
Tips to choose the perfect engagement band for your Tips to choose the perfect engagement band for your Tips to choose the perfect engagement band for your Tips to choose the perfect engagement band for your


Love is certainly in the air when two people are engaged. And it is very crucial for you to buy

the perfect ring for each other respectively. The ring signifies the relationship in a specific

way. A diamond ringdiamond ringdiamond ringdiamond ring specifically designed for a particular person is quite special and shows

how important and special are the person you are getting married to be. The engagement engagement engagement engagement

ringringringring stands out as a mark and an object of their love and should be of the highest quality and

last forever just like how the couples getting married are meant to be until death parts them.

Getting the perfect engagement ringengagement ringengagement ringengagement ring for your partner is always a difficult task. You have so

many varieties, designs, styles, materials used to choose from. However, There are 10 tips

meant for the occasion which might make the task finding the right little easier than what it

seems like.

They are illustrated as follows.

1. Never let the sales person influence your decision. At the end of the day, you know

more about your fiancée and it is only wiser for you to choose the perfect one without

heeding to someone else’s opinion. Do your research before purchasing. Some of

the classic styles to choose from are solitaire, multi-stone and cluster rings.

2. Ask for help. You can always take in the advice of friends and family members. The

best thing would be to do is to take your fiancée’s mother or best friend for shopping.

If not, there are many websites with necessary details along with images of models, you

can always forward those links to the concerned people and ask for advice.

3. Purchase the ring based on your partner’s personality and likes. In the end, the ring

has to fit in. Narrow bands suits wider fingers while chunkier bands suit long fingers.

4. The best choice would be to customize your ring based on the concerned person’s

likes. This way the chaos and confusing situations of deciding is avoided.

5. Choose the perfect metal for the ring band. You have yellow, white, gold and platinum

to choose from. Platinum is the most expensive metal and has good resistance while

gold has better durability.

6. The right ring should be of the right size. You can always take your partner’s ring size

impression on a bar of soap or even draw it on a piece of paper to choose the right


7. Always stick to the 4 C’s. Carat, Cut, Color and Clarity while choosing the ring.

8. Make sure that the ring you purchase is certified. Certification denotes the quality of

the ring. And good quality rings are always certified.

9. Make sure that the retailer you purchase it from doesn’t sell you illegal diamondsdiamondsdiamondsdiamonds or

blood diamondsdiamondsdiamondsdiamonds. Such activities should never be encouraged.

10. Most people talk about budget and other financial issues. Ignore it as far as possible

as at the end of the day, it is the wedding day and the person you are getting married

to those matters the most.


Keywords: Platinum engagement rings, jamesallen, loose diamonds, Diamond engagement rings, Wedding ring, Diamond cut, Certified diamonds, Diamond wedding ring

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