

On Wednesday we always celebrate the “Traditional Games day” at school. So at the breaktime, instead of playing football or basketball, we play traditional games.

6th grade students are the responsibles for organising the games and control how the other children play.

Now, you will be able to enjoy some videos of our students performing some of these games.

We will give you a brief explanation of some of them just for you to have an idea of the way they have to be done. We hope you like them and play them any day!!!


This is the classical game. We use wood bowls or plastic bowls from recycled material. They have to throw the ball and make as many bowls as possible fall down.

KILLING GAME There are two teams and two balls. They

have to throw the ball and touch one of the other team members. If this member is hit by the ball, he or she is killed so he or she is eliminated. But, if this member takes the ball with his or her hand he or she is not killed and can continue playing.

The team with more players is the winner.

HAIRY SPIDER All the players are on a corner of the court. One of them (the spider) is in the middle

and he or she can just move horizontally. The Spider says “Spider”, and the rest

answer “Hairy”. This is the moment when the players have to move to the other part of the court, trying not to be caught by the spiders.

If, it’s like that, the person who is caught is now a spider too.

STICK TENNIS Two or more players. Each one of them has a special racket

made of velcro. The ball is also made of velcro. They have to pass the ball to each

other and try to catch it in the air.


To play this game you need ropes. You should make a maze using the

ropes. The players must go through this

maze without touching the ropes. If it’s like that, they should start from the beginning again.


It’s a symbolic game. It has no specific rules, every child

that is playing establishes the rules in that moment.

With the bottle caps you can play football matches, cycling races…



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