Page 1: Top Reasons Why VueJS Development Getting Popular Nowadays

Top Reasons Why VueJS

Development IS Getting Popular


Page 2: Top Reasons Why VueJS Development Getting Popular Nowadays

Contents ● Starts With A Short Overview ● Why will Vue.js keep growing?● Gentle Learning Curve● Modular and Flexible Development

Environment● Rich Ecosystem and Versatility● VueJS Mobile Apps Development● HTML Templates● Who’s Using VueJS?

Page 3: Top Reasons Why VueJS Development Getting Popular Nowadays

With over 140k stars on GitHub, Vue.js is currently the trendiest JavaScript front-end framework, beating Angular and React in

GitHub star count by a fair margin. Vue might have started as a small project driven by

developer needs of its creator, Evan You, but it has matured considerably over the years—becoming a full-fledged framework with a

grownup ecosystem and developer tooling.

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In fact, the number of developers who used Vue and would use it again grew from 19.6% in

2017 to 28.8% in 2018, according to the State of JavaScript survey. In the same survey, Vue

earned 91.2% as a framework with the highest satisfaction rating among users.

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Modular and Flexible Development Environment

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By building on the best ingredients of Angular and React and adding its own unique spice to the mix, Vue turned out tasty enough to induce constant appetite in

JS developers.

Check out the next slides to know the main reasons why VueJS Development gains more traction.

Why will Vue.js keep growing?

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Vue’s gentle learning curve steals the hearts of beginners and advanced developers. The software developers we asked in our State of Vue.js report said the learning curve is what sparks so much

interest around Vue. After going over the materials included in the official guide, you can go ahead and start making your first Vue app—no prior knowledge

of ES2015, TypeScript, JSX, or build systems required.

Gentle Learning Curve

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Modular and Flexible Development Environment

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Vue’s single-file components are loosely coupled, which improves code reuse and decreases

development time. Component-based architecture is ideal for building apps with the intention of

future scaling. In Vue, building large-scale apps requires using a modularized build system from the

get-go. But Vue gives devs some flexibility here because the bundlers recommended by Vue,

Webpack or Browserify, come with the ability to later transform the source code with preprocessors

of your choice.

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Rich Ecosystem and Versatility

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With a rich collection of libraries and set of tools facilitating development, the Vue world has

everything a developer needs. The more notable tools that amplify coding experience are excellent Vuex for state management and vue-routing for

routing and mapping your single-page app states to respective URLs.

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Vue offers developers a few solutions for cross-platform mobile UI development. There’s

Weex, created by the e-commerce platform Alibaba, and NativeScript with its vast

repository of tools, components, and plugins. Recently, Ionic, too, came aboard the Vue mobile

development team.

VueJS Mobile Apps Development

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HTML Templates

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This is somewhat debatable, but Vue’s HTML-based templates increase productivity, especially for those of us with an HTML background. Vue’s templates also help to introduce reactivity features into existing web apps. The templates are compiled by Vue to have the virtual DOM render functionality. As a result, during app state change, Vue introduces a minimum number of manipulations to the DOM.

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Who’s Using VueJS?

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Vue.js may not yet be the most popular JavaScript front-end framework, but it’s been embraced by big names such as Alibaba, Grammarly, Xiaomi, Laracasts, and Reuters. You can browse through plenty of UI components, websites, templates,

plugins, apps and what have you that were built with Vue to get an even better understanding of

Vue’s awesomeness. Content Sources -

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