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Issue 18 Term 4, Week 6 Thursday 23rd November, 2017

the Xavier NewsA Catholic school in the Salesian tradition

School Diary

Year 12 Graduation Dance Practice Tuesday 28 November & Wednesday 6 December, 6.30pm

Year 8 2018 Parent Night Wednesday 29 November, 7pm

Don Bosco Youth Group Sunday 3rd December, 5pm-7.30pm

ATSI BBQ Tuesday 5th December, 5pm

Presentation Assembly (2017 Years 8-11) Wednesday 6 December, 9.30am

Year 9 - 12 Finish, normal dismissal time Friday 8 December

Year 8 2018 Orientation Day Monday 11 December

Year 12 Graduation Dinner Monday 11 December, 7pm

Front Office Closed all day Thursday 14 December

Front Office Closes for 2017 Friday 15 December, 12pm

Front Office re-opens for 2018 Monday 22 January, 2018

Term 1 start, Year 12 Monday 29 January

Term 1 start, Year 8 Tuesday 30 January

From the Principala home

The 2018 Academic Year has commencedThis week marks the start of the changeover of the academic year for all students at Xavier College. This initiative is designed to help students at all levels remain engaged in their learning to the last day of the school year. Over recent years, senior students have commented that they go into the Christmas break confident with their subject selections and have a sense of direction and understanding around the expectations for the year ahead. Middle school students likewise ease into their new academic program and start building relationships with their teachers and peers.

Annual Presentation Morning assembly (Wednesday 6 December 9.30am start)Due to the increased seating capacity of our new Gymnasium (Sir Doug Nicholls Gymnasium) all students are now able to attend our Annual Presentation Assembly. Previously the event was held at night, with only room for award winning students and their parents. All parents of award winners will be contacted and invited to the ceremony. We extend the invitation to all parents to attend this assembly and ask you please contact Carolyn Pape via email [email protected] to let us know that you will be attending.

Traffic / Road usage reminder• Can I ask that all drivers please adhere to the “No

Standing” traffic by-laws on Mallala Road.

• Students are not to cross Mallala Road to access the College. The exception is obviously community members that live opposite the College on Mallala Road.

• Parents and students please adhere to speed restrictions around and within the College.

• A reminder that tailgating is not only dangerous but illegal. Please drive with respect for those on the road. I encourage all community members that witness such activities to ring the police and report them.

St Patrick’s Technical CollegeMr Lynn Martin is a member of the St Patrick’s Technical College Board and attends the annual St Patrick’s Technical College Graduation and Awards dinner. In his absence, I have been attending the Board meetings and I was present at their Graduation and Awards dinner last Friday night. The Graduation was a great event and I congratulate their school community.

Xavier College has a close rapport with St Patrick’s Technical College and it was great to see many of our previous students graduate and chat with them about their employment opportunities.

In 2018 we have over thirty Year 10 students that will move to St Patrick’s to finish their education. I look forward to hearing their success stories over the next few years and beyond.

It is hard for our school to lose these students both from a relationship point of view (what these students bring to our school) and financially. However, Xavier College is about equally promoting all pathways with the best outcome for each individual student at the heart of what we do.

Mr Mark Flaherty Acting Principal

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34th Sunday of Ordinary Timea parish

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the UniverseThis week is the final Sunday of the Church’s year. The new liturgical year begins with the Season of Advent starting on Sunday 4th of December. This Sunday’s liturgy is celebrated as the Feast of Christ the King – reminding us of a very imperial model of church and theology that reflected the structure of the Roman Empire and later, Feudal Europe. To have the below Gospel reading on the feast of Christ the King is a powerful reminder of how Jesus envisaged the Kingdom of God. For Jesus, the Kingdom was not a rule of power and status but a rule of justice and peace for even the lowliest. It is an apt conclusion to the liturgical year.

Jesus said to his disciples: ‘When the Son of Man comes in his glory, escorted by all the angels, then he will take his seat on his throne of glory. All the nations will be assembled before him and he will separate men one from another as the shepherd separates sheep from goats. He will place the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left. Then the King will say to those on his right hand, “Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take for your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me drink; I was a stranger and you made me welcome; naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and you came to see me.” Then the virtuous will say to him in reply, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you; or thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger and make you welcome; naked and clothe you; sick or in prison and go to see you?” And the King will answer, “I tell you solemnly, in so far as you did this to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did it to me.” Next he will say to those on his left hand, “Go away from me, with your curse upon you, to the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. For I was hungry and you never gave me food; I was thirsty and you never gave me anything to drink; I was a stranger and you never made me welcome, naked and you never clothed me, sick and in prison and you never visited me.” Then it will be their turn to ask, “Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty, a stranger or naked, sick or in prison, and did not come to your help?” Then he will answer, “I tell you solemnly, in so far as you neglected to do this to one of the least of these, you neglected to do it to me.” And they will go away to eternal punishment, and the virtuous to eternal life.’ (Matthew 25:31-46)

ReflectionThis week’s gospel is the final passage in Matthew’s gospel before the passion narrative – the death and resurrection of Jesus. As such, it provides a powerful end point to the teaching ministry section of the gospel. In many ways this passage can be seen as a summary of Jesus’ vision for the Kingdom – a world in which the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked and the imprisoned are treated with respect and dignity as a child of God. This is exactly what Jesus himself did throughout his ministry and it is what all Christian people are called to do.

Like the virtuous people of the passage, there are many times when we do not know the good work that we do. There are many times when our positive interaction with another person can be the difference between hope and despair for that person – and we may never know the difference we have made in their life. The challenge presented by Jesus is that whenever we see a person in need our response to them should be as if we were responding to Jesus himself.

But what of the times we fail to respond to the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked and the imprisoned? Who are they for us? … That irritating person who we’ve never been able to get along with? … That person who’s just arrived in the country and can’t speak the language properly? … That kid who always looks dirty and nobody talks to? … That girl who’s no good at relating to other people and everyone avoids her? … The homeless man in the street who asks for money? … The asylum seeker fleeing their country who didn’t go through all the right channels to immigrate? … Lord, when did we see you, and not come to your help?

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a school Transport ExcursionA group of students from Years 8, 9 and 10 participated in an adventure excursion around Gawler on Thursday 9th November, gaining knowledge in the services available in the local area, and gaining skills in communication, transport and money handling. Student responses were:

I learnt there are multiple employment places and everything is close - if you don’t have a car you just walk.I’ve learnt that the police station is very informative and a place to go if you lose something.I’ve learnt that you can do a driving test at Services SA.I learnt new areas in Gawler, Santi.

We got to pick groups and names. We were the Xavier Warriors, Lauren.

I enjoyed meeting new people and me being the captain was fun, Ayeisha.

I’ve learned places you can go to help get work, Mason.

I liked visiting the park, Zac.

I learnt that even having a disability you can get a job, Katrina.

I enjoyed the beautiful weather and a lovely walk, Georgia.

I enjoyed having no school, getting to walk around Gawler and sit in the park eating Maccas, Michael.

It is fun to get around places instead of going to school, Liam.

I just enjoyed walking around and exercising my legs, Callum.

Thanks so much for the support in organisation and assistance on the day from Mrs Adla Mattiske and Mrs Karen Hennessy.

Mrs Jo Bakker Coordinator of Adaptive Education

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Year 8 City ExcursionThe Year 8 students recently travelled to Adelaide for Xavier’s annual City excursion. Students attended Mass at St Francis Xavier Catholic Cathedral and also undertook a walking tour of the Adelaide CBD. The main purpose of the excursion was to establish the link between the Cathedral in Wakefield St and Xavier College and

to give students a chance to visit a range of iconic places in Adelaide.

Students were able to identify the location of many significant places such as the Art Gallery, Adelaide University, the SA Museum, Elder Park, Parliament House and Government House.

Extended time was also given to visiting the famous Adelaide Central Market, where students were able to experience many of the culinary delights that are on offer.

Mr Rob Polito

Xavier College was proud to host an introduction to Kaurna Language Course. Members of the Gawler community took advantage of this opportunity to learn more about Kaurna Language and Culture. The course was facilitated by Kira Bain from Taoundi College. The course consisted of greetings, birth order names, numbers, days of the week and songs. The course was a great opportunity to learn more about Kaurna Culture and kinship systems.

I thought the course was informative and fun. It gave a good insight into language and also culture of the Kaurna people. I would definitely recommend it to others. Gail Darby

It was great to be able to share this learning experience with members of our wider community. There were several people from the Department of Environment, Water and Natural Resources, teachers from Immanuel Lutheran School Gawler, TAFE and members of the Gawler community were also part of this course along with staff

and students from Xavier College who took the opportunity to learn more about Kaurna language and culture.

Mrs Adla Mattiske Indigenous Education Focus Teacher

Kaurna Language Classes

The Premier Jay Weatherill and Minister Susan Close have announced a major funding boost for Catholic and Independent schools.

Catholic schools in South Australia will receive an additional $14.3 million in recurrent funding in 2018.

The government has also made a commitment to provide

a capital grant of $5.5 million per annum. This grant will commence in 2018 and be indexed annually to CPI.

“We welcome this $19.8 million announcement and the direct impact it will have on the 46,000 students in Catholic schools in South Australia,” said Dr Neil McGoran, Director of Catholic Education South Australia.

$19.8 million for SA Catholic Schools

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a playground Year 9 Challenge Camp

Occhiena and HandleyA beautiful warm day greeted the Year 9s in Mylor on Monday of Week 5, and after a brief chat, students settled in to their dorms and prepared for their afternoon of challenge activities. Students had a range of activities to complete over the next three days, including; bridge building, high ropes, river race, and the notorious ‘mud’ challenge to name a few. By far the mud challenge appeared to be a favourite – students raced one another through an obstacle course, where midway they had to crawl through up to 12 inches of mud.

After a delicious lasagne meal on the first night, and some free time, the students settled into the dining room for a quiz and by 10.30 they were in their dorms.

The great weather continued on Tuesday as did the great activities. Then after dinner we enjoyed a liturgy followed by a digital presentation containing many of the photos that were taken over the two days.

Despite the inclement weather on Wednesday, the students threw themselves into their challenges. However, as the weather seemed to be getting worse the Directors made a call and shut it down early to allow the students to get changed and dry.

Overall the Year 9 Challenge Camp was an overwhelming success, where students were pushed beyond their comfort zones to help build resilience and their friendship groups.

Mr Daniel Hickey, Occhiena House Director

de Sales & Mazzarello For de Sales and Mazzarello students the Year 9 Challenge Camp lived up to its title. Students, staff and instructors alike had to overcome the unprecedented wintery, wet weather conditions before they could begin the planned activities.

This did little to dampen spirits as students impressed staff with their attitude and courage in facing challenges – whether that be the heights of the high ropes course, the mud in the challenge course, the focus required for archery, or the teamwork and leadership needed in the bridge building and river race activities.

Students were a credit to themselves and we’re sure this experience will become a treasured memory to reflect on in the years to come.

Mrs Adele Justice, de Sales House Director

Student commentsI enjoyed the staff and how they kept everything fun. Even if you didn’t do (part of an activity) they would encourage you and always make you laugh – Teagan Kerr

I liked the challenge course and all the water activities but I didn’t like doing them in the cold rainy weather. I loved the bonfire! – Chelsea Mifsud

I loved the food and doing the activities. The river race and the bridge building were the highlights for me. – Kieran Roche

I like how understanding the staff and instructors are and how they are willing to help others overcome challenges. – Amy Roberts

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Community NoticeboardXavier College provides this information for families and asks that consideration be given to the usefulness and appropriateness of the information.

Providing the information does not of itself infer any recommendation.

Year 11 & 12 2018 SACE Headstart Preparation Program

Mon 15 Jan - Thu 18 Jan

“I am so confident now, I don’t think I would have been feeling this way if it wasn’t for these seminars.” - C. Caut

“These seminars are extremely useful going into year 12 and really do give you a Headstart to the year.” B.Benassi

“Improved my confidence in all topics SIGNIFICANTLY.” J. Bobolka

“For the best results in Year 12, these seminars are the way to go!” Paula

Phone 82317776 or enrol online: Education Consultants L30, 91 King William St Adelaide

Accommodation needed - can you help?

Country family from the mid north (Mother, two students

and dog!) looking for paid accommodation

in Gawler or close by, for 2 days/one night a week in 2018 to reduce travelling pressure to

and from Xavier College.

Thinking along the lines of empty rental/ house sitting/air bnb type

of arrangement.

If you can help please contact the College via email:

[email protected]

TALENT QUEST Sunday 26th November 2.00 pm


A Soloist … do you sing in a group?

Do you play in a band?

Are you a comedian or

Do you dance??

REGISTER NOW Email [email protected]

Tel 1300 655224

With your name, your contact details, your age and your performance details

===================================== SPONSORED BY THE

BALAKLAVA TOWN HALL Judges : Liese Gordon and Peter Gordon : nearly 50 years experience in teaching music, choirs,

instrumentalists and much more

DON BOSCO YOUTH GROUPSunday 3rd December,

5 - 7.30pmin the Old Xavier College Gym:

1 Kentish Road, Gawler Belt

involving fun, games, sport, prayer.

All secondary students welcome!

for more information contact:

Mr David Smith [email protected]

Fr Brian Ahern [email protected]

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Wellbeing and resilience trainingFree community workshops for people impacted by the Pinery Fire

The Wellbeing and Resilience Centre at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI), in partnership with your local community worker, is delivering a workshop over two half days to build on the wellbeing and resilience of people affected by the Pinery fires.

Pinery Community Wellbeing Workshop

Monday 27 November, 9am - 2.30pmMonday 4 December, 9am - 2.30pmThe workshop runs over two half days

Freeling Recreation ParkHanson Street

These two half-day workshops are a great opportunity to build on your resilience skills, and form a part of recovery following the Pinery Fire. The TechWerks Resilience Skills training program will equip you with a toolkit of practical skills, focusing on PERMA+: positive emotions; engagement; relationships; meaning; accomplishment.

Register via email: [email protected]

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1 Kentish Road, Gawler Belt SA 5118 Telephone 08 8523 0088 Facsimile 08 8523 0916

Postal Address:PO Box 72, Kapunda, South Australia 5373

Telephone: (08) 8525 3200Email: [email protected]

Principal Office Website: Branch Office93 Main Street, Kapunda, SA 5373 12 Hanson Street, Freeling, SA 5372Fax: (08) 8566 3262 Light Regional Council ABN: 35 455 841 625 Fax: (08) 8525 2441

Doc ID: 266532

9 November 2017

To Parents and/or Caregivers of a Person with a Disability

An invitation to provide feedback on the draft Barossa, Light and Lower NorthRegional Disability Access and Inclusion Plan

Light Regional Council is in the process of developing a Regional Disability Accessand Inclusion Plan with three neighbouring Councils (The Barossa Council, Town ofGawler, and Adelaide Plains Council).

I value your insights and experience, and would like to offer you the opportunity toprovide input towards the refinement of the draft Plan.

From Wednesday 8 November 2017 to Friday 1 December 2017 the draft Plan willbe available for public inspection during office hours at both of Council’s Offices; 93Main Street, Kapunda, & 12 Hanson Street, Freeling as well as the Kapunda,Freeling and Greenock Libraries. 

Alternatively, the document can be downloaded from Council’s website

You are invited to provide written submission on the draft Barossa Light and LowerNorth Disability Access and Inclusion Plan via the following options:

Mail: PO Box 72 Kapunda SA 5373

Email: [email protected]

Written submissions regarding the draft Plan must be received by Council by 5pm onFriday 1 December 2017. All submissions will be reviewed and used to shape the final document which will be considered by the four Councils.

If you have any questions or require further information, or would prefer to provide feedback on the draft Plan via an alternative method (e.g. face-to-face discussion), please do not hesitate to contact me on 8525 3200 during office hours.

Yours sincerely

Lorinda BayleyCommunity Development Officer

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