

Blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear. Matt 13:16

Studies into the books of Daniel and The Revelation

Date for Daniel 10

Third year of Cyrus – 536/535BCAssuming Daniel was 18 in 605BC when captured, he would now be 88 years old.

Vs 1 “Thing” is the Hebrew word dabar – can be translated as a spoken matter or word. Primarily used in reference to a speech or decree.

Vs 2 Three weeks – mentioned 3 times in this passage.

Vs 4 Twenty Four Day of the First Month.Only date in the whole book of Daniel!Could be March/April of 536BC (babylonian calendar)orMarch/April of 535BC (Jewish Calendar)

Hiddekel The Tigris River

Uphaz Corrupted version of Hebrew word for Ophir

both know for their gold. Collecion General de Documentos Relativos a

las Islas Filipinas – written 1519-1522 by Archivo General de Indias

Beryl 1 Golden Beryl 2 Hedorite 3 Emerald 4 Morganite or Pure Beryl



Archangel Michael, the defender of mankind, goes up against Archangel Gabriel, God’s messenger, in the ultimate battle for salvation in Columbia Pictures’ supernatural action-thriller “Legion.”When God loses faith in mankind, He sends a legion of angels led by Gabriel (“Wolverine’s” Kevin Durand) to bring on the apocalypse. Humanity’s only hope lies in a group of strangers trapped in a desert diner and the Archangel Michael (“The Da Vinci Code’s” Paul Bettany)

Michael, Who is He?

Daniel 10:13,21 Daniel 12:1 Jude 9 Revelation 12:7

What are His attributes and what does He do?

Prince (The Chief or First Prince) Archangel (1 Thess 4:16) Fought against the Dragon Stands up from the Throne and delivers

His people in a time of trouble. Fights over Moses' body with the Devil.

His name means Who is like God.

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