
    CSIR National Metallurgical Laboratory


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    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

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  • Thermodynamics is the science of flow of heat

    Thermodynamics is the study of the effects of work, heat, and energy on a system.

    Thermodynamics is only concerned with macroscopic changes and observations. Not only

    Heat transfers until thermal equilibrium is established. Nothing happening.

    observation ,No one are violating so for

    Why is it so ????

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Derived from Greek word & is the science of flow of heat

    Developed in 19th and early 20th century

    (i) Invention of stream engine in 18th century

    and issue of the relation between heat and work .

    (ii) Count Rumford observed that qg

    (iii) In 1840 Joules experiment proved the count Rumford observation.

    This was led to First law of thermodynamics .

    (iv) In mid 19th Entropy as the thermo parameter

    (v) In 1904 W Nerst and Max Planck absolute entropy value - Third law of thermodynamics

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

    C and S tHER.pptxC and S tHER.pptxSecond law of thermodynamics.pptxThird law of thermodynamics.pptx
  • Entirely empirical ,observation and common sense

    Developed before people knew about atom and molecules so science based on macroscopic properties of matter.

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • A thermodynamic system is said to be at equilibrium when it is at mechanical, thermal and chemical equilibrium.

    The word equilibrium means a state of balance.

    In a state of thermodynamic equilibrium, there are no net flows of matter or of energy, no phase changes, and no unbalanced potentials (or driving forces), within the system.

    For a thermodynamic system thermal equilibrium is achieved when temperature is constant, mechanical equilibrium is attained when pressure or volume is constant and chemical equilibrium is attained when the chemical potentials are constant.

    Nothing is happening

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Alternately, at equilibrium the total energy is minimum or

    equilibrium corresponds to a minimum energy state.

    It was already mentioned that at complete equilibrium dG=0 and that a system is in mechanical, thermal and chemical equilibrium.

    At mechanical and thermal equilibrium in a heterogeneous system, the pressure and temperature is equal in all the phases. The concept of chemical equilibrium can be understood in terms of the chemical potential.

    Nothing is happening and Absence of driving potential & ??

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Quasi equilibrium

    Para equilibrium

    Metastable equilibrium

    Unstable equilibrium

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Thermodynamics terminology

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Describing systems requires:

    Variable or parameter which can quantitatively

    Intensive & Extensive properties

    System is Homogeneous or Heterogeneous

    System is in Equilibrium State

    The number of components

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Extensive properties Intensive properties

    Those properties of system that vary with its size or mass

    These properties of system are additive Total volume of a system is sum of all the volume of the component part V T = V2

    Ex : M,V ,E ,H ,S and G etc of a substance

    Those properties of system that are independent of its size or mass

    These properties of system are not additive. Hence a value may be assigned at each point in system.

    Ex : P,T , , and molar energy etc of substance

    Note : Ratio of any extensive properties is independent of the total mass

    All specific and molar properties are intensive properties

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Classical thermodynamics concerns the relationships between bulk properties of matter. Nothing is examined at the atomic or molecular level.

    Statistical thermodynamics seeks to explain those bulk properties in terms of constituent atoms. The statistical part treats the aggregation of atoms, not the behavior of any individual atom.

    C & S

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

    C AND THERMO.pptx
  • Thermal equilibrium: Two systems are said to be in thermal equilibrium if there is no net flow of heat between them when they are brought into thermal contact.

    Temperature is the indicator of thermal equilibrium in the sense that there is no net flow of heat between two systems in thermal contact that have the same temperature.


    Two systems individually in thermal equilibrium with a third system are in thermal equilibrium with each other.

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Common sense law : Concept of temperature and heat flow

    A B TA=TC



    Then TA=TB

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Temperature is the indicator of thermal equilibrium in the sense that there is no net flow of heat between two systems in thermal contact that have the same temperature.


    Two systems individually in thermal equilibrium with a third system are in thermal equilibrium with each other.

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Temperature is a measure of average kinetic energy of particle in a substance.

    Temperature really tells us how fast atom /molecules moving in the system .

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Empirical law



    PV=0= f(T)

    0 100


    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Boyle's &Charles' law

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • 1.First law of thermodynamics that energy cannot be created nor destroyed although it can be converted from one form to another or transferred from a system to the surroundings or vice versa

    2.The total energy of the universe is a constant.

    3.The energy of a system which isolated from surrounding is constant

    Simply the law of conservation of energy

    Energy is conserved!


  • 1. It is not possible to construct a perpetual machine which can do work without the expenditure of energy .if the were not true ,it would have been possible to construct such a machine .

    2. James joule (1850) conducted large no of Experiments regarding the conversion of work into heat energy . He concluded that for every 4.183 J of work done on system, one calorie of heat produced .

    3. Energy is conserved in chemical reaction also

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • internal energy increases

    If a system does work on the external world, and no heat is added, its internal energy decreases.

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • The total energy which includes the energy of creation of the system or matter (U) and the energy to displace the systems surroundings in the absence of external force fields so that the system can be created is given by enthalpy

    In thermodynamics, the internal energy is the total energy contained by a thermodynamic system. It is the energy needed to create the system. It excludes the energy to displace the system's surroundings, or any energy introduced due to external force fields.

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Internal energy has two major components,

    (i) Kinetic energy and

    (ii) Potential energy.

    The kinetic energy is due to the motion of the system's particles whether it be the motion of atoms, molecules, atomic nuclei, electrons, or other particles (translations, rotations, vibrations).

    The potential energy includes all energies given by the mass of particles, by the chemical composition, i.e. the chemical energy stored in chemical bonds, the nuclear energy stored by the configuration of protons, neutrons, and other elementary particles in atomic nuclei.

    U is function of state

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • --Amount of heat required to raise its temperature by one degree Specific heat , atomic heat and molar heat

    Heat capacity at Volume (Cv) U = f(V,T) dE= q-P dV

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

    Specific heat.pptx
  • Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 g of a substance by 1 C or 1 K

    Amount of heat (J)

    Substance Specific heat (c) J/g C

    Water 4.184

    Ice 2.03

    Steam 2.01

    Al (s) 0.897

    Fe (s) 0.449

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Heat capacity at constant pressure (Cp)

    U = f ( T,P) dE= q-P dV

    Relation between Cv and Cp

    For an ideal gas and isothermal process

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • H change when substance is heated from T1 to T2 @ constant P

    (a) Without phase transformation

    (b) with phase transformation ( melting, vaporization or other phase transformation .

    H 298 for pure element is assumed to be zero at standard state

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Heat of formation of compound

    3 Fe2 O3 + CO =2Fe3O2 +CO2 r = -2.67 kJ/mole

    Heat of reaction

    2 Al +3/2 O2 = Al2O3 -1700kJ/mole

    Heat of combustion

    C +O2= CO2 -393.5kJ/mole

    Heat of transformation

    Zn s Zn l @ 963K Lf,Zn =+7.28 kJ/mole

    Heat of solution

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • The first law of thermodynamics provides no information regarding the feasibility of such transformation

    First law does not provide any information regarding the direction a processes will take whether it is a spontaneous or a non spontaneous process

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • i) In electric machines efficiency of the conversion of electrical energy to mechanical and vice versa can occurs as high as 90%

    ii ) While , in heat engine efficiency of the conversion of heat energy into work is quite low ,10 to 40 %

    Note : Irreversible nature of flow of heat & heat cant be transferred from low to high temperature without aid of external energy .

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Kelvin-Planck statement Clausius statement

    There exists a property called entropy which is a thermodynamic property of a system.

    Naturally occurring processes are directional & irreversible

    Entropy 12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Melting of solid is a accompanied by moderate S increase while vaporization involves really large S increase

    solidification and condensation ???



    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Let us ask a question as to whether it would be possible to convert all the energy supplied to a system into useful work?

    Although the first law indicates that out of the total energy input to the system, part of it is usefully converted to work and some of it is stored in the system, the first law is unable to quantify the non -recoverable losses of energy such as friction and dissipation.

    Entropy is a thermodynamic property that is a measure of the energy not available for work in a thermodynamic process, such as in energy conversion devices, engines, or machines.

    an energy TS is not available to do useful work

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Classical thermodynamics .

    A microstate specifies all molecular details about the system including the position and velocity of every molecule. In statistical mechanics, entropy is given as:

    is the number of microstates. In statistical mechanics, entropy is a measure of the number of ways in which a system may be arranged, often taken to be a measure of "disorder"

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Free energy is the energy available to do work It is the total energy available in the system minus the energy not available for useful conversion to work. We already said enthalpy and TS. Therefore, in common metallurgical systems that operate at constant pressure, the energy available from a system to convert to useful work is the Gibbs free energy that is defined as G= H-T S According to II law , To predict the spontaneity of a process entropy

    most of the physical & chemical processes. Therefore a thermodynamic function which reformulates the spontaneity criterion considering only the system under study is required

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Most of chemical and metallurgical reaction are performed at constant T & P Gibbs Free Energy (G) Interest at System under constant T & Volume Helmholtz Free Energy (A) or Isothermal work content A = E - TS dA =-S dT P dV System under these condition is called closed system

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

    Free energy.pptx
  • Our ultimate object to express first & second law explicitly in terms of T and P which experimentally most easily controlled

    G = E + PV TS or G = H TS

    Also called as thermodynamics Potential

    Combined statement of first and second law

    d G = dE +P dV +V dP -T dS- S dT

    = -P dV +T dS +P dV +V dP -T dS- S dT

    = V dP-S dT

    Generally we always interest in P V type work So

    d G = V dP-S dT

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

    Maxwell Relations.pptx
  • Thermodynamic conditions for spontaneity and equilibrium

    for closed system.

    Spontaneous Equilibrium Non spontaneous

    GS < 0 GS = 0 GS > 0

    SU > 0 SU = 0 SU < 0

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • We know If z= f (x,y) ; dz= Mdx +Ndy

    ( M / y )x = ( N / x) ----- Eq (a)

    Following forms of combined Eq of first & second law of thermodynamics all of which apply to a system of constant composition and mass at equilibrium.

    d E = T dS PdV

    dH = T dS + V dP

    dA = -S dT P dV

    d G = V dP-S dT

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Apply relation to Eq (a)

    ( T/ V)S = -( P/ S) V

    ( T/ P)S = ( V/ S )P

    Maxwell Relation

    ( P/ T)V= ( S/ V)T

    ( V/ T)P= -( S/ P)T

    These Equations are used to calculate thermodynamic parameter.

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • First and second law of thermodynamics state that the energy and entropy of system are function of its state . Since these law deal only with changes in energy and entropy respectively.

    absolute value of energy and entropy ???

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • In 1902, T.W. Richard researched that

    relationship of T with H, which were measured by some battery reaction. low temperature.

    Nernst heat theorem state that for all reaction involving substances


    , H G0KT

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Planck state that Entropy of any homogeneous substance which is in complete internal equilibrium may be taken as zero at 0K

    S = 0 at absolute zero

    Assignment of zero value to entropy of crystalline elements is zero purely a convention and that assignment of a zero value to entropy of most compound is a consequence of convection as well as third law .

    Chemical reaction A + B = AB

    SAB SA-SB = 0

    The temperature of the substance can not drop to 0 K by finite ways


    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • In actual practice it may and frequently does , happen that a phase cooled to vicinity of absolute temperature , more random atomic arrangement characteristic of higher temperature is frozen

    Ex when solid CO is cooled to a near absolute zero ,there is very strong presumption that molecules do not arrange themselves in most orderly fashion .

    instead of -C-O-C-O-C-C- people found that C-O-C-O-O-

    Third law applicable to solution , pure crystalline which are in complete internal equilibrium .

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • 12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • -w

    (ii) Isochoric process ,W = 0

    (iii)Isobaric process W=P(V2-V1)

    (iv) Isothermal process ..

    Transition from

    one state to another state

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Zero th law :Common sense


    1st law of thermodynamics : you can break even

    Internal energy and Enthalpy

    2nd law of thermodynamics : you can break even at 0K Entropy and Free energy

    3rd law of thermodynamics : you cant get to 0K Absolute value ..

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Fugacity indicates the escaping tendency of the matter or substance or component.

    High fugacity would indicate a greater tendency of a compound to escape out of system, dissolve , intermix or react.

    dG =V dP-S dT

    At constant T and for one mole of ideal gas

    dG = RT d(lnP) f = P @ all pressure

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Fugacity for real or non ideal gas

    dG= RT d (lnf)

    Real gases approach ideal behavior as pressure is decreased

    Hence, P

    As consequence of lower /decrease in pressure of an real gas f=P

    Only at very high level of pressure and for an real gas we use FUGACITY instead of PRESSURE.

    i.e. P

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Thermodynamic variable (H,S & G etc ) of the substance in pure state are different from those in state of solution.

    There fore H,S & G changes with change in composition besides T & P .

    Index to measure these changes in H ,S & G when pure substance goes into a state of solution.

    a = f /f Activity is a measure of free concentration.

    Concentration available for reaction.

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • dG= RT d (lnf)

    = RT d (f a) = RT(dln f + dln a)

    Activity of a substance in its standard state is to be unity .

    Integrating eqn (a) from standard to actual state at constant T

    G-G -

    General form : partial free energy of I th species

    G I = GI +RT (ln a1 )

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

    Standard State.pptx
  • Chemical reaction under isothermal isobaric condition

    +RT ln( aDd.aE

    e / aAa .aB

    b )

    + RT ln Q

    0 = + RT ln K

    = -RT ln K where K= (Q )eq

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

    Thermodynamics equilibrium.pptxThermodynamics equilibrium.pptx
  • 1) When K is greater than Unity ,Equilibrium lies well to right

    Product predominate in Eq mixture.

    2) When K is less than unity ,Equilibrium lies to left

    Reactant predominate

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • dP- dT

    = - dT

    Gibbs Helmholz Eq

    Integrating and divided by T 2

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • It is for the chemical reaction involving the gases species

    Partial pressure ,total pressure and vacuum

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

  • Free energy of single phase at internal phase at equilibrium as a function of T,P and Composition .

    We assumed that there is no electric ,magnetic, gravitational and surface fields ,etc effect on our system.

    1) dn1

    + ( 2

    12/30/2013 AMMASI A CSIR -NML India

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