  • Slide 1

This online training is provided for D.I.S.D. employees who work in unison with D.I.S.D campuses and the District Testing Department. Spring 2014 Slide 2 Purpose of the Test Security Presentation This Test Security online training will provide information in regard to 2014 state assessment policies and procedures to all individuals who DO NOT serve in the test administrator role, but who are an essential part of the district/campus testing team. Slide 3 What Is Test Security? Accounting for ALL secure materials and confidential student information before, during and after each test administration. Involves protecting the contents of all test booklets, online assessments, completed answer documents, and other materials containing student information. TRAINING REQUIREMENTS The only individuals permitted to have access to testing materials and information are district personnel who meet the requirements to participate in the Texas student assessment program, have been trained, and have signed the appropriate security oath. Slide 4 Who Is This Test Security Training For? Any D.I.S.D. district or campus personnel who work with D.I.S.D. campuses, but DO NOT serve in the capacity of Test Administrator, and will be assisting in district/campus responsibilities on live testing days. Please contact the District Testing Department or your campus principal if you need clarification in regard to your district/campus role for the state testing process. All Campus Office Personnel, Custodians, Cafeteria Employees, Security Officers or Instructional Technology Personnel who assist campuses with online testing should view this online training. Paraprofessionals, Warehouse Personnel who deliver and pick up secure testing materials to/from campuses, School Nurses, and any additional staff members who assist with the state testing program should also view this test security presentation. Slide 5 STAAR/End of Course/TAKS/TELPAS Assessments The STAAR Assessment program includes STAAR, STAAR Spanish, STAAR L, STAAR Modified, and STAAR Alternate. The Texas Education Agency implemented STAAR to fulfill requirements enacted by the Texas Legislature. STAAR focuses on increasing postsecondary readiness of graduating high school students and helps to ensure that Texas students are competitive with other students both nationally and internationally. TAKS tests are available in four content areas: English Language Arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. Students who were enrolled in grade 9 in 2010-2011 or earlier must pass all four content area tests to meet assessment graduation requirements for a Texas public school diploma. TELPAS fulfills federal requirements for assessing the English language proficiency of ELLs in kindergarten through grade 12 in four language domains: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Slide 6 TEA requires Secure storage and accurate tracking of materials Appropriate training of staff Secure handling of testing materials Active monitoring by Test Administrators Proper testing environment Secure processing of materials district wide Signed Security Oaths Slide 7 ITs the LAW All assessment instruments as defined under Texas Education Code chapter 39, Subchapter B, are considered secure, and the contents of these tests, including student information is confidential. As specified in the Test Security Supplement in 19 Texas Administrative Code Chapter 101, each person participating in the student assessment program is required to maintain and preserve the security and confidentiality of all test material and student data. Penalties for Violation of Security and Confidentiality Release or disclosure of confidential test content is a Class C misdemeanor and could result in criminal prosecution under TEC 39.0303, Section 552.352 of the Texas Government Code, and section 37.10 of the Texas Penal Code. In addition, any irregularities in test security or confidentiality may result in the invalidation of student results. Slide 8 Security Violations Can Occur: Before the test, During the test or After the test Violation of security or confidentiality of any test required by (TEC) Chapter 39, Subchapter B, is prohibited. A person who engages in conduct prohibited may be subject to a sanction of credentials. This includes any person who violates, assists in violation of, or solicits another to participate in the violation of test security or confidentiality. Additionally, this includes any person who fails to report such a violation Penalties for participation in a serious violation may include the following reprimands for Certified Personnel: placement of restrictions on the issuance, renewal, or holding of a Texas teacher certificate verbal or written reprimand suspension of a Texas teacher certificate revocation or cancellation of a Texas teacher certificate Serious Violations may include, but are not limited to the actions listed below: changing a students response or answer to a test item providing, suggesting, or indicating to students an answer to a secure test question Hand scoring student tests Discussing secure test content or student responses Copying secure materials *These incidents must be reported immediately! Slide 9 What are the Penalties For Prohibited Conduct? Non Certified Personnel who violate Test Security/Confidentiality may be subject to, but are not limited to the following penalties listed below: Verbal and/or Written reprimand Serious Violations could result in termination of employment with D.I.S.D. Slide 10 2014 Test Security Oaths Personnel who do not serve as a Test Administrator, proctor/ relief personnel will view this online training and sign the appropriate security oath ONCE for the 2014 testing calendar year (January- December).Campus Principals or District Office may require personnel in this category to attend additional training as needed. Oaths must be signed prior to test administration and must be collected and filed for five years. Please check with your District Testing Director (DTC)/ Campus Testing Coordinator (CTC) or Campus Principal in regard to your district/campus deadline to turn in your security oaths. Slide 11 Supporting the Overall Testing Process! When administering and/or assisting with any state assessment on any campus, no job is ever too small! You are a critical part of the team for successful Testing in your district and on your campus! Successful Test Administrations begin with: Delivering/picking up secure materials to/from campuses. Assisting with technology needs during on-line testing Serving as a hall/restroom monitor Helping with lunch duty Assisting with attendance Support your District/Campus Test Coordinator and Test Administrators with any necessary duties to ensure campus/student success during a live testing day. Slide 12 How Can You Help Provide Flawless Testing? Even though you are not serving in the role of test administrator, proctor/relief personnel, there are responsibilities you can do to assist your district/campus or department before, during, and after testing. Do you know your role on the District/Campus Testing Team ? Statewide testing on D.I.S.D. campuses involves fine tuned planning for a flawless testing experience. It requires fully trained staff, and unified support for every child affected during all test administrations. Slide 13 Know the Test Administrators Roles On Live Testing Days Inventory all secure materials assigned to test administrator. Ensure each student receives the correct assessment and testing materials (answer document/answer booklet). Practice good inventory control at all levels. Counting test materials before and after each test administration. Active monitoring is a must during every test administration. MONITOR, MONITOR, MONITOR! A trained test administrator MUST be present in the testing room at all times. A Test Administrator DOES NOT leave a testing room unsupervised during testing. Proctor/Relief Test Administrators MUST enter the room before the Test Administrator leaves the room. Proctors/ Relief Administrators MUST have been trained and have signed an oath to enter a testing room. Slide 14 The following slides will provide information for successful test administrations on live testing days for all district/campus personnel. Slide 15 S ecure Storage Once materials have arrived on campus: There should be limited key access to the Secure Storage Room. The Campus Testing Coordinator and Principal are the primary personnel with access to secure material. All secure materials will be repacked in the boxes they were received in. Please do not dispose of these boxes until you have spoken to the Campus Test Coordinator. Students or any unauthorized personnel should not have access to the secure testing material storage area. The secure storage area must be locked at all times when not in use. Test Materials MUST be secure at all times! Slide 16 Confidential Integrity Requires Secure materials may NOT be duplicated. All subject area tests are sealed until test administrator directions are read to the students, which allows the breaking of the seal for that days test. No person may reveal the contents of a secure assessment instrument or answer verbally or nonverbally any question that relates to the contents of the test, unless specifically authorized to do so by the test administrator manuals. No person can review responses during or after a test, unless specifically authorized to do so by the procedures outlined in the test administrator manuals. No person can change any response or instruct a student to do so. No person may ask students or discuss with students the contents of the test. Slide 17 Unauthorized Devices Test Administrators should check for unauthorized devices in the testing room, such as calculator watches, any type of electronic device, absolutely no cell phones, especially phones with camera capabilities. If a student is seen with any of the mentioned items during live testing, please contact the campus principal or Campus Testing Coordinator immediately. Students should be asked to put backpacks, bags and purses in a secure place in the classroom away from desks. All cell phones must be turned off and put away. Test Administrators should collect cell phones and keep them until the end of the testing session(s). Do not give cell phones back to students until all testing is completed. Students should not be allowed to use cell phones in the testing room, in hallways, bathrooms or at lunch until all campus wide testing is completed. Please make sure to follow your campus cell phone policy. Any violations must be reported to the Campus Test Coordinator (CTC) and/or principal ASAP. Slide 18 Instructional Aids, Posters, & Charts Any posters, charts or visual aids in the content area being tested must be taken down or covered in testing rooms and hallways (anywhere a student might walk during the testing day). Campus Administrators should check classrooms and hallways prior to the day of testing to see that each classroom is prepared. Slide 19 STAAR TESTING IS TIMED TAKS & TELPAS IS NOT! The new STAAR assessment is a 4 hour timed test, with the exception of English I and English II. English I and II assessments have a time limit of 5 hours. Students will have exactly 4 hours to complete all STAAR/EOC assessments, except for English I and II. Students taking English I and II will have exactly 5 hours to complete the assessments. If a student is allowed extended time(must be documented and approved by the ARD or LPAC committee),the end of day testing for students who are given extended time, is the end of the official school day. TAKS (for HS only) and TELPAS testing (all levels) is untimed. Students taking TELPAS and /or TAKS will have up until the end of the school day to test. Students who come in late may begin testing if they have not had contact with someone who has already completed testing. Know what the plan is for your campus for students who arrive late on testing day. Slide 20 Testing Day Monitoring The Test Active monitoring by Test Administrators is essential for a successful test administration. All computers must be turned off before testing begins. All personal cell phones and all electronic devices must be turned off and collected. Windows on classroom doors must be uncovered for easy viewing into classrooms. Monitor! Monitor! Monitor! Slide 21 Testing Day Unexpected Emergencies All campuses have a Crisis/Emergency plan in which they will follow on testing days. Fire Alarm or other Emergency: No test materials may be taken from the room. Have students leave materials on their desks and exit as per campus evacuation plan. If a Student Becomes ill: Determination will be made whether the student should continue testing. The Campus Testing Coordinator (CTC) will be in contact with the Test Administrator. The student must leave the test booklet and answer document in the testing room with the test administrator. If the student cannot continue to test, the CTC will provide the test administrator with this information. Slide 22 District/State Monitors Testing Monitors, from District Office, will be on campuses! -Monitors will be assigned to campuses on days when all campuses are testing. Monitors will help the CTCs and Principals actively monitor the testing process. Every campus is assigned at least one monitor who will be identified by wearing a D.I.S.D. Test Monitor Badge. All D.I.S.D Testing Monitors are trained and sign a security oath. Monitors can ask questions about campus testing practices, testing assignments and Hall Monitor lists, but may not answer test administrative/procedural questions. -Monitors are looking for GOOD Testing Practices and will complete reports on the campus and individual classrooms. Campus Principals will have access to report information. -There is always a possibility that a monitor from the state may visit campuses/district. Slide 23 Testing Day: ReadyBreak! Restroom Breaks: For STAARtime does not stop for restroom breaks. Carefully monitor all restroom breaks. Student test materials must be collected prior to leaving the testing room by the Test Administrator. Students testing should never be out of the view of the Test Administrator or Hallway Monitor. Students cannot discuss the test during breaks. Be on the lookout for students using cell phones during restroom breaks. Restroom monitors need to be trained and know what their responsibilities are. Lunch Breaks: FOR STAAR: time stops for lunch breaks. If testing continues into the normal lunch period, students should be allowed to break for lunch. Students must place their answer documents inside their test booklets. The test administrator must collect all test booklets and place them in locked storage. Students must remain together as a group and be closely monitored by a trained test administrator to ensure that they do not discuss the contents of the test. Slide 24 You Are The Key To Successful Testing! If you have questions about testing procedures on your campus, the Campus Test Coordinator (CTC), Campus Principal, or the District Testing Department will assist you with finding the answer. Have a great 2014 testing season! Slide 25 This concludes the Test Security Online training. The next slide is your 2014 oath for Test Security/Confidentiality. Please initial, date, and sign the Oath for Test Security and Confidentiality. Once you have turned in your initialed and signed oath to your Campus Test Coordinator or Supervisor, this completes the requirement for the Spring 2014 training for Test Security. All parties involved in the assessment process must view the online training and complete the oath as per the TEA requirement for Test Security and Confidentiality. D.I.S.D. Supports and Appreciates All That You Do for Students! Slide 26 State of Texas Texas Education Agency County of Hidalgo 108-902 Testing School Year ______ Student Assessment Program Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality for Technology Staff FOR ALL TECHNOLOGY STAFF: Complete this section before accessing any secure test materials. I do hereby certify, warrant, and affirm that I will fully comply with all applicable requirements governing the student assessment program and do hereby certify the following: (Initial each statement.) ______ I have read the test security and confidentiality policies in the test administration materials, and I understand my obligation to maintain and preserve the security and confidentiality of all tests. ______ I understand that student information is confidential and that I am obligated to maintain and preserve the confidentiality of this information. ______ I am aware of my obligation to report any suspected violations of test security or confidentiality to the campus testing coordinator. ______ I am aware that release or disclosure of confidential test items could result in prosecution under the Texas Education Code, Government Code, Administrative Code, and/or Penal Code. I do hereby further certify, warrant, and affirm that I will comply with all requirements concerning test security and confidentiality. Signed on this the ________ day of________________________, 20______. _____________________________ _______________________________ ______108-902_________ Signature of Technology Staff Printed Name of Technology Staff County-District Number Donna Independent School District __________________________ ______________________ District Name Campus Name Area Code/Telephone Slide 27 Donna I. S. D. Testing School Year _______ Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality for Donna ISD Custodial Personnel (English Version) I do hereby certify, warrant, and affirm that I will fully comply with all requirements governing the State Assessment Program and do hereby certify the following (by initialing each statement): _____I have received training in test security and confidentiality requirements. _____I am aware of my obligation to report any suspected violations of test security to the campus testing coordinator, or to the district testing coordinator, Mrs. Belinda Cruz at 956-461-4334, [email protected] I do hereby further certify, warrant, and affirm that will faithfully and fully comply with all requirements concerning test security and confidentiality. Signature of Donna ISD EmployeePrinted Name of Donna ISD Employee 108-902____ Date Campus County-District Number Return this form to the campus testing coordinator. Slide 28 Donna I.S.D. Pruebas de Ao Escolar_____________________ Juramento de seguridad y confidencialidad de pruebas para el personal de Custodio Personal del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Donna I.S.D. (Versin espaol) Por el presente, certifico, garantizo y afirmo que cumplir por completo con todos los requisitos que gobiernan el Programa Estatal de Evaluacin y certifico lo siguiente (escribiendo mis inciales al lado de cada afirmacin): _____He recibido entrenamiento en los requisitos de seguridad y confidencialidad de las pruebas. _____Estoy consciente de mi obligacin de reportar cualquier infraccin sospechada relacionada con la seguridad de las pruebas al coordinador de evaluacin escolar,, o a la coordinadora de evaluacin del Distrito, Sra. Belinda Cruz en: [email protected] Por el presente, tambin certifico, garantizo y afirmo que cumplir fielmente y completamente con todos los requisitos relacionados con la seguridad y la confidencialidad de las pruebas. Firma del empleado de Donna ISDNombre del empleado de Donna ISD en letra de molde 108-902 Fecha Escuela County-District Number Devuelva este formulario al coordinador de evaluacin de la escuela. Slide 29 State of Texas Donna ISD County of Hidalgo 108-902 Testing School Year _______ Check: STAAR TELPAS TAKS STATE FIELD TEST Oath of Test Security and Confidential Integrity for Non-Certified School Personnel (initial) TRAINING I do hereby certify, warrant, and affirm that I have attended training pertaining to the rules and regulations governing the administration of the statewide student testing program. I understand my obligation to maintain security and confidential integrity of this test. I understand that I have been directed to report immediately to the campus coordinator or administrator any suspicious conduct or irregularities that I observe or am directed to participate in with regard to the testing. I am aware that the district will investigate and may take disciplinary action against me, up to and including the termination of my employment if I fail to report suspected or actual violations of STAAR,TAKS, and TELPAS and/or State Field Tests procedures. (initial) ADMINISTRATION I will administer STAAR, TAKS and TELPAS and/or State Field Tests. Furthermore, I will handle any documents that the State of Texas has deemed as "Secure", and will I be allowed to enter any designated area of testing. I do hereby further certify, warrant, and affirm that I will faithfully and fully comply with all requirements concerning test security and confidential integrity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I affix my hand on this the day of _20. Signature of Non-Certified School Personnel Printed Name of Non-Certified School Personnel 108-902 District Name Campus Name Area Code/Telephone Number Donna I S D Sign this form before handling any STAAR, TAKS, TELPAS and/or State Field Tests. Return it to the campus coordinator before testing. Non-certified school personnel must sign an oath before each test administration. Non-certified school personnel who are currently employed by the district and routinely work with students in the classroom may now serve as test administrators, monitors, or assistants provided that they are under the supervision of a certified professional on the same campus. Signature of Supervising Professional Printed Name of Supervising Professional Slide 30 Donna I.S.D. Testing School Year _______ Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality for Donna ISD Security Personnel (English Version) I do hereby certify, warrant, and affirm that I will fully comply with all requirements governing the State Assessment Program and do hereby certify the following (by initialing each statement): _____I have received training in test security and confidentiality requirements. _____I am aware of my obligation to report any suspected violations of test security to the campus testing coordinator, or to the district testing coordinator, Mrs. Belinda Cruz at 956-461-4334, [email protected] I do hereby further certify, warrant, and affirm that will faithfully and fully comply with all requirements concerning test security and confidentiality. Signature of Donna ISD EmployeePrinted Name of Donna ISD Employee _____108-902__________ Date Campus County-District Number Return this form to the campus testing coordinator. Slide 31 Donna I.S.D. Pruebas de Ao Escolar_____________________ Juramento de seguridad y confidencialidad de pruebas para el personal de Guardia Seguridad del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Donna I.S.D. (Versin espaol) Por el presente, certifico, garantizo y afirmo que cumplir por completo con todos los requisitos que gobiernan el Programa Estatal de Evaluacin y certifico lo siguiente (escribiendo mis inciales al lado de cada afirmacin): _____He recibido entrenamiento en los requisitos de seguridad y confidencialidad de las pruebas. _____Estoy consciente de mi obligacin de reportar cualquier infraccin sospechada relacionada con la seguridad de las pruebas al coordinador de evaluacin escolar, _______________________________________, o a la coordinadora de evaluacin del Distrito, Sra. Belinda Cruz en: [email protected] Por el presente, tambin certifico, garantizo y afirmo que cumplir fielmente y completamente con todos los requisitos relacionados con la seguridad y la confidencialidad de las pruebas. Firma del empleado de Donna ISD Nombre del empleado de Donna ISD en letra de molde 108-902 Fecha Escuela County-District Number Devuelva este formulario al coordinador de evaluacin de la escuela. Slide 32 Donna I.S.D. Testing School Year Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality for Donna ISD Cafeteria Personnel (English Version) I do hereby certify, warrant, and affirm that I will fully comply with all requirements governing the State Assessment Program and do hereby certify the following (by initialing each statement): _____I have received training in test security and confidentiality requirements. _____I am aware of my obligation to report any suspected violations of test security to the campus testing coordinator, or to the district testing coordinator, Mrs. Belinda E. Cruz at 956-461-4334, [email protected] I do hereby further certify, warrant, and affirm that will faithfully and fully comply with all requirements concerning test security and confidentiality. Signature of Donna ISD EmployeePrinted Name of Donna ISD Employee Date Campus County-District Number Return this form to the campus testing coordinator. Slide 33 Donna I.S.D. Pruebas de Ao Escolar ______________ Juramento de seguridad y confidencialidad de pruebas para el personal de Alimentos Cafetera del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Donna I.S.D. (Versin espaol) Por el presente, certifico, garantizo y afirmo que cumplir por completo con todos los requisitos que gobiernan el Programa Estatal de Evaluacin y certifico lo siguiente (escribiendo mis inciales al lado de cada afirmacin): _____He recibido entrenamiento en los requisitos de seguridad y confidencialidad de las pruebas. _____Estoy consciente de mi obligacin de reportar cualquier infraccin sospechada relacionada con la seguridad de las pruebas al coordinador de evaluacin escolar, _______________________________________, o a la coordinadora de evaluacin del Distrito, Sra. Belinda Cruz en: [email protected] Por el presente, tambin certifico, garantizo y afirmo que cumplir fielmente y completamente con todos los requisitos relacionados con la seguridad y la confidencialidad de las pruebas. Firma del empleado de Donna ISD Nombre del empleado de Donna ISD en letra de molde 108-902 Fecha Escuela County-District Number Devuelva este formulario al coordinador de evaluacin de la escuela. Slide 34 State of Texas Donna I. S.D. County of _108-902____ Testing School Year ______________ Oath of Test Security and Confidential Integrity Delivery Personnel Initial TRAINING I do hereby certify and affirm that I have attended training pertaining to the rules and regulations governing the Texas testing program. I understand my obligation to maintain security and confidentiality and to report immediately to the campus or district testing coordinator any suspicious conduct or irregularities that I observe or am directed to participate in with regard to the materials. I am aware that the district will investigate and may take disciplinary action against me if I fail to report suspected or actual violations of the delivery, receipt, or storage of STAAR,TAKS, TELPAS, or Field test materials. I do hereby further certify, warrant, and affirm that I will faithfully and fully comply with all requirements concerning test security and confidential integrity. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I affix my hand on this the day of. Signature of Non-Certified School Personnel Printed Name of Non-Certified School Personnel Sign this form before handling any STAAR, TAKS, TELPAS, or Field test materials. Return it to the district coordinator before testing. Signature of Supervising Professional Printed Name of Supervising Professional OR ______________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Campus Principal Printed Name of Campus Principal Slide 35 State of Texas Texas Education Agency County of _______________ Student Assessment Program Testing School Year OATH OF TEST SECURITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY for CAMPUS OFFICE STAFF I do hereby certify, warrant, and affirm that I will fully comply with all requirements governing the State Assessment Program and do hereby certify the following: (Initial each statement.) _____ I have received training in test security. _____ I am aware of my obligations concerning the proper delivery and return of state assessment materials. _____ I am aware of my obligations concerning the security and confidentiality of the state assessments, and I am aware of the range of penalties that may result from a violation of test security and confidentiality. I do hereby certify, warrant, and affirm that I will faithfully and fully comply with all requirements concerning test security and the delivery of all assessment materials. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I affix my hand on this the _______ day of _______, 20________. _____________________________ ________________________________ _______________ Signature of Office Staff Member Printed Name of Office Staff Member Campus Donna Independent School District 108-902_______ _________________ District Name County-District Number Area Code/Telephone # Slide 36 Testing School Year _______ General Oath of Test Security and Confidentiality for Donna ISD Personnel (English Version) I do hereby certify, warrant, and affirm that I will fully comply with all requirements governing the State Assessment Program and do hereby certify the following (by initialing each statement): _____I have received training in test security and confidentiality requirements. _____I am aware of my obligation to report any suspected violations of test security to the campus testing coordinator, or to the district testing coordinator, Mrs. Belinda Cruz at 956-461-4334, [email protected] I do hereby further certify, warrant, and affirm that will faithfully and fully comply with all requirements concerning test security and confidentiality. Signature of Donna ISD EmployeePrinted Name of Donna ISD Employee 108-902____ Date Campus County-District Number Return this form to the campus testing coordinator. State of Texas Texas Education Agency County of Hidalgo Student Assessment Program Slide 37 Donna I.S. D. Pruebas de Ao Escolar ______________ Juramento de seguridad y confidencialidad de pruebas para el personal de Alimentos General del Distrito Escolar Independiente de Donna I.S.D. (Versin espaol) Por el presente, certifico, garantizo y afirmo que cumplir por completo con todos los requisitos que gobiernan el Programa Estatal de Evaluacin y certifico lo siguiente (escribiendo mis inciales al lado de cada afirmacin): _____He recibido entrenamiento en los requisitos de seguridad y confidencialidad de las pruebas. _____Estoy consciente de mi obligacin de reportar cualquier infraccin sospechada relacionada con la seguridad de las pruebas al coordinador de evaluacin escolar, _______________________________________, o a la coordinadora de evaluacin del Distrito, Sra. Belinda Cruz en: [email protected] Por el presente, tambin certifico, garantizo y afirmo que cumplir fielmente y completamente con todos los requisitos relacionados con la seguridad y la confidencialidad de las pruebas. Firma del empleado de Donna ISD Nombre del empleado de Donna ISD en letra de molde 108-902 Fecha Escuela County-District Number Devuelva este formulario al coordinador de evaluacin de la escuela.

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