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Tips for affiliate marketing

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I. Affiliate marketing guides

Affiliate marketing is a type of performance-based marketing where an affiliate is rewarded , by a

business for each new customer attracted by their marketing efforts (usually with a pre -agreed

percentage of each sale). The ASA and CAP often see the same issues cropping up with marketing in this

medium, so we’ve put together a list of the top 3 things that marketers should do to avoid breaching the

Advertising Codes.

1) Make clear that your content is an ad.

This may sound obvious but numerous marketers have fallen foul of the ASA by blurring the line,

intentionally or not, between independent editorial content written about a product and advertising

copy making efficacy claims. The CAP Code requires that “Marketing communications must be obviously

identifiable as such” so, if you’re in any doubt as to whether peop le will consider your affiliate piece to

be editorial or marketing, it would be advisable to head it with “Advertisement feature” or similar to

make the commercial intent of the piece clear.

2) Ensure editorial control over your affiliates’ content.

Many brands make the mistake of believing that because their affiliate has written the advertising

content relating to their product, and are promoting it themselves, the brand is not responsible for that

content or promotion. The ASA take a different view: given the brand is actively inciting the affiliate

marketer to promote their products or services, benefit from each sale made by the affiliate, and are

paying the marketer on the basis of sales, both the brand and the marketer are held responsible for the

advertising. In light of this it is wise for brands to set certain rules with regards content generated for

their products. For example, making unsubstantiated efficacy claims for a product is as problematic

when done by an affiliate as it is when done by the brand itself, and as such the brand should take steps

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to curtail such problematic advertising being created by affiliate marketers – potentially by directing

affiliates as to what they can say regarding the brand’s product.

3) Ensure the significant conditions of promotions are communicated.

As in all mediums all significant terms and conditions likely to affect a consumers’ understanding of a

promotion must be communicated to them clearly and in good time. In traditional paid for advertising

an exclusion exists for ads, such as banners, that are particularly limited by space or time. In these

instances the significant terms and conditions for a promotion can be communicated on a landing page

a maximum of one click away from the initial promotional copy. The ASA would likely apply the same

rule to affiliate ads that were significantly limited by space; but the brand should ensure that the link to

the product or service that the affiliate is providing links directly to the terms and conditions of the

promotion in order to avoid the promotion being problematic. It’s also worth bearing in mind that the

one click rule applies only to mediums extremely limited by space or time. If an affiliate marketer is

using content in a medium where space is not at a premium to promote a sales promotion significant

terms and conditions will need to be included on the same page as the promotional content.

II. Affiliate marketingstrategies

Affiliate marketing is a low-cost

way for merchants to build

awareness and showcase their

products and services. The model

is simple; it works as a

commission-based referral

system. A partner or affiliate

markets a merchant's products

for a "piece of the pie."

Affiliate marketing experts often make an income that can tally over five figures

per month, however only 1 to 5% of thousands of marketers achieve this level.

When an affiliate reaches this elite level they are often referred to as a "super"


How does one become a super affiliate? Can anyone do it? Super affiliates have

common tactics that they embrace and put into place. Anyone can become a

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super affiliate, but it will not come without blood, sweat, and a hefty time

commitment. The typical super affiliate possesses the following traits:



Thirst for Knowledge

These three traits combined with the following strategy gives you the formula for

the makings of a "super" affiliate.

1. Find a Unique Niche

The mistake that many affiliate marketing hopefuls have in common is that they

try to offer everything under the sun rather than focusing on a specific niche

market. Do not scatter your efforts, focus on your niche, promote it, and sell it


2. Search Engine Marketing

Once you've built your affiliate storehouse you will need to promote it. Many

affiliates use pay-per-click engines. I suggest that you learn how to achieve organic

search results or hire a search engine marketing company. This will save you from

spending all your profits on pay-per-click engines. Only use pay-per-click engines

if you know what you are doing, otherwise all your profits may end in the hands of

Google Adwords or Overture.

3. Know Your Product, Know Your Audience

Create a resource. By taking the time to learn about the products and/or services

that you are offering you can create information that builds your credibility. That

credibility builds trust. If your viewers do not have trust in you more than likely

they will not purchase from your storehouse. If you want more information on the

psychological process that an online buyer goes through I suggest that you read

my article on the Five Levels of Internet Marketing and the Sales Process. This will

help you in creating a web site that converts well, which in return will increase

your cash flow.

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4. Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket

Promote products from different merchants. This way if you have a problem with

receiving payment from a merchant, or their products do not convert well the

effects on your business will be minimal. Watch out for exclusivity agreements;

remember this is your business. Protect yourself and diversify so that you do not

feel the famine effect if something goes wrong. There is absolutely nothing wrong

with promoting niche products from different merchants.

5. Seek Knowledge and Embrace Change

If you are familiar with Internet marketing at all you know that what worked three

months ago may not work today. Stay on top of the trends. Seek knowledge, start

by learning something new about affiliate marketing daily. For example remember

those marketing tools called "banner" that use to drive sales at an astronomical

rate a few years ago? Well those banners developed a term called "banner

blindness." That means most online viewers will not click on banners even if they

do pertain to what they are looking for. To be a "super" affiliate you must always

spend time reading, learning, and embracing the changes in Internet marketing.

6. Don't Give Up

It's hard to do, and most of the time those dabbling in affiliate marketing give up

way too soon. Monitor your statistics, watch to see what is working and what is

not. Make changes when necessary. Do one thing daily to promote your storehouse

and be patient. Before you know it you will start getting payments.

Remember that it will not happen overnight. Encompass and develop the

persistence, patience, and knowledge. Then follow the tactics I've mentioned

above and you are on your way to becoming a "super" affiliate.

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