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Words for Exercise 5




wharfwharf |(h)wôrf|noun ( pl. wharves |(h)wôrvz| or wharfs )

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an area to which a ship may be moored to load and unload.


soil wed |soil|nounthe upper layer of earth in which plants grow, a black or dark brown material typically consisting of a mixture of organic remains, clay, and rock particles: blueberries need very acid soil | figurative : the Garden State has provided fertile soil for the specialty beer market.• the territory of a particular nation: the stationing of U.S. troops on Japanese soil.

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spill 1 |spil|verb ( past and past participle spilt |spilt| or spilled ) [ with obj. ]cause or allow (liquid) to flow over the edge of its container, esp. unintentionally: you'll spill that coffee if you're not careful | figurative : azaleas spilled cascades of flowers over the pathways.• [ no obj. ] (of liquid) flow over the edge of its container: some of the wine spilled onto the floor | figurative : light spilled into the room from the landing.• (with reference to the contents of something) empty out or be emptied out onto a surface: [ no obj. ] : passengers' baggage had spilled out of the hold | [ with obj. ] : injured cells tend to swell up and burst, spilling their contents.

row 1 |rō|nouna number of people or things in a more or less straight line: her villa stood in a row of similar ones.• a line of seats in a theater: they sat in the front row.• a street with a continuous line of houses along one or both of its sides, esp. when• a horizontal line of entries in a table.

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flask |flask|nouna container or bottle, in particular:• a narrow-necked glass container, typically conical or spherical, used in a laboratory to hold reagents or samples.• a metal container for storing a small amount of liquor, typically to be carried in one's pocket: his silver flask of brandy.• a narrow-necked bulbous glass container, typically with a covering of wickerwork, for storing wine or oil.

swellingswelling | sweliNG|ˈnounan abnormal enlargement of a part of the body, typically as a result of an accumulation of fluid.• a natural rounded protuberance: the lobes are prominent swellings on the base of the brain.

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stairs |ste( )r|ənoun (usu. stairs)a set of steps leading from one floor of a building to another, typically inside the building:specifying houses of a particular type or function: fraternity row.


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claw |klô|nouna curved pointed horny nail on each digit of the foot in birds, lizards, and some mammals.• either of a pair of small hooked appendages on an insect's leg.• the pincer of a crab, scorpion, or other arthropod.• a mechanical device resembling a claw, used for gripping or lifting.

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sludge|sləj|nounthick, soft, wet mud or a similar viscous mixture of liquid and solid components, esp. the product of an industrial or refining process.• dirty oil, esp. in the sump of an internal combustion engine.• sea ice newly formed in small pieces.DERIVATIVESsludgy adjectiveORIGIN early 17th cent.: of uncertain origin; compare with slush.

froth|frôTH|noun1 a mass of small bubbles in liquid caused by agitation, fermentation, etc.; foam: leave the yeast until there is a good head of froth.• impure matter that rises to the surface of liquid: skim off any surface froth.• something that rises or overflows in a soft, light mass: her skirt swirled in a froth of black lace.2 worthless or insubstantial talk, ideas, or activities: the froth of party politics.

foam (synonym for froth)

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1 the action of indenting or the state of being indented: paragraphs are marked off by indentation | an indentation for each change of speaker.2 a deep recess or notch on the edge or surface of something: the indentation between the upper lip and the nose.


nozzle |ˈnäzəl|nouna cylindrical or round spout at the end of a pipe, hose, or tube, used to control a jet of gas or liquid.ORIGIN early 17th cent.

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Tip1 |tip|nounthe pointed or rounded end or extremity of something slender or tapering: George pressed the tips of his fingers together | the northern tip of Maine.• a small piece or part fitted to the end of an object: the rubber tip of the walking stick.verb ( tips, tipping , tipped ) [ with obj. ]1 (usu. as adj. tipped) attach to or cover the end or extremity of: mountains tipped with snow | [ in combination ] : steel-tipped spears.• color (something) at its end or edge: velvety red petals tipped with white.2 (tip a page in) (in bookbinding) paste a single page, typically an illustration, to the neighboring page of a book by a thin line of paste down its inner margin.PHRASESon the tip of one's tongue used to indicate that someone is almost but not quite able to bring a particular word or name to mind: his name's on the tip of my tongue! • used to indicate that someone is about to utter a comment or question but thinks better of it: it was on the tip of his tongue to ask what was the matter.the tip of the iceberg see iceberg. ORIGIN late Middle English: from Old Norse typpi (noun), typpa (verb), typptr ‘tipped’; related to top.

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slot 1 |slät|noun1 a long, narrow aperture or slit in a machine for something to be inserted: he slid a coin into the slot of the jukebox.• a groove or channel into which something fits or in which something works, such as one in the head of a screw.

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2 an allotted place in an arrangement or plan such as a broadcasting schedule: a late-night television slot | landing slots at O'Hare.verb ( slots, slotting , slotted ) [ with obj. ]place (something) into a long, narrow aperture: he slotted a cassette into the tape machine | the plates come in sections that can be slotted together .• [ no obj. ] be placed or able to be placed into such an aperture: the processors will slot into a personal computer.DERIVATIVESslotted adjectiveORIGIN late Middle English (in the sense ‘slight depression running down the middle of the chest,’ surviving as a Scots term): from Old French esclot, of obscure origin.slot 2 |slät|noun (usu. slots)the track of a deer, visible as slotted footprints in soft ground.ORIGIN late 16th cent.: from Old French esclot ‘hoofprint of a horse,’ probably from Old Norse slóth ‘trail’; compare with sleuth.Slot |slät|(the Slot) name given in World War II by US forces to New Georgia Sound, in the central Solomon Islands. Japanese forces trying to defend Guadalcanal were seen as coming consistently down this passage from the northwest.

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limb1 |lim|nounan arm or leg of a person or four-legged animal, or a bird's wing.• a large branch of a tree.• a projecting landform such as a spur of a mountain range, or each of two or more such projections as in a forked peninsula or archipelago.• a projecting section of a building.• a branch of a cross.• each half of an archery bow.PHRASES

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life and limb life and all bodily faculties: a reckless disregard for life and limb.out on a limb in or into a dangerous or uncompromising position, where one is not joined or supported by anyone else; vulnerable: she's prepared to go out on a limb and do something different.tear someone limb from limb violently dismember someone.DERIVATIVESlimbed adjective [ in combination ] : long-limbed,limbless adjectiveORIGIN Old English lim (also in the sense ‘organ or part of the body’), of Germanic origin.limb 2 |lim|noun1 Astronomy the edge of the disk of a celestial object, esp. the sun or moon.2 Botany the blade or broad part of a leaf or petal.• the spreading upper part of a tube-shaped flower.3 the graduated arc of a quadrant or other scientific instrument, used for measuring angles.ORIGIN late Middle English: from French limbe or Latin limbus ‘hem, border.’


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weld1 |weld|verb [ with obj. ]1 join together (metal pieces or parts) by heating the surfaces to the point of melting with a blowpipe, electric arc, or other means, and uniting them by pressing, hammering, etc.: the truck had spikes welded to the back.• forge (an article) by such means.• unite (pieces of plastic or other material) by melting or softening of surfaces in contact.2 cause to combine and form a harmonious or effective whole: his efforts to weld together the religious parties ran into trouble.nouna welded joint.


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the dry outer covering of some fruits or seeds.• a dry or rough outer layer or coating, esp. when empty of its contents: the husks of dead bugs | figurative : I expect whatever husk of a person emerges from the car to be sheet-white.

pad 1 |pad|noun

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1 a thick piece of soft material used to reduce friction or jarring, enlarge or change the shape of something, or hold or absorb liquid: sterile gauze pads.• short for ink pad.• the fleshy underpart of an animal's foot or of a human finger.• a protective guard worn by a sports player to protect a part of the body from blows.2 a number of sheets of blank paper fastened together at one edge, used for writing or drawing on.3 a flat-topped structure or area used for helicopter takeoff and landing or for rocket launching.• Electronics a flat area on a track of a printed circuit or on the edge of an integrated circuit to which wires or component leads can be attached to make an electrical connection.4 informal a person's home: the police raided my pad.5 short for lily pad.


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