
Title - The Psychology of Racism and art: Perception is Everything.
By: Jessica Scarbrough Description: Providing a new view of the topics that we have covered throughout the semester (racism/art) in the hopes of inspiring greater understanding of psychology, the functions that impact us daily, why racism persists, and why humans value art. Senior Double major: Psychology Political Science Minor: Communication Arts and Sciences Personal Significance:
My passions are psychology and politics. I intend on going into politics and using the psychological background to work toward a better future. It was fun to combine several of my loves into a project. Relation to class: Race and racism is a huge theme in this class.
This class is all about how art is important to the African/American culture. Understanding the connections can help us explain various events in the history of Africa and America, and help us mold our futures. Critical Questions: What is racism? How far reaching is racism?
What is art? How does art impact us? How are racism and art connected? How can we use art for positive change? Important markers 4 B.C. Greek philosophers startthe ground work for psychology. 1879. William Wundt creates thefirst psychology lab 1991. fMRI techniques aredeveloped and used. 1999. Shooting of AmadouDiallo 2002. The field ofNeuroesthetics is created. Main Points: Racism is not what we think it is.
Art is more powerful and less understood than weassume. Both are connected. Both are influential. What is racism? Racism is a manifestation of a natural and important survival mechanism.
Psychology says racism is an effect of in-group/out-group behavior. What the heck is that? In-groups and out-groups
In-groups are the groups you are apart of, and they rangefrom small to broad. Your friend group, your major, your gender, your race, etc. Out-groups are those who for one reason or another do notfit into your in-group. You may not be my friend, you are a different major, etc. why do these matter? Environments shaped theappearance, culture, andoverall lives of people. Ex. skin/noses. Different regions lookeddifferent. The original function of in- groups vs. out-groups was toassist in survival. It was necessary to SEE,whether or not you were the same.
Trust those who look similar. These mechanisms are still at work today. Prof. Reginald Adams In-Group vs. Out-Group Racism isnt actually aboutrace. Its about whether ornot you are in my in-group. What is art? What does it do? Neuroscience!! What does science have to say about art?
Not much. Its a new topic. But it does say: Art serves a veryimportant cognitivefunction that is necessaryfor our health and long- term survival. This function is calledcognitive appraisal. Cognitive Appraisal. Our brain stores and labels EVERY situation.
Cognitive appraisal is attaching meaning and feeling to these situations. Most important thing: we can RE-appraise negative situations. fMRI + Your brain + Art = ??? Art is processed in the samearea as negative events.Direct access to re-appraise. Long-term artists brains areassociated with higher orderinterpretation. Criticalthinking.Art literallychanges how you think. How can we use art? Art is directly connected to your health. Art therapy. Art alters your perception. Art can remind us we are one. Ex. clothing. Ronnie Burrage was right.
ARt heals and Unifies Ronnie Burrage was right. How are art and racism connected? Art = Perception = Racism
Art can positively impact racism. It can remind us that we alldeserve love and respect. We are all in the same in- group. Racism can spread through art. We need to be careful. Thatwhich unifies us can also tearus apart. Cool and? All of the research means that art and racism aredirectly connected to how you view the world andhow you respond to situations. Both can change the way you see things and makeyou think more critically/narrowly about the world. They are lenses through which we can seeEVERYTHING. How does this relate to our class?
Racism can alter your perception of art, just as art can alter your perception of racism. What art is valued and what art is put down can be influenced by racism. Racism is a lens through which you see and it colors everything. Art can alter your lens, if you let it. Closing statements: My Position.
Perception is everything. Use this class/art to open your views. Be the change you wish to see. Lets make a difference. Summary. Racism is not what we think it is.
It is the psychological function designed to separate us, but not for hate- for survival. Art is more powerful and less understood than we may originally assume. Art is a psychological expression meant to encourage health andthought. Both are connected. Both are influential. Both shape how you view things, including how you view art/racism. We can use our knowledge of art to unify and fight back against racism.

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