
Time to Take Action To

Succeed in Life & Business!


Camilita NuttallMotivational Speaker, Success Coach, Mentor, Author & Trainer


Who is Camilita Nuttall and what does Camilita Do?

Motivational Speaker in Seminars & Events Author with several upcoming books Property Investor – property is my passion Travelled to over 50 countries Lived in over 5 countries A professional Network Marketer Nuttall Foundation to support children around the world Daughter, sister, mother and friend Coach & Mentor - people to realise their destiny

What we offer.....

• Coaching for Individuals, Couples & Other Coaches • Training, Seminars & Events for Businesses, Government Organisations, Interest and Charitable Groups, Schools, Prisons and Churches• Media Interviews & talk shows• Help people realise and monetize their destiny• Give people HOPE that if we can do it they can do it too!

Who We Work With Network marketersIndividuals & Couples CoachingSeminars & EventsGov OrganisationsSchools or CollegesKey Note Speaking Networking GroupsBusiness OwnersEntrepreneursMedia Interviews



Time to Take Action To

Succeed in Life & Business!

  The most successful men in the end are those whose success is the result of steady accretion. It is the man who

carefully advances step by step, with his mind becoming wider and wider -- and progressively better able to grasp

any theme or situation -- persevering in what he knows to be practical, and

concentrating his thought upon it, who is bound to succeed in the greatest

degree. Alexander Graham Bell 1847-1922

Questions....- What if money did not matter- What is your money blue print- How do you see yourself in your business- How would you feel if you didn’t HAVE TO go to the office, instead office coming to you- How would you feel if you could get up everyday knowing you have enough money to cover not only your basic needs but goals etc

Why are some businesses, doing the same things, make £25,000 / yr, others make over £250,000 / yr and still others make over £2,500,000 a year in the same industry?

True....Statistics show that 95% of people never attain nor live out their God given talents and abilities because of fear or past failures

Most people are happily going along with life not knowing how or why they are here

Do You Really Want to Win!1.How many of you Want the rest 2015 to be your defining Year!!

2.Name 5 Things you would like to Accomplish before the End of this Year

3.How many Books are you willing to Read this Year

4.How much time in a month can you take to change your life

5.What does financial freedom mean to you

6.How do you feel about yourself

7.How much money have you saved

8.Who are the people around you

9.What is your Economic Plan and What drives Your Economic Engine

10.Who do you know is successful and could or willing to work with or follow

11.What do you intend to do Once You ARE FREE!

The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter his life by altering the attitude of his

mind. James Allen

It’s not about THE business it’s about YOU, your beliefs, your daily choices and you daily activity. 2015 CAN be the year your business goes from Existing to Exploding!

Colin Powel....None of us can change our yesterdays but

all of us can change our tomorrows

What do you need to forgive to

move on in 2015?

We've all heard that we have to learn from our mistakes,

but I think it's more important to learn from

successes. If you learn only from your mistakes, you are inclined to learn only errors.

Norman Vincent Peale 1898-1993

Face What Isn’t Working

facts do not cease to exist because they are


We are what we repeatedly do.

Excellence, then, is not an act but a

habit Aristotle

Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness. Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth the ignorance of which kills countless ideas and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, meetings and material assistance which no man could have dreamed would have come his way. Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it. Begin it now. Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 1749-1832

Limiting behaviours/thoughts


What to Stop Not Do anymore!

. . . . . . . . . .

How Present are you Present?

On Your Current Activity that is an income generating / business building activity score yourself from 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

- Prospecting- Rapport/Trust/Credibility with client / prospect / potential business partner- Identifying Needs Accurately

Score Yourself ......

7 Areas of Your Life1.2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.



Make a list of 6 people who could be your ideal coach and contact them


Mass x VelocityCreates Potential





Your Work EthicNobody ever drowned in



Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri

Sales Goal Every Month & 90 Days1. Get up early and Write you day on paper


3. Follow up within 24 – 48 hours time

4. Never change Appoints unless absolutely necessary

5. Take time off to reflect and rest

6. Meet & recruit YOUR referrals in a timely manner

7. Do today what other will not to have tomorrow what other cannot

8. Give people more Value than you get paid for!!

Charge towards you day! Get up expecting great things!

Better to die on one's feet than to

live on one's knees.

Dolores Ibarruri 1895-1989 Spanish Politician, Orator

Social Media Strategy Goal

Business Profile Building Structure

Great works are performed not by the

strength but by perseverance.

You Attract What You Believe by your Attitude

& your Activity

Aside from temporary setbacks and extraordinary fortunes of inheritance or luck, if you want to know how people feel about themselves, look at their bank accounts.

Money is the greatest measurement of one’s mindset. This is probably why there is so much

emotion and neurosis tied to people’s relationship with money. If you want to fix

your money problems, get your head examined. It’s your attitude about money that

will rake it in or repel it from you.


1.Have a Proactive Approach & Own up and be More responsible

2.Have a High Expectation of yourself, the people you’re working with and your new prospects

3.Be more Accessible to your team members or staff

4.Educate yourself daily / weekly / monthly / yearly!!

5.Keep Believing in Yourself, The Company, Products, Comp Plan, Goals, Mission Statement!

Don’t allow yourself to hinder yourself

How Attractive Are You?

Give yourself something to work

toward -- constantly.Mary Kay Ash

Circumstances does not Make the Man; it reveals him

to himself.

To expand your influence & sales

•Have a Mastermind group•Become part or attend a networking group•Have an accountability partner•Create a List of things to do every night for the next day•Ask for Referrals•Create a 30 day and 90 day plan

To expand your influence & salesFollow up correctly and timely – 48 – 72 hours except you told

them you would call them back a specific time

● 48% of Sales People Never Follow-Up with a Prospect● 25% of Sales People Make a Second Contact & Stop● 12% of Sales People Only Make Three Contacts & Stop● Only 10% of Sales People Make More than Three Contacts ● 2% of Sales are Made on the First Contact●  3% of Sales are Made on the Second Contact●  5% of Sales are Made on the Third Contact●  10% of Sales are Made on the Fourth Contact●  Now Focus on this... ** 80% of Sales are Made on the Fifth to Twelfth Contact

** ●  Yes these are the facts...** 80% of Sales are Made on the Fifth to Twelfth

Contact ** ●  Take a real good look at your business and see how you can become an

80%'r...●  Once Again…80% of Sales are Made on the Fifth to Twelfth Contact!

What we offer.....

• Coaching for Individuals, Couples & Other Coaches • Training, Seminars & Events for Businesses, Government Organisations, Interest and Charitable Groups, Schools, Prisons and Churches• Media Interviews & talk shows• Help people realise and monetize their destiny• Give people HOPE that if we can do it they can do it too!

How Coaching Works• Fill in a Questionnaire• Book 1, 2, 3 or a series of coaching sessions

with you – done face to face or by phone or skype• Payment is made upfront • 50% deposit that is non refundable• 50% to be paid no later than 1 week before

the scheduled coaching date• Free CD of my story to help you along the

way• 50% off next bookings for events

Who We Work With Network marketersIndividuals & Couples CoachingSeminars & EventsGov OrganisationsSchools or CollegesKey Note Speaking Networking GroupsBusiness OwnersEntrepreneursMedia Interviews


• Total Cost £249.00 • Bring another person for £99.00• Max of 18 people • Ticket & 1 hour coaching call - £549• Can do Payment Plan with a £100 down

payment, balance is due by the 28th February• Buy ticket before end of January and get

20% discount £199• Lunch will be provided• Anyone has full coaching package, ticket is

FREE! (payment plans available)


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