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Page 1: The windows socket

The Windows Socket

Programming Tutorial

Welcome to the Windows socket programming tutorial. Here you'll find out how to program your own

internet applications. The guide assumes no prior knowledge of programming with Windows Sockets,

although you need a working knowledge of C. The tutorial starts off very simple and will eventually build up

to an advanced level so you can understand how to program your own code for hacking applications.

Please feel free to report any bugs, typos etc. There was one that crept into the pop client in part two of the

tutorial, but this has been fixed (cheers Bone Digger).

There's also the potential for a buffer overflow in the program (cheers mnemonix). I haven't bothered to fix

that as there are lots of areas in all the programs which need better error trapping (virtually non-existent on

purpose to keep the code easier to follow and understand). I will be putting a fully debugged and error

trapped program example in the final part of the tutorial to show how to develop all of the frameworks

illustrated into robust code. As this is going to be a custom firewall, it will need it ;)

I've had quite a few requests for C tutorials since I started this guide. There are plenty of beginners tutorials

out on the web. I've downloaded and reviewed quite a few rather than write my own. If you haven't used C

before, I would recommend the following guide :-

Coronado Enterprises C Tutor version 2

This is an excellent beginners guide and covers virtually everything you will need to know to understand the

socket programming tutorial. It's also freeware. I've included it on the menu under downloads. File size is

192kB. I did not write the C tutorial, but if you have any questions about it, I'd be more than happy to answer

them as I'm recommending it.

If you don't have a C compiler for windows, you can download the Windows port of the Linux GCC

compiler package. You will also need the RSXNTDJ package to allow you to program apps for Windows.

Both of these packages (along with many other useful tools) are freely available from

Part One of the Socket tutorial describes in more detail what you will need and how to set up the compiler.

The Rota

Page 2: The windows socket

Internet Programming with Windows - A Tutorial

Part 1

By Gandalf [email protected] (c) Feb 2000



What You Will Need

Compiler Comments

The Internet


The Windows TCP/IP Stack

Our First Program Using TCP/IP - WHOIS.C

Conclusion and What’s Next


I decided to write this tutorial mainly as a means of getting my head

around programming Internet applications under the Microsoft Windows

OS. This is a topic that is not always easy to understand. There are

many web sites, references and books on the subject, but it takes a

lot of hard work to plough through them all to sift the good stuff

from the junk.

Let me say one thing from the start. I don't like Windows, never have

and I suspect I never will. I've been a Unix and Linux user (Minix

before Linux came out) now for longer than I care to remember. Linux

is probably the best and easiest OS to use for developing Internet

applications. There are lots of applications and programs available

freely for Linux, most with freely available source code. Whenever

I've wanted to develop a specific tool under Linux, I've done what

probably most Linux users pieces of code and patch in

whatever else is needed to perform the required task. It’s pretty easy

to do without necessarily understanding the underlying principles.

Yeah, things go wrong, but a bit of tweaking usually gets you there in

the end.

So why did I decide to do this under Windows?

Good question.

I started to use Windows more and more since Win95 came out as my

profession called for me to keep up with understanding Windows as well

as Unix. When I found myself having to develop Windows applications, I

immediately started using Visual Basic so I could code easily rather

than have to learn Windows programming with C++. I've been a C

programmer for about 15 years, but mainly on Unix. I've never used C++

much before, and until recently, I thought it was a pre-requisite for

programming under Windows (fool I hear you say).

Page 3: The windows socket

The main problem I've got with programming under Windows is that most

freely available source code is written to use the GUI. It always

seems that 90% of the code goes towards "making things pretty" etc. To

a non-Windows guru, this can be very daunting, as it's almost

impossible for a person not used to C++ to decipher what the hell is

going on.

It came to head recently when I wanted to write an application to

allow me to retrieve multiple emails from multiple POP servers into

one big email spool. I wanted to be able to be read the spool via a

single mail editor, and have the editor fill my reply email headers


So I decided to get to grips with both C programming for Windows and

also accessing the functions within the winsock.dll. After that, I

decided to dig deeper and delve into coding direct without using the

Winsock dll.

Anyway, enough of the ramble. This tutorial should grow on a weekly

basis (it'll take me a week or so to write each section as I decipher

my own notes I wrote whilst exploring this) and will cover Internet

programming using mainly C routines for Windows.

The plan is to start simply by accessing the Winsock dll for all

initial programs. At each stage, a brief explanation and useful

working source code will be presented to explain various concepts. All

programs have been written as command line programs. No GUI, so the

code is easier to understand.

The tutorial will build up to a much more advanced level, resulting in

the development of a complete new Winsock dll with a lot more callable

routines that the hacker and phreaker will like!

Some assembly language programming will be required for later stages

of the tutorial, but I'll be releasing these routines as a dll for

anyone who doesn't want to learn assembly, but still wants to access

the routines.

All of the way through the tutorial, explanations of the underlying

concepts of internet programming will hopefully be built up to an

advanced level. For example, from the outset various Internet

protocols will be described very briefly. Further on in the tutorial,

each of the protocols will be explored to a byte level.

What You Will Need

A basic understanding of C.

A C compiler for windows.

Suitable Windows libraries (mainly Winsock and ICMP).

Windows 95/98 or NT.

The desire to learn.

For those who have never programmed in C before (and I'm not talking

about for windows), then you will need to download one of the many C

programmers tutorials/guides/references that are freely available on

the net. Ignore any that are windows related, as I will be including a

brief chapter on using C to program Windows apps. If you can

Page 4: The windows socket

understand Basic or any other programming language, C shouldn't be

much of a problem.

C compilers are available free for download. For learning basic C then

I would recommend Borland's TurboC. They have released version 1 (I

believe) for free download, although it won't be suitable for Windows


I use the free GCC package with RSXNTDJ (also free) for developing

Windows apps. These are downloadable from The main

reason I use this is that it is a port of the Linux GCC package, so

I'm familiar with it.

Alternatively, you can buy, beg, steal or borrow a commercial copy of

whatever compiler you want.

Windows libraries can be downloaded from Microsoft’s SDK pages

(although I couldn't find a one for ICMP). For the GCC package you

don't even need the libraries as you can convert the equivalent dll's

into .a libraries using the makelib tool supplied.

All the routines presented in this tutorial have been tested under NT4

Service Pack 5. I make no guarantees they will work with other win32

OS's although they should. If you run into problems, then email me and

I'll try to come up with a solution.

Compiler Comments

Unfortunately I will have to restrict comments in this section to the

use of GCCW32 and RSXNTDJ as I don’t have access to any other win 32

compilers. If anyone wants to give feedback on using other compilers,

then please email me and I’ll include it in the updates (along with

your email address so you can get the why doesn’t this work questions)

With these packages, you can’t use the standard Lib’s that come with

the Microsoft SDK, however there is a MAKELIB utility program that can

convert MS DLL’s into a .a library.

According to the specs, the header files included with RSXNTDJ state

that WINSOCK is supported up to and including version 2.0, however, I

could not get programs to compile with NT4.0 SP5’s wsock32.dll after I

converted it using MAKELIB. You can set up RSXNTDJ and GCCW32 to use

the MS SDK headers, but as the SDK is a hefty download I have not

tried this. I will eventually get round to trying it and will update

this section.

Until then, I am using an older version of Winsock that was left under

my system32 directory after an update and had been renamed as

wsock32n.dll. This appears to be version 1.1, but works OK.

You will need to convert both wsock32n.dll and icmp.dll into .a

libraries using the MAKELIB utility.

Unfortunately, the help file that comes with RSXNTDJ is wrong, so

here’s the protocol:-

Page 5: The windows socket

Copy wsock32.dll and icmp.dll into your rsxntdj/lib directory, then

from a command prompt type the following: -

makelib wsock32n.dll –o libwsock.a

And also: -

makelib icmp.dll –o libicmp.a

In your makefile for gccw32, reference these as –lwsock and –licmp

E.g. for the first program that we will compile (whois.c), the

makefile looks like this: -

PROJECT = whois

OBJS = whois.o

LIBS = -lwsock

include ..\..\rsxntmak.gnu

(Make sure the path for rsxntmak.gnu is correct for your system)

The Internet

I thought a very brief introduction to the Internet and some basic

terminology might be a good idea to jog people’s memory on certain

points, and maybe clear up a few misconceptions. This is general, the

following sections will relate specifically as to how Windows handles

Internet access. It all starts very basic, but by the end of the

tutorial it will get pretty hairy.

There are billions of computers connected to the Internet, some via

dial up when needed, and others, which have a permanent "live"


To connect to the computer you want to talk to, you need some way of

identifying this computer. It will have a unique "name" and also an IP

address, which is a 32-bit number.

The "name" will never change unless the user decides to connect to the

internet via a different dial up account, but the IP address may do,

especially for most dial up ISP’s

"Names" are specified by a convention called DNS, which stands for

Domain Name Service. RFC’s 1032, 1033, 1034 and 1035 cover DNS for

those who want to delve deeper.

OK ... let’s take a practical example.

Let’s take my account I use to post to PHUK as an example.

The unique "name" is

The IP number changes every time I dial up the account.

So how are these all related?

Page 6: The windows socket

We’ll start with the name. A DNS name has the following format: -


There can be many of the subdomain bits. In my case, com is the

domain, freeuk is a subdomain and gandalf is the subdomain within


The IP Address

We will discuss the IP protocol later on in this section, but for now,

it is sufficient to say that IP stands for Internet Protocol and the

IP address is the basis for identifying all computers on the internet

(and indeed often on private networks). An IP address consists of four

octets that define a unique address e.g.

When I connect to and successfully login, their server

assigns an IP address to my computer. This is different every time I

login. It is a dynamic IP address, i.e. it only relates to my computer

for the duration of my connection to the Internet.

Some ISP’s issue static IP’s, where even if you aren’t connected the

same IP address is reserved for your computer.

The handling of DNS name and equivalent IP address is done by the

ISP’s Nameservers.

Part Two of the tutorial will dig deeper into IP address classes and

subnets etc.


There are quite a few protocols that need to be understood to get to

grips with writing your own Internet applications. For this part of

the tutorial, we don’t need to know the protocols in depth. But I’ll

briefly describe some of them here. Part Two of the tutorial will

discuss all the protocols to a byte by byte level for those who really

want to know how things work.


When you use dial up networking to connect to your ISP, Windows uses

the PPP protocol to talk to the ISP’s computer. PPP stands for Point

to Point Protocol. It handles negotiation of baud rates etc and also

gets an IP address from the ISP.


The Internet Protocol is responsible for transporting data packets

across the Internet and is primarily used by the routers to give them

enough information to get the data packets to their destination.

Sometimes IP may fragment data into smaller chunks, where each chunk

may arrive at the destination in any order and by different network

routes. It is the responsibility of IP to reassemble everything back

into the correct order.

Page 7: The windows socket


IP by itself is not a very reliable protocol as it sends info out and

doesn’t ever check to see if it gets to the destination. This is

usually the job for TCP, which stands for Transmission Control

Protocol. Any Internet application that requires reliable data

transfer (e.g. HTTP, POP, SMTP etc) uses TCP to handshake the data

transfer. TCP runs on top of IP


UDP is also a transmission protocol called the User Datagram Protocol.

Unlike TCP it doesn’t use handshaking, so it is much faster but not as

reliable. It is often used for streaming audio or video over the

Internet. Like TCP, UDP runs on top of IP


ICMP stands for Internet Control Message Protocol. It is closely

related to IP (in fact it is usually encapsulated within the IP data

packets). It is used by programs such as PING etc to check if parts of

the Internet are up and running. It is not often used for much else

(from the Windows user perspective), but it is used extensively by all

of the routers on the Internet.

That’s all we’ll say about protocols at the moment until part two of

the tutorial. We’ll present a few programs at the end of this

tutorial, which will demonstrate the use of windows socket programming

using TCP/IP and also ICMP.

The Windows TCP/IP Stack

The Windows TCP/IP stack (the Winsock dll) takes all the hard work out

of programming Internet applications. It handles lower level access

for protocols such as TCP, UDP and IP. A separate dll (icmp.dll)

handles the ICMP protocol.

We will introduce all gently to programming via the various Windows


This just about reaches the end of the first part of the tutorial. Hey

says all, where’s the code and examples?

Okay, the first part of the tutorial (the download you are reading

now) is a basic introduction as to why I decided to write this

tutorial. It hopefully gives a basic explanation of various protocols

that will be explored in continuing parts of the tutorial. Without

these, people who want to learn from scratch will be out of their


So, I can’t leave this without giving a bit of code for all to try.

The following program provides a template for TCP/IP access using C.

Page 8: The windows socket

Yes, if you want to do other things, you will have to understand the

relevant RFC’s and will also need to use a few more routines from the

Winsock dll.

What we have presented so far should give you a basic framework to

allow you to layout your own programs.

Don’t worry if you don’t want to, the second tutorial is all about

implementing routines from the Winsock dll. It has plenty of examples

covering TCP/UDP and ICMP.

Our First Program Using TCP/IP - WHOIS.C

Whois will be familiar to Linux users. If you want to find out

information about a certain DNS name, you can run a whois query to

find out information on network address numbers, administrative

contact details and valid name server’s etc. Official whois servers

exist all over the world. A couple of the most useful ones are (for com, net, org and edu domains) and (for,,, etc).

The program accepts one or two command line arguments: -

Whois domainname whois.server and saves any query results to a file

called whoislog.txt.

So, for example, if I wanted to query about, I would use: -


If the second argument is missing, the program automatically uses

Here is the output for a query on -

Whois Session Started Sat Feb 26 23:52:33 2000.

Connecting to

Domain names in the .com, .net, and .org domains can now be registered

with many different competing registrars. Go to

for detailed information.

Domain Name: FREEUK.COM


Whois Server:

Referral URL:

Name Server: NS0.FREEUK.NET

Name Server: NS1.FREEUK.NET

Name Server: NS2.CLARA.NET

Updated Date: 15-sep-1999

Page 9: The windows socket

>>> Last update of whois database: Sat, 26 Feb 00 02:54:30 EST <<<

The Registry database contains ONLY .COM, .NET, .ORG, .EDU domains and


So what happens if I want to query my own freeuk account:-



Whois Session Started Sun Feb 27 17:33:41 2000.

Connecting to

Domain names in the .com, .net, and .org domains can now be registered

with many different competing registrars. Go to

for detailed information.

No match for "GANDALF.FREEUK.COM".

>>> Last update of whois database: Sun, 27 Feb 00 02:36:32 EST <<<

The Registry database contains ONLY .COM, .NET, .ORG, .EDU domains and


So why didn’t it find my account?

Well Internic only handles registered domains and not subdomains. We

will find out in part two of the tutorial how to query freeuk to find

out details on subdomain accounts.

Anyway, here is the program listing. There is a download section at

the end of this tutorial with links to download the source, libraries,

makefile etc for this and all subsequent programs in this tutorial.


* whois.c


* (c) Feb 2000 by Gandalf



#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

#include <windows.h>

#include <winsock.h>

#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN /* define win 32 only */

void handle_error(void); /* Error handler routine */

void write_file(char *buf); /* Write details to log file */

int main (int argc, char **argv)


WORD wVersionRequested; /* socket dll version info */

Page 10: The windows socket

WSADATA wsaData; /* data for socket lib

initialisation */

SOCKET sock; /* socket details */

const int BUF_LEN=10000; /* Buffer size for transfers */

struct sockaddr_in address; /* socket address stuff */

struct hostent * host; /* host stuff */

int err; /* error trapping */

float socklib_ver; /* socket dll version */

char File_Buf[BUF_LEN]; /* file buffer */

char DomainName[100]; /* domain name from user */

char HostName[100]; /* host name from user */

time_t now; /* for date and time */

if (argc < 2) /* check we have command line

options */


printf("\nUseage: whois domainname [whois.server]\n");



strcat(DomainName, argv[1]); /* get domain name from command line */

strcat(DomainName, "\r\n"); /* add crlf as whois servers expect it


if (argc == 3)

strcat(HostName, argv[2]); /* get host name from command line */


strcat(HostName, "");

wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 1, 1 );


* We need to call the WSAStartup routine BEFORE we try to use any


* the Winsock dll calls.


if ( WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ) != 0 )


/* Check socket DLL supports 1.1 or higher */

socklib_ver = HIBYTE( wsaData.wVersion ) / 10.0;

socklib_ver += LOBYTE( wsaData.wVersion );

if ( socklib_ver < 1.1 )


printf ("\nError: socket library must support 1.1 or


WSACleanup(); /* clean up before exit */



/* write current date and time to log file and screen */


sprintf(File_Buf, "Whois Session Started %.24s.\n\n", ctime(&now));



* Open a socket. The AF_INET parameter tells windows we want to use

Page 11: The windows socket


* internet. Other parameters for different networking can be chosen


* for netbios, IPX etc. The SOCK_STREAM parameter lets windows know

we want

* to use TCP rather than UDP, and the final parameter will always


* zero for what we want to do and tells windows to use whatever

* default communication protocol has been established (eg PPP and



if ( (sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET )


/* We now need to initialise a couple of variables in the address

* structure. Once again, to tell windows we are using the


* and also what port we want to use when connecting to a remote

* computer. In this case it is port 43 which is the standard port


* whois. The htons routine is used to convert the way Intel chips

* store data in memory, which is different compared to many other


* The standard is based on Motorola format.


address.sin_family=AF_INET; /* internet */

address.sin_port = htons(43); /* port 43 for whois */

/* write to the log file and screen */

sprintf(File_Buf,"Connecting to %s\n", HostName);



* host is a pointer to a structure of the predefined type hostent.


* need to call gethostbyname with the DNS name we want to use to


* a pointer to a hostent structure. This is so we can resolve an


* address from our ISP's nameserver.


if ( (host=gethostbyname(HostName)) == NULL )


/* we then initialise the address structure with the resolved IP

address */

address.sin_addr.s_addr=*((unsigned long *) host->h_addr);

/* Now we're ready to actually connect to the whois server itself


if ( (connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *) &address, sizeof(address)))

!= 0)



Page 12: The windows socket

* We should be connected to the whois server at this point

* so we need to send the domain name and wait for the response.

The send

* and recv routines are always used with TCP. These enable


* compared to the sendto and recvfrom routines which are used for


* protocol, ie without handshaking.


strcpy(File_Buf, DomainName);

err=send(sock,File_Buf,strlen(File_Buf),0); /* send domain name */

err=recv(sock,File_Buf,BUF_LEN,0); /* discard first

response */

err=recv(sock,File_Buf,BUF_LEN,0); /* get query results

back */


/* Always call WSACleanup before exiting */

WSACleanup(); /* clean up before exit */



void handle_error(void)



* Errors are handled by calling the WSAGetLastError routine which

* will return the last error as one of the following. As we


* this tutorial, we will go into much more detail on what they


* and what caused them.


switch ( WSAGetLastError() )



printf("Unable to initialise socket.\n");



printf("The specified address family is not supported.\n");



printf("Specified address is not available from the local




printf("The attempt to connect was forcefully rejected.\n");



printf("address destination address is required.\n");



printf("The namelen argument is incorrect.\n");



printf("The socket is not already bound to an address.\n");



printf("The socket is already connected.\n");

Page 13: The windows socket



printf("The specified address is already in use.\n");



printf("No more file descriptors are available.\n");



printf("No buffer space available. The socket cannot be




printf("The specified protocol is not supported.\n");



printf("The specified protocol is the wrong type for this




printf("The network can't be reached from this host at this




printf("The descriptor is not a socket.\n");



printf("Attempt timed out without establishing a




printf("Socket type is not supported in this address




printf("Network subsystem failure.\n");



printf("Authoritative Answer Host not found.\n");



printf("Non-Authoritative Host not found or SERVERFAIL.\n");



printf("Non recoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED,




printf("Valid name, no data record of requested type.\n");



printf("address blocking Windows Sockets operation is in




printf("The (blocking) call was canceled via



default :

printf("Unknown error.\n");



Page 14: The windows socket




void write_file(char *buf)


/* writes results to a log file and also to the screen */

FILE *fp=fopen("whoislog.txt","a+");





So...that was our first program using TCP/IP. It is a basic template

for virtually any program you will want to do using TCP/IP. All you

need to do is change any of the relevant details such as domain name,

port, data to send depending on what type of server you are trying to

connect to. For example, if you wanted to connect to a POP server,

then you would change the domain name to the name of the POP server

(e.g. You would also change the port number to 110,

and once a valid connection has been established, change the send and

recv part of the program to negotiate collection of your email. For

virtually all recognised data transfer protocols such as POP/SMTP etc,

there is an RFC that covers the required send and receive string

formats. For POP it is RFC1725 and for SMTP it is RFC1869. These are

freely available on the web.

Conclusion and What’s Next

Okay...Nothing difficult so far.

We have discussed a few protocols, and we have introduced a simple

program that can be compiled and used under windows to do a domain

name enquiry.

The basic framework won’t change for the next tutorial.

Part Two of the tutorial will illustrate further programs that access

the Winsock dll. We will also introduce accessing the ICMP dll.

Anyway, enough for now. Check back in a couple of weeks for part two

of the tutorial.

Send any feedback, errors, typos and wants to [email protected].

The Rota

BlueCrab Ltd

Page 15: The windows socket

Internet Programming with Windows - A Tutorial

Part 2

By Gandalf [email protected] (c) Mar 2000





Simple POP Email Client

Sending Emails by SMTP

Using UDP/IP

Conclusion and What's Next


Some of the programs presented in this tutorial may be illegal to use

unless you have permission from the owner of the server you attempt to

connect to and also to the recipient of any email's you send. If in

doubt, don't do it. You can of course use these freely on your own

network if you own one. If you want to try anything out, then consider

setting up a Linux Box to act as a server so you can experiment in

peace without any fear of reprisal. Everything presented in this

tutorial should be treated as a theoretical discussion of what is

possible. The author will not be held responsible for actions of

anyone using material from this tutorial for illegal purposes.


Hopefully we've all survived part one of the tutorial. Part two is

going to start off pretty much where part one left off. We will start

by putting together a more advanced program using TCP/IP that will

allow you to retrieve emails from a POP account into a mail spool

file. We will also develop a program to allow you to send emails via

smtp. This will include falsifying header information. The programs

are going to be fairly rudimentary, but will provide a nice framework

for those who would like to develop their own email client.


I've mentioned RFC's briefly in part one of the tutorial. We are now

going to use information from various RFC's in some detail.

So what are RFC's ?

Page 16: The windows socket

Every protocol that exists on the net, whether it's for handling mail,

news, web site access or anything else you care to consider, there is

an RFC for it.

RFC stands for Request for Comments, and the whole of the internet and

it's associated protocols are based on them. If you want to develop or

understand any Internet application, you need to read the associated


You can find a list of all RFC's used so far in this tutorial at

The RFC's themselves are also downloadable or readable from links on

the index page.

I will eventually be putting ALL rfc's online over a period of time,

with a search facility.

OK, on with the tutorial, let's start with a bit of programming.

Simple POP Email Client

Let's continue where we left off in the first part of the tutuorial by

developing another TCP/IP program. We will put together a basic

framework to allow you to connect to, and negotiate downloading POP

mail from your POP server. As usual, we will be presenting a piece of

code that is functional rather then exhaustively error trapped to make

it easier to understand. There are comments in the code to suggest

areas that would need to be changed if you wanted to develop a robust

POP client capable of handling attachments etc, but this will do to

get you started. Later parts of the tutorial will be using this code

to develop a full multiple POP account client with SMTP posting.

The program uses a log file called poplog.txt to store what's sent to

and received back from the pop server so you can check for errors etc.

It saves all mails to a text mail spool called mailbox.txt complete

with headers.

Here's the code:-


* popclnt1.c



* A very basic pop client that retrieves mail from an account into

* a multi pop retrieval client in later parts of the tutorial with


* the extra error handling that's needed. Use this as a framework to

* develop your own pop client. This program doesn't delete any mails

* from the pop mail server, so you can try it out without being


* of losing any emails!


#include <stdio.h>

Page 17: The windows socket

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

#include <windows.h>

#include <winsock.h>


void handle_error(void);

void pop_error(void);

void write_file(int file, char *p);

int main (int argc, char *argv[])


const long BUF_LEN=60000;

/* 60000 char buffer. In real life we would have to allow for a much

* larger buffer than this to allow retrieval of long messages which

* might have attachments. We will be doing this in one of the later

* parts of the tutorial by using synchronised data flow with a


* buffer that downloads mails in smaller chunks.


const char POP_ERR_MSG[]="-ERR"; /* POP Server error

response */

const int LOG_FILE=1; /* write to log file */

const int MAIL_FILE=2; /* write to mail file */

const int SCREEN=4; /* display on screen */

WORD wVersionRequested; /* socket dll version info


WSADATA wsaData; /* socket lib

initialisation */

SOCKET sock; /* socket details */

struct sockaddr_in address; /* socket address stuff */

struct hostent * host; /* host stuff */

int err; /* error trapping */

float socklib_ver; /* socket dll version */

char * File_Buf; /* file buffer */

char * Rec_Buf; /* recieve buffer */

/* Fill in to suit your own account, increase array sizes if needed


char hostname[20] = ""; /* hostname for pop server


char username[20] = "username"; /* username */

char password[20] = "password"; /* password */

int i,j; /* general counters */

char tempbuf[20] = ""; /* temp string buffer for

parsing */

int num_flag=0; /* string parse flag */

time_t now; /* from time.h */

/* allocate dynamic storage from the heap */

File_Buf = malloc(BUF_LEN * sizeof(char) + 1);

Rec_Buf = malloc(BUF_LEN * sizeof(char) + 1);

wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 1, 1 );

Page 18: The windows socket

if ( WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ) != 0 )


/* Check socket DLL supports 1.1 or higher */

socklib_ver = HIBYTE( wsaData.wVersion ) / 10.0;

socklib_ver += LOBYTE( wsaData.wVersion );

if ( socklib_ver {

printf ("Error: socket library must support 1.1 or greater\n");


return 0;


/* get date and time to write to log file */


sprintf(File_Buf,"Pop Client Session started %.24s.\n\n",


write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, File_Buf);

/* open a socket based on TCP/IP */

if ( (sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET )


address.sin_family=AF_INET; /* internet */

address.sin_port = htons(110); /* pop port */

sprintf(File_Buf,"Connecting to %s\n", hostname);

write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, File_Buf);

/* DNS on hostname */

if ( (host=gethostbyname(hostname)) == NULL )


/* IP address for hostname */

address.sin_addr.s_addr=*((unsigned long *) host->h_addr);

/* try to connect to pop server */

if ( (connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *) &address, sizeof(address)))

!= 0)


sprintf(File_Buf, "Connected to %s\n", hostname);

write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, File_Buf);

err=recv(sock,Rec_Buf,BUF_LEN,0); /* get response from

server */

sprintf(File_Buf,"received: %s", Rec_Buf); /* should start +OK */

write_file(LOG_FILE, File_Buf);

if ( strstr(Rec_Buf,POP_ERR_MSG) != NULL ) /* check for errors */


strcpy(Rec_Buf,"USER ");

strcat(Rec_Buf, username);

Page 19: The windows socket

strcat(Rec_Buf, "\r\n");

err=send(sock,Rec_Buf,strlen(Rec_Buf),0); /* send username */

sprintf(File_Buf,"sent: %s",Rec_Buf);

write_file(LOG_FILE, File_Buf);

err=recv(sock,Rec_Buf,BUF_LEN,0); /* should recieve +OK


sprintf(File_Buf,"received: %s", Rec_Buf);

write_file(LOG_FILE, File_Buf);

if ( strstr(Rec_Buf,POP_ERR_MSG) != NULL ) /* check for errors */


strcpy(Rec_Buf,"PASS ");

strcat(Rec_Buf, password);

strcat(Rec_Buf, "\r\n");

err=send(sock,Rec_Buf,strlen(Rec_Buf),0); /* send password */

sprintf(File_Buf,"sent: %s",Rec_Buf);

write_file(LOG_FILE, File_Buf);

err=recv(sock,Rec_Buf,BUF_LEN,0); /* should recieve +OK


sprintf(File_Buf,"received: %s",Rec_Buf);

write_file(LOG_FILE, File_Buf);

if ( strstr(Rec_Buf,POP_ERR_MSG) != NULL ) /* check for errors */


strcpy(Rec_Buf,"STAT\r\n"); /* send stat command */


sprintf(File_Buf,"sent: %s", Rec_Buf);

write_file(LOG_FILE, File_Buf);


* should recieve +OK x y where x = number of messages

* and y is total octets. Note the buffers we have allocated

* would not be sufficient for a real pop client. They

* should be dynamically allocated here after checking the

* size of the waiting emails.



sprintf(File_Buf,"received: %s", Rec_Buf);

write_file(LOG_FILE, File_Buf);

if ( strstr(Rec_Buf,POP_ERR_MSG) != NULL ) /* check for errors */



* Now we need to work out how many emails we have to retrieve

* and set up a loop to get them all.


i = j = 0;

while (i {

if (Rec_Buf[i] > '0' && Rec_Buf[i] {

while (Rec_Buf[i] != ' ') /* space is end of

number */


tempbuf[j] = Rec_Buf[i];

Page 20: The windows socket





tempbuf[j] = '\0';




i = atoi(tempbuf); /* number of emails */

printf("There are %d message(s) waiting\r\n", i);


* At this point we should really be checking the length of each


* on the POP server and then either allocate dynamic memory, or


* still, try synchronised access which we will be doing in a later

* part of the tutorial. Until then, let's keep it simple. If you do

* have an email larger than the buffer, it won't do anything else

* other than crash the program!


for( j=1; j<=i; j++)


sprintf(Rec_Buf, "RETR %d\r\n", j); /* add number */

printf("Retrieving message number %d\n", j);


sprintf(File_Buf,"sent: %s ",Rec_Buf);

write_file(LOG_FILE, File_Buf);

err=recv(sock,Rec_Buf,BUF_LEN,0); /* +OK message will

follow */

sprintf(File_Buf,"received: %s ",Rec_Buf);

write_file(LOG_FILE, File_Buf);

if ( strstr(Rec_Buf,POP_ERR_MSG) != NULL ) /* check for errors */


err=recv(sock,Rec_Buf,BUF_LEN,0); /* retrieve the mail



write_file(MAIL_FILE, File_Buf);


printf ("All done\n\n");

/* send quit command then clean up */



sprintf(File_Buf,"sent: %s", Rec_Buf);

write_file(LOG_FILE, File_Buf);

/* deallocate buffer memory */



Page 21: The windows socket


return 0;


void handle_error(void)



* Errors are handled by calling the WSAGetLastError routine which

* will return the last error as one of the following. As we develop

* this tutorial, we will go into much more detail on what they mean

* and what caused them.


switch ( WSAGetLastError() )



printf("Unable to initialise socket.\n");



printf("The specified address family is not supported.\n");



printf("Specified address is not available from the local




printf("The attempt to connect was forcefully rejected.\n");



printf("address destination address is required.\n");



printf("The namelen argument is incorrect.\n");



printf("The socket is not already bound to an address.\n");



printf("The socket is already connected.\n");



printf("The specified address is already in use.\n");



printf("No more file descriptors are available.\n");



printf("No buffer space available. The socket cannot be




printf("The specified protocol is not supported.\n");



printf("The specified protocol is the wrong type for this




printf("The network can't be reached from this host at this


Page 22: The windows socket



printf("The descriptor is not a socket.\n");



printf("Attempt timed out without establishing a




printf("Socket type is not supported in this address




printf("Network subsystem failure.\n");



printf("Authoritative Answer Host not found.\n");



printf("Non-Authoritative Host not found or SERVERFAIL.\n");



printf("Non recoverable errors, FORMERR, REFUSED, NOTIMP.\n");



printf("Valid name, no data record of requested type.\n");



printf("address blocking Windows Sockets operation is in




printf("The (blocking) call was canceled via



default :

printf("Unknown error.\n");






void pop_error(void)


printf("POP Error, Check the Log File for Details\r\n\r\n");




void write_file(int file_type, char *p)


const int LOG_FILE=1; /* write to log file


const int MAIL_FILE=2; /* write to mail file


const int SCREEN=4; /* display on screen


Page 23: The windows socket

if( (file_type & LOG_FILE) != 0 ) /* add to logs */


FILE *fp=fopen("poplog.txt","a+");




if( (file_type & MAIL_FILE) != 0 ) /* add to mailbox */


FILE *fp=fopen("mailbox.txt","a+");




if ( (file_type & SCREEN) != 0 ) /* screen */





Log File Example after connecting to a POP Server:-

Pop Client Session started Tue Mar 28 22:27:06 2000.

Connecting to

Connected to

received: +OK CPOP v2.3 Ready for Action

sent: USER xxxxxxxx

received: +OK


sent: PASS xxxxxxxx

received: +OK


sent: STAT

received: +OK 1 7165

sent: RETR 1

received: +OK


sent: QUIT

Sending Email's with SMTP

Page 24: The windows socket

Now that we've seen how to retrieve emails from a POP server, we'll

take a look at how to send them with SMTP. Once again using TCP/IP. As

for the POP client, the program is a basic framework for you to

develop further. This will be our last TCP/IP example for a while.

Hopefully, the three programs we have presented so far will allow you

to develop your own TCP/IP applications by reading the relevant RFC's

to allow you to establish and use the required protocol.

Most email programs available for windows won't allow you to modify

certain headers and often put in additional header fields you might

not want to use. With this program, you can set up the "From:" field

if you don't want your real email address to be seen. It is

theoretically possible to use it to log onto SMTP servers where you

don't have an account and send emails from their server. Many SMTP

servers do not check user details, although a large number of UK ISP's

do check you are using one of their Dial Up Accounts before letting

you use SMTP to protect themselves from email spammers. You might of

course be logged in their log files if you aren't careful!

Anyway, let's take an example. The following program sends an email to

whoever has been specified in the RCPT TO: field, in this case, it

comes to my account. However, when I recieve it it will appear to have

come from Bill Clinton and should have been sent to President Putin.

Here's the source:-


* smtp1.c


* (c) Mar 2000 by Gandalf


* A very basic smtp program to send emails from a text file. Try it

out by

* sending an email to one of your mail accounts. Make your own email


* up with this, or add a few that maybe your current email program


* allow. This example will send an email to whoever you specify in


* field, but will appear to be intended for someone else, and of

course it

* will also appear to come from someone different to yourself!

* This is a technique often used by spammers. I don't agree with


* but the technique can be useful for other purposes.


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <time.h>

#include <windows.h>

#include <winsock.h>


void handle_error(void);

void smtp_error(void);

void write_file(int file, char *p);

int main (int argc, char *argv[])

Page 25: The windows socket


const int BUF_LEN=5000; /* send and recieve buffers


const int LOG_FILE=1; /* write to log file */

const int SCREEN=4; /* display on screen */

WORD wVersionRequested; /* socket dll version info */

WSADATA wsaData; /* socket lib initialisation


SOCKET sock; /* socket details */

struct sockaddr_in address; /* socket address stuff */

struct hostent * host; /* host stuff */

int err; /* error trapping */

float socklib_ver; /* socket dll version */

char * File_Buf; /* file buffer */

char * Rec_Buf; /* recieve buffer */

/* Change to use your own smtp host */

char hostname[20] = ""; /* hostname for smtp server


time_t now; /* from time.h */

/* allocate dynamic storage from the heap */

File_Buf = malloc(BUF_LEN * sizeof(char) + 1);

Rec_Buf = malloc(BUF_LEN * sizeof(char) + 1);

wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 1, 1 );

if ( WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ) != 0 )


/* Check socket DLL supports 1.1 or higher */

socklib_ver = HIBYTE( wsaData.wVersion ) / 10.0;

socklib_ver += LOBYTE( wsaData.wVersion );

if ( socklib_ver {

printf ("Error: socket library must support 1.1 or greater\n");


return 0;


/* get date and time to write to log file */


sprintf(File_Buf,"SMTP Session started %.24s.\n\n", ctime(&now));

write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, File_Buf);

/* open a socket based on TCP/IP */

if ( (sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET )


address.sin_family=AF_INET; /* internet */

address.sin_port = htons(25); /* smtp port */

sprintf(File_Buf,"Connecting to %s\n", hostname);

write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, File_Buf);

Page 26: The windows socket

/* DNS on hostname */

if ( (host=gethostbyname(hostname)) == NULL )


/* IP address for hostname */

address.sin_addr.s_addr=*((unsigned long *) host->h_addr);

/* Connect to smtp server */

if ( (connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *) &address, sizeof(address)))

!= 0)


sprintf(File_Buf, "Connected to %s\n", hostname);

write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, File_Buf);

err=recv(sock,Rec_Buf,BUF_LEN,0); /* get response from

server */

sprintf(File_Buf,"received: %s", Rec_Buf); /* write to logs */

write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, File_Buf);


* OK, now we send the usual expected string to the smtp host. This

* should be "HELO\r\n" Some smtp hosts check

* the domain out properly, but most don't. As long as it checks a

* rudimentary test to see if it could be a valid domain, the smtp

* host will usually accept it!


sprintf(Rec_Buf, "HELO\r\n");

err=send(sock,Rec_Buf,strlen(Rec_Buf),0); /* send expected

response */

write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, Rec_Buf);

err=recv(sock,Rec_Buf,BUF_LEN,0); /* get response from

server */

sprintf(File_Buf,"received: %s", Rec_Buf); /* write to logs */

write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, File_Buf);

sprintf(Rec_Buf, "MAIL FROM: [email protected]\r\n");

err=send(sock,Rec_Buf,strlen(Rec_Buf),0); /* send who it's from


write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, Rec_Buf);

err=recv(sock,Rec_Buf,BUF_LEN,0); /* get response from

server */

sprintf(File_Buf,"received: %s", Rec_Buf); /* write to logs */

write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, File_Buf);

sprintf(Rec_Buf, "RCPT TO: [email protected]\r\n");

err=send(sock,Rec_Buf,strlen(Rec_Buf),0); /* send who it's to.

This is */

write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, Rec_Buf); /* the last required

field */

err=recv(sock,Rec_Buf,BUF_LEN,0); /* get response from

server */

sprintf(File_Buf,"received: %s", Rec_Buf); /* write to logs */

Page 27: The windows socket

write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, File_Buf);

sprintf(Rec_Buf, "DATA\r\n"); /* Send a DATA command

which */

err=send(sock,Rec_Buf,strlen(Rec_Buf),0); /* tells the server

that all */

write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, Rec_Buf); /* else we send is

going to

* be our message with


* and the mesaage



err=recv(sock,Rec_Buf,BUF_LEN,0); /* get response from

server */

sprintf(File_Buf,"received: %s", Rec_Buf); /* write to logs */

write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, File_Buf);


* OK. At this point we can add as many headers as we want. Check


* the RFC's for all common headers


sprintf(Rec_Buf, "From: Bill Clinton

<[email protected]>\r\n");


write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, Rec_Buf);

sprintf(Rec_Buf, "To: Putin <[email protected]>\r\n");


write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, Rec_Buf);

sprintf(Rec_Buf, "Subject: Congratulations\r\n");


write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, Rec_Buf);

/* Done with headers, so let's add the message body */

sprintf(Rec_Buf, "\r\nDear President Putin\r\n");


write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, Rec_Buf);

sprintf(Rec_Buf, "\r\nCongratulations on your recent appointment ");


write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, Rec_Buf);

sprintf(Rec_Buf, "to President of Russia\r\n");


write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, Rec_Buf);

sprintf(Rec_Buf, "\r\nI remain, your most faithful servent\r\n");


write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, Rec_Buf);

sprintf(Rec_Buf, "\r\nBill");


write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, Rec_Buf);


Page 28: The windows socket

* Once we have finished, we send a CRLF followed by a full stop and

* a second CRLF to tell the smtp host we have completed the

message, which

* will then get queued and sent.


sprintf(Rec_Buf, "\r\n.\r\n");


write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, Rec_Buf);

err=recv(sock,Rec_Buf,BUF_LEN,0); /* get response from

server */

sprintf(File_Buf,"received: %s", Rec_Buf); /* write to logs */

write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, File_Buf);

sprintf(Rec_Buf, "QUIT\r\n");

err=send(sock,Rec_Buf,strlen(Rec_Buf),0); /* send a quit command


write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, Rec_Buf);

err=recv(sock,Rec_Buf,BUF_LEN,0); /* get response from

server */

sprintf(File_Buf,"received: %s", Rec_Buf); /* write to logs */

write_file(LOG_FILE | SCREEN, File_Buf);


* Off course, if you wanted to use this as a genuine email posting

* program, you would use the mail spool file we generated from our

* last program, and would pick up the relevent headers to reply.

* The message could be edited using a standard text editor, then


* in by this program. We've kept it simple though so you can see


* what is happening.


/* deallocate buffer memory */




return 0;


void handle_error(void)


/* Cut and paste in the same error handler as used in the POP

program */


void smtp_error(void)


printf("SMTP Error, Check the Log File for Details\r\n\r\n");




void write_file(int file_type, char *p)


const int LOG_FILE=1; /* write to log file

Page 29: The windows socket


const int SCREEN=4; /* display on screen


if( (file_type & LOG_FILE) != 0 ) /* add to logs */


FILE *fp=fopen("poplog.txt","a+");




if ( (file_type & SCREEN) != 0 ) /* screen */





Okay, let's take a look at the log file (smtplog.txt):-

SMTP Session started Wed Mar 29 00:35:41 2000.

Connecting to

Connected to

received: 220 ESMTP Exim 3.12 #1 Wed, 29 Mar 2000

00:34:12 +0100


received: 250 Hello


34:12 +0100

MAIL FROM: [email protected]

received: 250 <[email protected]> is syntactically correct


34:12 +0100

RCPT TO: [email protected]

received: 250 <[email protected]> is syntactically correct


34:12 +0100


received: 354 Enter message, ending with "." on a line by itself


34:12 +0100

From: Bill Clinton <[email protected]>

Page 30: The windows socket

To: Putin <[email protected]>

Subject: Congratulations

Dear President Putin

Congratulations on your recent appointment

to President of Russia

I remain, your most faithful servent



received: 250 OK id=12a5Uy-0004ku-00

ul servent


received: 221 closing connection

Using UDP/IP

So far we've looked at using TCP/IP, which as I mentioned in part one

of the tutorial, is a STREAMING protocol, ie it uses handshaking. You

send data and it is acknowledged by the other end prior to you sending

more. This way, if packets get lost or become corrupted, the other end

can notify you to resend the packet. We're now going to take a look at

UDP/IP which is a DATAGRAM protocol. You send out a packet and never

bother to check if it gets to it's destination. Obviously this is a

less reliable protocol, but is much faster. There aren't too many

services running over the Internet using UDP. However, we'll develop

an example to illustrate how to use it. I did have in mind using TFTP

as an example, but we need to understand the UDP protocol in depth to

be able to use this. So, we'll take a simple one. You probably won't

find a server out there on the Internet which offer's an echo service,

but if you have a Linux Box, then enable port 7 in inetd.conf to try

this out.

All it does is send a string via UDP/IP and receives an echo of the

same string back from the server. Here's the code :-


* ech.c


* (c) Mar 2000 by Gandalf


* A simple program to illustrate UDP/IP. Server's don't usually

* run an echo service as it can be used for DoS attacks. However,

* if you have access to a Linux Box, you can enable this service

* in your inetd.conf to try it.



Page 31: The windows socket

#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <windows.h>

#include <winsock.h>


void handle_error(void);

int main (int argc, char **argv)


WORD wVersionRequested; /* socket dll version info */

WSADATA wsaData; /* data for socket lib

initialisation */

SOCKET sock; /* socket details */

const int BUF_LEN=100; /* Buffer size for transfers */

struct sockaddr_in address; /* socket address stuff */

int err; /* error trapping */

float socklib_ver; /* socket dll version */

char * Buf; /* send buffer */

char * Rec_Buf; /* receive buffer */

wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 1, 1 );


* We need to call the WSAStartup routine BEFORE we try to use any


* the Winsock dll calls.


if ( WSAStartup( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ) != 0 )


/* Check socket DLL supports 1.1 or higher */

socklib_ver = HIBYTE( wsaData.wVersion ) / 10.0;

socklib_ver += LOBYTE( wsaData.wVersion );

/* Find out what our maximum IP packet size is for datagrams and


* our buffers


Buf = malloc(wsaData.iMaxUdpDg * sizeof(char) + 1);

Rec_Buf = malloc(wsaData.iMaxUdpDg * sizeof(char) + 1);

if ( socklib_ver {

printf ("\nError: socket library must support 1.1 or greater.\n");

WSACleanup(); /* clean up before exit */




* Open a socket. The AF_INET parameter tells windows we want to use


* internet. Other parameters for different networking can be chosen


* for netbios, IPX etc. The SOCK_DGRAM parameter lets windows know

we want

* to use UDP rather than TCP, and the final parameter will always

Page 32: The windows socket


* zero for what we want to do and tells windows to use whatever

* default communication protocol has been established (eg PPP and



if ( (sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) == INVALID_SOCKET )


/* We now need to initialise a couple of variables in the address

* structure. Once again, to tell windows we are using the internet,

* and also what port we want to use when connecting to a remote

* computer. In this case it is port 7 which is the standard port


* echo. The htons routine is used to convert the way Intel chips

* store data in memory, which is different compared to many other


* The standard is based on Motorola format.


address.sin_family=AF_INET; /* internet */

address.sin_port = htons(7); /* port 7 for the echo server



* The last example showed using a host name, and used the winsock

* dll routine gethostbyname to resolve an IP address. This example

* shows how to use an IP address direct using the inet_addr




/* Now we're ready to actually connect to the echo server itself */

if ( (connect(sock,(struct sockaddr *) &address, sizeof(address)))

!= 0)



* We should be connected to the echo server at this point and


* we send to it should be echoed back. We use sendto and recvfrom




strcpy(Buf, "Hi There Mr Echo!");

printf("\nSent: %s\n", Buf);

err=sendto(sock,Buf,BUF_LEN,0,(struct sockaddr



recvfrom(sock,Rec_Buf,BUF_LEN,0,(struct sockaddr *)&address,&err);

printf("\nReceived: %s\n", Rec_Buf);

/* deallocate buffer memory */



/* Always call WSACleanup before exiting */

Page 33: The windows socket




void handle_error(void)


/* Cut and paste in the same error handler as used in the POP

program */


Conclusion and What's Next

So, we are moving a bit closer towards programming our own hacking

applications. We hopefully fully understand TCP/IP and UDP/IP by now,

or at least enough to write our own programs.

I fully intended to introduce ICMP at this point with our own versions

of PING and TRACEROUTE. However, after developing them, I realised

that for the reader of this tutorial to understand how they work would

require a greater knowledge of the IP protocol, so we'll be leaving

these examples until part three of the tutorial.

We will be looking at the IP protocol in depth in the next part of the

tutorial. In fact, we will be taking a very deep look at all of the

protocols. It's going to be pretty heavy going as we can't really go

much further without getting into protocols to a bit level. So get


As usual, we will be presenting a few programs to illustrate this. We

will be developing a logging program to watch out for TCP, UDP and

ICMP activity on your own computer. We will also expand this further

to allow us to monitor the protocols to the bit level.

It will eventually grow into a powerful firewall by the end of the


Hope you're enjoying things so far!

As usual, send any greets, complaints or whatever to

[email protected]

The Rota

BlueCrab Ltd

Page 34: The windows socket

RFC's Used in the Tutorial

Here's the list of RFC's I used whilst developing the Windows Socket Programming

Tutorial. If you really want to get to grips with programming your own Internet

applications, you should read them fully. RFC's discuss internet related protocols in

great detail.

View them online by left clicking the link, or download them by right clicking the link.

They are all in text format. The RFC's listed here account for about 5% of all available

RFC's. I will eventually be putting the lot online here, along with a document level

search facility, something which is sadly missing from most RFC repositories.

Page 35: The windows socket


Number RFC Title, Author, Date and General Information


NIC name server - a datagram-based information utility. J.R. Pickens, E.J. Feinler, J.E. Mathis.


(Format: TXT=23491 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

768 User Datagram Protocol. J. Postel. Aug-28-1980.

(Format: TXT=5896 bytes) (Status: STANDARD)

768 User Datagram Protocol. J. Postel. Aug-28-1980.

(Format: TXT=5896 bytes) (Status: STANDARD)

789 Vulnerabilities of network control protocols: An example. E.C. Rosen. Jul-01-1981.

(Format: TXT=25541 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

791 Internet Protocol. J. Postel. Sep-01-1981.

(Format: TXT=97779 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0760) (Status: STANDARD)


Internet Control Message Protocol. J. Postel. Sep-01-1981.

(Format: TXT=30404 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0777) (Updated by RFC0950) (Status:


793 Transmission Control Protocol. J. Postel. Sep-01-1981.

(Format: TXT=177957 bytes) (Status: STANDARD)

821 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. J. Postel. Aug-01-1982.

(Format: TXT=124482 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0788) (Also STD0010) (Status: STANDARD)

879 TCP maximum segment size and related topics. J. Postel. Nov-01-1983.

(Format: TXT=22024 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

881 Domain names plan and schedule. J. Postel. Nov-01-1983.

(Format: TXT=23490 bytes) (Updated by RFC0897) (Status: UNKNOWN)

894 Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over Ethernet networks. C. Hornig. Apr-01-1984.

(Format: TXT=5697 bytes) (Status: STANDARD)


Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over experimental Ethernet networks. J. Postel.


(Format: TXT=4985 bytes) (Status: STANDARD)

896 Congestion control in IP/TCP internetworks. J. Nagle. Jan-06-1984.

(Format: TXT=26782 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)

Page 36: The windows socket

897 Domain name system implementation schedule. J. Postel. Feb-01-1984.

(Format: TXT=15683 bytes) (Updates RFC0881) (Updated by RFC0921) (Status: UNKNOWN)

919 Broadcasting Internet Datagrams. J.C. Mogul. Oct-01-1984.

(Format: TXT=16382 bytes) (Status: STANDARD)

921 Domain name system implementation schedule - revised. J. Postel. Oct-01-1984.

(Format: TXT=23318 bytes) (Updates RFC0897) (Status: UNKNOWN)

922 Broadcasting Internet datagrams in the presence of subnets. J.C. Mogul. Oct-01-1984.

(Format: TXT=24147 bytes) (Status: STANDARD)

950 Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure. J.C. Mogul, J. Postel. Aug-01-1985.

(Format: TXT=37985 bytes) (Updates RFC0792) (Status: STANDARD)

954 NICNAME/WHOIS. K. Harrenstien, M.K. Stahl, E.J. Feinler. Oct-01-1985.

(Format: TXT=7397 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0812, RFC0813) (Status: DRAFT STANDARD)


Some problems with the specification of the Military Standard Internet Protocol. D.P. Sidhu.


(Format: TXT=44019 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)


Some problems with the specification of the Military Standard Transmission Control Protocol.

D.P. Sidhu. Nov-01-1985.

(Format: TXT=20972 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)


Protocol standard for a NetBIOS service on a TCP/UDP transport: Concepts and methods.

NetBIOS Working Group. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Internet Activities

Board, End-to-End Services Task Force. Mar-01-1987.

(Format: TXT=158437 bytes) (Status: STANDARD)


Protocol standard for a NetBIOS service on a TCP/UDP transport: Detailed specifications.

NetBIOS Working Group. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Internet Activities

Board, End-to-End Services Task Force. Mar-01-1987.

(Format: TXT=170262 bytes) (Status: STANDARD)

1006 ISO transport services on top of the TCP: Version 3. M.T. Rose, D.E. Cass. May-01-1987.

(Format: TXT=31935 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0983) (Status: STANDARD)

1025 TCP and IP bake off. J. Postel. Sep-01-1987.

(Format: TXT=11648 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)


Domain names - implementation and specification. P.V. Mockapetris. Nov-01-1987.

(Format: TXT=125626 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0973, RFC0882, RFC0883) (Updated by

RFC1101, RFC1183, RFC1348, RFC1876, RFC1982, RFC1995, RFC1996, RFC2065, RFC2181,

RFC2136, RFC2137, RFC2308) (Status: STANDARD)

Page 37: The windows socket


Guidelines for the use of Internet-IP addresses in the ISO Connectionless-Mode Network

Protocol. R.W. Callon, H.W. Braun. Feb-01-1989.

(Format: TXT=24268 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0986) (Status: UNKNOWN)

1085 ISO presentation services on top of TCP/IP based internets. M.T. Rose. Dec-01-1988.

(Format: TXT=64643 bytes) (Status: UNKNOWN)


Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over NetBIOS networks. L.J. McLaughlin. Feb-01-


(Format: TXT=5749 bytes) (Status: STANDARD)

1101 DNS encoding of network names and other types. P.V. Mockapetris. Apr-01-1989.

(Format: TXT=28677 bytes) (Updates RFC1034, RFC1035) (Status: UNKNOWN)


Host extensions for IP multicasting. S.E. Deering. Aug-01-1989.

(Format: TXT=39904 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0988, RFC1054) (Updated by RFC2236) (Status:



Administrative Domains and Routing Domains: A model for routing in the Internet. S. Hares, D.

Katz. Dec-01-1989.

(Format: TXT=22158 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

1144 Compressing TCP/IP headers for low-speed serial links. V. Jacobson. Feb-01-1990.

(Format: TXT=120959, PS=534729 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)


Structure and identification of management information for TCP/IP-based internets. M.T. Rose,

K. McCloghrie. May-01-1990.

(Format: TXT=40927 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1065) (Also STD0016) (Status: STANDARD)

1180 TCP/IP tutorial. T.J. Socolofsky, C.J. Kale. Jan-01-1991.

(Format: TXT=65494 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)


New DNS RR Definitions. C.F. Everhart, L.A. Mamakos, R. Ullmann, P.V. Mockapetris. Oct-01-


(Format: TXT=23788 bytes) (Updates RFC1034, RFC1035) (Status: EXPERIMENTAL)

1191 Path MTU discovery. J.C. Mogul, S.E. Deering. Nov-01-1990.

(Format: TXT=47936 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1063) (Status: DRAFT STANDARD)

1195 Use of OSI IS-IS for routing in TCP/IP and dual environments. R.W. Callon. Dec-01-1990.

(Format: TXT=187866, PS=362052 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)


Management Information Base for Network Management of TCP/IP-based internets:MIB-II. K.

McCloghrie, M.T. Rose. Mar-01-1991.

(Format: TXT=146080 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1158) (Updated by RFC2011, RFC2012,

RFC2013) (Status: STANDARD)

Page 38: The windows socket


OSI connectionless transport services on top of UDP: Version 1. C. Shue, W. Haggerty, K.

Dobbins. Jun-01-1991.

(Format: TXT=18140 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

1256 ICMP Router Discovery Messages. S. Deering. Sep-01-1991.

(Format: TXT=43059 bytes) (Also RFC0792) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)


Measurement Study of Changes in Service-Level Reachability in the Global TCP/IP Internet:

Goals, Experimental Design, Implementation, and Policy Considerations. M.F. Schwartz. Nov-


(Format: TXT=19949 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

1322 A Unified Approach to Inter-Domain Routing. D. Estrin, Y. Rekhter, S. Hotz. May 1992.

(Format: TXT=96934 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)


TCP Extensions for High Performance. V. Jacobson, R. Braden, D. Borman. May 1992.

(Format: TXT=84558 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1072, RFC1185) (Status: PROPOSED


1332 The PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP). G. McGregor. May 1992.

(Format: TXT=17613 bytes) (Obsoletes 1172) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)


DNS NSAP RRs. B. Manning. July 1992.

(Format: TXT=6871 bytes) (Obsoleted by RFC1637) (Updates RFC1034, RFC1035) (Updated by



THE TFTP PROTOCOL (REVISION 2). K. Sollins. July 1992.

(Format: TXT=24599 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC0784) (Updates RFC1350, RFC1783) (Updated by

RFC1782, RFC1783, RFC1784, RFC1350, RFC1785, RFC2347, RFC2348, RFC2349) (Also

STD0033) (Status: STANDARD)

1365 An IP Address Extension Proposal. K. Siyan. September 1992.

(Format: TXT=12790 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

1371 Choosing a Common IGP for the IP Internet. P. Gross. October 1992.

(Format: TXT=18168 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

1375 Suggestion for New Classes of IP Addresses. P. Robinson. October 1992.

(Format: TXT=16990 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

1377 The PPP OSI Network Layer Control Protocol (OSINLCP). D. Katz. November 1992.

(Format: TXT=22109 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

1383 An Experiment in DNS Based IP Routing. C. Huitema. December 1992.

(Format: TXT=32680 bytes) (Status: EXPERIMENTAL)

Page 39: The windows socket

1393 Traceroute Using an IP Option. G. Malkin. January 1993.

(Format: TXT=13140 bytes) (Status: EXPERIMENTAL)


Correspondence between the IAB and DISA on the use of DNS. Internet Architecture Board.

January 1993.

(Format: TXT=12528 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

1466 Guidelines for Management of IP Address Space. E. Gerich. May 1993.

(Format: TXT=22262 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1366) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)


The Definitions of Managed Objects for the IP Network Control Protocol of the Point-to-Point

Protocol. F. Kastenholz. June 1993.

(Format: TXT=20484 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)


A Security Problem and Proposed Correction With Widely Deployed DNS Software. E. Gavron.

October 1993.

(Format: TXT=9722 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)


Common DNS Implementation Errors and Suggested Fixes. A. Kumar, J. Postel, C. Neuman, P.

Danzig & S. Miller. October 1993.

(Format: TXT=25476 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)


The PPP Internetworking Packet Exchange Control Protocol (IPXCP). W. Simpson. December


(Format: TXT=29173 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

1570 PPP LCP Extensions. W. Simpson. January 1994.

(Format: TXT=35719 bytes) (Updates RFC1548) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

1591 Domain Name System Structure and Delegation. J. Postel. March 1994.

(Format: TXT=16481 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

1611 DNS Server MIB Extensions. R. Austein & J. Saperia. May 1994.

(Format: TXT=58700 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

1612 DNS Resolver MIB Extensions. R. Austein & J. Saperia. May 1994.

(Format: TXT=61382 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

1638 PPP Bridging Control Protocol (BCP). F. Baker & R. Bowen. June 1994.

(Format: TXT=58477 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1220) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)


The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP). W. Simpson, Editor. July 1994.

(Format: TXT=103026 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1548) (Updated by RFC2153) (Also STD0051)

(Status: STANDARD)

1663 PPP Reliable Transmission. D. Rand. July 1994.

Page 40: The windows socket

(Format: TXT=17281 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

1700 ASSIGNED NUMBERS. J. Reynolds,J. Postel. October 1994.

(Format: TXT=458860 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1340) (Also STD0002) (Status: STANDARD)

1706 DNS NSAP Resource Records. B. Manning & R. Colella. October 1994.

(Format: TXT=19721 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1637) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)


DNS Encoding of Geographical Location. C. Farrell, M. Schulze, S. Pleitner & D. Baldoni.

November 1994.

(Format: TXT=13237 bytes) (Status: EXPERIMENTAL)

1713 Tools for DNS debugging. A. Romao. November 1994.

(Format: TXT=33500 bytes) (Also FYI0027) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)


Post Office Protocol - Version 3. J. Myers & M. Rose. November 1994.

(Format: TXT=35058 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1460) (Obsoleted by RFC1939, STD0053) (Status:


1734 POP3 AUTHentication command. J. Myers. December 1994.

(Format: TXT=8499 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

1770 IPv4 Option for Sender Directed Multi-Destination Delivery. C. Graff. March 1995.

(Format: TXT=11606 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

1785 TFTP Option Negotiation Analysis. G. Malkin & A. Harkin. March 1995.

(Format: TXT=3354 bytes) (Updates RFC1350) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)


Representation of IP Routing Policies in a Routing Registry (ripe-81++). T. Bates, E. Gerich, L.

Joncheray, J-M. Jouanigot, D. Karrenberg, M. Terpstra, & J. Yu. March 1995.

(Format: TXT=133643 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

1788 ICMP Domain Name Messages. W. Simpson. April 1995.

(Format: TXT=11722 bytes) (Status: EXPERIMENTAL)

1794 DNS Support for Load Balancing. T. Brisco. April 1995.

(Format: TXT=15494 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)


Requirements for IP Version 4 Routers. F. Baker. June 1995.

(Format: TXT=415740 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1716, RFC1009) (Status: PROPOSED


1826 IP Authentication Header. R. Atkinson. August 1995.

(Format: TXT=27583 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

1827 IP Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP). R. Atkinson. August 1995.

Page 41: The windows socket

(Format: TXT=30278 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

1828 IP Authentication using Keyed MD5. P. Metzger & W. Simpson. August 1995.

(Format: TXT=9800 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)


Whois and Network Information Lookup Service, Whois++. J. Gargano & K. Weiss. August


(Format: TXT=14429 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)


Architecture of the WHOIS++ service. P. Deutsch, R. Schoultz, P. Faltstrom & C. Weider.

August 1995.

(Format: TXT=80581 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)


Security Considerations for IP Fragment Filtering. G. Ziemba, D. Reed & P. Traina. October


(Format: TXT=20468 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)


SMTP Service Extensions. J. Klensin, N. Freed, M. Rose, E. Stefferud & D. Crocker. November


(Format: TXT=23299 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1651) (Also STD0010) (Status: STANDARD)


SMTP Service Extension for Message Size Declaration. J. Klensin, N. Freed, & K. Moore.

November 1995.

(Format: TXT=18226 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1653) (Also STD0010) (Status: STANDARD)


A Means for Expressing Location Information in the Domain Name System. C. Davis, P. Vixie,

T. Goodwin & I. Dickinson. January 1996.

(Format: TXT=29631 bytes) (Updates RFC1034, RFC1035) (Status: EXPERIMENTAL)

1878 Variable Length Subnet Table For IPv4. T. Pummill & B. Manning. December 1995.

(Format: TXT=19414 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1860) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

1891 SMTP Service Extension for Delivery Status Notifications. K. Moore. January 1996.

(Format: TXT=65192 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

1912 Common DNS Operational and Configuration Errors. D. Barr. February 1996.

(Format: TXT=38252 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1537) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

1913 Architecture of the Whois++ Index Service. C. Weider, J. Fullton & S. Spero. February 1996.

(Format: TXT=33743 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

1914 How to Interact with a Whois++ Mesh. P. Faltstrom, R. Schoultz & C. Weider. February 1996.

(Format: TXT=17842 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

1915 Variance for The PPP Connection Control Protocol and The PPP Encryption Control Protocol. F.

Kastenholz. February 1996.

Page 42: The windows socket

(Format: TXT=14347 bytes) (Also BCP0003) (Status: BEST CURRENT PRACTICE)


Post Office Protocol - Version 3. J. Myers & M. Rose. May 1996.

(Format: TXT=47018 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1725) (Updated by RFC1957) (Also STD0053)

(Status: STANDARD)


Some Observations on Implementations of the Post Office Protocol (POP3). R. Nelson. June


(Format: TXT=2325 bytes) (Updates RFC1939) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

1968 The PPP Encryption Control Protocol (ECP). G. Meyer. June 1996.

(Format: TXT=20781 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

1982 Serial Number Arithmetic. R. Elz & R. Bush. August 1996.

(Format: TXT=14440 bytes) (Updates RFC1034, RFC1035) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

1989 PPP Link Quality Monitoring. W. Simpson. August 1996.

(Format: TXT=29289 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1333) (Status: DRAFT STANDARD)


The PPP Multilink Protocol (MP). K. Sklower, B. Lloyd, G. McGregor, D. Carr & T. Coradetti.

August 1996.

(Format: TXT=53271 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1717) (Status: DRAFT STANDARD)

1994 PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP). W. Simpson. August 1996.

(Format: TXT=24094 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1334) (Status: DRAFT STANDARD)

1995 Incremental Zone Transfer in DNS. M. Ohta. August 1996.

(Format: TXT=16810 bytes) (Updates RFC1035) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

1996 A Mechanism for Prompt Notification of Zone Changes (DNS NOTIFY). P. Vixie. August 1996.

(Format: TXT=15247 bytes) (Updates RFC1035) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)


TCP Slow Start, Congestion Avoidance, Fast Retransmit, and Fast Recovery Algorithms. W.

Stevens. January 1997.

(Format: TXT=12981 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

2002 IP Mobility Support. C. Perkins. October 1996.

(Format: TXT=193103 bytes) (Updated by RFC2290) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

2003 IP Encapsulation within IP. C. Perkins. October 1996.

(Format: TXT=30291 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

2004 Minimal Encapsulation within IP. C. Perkins. October 1996.

(Format: TXT=12202 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

2005 Applicability Statement for IP Mobility Support. J. Solomon. October 1996.

Page 43: The windows socket

(Format: TXT=10509 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)


The Definitions of Managed Objects for IP Mobility Support using SMIv2. D. Cong, M. Hamlen,

C. Perkins. October 1996.

(Format: TXT=95030 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)


TCP Selective Acknowledgement Options. M. Mathis, J. Mahdavi, S. Floyd, A. Romanow.

October 1996.

(Format: TXT=25671 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

2043 The PPP SNA Control Protocol (SNACP). A. Fuqua. October 1996.

(Format: TXT=13719 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)



D. Karrenberg, J. Postel. November 1996.

(Format: TXT=28975 bytes) (Also BCP0012) (Status: BEST CURRENT PRACTICE)


A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV). A. Gulbrandsen, P. Vixie. October


(Format: TXT=19257 bytes) (Status: EXPERIMENTAL)

2065 Domain Name System Security Extensions. D. Eastlake, 3rd, C. Kaufman. January 1997.

(Format: TXT=97718 bytes) (Updates RFC1034, RFC1035) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)


The PPP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (BAP) / The PPP Bandwidth Allocation Control

Protocol (BACP). C. Richards, K. Smith. March 1997.

(Format: TXT=49213 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

2126 ISO Transport Service on top of TCP (ITOT). Y. Pouffary, A. Young. March 1997.

(Format: TXT=51032 bytes) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)


Dynamic Updates in the Domain Name System (DNS UPDATE). P. Vixie, Ed., S. Thomson, Y.

Rekhter, J. Bound. April 1997.

(Format: TXT=56354 bytes) (Updates RFC1035) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

2137 Secure Domain Name System Dynamic Update. D. Eastlake. April 1997.

(Format: TXT=24824 bytes) (Updates RFC1035) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)

2140 TCP Control Block Interdependence. J. Touch. April 1997.

(Format: TXT=26032 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

2146 U.S. Government Internet Domain Names. Federal Networking Council. May 1997.

(Format: TXT=26564 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1816) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

2151 A Primer On Internet and TCP/IP Tools and Utilities. G. Kessler, S. Shepard. June 1997.

(Format: TXT=114130 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1739) (Also FYI0030) (Status:

Page 44: The windows socket


2153 PPP Vendor Extensions. W. Simpson. May 1997.

(Format: TXT=10780 bytes) (Updates RFC1661, RFC1962) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)


Using the Internet DNS to Distribute MIXER Conformant Global Address Mapping (MCGAM).

C. Allocchio. January 1998.

(Format: TXT=58789 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1664) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)


Referral Whois (RWhois) Protocol V1.5. S. Williamson, M. Kosters, D. Blacka, J. Singh, K.

Zeilstra. June 1997.

(Format: TXT=136355 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1714) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)


Resolution of Uniform Resource Identifiers using the Domain Name System. R. Danie1, M.

Mealling. June 1997.

(Format: TXT=46528 bytes) (Status: EXPERIMENTAL)


Clarifications to the DNS Specification. R. Elz, R. Bush. July 1997.

(Format: TXT=36989 bytes) (Updates RFC1034, RFC1035, RFC1123) (Status: PROPOSED



Selection and Operation of Secondary DNS Servers. R. Elz, R. Bush, S. Bradner, M. Patton. July


(Format: TXT=27456 bytes) (Also BCP0016) (Status: BEST CURRENT PRACTICE)

2219 Use of DNS Aliases for Network Services. M. Hamilton, R. Wright. October 1997.

(Format: TXT=17858 bytes) (Also BCP0017) (Status: BEST CURRENT PRACTICE)

2230 Key Exchange Delegation Record for the DNS. R. Atkinson. October 1997.

(Format: TXT=25563 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

2290 Mobile-IPv4 Configuration Option for PPP IPCP. J. Solomon, S. Glass. February 1998.

(Format: TXT=39421 bytes) (Updates RFC2002) (Status: PROPOSED STANDARD)


Negative Caching of DNS Queries (DNS NCACHE). M. Andrews. March 1998.

(Format: TXT=41428 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1034) (Updates RFC1034, RFC1035) (Status:


2345 Domain Names and Company Name Retrieval. J. Klensin, T. Wolf, G. Oglesby. May 1998.

(Format: TXT=29707 bytes) (Status: EXPERIMENTAL)


TFTP Option Extension. G. Malkin, A. Harkin. May 1998.

(Format: TXT=13060 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1782) (Updates RFC1350) (Status: DRAFT


2348 TFTP Blocksize Option. G. Malkin, A. Harkin. May 1998.

Page 45: The windows socket

(Format: TXT=9515 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1783) (Updates RFC1350) (Status: DRAFT



TFTP Timeout Interval and Transfer Size Options. G. Malkin, A. Harkin. May 1998.

(Format: TXT=7848 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC1784) (Updates RFC1350) (Status: DRAFT



INTERNET OFFICIAL PROTOCOL STANDARDS. J. Postel, J. Reynolds. September 1998.

(Format: TXT=110969 bytes) (Obsoletes RFC2300, RFC2200, RFC2000, RFC1920, RFC1880,

RFC1800, RFC1780, RFC1720, RFC1610, RFC1600, RFC1540, RFC1500, RFC1410, RFC1360,

RFC1280, RFC1250, RFC1200, RFC1140, RFC1130, RFC1100, RFC1083) (Also STD0001)

(Status: STANDARD)

Top Related