Page 1: Title of Presentation - Registrar's Office · This presentation shows how an advisor updates notes. Administrative users will be given a different access path. To see notes for a


Presentation Notes
Welcome to a short presentation of Advising Notes at TCU. We have recently replaced our homegrown advising notes with those newly delivered from Oracle. Don’t worry – if you used advising notes in the past, those notes were converted and are available via the new method.
Page 2: Title of Presentation - Registrar's Office · This presentation shows how an advisor updates notes. Administrative users will be given a different access path. To see notes for a


All existing advising notes were converted and are available.

The new Advising Notes allows for the creation of Notes, Action Items, and adding Attachments.

Access to the Note (text, action item and/or attachment) is controlled by the advisor. We strongly urge you to keep them open to view by the student.

Advising notes are available to the assigned (in the student system) advisor via the Advisor Center page.

Advising notes are available to the student via the Student Center page.

Page 3: Title of Presentation - Registrar's Office · This presentation shows how an advisor updates notes. Administrative users will be given a different access path. To see notes for a

ADVISING NOTES ~ ADVISORSAs an Advisor: This is for any student that is assigned as an Advisee to a Faculty or Advisor on the instructor advisor table.

Main Menu > Self Service > Advisor Center > My Advisees

This presentation shows how an advisor updates notes. Administrative users will be given a different access path.

To see notes for a student, click on the Notes Icon

Click My Advising Notes to see all

your notes

Presentation Notes
As an advisor you can view your students by going to My Advisees, you will see a column for Advising Notes. Click on the student you want view.
Page 4: Title of Presentation - Registrar's Office · This presentation shows how an advisor updates notes. Administrative users will be given a different access path. To see notes for a


Open Status Can be viewed and

added to. Closed status can only be viewed.

Advisee Access –set to YES to

allow student to view.

Create a Note, Action Item or

Add an Attachment!

Presentation Notes
Click to display > Institution – TCU01 – that’s Zero One.�Empty Dropdowns that are required to SUBMIT(save) the entry Category – Academic Advising Subcategory – Advising Note Subject – Required and specific to this action. Auto populated Assigned to (defaults to creator of note) Status (defaults to open) Advisee Access (defaults to No) Action Items When you click this button you will get a free fill box for a description, action status (complete or incomplete) and the due date Attachment When you click this button you will be taken to a browse pop up window to find your document, add and it will appear. The official document name will appear but you can change the description to whatever you want.
Page 5: Title of Presentation - Registrar's Office · This presentation shows how an advisor updates notes. Administrative users will be given a different access path. To see notes for a

ADVISING NOTES ~ VIEW OPEN NOTEThis note is set to NO – advisee

can’t see it

Presentation Notes
When you click on an open note it looks very similar to a closed note - the notable difference is the option to notify advisee and update the note. Both open and closed notes allow you to view attachments.
Page 6: Title of Presentation - Registrar's Office · This presentation shows how an advisor updates notes. Administrative users will be given a different access path. To see notes for a


This note is CLOSED so view


Page 7: Title of Presentation - Registrar's Office · This presentation shows how an advisor updates notes. Administrative users will be given a different access path. To see notes for a


An Open note allows updating of some


Presentation Notes
Updating a note This allows you to update some note information including Category, subcategory, assigned to, subject, note status and advisee note access. You can’t update or edit existing notes within that specific note but you can add your comment You can add your own action items, this works well if you are collaborating with other staff You can add additional attachments You can notify the student via email after submitting as well
Page 8: Title of Presentation - Registrar's Office · This presentation shows how an advisor updates notes. Administrative users will be given a different access path. To see notes for a

Questions? Email us at [email protected]

Page 9: Title of Presentation - Registrar's Office · This presentation shows how an advisor updates notes. Administrative users will be given a different access path. To see notes for a


Scott Carlton

Director – Prof. Advising

Central WA University

[email protected]

Robert Kempel

CS Developer

Central WA University

[email protected]

Lidia Anderson

SR Analyst

Central WA University

[email protected]

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