Page 1: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

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Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006Brooks (Me.). Board of Selectmen

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Repository CitationBrooks (Me.). Board of Selectmen, "Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006" (2006). Maine Town Documents. 179.

Page 2: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006
Page 3: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

Municipal Officers for 2006

Selectmen,Assessors, Overseers of the Poor: Linda H. Lord . Term expires 2007

Benjamin F. Lufkin Term expires 2008 Raymond D. Shute Term expires 2009

Treasurer, Deputy to the Clerk, Asst. to the Selectmen: Barbara hrioody

Town Clerk, Registrar,Deputy to the Treasurer, Asst. to the Selectmen: Jane McLaughlin

Road Commissioner: EMA Director: 911 Addressing Officer: Fire Chief: Assistant Fire Chief: 2nd Assistant Fire Chief: MSAD # 3 School Board Dir: Sexton: Animal Control Offreer: Code Enforcement Officer: Plumbing Inspector: Transfer Station Manager: UARRC Representative: Health Officer:

Brad Putnam Arthur Butler Arthur Butler Harold Saucier Jeff Acher Robert H. Richardson III

*** Russell Lloyd / Russell Lord Term expires 2007

Alden & Dianne Brown Randy Hall Randy Hall Robert H. Richardson Ill Eric Watkins Benjamin F. Lufkin

Trustees of the Cemetery Trust Fund: Peter Quimby

Peter Baldwin George Littlefield

Term expires 2007 Term expires 2008 Term expires 2009

Planning Board:

***Resigned 2007

Roxanna Hall *** Art Hildebrandt

Steve Littlefield Paul Lawrence Dale Thomas Duke Simoneau Heather Quimby

Term expires 2007 Term expires 2008 Term expires 2008 Term expires 2008 Term expires 2009 Term expires 2009 Term expires 2009

Page 4: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006


Warrant for the Annual Town Meeting

March 17,2007

Brooks, Maine

County of Waldo State of Maine

To: Jane A. McLaughlin, a ;itizen of the Town of Brooks


Greetings: In the name of the State of Maine, you are hereby notified to warn the Inhabitants of the

Town of Brooks, qualified by law to vote in Town affairs, to assemble at the Grant Gym at Morse Memorial School on Saturday, the 17th day of March, 2007 at I:00 pm to act on the following articles:

Article 4: To elect, by written ballot, a Moderator to preside at the meeting.

Article 2: To elect the necessary Town Officers:

A. Selectman, Assessor, and Overseer of the Poor (1) for a 3- year term

B. Road Commissioner

C. Fire Chief

D. Assistant Fire Chief

E. Second Assistant Fire Chief

F. Addressing Officer

G. Cemetery Trust Fund Committee member (1) for a 3-year term

H. E.M.A. Director

I. Planning Board members (1) for a 3 year term (1) for a I year term

J. School Board member (1) for a 3-year term


Page 5: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

Articie 3: To see what sum of money the Town will appropriate for Officers’ Salaries. The Selectmen recommend: $ 59J94.00

A. Selectmen/Assessors/Overseers of the Poor $ 12,500.OO B. Treasurer/Assistant to the Selectmen $ 17,472.OO C. Town Clerk/Assistant to the Selectmen - $ 18,122.OO D. Road Commissioner $ 3,ooo.oo E. Fire Chief $ 2,ooo.oo F. Assistant Fire Chief $ 1,ooo.oo G. Second Assistant Fire Chief $ 500.00 H. Addreising Officer 700.00 I. Tax Map Coordinator s 100.00 J. Budget Coordinator $ 100.00 K. Code Enforcement Officer $ 4,ooo.oo L. EMA Director $ 300.00

Article 4: To see what sum of money the Town will appropriate for General Administration. The Selectmen recommend: $ 50,528.OO

Advertising $ 350.00 Audit $ 2,500.oo Building Maintenance/Plowing $ 1,750.oo Computer Software $ 8,400.OO Continuing Education $ 300.00 Copier Contract $ 500.00 Dues $ 1,550.oo Elections Electricity i

1 ,ooo.oo 1,300.00

Heating $ 4,ooo.oo Insurance $ 13,038.00 Mileage $ 1,000‘00 Moderator ti 80.00 MMA Web Page $ 360.00 Office Supplies

5 2,ooo.oo

Payroll Taxes 6,OOO.OO Petty Cash $ 200.00 Postage/Box Rental Software Licenses/Updates z

1,ooo.oo 200.00

Tax Map Updates $ 1,200.00 Telephane/lSP $ 1,800.OO Town Record Restoration $ 500.00 Town Reports $ 1,500.00

Article 5: To see what sum of money the Town will appropriate for Legal Fees. The Selecmten recommend: $ 13,ooo.oo

Article 6 : To see what sum of money the Town will appropriate for Planning Board expenses. The Selectmen recommend: $ 850.00

Page 6: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

Article 7: To see what sum of money the Town will appropriate for Revaluation Set Aside. (This brings total to $35,000)

The Selectmen recommend: $ 2,500.oo

Article 8: To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to appoint a Sexton to oversee the care of its cemeteries and set the pay.

The Selectmen recommend: $ 325.00

Article 9: To see if the Town wilf vote to accept monty from the Cemetery Trust Fund for the car:- of its cemeteries.

Article IO: To see what sum of money the Town will appropriate for its cemeteries. The Selectmen recommend: $ 18,850.75

Expenses: Memorial Day (flags) Maintenance Contract Wentworth Cemetery Stone repair Drainage/Tree Trimming Total

$ 300.00 $ 7,200.OO $ 100.00 $ 1,250.oo $ 10,000.75 $ 18,850.75

Income: Cemetery Trust Fund $ 7,200.OO Carry FWD $ 10,000.75 MBNA Grant for Stone repair. $ 1,250.OO Total $ 18,450.75

Article 11: To see what sum of money the Town will appropriate for the Fire Department. The Selectmen recommend: $ 32,500.OO

Expense: Working Budget Heating Electricity Phone/DSUFax Pagers New Gear (4) FF Stipend Truck Replacement Total

$ 12,300.OO $ 2,500.oo

2,ooo.oo f 1,200.00 $ 1,600.OO

7,400.oo i 3,ooo.oo $ 2,500.oo $ 32,500.OO

Income: Town of Knox $ 4,300.oo


Page 7: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

Article 12: To see if the Town will vote to accept money from the Town of Knox, as approved by their Legislative body at their 2007 Town meeting for Fire protection.

Article 13: To see what sum of money the Town will appropriate for Public Safety. The Selectmen recommend: $ 8,350.OO

Street Lights $ 4,950.oo E-91 1 Sign Replacement $ 400.00 Ambulance Se1 vice Contract $ 3,ooo.oo Total $ 8,350.OO

Article 14: To see what sum of money the Town will appropriate for Animal Control. The Selectmen recommend:

Expense: Stipend Mileage/Hourly Wage Vet Bills Total

$ 600.00 $ 600.00

500.00 z 1,700.00

Income: License fees Carry FWD Total

$ 535.00 $ 617.00 $ 1,152.oo

Article 15: To see what sum of money the Town will appropriate for Waste Disposal. The Selectmen recommend: $ 81,317.OO

Expense: Unity Area Recycling $ 9,611 .OO Universal Waste F&ility 2,044.OO Trailer for Recyclables $ 3,ooo.oo Paint Building $ 1 ,ooo.oo PERC fees $ 33,100.00 Trucking/Dumpster/Brown Gooc $ 15,000.00 Transfer Station Mgr $ 12,187.OO Septic Sludge Contract $ 2,500.oo Mist Operations 2,875.OO Total $ 81,317.OO

Income: UARRC Credit $ 3,282.OO Municipal Review Committee $ 6,300.OO Metal Recycling $ 600.00 Sticker Sales 600.00 Total f 10,782.OO

Page 8: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

Article 16: To see what sum of money the Town will appropriate for Road Maintenance. The Selectmen recommend:

Expense: General Maintenance $ 24,900.oo Ditching/Gravel/Culverts $ 57,500.oo Winter Roads $ 102,620.OO Paving/Resurface $ 48,OOO.OO Undesignated Maintenance $ 11,024.OO Sub-total $ 244,044.oo Paving Underpass Rd !§ 11 o,ooo.oo Total $ 354,044.oo

$ 354,044.oo

Income: Excise Tax $ 145833.00 Carry Fwd Roads Carry Fwd Winter Roads 5

49,267.OO 16,568.OO

Block Grant $ 32,376.OO Sub-total $ 244,044.oo Land Sales Capital Improve $ 53,653.85 Total $ 297,697.85

Article 17: To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to utilize the Dept. of Transportation Local Road Assistance reimbursement funds for Capital improvements of Town Roads.’

Article 18: To see what sum of,money the Town will approriate for Social Services.

A. General Assistance $ 3,ooo.oo B. Brooks Little League $ 500.00 C. Brooks Park Boosters $ 2,ooo.oo D. Brooks Soccer Association $ 250.00 E. Jackson Food Pantry 500.00 F. Senior Spectrum z 823.00 G. Volunteer Reg’l Food Pantry (Unity) $ 250.00 H. WCAP

Transportation $ 937.00 Sr Community Svc Employ $ 406.00 Home Energy Assistance $ 1,290.oo Energy Crisis Intervention $ 50.00 Head Start $ 958.00 Weatherization $ 191.00 Mid-Coast Home Rpr Netwk $ 245.00 Donated Commodities $ 114.00 Above Ground Storage Tank $ 60.00 Central Heating lmprovemer $ 126.00 Dental $ 50.00 Unfunded Community Projec $ 443.00

$ 4,870.OO


Page 9: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

Article 19: To see what sum of money the Town will appropriate for debt service for payment on the firehouse ( 3rd of 5 payments).

The Selectmen recommend:

Principle Interest z

49,338.OO 4,275.OO

$ 53,613.OO

Article 20: To see if the Town will vote to charge interest on taxes paid after a certain date. If so, to set the date they will be due and the amount of interest to be charged, R scommended: 12% interest beginning on October 15, 2007

Article 21: T!I see if the Town will vote to appropriate the money received ‘ram the registrations of snowmobiles refunded from the Dept. of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife to the Harvest Valley Snowmobile Club, in conjunction with the Municipal Grant Program of the Dept. of Conservation, Snowmobile Division.

Article 22: To see if the Town will authorize the Selectmen to accept any grants or gifts available to the Town.

Article 23: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to pay any approved abatements from overlay.

Article 24: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to negotiate the sale of the Town Office at 9 Veterans Hwy to a current land abutter.

Article 25: To see if the Town will vote to enact the Board of Appeals Ordinance. (posted with this warrant)

Article 26: To see if the Town will vote to enact the updated Sub-Division Ordinance r for the Town of Brooks. (posted with this warrant)

Article 27: To see if the Town will vote to authoire the Tax Collector or Treasurer to accept prepayment of taxes not yet committed pursuant to 36 M.R.S.A. 506.

Article 28: To see if the town will authorize the Selectmen to appropriate money as needed of the budgeted amount in each budget category of the 2008’budget, during the period from February I, 2008 to the 2008 Town Meeting.

Article 29: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen, on behalf of the Town, to sell and dispose of surplus equipment or real estate acquired by the Town for non- payment of taxes, on such terms as they may deem advisable and execute quit claim deeds for the property. All properties to be put out to bid.

Page 10: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

Article 30: To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to appropriate money .for the municipal budget from the following sources: The Selectmen recommend: Surplus: $115,000 Surplus: Taxes: $152,717.15 Taxes: Carry Forward: $76,452.75 Carry Forward: Other Revenue: $345,394.85 Other Revenue: Total: $689,564.75 Total:

Article 31: To see if the Town will vote to incre; se the property tax levy limit of $201,610.03 established for Brooks by State lava in the event that the munidipal budget’ approved under the preceding articles will result in a tax commitment that is greater than that property tax limit.

Given under our hands this 1st daqi of March, 2007.

Notice: The Registrar of Voters will be available at 12:30 pm before the Town meeting to correct any errors in, or changes of a name or address on the voting list, and to accept the registration of any person eligible to vote and to accept new enrollments.

Page 11: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006



It has been a year since Town Meeting 2006 authorized up to $100,000 be spent ,in rehabilitating the historic Alfred Rich House (usually referred to as the Margie Fogg House) into Town Office space. There will be a pictorial presentation before Town Meeting, but w:‘ve added a written report here for a more permanent record of this project to date.

Progress since that time has been phenomenal.. The community has gotten behind the project in 1,000 ways, including the help of dozens of hardworking volunteers, generous support from area businesses and the muscle and skills of Maine’s 133’d Construction Battalion. It has truly been a project that shows the type of Community spirit for which Brooks is known.

What has been done since last March?

Engineering plans drawn and approved by State Fire Marshall. Foundation drainage installed. New cement floor in basement. New shingles installed on roof. All supporting floor joists replaced with new 2x12 hemlock. Hardwood floors carefully taken up to be reinstalled. All lath and plaster stripped out and replaced with drywall Spray foam core-bond insulation installed. New oil tired hot water baseboard heat installed. Fire resistant records room added. Energy efficient windows installed throughout. All first floor walls sheet rocked and painted. A security/fire alarm system installed Wrap around porch added

Hopefully we will be in the “new building” during the summer of 2007. Again, we would like to thank townspeople for their support with this project and invite everyone to stop in and check out the progress! ! ! !

The Dr. Rich House (aka Fogg House) crew

Page 12: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

Dear Fellow Residents of Brooks,

Areas of significant accomplishment during another active year in Brooks town government are as follows:

* In April 2006, Brooks was notified that its Ct mmunity Development Block Grant application to the State of Maine for Housing Assistance bad been awarded $300,000. Much more in.Sormation can be found on the town web si . e.

e The town web site\& continues to be a source of information about town government with minutes, agendas, ordinances, policies, and much other information kept ’ up to date by Eric Frerking. Thank you Eric!

0 After an overwhelming vote at the March 2006 town meeting to restore the Fogg House to become the Brooks town office, volunteers led by the indefatigable Jane McLaughlin have committed thousands of dollars worth of material and labor to make this historic building look like new. There will be a grand opening later tbis year. Thank you, to all the manv volunteers who are making this possible.

* After a Department of Environmental Protect review of our transfer station, much work was done to clean up the transfer station and make certain that all related-paperwork was updated. The town received a glowing report from D.E.P. at the end of 2006. AfIer caretully examining the potential costs of door-to-door garbage pick up for residents and the cost of maintaining our transfer station up to D.E.P. specs, we are maintaining our transfer station.

l Many improvements were done in Brooks cemeteries this year. New chain fences were installed and roadwork and drainage were done in the Kinney Cemetery. Students spent a day this fall raking and cleaning. An MBNA grant was obtained to clean and repair some of the old cemetery stones.

8 Brooks business owners were invited to a Selectmen’s meeting to share their perspectives about the strengths and weaknesses of doing business in Brooks. All think Brooks is a special place! Our town web site will soon be listing Brooks’ businesses and linking to their web sites.

This is a brief summary of a very busy year. We thank you for the opportunity to serve a community filled with unsung volunteers and people who truly care about their fellow man and invite you to attend any or all Selectmen’s meetings. Thank you to all.

Respectfully submitted:

Selectpersons, Town of Brooks


Page 13: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

Planning Board Report for the year 2006

Prepared by Heather Quimby

The Planning Board Members during the year 2006 were Steve Littlefield, Duke Simoneau, Heather Quimby, Roxy Hall, Dale Thomas, Arthur Hildebrant, and Paul Lawrence. We worked very well together this past year.

Over the last y :ar the Board has: m Worked with 2 community members to subdivide their lsnd m Overseen and guided major land developers m Gone to 3 separate educational opportunities l Helped subdivision questions get settled l Approved 2 construction works on Randall Pond m Brought Subdivision Ordinance up to date n Worked with CEO Randy Hall to bring shore dwelling houses in to

line with State standards Over the next year the Board will:

* Research the new State standards for Shore land Zoning and incorporate them into the current Town of Brooks Shore land Zoning Ordinance

* Research the need for a Rental Property Ordinance l Continue serving the town with the guidance of the

Comprehensive Plan and State standards. All meetings are open to the public and any person interested in the affairs of the

town is welcome to attend. Meetings are held the 2”d Mon. of every month at 7pm in the Town Office.

Page 14: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

The Fire Dept would like to start by thanking the tax payers of .’ Brooks for your continued

support to the Fire Dept. Some have donated to our car wash, others have sent donations through

the mail. All support is greatly appreciated. You’ll notice that the Fire Dept is asking a little more in

there budget this year. We currently have 5 sets of interior a&x% gear that can be .used for .interior

attack on structure fires. Without this gear we can not do interior attack. If we use gear that is not

approved, either the firefighter can get hurt badly, the Dept of Labor can fine the town of Brooks, . or both. We have 4 new firefighters that are taking classes and working their way toward interior

attack, but without this gear, that is being requested, they c&t do interior attack. We are also

asking for funds to replace 4 pagers. We currently have 5 p::gers (minitor 2) sitting on my desk

broke, these pagers are ten to fifteen years old. They are constantly getting sent out for repair

leaving the firefighters without a pager and not knowing if or when there is a call. The rest of the

budget is pretty much the same ai last year. I am currently looking for a 2M1 line pumper, probably

mid 80’s, to replace the 1965 pumper that no longer meets the needs of this town. It is non-

compliant. The pump does not meet the annual pumps test anymore. If we play our cards right we

think we. can get a mid 80’s pumper for a donation or under $lO,OOO.OO. We are still working. on

grants. We are expecting to put in for the Fema grant, MMA grant, and forestry grant this year to

help purchase equipment. There has been a few complaints on the Bum Permits. Here it is in a

nutshell and approved by the Forest Service. We handout bum permit’s the day of the requested

bum and- not before. During the week it is after 5 pm. On weekends its all day. All pert-nits are issued depending on the staffing of firefighters and weather conditions. If you can’t get a hold of

Harold Saucier, Jeff Archer, or Roscoe Kenney for a permit you can get it through the Forest

Service online. The way that we are dealing with bum permits is working good. We are keeping

our out of control grass or brush fires to a minimum. Other town Fire Depts. that have stores or

town offices that hand out permits have problems because they are getting handed out when they

shouldn’t be such as bad weather, not enough firefighters around or just handing out to many at

one time. Feel free to contact the Fire Dept. with any concerns on this or any other issue. Our goal

is to continue to move the fire department fonrvard, keep our community safe and with your

continued supipbrt we will. At the end of the report you’ll see the 2008 to 2007 call outs and

training hours.

Thank You


Brooks Fire Dept. I.. !

Chief Harold Saucier

Assistant Chief Jeff Archer

2& Ass&z& Chief Bob Richardson

Page 15: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006


Beginning Balance 2/01/2006 Denosits

9/08/06 lllUO7 Bangor Savings Interest on Check. Acct.

Total Deposits

CK# 1014 Buxton Service, Inc. @&r&e Tier) CK.# 10 15 Cole Bryant Cob Custom Embroidery

(3 Jackets & Design LB; Embroidery) CX# 1016 Sales @the F

Total Expenditures

Balance In Account 2/l/2007

$ 896.46

484.00 200.00


$ 90.00





ltese suhmi* Barbara A. Moody Treasurer, Town of Brooks

Page 16: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

SHERIFF scoti L story

45 Congress Street Belfast, ME 049 15

Administrative offices 207-338-6786

Fax 207-338-6784

CHIEF DEPUTY Robert 5. Keating

Waldo County Sheriffs Ofice Annual Report2006

To the Citizens of Waldo Countv. I -

Accompanying this report you will find statistics for your individual Towns regarding the Law Enforcement Activity performed by the Waldo County Sheriff’s Deputies. You will see a different format due to the fact that we have employed a new Computer Aided Dispatch and Law Enforcement Records system part way through the year. We like the new reports better as they are much easier fo read and offer far more ‘information for both you the public and us in law enforcement. You may also see that our activity may actually be down some in many of your towns. This is quite likely due to our Resoume Management Agreement with the Maine State Police, By working together with the Maine State Police and other local and state agencies, we are better able to coordinate responses to calls and spread out the workload, enabling of&em from all agencies to provide a better quality service, quicker response times, and minimize the need for additional personnel which ultimately saves tax dollars. OfficeJs out in the field are better able to investigate and follow up on criminal complaints, bringing them to conclusion, and apprehending the violators where before we were often timesjust “putting out fires” and moving on to the next,

The Jail population continues to exceed the capacity of the jail, however with the opening of the new Lincoln-Sagadahoc, Two Bridges Jail, along with the new York County Jail, we are able to board out our excess inmates where prior to, we were forced to jam them into ourjail which caused a crowded and unsafe environment. While this is a good temporary alternative to a new facikty, we will still need to continue to look for a long term solution. We will be continuing to look for this solution with the assistance of local leaders in the county in the upcoming year. Our

hbom to the No and South face similar problems, creating opportunities for coitaboration in finding the solution. Ultimately this problem belongs to all of us and wit1 require us all to resolve it. Our continued work in corrections with innovative programming such as the Restorative Justice Reentry Program, VOA Pra-trail and Post Conviction Programs, Day Reporting, Substance Abuse Counseling, Community Resolution Teams and Restorative School Discipline are just but a few programs that we are attempting to use to break the cycle of criminal behavior in

-individuals and ultimately reduce the jail bed needs here in Waldo County.


Page 17: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

As I always remind-u al.. with my annual tqxrts, wa ae YOUR SHERIFFS OFFICE and are aawuntable to muthe citikens of Waldo CounQ. I encourage, anyone TV call or Srop in shot&! they have any axxems in your communities or with this agency. We ate hen? to sew you, the Citizens of Waldo County.

Waldo County Shetiff’s Oftice

N/26/,07 Waldo County Sheriff's Office 155 13 :*30 . Total CAD Calls Received, by Nature of Call Page: '1 .

Nature of Call' Total‘cails Received % of Total ----------------------------- ----------------I--- -*-..------ 911 DiscoMect 3 2.24 Agency Assistance 9 6.72 Alarm 5 3.73

.Animal Problem - AC0 assigned 1 0.75 'Animal Problem - Law Assigned 3 2.24 Arrest 4 2.99‘ Assault 6 4.48 ,Bu.rglary. Child Abuse or Neglect '.

.3 .' 2.24 -1 0.75

Civil Complaint 5 *- : 3.73 Criminal Mischief 1" '. 0.75 Detail Prob -Chk 0.75 Detail Radar 1" 0 . 7.5 Disturbance -5 3.73 -> . Domestic Disturbance 2” 2.99 Fire. 1.49 Fraud 1 0.75 Harassment 9 6.72 Information Report a 5.97 Intoxicated Person 1 0.75 Medical Emergency 1 0.75 Mental Medical 1 0.75 Motor Vehicle Complaint 10 7.46 Traffic Accident with Damage 13 Traffic Accident with Injurie

9.7q 2 1.49

Probation Violation 2 .I

1.49 Public Assist 7 S-22 Rape 1 0.75 Suspicious Person, Circumstnc 9 6.72 Theft 3 2.24

" 3.73 , Threatening 5. Traffic Violation

' a 1.49

Violation Conditional Release 1 0.75 t Welfare Check 4 2.99

, -----------*-,--,--,,,,------,---.,-,,--------------------~------~- ----------------------- .Total Callr : Ii4

Report Includes: All dates between" '00:00:60 07/17/06' and '23:59:00 12/31/06‘ All nature of incidents All cities matching 'BR'

'All types All priorities All agencies matching ‘WSO‘ -------------------------L-,,-,r--------------------------~-------------------------

*** End of Report /var/tmp/rp tAAAXTaquC-rpcdtccr.rl *** \

Page 18: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

Vita1 Statistics-2006

Welcome to Brooks’ newest citizens:

Isabelle Elizabeth Curtis Alden Harold Cushman William Francis Ellsey Connor Lee Foster Anna Elizabeth Gibbs Noah Bran: on Hurd Theresa Marie Kinney Shawn Michael Kuhn Joseph Dale Littlefield Zachary Michael Littlefield Deaglan Richard Macleod Duncan Lucien Pariseau Rebecca Erin Richards Andrew Alan Varney Makayla Marie Ward Natasha Nicole Wood

Best wishes to the following couples married this year:

Thomas Andrew Farrington & Wendy Jo Braley William Francis Ellsey & Jennifer Lee Darag Scott Loren Dyke & Lucretia Ann Smith Christopher Robert Finley & Melissa Sue Cracker Jason Eugene Wood & April May Dyer John Paul Howe & Rani Lyn Brian Townley Schreil & Wanda Marie Ferguson Christopher Frederick Wells & Jennifer Ann Somers Edward Alan Young & Elizabeth Mary Lesage

Sympathy to the families and loved ones of:

Robert Hamlin Curtis Connor Lee Foster Helen Anne French Charles Thomas Graney Jefferson Washington Schwartz Jeremy S. Gaudette

Page 19: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006


BROOKSFIRETRUCKACCOUNT fhfaturitv Date 5/22/07) ACCOUNTBALANCE 2/l/2006 % 6971.64 DEPOSIT(APPROPRWI'ION) 2000.00 BANGORSAVINGS-INTERESI.'FY2006 . 352.05 ACCOUNTBALANCE1/31/2007 % 9323.69 ,

__ -


Beginning Balance 2/l /2006 Receipts

Cemetery Trustees - Dividends _ Cemetery Trustees - Interest Bangor Savings Interest on Check. Acct.

Total Receipts


9284.78 198.21 11.83

$ 10244.82


Town of Brooks - Cemetery Maintenance $7000.00 Roberts Greenhouse 185.00

Total Expenditures $ 7185.00

Balance In Account 2/l/2007 $12827.54

RespectfUy Submitted, Barbara A. Moody Treasurer, Town of Brooks

Page 20: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006


February 2006 through January 2007

Ordinary Income/Expense Income

Feb ‘06 - Jan 07

4000 l TAX COLLECTOR REVENUE 4005 - Taxes - 2005 4006*2006Taxes 4007-2007 Taxes 4014 - 2004 Tax Lien 4015 l 2005 TAX UEN 4041.2003 Tax Lien 4044 = 2002 Tax Lien 4080 m Interest on taxes 4082. Lien i&s 4085 l Excise taxes 4090 l Boat excise taxes


45,609.56 670,546&l

1,509.00 12,426.94 6,097.33 4,644.06

707.20 6,616.30 2,341.20

145,633.63 592.50


4100 l INTERGOVERNMENTAL INCOME 4105. State revenue sharing 4110 l Municipal Review Committ 4115 - Local Road Assistance 4120 - Homestead Reimbursement 4125 - Tree growth 4130 - General assistance 4135 - Veteran’s reimbursement


92‘662.40 6,268.29

32.376.00 28.075.00

6,011.OO 224.20 483.00


4139 - RECREATION 4140 - Snowmobile Trail 2,049.16 4141 l State Snowmobile Reimbursement 560.68

Total 4139 - RECREATION 2,609.84

4150 - HIGHWAYS 4149 - FEMA

Total 4180 l HIGHWAYS


4225 - Town clerk anim contr fees

761.00 45.00

4250 l MUNICIPAL AGENT FEES 4,495.oo

592‘00 Total 4275 - TRANSFER STATION 592.00

43 - INTEREST INCOME 4305 - Interest BSB checking 20,389.CM 4310 = Interest BSB invest 4,368.47


Page 21: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

Town of Brooks

February 2006 through January 2007

Feb ‘06 - Jan 07 Total 4300 - INTEREST INCOME 24.757.5-I

IWE 4400 l flRE DEPAR-tMENT INCO 4101 - Fire Department (Knox)

Total 4466 l FIRE DEPARTMENT INCOME 4,200.OO I--.- - 4.200.00

4450 - GRANT INCOME 4451- MBNA Records Restoration Grant 3,295.oo

Total 4450 - GRANT INCOME 3,295.oo

4600 - LAND SALES 97,501 .oo 4600 - OTHER INCOME

4602 * Shoreland Zoning Flnes 1,500.00 4605 - CONCEALED WEAPONS TOWN SHARE 30.00 4611. PLUMBING INSPECTOR 1‘511.40

0. INSP. TOWN SHARE 206.10 4615 - Insufficient funds fees 120.00 4620 - Cemetery income 7,350.00 4630 l Contingent income mist 911.73 4651. MBNA CEMETERY RESTORATION GRANT 1,250.oo

Total 4600 9 OTHER INCOME 12.879.23

8000 - PLANNING BOARD INCOME 8001 - Subdivision Permit Fee

Total 8000 - PLANNING BOARD INCOME 2,505.oo 2,505.OO

Total Income 1,218,494.73

Expense 5000 GEN. GOV. ADMIN.

6005 - Municipal Officers 5010 q Federal matching funds 5015. CONTING.

5bl6 v moderator 6017 * Office supplies 5021 b Tax lien costs Sq22 - Building Yalntenance 5025 l Audit feee

55J49.63 5,492.05

40.00 1,546.41 i,a92.93

300.90 2,250.oo

364.60 1.331.41


5041. Misc. labor 6043 ‘ Mileage 5045. Continuing education 5947 9 Misc. supplies

1,069.80 1,221.55

901.32 183.32 103.00 593.64 844.53 264.00 403.95

Page 22: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

Town of Brooks

5048’DlJes Total 5015 * CONTlNG.

Feb ‘06 - Jan 07 1.53500

5085 * COMPUTER SOFTWARE 479.30 5087 * MMA TOWN WEB PAGE 360.00

Total 5000 GEN. GOV. ADMIN. 77,15o.a4


5083 l Subdivision fsermit Fee 5089 * Cont. Education 5094 * Ads/Planning boanl 5740 - Code enforcement 5080 l PLAN. BOARD - Other

Total 5080 * PIAN. BOARD

60346.26 2,569.OO


485.00 40.00

167.98 12.00

936.07 841.05

5081. PL BOARD TO JOIN MIDCOAST(dues 5090 * LEGAL FEES 5093 l 2006 Real Estate Refund 5098 l BUILD. MAINT. & OPER


5105 * Workers compensation 51 IO - Property I casualty

Total 5100 - INSURANCE

500.00 11,780.13



2,358.OO 10,179.50 12,537.50

Total 5098 l BUILD. MAlNT. L OPER


5725 * Animal Control Contract 5730 l Animal Cont. Vet Bills




1,174.97 153.30


5746 * E-911 Sign Replacement Total 5195 * PUEMJC SAF

5200 l FIRE DEPT. 5203 l F.D. WORK. BUDGET

5201. Food/Drink ,5267 * Trainin

5220 - FD truck serv I repairs 5225 l FD keros, oil, gas, water 5235 l FD Office Sup 5240 - FD mist suppti

507.50 6,487.79

423.15 700.00 729.23

7,051.78 375.00

1,033.61 662.77 852.75

Page 23: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

Town of Brooks TREASURERS R

February 2006 through January 2007

5258 - FD dues 5255 l FD Fit Testing

Total 5203 - F.D. WORK BUDGET

Total 5200 l FIRE DEPT.


5302 - Winter Sand 5303 l Salt 5304 - Truck 8, Oper. 5362 - Snow removal contract

Total 5300 * WlNTER ROADS

Feb ‘06 - Jan 07 267.00 100.00



3339.70 1,498.87 1,620.61 4,ooo.oo 2,ooo.oo

10,000.00 10,483.20 5,741.48

66,619.99 92J344.67


5330 - Pen: fees 5331 l BROWN GOODS DAYS 5332 8 Propane 5333 l Dumpster 5336 l Sullivan’s Waste Disposal 5337 l Snow removal 5339 - Miscellaneous supplies

5341 l Trash bags 5343 l Metal removal 5344 - Mileage to U.R.R. C. 5345 - Municipal Review Fees 5346 - Transfer station Fees 6347 ; Stickers 5349 g Clean Up



30,196.30 3,800.10

225.68 450.00

10.224.00 475.00 230.78 145.00

3,318.OO 322.61 412.38 449.76 195.00

4,742.65 55,187.46


12,481.71 2,500.OO

Total 5324 - WASTE WS 76,491.32


5366 - Truck & Operator 5367 l Backhoe & operator 5368 - Grader I operator

2 - Dozer / operator 5374 - Gravel


11,652.50 325.00

7,428.46 647.34

10,006.64 3,329.12 9,772.36

Page 24: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006


February 2006 through January 2007

5376.Culverts 5378 - Mowing roads 6380 - Cold patch/Patching 5381. Highway Misc. 5382 . RollerlCompactor 5383 * Tractor/Rake 5364 l Brush Grinding




Total 5429 - NEW FIREHOUSE


5603.Generafassistance 5618 - New Hope for Women 5622 - Brooks Little League 5623 - WCAP - Transportation 5624 * WCAP- Home Energy 5625 l WCAP - Energy Crisis 5626 l WCAP Head Start 5627. VWCAP - Weatherizafion 5628 b M/CAP Donated Comm 6629. WCAP - Storage Tanks 5630 * WCAP - Heating Improvement 6631. Kno Wal Lin 5632 - Happy Time Food Pantry 5634 - Jackson Food Pantry 5635 . Senior Spectim 5636 l Brooks Preschool 5637 * American Red Cross 5540 - AJC Health Cent - AmblEqu 6641 * Eleven Towns Youth Field Hockey

5644 l Waldo county YMCA 5647 - Brooks Soccer Assocktlon

ult Crisis & suppm


Feb ‘06 - Jan 07 11,417.38

1,050.00 2.789.96 3,589.80

272.00 48.00

3,690.Oo 66.018.56


47,200.OO 5,699.88


209.52 W561.42


858.17 660.00 500.00 321.00 451.50

25.00 365.50

56.00 56.50 25.00 34.50

1,042.OO 250.00 500.00 823.00 500.00

1,060.00 Z350.00

100.00 200.00 250.00

37.00 250.00 383.25 500.00 500.00

2,ooo.oo 14098.42


Page 25: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006


February 2006 through January 2007

5706 = Cemeteries Misc. 5705 - CEMETERY - Other

Total 5705 - CEMETERY

Feb ‘06 - Jan 07 447.13

8,952.12 9.399.25

5757 l Code Enforce Junkyard Ordinance Total 5700. UNCLASSIFIED


6734 - State Snowmobile Reimburse 5735 l Snowmobile trails


3,437.15 72,836.40

1,060.50 1, ‘62.00


t 60.68 2,049.w 2,609.84

6602 - GRANTS 5884 * SEPTIC SYSTEM GRANT 5886 ’ BLOCK GRANT DECDlHOUSlNG 5867 * MBNA Record Restoration Grant

Total 5802 * GRANTS

Total Expense

Net Ordinary Income

Other Income/Expense Other Income

6,591.50 435.84

2,960.oo 9,987.34



6000 - STATE OF MAINE RECEIPTS 6010 - State BWIV fees receipts 6015 * State BMV sales tax ret 6020 - State VFW fees receipt 6025 l State NFVV sales tax wpt 6030 m State Hunt Fish receipts 6035 l State animal control ret 6040 - State Cone Weap recei 6045 - State plumbing receipts


6203 * !%vanville Excise Total Other Income

Other Expense

34,081.OO 6.722.20 2,925.oo

292.60 3,007.25

918.00 85.00

572.50 48,603.55

83.58 48,687.13


6125 - state l/My Sal 6130 l State Hunt Fish paid out 6135 * State animal control paid 6140 - State concealed weap paid

34,080.OO 6,722.20 2,802.OO

292.60 3.264.25 1,038.OO


Page 26: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006


February 2006 through January 2007

Feb ‘06 - Jan 07 6145 s State plumbing paid out 375.00

Total 6100 - STATE OF MAINE PAlD OUT 46,684.05

6202 * Swsnville Excise Tax 83.58 Total Other Expense 48,767.63

Net Other Income -80.50

Net Income 146,408.00

Beginning Balance (check book) (1131106) Net Income/Loss From Profit & Loss

$ 518,739.80 $ 146,408.OO $ 665,147.80

Returned checks Uncleared Transactions as of 1131107 Check Book Balance ss of l/31/07 Investment Account Balance as of 1131107 (Checking & Investment Acct.)

$ 184.91 $ 1.0,719.28 $ 654,243.61 $ 95,335.oo $ 749,578.61

Page 27: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

2004 Uncollected Taxes

Aldus, Joseph $ 282.90 ***** Bowles, Chris & Brandi $ 517.70 ***** Christner, Susan $ 266.04 ***** Cook, Joe $ 275.55 Elwell, Clifford $ 72.93 *a*** Foster, Chris & Loretta Pc.;neroy $ 180.36 ***** Foster, Roger $ 480.41 ***** Gardiner, Leslie $ 327.32 ***St* Gardiner, Leslie $ 612.14 t**** Harmon, Charles $ 517.02 ***** KSW Credit Union $ 776.55 +**** Lufkin, Cynthia $ 627.57 ***** M&tire, Mark & Tracey $ 166.25 ***** Ryan, Frank heirs $ 362.63 ***** Stoddard, Kenneth heirs $ 252.17 *****


*****Denotes full payment after l/31/2007

Page 28: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

2005 Uncollected Taxes

Aldus, Joseph Bailey, Mark Bowles, Christopher Brooks Homes, Inc. Brown, Paul Christner, Susan Clark, Delmont Clark, Delmont Clark, Delmont Clark, Delmont Cook, Joe Curtis, Rickey Curtis, Stanley Doughty, Tonja Elwell, Clifford Ferguson, Joel Foster, Christopher Foster, Roger Gardner, Leslie Gardner, Leslie Gilmore, Norman Harmon, Charles Kenney, Carol KSW Credit Union Lane, Kevin Leathers, Teresa Lord, Renee Lufkin, Cynthia Maine Resources Mclntire, Tracey Murphy, Sherry Reynolds, Jeffrey Roberts, Peter Roberts, Peter Ryan, Frank Shue, John Smith, Don Stacey, Glance Stoddard, Kenneth heirs Village Homes, Inc Village Homes, lnc Village Homes, lnc Wight, Jason Young, Beth E.


$ 313.39 $ 156.23 $ 573.50 ***** $ 35.22 $ 138.75 $ 405.41 $ 210.90 $ 168.35 $ 1,377.88 $ 1,551.13 $ 305.25 $ 242.22 $ 142.45 $ 122.25 $ 87.78 $ 880.60 $ 199.80 $ 428.40 $ 362.60 $ 546.58 $ 574.33 $ 468.96 $ 126.63 ***** $ 860.25 *****

$ 148.00 $ 471.00 * $ 479.15 $ 591.43 *****

$ 157.18 !§ 80.38 $ 701.61 $ 914.58 $ 148.00 $ 670.53 $ 1,567.51 $ 851.00 $ 177.60

; 712.25 279.35 $ 906.50 $ 784.40 $ 305.25 $ 203.50 $ 1,000.55


*****Denotes full payment after l/31/07 *Denotes partial payment after l/31/07

Page 29: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

2006 Uncollected Taxes

Abrahamson, Kurt Aldus, Joseph Amaro, Tiffanie Austin, Sandra Bailey, Mark Barlow, Dale Beaulieu, Debra Beldon, Jane Bennett, Donald & Thomas Bennett, James Bennett, Sirena Bowles, Christopher Caron, Jon Caron, Jon Christner, Susan Clark, Delmont Clark, Delmont Clark, Delmont Clark, Delmont Cook, Jarrod S. Cook, Joe Crawford, Patricia Curtis, Alison Curtis, Richard W. Jr & Darci D. Curtis, Rickey Dailey, Kathleen A. Daniels, Eleanor G. Doughty, Tonja Wood Elwell, Clifford Feero, Joey J. Ferguson, Joel A. & Sharon M. Feyler, Tammie Stimpson Foster, Christopher & Loretta Pomeroy Foster, Roger Fowler, Tracy N. Jr Gallant, Leon, Joseph & Troy Gardner, Leslie Gardner, Leslie Gaudette, Scott & Elizabeth Gilmore, Norman W. Jr Goguen, Alan or Roland Green Tree Service, LLC Gummow, Donald R. Jr Harmon, Charles Jr Harvey, Melford Haskell, Dianne Littlefield Huffman, Delbert & Harriet Hurd, Jeannie Thayer Jordan, John & Heidi

$ 1,781.94 !§ 128.82

j $’ 622.82 $ 160.00 $ 202.02 $ 1,036.89 * $ 460.00 $ 392.00 $ 312.00 $ 160.00 $ 461.10 ****x

!§ 620.00 ***** $ I,91050 $ 279.20 $ 471.40 $ 228.00 $ 316.00 $ 1,489.60 $ 1,710.02 $ 232.00 $ 330.00 $ 205.28 $ 1,472.02 $ 341.00 $ 314.98 $ 854.02 $ 880.00 ***** $ 616.82 !§ 128.02 $ 965.66 * $ 952.00 $ 1,150.00 !§ 216.00 $ 496.26 $ 208.00 **+I**

$ 536.80 $ 392.00 $ 624.02 $ 150.00 $ 654.02 $ 72.65 w*** $ .330‘00 !§ 352.52 $ 540.10 $ 160.00 $ 661.98 $ 1,327.62 $ 1,440.70 $ 150.00

Page 30: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

Kalenian, Ruth E Kennedy, Warren A. Kenney, Carol A. KSW Federal Credit Union Lane, Kevin E Leathers, Teresa Libby, Alton Littlefield, Michael & Debbie Loper, Robert G & Denise Lods, Charlie & Robina Lord, Linda J Lord, Renew M Loti, Susan Lufkin, Cynthia Lurie, Steven B. Luther, Marc & Wendi Maine Resources Co Manning, Dwayne A. & Nancy Manning, Nancy & Wayne Martin, Richard K. Matthews, Thomas Tyler & Janet Grace McAvey, John Jr & Kathryn McAvey, Trevor Mclntire, Mark & Tracy Merrifield, Sandra D Miles, Sandra Moody, Jason Murphy, Sherry Philbrick, Franklin L Jr Pierce, Estate of George & Eleanor Piersiak, Carolyn J Pray, Frank 0. Jr & Kathy Prescott, Matthew E Primrose Hill Properties Quinn-Tourigny, Sharon Raven, Jason Reynolds, Jeffrey P & Terri L ‘Rice, Linda L. Roberts, Peter Roberts, Peter Rodgers, Donna Lee Ryan, Frank heirs Schwartz Jeff heirs Scientific Games Shue, James Shue, James Shue, John Sinclair, Marylyn Smith, Don E Spaulding, Deborah Stacey, Clarice W Stoddard, Kenneth heirs _

$ 21578.02 $ 69.24 $ 170.02 $ 160.00 ***** $ 160.00 $ 708.58 $ 859.00 * $ 1,298.08 $ 160.00 !§ 546.40 $ 632.34 $ 518.00 $ I,44480 $ 672.50 $ 1,162.02 ***** $ 160.00 $ 169.92 $ 710.00 $ q,244.78 $ 416,OO $ 2,777.98 $ 1,273.04 $ 192.00 $ 120.02 $ 1,278.02 $ 318.00 $ 670.02 $ 791.62 $ 1,032.42 $ 456.00 $ 552.00 $ 1,522.74 $ 1,330.40 $ 1,057.60 $ 712.00 $ 54.02 $ 1,021.86 $ 801.02 $ 160.00 $ 758.02 $ 490.00 $ 1,694.60 $ 528.00 $ 77.32 !§ 182.08 $ 160.00 $ 920.00 $ 346.02 $ 192.00 $ 1,133.42 $ 770.00 $ 342.00

Page 31: Town of Brooks Annual Report 2006

Stuart, Douglas Theobald, Kenneth & Pam Torrey, Anthony & Lisa TRM Copy Centers Corp US Bank, NA as Trustee Verplanck, John Village Homes Development, Inc Village Homes Inc .’ Village Homes Inc Village Homes Inc harman, William C & Lynn M Wellman; Michael H Wight, Jason Wood, Gordon F Wood, Patricia Young, Beth E

***** Denotes full payment after l/31/07 * Denotes partial payment after l/31/07

!§ I,23574 $ 2,965.12 $ 160.00 $ 24.58 $ 731.56 $ 620.00 $ 710.00 $ 980.00 $ 848.00 $ 330.00 $ 1,302.02 $ ‘1,251.20 $ 220.00 $ 736.58 $ 1,619.82 $ 871.70

!§ 81,657.02

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