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Mobile Advertising in Argentina

2009 AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary

Jeff Merkel Director, Mobile Google | AdMob [email protected]

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AdMob Overview

2009 AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary

•  Founded by Omar Hamoui in 2006 •  Worlds leading mobile ad network •  Over 20,000 mobile WAP sites and Applications in the

network •  Over 20 billion ad imps served each month globally •  Developed hundreds of mobile advertising campaigns

on brands such as:

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©2009 AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary

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©2009 AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary

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State of the Mobile Web in Argentina

2009 AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary

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Argentina – iPhone and Android driving growth

2009 AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary

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LATAM brands investing in mobile as audience grows




Travel and Tourism

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Case Study: Nivea Sun by Pontomobi

2009 AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary

"It  sounds  obvious,  but  there's  nothing  more  powerful  than  mobile  adver9sing  to  promote  a  mobile  applica9on.  With  AdMob  we  had  an  extremely  professional  rela9onship  and  outstanding  results.  In  less  than  4  days  we  achieved  #  1  rank  in  the  Brazilian  Apple  App  Store."    

Leo  Xavier,  Founder,  Pontomobi  Interac9ve  

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Case Study: Radio Skol by Aorta

2009 AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary

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Case Study: Radio Skol by Aorta

2009 AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary

Advertising boost ranking

Advertising on the AdMob iPhone network boosted Radio Skol’s ranking to #1 in the Music category and #10 in the overall Brazil App Store

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2009 AdMob, Inc. Confidential & Proprietary

Thank you.

Jeff Merkel Director, Mobile Google | AdMob [email protected]

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