  • 8/7/2019 TONE _6_ PLAGAL 2 - 20 FEB - 2 TRIODION - PRODIGAL


    Tone (6) Plagal 2 2nd Triodion Prodigal Son 20 February 201116

    ahrantous Sou Hiras aplosas,ina tou dinou thiros afarpasisme ke tin protin katastolinepenisis me, os monos polieleos.

    Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas toneonon.


    and cry: Treat me as one of Thy

    Hirelings. For me Thou

    stretched out Thy Pure Hands

    upon the Cross so as to snatch

    me from the fearsome beast,

    and to Vest me with that

    former dignified Apparel, for

    Thou alone art Great in Mercy.Now and ever, and to the Ages of



    T h e C o n g r e g a t i o n M u s t S t a n dTTTTheotokionheotokionheotokionheotokion

    ( S U N D A Y O N L Y )

    Iperevlogimeni iparhis,Theotoke Parthene, dia gartou ek Sou Sarkothentos O

    Adis ihmalotiste, O Adam

    anakeklite, i kataranenekrote, i Eva ileftherote,

    O Thanatos tethanatote keimis ezoopiithimen. Dio

    animnountes Voomen.Evlogitos Hristos O Theos

    imon, O outos evdokisas,

    Doxa Si!

    Most Blessed art Thou, OVirgin Theotokos: for through

    Him Who became Incarnate of

    Thee, Hades is led captive,Adam is recalled from the

    dead, the Curse is made void,

    Eve is set free, Death is slain,

    and we have been endowedwith Life. Wherefore we cry

    aloud, extolling in song:

    Blessed art Thou, O Christ our

    God, in Whose Sight it is thus

    wellpleasing. Glory toThee!

    The Grea t Doxology I s Fo l lowed By The Di v ine L i turgy Of

    St John Chrysostom

    Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All AfricaArchdiocese of Good Hope

    Sunday Matins Hymns13 February 2011

    (Third Sunday Before Great Lent)


    Sunday of Triodion The Prodigal SonRepentance & Forgiveness

    Also the Feast of St Leo of Catania, Sicily St Agathon, Wonderworker of

    Kiev Caves St Cornelios, Abbot, Kiev Caves St Sadoc, Hieromartyrof Persia & 128 Holy Martyrs who suffered with Him St Agathon ofRome

    Tone (6) Plagal 2Resurrection Gospel Gospel 6: Luke 24:35Gospe l 6: Luke 24:35Gospe l 6: Luke 24:35Gospe l 6: Luke 24:35 - --- 53535353

    O u r L o r d J e s u s A p p e a r s T o T h e A p o s t l e s & A s c e n d s T o H e a v e n

    Triodion Post-Gospel IdiomelaKatavasias The Prodigal Son

    Eothinon 6

    Our Eternal Gratitude to God for the Original Compilation & Translation byReverend Seraphim Dedes -

    Not For Commercial Profit

  • 8/7/2019 TONE _6_ PLAGAL 2 - 20 FEB - 2 TRIODION - PRODIGAL


  • 8/7/2019 TONE _6_ PLAGAL 2 - 20 FEB - 2 TRIODION - PRODIGAL


  • 8/7/2019 TONE _6_ PLAGAL 2 - 20 FEB - 2 TRIODION - PRODIGAL


  • 8/7/2019 TONE _6_ PLAGAL 2 - 20 FEB - 2 TRIODION - PRODIGAL


  • 8/7/2019 TONE _6_ PLAGAL 2 - 20 FEB - 2 TRIODION - PRODIGAL


  • 8/7/2019 TONE _6_ PLAGAL 2 - 20 FEB - 2 TRIODION - PRODIGAL


  • 8/7/2019 TONE _6_ PLAGAL 2 - 20 FEB - 2 TRIODION - PRODIGAL


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