
The Xerox magazine for real business results

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Cross Media: The Future of Marketing Is Here!

DME’s Interactive Campaign—A Win for the New York Jets

“echo” Effect Advances Capitol College

High-Volume Color Variable Printing Opens Opportunities for MBA GroupBachar Aintaoui Chairman, MBA Group

Winter 2011

Welcome to the Spring Issue of RealBusiness Magazine.

Thanks to your many comments, we’ve sharpened our focus in this year’s magazines to hone in on four strategic areas that matter to you most: reducing your costs, delighting your customers, driving more jobs through your shop and, of course, growing your business. Together we can continue to redefine our industry and add real value to customers, and we’re ready to help you succeed every step of the way.

In this issue, we take a special look at the impact cross-media and social media are having in our industry and the changing face of marketing. The boom in consumer use of mobile, social, online and interactive media is compelling marketers to target messages at all possible touch points—and print is at the center of it all. You’ll find great reporting on facts and trends, along with how to develop an integrated program from strategy to metrics and measurement. The results can be impressive—adding new revenue streams from web, social media and mobile—all the while driving incremental print volume.

You will also want to check out the article on Hunkeler Innovationdays. This is the ninth time the world’s leading print and paper providers will gather in beautiful Lucerne, Switzerland, for a four-day event dedicated to high-volume, transaction printing. There’s lots of exciting technology to see, including our new Xerox® production inkjet system and its innovative, waterless ink and print-head technology that will delight your customers with predictable high-quality color while saving you time and money. If you couldn’t attend Hunkeler Innovationdays in person, you can visit virtually at

Let me close by thanking all of you for your continued support and your business. We recognize the more we can help you achieve success in the areas you’ve said matter to you most, the more focused you can be on your business. We’re looking forward to adding value to your business across the value chain, well beyond providing you great technology.


Ursula M. Burns Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Xerox Corporation

2 · realbusiness Spring 2011

Special Features

02 Letter from Ursula Burns Chairman and Chief Executive Officer

10 Largest Hunkeler Innovationdays Kicks Off in Lucerne

Display of innovative, new Xerox® waterless production color inkjet printing system is among the highlights of the solutions-focused show. By Tracy Yelencsics

34 The Print Scene

Insert: Turbo Charge Your Business

Grow Your Business

08 MBA Group Explores the Future of Print Media with Fully Variable Magazine PrintMedia Management delivers personalized magazine firsts while helping North London print provider promote high-volume variable color printing. By Scott Russell

16 InfoTrends: Cross-Media Communications Is the Industry’s Future

Cross-media is taking hold, incorporating new electronic media and changing the marketing landscape forever. By Barb Pellow, Chris Bondy

24 Angstrom Graphics changes its digital course—with great results “If at first you don’t succeed…” philosophy leads printer to take a fresh approach. By Susan Weiss


Table of Contents

Delight Your Customers

22 Your Brand, Enlightened Zen Print offers customers personalized service while they wait. By Doug Houser

32 Cathedral Corporation Delivers Award-Winning Customer Intimacy Long-time leader in data-driven communications drives growth with innovative TransPromo and direct marketing applications. By Gina Testa

Reduce Costs

14 DME Scores Touchdown with Interactive Campaign for New York Jets

20 Doing More with Less Utilizing Duplo’s DC-645 and DF-1000 Folder, NextGeneration Printing is able to offer its customers personalized and quality service... with only two employees.

By Diana Salgado

Move More Jobs

12 Unveiling: Innovative High-Speed Inkjet System New technology on display at Hunkeler Innovationdays delivers high-quality color on low-cost papers, reduces print production costs and improves process cycle time for expanded high-volume print opportunities.

By Kevin Horey

26 Customer Communications Management: Take Engagement to a New LevelCCM strives for the perfect blend of multimedia delivery and relevant messaging to inspire customer interaction and ultimately capture profits. By Scott Baker

30 echo’s Capitol Idea Boosts College Admissions Cross-media campaign helps Laurel, Maryland-based college quadruple applications and double admissions while helping echo grow strategically. By Karin Stroh

RealBusiness is published to inform and educate graphic arts and information technology executives, in-house printing professionals, and marketing and finance executives about the power and value of networked digital documents through digital printing.

Reprints are available through FosteReprints at 866-879-9144. Copyright ©2011 by RB Publishing Inc. All rights are reserved. Nothing may be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission from the publisher. Any correspondence sent to RealBusiness, RB Publishing Inc., or its staff becomes the property of RB Publishing Inc. Advertisements in this magazine do not constitute an endorsement by RB Publishing Inc. or Xerox. The articles in this magazine

represent the views of the authors and not those of RB Publishing Inc. and Xerox. RB Publishing Inc. and Xerox expressly disclaim any liability for the products or services sold or otherwise endorsed by other vendors included in this magazine.

©2011 Xerox Corporation. All Rights Reserved. XEROX® and XEROX and Design® and DocuColor®, iGen3® and ProfitAccelerator® are trademarks of or licensed to Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

The Publishing Team

Table of Contents

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PublisherChad Griepentrog

EditorAnn Moscicki

Managing EditorEmily Attwood

AdvertisingKen [email protected]


Xerox Creative and Technical CommunicationsTim Dodd, Liz Camp, Donna Femiano

RB Publishing Inc.2901 International Lane Madison, WI 53704-3128Phone: 608-241-8777Fax: 608-241-8666Email: [email protected] Web:

Published by RB Publishing in affilia-tion with Xerox Experiential Marketing Services 800 Phillips RoadWebster, NY

Rachel Spahr

Design Kelli Cooke

Real Business Live Freedom to Perform Coming to a Town Near You:

Contact your local Sales Rep today to find out more... and get ready for real business.

Xerox is the Official Sponsor of Cirque du Soleil® Touring Shows

Real Business Live is back this year with global events presented by Xerox Corporation and key partners. The events combine facts from industry experts with displays of technology and business development resources to provide guidance on the real-world business issues print providers face every day.

“Freedom to Perform is coming to a town near you,” said John R. Ahlman, Director, Xerox Global Events Marketing and Integrated Collaterals. “We know print providers’ time is extremely valuable—that’s why we decided to bring these events to them instead of asking them to travel to us.” We’ll be sharing successes from fellow print providers that can help attendees maximize their investment, boost their business operations and explore new strategies that will help them reach their goals.

Freedom to Perform events are planned for over 25 cities across the United States with many more happening in Canada, Europe, the Far East and the Pacific Rim. Whether print providers are looking to delight their customers, produce more jobs, reduce their costs or grow their business, Xerox is committed to helping them succeed every step of the way.

Freedom to Perform is all about giving print providers the freedom to focus on achieving the possible.

In 2011, over 100 strategy sessions will be taking place around the world to help print providers focus on what matters most—their real business goals.

©2011 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. XEROX® and XEROX and Design® are trademarks of Xerox Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.

Photo: Daniel Desmarais Costume: François Barbeau © 2010 Cirque du Soleil

The trademark Cirque du Soleil is owned by Cirque du Soleil and used under license.

Find a Real Business Live event that’s right for you— local, global, live or online—

8 · realbusiness Spring 2011

PrintMedia Management wasn’t the first publication to produce an issue entirely on a digital press. But its October 2009 issue was believed to have been the first printed digitally using an existing subscriber database, enabling fully personalized content for all editorial and advertisements.

To the magazine’s then editor Andy Knaggs, achieving firsts was moot. “The real point is that targeted and therefore

PrintMedia Management delivers personalized magazine firsts while helping North London print provider promote high-volume variable color printing ... by Scott Russell

MBA Group Explores the Future of Print Media with Fully Variable Magazine

relevant content is the future of the print media industry,” he wrote in the issue’s opening editorial. “Whichever sector you work in, making the theory work in practice is going to be a key element in driving the revenue streams of the future.”

To Bachar Aintaoui, chairman, MBA, Group Ltd., the North London company that printed the issue, it was important to current revenue stream, as well.

The firm’s marketing manager, Graham Smith initiated the project to promote MBA’s fledgling high-volume, variable digital color printing business, after it had acquired the first Xerox® 980 Color Continuous Feed Printer in the United Kingdom. “Printing the magazine was a great way to demonstrate the print quality and variable content capabilities to 12,000 target prospects (the magazine’s subscriber list),” Aintaoui said.

The initiative has led directly to significant new business, continues to provide one of the firm’s best print samples and helped the MBA Group learn valuable lessons about the new, high-volume, variable printing markets it was targeting. “It was a terrific project that demonstrated the strengths of the machine and continues to benefit us to this day,” Aintaoui said.

Making it VariablePrintMedia Management staff were thrilled when Smith approached them about the project. They were launching a new trade fair, mediaPro, and welcomed an opportunity to showcase new print technology for the issue distributed at the show. Their deal: MBA Group would print the issue in exchange for free ad space.

To be clear, the MBA Group had never produced a magazine of this type before. The company was founded in 1984 as a fulfillment house and today has annual revenues of £31.2 million, 60 percent from transactional work, the rest from direct marketing. For support in this novel application, Aintaoui said, “Xerox provided technical expertise. They pretty much camped here for the better part of the project.”

The variable strategy was to produce four distinct versions of the magazine for four audience segments that were easily flagged in the subscriber database: publishers, ad agencies, local authorities and corporate marketing staff. The 60-page issue included seven pages of content that varied by segment. Ads could also be variable.

Spring 2011 realbusiness · 9

The project presented many challenges. The editorial staff had to produce more content than usual, stretching some deadlines. Black density in image fi les had to be reduced for optimal quality, a time-consuming process. And when it was time for distribution, the Royal Mail went on strike. Nonetheless, the MBA Group met all its critical deadlines.

Great ResponseThe magazine management was pleased with the results, and the MBA Group benefi ted in several ways, Aintaoui said. They exhibited at the show and generated about twice as many leads as they expected: One led to business that more than covered the cost of exhibiting.

MBA Group also placed variable ads in the magazine, targeting each of the four segments. Responses were two-and-a-half times greater than from static ads they

had taken out in the past—“purely and simply because we had different ads for different readers,” Aintaoui said.

In addition, the magazine has proven to be a valuable, evergreen print sample for MBA Group. “It demonstrates the quality, the variable content, and that we could think creatively about how to apply these capabilities,” Aintaoui said. And the 980 helped MBA Group win lucrative new business from fi nancial services and insurance provider Legal & General. MBA replaced a monochrome bond statement for the fi rm’s high-value investors with a 16-page, full-color booklet featuring charts and graphs that improved readability, attractiveness, the piece’s perceived value and won the Digital Printer “Added Value” Award in 2010.

“We’re very happy with our investment in the 980,” Aintaoui said. “It has opened up a whole different type of project and whole different type of client for us to approach.”

PrintMedia Management Publication—Winner of a 2010 Xerox Best of the Best Award in the Books and Manuals Category

The world’s fi rst 100% variable publication used XMPie to control the vast array of variable elements, including advertising targeted to four primary audiences and widespread personalization using the recipients’ names and information specifi c to their segment. The targeted advertising generated 256% more leads while reducing PPM’s environmental footprint compared with prior campaigns.

MBA received no-cost ad space in exchange for printing the publication. Their variable ads received two-and-a-half times greater responses than their previous static ads.

10 · realbusiness Spring 2011

Hunkeler Innovationdays Kicks Off in Lucerne


More than 5,000 attendees and 80 exhibitors are expected at what is the ninth biennial Hunkeler Innovationdays at the Messeplatz Lucerne, Switzerland Feb. 14 to 17, making it the biggest Innovationdays yet. In addition, the annual one-day conference of DOXNET, the European association for document experts, takes place at the Museum of Transport in Lucerne on Feb. 14.

Display of innovative, new Xerox® waterless production color inkjet printing system is among the highlights of the solutions-focused show ... by Tracy Yelencsics

“Hunkeler Innovationdays has offered us an excellent platform to engage with our customers and prospects from all over the world,” said Valentin Govaerts, general manager and senior vice president, Integrated Marketing and Communications Group, Xerox Europe. “Everything that is important in this market can be found under one roof. Customers come here to see the latest technology and solutions that can help them to delight their customers and grow their business.”

A Solutions FocusInnovationdays is a leading show for continuous feed technology, with a focus on solutions in paper-processing and digital printing, including print on demand, TransPromo, computer center, publishing and direct mail applications. Both pre and post systems are addressed, including in-line and offline finishing, the information technology and transactional segment, and the entire range of printed fabrics, consumables and finishing materials. Many solutions offer platforms for networked information management and distribution.

A record 4,500 industry professionals attended Innovationdays 2009. Organizers expect to break that record at Innovationdays 2011.

Spring 2011 realbusiness · 11

A Day at DOXNETThe Feb. 14 DOXNET event will feature an afternoon of presentations on market and technology trends in digital printing, including “Why is color continuous print relevant in an online world?” by Karl-Heinz Kaiser, sales director, Xerox. The day will be capped off with an evening networking party. Organizers expect about 500 decision-makers to attend.

DOXNETThe Document X-perts Network e.V is a professional association dedicated to enhancing the application of document technologies in high-volume printing. Its 550 members come from 170 companies and organizations in Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Poland and Slovakia.

Show organizers from Hunkeler AG seek to strike a balance between a large diversity of solutions and—in a new 7,000 square-meter hall at the Lucerne trade fair complex—a manageable show size. Attendees include decision makers and key infl uencers from a range of industries and geographies working in mailing production, computer centers, web fi nishing and printing.

An innovative waterless production color inkjet printing system from Xerox Corporation is among the must-see exhibits at Hunkeler Innovationdays 2011. Visitors can check out the latest developments in full-color production inkjet and integrated workfl ow solutions. The new Xerox® inkjet system uses innovative ink and print-head technology with fl exible workfl ow to help print providers reduce costs, produce more jobs, grow their business and ultimately delight their customers with predictable high-quality color.

As one of eight top-level platinum sponsors and one of two companies with the show’s largest booth size (270 square meters), Xerox has a signifi cant presence at the show. The Xerox stand features the new Xerox® production inkjet system and the market-leading, monochrome Xerox® 1300® Continuous Feed Printer,

as well as workfl ow, business development and partner solutions. Also, for the fi rst time at Innovationdays, Xerox is running a Real Business Live theater with presentations on innovative technologies and compelling applications. Those who can’t attend can see the presentations after the show—in either German or English—at

Innovationdays 2009 had more than 60 exhibitors and a record 4,500 attendees from throughout Europe, as well as Russia, Asia, South America and the United States. The fair has been held in Lucerne, near Hunkeler’s Wikon headquarters, since the inaugural innovationdays in 1994.

Catch the excitement of Hunkeler Innovationdays virtually! Go to

12 · realbusiness Spring 2011

New technology on display at Hunkeler Innovationdays delivers high-quality color on low-cost papers, reduces print production costs and improves process cycle time for expanded high-volume print opportunities.

Unveiling: Innovative High-Speed Inkjet System

... by Kevin Horey, Vice President, Production Products Marketing

An innovative high-speed waterless inkjet printing system promises to help you reduce production costs, produce more jobs and grow your business, while delighting your customers with predictable high-quality color. The new system—from Xerox Corporation—displayed at Hunkeler Innovationdays in Lucerne, Switzerland, Feb. 14 to 17, will be available, on a limited basis, later this year.

“This system brings something completely new to production environments, giving our customers new ways to succeed,” said Eric Armour, President, Graphic Communications Business Group, Xerox Corporation. “It can cut the costs of labor, materials, warehousing and waste, while improving cycle times. Printers can have greater confidence to meet their SLAs with the exceptional stability and reliability of this print engine. Additionally, it can grow the business with more value-added digital color and personalized cross-media, TransPromo and Web-to-print products that drive revenue, loyalty and brand value.”

Spring 2011 realbusiness · 13

Many innovative technologies distinguish the Xerox® system from other production inkjet presses on the market including its waterless ink and print-head technology, and its tightly integrated workfl ow.

Patented, waterless inks produce crisp image qualityUnlike aqueous inkjet presses, the new Xerox® system uses patented, waterless inks that do not soak through paper, producing crisp image quality on low-cost, untreated, uncoated plain papers as light as 50 gsm newsprint. This improves post production effi ciency eliminating page curl and cockle commonly found in aqueous ink output.

INGEDE Certifi ed production inkjet systemThe Xerox® system is the only production inkjet device to be INGEDE (International Association of the Deinking Industry) Certifi ed “Good De-inkable,” meaning its output recycles well.

Innovative technologyThe print heads include many automated features that ensure high quality and ease maintenance burdens to control production costs. The combination of the piezo print heads and Xerox’s

technological assets enable precise control of every nozzle and automatic missing jet detection and correction which delivers predictable and reliable output even on low-cost, offset-grade papers. Always ready and easily replaceable print heads quickly self-register to reduce time, ink and paper waste.

With a long and successful heritage in the transaction markets—approximately 80% of all cut sheet transactional pages are printed on Xerox products—Xerox expertise helps printers transition to the continuous feed inkjet market.

• The system’s tightly integrated workfl ow is designed to deliver consistent, reliable performance in virtually any environment.

• All major print datastreams are handled natively; scalable RIPs ensure the system has the power to process jobs at rated engine speed with closed-loop management systems to ensure high quality and job integrity.

Additionally, a wide range of partner workfl ow and fi nishing equipment can be easily integrated to further automate production and provide application fl exibility.

The innovative Xerox® high-speed waterless inkjet system delivers vivid image quality on untreated, uncoated papers that are ideal for direct mail, transactional/transpromotional and publishing applications.

Direct mail and transpromotional applications can be produced faster and at lower cost with high-speed waterless inkjet technology.

“ This system brings something completely new to production environments, giving our customers new ways to succeed.”

– Eric Armour, President, Graphic Communications Business Group Xerox Corporation

14 · realbusiness Spring 2011

Several years ago, Panaggio recognized a unique correlation between HD video and variable data communications and began a build out of DME Studios—DME’s video production and interactive agency. “Video plays an integral role in cross-channel communications. Our ability to personalize video results in additional consumer activity on personalized Web sites and exponentially increases viral activity. ” Ben Dyon, CEO of DME Studios.

A winning drive to “jointhejets”DME Studios ( partnered with the New York Jets to create a truly innovative cross-media program for 2010 season ticket sales.

The interactive campaign ( included a database-driven, personalized e-mail and DM campaign, driving past and present season ticket holders to a personalized URL and a Web application enticing prospective viewers to enter their information for a chance to suit up in a Jets uniform and run alongside head coach Rex Ryan—while leading the team onto the fi eld.

Upon arriving at their personalized Web site, visitors viewed a personalized video featuring Jets players, coaching staff and even the Jets’ owner—Woody Johnson (all fi lmed on location by DME Studios at the Jets’ facility).

After viewing their personalized video, Web visitors were given the option to purchase Jets’ tickets and dynamically create personalized web videos for their friends and family.

Nearly 3 decades ago, Mike Panaggio founded DME—a Daytona Beach-based Direct Mail house with a unique charter: speak to each customer in a relevant and engaging way.

A lot has changed since DME’s inception, but their dedication to one2one variable communications has remained constant. As an early adopter of XMPie software, DME creates innovative, cross-media campaigns that utilize variable content, powered by XMPie’s UPlan™ logic and ADOR® (Automatic Dynamic Object Replacement) technology. “Traditional client/vendor relationships are a thing of the past. At DME, we embrace our customers as partners, offering valuable cross-media services in a collaborative, partner-centric atmosphere—and our clients love us for it.” Mike Panaggio, CEO of DME.

with Interactive Campaign for New York Jets


Ben Dyon

Personalized e-mails delivered as part of DME’s direct marketing campaign drove season ticket holders to a PURL, enticing viewers to enter information for a chance to suit up with the Jets.

Spring 2011 realbusiness · 15

“ We love DME’s technology and we are looking to use it in future Jets marketing campaigns.”

– Mike Tannenbaum, GM of the New York Jets

The result? The sweepstakes was a huge hit with fans; there have been over 75,000 visits to the jointhejets web application and the IMV. 52,000 of these visits represent unique visitors. The Jets have added close to 20,000 new email addresses to their marketing databases and continue to highlight the piece via social media and fl ash banner ads.

DME’s heavy-hitting lineupDME continues to integrate emerging technologies into their direct marketing playbook, providing cross-channel, database-driven communications for their clients.

The once strictly direct mail house has evolved to become a direct marketing powerhouse—embracing cross-media communications and expanding their capabilities to include 4/4 digital print, variable email, HD video production, personalized URLs, photo books, personalized video, e-commerce, retail applications, QR codes, social media integration and a plethora of equally unique competencies.

DME’s clientele includes iconic brands such as Toyota, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Xerox, Berkshire Hathaway, XMPie, Miami Dolphins, The Trump Network, Hockey Canada, Wyndham Resorts—all utilizing personalized cross-channel communications and fueled by Xerox® software and systems.

One-to-One Cross-Media Marketing Made Easy with XMPie®

Grab attention. Boost response. If you’re looking for ways to break through the clutter and get your marketing messages noticed, 1:1 cross-media marketing can make all the difference.

Everything you need to create, deploy, track and measure highly effective, 1:1 marketing campaigns across all channels—print, e-mail, Web and mobile—is included in one, integrated software solution from XMPie, A Xerox Company.

XMPie supports 1:1 marketing to a diverse audience, combining multiple passive and interactive media. This individualized messaging spanning multiple media is cross-media communications, and it is made easy with XMPie’s Automatic Dynamic Object Replacement (ADOR®) technology.

With ADOR objects, 1:1 cross-media communications are automatically generated from a single data source using a single set of business rules. This automation allows this process to effortlessly scale to an infi nite number of recipients. So no matter the size or the complexity of your audience, XMPie sends a personalized message, across all media, to an audience of one.

Getting started with cross-media marketing has never been easier. XMPie’s open architecture lets you start anywhere, add capabilities and protect your investment along the way. If you’d like to learn more about how to kick your campaigns into high gear, contact XMPie at 212-479-5166, or visit us at


Visitors to their personalized Web sites view a personalized video featuring Jets players and coaching staff, then the offer is made to purchase tickets and create personalized videos for their friends and families—expanding the Jets marketing reach.

16 · realbusiness Spring 2011

Cross-media communications is the future of the graphic communications industry. That’s not just hype. It’s reality. Marketers need to deliver their messages in the places where their targets are. While consumers continue to read printed newspapers and magazines, watch television and listen to the radio today, they also use a wide range of new mobile, social, online and interactive media.

Here are some eye-opening fi gures on how new media stack up in terms of audience:

• Facebook has more than 500 million active users as of December 2010. The U.S. population is 308 million.

• Twitter has more than 106 million registered users generating more than 600 tweets per second.

• YouTube views exceed two billion daily.

• The United States has more than 300 million mobile subscriptions and, according to Nielsen, by the end of 2011, more will use smartphones than feature phones.

• Mobile SMS text has a 95 percent read rate and a 15 percent response rate compared to 1 percent on average for traditional media.

To reach this dispersed audience, marketers now use an average of 2.7 media channels per campaign, according to an InfoTrends survey (Capturing the Cross-Media Direct Marketing Opportunity, October 2010). Service providers who want to participate in this market—blending print, mobile, social and online media—need to quickly rebuild their strategies.

New World of MarketingCross media refers to broadcasting one marketing campaign across a spectrum of media formats, via a multitude of channels. Promotional in nature, these campaigns aim to deliver the right message to the right person at the right time in the preferred media.

Contact lists are highly targeted, and messaging is personalized to be relevant to each recipient. The campaign engages, invites interactivity and makes an offer that motivates the recipient to buy or do something. The experience is integrated—focused on a single idea, conveyed in a single voice, with a consistent look and feel across media and organized so that each medium has a distinct role making the whole greater than the sum of its parts.

InfoTrends:Cross-Media Communications Is the Industry’s Future

Cross-media is taking hold, incorporating new electronic media and changing the marketing landscape foreverby Barb Pellow, Chris Bondy Infotrends, Customized Communications: Cross-Media Is Taking Hold

Spring 2011 realbusiness · 17

Recipients are touched at multiple points in various media, at scheduled times and in triggered events based on recipient interactions throughout the campaign. These interactions generate a wealth of data enabling easy, real-time performance tracking for adjusting campaign tactics, reporting results and collecting customer and prospect data for future campaigns.

Compared to traditional marketing, these campaigns boost response and conversion rates and improve return on investment (ROI) while reinforcing brand image and enhancing customer loyalty. They are helping marketing departments respond to new management demands for accountability—and they are changing the face of marketing forever. Today, the chief marketing offi cer (CMO) is expected not just to manage the brand but to fi ll the sales pipeline with predisposed prospects, optimize customer value, be accountable for demand generation and deliver a favorable ROI.

Navigating Uncharted WatersWhile marketers are highly motivated to run cross-media campaigns, they clearly acknowledged cross media as uncharted waters.

Consequently, many marketers seek support from organizations with cross media know-how. This is a great opportunity for graphic communications providers who can add cross media to new or existing variable data applications. It permits them to participate in the more lucrative value-added marketing supply chain, provide strategically relevant services that cement relationships and add new revenue streams from Web development; direct social media and mobile marketing and other offerings.

Cross-media solutions can also drive digital print volume. A recent InfoTrends study* showed that respondents offering cross-media communications saw an average increase of 12 percent in their digital color print volume.

*Source: InfoTrends, Capturing the Cross-Media Direct Marketing Opportunity, 2010.

Marketers’ four top challenges:*

• Developing a strategy

• Designing for multiple media types

• Tracking and analyzing campaign results

• Effi ciently managing each media type

18 · realbusiness Spring 2011

Of course, working with more media types in new marketing channels adds operational complexity. Providers need the marketing expertise to develop a campaign and the production capabilities to execute it. New staffing needs can include database and predictive modeling specialists, agency-class creatives and programmers. The effort can be costly—and risky.

But current technology is tearing down these barriers. For example, software as a service (SaaS) offerings permit providers to “rent” cross-media software infrastructure cost-effectively, rather than buy it. Further, for print providers transitioning to high-value marketing services providers, cross media is a must-have solution. And as short-run and on-demand digital printing rapidly become commodities, few can afford to ignore cross-media communications.

In December 1998, the cover of Fortune magazine offered corporations a stark choice: “Internet or Bust!” The accompanying article stated: “Somewhere out there is a competitor, unborn and unknown, that will render your business model obsolete.”

At InfoTrends, we believe that a “Cross Media or Bust” mantra now holds true for the printing industry.

How many types of cross media does your company use for a typical direct marketing campaign?*

N = 518 Marketing Respondents

Promise of 60% ROI Boost Drives Cross-Media Growth at MBA Group Combining direct mail and online marketing increases return on investment by as much as 60 percent compared to online marketing used on its own, according to recent independent research by London-based BrandScience.

“That’s a very persuasive argument,” said Bachar Aintaoui, chairman, MBA, Group Ltd., a North London-based print and marketing services provider, which posts highlights of the study on its Web site and cites it on sales calls. “Cross-media with the (Xerox®) 980 (Color Continuous Feed Printer) and (Xerox®) iGen4® (Press) is a major growth area for us.”

Three years ago, MBA Group had no cross-media work to speak of, Aintaoui said. Today, 20 percent of its work includes cross-media components—a figure he expects will continue to grow.

A digital printing and publishing pioneer as well as marketing expert, Barbara Pellow, InfoTrends Group Director, helps companies develop multi-media strategies. She assists companies in creating strategies to launch new products, building strategic marketing plans, and educating their sales force on delivering value.

Chris Bondy is Group Director of Cross-Media Workflow Solutions at InfoTrends. In this capacity, he works with technology vendors, print/marketing service providers and enterprise marketing executives on strategy and technology implementation planning through custom engagements and services.

This article was excerpted from Customized Communications: Cross-Media is Taking Hold, published by InfoTrends, January, 2011. To download your free copy of this paper, please go to

*Source: InfoTrends, Capturing the Cross-Media Direct Marketing Opportunity, 2010.

One 8.1%

Two 30.5%



Five or more 2.7%

Don’t know 8.3%

Success is not an accident. It takes up-front planning and flawless execution. Business Development support from Xerox can help you with both.Utilizing the industry’s most comprehensive collection of ProfitAccelerator® Business Development tools, along with the industry’s most knowledgeable business development consultants, Xerox can help you grow a successful digital business.

You can utilize our Business Development Resources…With ProfitAccelerator, you have access to both printed and electronic tools, kits, guides and programs that can guide you through the business development process. Resources range from financial modeling software to sales and marketing, to application development and so much more. And you’ll find tools are targeted at particular roles in your organization: executives, sales and marketing or operations. You can use these tools when and where it suits your business, on your time schedule.

Or we can do it for you…If a do it yourself (DIY) approach is not for you, Xerox Business Development Training and Professional Services are available to help. For an affordable fee, we can support your staff with Xerox consultants or through our network of industry consultants for onsite or online professional and training services.

Add to that free Thought Leadership Workshops and Business Development Webinars and you’ve got a comprehensive plan for consistent and substantial growth. Ultimately, though, Business Development is about more than a set of tools or services. It’s about finding the right option of support to fit your business combined with the Xerox team that is dedicated to helping you grow and succeed.

Turbocharge Your Printing Business Results

“ Sales reps sell to people, so they need to be trained by people. Xerox offered a business development expert who was ready to help support and engage with us.”

– Rhonda Perry Vice President of Sales Angstrom Graphics

Agency and Design Resources


Digital Business Resources

Financial Resources

Sales and Marketing Resources

Determine how to achieve top-line growth and bottom-line profit with digital printing.

Help sales and marketing staff generate new business, increase print volume and target new customers.

Help develop partnerships— and business—with this highly influential graphic communications segment.

For more information, please visit

Paper and Media Resources

Training and Consulting Services and Support

Application and Development Resources

Provide digitally optimized media and specialty substrates to capture new revenue and application opportunities.

Provides your organization a competitive edge with Business Development Services, technical and integration support.

Provide how-to assistance for developing some of digital printing’s most lucrative applications.

ProfitAccelerator Continuous Feed Essentials Kit assembles key resources for accelerating your businessIf you are a continuous feed print provider looking to fuel your business, Xerox® ProfitAccelerator Digital Business Resources offer a wealth of tools for you to choose from—more than 100 in all. And to help you do more every day, Xerox has compiled the most relevant resources for continuous feed into the new ProfitAccelerator Continuous Feed Essentials Kit, designed specifically to accelerate your business and get the largest return on your investment.

The kit’s tools address key issues in all critical areas of the business. Here’s a brief overview of its contents.

Sales and Marketing ResourcesContinuous Feed Prospecting Guide—helps uncover new continuous feed digital print applications and opportunities.

ProfitAccelerator Marketing Accelerator Kit—provides guidance for developing or updating a marketing plan that drives business volume.

ProfitAccelerator Open House/PR Kit—provides tools for creating, implementing and hosting a successful open house event and for creating a public relations campaign.

Samples Print Kit—offers PDFs of sample prints and printing instructions for use in promoting continuous feed outstanding image quality and capabilities.

Case Studies—give examples of how customers are succeeding with a variety of continuous feed applications like direct marketing and TransPromo.

Application Development ResourcesPersonalization Book—describes strategic issues, technical concepts and market opportunities in variable data printing, focusing on best practices, prospects and business models that can optimize variable data printing profits.

individualized Media Essentials Book—covers marketing tenents for maximizing impact by utilizing personalization in communications as well as production considerations for achieving maximum ROI with variable data printing.

Financial ResourcesValue-Based Pricing Guide—specifies value-based digital printing practices and provides worksheets and examples for developing a services business model to successfully manage a digital printing business.

ProfitQuick® Brochure—describes available financial modeling software that will determine the impact and ROI of adding digital production equipment.

Agency and Design ResourcesPre-Press for Digital Printing Book—provides digital file preparation information for graphic designers, university professors and equipment operators.

New ProfitAccelerator® Kit Gives Your Continuous Feed Business the Tools Needed to Grow

Get growing todayFor more information about Business Development support and to learn more about our comprehensive portfolio of world-class resources, contact your Xerox Representative or visit us at

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20 realbusiness Spring 2011

At NextGeneration Printing, located in Lake Mary, Florida, it’s all about the customer. “We’re a little different than the average commercial printer in that we handle each order in a personalized manner,” remarks Frank Nathe, owner of NextGeneration Printing. “About 80 percent of digital files that are submitted will fail for some reason or another, and our policy is to deal with the customer and give them the opportunity to have it fixed.”

The strategy has proven successful, as customers around the world place orders for a range of applications, from full-bleed business cards and UV coated postcards to die-cut folders and wide format posters. NextGeneration Printing has become a leading communications provider to businesses worldwide, offering a full menu of customer-oriented services ranging from offset and digital printing to video production. And they accomplish it all with only two people.

Utilizing Duplo’s DC-645 and DF-1000 Folder, NextGeneration Printing is able to offer its customers personalized and quality service... with only two employees ... by Diana Salgado

Doing More with Less

Spring 2011 realbusiness 21

The Digital FactorWhen NextGeneration started in 2002, Nathe embraced both offset and digital printing technologies and produced 90 percent of jobs on offset. Five people were employed at the time, among them a pressman and a bindery operator, to run equipment. As digital print jobs began to grow, offset printing became outsourced and the number of employees was reduced to two. Now, with one other person, Nathe runs a very efficient operation.

Although the company does outsource certain work, such as mailing, to a network of vendors that help fulfill the ever-changing demands of customers, printing has mainly remained in house.

With a digital press in place, producing quality-finished products quickly and efficiently became the new challenge. Documents were being folded on an aging folder that generated both toner cracks and heavy static. In addition, the guillotine cutter made finishing business cards time-consuming and unproductive. For a company that strives for quality and efficiency, toner cracking concerned Nathe the most. “I was afraid to lose repeat business because of it,” he recalls. “If you can deliver a high-quality product without the cracking, the customer is going to come back and buy more. If not, they will go with somebody else, so we decided to do something about it.”

Finishing All-in-OneLooking to add automation and versatility, Nathe attended a trade show in search of a combined slitter/creaser and a folder. “I was thinking it’d be nice to have the slitter and creaser in one piece of equipment, but I couldn’t find it at first,” he explains. But then Nathe came across two pieces of equipment designed to meet his needs: Duplo’s DC-645 Slitter/Cutter/Creaser and the DF-1000 Folder.

With the ability to eliminate toner cracks as well as white borders in a single pass, the DC-645 provides the automation and ease of use to finish work professionally and productively. “We’ve programmed all 80 job memories, so our work really is done quickly,” he remarks. “And being able to set something up is easy.” Nathe also added the optional business card module which has made it simple to process full-bleed business cards in a matter of minutes. The DF-1000 Air Suction Folder proved

ideal for folding and removing static build-up on both Nathe’s offset and digitally-printed documents. With the multi-finisher in place and the folder processing jobs without any static, NextGeneration Printing increased their efficiency and

productivity more than ever.

Doing More with Less“Our business is designed to be highly efficient. We only have two employees and I think we probably own the worldwide record for sales per employee of any printing company,” says Nathe. “Our entire strategy and operation is about efficiency. Everything that we’re doing, from the website to the Duplo equipment, is so we can run from a PC. And that’s the key to productivity. I had four employees when I started, now it’s just two of us and we’ve continued to grow,” Nathe adds. Printing on demand and with a productive finishing workflow to match, NextGeneration Printing is a prime example of a shop that truly does more with less.

Diana Salgado is a marketing specialist for Duplo USA Corporation. For more information, please visit or call 800-255-1933.

“Our business is designed to be highly efficient. We only have two employees and I think we probably own the worldwide record for sales per employee of any printing company.”

– Frank Nathe

22 realbusiness Spring 2011

Over the years “Your Brand, Enlightened” has been the cornerstone of Utah-based Zen Print’s marketing slogan and corporate culture. They work hard to allow their customers to focus on their own business and to let the experts at Zen to do the marketing and branding of their customers’ ideas and businesses. They have been a customer of Xerox for many years, starting off with a DocuColor® 252. As business continued to grow, Zen grew into a Xerox iGen3®.

Zen decided to apply the same attention to detail and energy to launch their company into the ever-growing digital print, photo book/photo album market, which seemed a natural for them… with a twist. Instead of just offering photo book solutions through their corporate accounts, Zen took it one

step further. They opened their first retail outlet in the University Mall in Orem Utah, in what they believe will be the first of many such locations. Customers enter a high-end, smartly designed photo and accessories store. They drop off their photos in any medium that they have and return later for a photo book or photo album. They can even sit down with a Zen master and design the book on-site using Digilabs software and the advice of a well-trained expert. Everything can be custom-made and designed while they shop.

This unique experience and customized product allows Zen to offer a personalized solution to a new customer base before untapped by Zen’s own marketing arm. They are designing these solutions using a Fastbind H32pro to design custom/

personalized covers; the Fastbind Booxter Duo to quickly bind personalized photobooks; and the Fastbind F32 Fotomount to bind elegant layflat albums. The ease and speed at which these solutions work in conjunction with Zen’s expertise and Digilabs software allows Zen’s mall customers the ability to design and pick up their custom solution in a fraction of the time it takes to order these online and wait for them to be shipped in.

Doug Houser is vice president of Sales and Marketing for FastBind USA, a Xerox Business Partner. For more information, please visit or call 954-357-1180, ext. 502.

Your Brand, EnlightenedZen Print offers customers personalized service while they wait ... by Doug Houser

ARIA Resort and Casino Wins Big with Fiery for Xerox iGen4

ARIA Resort and Casino needed a powerful, user friendly, feature rich digital press and print server that could produce high quality materials for its grand opening and beyond.

In the midst of construction at the ARIA Resort and Casino, just months before the December 2009 grand opening of the stunning 61 story property at theLas Vegas City Center, Joseph Padian and a team of three began an extensive search for a digital press.

Padian launched the search with a clearly defi ned list of requirements

©2011 EFI. All rights reserved.

for the digital press and for a print server that could process photo quality images and complex print jobs both for the launch and beyond. The best product combination would be fast, easy to use, powerful, and offer a variety of features all essential for the thousands of printouts needed for the grand opening.

Additionally, there was one caveat the digital press, as with all other materials used for and in the ARIA building, had to meet specifi c environmental standards so ARIA could receive LEED Gold certifi cation from the U.S. Green Building Council.

After an extensive search, the EFI™ Fiery® for the Xerox® iGen4™ was selected because it offered a long list of high end features and capabilities it was fast and could handle complex jobs, met environmental standards, and fi t ARIA’s space requirements.

“The quality we can achieve through this product

combination is unmatched compared

“ Fiery has always been

unbelievably easy

to use. It doesn’t get

more effi cient than

a Fiery.”

– Joseph Padian, Document Production Specialist

to any other product out there,” says Padian.

With the Fiery for iGen4, ARIA enjoys an optimal printing experience and outstanding results. It delivered in spades for the resort’s grand opening four million printouts in two months and continues to command rave reviews. Today, the digital press produces more than 800,000 printouts each month for the ARIA and four other MGM properties.

“The iGen4 handles anything we throw at it,” says Padian.

“Fiery has always been unbelievably easy to use. I’ve always liked the Fiery interface and it has only gotten better. It doesn’t get more effi cient than a Fiery.”

For the complete ARIA case study, please visit www.efi .com/fi ery/ariastory

For more information, call 800-875-7117 or visit www.efi .com/fi ery

“If at first you don’t succeed…” philosophy leads printer to take a fresh approach ... by Susan Weiss

Thomas Edison once said, “I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is another step forward.” As we all know, Edison’s “try, try again” attitude led to inventions that changed the world. A similar willingness to look at a challenge in a new way, and to shake things up when necessary, has given rise to exceptional digital and financial outcomes for Angstrom Graphics.

Angstrom Graphics changes its digital course— with great results

24 · realbusiness Spring 2011

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“It has also opened doors to other emerging technologies that we can offer our clients, as well.” A second AG OnDemand campaign is in the works. In addition to a PURL, this one will include a QR code—giving customers and prospects instant access to more information via a device such as a mobile phone, while providing AG OnDemand instant response.

Second time’s a charmThe team at AG reworked their digital plan until they got it right. That it’s working, and working well, is undeniable. “We have a way to go, but our digital printing business has doubled over the past year and we anticipate achieving our goal,” states Perry. AG is forecasting that $2.5 million in its overall revenue growth will come from its on-demand business. That’s a result even Thomas Edison would applaud.

Giving digital room to grow AG OnDemand was soon born. This new AG unit is housed with the Xerox® iGen4 in its own section of the Cleveland facility. Throughout 2010, AG divided up its sales force and developed the AG OnDemand sales team. The five-member team, three of whom transitioned from offset sales, is dedicated exclusively to digital printing and ancillary front-end and post-print solutions.

The reps have received targeted training from Xerox which has been so effective, offset sales reps are knocking on Perry’s door requesting the same training. They “are seeing the excitement and increased business that the OnDemand reps are getting,” says Perry.

The best way to demonstrate emerging technologies? Try them yourself.AG OnDemand has been capitalizing on emerging technologies, including PURL (Personalized URL) and QR (quick response) code, to promote its own services while demonstrating what’s possible to customers. An AG OnDemand direct mail promotion featuring a PURL yielded a solid 3.91 percent response rate over two months, especially impressive since 70 percent of the audience were prospects vs. existing customers. The PURL was clearly effective at driving response, plus it offered opportunities to gain valuable data from respondents.

“That campaign created an opportunity for us to really get engaged in the process of selling and managing PURL campaigns for our clients,” Perry notes.

Today, nearly 30 percent of Angstrom Graphics’s (AG) business comes from non-offset revenues. In the three years since joining the digital ranks in 2007, AG enjoyed an impressive 35 percent combined growth rate. But the Cleveland, Ohio, based web and sheet-fed printer’s initial foray into digital, with the purchase of a Xerox® iGen3® Digital Production Press, got off to a slow start. The technology received a lukewarm reception from AG’s 10-person sales team. Trying to assimilate a digital device into a sales infrastructure that rewarded offset success proved challenging. “When you have a sales rep that can sell a $110k web offset job or a $1k digital job, what do you think they are going to focus on?” says Rhonda Perry, AG’s vice president of sales.

Rather than backing away from digital, however, AG executives decided it was time to go down a different path. They purchased another digital device and committed to reinventing their digital sales strategy.

People-first approach wins the dayThis time, AG vowed to get hands-on business development support. “Sales reps sell to people,” says Perry, “So they need to be trained by people.” After looking at several vendors, AG opted for a Xerox® iGen4® Press. “Xerox offered a business development expert that was ready to help support and engage with us,” according to Perry. That expert, Julie Higgins-Schmidt, brought an objective eye to the situation. For this second leg of AG’s digital journey, Perry and Mark Berkey, AG’s president and COO, worked with Higgins-Schmidt to create a marketing plan that included a detailed strategy for organizing AG’s digital business unit while also providing for support and training.

“ The OnDemand reps are able to present themselves better and gain access to higher-level staff in client organizations, and this is creating new opportunities.”

– Rhonda Perry Vice President of Sales

Full-service graphic solutions provider, Angstrom Graphics, packs cross-media business development capabilities in its creative toolbox, delivering their customers online marketing programs, PURL campaigns, e-mail marketing and more.

26 realbusiness Spring 2011

From direct mail to transaction to TransPromo; from single to multichannel; from generic one-way contacts to personal two-way conversations. As these underlying techniques have been applied in the fi eld, companies have steadily improved the customer experience. Now combining all these together is the next level of engagement—Customer Communications Management (CCM). Enterprises like telcos, utilities, fi nancial services, insurance, healthcare, and retailers are among the many exploring CCM solutions. It’s a prime time for print service providers to get involved, too.

CCM strives for the perfect blend of multimedia delivery and relevant messaging to inspire customer interaction and ultimately capture business profi ts and other benefi ts, utilizing four main ingredients: customer insight, communication, multichannel engagement, and response management.

PersonalizationThe benefi ts of personalization have been established for years. Multi-media campaigns and CCM apply what we already know about personalization on a broader scale, but the basic tenent remains: messages should be personally developed

for your target customers. CCM strategies apply customer and preference data to the overall communication design, whether that’s email, print, personalized web page, social media presentment, or some other channel. Then, as campaigns produce results, the personalizatiotn is studied and adjusted.

Multichannel CommunicationAccording to research fi rm InfoTrends, more than 60 percent of businesses indicated improvements in response rates, customer acquisition, retention, and satisfaction when using multimedia campaigns. Furthermore, InfoTrends noted consumers

Customer Communications Management: Take Engagement to a New Level ... by Scott Baker

Spring 2011 realbusiness 27

Customer Insight


Multichannel Engagement

Response Management

that use at least three channels when shopping spend up to ten times more than a single channel consumer, generating 25–50 percent more profit.

Multimedia campaigns give customers more gateways to interact with you at the time and place most convenient for them. The more frequently your target customers see you in the right places, with the right message, the more they take notice and the faster they respond. And sometimes, alternative channels let you tap into a whole new customer base that you couldn’t engage with before.

Multichannel with a Single Voice and ViewClearly, multichannel communications are important, but it’s not as simple as pushing everything through every channel. Such heavy handedness will increase your expenses and decrease customer satisfaction. Channel choices increase almost daily, and businesses must communicate through the channel that the customer responds to best. The key is to support all possible channels and let recipients choose their preferred medium.

Another word of caution. Pushing your brand across different channels will definitely get you noticed, but make sure they don’t also perceive you as different companies, which can happen if your branding isn’t consistent across all the channels. Also pay attention to maintaining a single customer view across all communications from an enterprise. CCM-focused tools like GMC software are designed to integrate your message and communications.

Four main ingredients—customer insight, multichannel engagement, communication, and response management create the perfect blend of delivery and messaging to inspire customer interaction and capture business results.

28 realbusiness Spring 2011

Customer Interaction Gets InnovativeSo, you’ve delivered personalized campaigns across multiple channels. Now comes the time to realize the fruits of the labor—the customer interaction. It’s the key to profits, the sweet spot, the grail–the two-way conversation with your customers.

Find as many ways as you can for a customer to interact with your business. Some of the methods companies use today include:

• Online Voting Polls

• Automated Calls

• Social Media Messaging


• On Demand Publishing

• QR Codes

• Web Links

Lessons from Response Management You’ve developed highly personalized campaigns delivered through multichannels. Customers have interacted through various methods. Now it’s time to manage those responses and act on what you learn.

Every interaction provides information to help you assess what you’re doing right and what could be done better next time. Use the responses to build new surveys to increase insight and better understand customer preferences. Cycle the information back into core systems and customer data repositories, and strive for that single customer view that shows you’re paying attention.

According to Forrester, 2009, 85 percent of customers use at least one technology to avoid marketing messages. Unless you come up with something they care about, customers are ready to ignore you, too.

The difference between CCM and what has gone before is that CCM addresses the entire process of capturing customer preferences and using this insight to develop ever more relevant communications.

CCM helps you deliver ever more effective, relevant and ultimately profitable multimedia campaigns that customers won’t ignore. The practice of response management promotes better customer insight, stronger segmenting and refined targeting.

The Standard in Customer CommunicationsData, personalization, online delivery, surveys, multiple channels, customer databases, interactive print—suddenly, this CCM seems to be getting very complicated. Not to worry. Automation, the backbone of customer communications management, makes your systems do all the work.

With tools like GMC’s campaign management and process automation solutions, you can deliver multiple effective, personalized campaigns regardless of complexity of campaign or volume of customers. GMC is the standard in customer communications management, with a suite of tools to help users:

• Design relevant communications with customer data provided online and offline

• Automate approval processes for greater efficiency and accuracy

• Automate production and validation of millions of personalized communications

• Deliver communications through customers’ preferred channels from just one platform

• Manage and monitor campaign activity and results

• Capture customer preference and build a data repository

• Employ measurement and response analytics

• Manage and track multiple campaigns

end-to-end from a central point

From Communications to Conversations to ConversionsThe difference between CCM and what has gone before is that CCM addresses the entire process of capturing customer preferences and using this insight to develop ever more relevant communications. Closing the loop with inbound and outbound capabilities takes campaigns from a finite end-to-end process to a continual engagement cycle. The more effectively you converse with customers, the more likely you are to

convert their interest to action.

Scott Baker is the vice president of Worldwide Channels for GMC. He can be contacted at [email protected].

echo’s Capitol Idea Boosts College AdmissionsCross-media campaign helps Laurel, Maryland-based college quadruple applicationsand double admissions while helping echo grow strategically... by Karin Stroh

Capitol College in Laurel, Md. had long relied on traditional static direct mail and response cards in its student recruitment.

Not far away in Baltimore, Md., echo communicate inc. was executing a new strategic plan to target the many colleges, universities and non-profi t organizations in the region for its printing and marketing services. When echo called on Capitol, they found an admissions staff that wanted to improve its student recruitment.

“Capitol was looking for strategic help to get more out of what they were doing, which was basically spray-and-pray direct mail,” said Robert Blakely, vice president, Business Development, echo communicate. “For us, it was a case of good timing.”

It was also a case of good fortune for Capitol College. echo’s programs subsequently enabled Capitol to quadruple applications and double enrollment. Now echo is also helping Capitol improve its alumni fundraising, and building on its success to win additional work in its target markets.

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For echo, the success helped it capture additional business with Capitol College, as well as with other targets. Following the initial campaign, echo orchestrated the college’s first-ever alumni fundraising campaign by a just-formed development office. On an $11,000 budget, echo developed a direct mailer that generated $125,000. Now echo will continue to run Capitol’s alumni giving campaigns as well as its admissions recruitment direct marketing.

A Cross-Media SolutionFounded in 1977, privately-held echo communicate provides a range of services that help clients create an “echo effect” to gain and keep customers, convert leads and manage distribution. Their services include printing, collateral management, warehousing and fulfillment, creative services and data-driven, multi-channel direct marketing.

echo chose to focus on higher education and non-profits not only because they are abundant in the Baltimore area, but also because they are somewhat recession-proof. “No matter how bad the economy is, we must continue to reach out to prospective clients,” said Blakely.

Capitol College knew it could do better with its direct mail. “They wanted to increase inquiries, response rates, campus visits, meaningful engagement and enrollment,” Blakely said. “And they wanted to lower or maintain their costs.”

The “I am Capitol” campaign echo developed delivered personalized messages to each target across multiple communications channels. It was based upon creative elements developed by Capitol, and their internal data files and external lists that included information about student interests and possible majors for more than 20,000 prospects. The campaign’s first wave was a mailer—printed on their Xerox® iGen4® Press—paired with an e-mail, each personalized to reflect the recipient’s academic interests, inviting them to visit a personalized URL (PURL).

One significant population was missing, however: contacts made at ongoing college fairs. To reach them, echo created a static version of the postcard, which enabled those prospective students to also create PURLs.

Prospects who visited their PURLs could view a personalized campus tour video, fill out pre-populated financial-aid estimators and application forms, and sign up for text updates on open houses and admissions deadlines. Depending upon their interactions, any of 20 personalized follow-ups were possible. The PURL evolved throughout the application and enrollment process to remain a valuable resource.

The echo EffectThe campaign’s results vastly exceeded Capitol College’s expectations. An impressive 29 percent of recipients visited their PURLs, including 75 percent of those contacted from college fairs and social media. By quadrupling applications over the previous year, Capitol was also able to raise the quality of its student body by selecting students from a deeper applicant pool, even as it doubled enrollment.

Capitol also reaped administrative and cost benefits. Because echo’s automated system handled much of the recruitment processing, Capitol’s admissions counselors were able to devote more time to counseling. And the campaign still was 10 percent less expensive than the previous year’s.

In its most recent admissions campaign, echo incorporated QR codes that permit prospective students to access relevant information instantly from smart phones. These pieces are produced efficiently because PersonalEffect software from XMPie, A Xerox Company, coordinates all the campaign elements, including the QR codes. “XMPie is the only game in town when you want a single solution that touches all these components,” Blakely said.

These projects have been a springboard for echo to admissions and alumni fundraising work at a number of other area schools, including Johns Hopkins University and Towson University.

Now that’s an echo effect.

“ No matter how bad the economy is, we must continue to reach out to prospective clients”

– Robert Blakely Vice president Business Development echo communicate

With the echo effect, data-driven communications get the right message to the right person—improving response rates and results. See how at

Chart courtesy of echo communicate inc.

32 · realbusiness Spring 2011

Direct marketing is making a comeback at Rome, N.Y.-based Cathedral Corporation. Not that it ever actually went away.The 90-plus-year-old fi rm has produced direct mail since its earliest days providing fundraising and other stewardship services for churches. But where transactional work delivered Cathedral’s greatest growth from 1995 to 2005, direct marketing has performed that role of late, helping to drive 8–10 percent overall growth each of the last few years despite the recession.

“Full-color printing, PURLs and multi-channel communications are driving better results, and that has picked up our direct marketing,” said Marianne Gaige, president and chief executive

offi cer, Cathedral Corporation. “Almost all the direct marketing we do now has an e-component.”

That includes work for the Roman Catholic diocese in Erie, PA, which in 2009 became the fi rst U.S. diocese to run a multi-channel fundraising initiative. The campaign won a 2010 Direct Marketing Association Innovations Award, punctuating Cathedral’s direct marketing resurgence.

Yet Cathedral’s transactional initiatives also thrive. Last year, the fi rm’s redesign of Citadel credit union’s statement into a transpromotional piece won a Best-of-the-Best award from the Xerox Premier Partners Global Network of leading print providers. And overall, transactional work and direct marketing each account for about half of Cathedral’s annual revenues of $25 million from 5,000 not-for-profi ts and businesses in a wide range of industries nationwide.

“Cathedral competes with a strategy that we call customer intimacy,” Gaige said. “We wrap our arms around our customers and say we’ll provide any variable data

Long-time leader in data-driven communications drives growth with innovative TransPromo and direct marketing applications ... by Gina Testa

Cathedral Corporation Delivers Award-Winning Customer Intimacy

Cathedrals’ multi-media campaign included a series of direct-mail postcards with PURLs, driving recipients to personalized web pages and doubling response rates.

Spring 2011 realbusiness · 33

communications they need. We want to build relationships and lead them to the future of print with email, PURLs, SMS text, presentment on the Web and QR codes. We become part of a solution, part of their growth.”

Innovative Direct MarketingThat is certainly the case at the diocese of Erie, where Cathedral is delivering a significant fundraising boost. Like most Roman Catholic dioceses in the northeastern United States, participation in Erie’s annual fundraiser has declined significantly over the last decade. Most dioceses seek to win back lapsed donors with relatively expensive direct mail programs, which historically deliver nominal returns of 0.5 to 2 percent.

To reinvigorate Erie’s 5,000 lapsed donors, who had not contributed over a four-year period despite annual solicitations, Cathedral proposed a multi-media, personalized URL campaign. “Rather than just ask them for money, we tried to reconnect with them,” said Gaige. “It was bold: We’re not hearing from you. Do you identify with this organization any more?”

A series of three consecutively mailed postcards asked, “What Does Being Catholic Mean to Me?” and provided a PURL where personalized follow-ups helped recipients reconnect. The fourth mailer was a fundraising solicitation.

The results: the response rate doubled to 12 percent, with more than 600 contributions totaling more than $125,000 and an impressive 900-percent return on investment.

Cathedral has also benefited by continuing to work with the diocese—in the 2010 campaign, all targets received PURLs— and by introducing PURLs to the campaigns of several other dioceses.

Merging StatementsCitadel credit union had a different challenge: capturing growth in an expanding market. The institution with more than a dozen branches in southeastern Pennsylvania, United States, sought to boost member satisfaction and attract new members.

A first step: improve its dated, monochrome member statements, which were so hard to understand that additional call center staff was required after each mailing due to high call volume from confused members.

Initially, Citadel sought a straightforward redesign that used highlight color to focus reader attention on key data, such as deposit and loan balances. Eventually, however, they settled on full-color statements, which still focused reader attention, but also looked better and opened up new promotional and cost-reduction opportunities.

Consequently, they cut postage fees by merging member rewards statements with the monthly statements. And they created marketing opportunities with space for as many as 10 unique marketing messages—including variable photos— to 10 different member groups in each statement cycle.

Now, more than 200,000 full-color Citadel member statements are produced monthly in tight, 72-hour turnarounds, on a Xerox® 980 Color Continuous Feed Printer. “That’s what’s so critical about the 980,” Gaige said. “We can’t sell full color and meet our service level agreement without the 980’s speed and quality.”

The solution has delivered as promised. Significant cost savings have been realized in production, materials and postage costs. Citadel now runs a leaner call center. Member satisfaction is high. And Citadel is meeting its growth objectives.

“Programs like these are the future of marketing in this age of the Internet,” Gaige said. And Cathedral clearly is among the leaders in delivering them.

“ Full-color printing, PURLs and multi-channel communications are driving better results, and that has picked up our direct marketing. Almost all the direct marketing we do now has an e-component.”

– Marianne GaigePresident and Chief Executive Officer Cathedral Corporation

Cathedral helped Citadel Credit Union replace their monochrome statements with full color statements, merging unique marketing messages and variable images with the statement. The results: Citadel has cut costs, reduced postage fees and improved customer satisfaction.

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The Print Scene

New York, New York – Print service providers and Xerox partners from Central America and the Caribbean attended the Real Business Live event, New Revenue and Growing Profits in Digital Prints, held at the New York Knowledge Centre on September 2010 in conjunction with the US Tennis Open.

Taipei, Taiwan – Peter Muir, President of Bizucate, wraps up the first of five Fuji Xerox Innovate’10 events held around the Pacific rim. In total, 624 people attended the five events.

Chicago, Illinois – Bo Jackson talked about his own real-world transformation at the Xerox Marketing Keynote at Graph Expo. He also gathered quite a crowd at the Real Business Live stage as he continued to captivate the audience with transformation anecdotes.

Flushing, New York – One hundred twenty-five influential industry analysts, advisors and press from around the globe converged at New York’s Citi Field on Sept. 21, 2010, for a Xerox Real Business Live! event. Among the many highlights of the briefing, Xerox Chairman and CEO Ursula M. Burns participated in a lively, fireside chat with CNBC business anchor Maria Bartiromo.

Chicago, Illinois – After a long day of exploring the show, Graph Expo guests get ready to set sail on the Roaring ’20s Chicago Cruise aboard the famous Odyssey.

Cologne, Germany – John Fitzgerald of Fitzlab shares how he transformed his photo lab business through high margin photo book applications for inclusion in virtual Photokina. Go to to hear his complete story.

Everything starting tolook alike?

With so much information fighting for consumers’ attention and so many competing personalization software products, how do you find the right solution in a flock of offerings that appear to be the same on the surface? One that makes your marketing stand out. One that elevates your business above the competition.

For many, the answer is black and white. There is only one... XMPie.

One company on the forefront of personalized, cross-media communications offering scalable, modular, award-winning solutions for print, e-mail, Web and mobile.

One solution that integrates the planning, creation and production across all media channels to deliver highly-effective, personalized marketing campaigns.

One partner that delivers expertise, support, and services to make YOU a success.

For more information, go to

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Work that rocks. Celebrating the leaders of the digital printing world.

Premier Partners, enter your best work by April 1, 2011, at

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