



North Carolina State College’s Student Newspaper

R A"

Vol. VLII, No. 43 1 «4 State College Station, Raleigh, N. C. Tuesday, April 1,195.

UnionDestroyedByFire During Night

From Chancellor To Governor?

Chancellor Bostian displaysassets that gained him amodeling offer} from Brooks,Brothers.

At a news conference Fridayin Holladay Hall, ChancellorCarey H. Bostian announcedhis desire and intention ofrunning for Governor of North

, Carolina.It is not known at the pres-

ent time just which ticket,Democratic or Republican, hewill be on; it seems that hehasn’t been approached byeither party. However, since atthe present time the StateLegislature is run primarilyby Democrats, the Chancellorthinks it best to aim for anomination by that. party.The reporters sent to the

news conference by The Tech,-m'cz'an were given a brief run-down of the Chancellor’s plat-form for election, which is as\follows:

1) Better roads2) Gleaner air3) More progressive educa-

tion system with higher sal-aried professors, instructorsand janitors

4) No taxationrepresentation

‘ 6) A Greener Carolina

After Holidays


Technician 'l'oImmediately after spring vacation, The Tech-

nician will begin publishing a daily paper.This giant step forward was

by the profits made on advertising. At present,The Technician has $5,000,000bank.

Plans oil] for $3 million to be used for theconstruction of an. ultra-modern building to beused by The Technician. The new building willinclude the following modern conveniences: abar, pool tables, a swimming pool, and last(and also least), a newspaper office.Also included in the building will be special

wire-tapping equipment for getting first-handnews

6) Shorter working hoursfor workers, higher produc-tion from management; high-er wages for- Workers, moreprofit to management.

7) Brotherhood8) Men to match our moun-

tainsChancellor Bastian announced

at the news conference that ifhe perhaps loses the race forGovernor of North Carolina, hehas been offered an attractivesalary to model men’s clothesat Brooks Brothers of NewYork City . . . Brooks Brothers,Internationally famous cloth-iers, sent talent scouts to theN. C. State Annual FashionShow a few weeks ago, andwhile here immediately spottedChancellor Bostian as a “nat-ural” as he performed in theshow.Dean Stewart, Dean of Stu-

dents that is, had a commentfor The Technician after theconference, which reads as fol-lows: “We will all be dis-appointed to see the Chancellorleave State College if he shouldfind these other areas of en-deavor more attractive.

made possiblein its piggy

Coeds Boost

Dorm MoraleThe Dormitory Office has an-

nounced that the new dormi-tory that is going up on the.southwest end of the campuswill have accomodations for co-eds.By the time the dorm is oc-

cupied next fall, it is thoughtthat about 278 women will beallocated rooms. This increasein the female population willbe due to the new courses thatwill be added next semester;home economics, basket weav-ing, and Advanced nuclear andtheoretical physics are-a few ofthe courses that will appeal tothe coeds.

If the new students are notsuccessful in their studies, it isapparent that it will not bebecause of lack of help (on theirstudies). In making the an-nouncement, Dean Watts, Direc-tor of Student Housing said,“It was thought at first that allwomen should be placed in thesouth wing of the dorm, butafter all, this is a democraticnation so why should we dis-criminate among students?”


Publish DailyThe remaining $2 million will be used 'as

salaries for the Technician staff. With a studof five, it is figured that each member willmake approximately $400,000 a year, whichworks out to about $500 each after taxes.The daily paper will include such interesting

features as Miss Technician (a picture series),Miss Today (Also a picture series), and MissTomorrow (another picture series). If thereis any room left The Technician also plansto carry news stories.The paper will be delivered to each students

doorstep before 6 am. It was decided to deliverthe paper early in the morning, .because somany students had nothing to do between sixand eight a.m. ll

Above is shown an architect’s sketch the new building which is soon to be con-structed on campus. The 83 million structure will be built where the 1911 Buildingnow is. Facilities for the Agra-och will be built in the cellar.

A fire of unexplained origin completely destroyed theCoIlegeUnion last night. It is thought that the fire began in the heatingsystem about 11:53 pm, ,quickly spreading to the upper floersand throughout the building via the ductwork.

' By the time fire-en arrived 'at the scene four minutes later,the fire was burning out of control. Calls for assistance wentthroughout Wake County and even the Boy Scouts were called out.

It is suspected that some State students that volunteered thdrservices to battle the fire were not pouring water on the blazebut were actually tossing inflammable materials into the fire—namely gasoline, trees, desks, books, slide rules, and even a tat-tered, well-worn Carolina flag.

Naturally, while confusion surrounded the monstrous inferno,some students calmly stood by and, surveying the fire, one said,“I say, old chap, isn’t that a rip-snorter?” Whereupon his com-panion replied, ,“Boy, when some guys say ‘Let’s build a bonlrdthey really go Gang Ho.”The five-alarm fire finally burned itself out after destroying

the College Union, the Library, Scott Hall, and singeing theplants in the nearby greenhouse.At the present, the police are looking for an arsonist. In par-

ticular, they are hunting for disillusioned CU officials, billiard

State To HaveNursing SchoolPlans were announced this

morning by the Trustees of N.C.State College to add to the pres-ent curricula of courses a Schoolof Nursing. Scheduled for open-ing the 1968 Fall semester, theschool is expected to attractapproximately 3,000 co-eds, awelcome addition to the campusof N. C. State College.Plans are presently being

studied to turn either Tuckerdorm or Owen dorm into an allgirls’ dorm. This is expected tonecessitate turning the rest ofthe boys’v dorms into 5-manrooms until another dorm canbe built, which should only takefour or" five years, at the most.After the announcement was

made, the ROTC department an-nounced that a WAC regimentwould have to be formed so thatthe co-eds would be able to ful-fill their military obligations,State being a land grant college.The announcement was re-

ceived with alacrity on StateCollege campus, but repercus-sions were quick to come fromother areas. A deputation fromRex Hospital Student Nursesmade a protest march on Holla—day Hall. The nurses carriedposters bearing violent slogansand chanted “We will not be op-pressed,” as they surrounded thebuilding. At approximately thesame time, the administrationreceived a telegram from theAmerican Medical Association,which said in part, “We appre-ciate your interest in furtheringthe study of nursing, butstrongly urge you to relocate.Practical experience is no long-er considered to be the most ed-ucational approach.”

Special IssueThe entire stat of The

Technician (all five of us)_ wish you a very foobh AprilFool. And if A you’re read t“far without realising that thispaper is sacks, you are un-doubtedlv a' bigger one than'0 M‘-

theROTCnus born in the

Ohaters, Good Design Show lee-ers, and members of the notori-ous “Let's-Change-The-Barber-S h o p-Into-A-Bowling—Alley'”committee.

Several airplanes mistook thelight caused by the blues for thelights of the Raleigh-Durha-Airport. The planes never land-ed, but pulled up after makingtheir approach down BilleboroStreet at an altitude of 15 feet.‘The only damage caused by thatincident was slight damage to97 telephone and power polesalong the street.No injuries were reported. but

it is feared that the CU preeiédent, Chuck Abernethy, nayhave lost his Mickey Mouse hatin the blaze. He could not bereached for comment since hehas been under sedation at a lo-cal hospital since he learned“the news of his cap.

ROTC Requiremenhi

Have Been Dropped.It was announced recently

that the United States govern-ment has agreed to suspendROTC requirements for land-grant college indefinitely. Fur-thermore, no classes will be heldfor either the Army or AirForce ROTC Departments. Itwas also announced that all MScadets can have their rifles anduniforms to do with what theywant.

All Air Science cadets are tobe allowed to retain their uni-forms and to take their pick ofany airplane they want at PopeAir Force Base.

It was suspected that there,might be some trouble theAir Science cadets are to he [I'-en airplanes, so the Military Sci-ence Department agreed to giveto any MS cadet who up“.his choice of either a heavy ta“or a firing pin for his M1.The entire idea of . ..

warped minds of the _Brass" who found out Mjunior officers _ a ,



‘u “.1"

13 Daily Technician!filannouncedmthuwsueThechhmemnwillbe-

rule a daily publication immediately after spring holi-days,‘ In addition, the paper will be distributed in thefining and each dormitory resident, off-campus stu-dent, and faculty and staff member will receive The

‘ Maiden at his door every day between 4:80 and0:00 a.m.' This announcement is made by the staff of your cam-pus newspaper with great joy. The decision to go to adaily publication was made for a number of reasons.

First, the campus newspaper, as all extra-curricularactivities this year, has simply been flooded with stu-dents volunteering to help. For the past few months, wehave had to turn away hundreds of eager, aspiring, andinterested men who have asked to help out.

Second, the move to a daily13 our small effort to helprelieve the current depression. We felt that hiring notmore than 150 unemployed students Would be beneficialto the community and nation and keep them off thestreets. (We have ‘had several requests for work frominstructors seeking to add severaldollars a week to theirsalary, but we have received orders from the Board ofHigher Education that no instructors could be employed aby the campus paper, no matter’how badly they needed :money.)A third reason for the change13 the “newfinancial set- .

up for The Technician. The Student Government has 2pledged to donate $500 each semester, the student feeis to be raised from $1.15 to $5.00; and the WolfpackClub has promised $5,000 annually if Technician editors I"of the future will promise to “mind, their o'vVn business!” _

In addition to the hundreds of students who we havebeen forced to turn away, it was, felt that a twice weeklypaper did not provide enough "work for the present 85 3reporters, 23 editors, and 11 photographers working onthe staff. Also, the seven men'running for editor nextyear each wanted their own paper.

Other reasons include: the donation of an AP wireby the Publications Board; the poor-coverage in'the localmorning paper; and the factthatour scheduled adver-tising left room in a twice-weekly paper for only smallnotices and headlines.ItIS with great pleasure thatwe make this announce-

ment. . . and with equal pleasure thatwe wish each

And Old Mud

M 81 0T0 Remove Cross TiesThe M&0 Department has an-

nounced that the fall semesterwill see a lot of changes aroundthe campus. From now, the de—partment has agreed to changethe mud on the campus. Thepresent mud has been thorough—ly mixed and well used, so theM820 Dept. has agreed thatnew mud would look much niceron the walkways. After all,what will people think of thecollege if they see dirty mudinstead of nice, clean mud.?M&O has also repudiated the

Agriculture Department’s claimthat the railroad'cross ties thathave been planted all over thecampus will grow into telephonepoles. The department will re-move the cross ties and usethem to build another railroadthrough the campus—since thehedge planted two years agoalong the old railroad has com-pletely eliminated the noise ofall trains.

' Maintenance and Operationofficials have also agreed to notsend over five men to do thework required of two. And theyhave agreed nottodigholcsinthe road any deeper than twofeet. This reporter found sever-al M&O men digging holes inthe street at 1:00 a.m. yester-day morning. The men said theywere digging the holees so they

’ would have something to fill upthe next day.

‘ The department is expected tocut its manpower from 2,349 to346 in view of the current re-cession. This will demand thateac man work the full three-hou day five days a week in-stead of the usual two-hour daytwice a week.M‘O officials could not be

reached at noon yesterday forfurther camment. In fact, no onecould be found that worked forthe department. It seems thateveryone had forgotten to cometo work on that day.

AT icalHole In Camus Roads

Cafeteria _ Announces

HelicOptef ServiceThe Cafeteria will provide helicopter service to and from the

newdormitoryandexistingdormsbeginfingnextsemeater. ThisnewservicewillcosttheatadentsflMpertrip, one"!-The principal reason for the.

helicopter Service is to bolsterthe student use of the cafeteria.Recently, the cafeteria announc-ed a new deal on the special.Now, students can buy theirchoice of a meat, choice of twovegetables, :1 choice of coffee,tea, or milk, and one helicopterride for $1.50.The schedule for the ’copter

service is as follows:7:30 a.m.—Leave new dormi-

tory with stops at AlexanderField and Doak Field.

7:40 a.m.—Arrive at cafeteria.7:43 a.m.—Leave for second

trip.7:58 a.m.—Arrive at Vetville.8:00 a.m.—Leave for cafe-

teria.8:05 a.m.—Arrive at cafete-

ria.8:07.7 a.m.—Final. trip of

morning to return students todormitories. Vetvillians will ei-

‘ 3' ther have to walk back to their

A Petvrlle "wife ”surveyshopel crater In one ofour roads, reportedly freshly dug by M&0 only yesterday. Oneof their most ambitious efforts

thereby giving the traffic of. 'ficer a fine chance to give aticket for reckless driving.

’ (Photo: Williams)and every one of you a tremendous APRIL FOOL!

SpringHasSprung At

An unidentified student slushes diligently through one ofState College’s famous “mud paths.” All over the campuscomes the cry, “0h, familiar mud paths—Ltheheralds of spring."

The Technician

P. 0. Box seas—pa... T334132137-139, 1911 Building

Editor David EarnhardtAssociate Editor ...... . Roy LathropManaging Editor . . ........ . . Rob FarrellNews Editor . . l x. . . . ._ . . . . Philip BuntingSports Editor ..... ’ . . . . , .- Jim MooreAsst. SportsEditor .Photography Editor , . . , 1'. .5News ’Stafl

George HammettJack Williams

Alton Lee. Charla Davis. Bob Lindcr, Chuck WoodBob George. Tommie LewisBusiness Stall

BusinesslfanagerAssistant Business Manager . Ray Morgan-Circulation Manager . A .John Lindsay

Represented for National Advertising by NATIONAL ADj»lstt'l‘lSlNC SERVICE. INC., College Publishers. Retirements.=me.WM‘AVI” New York,N;Y

g. as coo-l ela- matter. February 19,1920.“ the Post Mice atWhmgauiiimi 13?. Publbbed everym...M o arthCanolina tateCollegecur-a.m-nun—m. Subscription nhbflfiOperacbooletv:

Loyd Kirk









Arrow WingsMandyle

“Eastern Carolina’s:LargestgDepartment Store"


to date, M&O hopes this holewill catch unawares many motorists, wrecking their cars and

apartments or will have to befast eaters.The schedule for dinner and

supper is basically the same.The helicopter will leave thenew dormitory at 11:30 a.m. forthe mid-day meal and at 5:30p.m. for the evening meal. Theminute on the hour will remainthe same.

It was announced that stu-.dents may either pay for thetransportation upon enteringthe helicopter or may buy se-mester passes for only $137.74,a loss of only $47.74 per semes-ter.The cafeteria service also an-

nounced that as of next fall,service will be resumed on Sun-days.



Men Do Not be}. To FailThey Fail To Plan



Phone:TE 4-6840

Tunnel To Cover

Campus RailroadThe North Carolina Legisla—.

ture has approved funds forbuilding a tunnel over the sec-tion of railroad track that runsthrough the campus of State-College. The proje‘ct comes at atime when students in the dor-mitory areas are at wits endtrying to study or play pokerwith all that racket going ad ,outside.The project is estimated to

cost $4,678,249.52 and will bepaid for by a loan from thestate’s revolving fund if anyonecan stop the revolving longenough to get any money out ofit. .The tunnel will be construct-

‘ed of Wood and mud since thesematerials are cheapest and havebeen tested by time (and bigM&O). State’s School of Designhas been given the job of de-signing the tunnel, since woodand mud are their favorite masterials.

April Fool.'



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cloth or oxford in stripes,checks, solids. $4.00 up.Clout, Peabody £9" 00., Inc.



Wake Forest Drops

Two Maior SportsWake Forest College, one of

the lesser known schools inthe Big Four, has announcedthrough its Sports Publicity.Office that it will not attemptto field a team during 1958-59in either football or basketball.Although the reason for this

ihove is apparent to all thosesports fans who follow theAthletic Program throughoutthe state of North Carolina,the release briefly discussed thewhys and wherefores of thedecision.The Athletic Board cited the

not-too-spectacular performanceof the 1957 football team as themajor reason for the decision.It was said that the backers ofWake Forest not only sufieredfrom not having a chance to seetheir team win a game, but thehumiliation and loss of moneysustained was too great to over-fome.

The reason cited by the Ath-

wood were able to win a fewgames during the season, itwas not nearly enough to coverthe humiliation of the losses.

Brennan DropsFrom CarolinaPete Brennan, well-known

cage star from the Universityof North Carolina, has droppedout of school to accept a job atAlbino State Teachers Collegeas coach of the Tiddly-Winksteam, a major sport at thisout-of-the-way institute.Brennan said, in an interview

with The Technician, that a jobsuch as this one had alwaysbeen his secret ambition, andthat he was overwhelmed whenhe received the offer. He alsostated that he would do his bestto build Albino State to aposition of prominence amongthe schools of the country,through an increased' emphasis

letic Board for the dropping ofBasketball for the coming yearwas along the same vein. Al-though the Deacons of the hard-

Athlete-of-WeekJERRY ERDAHL. .198 pounds. . .

on Tiddly-Winks.Albino State is located in the

northwestern corner of Frank~lin.

. 5 feet, 8 inches . . wasknown before going out for athletics as “the sleppy one”, . .‘did not try out for any sport until he had entered State . . .after watching his freshman year go by without any accomplish-ments, he tried out for football and ,made the team. . . after sucha humble beginning as this, he went on during his sophomoreyear to letter in every intercollegiate sport in which State par-ticipates” .this was, as can easily be seen, a trying year as faras the books were concerned, and Erdahl finished the year witha 0.205 average, a bit below the college standard for re-admission ..a. . finding it difficult to build his average back up, young Erdahlquit school to become director of the College Union, a positionwhich he holds today... Erdahl has expressed the desire to tryagain for a college degree, but most of the school officials havediscouraged this ambition of his, saying that he is needed his present capacity.


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George L. Coxhead

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mam consular ‘ Il.lies. sue—Ian. &ar-rwl

Till rscn'mcu’mApril. 195.

NCAA Slaps Second Probatioi

On State Far Pay Of Athletes.Probably the main reason for pulsory two years that the the more optimistiefioaesNorth Carolina State College,

a perpetual source of trouble asfar as athletics are. concerned,has done it again. A reliablemember of the NCAA Board ofInvestigations has informed TheTechnician that State has againviolawd the clause in the Con—stitution that refers to pay ofathletes.

. State, which is already on.NCAA probation for recruitingirregularities, will draw, in allprobability, the stiflest sentenceever handed down by the Board.In the report that came to thispaper, it was said that StateCollege would be prohibitedfrom participating in any inter-collegiate sports for a period ofabout two years.The main reason for the in-

vestigation was said to be“ . . . a combination of high-priced clothes and expensiveliving quarters, which many ofthe athletes on this campus (re-ferring to State’s) seem to en-joy.” The report said that evi-dence used by the Board’s in-vestigators consisted of salesslips from Norman’3, VarsityMen’s Wear, and Lanier-Wom-ble; a bill of sales for a formerhotel, which is reputedly beingused as their home; and othervarious assorted rot.


VARSITYCongratulatesJerry Erdahl

Varsity Men’s Wear invites himto come by and receive $5 Inmerchandise of his choice, com-‘pliments of the store.We invite all N. C. State stu-dents to make Varsity Men'sWear their headquarters for thefinest in. men's clothing andfurnishings.


the investigation in the first NCAA santqics dictates. butnectedwithState,itPlacewas the fact that State alsoformanyyearsther‘ftsr. by past historythathas always put forth excellent Although this outlook may be rarely recovers from such a dsv.teams in most all of the sports consideredprematurebyaomeof aetating which it participated. Also’cited as a reason for the inves-tigation was the presence ofmany. representatives, on theBoard, from schools of rivalteams.

This reporter feels that thisprobation will probably meanthe end of sports here at State

.College, not only for the corn-

Must For TheSpring



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(ButtsAsthoro!“RallyRoendthePlay.Damp““Barefoot Boy with CM")

A FRAT TO REMEMBEREvery year, as we all know, the Benevolent and ProtectiveOrder of Collegiate Fraternities awards a highly coveted prizeto the fraternity house which, in its judgment, has done themost to promote and enhance the fraternity way of life. Theprize this year—eight hundred pounds of putty—goes to theAlpha Hernia chapter of the South Dakota College of Dentistryand Renaissance Art.The award this year is exceptionally richly deserved, for the

Alpha Hernia house is the very model of all a fraternity shouldbe. It is, first of all, a most attractive house physically. Theoutside walls are tastefully covered with sequins. Running alongthe upper story is a widow’s walk, with a widow stationed everythree feet. Moored to the chimneypot is the Graf Zeppelin.

«jam:4 ;;. {V'Wi‘i'n‘r’ fig"3“,;th

.5 Idiots iii/k. Willdial/III , hf...

Indoors the house gives an impression of simple, casual charm.The chapter room is furnished in homey maple and chints,with a dash of verve provided .by a carp pool three hundredfeetm diameter. A waterspout rises from the center of the poolwith the hous‘cmother bouncing on the topMembers’ rooms are gracious and airy and are provided with

beds which fold into the wall and are never seen again. Eachroom also has a desk, a comfortable chair, a good reading lamp,and a catapult for skeet-shooting. Kidney-shaped desks areavailable for kidney-shaped members.

Perhaps the most fetching feature of the house are the packsof Marllmros stacked in heaps wherever one goes. If one wishato enjoy a. fine filtered cigarette in any room of the house, allone need do is reach out one’s hand in any direction and pickup a Marlboro. Then one rubs two pledges together, lights one’sMarlboro, and pulls with sweet content the tastiest smoke themind of man has yet devised.The decor, the grace, the Marlboros, all combine to make

Alpha Hernia a real gasser of a fraternity. But a fraternity '3more than things; it is also pcdple. And it is in the people depart-ment that Alpha Hernia really shines.Alpha Hernia has among its members the biggest BMOG

on the entire campus of the South Dakota College of Dentistryand Renaissance Art. There is, for instance, William Make-peacc Sigafoos, charcoal and bun chairman of the annual StampClub outing. Then there is Dun Rovin, winner of last year's


All-South Dakota State Monoply Championship, 135 Pound -Class. Then there is Rock Schwartz, who can sleep standing up.Then there is Tremblant Placebo, who can crack pecans in biarmpits. Then there is Ralph Tungsten, who went held at eight.But why go on? One can see what a splendid bunch of chap

theme is in Alpha Hernia, and when one sees them at the bumin the cool of the evening, all busy with their tasks—mpicking locks, some playing Jacks-or-Bettu, some clip“Playboy-one’s heart fills up and one’s eyes grow m'nty, andone cannot but give three cheersfraternity of the year!


And, '7qule aroualnahussahformrciparetteolthe year, whosemaberstabsplsasuae loath.lnyupthetabforthlscolumn. via?

JIGV".....__... __~_

a-.mus rseemelsu ' ' ,


’“WflsCaught!as. almost in Sunny Bowers and Smoothy‘.”a. in theirnew marital pur-

Wane-i":Restaurant301 w. mum

"Home Cooked___Foods“

lost count. He couldn’t Mem-ber whether it was “Knit one, ' .purl” two,” or “Purl one, knit I Teach Th I...“two.” Asaresultofthethink- MCI-Am,ing involved, the General miss- New Wayed his afternoon golf game and m 60 DANG“that simply mined his day. m-mmm:2 ‘ thrilling decision, to the horror

“every secretary atState Col- . z3 Ii}. Taller tiles-1,1611%!beenhe} lammrggom .,

~ *5 “P °‘ "" 9“ .' FOREIGN STUDENTS ' mmmsaminoProf Ben Wh‘tt‘er has inv1t- Over a‘ million people.ed all foreign students to a tea have found newat the College Union Building and fil toae hasured above are ortu-I cently. No edding

g .5 some lucky woman a break. And3 Henry Bowtzr: cirmlplwy g:- nate yiq'lrfieyfilh: ‘32;$1152.” definitely set. on Friday. . 1 Arthur Murray and his

ponents of our campus when he “ml” 0" th‘ 1"“ '8 Mi" Pe' ' $dllfl881cfluid-3&2: of:wasintrodnced into the admini- "In“ Heartstrong, Tallcy’s visitAnhurMurray’stodastration this year. .it didn’t “"9““; °" a” “8'“ " 3““ GUS RUSSOS ma a. {0, If so:take W 10138 to find his Magnolia Inbloom, Bower’s . “72““ aone and .0111! (he is a faster h“"'“‘"°b Both 8M! Ire from quicklym‘acbecome

Bear WaIIow, North Carolina Hatters and Cleaners ‘.the two administrators have

T.” recently added to his been double-dating there re- FEATURINGhuge desirability by buying a.Veerflrulessealslree

Thunder-bird automobile; Bow- _ 2 HOUR ’ .

2mm mfiygsrchasinfi ” CLEANING. SERVICE ‘ , .red hot me (you m Talley ,3,mm",7. Arthur Murray Dance Studiomakes 11 ow- .m). 13:2: 2:3; ms, pm One smkaomemosm ' . 2114 Hgllgbom Sf.their already terrific inherentappeal, made these two cosmo-politans perfect targets forambidons young women.

Talley and .Bowers sharemany responsibilities at State.Among their ,duties are respon-sibility for sending flowers toill students, sanitation checkson Dempster Dumpsters, distri-bution of paper towels, and riotscontrol. Dean Talley, thougha'very friendly individual, rules.his ones with an iron hand .he keeps his secretary, Mrs.Alice .Hae Shirley, busy at alltimes keeping his desk cleanand“ giving him lessons inEnglish grammar. Bower’s sec-.

8 life is a little easier;is an extremely con-F3

scientious man and enjoys keep-ing his own desk more business-like (completely cluttered), andNe speech is beyond reproach.

; mans: 1': 3.3601 "

\ \ I/~/3;-

RALEIGHNow that these two titansof administration .have gone the MEM. AUD.wayof all flesh, the next man list of “Most Eligible . APR“.Bachelors” at State is Dr. Lod-wick Buggy, Head of the Shows .. 7:30 9:45 SMOKE RINGS-eomeinallshapesandsizes. Like 4-sided3‘51““ Department; The Tech- MO" om and Ticket “I. smoke rings for squares. Sturdy smoke rings for windyLions .2: has not as yet . THIIM': "can snap . days. Even invisible smoke rings for people who aren’t

. ‘m'““fl Dr. Hartley’s af- HAMLIN ””6 C0. ostentatious. As any commtent smoke ringer (Vapor, a... Seats—Mess. a an. 3.1. 33.00um um Float $3.00 Shaper in Sticklese!) will tell you, the best way to startAll of, us join in wishing 3,. . . g .M .3“ ”0° ‘ "0 one is to light up 3 Lucky. It’s best mostly because at

Lucky tastes best. A Lucky gives you naturally light,We Feature Daily A Special Plate Wonderfully good-tasting tobacco,M to taste even

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