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The Gentle Way NewsNEWSLETTER



Tom T. Moore 














Welcome to this edition of The Gentle Way Newsletter, and a special welcome to all my

new subscribers all over the world. If you wish to subscribe to this F.R.E.E. newsletter,

go to there is a box

on the home page to enter your email address.


ADDITIONS TO WEBSITE: I have made two additions to my website, listed above, which

you should check out. First is a brand new article I just sent to a number of regional

magazines and national E-zines. UNDERSTANDING ORBS  sums up what we’ve been

learning about orbs, and is located under ARTICLES & NEWS.  I suggest forwarding that

to your friends.

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Secondly, I’ve now added the Table of Contents for my second

book :THE GENTLE WAY II: The Story Continues,”  along with a

Sample Chapter. It can be found under SAMPLE CHAPTERS. If

you haven’t bought the second book, now you’ll know more about

why so many people have added requesting MBO’s in their lives.

Because IT WORKS!

If you enjoy this newsletter, PASS IT ON TO A FRIEND!  If you’re

on Facebook, please “Like” my book, which is listed as The

Gentle Way Book. I have over 4,000 friends on Facebook, but

only 300+ likes on the book.

And a quick explanation for my new subscribers. Theo is my own Guardian Angel (GA)

with whom I communicate, along with Gaia the Soul of the Earth, in meditation (and a

few others). This is something YOU can do with a little bit of work. Now for some

interesting topics of the week that YOU requested, and which will give you a DIFFERENT



Gaia, have the probabilities changed

regarding North Korea, as their

young leader seems bent on

attacking South Korea and possibly

United States troops and locations?

Yes, but there is more bluster than

actual action, Tom. Yes, there will

be skirmishes as we have mentioned

before, but the strongest probability is that China will reign him in. They will lay the law

down, to use an expression in no uncertain terms. Certainly you should continue to say

benevolent prayers for him to act peacefully. He is under great pressure from his

mili tary, which is itching for a fight, and is goading him on. But don’t look for an all out

war. China will step in and he will moderate his stance. That I can reasonably assure



Nancy writes: I have a

question for Gaia. Many

indigenous people around

the world, including myself,

participated in a spring

equinox ceremony in March.


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We also participate in all

solstices and equinoxes in

other seasons too. My Native

American teacher felt that

this was essential, and after

doing them for many years, I

have the same feeling. Do they help Gaia? How?

Gaia, how do the spring equinox celebrations assist you, i f at all?

Here we return, Tom, to a part of a discussion we had recently, where I mentioned that

people were much more attuned to the earth than they are now. These celebrations

honor me, and my cadre of souls who assist me. I greatly appreciate the love and honor

people give us, and certainly the energy, which emanates from these festivals and

celebrations, helps people to remember the days when every human on earth virtually

celebrated the spring equinox. It does attune you to me, if it is done in a joyful manner.


Diane writes: I know this question keeps coming up and I feel that with all the changes

that things change because nothing is written in stone (smile)

But does Theo see, or you, the American economy really going down the toilet and the

country as well? Where does Theo see us in 5, 10 and even 20 years from now? Will we

get our act together? Like I said, I know this subject has been approached, but again

things do change...... the consciousness, energy, etc.

Oh! yes.... .I love how Gaia has shown that she is in control. Its Spring on the calendar

but we just got hit with 9 inches of snow! I love it!!!!!

Gaia, what is the greatest probability for the USA in the next 5, 10 and 20 years?

Yes, the further out you go,

Tom, as you well know, the

greater chance for changes

in probabilities. It all

depends upon how well you

progress vibrationally. On

this side we see great strides

being made, which almost

none of us could predict.

The probabilities of what you

are achieving now were quite

small, say, 10 years ago. So I am not avoiding your question, I am simply explaining

how tenuous the probabilities are, even in the next one or two years.

So in the next five years there will still be great conflict, as people yearn to break free

from the tyrants of the past. The USA will be involved, sometimes assisting and

sometimes getting in the way of those peoples’ desires for freedom from oppression. At

the same time you will have enormous problems of your own in recovering from

devastating earth movements on your West Coast, and other events you will call

“catastrophes.” When these events occur, people will think they can return back to

normal in a short period of time. But that will not happen, and millions of people will


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f nd ot er p aces to ve, tax ng t e nfrastructures of t e towns and c t es t ey w

migrate to. These events will cause the United States to take a back seat to Europe in

settling disputes in other parts of the world.

Part of this displacement will be from the rising ocean levels. Already this year you are

reading about higher than normal

temperatures in the southern part of

the USA being predicted by your

meteorologists. The world

temperature will continue to rise

each year at a much faster rate than

your scientists predicted, and within

five years you will see great melting

of the icecaps. This is a normal cycle for me. You just haven’t observed it in your

recorded history.

As we look farther out, things will return more to normal, but certainly there will be other

challenges you may, or may not choose to accept. This gets into an area where there

are a number of probabilities, any one of which could emerge as the one your souls

choose to take on. I think that is enough for today.


I misplaced this email from

January. If you do not hear

from me in three weeks, feel

free to “rattle my cage,” as I

am sometimes submerged in

emails and I forget to


Deborah writes: Great

newsletter last week. The

update for the entire US West

Coast (at a glance!) was extremely useful. My grandmother is considering a move this

year to Ecuador, and I was just wondering if you could give an update on any planned

seismic activity for the west coast of South America (Columbia, Ecuador, Peru, Chile).

Also, with Panama being so narrow, how will it be affected during these changes?

Gaia, can you give me the highest probability for earth movements in Central America?

Certainly, Tom. All along the West Coast of these countries I will continue to move the

earth and at times these will be considered significant-over 6.0 to even 7.0. The latter

number will be not too often, but of course due to the poorly made structures in these

countries they will cause a great deal of destruction. This will occur during the next two

years is my highest probability at this time. I have not been asked to delay these

movements by all the souls involved, so everything is proceeding as planned and

needed, as these plates grate upon each other.


Ralonne writes: Given the

previous proclamations by

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either Theo or Gaia about a

pope who will open the

Vatican archives and alter

the course of religion, my

question is will the new

Pope Francis be the one the

guides have referenced?

Moreover, will he, or any

future Pope, allow women to

be ordained?

Gaia, will Pope Francis be the one to open the archives, and will he agree to ordain


The first question is the easiest to answer, Tom. Yes, he will open the archives, much

more quickly after your past is explained by the Pleiadians when they arrive. Before

then just a little crack in the door you might say.

Regarding the ordination of women, that will come much more slowly, as being a good

man, he will finally see the light, you might say, from his prayers and connection with

his own Guardian Angel. Don’t look for that to occur for the next five years.


Eileen writes: Thank you, Tom. Has

anyone asked yet if that Jody Arias, I

think her name is, really was abused

by her boyfriend, and if she will be

found guilty without that as a


Theo, did Jody Arias’ boyfriend

actually abuse her as she claims?

No, Tom. That did not happen. You thought I might say he did, but those are not the


What is her soul contract?

Yes, a very complicated one. At this time the highest probability is that she will be

convicted of the crime, but as humans have free will there could be a hung jury,

although it does not appear that path will be taken.


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These questions were asked by Jim, Helen and me. We’re running out of questions, so

when you read the information below, think of follow up questions which were not asked

to “fill in the gaps” as Theo calls it. This is for my next book on Atlantis and, it appears,

the ancient world.

Gaia, you said in the past it

was not just an asteroid that

killed the dinosaurs. Was

there a comet, which also

led to their demise, or what

series of events doomed


No, Tom. I realize there is

speculation regarding a

comet in the distant past,

and certainly a couple have

come closer to earth than the ones seen in your modern history, but there was not one

so close as to cause the demise of not only dinosaurs but also other living beings at

that time.

With that said, there are some events, which led to their demise:

1. Man was involved, as there were a couple of societies which did have the power to

kill the dinosaurs, and contrary to public opinion there was a fairly large population of

people during those times not only in Atlantis, but other societies as well. Some

banded together to kill these creatures, as there were people frequently killed by the

voracious flesh eaters.

2. Yes, there was an asteroid that did cause the climate to change for a time.

3. There was a Pole Shift, again which caused many of these creatures to die. I have

natural cycles and the shift in poles by several thousand miles wiped out a number of


So you see there were a series of events—not just one as has been speculated on by

your scientists. The Pleiadians will bring up this bit of history for you when they arrive

in 2015. The history lesson will include actual videos of the wide variety of dinosaurs

living on earth.

Gaia, was there a time on

earth when humans

experienced the 40 days and

40 nights of rain?

Yes, Tom, there was a time

in your history—much

farther back than the biblical

references indicate—where,

due to a shift in the poles,

the weather patterns were

disrupted and there were

deluges of rain and, in other areas, snow. These stories were passed down through

hundreds and then thousands of years and adopted, you could say, by each society and

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their religions.

So the story of Noah and his ark did not take place in the past few thousand years?

Yes, but for a different reason, Tom. Keep in mind the great tsunamis caused by the

sinking of Atlantis. Mill ions of people lost their lives. Only those fortunate to live away

from the coast—and few did—were able to survive. Noah was guided to build a boat,

which saved him and his family, plus a number of animals.

Theo, why didn’t the ETs assist the Atlanteans in the first destruction when the poles

shifted, or did they?

Yes, they did assist the Atlanteans as best they could, without altering their soul

contracts, as keep in mind, Tom, everyone has soul contracts to experience all the earth

has to offer.

How far did the poles shift at that time?

Several hundred miles or thousands of


For your purposes, Tom, a few thousand

miles. It was a major shift. The poles

shifted to where they are today.

So the poles did not turn upside down?

No, but the tilt of the earth shifted.

Are the Atlantean crystals still active in

the Atlantic?

To a certain degree, Tom, but not like they were during the Atlantean time. Most were

shut down by brave souls who had the chance to escape, but knew they had a duty to

reduce their crystals or deactivate them.

Scientists are positive we descended from apes, especially as they note how close our

DNA’s seem. Plus a number of remains that they have found of the early humanoids

leads to that theory.

Yes, they can draw those conclusions, Tom, but that’s not how it happened. Again,

many body types were tested by your ET brothers. They would try one model, then

come back for it in, let’s say, a few hundred years to see how the model had adapted. As

time on earth is speeded up for your learning, so was it then by a factor of ten. They

could even stay nearby and critique the form. Much study and research went into the

development of the Adam man/woman.

Theo, after the Adam man/woman

was decided upon as best, how

many were populated around the

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wor d

Several thousand of each race, Tom.

And to answer your next question,

they were populated as full adults, as

it would have been impossible for

them to survive had they been

deposited in each location as

children. The souls simply

solidified instead of being more

wispy beings, you could say. Souls

have the capability to manifest

physically at will, and, in this case,

the fragments did just that. For a

while they kept their memories of

who they were, but this gradually faded, especially as they created their own babies in

the normal fashion. That’s how legends were passed down of coming from the stars.

Initially they knew from where they originated.

Was the black race and the white race purposely put in extreme temperature climates to

test their capabilities to withstand extreme temperatures regardless of their skin color?

Exactly, Tom. Your ET fathers and mothers wanted to make sure every extreme

temperature could be handled without more layering of skin. Much thought went into

creating the ideal man and woman—in this case the Adam man/woman.

Theo, where is the ruby red crystal located in Brazil?

Deep in the earth and not accessible to humans at this time, Tom. It was deemed

prudent to keep it out of sight by humans at this time, and also on a soul level too. It’s

the same with the crystal under the ground in Arkansas and Mt. Shasta, plus a couple of

other places.

Are there any still active in the Bermuda Triangle?

Yes, they are the cause of abnormalities in that area—leftovers from Atlantis.

Speaking of Atlantis, how high didthe waters rise after the third


Well over 20 feet, Tom.

So did it rise 30 feet?


50 feet?

No, not that much. More on the order of 30 feet.

As I was tripping out--is 30 feet correct? [Tripping Out is when I go deeper into a Theta


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Very close, Tom. We can go over it again in the future.

Was there a war-like race of women in our past somewhere?

No, Tom, at least not on this Time Line.

Will gold prove more important to us in the future for other than a measurement of

wealth and for its uses in jewelry?

Quite so, Tom. It is one of those commodities you need to take care of, and we know

you will, due to its rarity. But you will find other uses for it in the future.


This MBO story and the next one were in last week’s Blog, which you can read in its

entirety at

Sandy writes: Hello Tom, this tool of the Most Benevolent Outcome is most wondrous!

I use it ALL the time! I wish to tell you that for this year's winter and the last, we have

had snow, but the roads that we travel have been slushy. If and when I hear a winter

storm is predicted,  I say an MBO for higher than freezing temperatures and safe road

conditions for that night and next morning and day.

Remember seeing on the

news on March 5 when the

big storm was coming to theEast Coast and the

weathermen were accused of

getting it all wrong? Well I

was at Baltimore, Maryland

with my husband who had a

procedure done at Johns

Hopkins the day the storm

was to begin that night. Our

son drove us to the hospital

that day, and then drove back to south central Pennsylvania in case he needed to bringthe 4-wheel drive truck back to pick us up. Well, my husband had the procedure that

Tuesday, and I stayed in the hospital room with him that night.

Next morning I looked out the window, and Baltimore had RAIN!  Of course I had said

MBOs for safe road conditions and higher-than-freezing temperatures.   When we called

our son in Pennsylvania the next morning he said it was snowing hard with 4 inches on

the road already. I made arrangements for my husband and I to stay in a hotel overnight

and our son would come to get us the next day. Well turns out, while it snowed all

morning in Pennsylvania with blizzard-like conditions, in the afternoon the sun came

out and melted all the snow. Sounds like my angels had covered all the bases just incase.

A huge winter storm was predicted for our area starting in the night of Mar 24 with

possibly 8-12 inches. I requested an MBO for above-freezing temperatures and that the


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  . ,

continuing into afternoon, and slushy road conditions. My husband's work was delayed

2 hours, which gave the road crew time to scrape our road, and my husband had a fine

drive in to work.

Tom, I have not written

about this before because

wouldn't you think a person

was crazy if they said that

they have not had bad

weather for 2 years because

they asked their angels for

safe roads and above

freezing temperatures? Yet

for me that is exactly what

has happened. I am so very

thankful and comforted to

know that we are all loved and cared for and that our guardian angels are eager to assist

us in every area of our lives, all we have to do is ask.

I am continually amazed how special things are when using MBOs. Two times when

driving I had anxiety with a family problem and asked my angels for a sign. There is a

song that really touches my heart; it is Thais, A Meditation. Two times after asking, that

song was played on the radio. Now how special is that? It's like, if they could talk, the

angels would say, "Everything is going to be okay,” and it is.

Well, Tom, feel free to edit my stories if you can tell them more clearly, haha. I am just

so thankful for your bringing us this information. I have bought your books and given

them away and bought them again.


Katherine writes: As a consultant I

use prayer and blessing before,

during, and after my work. It dawned

on me one day that I could super-

size all my prayers with an MBO.  It

was a du-u-h moment. Adding an

MBO feels like prayer insurance; it

soothes my mind to know that the

MBO can correct or enhance the

outcome of any prayer, even if I didn't pray for the right thing. (I'm probably not the only

one that has had prayer anxiety, lol.) I can't pinpoint exactly how or if this works. I can

say I am having more fun with my prayers, I feel more joyful than ever and life seems to

be smoother. Just thought I would share this, even though it probably has been said

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Thanks for teaching Most Benevolent Outcomes, a super-sized idea.


Kathy writes: I was reading my

Sedona Journal about Harmonic

energy of overlapping planets. I was

wondering how long this will last

and is it something we should be

aware of? Thank you for answering


Gaia, is there an overlapping energy,

or Harmonic energy of overlapping


That’s a little difficult or complicated to answer, Tom. Certainly there is great energy

afoot, shall we say, as the earth as an example has 12 overlapping frequencies with 12

different earths existing in basically the same place. They are there, but they are not

there, you might say for your purposes. Still great energy is at play here and in all the

places where, by necessity, there are duplicates.

This is more a quantum physics discussion, Tom, and I know one day I’ll have a serious

discussion with one of your followers who wishes to explore this on a much deeper

level. But for now, yes there is overlapping energy you can report, and it is very

benevolent in your terms. We can revisit this again should you have more specific



This question was asked on Facebook.

Gaia, why did Obama sign the GMO

Bill and when will it be reversed?

Yes, he signed the bill under

pressure from his own party

members and those others in

Congress beholden to Monsanto and

their lobbyists, Tom. They have

bought and paid for, you might say,

a portion of Congress with lots of

money to their PACs and directly to

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their campaigns.

It will be reversed, but will take lots of work by activists to reverse the tide. They will be

assisted by one or two health organizations, which know the dangers of these GMOs

and will publicize their findings. In this case the battle was lost, but, ultimately, the war

will be won in state after state demanding that GMOs be labeled as such. There can be a

consumer revolt ahead demanding labeling. So this is only temporary, and those who

wish to have GMOs labeled must band together to become a force in Washington and

their own states as well.


Renne on Whidbey Island, Washington writes: Thank you for all that you do first of all.

Your dedication to providing

information on so many

levels is very much

appreciated. About 4 or so

years ago it seems as

though wolves were on their

way to recovery in the wild.

It has only been in the last

year that it seems like

overnight all the protective

legislation to keep them

from being kil led has slipped away; what happened?

After the shooting of the alpha female pack leader just outside the Yellowstone Park

boundary, I have been saying MBO's to any being who would like to help keep these

magnificent creatures safe from harm by humans. Is there any explanation to why this

is happening? I am aware of ranchers’ upsets, but there are ways to relocate them from

cattle areas (like inside more parks with a reasonable boundary and tranquilize-shoot to

put back in). They are such close relatives of our beloved canine pets; it is a very

disturbing situation that they make them out as "the big bad wolf."

Would you ask Gaia if something occurred in their past genetics to cause this horrible

persecution of them? And perhaps your readers would like to do some MBOs for them.

Gaia, what’s the forecast for wolves around Yellowstone Park?

Yes, not so good, Tom, as these beautiful creatures are being thinned out by

neighboring ranches whose livelihoods are being threatened, as wolves need a large

area to roam and hunt. Yellowstone, regrettably is not large enough for a large wolf

population. They will not go extinct—at least not for quite some time, but their numbers

will not grow and will in fact diminish in the near term.

Let’s all say a Benevolent Prayer out loud: “I ask any and all beings to assist in

protecting the wolf population in and around the Yellowstone National Park now and

into the future, thank you!”


I f you are new to requesting Most Benevolent Outcomes

(MBO’s) and asking for Benevolent Prayers (BP’s) fo r other

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people, you may also wish t o SIGN UP FOR MY WEEKLY

BLOG,  which has no thi ng but

GREAT MBO stories from all over

the world. I typically post this one day after the newsletter

goes out. And have you requested that I be your FRIEND ON

FACEBOOK yet? Please do so. I do give extra information

there. I also post on TWITTER.

If you know of Expos or groups looking for FEATURED SPEAKERS,  let me know, or

have them contact me. And if you listen to any good TALK RADIO SHOWS  that you

have not heard me on yet, let me know about them.


Don’t forget that BOTH GENTLE WAY books are NOW AVAILABLE as Ebooks

on Kindle and other services! You can also order the print versions by phone

at my publisher Monday to Friday. Call toll free 800-450-0985. The books are

gre at f o r presents f o r fami ly an d friends fo r birthdays a n d other special

occasions! Either or both books can change lives!



For those of you who wish to read more on a specific subject, below are the dates when

I started a series of questions. The link to them is :

GUARDIAN ANGEL 101 —MARCH 7, 2009, MARCH 28, 2009-APRIL 4, 2009, MAY 23, 2009-JUNE 6, 2009, SEPTEMBER 12, 2009, SEPTEMBER 27, 2009, JANUARY 8, 2011,

JANUARY 30, 2010, JUNE 5, 2010, JULY 3, 2010, JULY 17 2010, OCTOBER 15, 2010,

FEBRUARY 12, 2011, MARCH 5, 2011, MARCH 12, 2011, MARCH 19, 2011, MARCH 26,

2011, APRIL 2, 2011, APRIL9, 2011, APRIL 16, 2011, APRIL 23, 2011, APRIL 30, 2011,

MAY 7, 2011, MAY 14, 2011, AUGUST 6, 2011, AUGUST 27, 2011, APRIL 21, 2012,

AUGUST 18, 2012, SEPTEMBER 8, 2012, SEPTEMBER 15, 2012, SEPTEMBER 22, 2012,

SEPTEMBER 29, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012,

NOVEMBER 10, 2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, MARCH 9, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013,

ATLANTIS —MAY 17, 2008—JULY 12, 2008, SEPTEMBER 13, 2008, DECEMBER 5, 2009,

JANUARY 2, 2010, FEBRUARY 7, 2010, OCTOBER 2, 2010, NOVEMBER 20, 2010, APRIL

23, 2011, JULY 2, 2011, OCTOBER 22, 2011, APRIL 21, 2012, JULY 21, 2012, JULY 28,

2012, AUGUST 4, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, AUGUST 25, 2012,

SEPTEMBER 8, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 20, 2012, DECEMBER 29, 2012,

JANUARY 5, 2013, FEBRUARY 16, 2013, FEBRUARY 23, 2013, MARCH 2, 2013, MARCH9, 2013, MARCH 16, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013, MARCH 30, 2013, APRIL 6, 2013,


APRIL 18--MAY 16, 2009; JULY 25, 2009; AUGUST 22, 2009; NOVEMBER 7, 2009;

DECEMBER 5, 2009; DECEMBER 12, 2009; DECEMBER 19, 2009; FEBRUARY 6, 2010;

FEBRUARY 10, 2010, APRIL 24, 2010; OCTOBER 31, 2010, JUNE 4, 2011, JUNE 18, 2011,

JUNE 25, 2011, JULY 2, 2011, JULY 9, 2011, JULY 23, 2011, JULY 30, 2011, AUGUST 13,

2011, OCTOBER 29, 2011, NOVEMBER 5, 2011, NOVEMBER 11, 2011, NOVEMBER 19,

2011, NOVEMBER 26, 2011, DECEMBER 3, 2011, DECEMBER 10, 2011, DECEMBER 17,

2011, DECEMBER 31, 2011, JANUARY 14, 2012, JANUARY 21, 2012, JANUARY 28, 2012,

FEBRUARY 4, 2012, FEBRUARY 11, 2012, FEBRUARY 18, 2012, FEBRUARY 25 2012,

MARCH 3, 2012, MARCH 17, 2012, MARCH 24, 2012, APRIL 7, 2012, APRIL 28, 2012, MAY

5, 2012, MAY 12, 2012, MAY 19, 2012, MAY 26, 2012, JUNE 2, 2012, JUNE 16, 2012, JUNE

23, 2012, JUNE 30, 2012, JULY 7, 2012, JULY 14, 2012, JULY 21, 2012, AUGUST 4, 2012,AUGUST 11, 2012, SEPTEMBER 1, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 13, 2012,

OCTOBER 20, 2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012, NOVEMBER 10, 2012,

NOVEMBER 24, 2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, DECEMBER 8, 2012, DECEMBER 15, 2012,

DECEMBER 22, 2012, DECEMBER 29, 2012, JANUARY 5, 2013, JANUARY 12, 2013,

JANUARY 19, 2012, JANUARY 26, 2012, FEBRUARY 2, 2013, FEBRUARY 9, 2013,

FEBRUARY, 16, 2013, FEBRUARY 23, 2013, MARCH 2, 2013, MARCH 23, 2013

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Tom T. Moore

JESUS--SEPTEMBER 29, 2012, OCTOBER 6, 2012, OCTOBER 13, 2012, OCTOBER 20,

2012, OCTOBER 27, 2012, NOVEMBER 3, 2012, NOVEMBER 10, 2012, NOVEMBER 17,

2012, DECEMBER 1, 2012, DECEMBER 8, 2012, DECEMBER 15, 2012, JANUARY 5, 2013,


17, 2012, MARCH 30, 2013,

TIME LINES —JANUARY 29, 2011, FEBRUARY 5, 2011, JULY 16, 2011, JULY 23, 2011,

JULY 28, 2012, AUGUST 4, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, AUGUST 18, 2012, SEPTEMBER 1,

2012, JANUARY 5, 2013,


28, 2012, AUGUST 11, 2012, FEBRUARY 23, 2013, MARCH 2, 2013, MARCH 9, 2013,

MARCH 23, 2013,


BLOG:  For those of you who are just learning about requesting Benevolent Outcomes, I

have a weekly Blog now with information and stories sent from all over the world about

using this amazingly simple, yet powerful spiritual tool. The link is .

TWITTER:  You can now follow me on Twitter at TomTMoore33 . --Great resources: Sign up here for the newsletter.

Sample Chapters of the first book, videos, Signs, Articles, Archived Newsletters, and


FACEBOOK:  You’ll find me here: Tom T. Moore6 or the book page at .  Let’s be friends!

BOOK EDITOR: Need an editor for your upcoming book? Email me. Ralonne edits my

newsletter and edits books.

Keep sending those success stories in, as they inspire others to live THE GENTLE WAY!

Have a Most Benevolent Week!


Tom T. Moore

Email: [email protected]



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