Page 1: TORRANCE PRESS WOMEN'S SECTION...ert Harnar Jr., and Charles Livergood. Design er Cynthia Saalces holds up her original sketches tor final m^ciii»_m. m me tower ngnt Mrs

TORRANCE PRESS November 20,4*

CELEBRATING 30 y*ar» of mariag«, Mr. and Mrs. Deurloo ef Torrjne* wtrt f«t*d at • party given th*m by their friends.


th* shirtwaist, evening rendition.. jewel-litloce o*er toffefo . .. o ttroighf streak of yowr favorite fashion, fcerfkmed wHk sparkle to fhe betted wartime, again at the •witching cuff Bftkfc Nylon-ocetote-cotton loe« over matching acet­ ate taffeta, bi beige, pink or bW Sixes 12yj-2O'/a, K>-20.

* *


1274 Sortori—Open Friday Nitos—FA 8-3342 DOWNTOWN TORRANCE

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CLUBS SECTIONMary Neth, Woman's Editor, FA 8-2345

Celebrate 30th AnniversaryMr. and Mrs. Raymond J. Deurloo recently celebrated their

U>th wedding anniversary at, a party Riven by their friends.The party was to be a surprise for Mrs. DeurJoo but she and

her husband returned a little before all the guests had assembled.Many presents carrying out the pearl motif for the occosion

A ere received. Someone even***———————————————————— presented the couple with a can>f oysters, just in case.

The. Deurloos have spent all "f their married life in the- South Bay Area. Mr. Deurloo has neon employed by the Borax-md Chemical Corporation in Wilmington for 2R years.

They have three children, a-on in the Air Force in Ger­ many, a married daughter, the mother of three children, and a son, 13.

Guest* attending the party

Alaska Film to Be Meeting Feature

Turkeys for door prizes and a film on Alaska will be featured at the Nov. 25 meeting of the Los Angeles Transportat ion

more Hotel.Gueets are welcome, reserva­

tions may be made by calling Mis« Ann Boecking, MA 8-3987.

Alfred A. Roberg, will serve O* Ch.'ii 1 •""" - ' "•'- ''-•••.

were Mr. and Mrs. B. Dettmers, Manhattan Beach; Miss Louise Dettmers, Mr. and Mrs. H. Dett­ mers, Mr. and Mrs. Don Tibbets, Mr. and Mrs. Flash Silvers all from Redondo Reach and Mrs L. Llllson from Lakewood.

Country Auction This Weekend In Lomita

A country style auction, spon­ sored by the Lomita Chamber of Commerce will he held at the comer of Lomita Blvd. and Woodward from 12-6 p.m. this weekend.Auctioneers will he Dewey Blair, chairman and George Shilos, co- chairman.

The proceeds will go toward the Christmas fuind. to provide help for needy families and for hospital visits.

'Holiday Styles' Make Hit at Fashion Show

Original creation** in high holi­ day fashion were shown at yes­ terday's meeting of the Alpha Dplta Pi South Bay Association held at the home of Mrs. Alien Ducommon, 31 Maverick Lane, Rolling Hills.

Cynthia Saakes. owner of Cyn­ thia's Casuals 208 Manhattan Beach Blvd., presented the show's ensembles. The exclusive creations were fashioned from imported hand woven fabrics from Mexico and woolens from France.Bulky knit, sweaters made by ;i group of Indians in Mexico for the dress shop, were among items featured. Accessories of hats, bags and beads with shoes bv Capezio completed each out­ fit,

The models chosen from the Alumnae group were Mmes. Joe Henrk'kson. Charles Livergood, Jack Krtilrr and oRbert Harnar, Jr.

Co-hostesses for the show were Mrs. John W. Hanson and Mrs. John McKenna.

HIGH FASHION shades wer« all the talk this wo- <th Oavis cosmetic shop, 1331 El Prado, as Velma Semones, repre­ sentative of the Frances Denny line of cosmetics, was on hand to make out personal color charts. Here she is shown giving Mrs. Robert Rojo consultation on just what makeup shades to wear with the new fall colors.

Local Models to Present Latest In Fashions

Plans are made and the stajre set for the "Fashion Spectacu­ lar" when the T/>mlta BPW in-esent/! It's annual scholarship benefit, fashion show Nov. 22, at 7:30 p.m., at the Retail Clerks Union Hall, 2fiOth at Bellporte Ave. in Harbor City.

The latest, im fashions for all Hie family will be modeled and displayed with commentary by- Jo Marie Kennedy. Models will he local women, among them, Nan<*y T/oy, Anna Jean, Polly Orr, T^avilla McMillan. Corrine Orr, Joan Franklin, Betty Brooks and others.

Participating merchants are, nonlen'* Men's Shop, Loy'a Kid* die Togs. Harriet's. Bobby Jean's, Hasvold's. Green's, Wil- tan'R, and Jjenore's.

Musical interludes will feature vocal and piano selections.

Proceeds will RO toward a scholarship to a deserving sen­ ior girl from Narbonne High School. Show chairmen are Sar­ ah and Reverly Litton. Tickets may be obtained from members, and will be available at the door. Refreshments will be served and door prizes awarded.

Art of Gracious Living Taught Ladies of Elks

The "Art, of Gracious Living" will h* taught at he Nov 25 ao- cial of the Ladies of the Elks, at the Elks Hall, 1951 W. Carson, 8 p.m.The Florence Blake Studio of 1122 Crenwhaw Blvd. will furn­ ish the entertainment.

Everyone is Invited. Refresh­ ments will be served.


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TORRANCE 1111 Sertori Ave. FA t-9930


MODELING c « -o collection of Cynthia Kriz are Mmes. Joseph Henriksen, Rob­ ert Harnar Jr., and Charles Livergood. Design­ er Cynthia Saalces holds up her original

sketches tor final <.v>m^ciii»_m. m me tower ngnt Mrs. Livergood is seen modeling one of the hah featured in the fashion show.

Miss Sandstom Is Honored at Bridal Shower Given bv Friends

A bridal shower was given recently for Virginia Sandstrom by Miss Jean McNeil, and her mother Mrs. Bertha F. McNeil at 331.1 Sonoma St.. Decorations were in blue and white, a parasol was the center of attraction with blue streamers and white wedding bells extending from ceiling over the beautifully wrapped gifts. <$—————————— ______

Wedding shower games were played and prize* given theprize* winners.

Refreshments were served in­ cluding a blue and white cake with the inscription "Best wishes to Girwney and Butch."

Guests attending were Mmes. William Butcher, Robert Fervi- more. Tx>retta Henstey, Robert Inmis. Ben Jones. Adam Kravis- ze>r, Florence McClung. Roger Piercy. Charles Robison, and Ru- fu« Sandstrom.

Miaswi Paula Bischoff, Mary Margaret Blount, Mardell Clay- ton, Jerry Day, Joan Donald, Chris Feniimore, Sharon Giles, Becky Jones, Susan Piercy, Tx>r- etta, Robison, and Lao Spall.

The following sent, gifts but were unable to attend. Mmes. S. Beadle, Paul Bischoff, J. J. Can­ non, Jack Carter, Odell Clayton, Maude Fraxer, Dick Giles, Mary Hobbs. Clifford Sampson, a/nd Paul Shinoda.

Misses Joyce Cannon, Madlyn Hesley, Barbara Piercy, Carol Sampson and Carol Shinoda.

Virgina Sandstrom and William Butcher are to be mar­ ried on Dec. 17.

Garden Club to Hear Report

A report will be given by Mrs. Frances Young, director of theDistrict Branch

2 of

T;A. Bay California


Clubs. Imc., at the Nov. 21 busi­ ness meeting. 10 a.m.. Recreation Center, 1035 Valley Dr., Hermosa Beach.

Mrs. Young has just returned for the State Board meeting at Oakland. Hostesses will be mem­ bers of the Hermosa Garden Club.

Plans Discussed For Fashion Show

Plans for the Torrance Junior and Senior Women's Club Fash­ ion Show to be held at the Plush Horse Nov. 22 were dis­ cussed at meeting held in the home of Mrs. J. L. Clifford. ^

Attending the meeting \\erlr Mrs.J. Bay, in charge of tickets, Mrs. D. J. Quinlican. in charge of favors, Mrs. D. Wolf, presi­ dent, of the Senior Women's Club, Mrs. J. F. Woodburn. door prizes.

Junior members in attendance were Mrs. J. G. Louvier, presi­ dent of the Juniors. Mrs. J. Mal- lery, ways and means chairman. and Mrs. J. Wilkes. coordinator.

Cord Party SlatedA card party will be held at

the St. Philamena's School hall. Nov. 21 at 8 p.m.. 21900 S. Main St.

Bridge. 500. Pinochle and Bvnnco will be played. The public is invited. Refreshments will be served. Admission will bo 75 cents.

Lionesses Have Bowling Evening

Members of the North Tor­ rance Lioness Club met at the South Bay Bowling Center re­ cently for an evening of bowling followed by hamburgers at Ar­ chie's Restaurant High score of the evening was 126.

Attending were Mme«. Gene* Brown, Earl Chambers. Nelso^P Cullum. Paul Earick. Walt Frese, Dick Hubert. Wayne Kimble, Jack Mathews. Dan McLayne, Ralph Morrison. Clay Nolan, Jack Parker. Ron Peterson, Roland Stamm and Kermit Weeks.

Jill Moore Now Honorary 'Major'

Mtwt Jl.ll Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Jackson Moore of 824 Rewh Ave.. was recently etected to the Colonel's Coeds, th* ROTC sponsor corps at the tdiversity of California, Santa Barbara.

Jill was eleeU'11 t/> tin- )>i>st of Honorary Major, hy the 465 menthol's of the ROTC. on the basis of appearance, studnt ac­ tivities, and academic record.

The Colonel's coeds marched with th# Cadet Corps tm the Santa Barbara Veterans Day pa- radfc on Nov. II, »nri will be prt- awrted to th» student body be­ fore the kickoff of the UCRB-Cal Poly foot.ball game, at La Playa field Nov. 21.

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