
The Vocab Weekly

1 June 16 -June 23 Issue 35


Acquiescence Remember, in Harry Potter and Order of the Phoenix, when Dumbeldore refuses to go to Azkaban as ordered? Well, that is just opposite of Acquiescence. This word is used when a person comes quietly as a decision is taken. Else, when a mother buys chocolate to appease her child, she has just acquiesced. Acquiescence is a noun and its first usage dates back to 1625-35. It has originated from the union of two words acquiesce and ence. Former means to submit without protest and latter is a noun suffix. Pronunciation: ak-wee-es-uh ns The dictionary definitions for acquiescence are as follows: 1) Assent or agreement without objection. (noun) 2) The act or condition of giving assent quietly. (noun) Master tip to learn acquiescence: Taking into consideration the meaning of acquiescence, it can be easily confused with permission. However, these words are very different from each other. Acquiescence means to comply with a decision whereas permission means to ask for consent. Acquiescence can also be learnt easily by associating the word with the essence of aqua. Acquie (aqua) scence (essence). Acquiescence can be used in following ways: 1) It was the acquiescence of the world with U.S.A that averted the III world war. (noun) 2) She acquiesced to her son’s demand to buy a toy car. (verb) 3) She is usually very acquiescent to all the decisions that the management makes. (adjective)

The Vocab Weekly

2 June 16 -June 23 Issue 35


Implausible Well, how often do we see something like this happening: Well, never actually. This act showcases an ‘implausible act’, one that is just not possible. We can also label it as improbable. Meaning of Implausible 1. Difficult to believe; not plausible. Pronunciation: im-plaw-zuh-buhl

The Vocab Weekly

3 June 16 -June 23 Issue 35


Confidante How it is believed that women can never really keep a secret. However, the word confidante says the otherwise, as it’s especially used to address women. It is a noun that men find it hard to digest, when used in conjunction with women. Origin: Its first known usage dates back to 1162 and has originated from a French word Confidente, which is feminine of confident. Pronunciation: kon-fi-dant, -dahnt, kon-fi-dant, -dahnt meaning for Confidante 1) A person to whom secrets are confided or with whom secrets are shared with, especially a woman Master’s tip to learn Confidante Confidante can be easily learnt with the help of a word confident, as these words sound alike. Also, You can paint a picture of a confident woman with the word confident with whom you would like to share secrets. Sentence example for Confidante 1) She is my confidante and the greatest guide. (Noun) 2) I have been looking for a confidante like her all his life. (Noun) 3) As a PR professional she works hard, but works even harder to know her clients, as she acts like a confidante to them. (Noun)

The Vocab Weekly

4 June 16 -June 23 Issue 35


Elapse Each and every second, minute or hour that passes by, is known as elapsed. Elapse is mostly and pre-dominantly used in terms of time. Most of us are unable to make the optimal use of time and indulges in activities that are not productive or beneficial in any case. People regret on the way of their elapsed time, but are unable to do anything about, this regret affects the performance in present and future as well. Our generation spends most of the time in social networking, and is crazy about it, which in turn is creating hollowness in us. Pronunciation: ih-laps Meaning of Elapse 1. To slip by or pass by. Master Tip to learn Elapse Relate it with time, the most vital element responsible for success. Sentence Examples for Elapse 1. Commmonly, one month may elapse before a woman realizes that herbirth-control method failed her. 2. Hours, perhaps days, will elapse before an opening can be drilled largeenough to get the men out. 3. In the case of products aged in wood, several years could elapse before they were shipped. 4. Elapsed time exceeds the period length, and then the counters are reset.

The Vocab Weekly

5 June 16 -June 23 Issue 35


Inexorable A fact which is unalterable and a person who is so adamant that he will not change even when persuaded that is an inexorable fact and an inexorable man. It is an adjective. Its first usage dates back to 1545-55. Pronunciation: in-ek-ser-uh-buhl Meanings of Inexorable 1) Something unalterable 2) Someone unyielding/unmoved/unchanged even by prayers/pleading Master’s tip to learn Inexorable Inexorable can be learnt easily by associating it with the character of Lord Voldemort in Harry Potter series. He was one character who did not yield and change even when people pleaded to him for not killing them, he did it anyway. Also, inexorable can be learnt easily by associating it with the word inflexible, as inexorable person is inflexible. Sentence examples for Inexorable 1) He was reprimanded for his inexorability. (Noun) 2) Matron handled the situation inexorably. (Adverb) 3) Paradox of the situation was inexorable. (Adjective)

The Vocab Weekly

6 June 16 -June 23 Issue 35



Quell Sometimes it is so difficult to vanquish those fears of failing and when we are not able to vanquish those fears, these are called non-quell-able fears. Quell is a verb. Origin: Its first usage dates back to before 900. It has originated from a Middle English word quellen, which means to kill and from Old English cwellan, which also means to kill. Pronunciation: kwel Meanings of Quell 1) To repress/curb or to put an end/finish something 2) To crush/suppress 3) To calm Master’s tip to learn Quell Quell can be easily learnt by associating it with the words like hell and yell, as these words rhyme. To make it easier, we can easily quell the hell and the yell. It can also be associated with the word well, due to the similarity in sound, but we cannot quell the storm in the well that easily. Sentence examples for Quell 1) The fire in the theatre as quelled. (Verb) 2) Protests in the street were quelled with the help of the military. (Verb) 3) My mother quelled my fears of failing. (Verb) 4) Her fears were not quelled. (Adjective)

The Vocab Weekly

7 June 16 -June 23 Issue 35


Stench Everyone who applies coconut oil should throw the oil’s bottles out of the window, as it is definitely not fragranced. The word stench (Noun) can be modified to accompany any product that is made of coconut and describe it with finesse. Its first usage dates back to 12th century. Its origin can be credited to many words. It has originated from the word of old English .i.e. Stenc, meaning odour, which can be good or bad. Its origin can aklso be credited to a Greek word Bromo, which means stench, stink or bad odour. Pronunciation: stench The dictionary definitions of stench are as follows: 1) A repulsive smell/stink. (noun) 2) A foul quality (can be a associated with a person, animal or thing, owing to a repulsive habit). (noun) 3) Strongly foul odour. (noun) Master tip to learn stench: Stench is an easy word in itself. It can easily be associated with stink, both meaning the same.Tomake it more easy, stench can be easily traced back to its Greek roots in an instant. In school everyone must have read chemistry and in it an element called bromine, which has been named after ‘bromo’ due to its foul odour. Stench can be used in following ways: 1) That is a stenchful locality. (Adjective)

The Vocab Weekly

8 June 16 -June 23 Issue 35

Work Out Zone Work Out 1: Match the following words with their respective meanings or synonyms.

Word Meaning or Synonym 1 Acquiescence A unbending 2 Confidante B expire 3 Implausible C crush 4 elapse D stink 5 Inexorable E companion 6 quell F improbable 7 Stench G agreement

Work Out 2: Did you really understand the word? 1. People were happy after government acquiesced to their demands yes no

2. A confidante cannot be trusted with secrets. yes no

3. Some accidents are implausible. yes no

4. The project was completed before time elapsed. yes no

5. Some things in society are inexorable. yes no

6. Things continue after they are quelled. yes no

7. Stench is pleasant. yes no

The Vocab Weekly

9 June 16 -June 23 Issue 35

Answers: Work Out Zone Work Out 1 1-G, 2-E, 3-F, 4-B, 5-A, 6-C, 7-D Work Out 2 1-yes, 2-no, 3-yes, 4-yes, 5-yes, 6-no, 7-no

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