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Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2016-12-14

Towards Responsible Content Mining:A Cambridge perspective

Peter Murray-Rust1,2

[1]University of Cambridge[2]TheContentMine pm286 AT cam DOT ac DOT uk

Researchers, publishers, governments, citizens,companies want mining. How can we communally get rid of barriers? Cambridge has a unique role

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(2x digital music industry!)

ContentMine is an OpenLocked Non-Profit company

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Scholarly publishing is “Big Data”


586,364 Crossref DOIs [1] per month (2015-07)2.5 million (papers + supplemental data) /year [citation needed]*

each 3 mm thick 4500 m high per year [2] * Most is not Publicly readable[1]

1 year’s scholarly output!

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30 June 2016Announcing new support for Text and Data Mining

We're pleased to announce we have updated our Terms and Conditions to provide greater support for users to Text and Data Mine (TDM) academic journal and book content. The new Terms and Conditions allow non-commercial users to text and data mine any content that they are authorized to access.

The results of the TDM can be made publicly available providing that no original content is reproduced except within the limits of what is allowed under copyright law. The full conditions can be found here:

Cambridge University Press

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• What is ContentMining (TDM)• People!• Examples: science and tools• What we could do in Cambridge

Slides at

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TDM: What France, Europe and UK must do

• ACTIVELY ENCOURAGE Mining and researchers• INVEST in people, tools, resources, training• ENCOURAGE cooperative publishers• PROTECT researchers from other publishers

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Content Mining can save lives

• Search for papers with “Ebola” and “Liberia”

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We were stunned recently when we stumbled across an article by European researchers in Annals of Virology [1982]: “The results seem to indicate that Liberia has to be included in the Ebola virus endemic zone.” In the future, the authors asserted, “medical personnel in Liberian health centers should be aware of the possibility that they may come across active cases and thus be

prepared to avoid nosocomial epidemics,” referring to hospital-acquired infection.

Adage in public health: “The road to inaction is paved with research papers.”

Bernice Dahn (chief medical officer of Liberia’s Ministry of Health)Vera Mussah (director of county health services)

Cameron Nutt (Ebola response adviser to Partners in Health)

A System Failure of Scholarly Publishing

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What is “Content”? CC-BY





MATH tackles these

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• Bag of words• Chemistry• Zika• Phylogenetics

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HAL repository FR

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Bag of Words

Theses from HAL repository

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“… simulated by 21cmFAST is in principle independent”

“it is a feature of the 21cmFAST code, and is explained in §3.1.”

SciCodes[1]: Searching for software in arXiv[1]

[1] Proposal to LJ Arnold Foundation (Alice Allen ASCL and PMR)

Using the semi-numerical simulation, 21cmFAST,

[2] the physics/maths/astronomy.. Preprint server

The language identifies the software!

arxIv has >500 mentions of “21cmFast”

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• Typical

Typical chemical synthesis

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Automatic semantic markup of chemistry

Could be used for analytical, crystallization, etc.

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Examples of plots

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Multisegment diagram

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Multisegment diagram

Whitespace “corridors”

SuperpixelBounding box


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Evolutionary (phylogenetic) trees

• International Journal Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology

• Diagrams from 4300 independent articles

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OCR (Tesseract)

Norma (imageanalysis)


Semantic re-usable/computable output (ca 4 secs/image)

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Supertree created from 4300 papers

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Search for 200 articles with “Zika”


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Search on publicly accessible papers on “Zika”

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<dictionary title="tropicalVirus"> <entry term="ZIKV" name="Zika virus"/> <entry term="Zika" name="Zika virus"/> <entry term="DENV" name="Dengue virus"/> <entry term="Dengue" name="Dengue virus"/> <entry term="CHIKV" name="Chikungunya virus"/> <entry term="Chikungunya" name="Chikungunya virus"/> <entry term="WNV" name="West Nile virus"/> <entry term="West Nile" name="West Nile virus"/> <entry term="YFV" name="Yellow fever virus"/> <entry term="Yellow fever" name="Yellow fever virus"/> <entry term="HPV" name="Human papilloma virus"/> <entry term="Human papilloma virus" name="Human papilloma virus"/></dictionary>

Terms co-ocurring with “Zika”

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ContentMine believes in young people

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ContentMine Workshops on Mining

Chris Kittel, CM, atMozfest 2015

Stefan Kasberger, CM

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6 ContentMine Fellows for 6 months

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Neo Christopher Chung

Warsaw, Computational Biology Wants to find out geographic and temporal differences in the use of genomic software tools

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Paola Masuzzo Ghent, Computational Omics and Systems Biology Wants to mine literature around cell migrations and invasion to create 1) collection of

minimum requirements, 2) check for nomenclatura consistency and 3) construct a knowledge map

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Alexandra Bannach-Brown Edinburgh, Neuroscience Problem: huge body of works in animal studies about depressions. systematic review is the main

approach for getting insight. Wants: identify papers in systematic review of depressive behaviour in animals. What

drugs, what methods, what outcomes and signs/phenotypes. Use outcomes for document clustering.

and expedite scientific advances."

Corpus: 70.000 Papers

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Alexandre Hannud Abdo “Our goal is to mine facts from global health research and provide automated referenced

summaries to practitioners and agents who don’t have the means or the time to navigate the literature.

From Brazil, Life Sciences, works on project about evolution of oncology Wants: extract facts from cancer research conference papers and global health papers


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Alexandre Hannud Abdo “Our goal is to mine facts from global health research and provide automated referenced

summaries to practitioners and agents who don’t have the means or the time to navigate the literature.

From Brazil, Life Sciences, works on project about evolution of oncology „I am extremely happy to join this first cohort of ContentMine Fellows. I participated in a

ContentMine workshop in 2014 and have been following the progress of the project ever since, looking for an opportunity to collaborate which now materializes.“

Problem: Get text and metadata out of old conference proceedings and measure the evolution of ideas and practice using entity analysis, especially trends.

Wants: extract facts from cancer research conference papers and global health papers. Extracting topics (innovations, developments) and comparing the two types of publications. Find out which facts from conferences get later on published in articles.

Has some issues with software

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Guanyang Zhang Biology, Arizona „My ContentMine Fellowship project will focus on mining weevil-plant associations from literature

records.“ „Motivation. Comprising ~70,000 described and 220,000 estimated species, weevils

(Curculionoidea) are one of the most diverse plant-feeding insect lineages and constitute nearly 5% of all known animals.“

„Knowledge of host plant associations is critical for pest management, conservation, and comparative biological research. This knowledge is, however, scattered in 300 years of historical literature and difficult to access.“

Weevil-plant association network graph made with Google Fusion Table. Each blue circle is a weevil tribe and yellow circle a plant genus. The size of a circle represents the number of associations.

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Lars Willighagen 15 years old NL Wants: extract data about conifers (relations to chemicals, height etc.) Outcome: database with webpage containing conifer properties Table Facts Visualiser DEMO Card DEMO Word Cloud „ I applied to this fellowship to learn new things and combine the ContentMine with two previous

projects I never got to finish, and I got really excited by the idea and the ContentMine at large.“

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Polly has 20 seconds to read this paper…

…and 10,000 more

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ContentMine software can do this in a few minutes

Polly: “there were 10,000 abstracts and due to time pressures, we split this between 6 researchers. It took about 2-3 days of work (working only on this) to get through ~1,600 papers each. So, at a minimum this equates to 12 days of full-time work (and would normally be done over several weeks under normal time pressures).”

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• ContentMine has had to build nearly everything

• Interoperates with SciPy, R-OpenSci, GitHub …• Fully Open (CC BY, Apache 2)

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• CRAWL the web for scientific documents (articles, grey literature, repositories)• quickSCRAPE pages (text, graphics, images, data)• NORMA-lize page to semantic form

…Open semantic science …• MINE pages with your methods and tools (AMI)

• CAT-alogue results in searchable index• Automate daily process (CANARY) Infrastructure

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EuPMC, arXivCORE , HAL,(UNIV repos)




















Visualizationand Analysis

PloSONE, BMC, peerJ… Nature, IEEE, Elsevier…

Publisher Sites







Fig. 1

HTML tables

30, 000 pages/day Semantic ScholarlyHTML


CONTENTMINE Complete OPEN Platform for Mining Scientific Literature


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• Chris Hartgerink Tilburg University (NL) • Reproducible Science• Extracting statistical information• Helping authors check reported results• Detecting problematic study results (e.g., clinical trials)

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[1] STATCHECK from Chris Hartgerink

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“Symmetry [is] indication of potential publication bias”

Machines are BETTER than humans here

Can we believe meta-analyses of clinical trials?

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ContentMine converts PDF to HTML5

Perfect for machines!

PDF table

HTML5 table Horrible for machines!

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The Royal SocietyData miningWe support the stance that the right to read is the right to mine. We believe that the ability to use computers to extract information from scholarly material is one of many tools available to researchers, and we support this activity on our journals.

Members of subscribing institutions have our permission to mine journal content for either commercial or non-commercial purposes. We ask that you respect the copyright of the original papers, and where possible cite original works when you reuse them.

Text and data mining is an exception to the usual copyright restrictions which researchers can benefit from. The exception (s.29A of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA)) allows copies to be made of any copyright material for the purpose of computational analysis.

If a researcher wants to share TDM results that contain some copyright-protected element from the original

work, for example in a publication, then that is possible in certain circumstances. For example, the Quotation exception (s.30 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 (CDPA)) allows the copying and use of portions of someone else’s work to illustrate a point being made.

Please also bear in mind that our servers have finite capacity, and to help us manage the system load we ask that you let us know when you intend to carry out any mining activity. Our technology provider sets a limit on downloads from our sites, beyond which an automatic lock-out is triggered. By working together, we can help you to complete your project and achieve your research goals without being blocked by technical restrictions.

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OUP1 Data Mining Policy

… we are happy to accommodate TDM for non-commercial use. Although researchers are not required to request permission for non-commercial text-mining, OUP is happy to offer consultation … including avoidance of any technical safeguards triggers OUP has in place

1 Oxford University Press

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And now the main problem…

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@Senficon (Julia Reda) :Text & Data mining in times of #copyright maximalism:

"Elsevier stopped me doing my research" …

#opencon #TDM

Elsevier stopped me doing my researchChris Hartgerink

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I am a statistician interested in detecting potentially problematic research such as data fabrication, which results in unreliable findings and can harm policy-making, confound funding decisions, and hampers research progress.To this end, I am content mining results reported in the psychology literature. Content mining the literature is a valuable avenue of investigating research questions with innovative methods. For example, our research group has written an automated program to mine research papers for errors in the reported results and found that 1/8 papers (of 30,000) contains at least one result that could directly influence the substantive conclusion [1].In new research, I am trying to extract test results, figures, tables, and other information reported in papers throughout the majority of the psychology literature. As such, I need the research papers published in psychology that I can mine for these data. To this end, I started ‘bulk’ downloading research papers from, for instance, Sciencedirect. I was doing this for scholarly purposes and took into account potential server load by limiting the amount of papers I downloaded per minute to 9. I had no intention to redistribute the downloaded materials, had legal access to them because my university pays a subscription, and I only wanted to extract facts from these papers.Full disclosure, I downloaded approximately 30GB of data from Sciencedirect in approximately 10 days. This boils down to a server load of 0.0021GB/[min], 0.125GB/h, 3GB/day.Approximately two weeks after I started downloading psychology research papers, Elsevier notified my university that this was a violation of the access contract, that this could be considered stealing of content, and that they wanted it to stop. My librarian explicitly instructed me to stop downloading (which I did immediately), otherwise Elsevier would cut all access to Sciencedirect for my university.I am now not able to mine a substantial part of the literature, and because of this Elsevier is directly hampering me in my research.[1] Nuijten, M. B., Hartgerink, C. H. J., van Assen, M. A. L. M., Epskamp, S., & Wicherts, J. M. (2015). The prevalence of statistical reporting errors in psychology (1985–2013). Behavior Research Methods, 1–22. doi: 10.3758/s13428-015-0664-2

Chris Hartgerink’s blog post

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Wiley also stopped me (Chris Hartgerink) doing my researchIn November, I wrote about how Elsevier wanted me to stop downloading scientific articles for my research. Today, Wiley also ordered me to stop downloading.

As a quick recapitulation: I am a statistician doing research into detecting potentially problematic research such as data fabrication and estimating how often it occurs. For this, I need to download many scientific articles, because my research applies content mining methods that extract facts from them (e.g., test statistics). These facts serve as my data to answer my research questions. If I cannot download these research articles, I cannot collect the data I need to do my research.I was downloading psychology research articles from the Wiley library, with a maximum of 5 per minute. I did this using the tool quickscrape, developed by the ContentMine organization. With this, I have downloaded approximately 18,680 research articles from the Wiley library, which I was downloading solely for research purposes.Wiley noticed my downloading and notified my university library that they detected a compromised proxy, which they

had immediately restricted. They called it “illegally downloading copyrighted content licensed by your institution”. However, at no point was there any investigation into whether my user credentials were actually compromised (they were not). Whether I had legitimate reasons to download these articles was never discussed. The original email from Wiley is available here.

As a result of Wiley denying me to download these research articles, I cannot collect data from another one of the big publishers, alongside Elsevier. Wiley is more strict than Elsevier by immediately condemning the downloading as illegal, whereas Elsevier offers an (inadequate) API with additional terms of use (while legitimate access has already been obtained). I am really confused about what the publisher’s stance on content mining is, because Sage and Springer seemingly allow it; I have downloaded 150,210 research articles from Springer and 12,971 from Sage and they never complained about it.

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Julia Reda, Pirate MEP, running ContentMine software to liberate science 2016-04-16

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University of Cambridge, and ContentMine/OKI

• Work with benign publishers to establish protocols and legal certainty

• Meeting/workshop in Cambridge (March 2017) • Some publishers welcoming Mining:

– Cambridge University Press– International Union of Crystallography– Oxford University Press– The Royal Society

– ?Springer, ?Sage

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What France, UK and Europe must do

• ACTIVELY encourage Mining and researchers• INVEST in tools, resources, training• ENCOURAGE cooperative publishers• PROTECT researchers from aggressive publishers

• Need ACTIONS, not WORDS or it will be too late

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Credits for pictures

Lars: Guanyan:,_Diaprepes_abbreviatus.jpg Paola: Alexandra: Ale

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