Page 1: The$Effects$of$Naonalism$€¦ · GERMAN REICH 1871-1918 Sweden BALTIC SEA Danzig Westpreußen Helgoland (from Britain 1890) ilhelmsh LDENBU Ghzm. M Tilsit Königsberg Ostpreußen

The  Effects  of  Na.onalism  

Page 2: The$Effects$of$Naonalism$€¦ · GERMAN REICH 1871-1918 Sweden BALTIC SEA Danzig Westpreußen Helgoland (from Britain 1890) ilhelmsh LDENBU Ghzm. M Tilsit Königsberg Ostpreußen

Italian  Unifica.on  •  Giuseppe  Mazzini    – Unite  Italy  

•  Kingdom  of  Sardinia    – Most  powerful  city-­‐state  

•  Camillo  di  Cavour    – Napoleon  III  and  Austria  

•  Giuseppe  Garibaldi      –  Sicily  – Handed  the  south  to  Victor  Emmanuel  

•  July  1871  –  Rome  capital  of  united  Italy  

Page 3: The$Effects$of$Naonalism$€¦ · GERMAN REICH 1871-1918 Sweden BALTIC SEA Danzig Westpreußen Helgoland (from Britain 1890) ilhelmsh LDENBU Ghzm. M Tilsit Königsberg Ostpreußen

German  Unifica.on  •  Prussia  leads  unifica.on  •  OQo  von  Bismarck    –  Junkers  –  wealthy  land-­‐owners  –  Realpoli.k  –  “poli.cs  of  reality”  

•  1863  –  Polish  Revolt  –  Secured  Eastern  border  

•  1864  –  Seven  Weeks’  War    –  Prussians  gained  control  of  N.  German  territory  

•  1867  –  Franco-­‐Prussian  War  –  Final  stage  in  German  unifica.on    

•  Wilhelm  I  is  named  Kaiser  

Page 4: The$Effects$of$Naonalism$€¦ · GERMAN REICH 1871-1918 Sweden BALTIC SEA Danzig Westpreußen Helgoland (from Britain 1890) ilhelmsh LDENBU Ghzm. M Tilsit Königsberg Ostpreußen

Empires  Crumble  •  Mul.-­‐cultural  empires    – OQoman  Empire    •  Too  many  cultures  and  na.onalism  spreading  

– Austria  Empire    •  Hungarians  threatened  to  leave  unless  they  got  some  power  

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