act specifically states that the term “traffic” includespedestrians. So the duty requires the LTA to consider the movement of all roadusers including pedestrians and cyclists, as well as motorised vehicles – whetherengaged in the transport of people or goods.

11. The road network means the network of roads for which the authority is thetraffic authority under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (c.27).

12. The overall aim of the “expeditious movement of traffic” implies a networkthat is working efficiently without unnecessary delay to those travelling on it. Butthe duty is also qualified in terms of practicability and other responsibilities of theauthority. This means that the duty is placed alongside all the other things that anauthority has to consider, and it does not take precedence. So, for example,securing the expeditious movement of vehicles should not be at the expense ofan authority’s road safety objectives. But, the statutory duty reflects theimportance placed on making best use of existing road space for the benefit of allroad users.

13. Road users do not generally view the road network as divided between localauthorities. They use the network as a whole, irrespective of who is responsible.Under the duty, not only does an authority need to consider its own network, butalso the effects of its actions on the networks of others. This is to prevent anLTA’s “overall aim” being achieved by moving the problem elsewhere, orconflicting policies causing problems across administrative boundaries. But morepositively, it is to achieve the best operation of the network as a whole, especially

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in conurbations where networks of adjacent authorities can be highly inter-related.

14. The Act defines the action that an authority may take in performing the dutyas including anything that would contribute to the more efficient use of thenetwork, or that would avoid, eliminate or reduce congestion or disruption.

15. The duty is not limited to the actions of the traffic department within anauthority. Local authorities will need to consider the duty when exercising anypower that can affect the road network. Although the duty is framed by referenceto a “local traffic authority”, it extends to the authority exercising its powers ashighway authority and street authority under the 1980 Act and 1991 Act, andindeed any power to regulate or co-ordinate the uses made of any road.

16. Section 17 of the Act sets out the arrangements that an LTA must make tomanage its own road network. These include the appointment of a TrafficManager, and establishing processes to identify and, where reasonablypracticable, deal with things that could cause congestion and disruption.Arrangements must also include determining specific policies and objectives forthe different roads in their network, and monitoring the effectiveness of theirarrangements and actions in meeting the duty.

17. So, under the duty local traffic authorities have to take account of the needsof all road users, take action to minimise, prevent or deal with problems, andconsider the implications of decisions for both their network and that of others.Inevitably, choices will have to be made and priorities set, both within networkmanagement and within the authority’s wider activities. But the duty, and theobjective embedded in it, provides a framework within which those decisions aretaken. This guidance sets out in more detail what this will entail for a LTA.

18. Part 2 of the Act came into force in Wales on the 26th October 2006 and fromthat date local traffic authorities have the duty in sections 16 and 17 of the Act tomanage their local road network with a view to achieving certain objectives. Localauthorities should not delay in taking up actions to fulfil their responsibilitiesunder Part 2 and to manage expectations of the business communities andgeneral public of the impact of the network management duty. Further guidanceon the criteria that the Welsh Assembly Government proposes to apply indeciding action at the stages of intervention under section 27 of the Act will beissued shortly.

19. Such provisions of the Act as have not as yet come into force will be broughtinto force as early as is practicable.

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The Traffic Manager requirement

20. The Act requires that a Traffic Manager be appointed to perform the tasksthat an authority considers necessary for meeting the duty. This is a statutorypost and all LTAs must have such an appointed person, who is to be known asthe Traffic Manager. The post holder may carry other responsibilities for theauthority. The key outcome for the authority is that it will need to deliver a co-ordinated, planned, and effective response to the network management dutyacross the whole organisation, and to ensure that agreed actions areimplemented.

21. It is for an LTA to decide the level of seniority of the Traffic Manager post,whether it is a stand alone post or is combined with other duties, whether it couldbe filled by an existing employee and what resources the Traffic Manager willrequire. In deciding this, the authority has to take into account how far the rolewill require the Traffic Manager to consider and influence all the functions of theauthority and decisions made by it that could have an impact on trafficmovement. That, in turn, will affect the status and responsibilities the TrafficManager would be given.

22. In practice it is likely that the Traffic Manager would provide a focal pointwithin the local authority, championing the need to consider the duty in all areasof work. As every LTA is required to have a Traffic Manager that person shouldbe well positioned to work closely with their peers in other authorities, TransportWales and with other partners and stakeholders such as the Police, utilities, busoperators etc.

Strategic Approach

23. The network management duty established under the Act emphasises theimportance of the active and co-ordinated management of the road network.

24. The strategies and planning undertaken to meet the duty must be consistentwith wider local, regional and national policies and guidance and the overallpolicies of local authorities.

25. Network management is one element of an authority’s transport activities andshould complement other policies and actions. As such, LTAs should look toembed desired outcomes and appropriate policies and plans under the networkmanagement duty within Regional Transport Plans (RTPs) in order to achieve acoherent approach.

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Main considerations

26. The LTA has to consider the needs of all road users, including utilities, whencarrying out its network management duty. The LTA has to manage the roadspace for everyone, and make decisions about trade-offs between competingdemands according to its policies and the particular circumstances of the part ofthe network being considered.

27. The duty to identify current and future causes of congestion and disruption,and to plan and take action accordingly, will mean that authorities will need tohave access to the information needed to do this. The needs of utilities (and theauthorities themselves) to work on roads, and the wide range of road users canall affect network capacity. So it is important that LTAs promote pro-active co-ordination of the network, adopt a planned, evidence-led approach to knownevents, and develop contingencies for the unforeseen.

28. This will mean putting arrangements in place to gather accurate informationabout planned works or events, consider how to organise them to minimise theirimpact, and agree (or stipulate) their timing to best effect.

29. Some situations, such as unforeseen weather conditions, security alerts andother incidents are outside a local authority’s control. But again, in meeting theduty the LTA must establish contingency plans for dealing with these promptlyand effectively, as far as is reasonably practicable. It is the LTA’s responsibility toensure that all parties involved in making these arrangements work are fullyconsulted during their development, and have the information they need to putthem into practice quickly.

30. With increasing pressure on road networks LTAs will also need to identifytrends in traffic growth on specific routes and put in place policies for managingincremental change.

31. The duty on an LTA does not stop at its borders. Each is required to facilitatethe expeditious flow of traffic on the networks of others. In practice, for an LTAthis will mean identifying those authorities that could be affected by their actionsand making arrangements for managing this, even though they may not beimmediately adjacent authorities. These would include consultation on initiatives,the sharing of information needed to meet the duty, and processes for ensuringthat policies are consistent.

32. In order that traffic can move as freely as possible across administrativeboundaries and in order to minimise impacts on traffic wherever they occur, it is

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important that all of those traffic authorities with an interest agree joint workingarrangements.

33. More detailed guidance on how this would work where Transport Wales isresponsible for roads is set out in the section entitled “Transport Wales' Role”.

Managing other issues

Wider responsibilities

34. As the network management duty is not at the expense of the LTAs otherduties and objectives it is clearly important for an authority to continue to obtainBest Value for its expenditure.

35. Nothing in the Act requires authorities to disregard considerations of value formoney and the proportionality of any given response. Section 17(4) explicitlyexcludes anything that appears to have an insignificant effect on the movementof traffic. And the concept of practicability would include affordability.

36. Safety and environmental considerations remain important, as does theoperation, maintenance, repair and provision of services. The duty takes accountof this. For example, measures to secure the expeditious movement of trafficshould always be safe for all road users, particularly pedestrians, cyclists andmotorcyclists. Clearly, in meeting their duty LTAs also need to consider theirother responsibilities such as those under environmental protection legislation,the Disability Discrimination Act, Health and Safety and planning legislation.

Management of demand

37. Historic trends suggest that pressure on road networks, and in many cases,traffic congestion is likely to grow each year as the country becomes moreprosperous and more people can afford to own cars. Car usage has alsoincreased as motorists travel further to work and for leisure purposes. LTAs willneed to consider the best ways to deal with any prospective rise in demand.

38. Government and local authorities have been looking at ways of reducing thedemand so as to moderate or stem traffic growth even when the economy isgrowing. This has resulted in changes to land use plans, the establishment ofschool and workplace travel plans, and the promotion of tele-working amongstother things. More directly this has led to the desire to make cycling and walkingsafer and more attractive and the encouragement of public transport throughticketing schemes or better information, bus priority and quality initiatives, and

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congestion charging. These can all help to secure the more efficient use of theroad network and successful measures can have an impact on its operation.They should not be seen as being in conflict with the principles of the duty and itis for the LTA to decide on the most appropriate approach for managing demandon their own network.

39. Primarily, the network management duty is about dealing efficiently with thetraffic presented on the network – both now and in the future – and the variousactivities that are causing or have the potential to cause congestion or disruptionto the movement of traffic. There is a degree of overlap in that some of themeasures suggested above to reduce demand involve traffic managementaction, e.g. parking restraint, but they are largely complementary and shouldappear alongside network management arrangements in RTPs.

Monitoring and evaluation

40. LTAs are required to monitor the effectiveness of their processes and assessthe implementation of procedures and strategies in managing the road network.

41. The ultimate aim is to improve network performance, and authorities shouldlook to identify indicators that demonstrate this and are relevant to their network.As far as possible these should be taken from the indicators used in the RTPprocess. But where these are not sufficient to show the full range of performanceagainst the duty, an authority should look to others that best reflect localcircumstances.

42. Monitoring the road network should be sufficient to identify where there arecauses of disruption that have an effect on the movement of large numbers ofpedestrians and cyclists in a locality or at a particular time.

43. Clearly the performance of a network can be affected by factors outside thecontrol of the traffic authority. Some may be influenced by an authority’s widerpolicies and responsibilities such as development control, or the provision ofattractive alternatives to encourage modal shift. Others may be beyond the reachof an authority altogether. There is also the need to establish how well placed anauthority is to respond to future demands.

44. For these reasons monitoring and evaluation needs to cover theorganisational structures and decision-making processes put in place to meet theduty, as well as the outcomes.

45. The intention is that the duty itself will be sufficient for all LTAs to managetheir networks efficiently. But given the importance of getting this right, the Actdoes contain powers for the National Assembly for Wales to intervene where anauthority is failing to meet the duty.

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46. The Act requires the National Assembly for Wales to publish guidance aboutthe criteria that is to apply for the purpose of deciding whether formally tointervene under the powers of the Act by giving an intervention notice or makingan intervention order. This will set out in more detail the monitoring andevaluation requirements, along with advice on the choice of indicators.

47. The arrangements established by LTAs for fulfilling the duty should bereflected in Regional Transport Plans.


48. The network management duty applies to all LTAs but the issues they eachface may differ. In some areas congestion is a problem and its reduction orprevention is, therefore, one of the major considerations in managing thenetwork. In other areas there may be little congestion but the lack of alternativeroutes makes careful management of works and contingency planning on theseroads a necessity.

49. It is for each LTA to decide on appropriate courses of action that areconsistent with their wider policies and objectives.

Common requirements

50. Whilst the challenges faced will differ depending on local circumstances,there are things that are common to all authorities that are required to bemanaged effectively. As part of the duty it is important that each LTA hassystems in place to deal with:

• the normal day to day running of the network including managing its ownworks and other activities on the road as well as those of utilities andothers, and managing where appropriate those users moving about on thenetwork;

• contingency plans to allow a rapid response to accidents andemergencies, taking account of the relative importance of different roadsto the various road users; and,

• regular or one off “events” such as carnivals, street markets, sportingfixtures and seasonal weather conditions.

51. Authorities are expected to have a clear understanding of the problemsfacing the different parts of their network and the needs of different road users,along with balanced policies for addressing them. It is for the local authority todecide the levels of priority given to the different road users on each road.Although priority may be given to one mode over another on certain roads, forexample pedestrians in town centres or to buses through roadspace re-allocation

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on a radial road, an authority should take a balanced approach to overall networkmanagement.

52. It may also be relevant to take into consideration seasonal variations of thenetwork and to plan relevant courses of action for different times of year. Thismay be the case in towns or rural areas that attract tourists and holidaymakers orhave a high number of them travelling through their network.

53. This leads to the need for a structured approach to the allocation of roadspace to be developed for different routes or types of route in the authority’s roadnetwork. This also has to take into account other traffic management initiativessuch as traffic calming, improving town centres, public transport priority, and theLTA’s plans for road safety.

54. To meet the duty LTAs will not only need to have developed this sort ofapproach for their road network, but also to keep it under regular review.

A whole authority approach

55. The duty requires consideration of anything that affects the co-ordination orregulation of the flow of traffic, not just the activities of the highways departmentand third parties. As such, authorities should look to ensure that the wholeorganisation is aware of the duty and the implications for them.

56. By virtue of the Act an authority will need to ensure that all its departmentsare aware of the need to consider the implications of their actions against theauthority’s approach to meeting the duty. For example, if an authority lets acontract that allows refuse collection on a route in rush hour it would be expectedto demonstrate that due regard had been given to the duty beforehand.

57. LTAs should liaise with all the relevant departments across all authoritieswhose work affects the road network and ensure that they are aware of the dutyand their impact on the movement of traffic. Co-operation and communicationshould be the principal mechanisms in these situations where the LTA does nothave powers of direction over certain activities that have an impact on thenetwork, for example planning consents.

Working with partners and stakeholders

The Police

58. Both Police and LTAs have responsibilities for the management of traffic onthe road network. Some of these responsibilities may change as local authoritiestake on civil enforcement of parking and other traffic offences. The best outcome

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will be achieved by LTAs and Police working together to establish which activitiesshould be carried out by each organisation, and which are best carried outtogether.

59. There is a need for LTAs to consider how best to involve the Police indecision-making processes. Sharing information about planning andcontingencies can improve the quality of the end product and ensure thateveryone is clear of their role and responsibilities in the event that it needs to beput into practice.

60. For an LTA the Police also offer a valuable source of information which canbe used to manage the network and respond to events. Authorities will need todetermine how best to utilise this and the processes that are required to ensurethat it is readily available.

Bus Operators

61. LTAs need to consider how best to involve bus operators to ensure the mostefficient use of the network, both for the bus services and for other road users.Examples would be to ensure that they had advance warning of works that couldaffect bus services and consulting them on future activity in order to minimisedisruption; and to assist bus operators with implementing bus priority measuresset out in the RTP.

62. Where necessary, LTAs should work with the relevant parties, including theTraffic Commissioner for Wales and bus operators, in formulating andimplementing improvement plans for bus punctuality.

Public Consultation

63. The LTA should seek the views of residents, local businesses and thedifferent road users both when deciding which policies on network managementto adopt and when monitoring whether these policies are delivering the requiredoutcomes. Such consultation should preferably be part of the authority’s overallpublic consultation programme.

Managing works in the street

64. Works by utilities, developers, highway authority, LTA and other relevantauthorities on the road network have a significant impact on traffic. Under theduty the LTA would need to ensure that works are carried out with sufficienturgency, given the congestion and disruption they cause. Works should not belooked at in isolation. Consideration will need to be given to the effect ofconcurrent schemes on the road network, how they may affect establishedcontingency plans, or their impact on other known activities.

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65. Authorities already have powers under the 1991 Act to regulate utilities’works. The Traffic Management Act tightens the existing regulatory frameworkwithin which utility companies are permitted to dig up local roads, givingauthorities more powers to co-ordinate, control and direct works effectively withthe aim of minimising disruption.

66. Skips, scaffolding and other items (such as building materials) are often left inthe roads and footways during building works to properties adjacent to thehighway. These can cause inconvenience and obstruction to road users.Authorities should, when giving permission for such items to be placed on thehighway, ensure that the inconvenience and obstruction to road users is kept to aminimum, taking particular account of pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists andpeople with sensory or mobility difficulties. It should also ensure that adequatesigning and other information is provided, any diversion arrangements areadequate and the works are completed within a reasonable, agreed period.

67. Parity is an important principle in exercising the duty. Authorities must lead byexample, applying the same standards and approaches to their own activities asto those of others.

Information gathering and dissemination

68. Gathering and considering information will be a key element of an authority’swork in meeting the duty. This information can provide evidence of the need toadopt particular policies, their success or otherwise, and assist in the operationalmanagement of the network.

69. Consideration should also be given to the methods of sharing the informationwith road users eg Traffic Wales. As well as being well received, timely andreadily accessible information can result in better use of the network throughinfluencing journey choice or helping people find the best route. In the case oforganisations such as the emergency services, adequate notice of activities thatcan affect their operations are vital.

70. Authorities should establish the needs of these different groups and considerhow best to disseminate information available to them to deliver improvedmanagement of the network. Processes should be put in place to deliver this.


71. As of 1 April 2004, the Transport Wales network of motorways and trunkroads represented approximately only 5% of the road network in Wales but in

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2003 it carried around a third (35%) of all traffic and over a half (58%) of allgoods vehicle traffic. The network is of strategic importance and its efficientoperation is fundamental to the economic well being of the country. TheTransport Wales network passes through, or is adjacent to, many authorities’areas. Activities on the local road network can significantly affect traffic onTransport Wales’ network and the reverse can also be true. In consideringarrangements for meeting the duty, all LTAs need to specifically consider theeffects of their actions on the motorway and trunk road network and themeasures that could be taken to mitigate any adverse effects.

72. Whilst the duty is not applied directly to Transport Wales through the Act,Transport Wales has already been given an equivalent remit by the NationalAssembly for Wales to manage better its existing network and to reduce theimpact of congestion and congestion related delays. This includes TransportWales facilitating the movement of traffic on local road networks.

73. Transport Wales and LTAs will need to work together to consider how toimplement the requirement in the Act to facilitate movement across the entirenetwork. LTAs will need to give due regard to Transport Wales’ role in providingstrategic operational coordination of the motorway and trunk road network andco-operate with the various parts of Transport Wales’ organisation including: theTraffic Management Centres (TMC) (, Transport Wales’Area Teams and Transport Wales’ various service providers (its contractors andother agents). Transport Wales already has working arrangements with therelevant LTAs covering the operation of the TMCs. Similar arrangements mayalso be required with other parts of Transport Wales’ organisation. Cooperationmust extend to all aspects of network management but particularly: the planningand implementation of diversionary routes; the coordination of planned worksand events; and reaction to unplanned events including emergency andcontingency planning arrangements.

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Annex A


74. The techniques of traffic management listed below have been shown to beeffective in improving the management of road networks. Not all thesetechniques may be applicable to all LTAs, nor is this intended to provide acomprehensive guide to everything that is available.

75. This guidance provides a snapshot of these techniques and will not beupdated to reflect every change in practice or revised publication. It is theresponsibility of LTAs to keep up to date with the latest developments in eacharea.

Identifying and managing different road types

76. Identifying and grouping roads according to their location and the activities onthem can assist LTAs balance competing demands whilst continuing to managetheir network efficiently. To group roads in this way a LTA should define the usesof different sections of road or types of road in its network, then establishhierarchies of different road users for these different sections or category ofroads. These road user hierarchies will depend on the authority’s policyobjectives and the road classification, layout and the extent of its use by differenttypes of traffic including cyclists, and its use by pedestrians as a place forexample, for living, working and shopping.

77. In a town centre environment a road user hierarchy might give particularattention to the accessibility needs of pedestrians and people with disabilities,including around temporary works. So the resulting hierarchy might be:

• Visually impaired and other disabled people• Pedestrians• Cyclists• Buses and Public Transport (including taxis and private hire vehicles)• Freight (including loading facilities)• Private cars and motorcycles• On street parking

78. In other environments a different hierarchy might result, giving moreemphasis to the movement of people and goods including more extensive buspriority on significant bus routes or priority to freight traffic. Each LTA will need tostrike a balance that reflects the policies and priorities set out in their transportstrategies.

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79. The LTA should work with neighbouring authorities to ensure that similarcategories are given to sections of road that are on either side of the boundarybetween authorities. Those roads that provide the main access to a communityor region should also be identified.

Monitoring the road network

80. The efficient management of the road network relies heavily upon thecollection and use of accurate, reliable and timely data. LTAs should ensure thatsystems are in place to monitor the state of the traffic on the network and itseffect on road safety and the environment. This information can be obtained froma variety of sources such as automatic traffic detectors, pollution monitors, andtraffic surveys using both enumerators and floating cars.

81. The Welsh Assembly Government (Transport Wales) has entered into acontract with ITIS Holdings to purchase data (2002-2005) estimating speeds ofvehicles equipped with automatic location systems. This will be processed andLocal Authorities may access it for Regional Transport Plans or equivalent work.Transport Wales will work with LTAs to help make sense of the ITIS data.

82. Data from traffic responsive urban traffic management and CCTV systemscan be processed to give an early warning of incidents and unexpectedly highlevels of congestion. Regular surveys of the public’s perception of the state of thenetwork can also give a good indication of whether or not conditions areimproving over time.

83. Information on journey times can be obtained from vehicles equipped withautomatic location systems and from automatic number plate recognitionsystems. Members of the public, Police and bus drivers can also be valuablesources of information on the state of the network.

84. LTAs will need to establish what data they require, how it will be collatedcentrally and how it will be distributed to stakeholders.

Identifying locations where regular congestion occurs

85. Some congestion is simply the outcome of the demand for road spaceexceeding the capacity of the road network. An authority should identify and maplocations where congestion occurs on their road network on a regular basis andestablish the most likely reasons for this congestion. It should also look too fortrends at locations that suggest traffic growth will shortly lead to congestion, andtake action accordingly. Such congestion can be caused by:

• insufficient junction capacity or width of carriageway to cope with thedemand;

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• outdated and badly sited road signs;• poorly designed road markings;• poorly implemented and poorly maintained traffic signals and traffic control

systems;• poorly sited parking and loading bays and poor levels of enforcement of

traffic and parking regulations.

86. The locations where congestion occurs can then be ranked by criteria suchas the number of people affected, frequency of delays and how easy it is toimplement possible traffic management measures. Combinations of theserankings will assist the authority to plan a programme of remedial works.

87. Other congestion is caused by the effect on traffic of planned events, such asroad works, utilities’ works, concerts and sporting events, or unexpectedincidents. Appropriate management arrangements for these events and incidentsare discussed below.

Co-ordination and direction of works

88. LTAs should ensure that the principles that they use to manage utilities’street works are also applied to the management of their own works. Thesystems and processes should be reviewed regularly, in discussions withrepresentatives of utilities, to ensure that they minimise disruption and advisemembers of the public of such activities on the network.

89. Systems to record and co-ordinate both planned utilities’ works and plannedroad works should be in place. Consideration should be given to the use of mapbased systems, which have the capability to display events such as street works,and are a valuable aid to both the operators of the network and to the public.

90. Access to this information should be given to utilities, contractors andadjoining authorities so that they can review their activities in the light of theactivity of others. Systems to manage utilities’ works and the local authorities’own works, along with other planned activities that can temporarily take capacityfrom the network (e.g. skips and scaffolding associated with redevelopment,street fairs or sporting events) should be established.

91. These systems can be used to identify the impact on traffic in the context ofother works and planned events so that opportunities for joint working or forscheduling small works in the shadow of larger ones can be considered. LTAsshould also encourage the planning of works and the use of different constructionand maintenance techniques to minimise disruption. Examples that have provedto be effective are:

• requiring that work is only undertaken at certain times of the day and/or oncertain days of the week i.e. scheduling work to avoid peak times;

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• applying different requirements for work on different types of road i.e. abusy commuter route may benefit from night working, but on a quietresidential road, daytime working would be preferable so that residents’night time is not disturbed;

• identifying alternative routes on which planned works are prohibited untilthe other road is clear (road pairing);

• providing information on ‘paired roads’ so that others can use this to plantheir work;

• sharing trenches i.e. planned work undertaken on the same stretches ofroad at the same time. This has benefits for businesses, residents, roadusers and the highway authorities, besides minimising disruption;

• utilising over capacity installation ducts and existing spare ducts evenwhen owned by other companies and authorities.

92. LTAs should make full use of the existing powers under the 1991 Act tomanage and co-ordinate street works. They should also:

• require that all temporary traffic control, especially temporary trafficsignals, be only used where and when necessary. Temporary trafficsignals should either be vehicle-actuated or, at appropriate times, beoperated manually;

• provide information on a local website of works that it is anticipated willcause disruption to traffic.

93. Further detailed guidance is given in the relevant Codes of Practice issued bythe Welsh Assembly Government.

94. The Act provides a number of additions to existing Street Works legislation,which should assist authorities to manage and co-ordinate these works.Authorities should give consideration to how best to use these new tools as andwhen they become available.

Dealing with planned events

95. A significant portion of traffic congestion is caused by the effect on traffic ofplanned events such as sporting events, demonstrations, carnivals, parades andstreet markets. LTAs should establish effective event planning and managementprocesses, which also take into account known road works. These event-planning processes should include:

• acquiring accurate information about all events that will affect networkoperation through good communication channels, contact points,awareness reports, meetings, etc;

• collecting this information at a single point so that effects and interactionscan be determined. Events can be co-ordinated and programmed andreviewed where conflicts are identified;

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• gaining a sound understanding of the event and likely effects to informnetwork management decisions;

• where appropriate, holding planning discussions to ensure that the eventstake place at a time and in a manner that has the minimum effect onnetwork operations;

• being aware of the possibility that a road user hierarchy for a particularroad may change at certain times and deciding how best to deal with thise.g. after large spectator events. There may well be substantial pedestrianflows and authorities should balance increased, short-term pedestriandemands with those of motor vehicle traffic. A further factor to take intoaccount may be the higher number of bus passengers travelling from theevent;

• preparing plans to reduce the impact of the event on overall networkoperation e.g. re-arranging traffic signal timings on the network around theevent or working closely with public transport operators to ensure theefficient use of road space;

• disseminating information about the event early and continuously withinthe LTA’s organisation, externally to other organisations that need to knowsuch as the Police and other emergency services, and road users. This isto ensure that everyone knows what is expected and can make their ownplans and preparations.

96. The event planning stage will identify the likely impact of the events and thelevel of ongoing event management required. Good event management practicesinclude:

• reassessing plans as additional works in the street or events are identified;• ensuring that arrangements to mitigate the effects of the event on the

network are prepared and that they can be implemented when required;• testing complex contingency plans in advance so that their effects are

known;• ensuring that adequate early publicity arrangements are being used;• co-ordinating the LTA’s own day-to-day activities to ensure they are

compatible with the plans for the event;• making sure that everything needed is in place at the start of the event;• inspecting and monitoring the event to ensure that its effects are those

anticipated, and taking prompt action to deal with anything unforeseen;• providing robust real-time information on what is actually happening to

those who need to know.

97. Where events occur on a regular basis, the way in which each event isplanned and managed should be reviewed on completion of the event. Theresults of this review should be used to update the event plan and managementarrangements for future events.

98. LTAs will need to work with each other and with Transport Wales to ensurethat an adequate network exists and is maintained for routes for Abnormal

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Indivisible Loads (AILs). Plans for development and improvement on such routesneed to ensure that efficient movement of AILs can take place both during andfollowing completion of any activities on the network.

Management of incidents

99. Incidents can be caused by the following factors:• road traffic accidents;• broken down vehicles;• debris or diesel spillage on the road;• failures of the carriageway, such as pot holes;• failures of utilities’ apparatus, which cause disruption to the highway, such

as burst water or gas mains;• emergency repairs to utilities’ and telecoms apparatus;• adverse weather conditions;• major incidents where a road has to be closed for safety or operational

reasons; and• security alerts.

100. The unexpected nature of such incidents means that their consequentialeffects on the road network are very difficult to deal with. Many authorities have,however, set up processes to identify such events quickly and to respond to thempromptly and efficiently. These include the establishment of a traffic managementcentre, CCTV surveillance, automatic incident detection and provision foremergency response to events often in conjunction with the Police and otherparties such as neighbouring local authorities and Transport Wales.

101. In many cases incident management will be led by the Police in conjunctionwith the other emergency services. LTAs will need to work closely with theemergency services and other authorities. This is to support them both in themanagement of the incident and by the active management of its effects on theroad network. Robust processes and procedures should be developed for typesof incident that occur frequently on the network such as adverse weatherconditions.

102. Examples are policies and processes for the salting of roads both beforeand after ice forms, snow clearance, and dealing with fog and floods. Theseplans should be co-ordinated with those of adjoining authorities to ensure that,for example, the salting and snow clearance vehicles of one authority are notheld up by delays on other authorities’ roads and that similar policies are adoptedon routes which cross boundaries between authorities.

103. While the locations of accidents, emergency repairs and other such eventscannot be foreseen, authorities should make reasonable contingency plans todeal with any such incident on key roads.

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104. The Code of Practice for Maintenance Management, published by theInstitution of Highways and Transportation, gives detailed guidance on handlingemergencies and adverse weather conditions, as well as other commonoccurrences, such as diesel spillages.

Making the best use of technology

105. New technology such as Urban Traffic Management and Control (UTMC)and Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) can provide significant benefits tonetwork operation for relatively low cost.

106. ITS are a broad range of diverse technologies for managing transportnetworks and providing services to transport operators and travellers thatauthorities can use to support the delivery of a wide range of local transportpolicies. ITS include:

• Urban Traffic Control (UTC) – a system to better manage the use of theroad network by co-ordinating traffic signal timings;

• Car Park Management – the use of electronic roadside signs to helpdrivers find vacant car park spaces quickly, which helps to reduce trafficcongestion;

• Bus Priority – a method to reduce the journey time of late running busesby changing traffic signals in their favour;

• Travel Information – providing the public with accurate information to helpthem plan their journeys, or alter their plans should an incident occur;

• Access Control – a means of restricting access to an area for some or alltypes of traffic by the use of rising bollards or automatic barriers;

• Tidal Flow Systems – using variable message signs to indicate the trafficlanes in use for peak traffic entering or leaving a congested area;

• Systems to advise drivers of hazards, such as low bridges and to warnthem to reduce speeds, if necessary, at dangerous bends.

107. Further information on ITS can be gained from the Department forTransport’s ITS Assist project web site,

108. These services can be provided by stand-alone systems but more benefitscan be gained by integrating them into a UTMC system. In these systems acommon database is used to share relevant information between individualsystems. The systems are often managed by staff in the same trafficmanagement and control centres. Details of the Department for Transport’sUTMC research programme and recent demonstration projects in Preston,Reading, Stratford upon Avon and York can be obtained from the UTMC website,

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109. Traffic signal systems provide a powerful means by which LTAs canmanage actively the movement of traffic on the network. Traffic adaptive UrbanTraffic Control systems such as SCOOT can be set up to do this automatically formost of the time. Similarly traffic signals at isolated junctions should operateusing either vehicular actuated control or the MOVA (Microprocessor OptimisedVehicle Actuation) algorithm that assess the best signal timings depending onconditions.

110. Where fixed time UTC systems are used or where obstructions or badlyparked vehicles make the SCOOT model invalid, operator intervention withcontingency plans or SCOOT procedures can be effective. LTAs should ensurethat the traffic signal plans or, at isolated sites, maximum timings are setappropriately to deal with varying network conditions by time of day and day ofweek.

Managing parking and other traffic regulation

111. LTAs maintain portfolios of traffic regulation orders, which have developedover many years. Developments of (and adjacent to) the road network andchanges to the flow of traffic on the network may affect the need for orappropriateness of these orders. Linking this information to the National StreetGazetteer and Corporate GIS Systems could be advantageous.

112. Authorities need to ensure that roadside controls preventing loading orparking or banning particular traffic movements, changes in speed limits etc.continue to exist where there is a need for them. Also traffic signs (including roadmarkings) associated with traffic regulation orders need to be of a sufficientstandard to both convey a message to road users and allow enforcement.

113. LTAs should consider these issues when making traffic regulation orders,and regularly review the following on a planned basis:

• appropriateness, adequacy and relevance of the orders;• consistency of orders along routes and co-ordination with adjacent

authorities to bring about consistency of strategic routes acrossauthorities’ boundaries;

• accuracy of orders to ensure they are understandable and robust andsustainable if challenged;

• use of appropriate systems and processes to improve the management oforders;

• maintenance arrangements for signs and road markings.

114. If traffic regulation orders are no longer suitable for local conditions, theyshould be amended or revoked.

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Enforcing road traffic regulation

115. Road traffic law sets the framework for using the roads safely and efficiently.Enforcing it is an essential part of ensuring that the optimum use is made of theexisting road network. Appropriate levels of enforcement have an effect onpeople’s safety and their quality of life and on the economy. The Police have acentral role in enforcement activities and LTAs should establish good workingrelationships with them.

116. The Road Traffic Act 1991 brought about a number of key changes in theway parking enforcement is managed. LTAs were able to enforce non-endorsable parking offences using the civil process. The Traffic Management Actwill increase the number of highway and traffic infringements that LTAs are ableto enforce, when the requisite regulations are in place.

Accommodating essential service traffic

117. LTAs should work together with local businesses, retailers andrepresentatives of the freight and road haulage industry to develop means ofensuring economic and efficient servicing of premises and deliveries, whilstmitigating adverse problems.

118. LTAs should identify and sign routes that are suitable for lorries andconsider the use of traffic regulation orders to discourage the use of minor roads,villages and other sensitive areas. LTAs should also make use of good practiceguidance on freight transport, an example being Transport Energy’s BestPractice programme (, to identify opportunities forworking with the freight industry to improve operational efficiencies.

119. Authorities should work with the Police to establish appropriate routes fordifferent types and sizes of abnormal loads, which may travel on their roadnetwork.

Regular reviews of the network

120. The original network context of traffic regulation orders, and other aspects oftraffic management schemes, such as traffic signs, road markings, traffic signalmethods of operation and guard railing can change over time, being adverselyaffected by new developments and shifts in traffic patterns. These should bereviewed regularly on either a route or area basis. During these reviewsopportunities to improve and simplify traffic signs and to reduce street cluttershould be identified.

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121. Fixed time traffic signal timings lose some of their effectiveness and shouldideally be reviewed every 3 years. Traffic adaptive traffic signals at isolatedjunctions and adaptive control systems can also lose some of their benefits overtime as the network’s characteristics and use change. Consequently, theunderlying traffic models have to be reviewed.

122. LTAs should establish systems for ensuring that the network and itsinfrastructure are well maintained and reviewed on a regular basis. LTAs shouldalso establish a well publicised reporting and repair process for road defects andequipment faults. Automatic fault reporting systems and CCTV surveillance canprovide some of this information but other good sources of information aremembers of the public, Police and council officers, bus drivers and taxi drivers.

Consultation and engagement with stakeholders

123. When developing strategies and processes for improving the operation ofthe road network, LTAs should consult with the public, frontagers,representatives of road users and neighbouring authorities with an interest. Theregular public consultation process carried out by the authority should bereviewed and, if possible, amendments made to it so that consultation onnetwork operation is included as part of this regular process.

124. Focus groups of representative street users and facilitated meetings withrepresentatives of street users and adjoining authorities are other useful meansof consultation. Surveys of staff in the LTA engaged on network managementcan also provide valuable information.

125. One of the findings from several consultation exercises carried out by LTAsis that the public have little idea of who is responsible for the management of theroad network in their area and would welcome a well publicised method ofcontacting someone responsible.

Provision of travel information to road users and the community

126. Information on road works and street works combined with accurate andtimely information about events and incidents on the network, provide a goodsource of travel information. This can be transmitted to the public by the use ofvariable message signs, radio and television travel reports, travel informationproviders and the internet.

127. LTAs should work with a variety of media providers to provide suchservices, which may allow road users to choose a different route or mode oftravel or to delay or defer their proposed journey.

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