Page 1: The wave-particle duality of light: A demonstration experiment

The wave-particle duality of light: A demonstration experimentT. L. Dimitrova and A. Weis

Citation: American Journal of Physics 76, 137 (2008); doi: 10.1119/1.2815364 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Association of Physics Teachers Articles you may be interested in On WaveParticle Duality AIP Conf. Proc. 962, 3 (2007); 10.1063/1.2827335 Interference with correlated photons: Five quantum mechanics experiments for undergraduates Am. J. Phys. 73, 127 (2005); 10.1119/1.1796811 Easy and inexpensive demonstration of light interference Phys. Teach. 39, 16 (2001); 10.1119/1.1343422 An experiment on electron wave–particle duality including a Planck constant measurement Am. J. Phys. 66, 1055 (1998); 10.1119/1.19045 Plane wave interference: A didactic experiment to measure the wavelength of light Am. J. Phys. 66, 548 (1998); 10.1119/1.18825

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Page 2: The wave-particle duality of light: A demonstration experiment

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The wave-particle duality of light: A demonstration experimentT. L. DimitrovaUniversity of Plovdiv “Paissi Hilendarski,” Tsar Assen Street 24, 4000 Plovdiv, Bulgaria

A. Weisa�

Département de Physique, Université de Fribourg, Chemin du Musée 3, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland

�Received 26 July 2007; accepted 28 October 2007�

The wave-particle duality of light plays a fundamental role in introductory courses on quantummechanics. Traditionally the wave and particle aspects of light are demonstrated in separateexperiments which makes it difficult for students to understand their complementary nature. Wepresent an experiment using a single apparatus that demonstrates the wave aspect, the particleaspect, and most importantly, their coexistence. The apparatus is based on a Mach-Zehnderinterferometer in which a light beam is attenuated so that at each instant there is only a single photonin the interferometer. In this way the observation of single photon interference becomes possible. Byintegrating the single photon events in a storage oscilloscope the evolution toward classicalinterference fringes can be shown in real time. A second strong laser beam, derived from the samepointer, but slightly displaced, traverses the interferometer at the same time, allowing thesimultaneous demonstration of wave aspects. Special features of the setup are low cost, simplicity,didactical power and suitability for presentations in large lecture halls using both multimediaprojections and audible signals. © 2008 American Association of Physics Teachers.

�DOI: 10.1119/1.2815364�


The historical debate on the particle versus wave interpre-tation of light is well known. The debate between Newtonand Huygens seemed definitely settled in favor of the wavenature by the work of Young, Fresnel, Maxwell, Hertz, andothers. The discussion was revived by Einstein’s interpreta-tion of the photoelectric effect in terms of light being astream of particles, later called photons. The wave and par-ticle aspects were unified by Bohr and Heisenberg who in-troduced the concept of complementarity, which was lateridentified as a distinguishing characteristic of quantum me-chanics: contradictory properties of a physical system, hereparticles and waves, are interpreted as complementary prop-erties, and a complete description of the system is obtainedonly when considering both properties �duality�. Later thewave-particle duality was given a simple interpretation bystating that light propagation is described by a quantum me-chanical wave function with the same superposition and in-terference properties as a classical wave. The particle natureis revealed at the moment of detection when the wave func-tion collapses. Put simply, light behaves as a wave when itpropagates and like a particle when it is detected.

First year students can grasp the alternative manifestationsof light as either particles or waves, depending on differentexperimental conditions, but usually have problems under-standing the simultaneous existence of both properties. Atthis point lectures usually discuss a Gedanken experiment, inwhich we imagine classical two-beam interference with lightwaves so weak that at each moment there is only a singlephoton in the apparatus. However, there are no standarddemonstrations that illustrate the simultaneous visualizationof the wave and particle aspects of light.

Single particle interference experiments have been per-formed with massive particles such as electrons �for ex-ample, Ref. 1�, neutrons �for example, Ref. 2�, atoms andmolecules �Ref. 3 and references therein� up to molecules as


large as C60F48. Beautiful as these experiments are, they are

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not suitable for lecture demonstrations of wave-particle du-ality. This difficulty is often bypassed by presenting simula-tions. The web site of Physics 20005,6 provides an interactiveapplet which simulates the double slit experiment with singleelectrons together with a detailed discussion between stu-dents and teachers following the Socratic method.

Following earlier recordings of single photon interferenceby photographic plates7 and even the unaided eye,8 theGedanken experiment we will discuss was realized as a prac-tical demonstration experiment in 1996 using a videocamera9 and in 2003 using a charge coupled device �CCD�camera.10 In both experiments the interference pattern from adouble slit illuminated by a strongly attenuated red laser wasrecorded on a photon by photon basis. The attenuation wasso strong that at each moment only a single photon was inthe vicinity of the double slit. Each frame recorded by thecamera shows an apparently random distribution of photons,illustrating the particle nature of light. After the integrationof a sufficient number of frames, the classical wave interfer-ence pattern emerges. The German version of Physics 20006

shows a movie of this process recorded by the authors ofRef. 10. In the context of events related to the World Year ofPhysics �2005� one of us �A.W.� built an improved version ofthis experiment using light from a green laser pointer and acamera with a higher pixel resolution. Figure 1 shows a se-ries of interference patterns recorded with this device.

The purpose of the work we report here is to propose to asimilar, but lower cost experiment which avoids the prohibi-tively high cost ��20 000 EUR� of the CCD camera.


The main aim of the experiment is to give students a con-vincing demonstration of the dual nature of light. Classicaldemonstrations of the wave and particle nature of light areusually performed using two distinct experiments and stu-

dents might get the impression that the two properties of

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light �waves and particles� are mutually exclusive becausethey appear independently in different experiments. To elimi-nate this conceptual difficulty we have designed an apparatusin which the particle and wave aspects can first be demon-strated individually. Then the same apparatus is used to vi-sualize the real-time evolution of individual quantum eventsto a classical wave pattern. The use of the same light sourceand the same interferometer is important to convince stu-dents that we can investigate the two aspects of light with thesame apparatus.

Two-beam interference phenomena are often explained onthe basis of Young’s double slit experiment by displaying thewell known interference pattern on a distant screen. Al-though this example is well suited for a theoretical discus-sion and most easily realized using a laser pointer and adouble slit, it is not practical for advanced demonstrationexperiments because it does not allow the variation of systemparameters in a simple way. In the present experiment wehave chosen a Mach-Zehnder interferometer in which a largespatial separation of the two interfering beams can be easilyrealized, permitting several manipulations, such as the ad-justment of the path length difference and the relative angleof the interfering beams, and, most importantly, the easyblocking of one of the two beams. The macroscopic dimen-sions of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer allow the observerto see all components from the light source via the genera-tion and recombination of the interfering beams up to theirdetection.

A green laser pointer was chosen as the light source be-cause it has a sufficiently long coherence length for the easyalignment of the interferometer. The intensity of the greenbeam and its wavelength near the vicinity of the eye’s maxi-mum sensitivity ensure that even expanded interference pat-terns are easily visible in a large auditorium.

Our main design criterion was to have the apparatus assimple and pedagogical as possible while also offering the

Fig. 1. �Color online� From particles to waves: Detection of light diffracted frcamera. Although single frames show an apparently random distribution of

flexibility to vary certain parameters to illustrate several as-

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pects of the phenomena. The equipment is designed for dem-onstrations in a large auditorium. The interferometer ismounted on an aluminum plate tilted by 45°, so that all com-ponents can be easily seen. If necessary, a webcam can beused to project a close-up of the interferometer table. Asmentioned, the expanded fringe pattern using the full laserintensity can easily be seen from a distance without addi-tional tools. Individual photon events can be seen as pulseson an oscilloscope, or heard as clicks using audio equipment.All relevant electronic signals �photomultiplier pulses andphotodiode signals� can easily be projected using equipmentsuch as a digital oscilloscope equipped with a video port or aUSB-based oscilloscope. Attention was paid to obtain stablepictures and good visibility of all the components and pro-jected signals. Last but not least, we have made an effort toreduce component cost as much as possible, and to give theapparatus a pleasant look.


The scheme of the experimental apparatus is shown in Fig.2 and a photo of its main components in Fig. 3. The lightsource is a 5 mW green ��=537 nm� laser pointer. The bat-teries in the laser pointer were replaced by electrical contactsso that the laser could be driven by an external power supply.We found that the spectral width of the laser radiation andhence its coherence length depends on the operating voltageand a randomly chosen pointer has its own optimal voltagefor the highest fringe contrast. Once set correctly and after awarm-up time of several minutes this voltage gives repro-ducible results on daily basis.

The standard Mach-Zehnder interferometer has two beamsplitters and two mirrors �all 1 in. optics� arranged in a 18�18 cm2 square �see Figs. 2 and 3�. One of the mirrors ismounted on a low-voltage piezotransducer that allows thevoltage-controlled variation of the path length difference

double slit on a photon by photon basis using a single-photon imaging CCDn impact points, their integration reveals the classical fringe pattern.

om a

��5 V per fringe�.

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Prior to entering the interferometer, the laser beam is splitinto two beams �beams 1 and 2� of equal intensity; one of thebeams can be strongly attenuated by an �insertable� stack ofneutral density filters. The two beams are then sent throughthe interferometer and form two interference patterns onsandblasted aluminum screens. Each screen has a small cen-tral aperture behind which a photodiode PD �strong beam�and a photomultiplier PM �weak beam� are placed. Thescreens are mounted on their corresponding detectors andeach unit can be displaced in the transverse direction on acommon optical rail. The photomultiplier is equipped with anarrow collimator �C� and interference filters �IF� so that itonly detects light at the laser frequency in a small solid anglesimilar to the one described in Ref. 10. By coincidence thestrong green spectral line of Hg is transmitted by the inter-ference filters and care has to be taken when operating thephotomultiplier in a room equipped with standard fluorescentlighting. When properly adjusted, the narrow solid angleseen by the photomultiplier collimator permits operation ofthe system without dimming the room lights.

The photomultiplier �Hamamatsu, model H5784� has anintegrated high voltage supply and preamplifier, and requiresonly a low voltage external power supply and a potentiom-

Fig. 2. �Color online� Experimental apparatus for the simultaneous demonstbeams are shown here to lie in the plane of the interferometer. In the actualPM: photomultiplier, PD: photodiode, and PI: feedback amplifier.

Fig. 3. �Color online� Photograph of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer.

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eter for controlling the high voltage applied to the tube. Theoutput pulses produced by individual photons have a decaytime of 20 �s and can be displayed by an oscilloscope or,after discrimination and pulse shaping, rendered acousticallyby a loudspeaker.


A. Seeing waves and hearing particles

The wave nature of light can be shown classically as theinterference fringe pattern produced by the unattenuatedbeam 2 on the screen P2 �Fig. 2�. Alternatively, we can applya voltage ramp to the piezotransducer and show the timedependent photodiode signal revealing the sinusoidal inten-sity modulation �lower trace of Fig. 4�. The large spatialseparation of the beams easily convinces students that twobeams are involved in the experiment. Both beams can bemanipulated conveniently including blocking, attenuating,and rotating the polarization, changing the angle between theinterfering beams. In the piezotransducer-scanning mode, forexample, we easily show that by blocking one arm the inter-ference disappears and the intensity recorded by the photo-diode becomes one quarter of the maximum intensity ob-served in the fringe pattern. Another readily implementeddemonstration is the dependence of the fringe spacing on theangle between the interfering beams.

The particle nature of light can be shown by recording thestrongly attenuated beam with the photomultiplier while oneof the Mach-Zehnder interferometer paths is blocked �seeFig. 2�. The photomultiplier pulses can be displayed directlyas an oscilloscope trace, or can, after electronic discrimina-tion and pulse shaping, be transmitted to a loudspeaker, sothat the detected single photons can be “seen” and “heard.”

of the wave and particle nature of light. Both the strong and the attenuated�Fig. 3� the beams are in two distinct planes. BS: beam splitter, M: mirror,


When hearing the photon stream older scientists are often

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reminded of the �now less commonly demonstrated� soundfrom a Geiger counter; a good starting point for an excursioninto counting statistics.

B. Hearing single photon interference

Our original idea11 was to move the two detectors simul-taneously through the respective fringe patterns �P1 for thephotomultiplier and P2 for the photodiode� which wouldyield an oscillating current from the photodiode and a peri-odic oscillation of the click rate from the photomultiplier.When the optical rail carrying the detectors is mounted onthe same table as the interferometer, the unavoidable me-chanical vibrations associated with the detector motion per-turb the interferometer and induce an uncontrolled jitter ofthe fringe patterns. Thermal drifts of the path length differ-ence yield additional complications. For this reason we havedesigned an active stabilization of the path length differenceand hence of the fringe pattern with respect to the photodi-ode. An electronic feedback system uses the photodiode sig-nal to control the length of the interferometer arm B usingthe piezotransducer-mounted mirror �Fig. 2�. For this pur-pose the photodiode is placed at a point in the fringe pattern

Fig. 4. �Color online� Simultaneous demonstration of the particle and waveaspects of light. The bottom trace shows the intensity distribution measuredby the photodiode �wave aspect�. The top trace shows the pulsations regis-tered by the photomultiplier. By averaging many traces, the signal from thephotomultiplier becomes smoother �the average time increases from top tobottom�, and approaches the signal shape from the photodiode.

at which the light intensity is equal to half of its maximum

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value. The difference between the photodiode signal and areference voltage �chosen to make the difference null� pro-vides an error signal which, after proportional-integral am-plification, is fed to the piezotransducer in a servo-loop. Inthis way the path length difference can be stabilized and thespatial position of the fringe pattern becomes locked to thephotodiode. With the locked fringe pattern a displacement ofthe photodiode will induce a controllable displacement ofboth fringe patterns. By keeping the photomultiplier positionfixed the photodiode motion moves the pattern P1 across thephotomultiplier and the audience can hear a periodic changeof the click rate. With a suitably adjusted intensity of theattenuated beam this periodic change manifests itself as aperiodic modulation of the sound’s pitch. In parallel to theacoustic signals an oscilloscope trace showing the photomul-tiplier pulses can be displayed.

This experiment is well suited for accompanying a So-cratic discussion with students about the nature of light, ad-dressing questions such as the relation between the classicalfringe pattern and the periodic modulation of the pulse/clickrate, the rectilinear motion of photons, and the dependence/independence of the interfering entities. For this purpose wecan use to advantage the Mach-Zehnder interferometer’sability to alter the fringe period. The discussion can leadstudents to the conclusion that the photon possesses unusual,that is, nonclassical properties.

C. From particles to waves

The experiment in Sec. IV B illustrated the simultaneousappearance of wave and particle aspects which might triggerthe students’ curiosity about how the two aspects can becombined into a unified picture. We now present an elegantand convincing experiment that shows the evolution fromindividual quantum events to classical wave interferencephenomenon. For this purpose we create a periodic modula-tion of the light path difference in the two interferometerarms by applying a periodic voltage ramp to the piezotrans-ducer. The signals from the strongly attenuated beam 1 andthe full intensity beam 2 are displayed simultaneously asoscilloscope traces. The lower curve in Fig. 4 shows thesinusoidally modulated photodiode signal which representsthe interference fringes; the uppermost signal of the figureshows the simultaneously recorded photomultiplier pulses.We see that the density of the photomultiplier pulses is largerin the vicinity of the points of constructive interference, andstill displays the quantum nature of the signal. By using theaveraging function of the oscilloscope �Tektronix, modelTDS20000B�, the photomultiplier signal can be integrated asrepresented by the consecutive traces shown in Fig. 4 �aver-aging time increasing from top to bottom�. For increasingintegration times the quantum nature of the individual eventsis gradually washed out, and we observe a continuous tran-sition to a smooth sinusoidal intensity distribution. After 128averages the individual quantum events can hardly be distin-guished, and the interference pattern becomes identical to theclassical pattern detected with the photodiode. In this waywe show in real time the transition from a two-beam inter-ference experiment with individual particles to the familiartwo-wave interference fringes.

Alternatively, we can produce a similar sequence of pic-tures as in Fig. 4 by continuously raising the intensity of theweak beam entering the interferometer with a variable at-

tenuator. Due to the finite bandwidth of the recording system,

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the pile-up of the individual pulses will converge to a smoothtrace. The remaining structure from the individual pulses is agood starting point for discussing the shot noise of the de-tected signal.

It is also worth mentioning that the photodiode signal isthe current produced by a very large number of �conductionband� electrons that were each produced by a single photonvia the internal photoelectric effect in the semiconductorforming the photodiode.

We have shown this experiment at conferences, exhibi-tions, and lectures and have received a unanimous opinion—not only from students—on its unambiguous, convincing andspectacular nature.

D. The photon interferes with itself

This experiment is well suited to accompany a discussionof quantum mechanical “which-way” experiments. The dem-onstration, whose result is astonishing for students, is real-ized in the following way. First the fringe pattern is locked tothe photodiode as explained in Sec. IV B, and the photomul-tiplier is moved to a fringe minimum, characterized by a lowphoton count rate �see Fig. 5�a�� which can also be displayedacoustically. If now path A of beam 1 is blocked inside of theinterferometer, it is possible to hear �and see� a distinct in-crease of the click rate �Fig. 5�b��. This result demonstratesthat if we give each photon the choice of taking either path Aor path B, it has a low probability to appear at the detector. Incontrast, if we force the photon to follow a specific path byblocking the other path, then its probability to arrive at thedetector is much higher. The puzzling fact that a two pathalternative for each photon prevents it from reaching the de-tector, while blocking one of the paths leads to a revival ofthe clicks, is most intriguing for beginning students. Thisexperiment is well suited for illustrating this remarkablequantum mechanical effect, which can be explained only ifwe assume that each photon simultaneously takes both pathsA and B; that is, each photon, in the phrasing of Dirac, “in-terferes with itself.”12


We have developed a lecture demonstration based on aMach-Zehnder interferometer which makes possible differ-

Fig. 5. �Color online� “The photon interferes with itself:” The photomulti-plier is set to a minimum in the fringe pattern. �a� Photomultiplier pulses�background� recorded when the photons are offered the alternative of twopaths; only a few photons are detected. �b� Photomultiplier pulses when thephotons are forced to take a well defined path; the number of registeredphotons increases.

ent presentations related to the wave-particle duality of light.

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The interferometer operates simultaneously with two inter-fering beams from a strong laser beam and two interferingbeams from the same laser, so weak that at each instant thereis only a single photon in the interferometer. The two inter-ference patterns are detected by a photodiode and a photo-multiplier, respectively, whose signals can be displayed asoscilloscope traces. In addition, the pulses produced by indi-vidual photons in the photomultiplier can be rendered acous-tically. Besides demonstrations of the classical two-beam in-terference in wave optics, the apparatus makes possible thedemonstration of different effects associated with the particlenature of light. The most impressive demonstration is an ex-periment that shows interference fringes in terms of singlephoton events, which, after integration in a digital storageoscilloscope, can be seen to evolve in real time to the clas-sical interference pattern.

The apparatus discussed in this paper can be used for otherdemonstrations of quantum effects involving single photons,such as delayed choice experiments. We only mention thepossible realization of what is known as the “quantumeraser,”13 a do-it-yourself version of which has recently beenproposed by Hillmer and Kwiat.14 By implementing orthogo-nal polarizers in the two paths of the attenuated Mach-Zehnder interferometer beams we can imprint a which-waylabel to each photon, thereby destroying the interference pat-tern. A suitably oriented additional polarizer subsequentlyput in front of the photomultiplier will erase the which-wayinformation and restore the interference phenomenon. Incontrast to the strong light demonstration in Ref. 14 our ap-paratus will demonstrate the quantum nature of the erasingprocess on a photon by photon basis.


This work was done at the Physics Department of the Uni-versity of Fribourg �UNIFR�. One of us �TLD� acknowl-edges a grant by Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie�Grant No. P6-420/3090�. A.W. acknowledges substantial fi-nancial support from the Department of Chemistry at UNIFRfor purchasing the CCD camera. The authors thank J.-L.Schenker and F. Bourqui of the electronics workshop and themembers of the mechanical workshop at the Department ofPhysics for excellent technical support.

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2R. Gähler and A. Zeilinger, “Wave-optical experiments with very coldneutrons,” Am. J. Phys. 59, 316–324 �1991�.

3O. Nairz, M. Arndt, and A. Zeilinger, “Quantum interference experimentwith large molecules,” Am. J. Phys. 71, 319–325 �2003�.

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5See ��.6The German translation of Ref. 5 is at �� and��.

7G. I. Taylor, “Interference fringes with feeble light,” Proc. CambridgePhilos. Soc. 15, 114–115 �1909�.

8S. Parker, “A single-photon double slit interference experiment,” Am. J.Phys. 39, 420–424 �1971�.

9W. Rueckner and P. Titcomb, “A lecture demonstration of single photoninterference,” Am. J. Phys. 64, 184–188 �1996�.

10A. Weis and R. Wynands, “Three demonstration experiments on the wave

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schule 1/2, 67–73 �2003�.11 T. L. Dimitrova and A. Weis, “A double demonstration experiment for the

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13M. O. Scully and K. Drühl, “Quantum eraser: A proposed photon corre-lation experiment concerning observation and ‘delayed choice’ in quan-tum mechanics,” Phys. Rev. A 25, 2208–2213 �1982�.

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Diamond Jar. The diamond jar adds some drama to the process of charging up a Leiden jar. The tinfoil inner andouter coatings of the jar are made up of diamonds with small spaces between their points. As the jar is charged, sparksjump between the points of the diamonds. The device is also called a Spangled Jar. This example is at Case WesternReserve University. �Photograph and Notes by Thomas B. Greenslade, Jr., Kenyon College�

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