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•Those who have hurt you are your greatest teachers.•The most tragic situation holds the seed of your greatest freedom.•The darkest hour of your life contains the possibility of your greatest awakening.•Change the way you perceive life; turn all problems into opportunities; then you can turn hate into peace, trauma into blessing.

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•Be grateful to the person who hurts you, because he sharpens your will.•Be grateful to the person who betrays you, because he makes you wise.•Be grateful to the person who abuses you, because he gives you a chance to learn how to forgive.•Be grateful to the person who abandons you, because he teaches you to be independent.•Be grateful to the person who makes you fall, because he teaches you how to stand up.

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•Courage is the ability to profit from adversity.

•Spiritual intelligence is the golden compass that leads to your ultimate success and freedom.

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•Share your love, your joy and your understanding by your living example.•Make every moment of your life an outpouring of love, a grand celebration.•Use every moment to think the purest thought, say the kindest word and act the most virtuous deed.

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•Bring peace to the Earth by bringing peace to yourself and your family.•Be peace, Be love, Be conscious, Be the change.•Feel and express in every moment your divine nature.•See the world with your spiritual eyes and transcend all you see into the substance of goodness.•Embrace every situation, claim every responsibility and own every mistake.

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•Forgive every trespassing, let go of every grudge, repair every broken relationship.•Heal every heart, share every joy and contemplate every wonder.•Walk in everyone’s shoes, honour every religion and accept every person’s truth.•Respect every person’s God, preserve every person’s right, restore every man’s dignity.•Protect every person’s interests, support every person’s needs and glorify every man’s uniqueness.

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•Release every man’s fear and bless everyone you meet. Let them stand on your shoulders to reach the love of God.• Everyone who has crossed your path is nothing but a gift. Be sure to thank them, regardless whether they have come with flowers or a sword in their hand.• Every blessing you receive is a gift, but every adversity you encounter is even a greater gift, for the triumph over every calamity makes you one step closer to God’s kingdom.• Those who have come with flowers teach you love, but those who have come with a sword teach you even greater love, in fact, the highest form of love.

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•When you see this simple truth, when you truly grasp and understand it, you see the greatest truth of all:

The whole of life is a blessing

God has sent us nothing but Angels...

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You are a God Seed.

You Are Destined For Greatness.

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The day you realize your greater purpose

will be the day you can accomplish wonders.....

Prologue from “Freedom To Love “ By Hong Curley

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• “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. • Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. • It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. • We ask ourselves: "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,

talented, fabulous?" • Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. • Your playing small does not serve the world. • There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other

people won't feel insecure around you and we were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. • It is not just in some of us, it is in everyone. And as we let

our light shine, we give other people permission to do the same."

Nelson Mandela

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 “To bring peace onto the earth, strive to

have your inner peace first.”

Lao Zhi

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•“Spread love everywhere you go: •First of all in your own house. •Give love to your children, to your wife or husband, to a next door neighbour…..let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. •Be the living expression of God’s kindness; kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile, kindness in your warm greeting.” •Mother Teresa

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“Joy is inside youNot in attainment of things desired

Nor in the achievement of goals made, but

In the simple feeling that lies within you

Know that this joy is unaffected by outer circumstance

And joy will be forever yours”---Buddha

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Beyond Herbs and Acupuncture

A Psycho-Spiritual Approach to Quantum Healing.

By Hong Curley

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Dr.Liao’s Secrets of Powerful Healing

1. The power of your intention to heal your patients is the most powerful healing force.2. You never only cure the patient’s symptoms without healing their heart and releasing their trapped spirit.3. You connect to your patients spiritually. You touch their heart with your compassion. Their faith in you heals them far before the herbs and acupuncture do.

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Dr Liao’s PrincipleYou and your teacher, you and your patient are one and the same. When the divine in you sees the divine in them, when you connect to each other in heart and spirit, you have the power to cure anything, heal anyone.

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Dr Liao’s Principle “To cure a disease, you

must first treat the person; to treat a person,

you must first heal the heart; to heal the heart, you must first free the


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Dr Liao’s Principle“Superior doctor heals

people, inferior doctor cures


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Curing is a process in which a disease gets measurably better.Healing is a process of becoming whole in body mind spirit dynamics. Curing is a mechanical, physiological process.Healing is a spiritual experience. Curing disease is your bread and butter, while healing people is your gold mine.

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It was stated in “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic” that

“The heart is the emperor… and it is the house of the

spirit..” Therefore, psycho-spiritual therapy cannot be

excluded from TCM practise.

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Supreme Tao The overriding spiritual principle that creates, governs and sustains all existence.

of life. 4 Pillars of Health


Live in accordance with the spiritual principles.

Heart: Positive emotions, joy, happiness, gratitude, contentment.


Positive perceptions, peace, acceptance, none-judgement, allowing.

4 Pillars of Disease


Live according to your will power, ignore spiritual laws.

Heart: Negative emotions, guilt, shame, grief, envy, fear, scarcity.


Negative perceptions, chaos, resistance, judgement, expectation.

Body: Live against your metabolic type, disrespect your constitution.

Body: Live according to your metabolic type, respect your constitution.


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Quantum Healing employs a spiritual technology that - Destroys the pillars of disease.- Builds the pillars of health. - Activates their inner awareness.- Works with spiritual principles.- Opens their heart to feel true happiness in gratitude.- Clears their mind of delusional thinking to instil peace. - Teaches them how to live according to their metabolic type.

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How to break down psychological barriers

that trapped the disease within the patient and

how to release his inner power to cure it.

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TCM is one of the most powerful healing systems in the history of mankind. It was born of the spirit, the unseen force that sustains the

existence of all life. Its foundation of Yin Yang dynamic

powers the spiritual pyramid of Jing, Qi, Shen in which all balance are

restored between body/mind/spirit.

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When you reduce such a powerful healing system

to a mere mechanical treatment modality, you have missed the main


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Healing the heart, genuine forgiveness,

releasing mental anguish is responsible for healing the whole person and can

cure disease radically.

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A thriving practise functions in the realm of the spiritual whole.

If you are the one who understands your patient’s pain and transcends their pain into power to heal, then you become their hero.

Your words carry tremendous weight, and they will give you 100% compliance, become

your raving fans and pay you handsomely.

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Awareness is the building block of consciousness

and consciousness is the very breath of our Spirit.

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Without conscious awareness, needling a patient is no different than hammering a nail into a piece of wood.

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The essential diagnostic tools of TCM is Wang, Wen, Wen, Qie ( Observe, smell, question,

touch). An ordinary practitioner will process it with your physical

senses, but a true TCM healer will process it with inner awareness.

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Inner awareness is connected to your higher conscious centre in which

the power of your intention becomes the source of

your healing power.

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Just as the trunk of the elephant is not the elephant, herbs and acupuncture do not

represent the complete healing art of the ancient.

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a. The teaching of Tao- purify the delusional mind and instil

inner peace.b. The teaching of Buddhism- acceptance and compassion runs deep in the vein of TCM practise in ancient China.

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Psycho-Spiritual Healing is the

heart and soul of this practice.

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a. Nothing is more powerful than self-knowledge through inner awareness if you want to succeed in the healing profession.

b. It is only through your higher spiritual faculty that you can achieve quantum result.

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How to build a thriving practise with a powerful clinical success

formula.Learn how to :a. Turn your patient's pain into

powerb. Achieve radical healing results c. Book yourself solid with high

paying clients.

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“Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven, and

all else will be added unto you.”

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