Page 1: Timeshare Resale – Knowing What To Believe And What To Reject (Part 2)

Blog 2:


Taking our discussion on the common misconceptions about timeshare sales forward, let us look into some other

issues that might creep up in the mind of a person looking to enter this market.

Timeshares can be exchanged as and when you want

Most timeshare sellers will have you believe that your timeshare week can be traded for anything, anywhere,

anytime. The reality however is far from it. Even though exchanging timeshares is possible, the process is very long

winded, complex and involves many issues like determining the trading power between two resorts, matching

similar units and most importantly mutual financial interests. The right exchange offer might not always present

itself the time you need it.

The timeshare offer is only good if you buy today

This is a standard sales tactic that is employed by marketers in many fields, including timeshare sales. Putting an

expiry date on lucrative offers entices prospective buyers to make rash decisions and get into a contract before

completely analysing what they are entering into. Of course, this is a lie and you do not have to act today. Any

timeshare will be available tomorrow as well as the salesmen. The sales guy is actually working on a commission and

will not refuse your interest even if the ‘supposed’ expiry date for the offer is past.

Timeshares can easily be rented and sold

The market for timeshare real estate transactions has been on a boom for quite some time now and people have

been lulled into a false sense of security that these sales can be affected whenever they want and wherever they

want. Understand that this is the property dealing world and a downside can come along anytime in the industry.

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