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Page 1: The Venus factor

Venus Factor Reviews - Program Description

Weight Loss The Leptin Way To A Perfect Venus Index

If you’ve been looking around for a decent review of The Venus Factor, I know it ain't

easy. Does it work? Is it a quality program by a knowledgeable author? You might be

curious whether it is the best current re-shaping program on ladies' fat loss, or whether

it’s working right now. Read on.

Venus factor is the brainchild of John Barban who holds a degree in nutrition and human

anatomy from the University of Florida and has a vast experience in the supplement

industry. Before you are even turned off by the supplement word, rest assured that his

program has absolutely nothing to do with supplements and it is totally natural.

Its basic foundations are built upon restoring women sensitivity to leptin, a very

important hormone that was discovered as recently as 1995 as having a dramatic impact

on fat and appetite, both for men but especially for women.

Just like insulin, leptin is critical in regulating metabolism and sending the right signals to

burn or to accumulate fat, depending on life circumstances. The problem is that even

though women have twice as much leptin in their bodies than men, they have

unfortunately also more resistance to the signals leptin releases in order to trigger fat loss

from storage tissue or to suppress appetite.

What happens normally is that the more adipose tissue you have, the more leptin is

produced which in turn sends signals to reduce appetite accordingly. Women seem to

have more trouble than men in receiving these signals from leptin effectively, thus have

more difficulty in regulating appetite.

This also explains why women tend to put on weight particularly after child birth and

have then trouble shedding the excess fat. This is because after birth leptin resistance

goes sky high, probably as a result of evolutionary advantage in keeping a woman's body

in fat storage mode for the added stress of child bearing against possible famine or food


Nature does not give a hoot on how sexy and lean or over weight you might look, it only

cares about what is the best physical shape for you and your child to survive on. This is

the bad news. The good news is that John Barban has devised a totally natural system to

restore leptin sensitivity to fat burning mode that in turn results in a lean and trim

hourglass figure.

The Venus Factor system is based on a combination of nutritional guidelines and specific

exercises for women with the extra help of software calculators for nutritional and body

measurement accuracy, plus a ladies' community for help and feedback, the last one a

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very useful psychological tool to avoid staleness, encourage motivation and guatantee

optimal results.

The Venus Factor system is based on a combination of nutritional guidelines and

specific exercises for women with the extra help of software calculators for nutritional

and body measurement accuracy, plus a ladies' community for help and feedback, the last

one a very useful psychological tool to avoid staleness, encourage motivation and

guarantee optimal results.

These software gizmos are nothing new to these kind of programs, it is just that this one

seems to tackle the data with a little different perspective in order to achieve a Venus like

perfect hourglass figure within a Venus Index range, an ideal perfect body ratio

inspired by classicism that implies the pinnacle of feminine beauty and perfection.

Ideally, your waist should be about 38% of your height, your hips about 1,42 times

your waist, and your shoulders about 1.60 of your waist. But the single most important

ratio is the waist to height. However, these are general guidelines you should not

obsess over.

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Page 3: The Venus factor

Venus Factor Diet - How Does It Work?

Restoring Leptin Sensitivity To Stimulate Fat Loss

The Venus Factor diet is the compound knowledge result by author John Barban

of years of experience in the fat loss industry specifically for women, backed up by

scientific evidence, real life results and common sense.

The Venus Factor female fat loss and lean muscle program came about on the basis of

women having a different response to diet and exercise than that of men and the need to

create a a program specifically tailor suited to them.

What works for men may also work so and so for women too, but in an approximate way

because hormones and their effect on overall metabolism, fat loss and muscle range

wildly depending on what hormones are at play and how responsive they are to


Men, of course, have more testosterone, while women have estrogen. Testosterone plays

a key factor in metabolism and overall body composition, translating in more muscle

mass and less fat tissue.

On average men have between 10% to 20% body fat, while women have between 20% to

30% body fat. So far so good for testosterone and estrogen.

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However, there is a third key hormone that has become increasingly important in the last

decade or so for its ability to interfere with the way your body stores fat or burns it and

sends signals to your brain to start and stop eating. This hormone is called leptin.

Now, leptin is present in both men and women, and in fact it is more abundant in women,

but the problem for women lies not in quantity but in sensitivity, in other words women

are more leptin resistant than men despite having a better base stock of it, which more

than offset the initial advantage. Therefore, the negative effect of leptin resistance in

women is greater of the mere leptin quantity.

Having seen this, John Barban focused his effort in finding a way to restore sensitivity to

leptin in women's bodies as the foundation for a faster metabolism, hence fat loss and

lean muscle. However, the nutritional outcome of his program is not restrictive like that

of most diet plans that require, for example, to avoid certain foods or only eat vegetables.

The approach to meals is in fact quite flexible, even treats are allowed, since what is

important is when and how to eat certain foods in a customized way. Different women

have a different way to metabolize leptin, so the Venus Factor diet program tailor suit

these different needs with the help of a software nutritionist.

With few inputs the virtual nutritionist tells you exactly what you should eat, depending

on you height, body fat, shoulder width, and waist to height ratio, in addition to a

peculiar herb that alone is responsible for greatly increasing leptin sensitivity.

The last one is the single most important factor the determine how much calories you

need depending on your progress because, even though leptin plays a key role in

increasing metabolism and burning fat, the ratio at which your body can handle fat loss

also changes with time depending on fat storage. At the start of the program when you

have more fat you can afford to eat less, but as you grow leaner, you have to increase

your calorie intake until you reach a balance point. More on this below.

Click Here To Visit Venus Factor Diet Official Website

What Are The Benefits Of Venus Factor?

Optimum Rate Weight Loss Vs Crush Diets

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A good point of the Venus Factor program is the progressive approach to losing

fat at different rates, more at the start, less at the end. Unlike traditional crush diets that

force your body into the same amount of calorie deficit for days and weeks, resulting in

fat AND muscle tissue loss, John Barban's program acknowledges your body limited

ability to sustain a great calorie deficit for extended periods.

Here is what happens with crush diets:

1. Crush diets deny your body natural response that comes from survival adaptation,

because a severely limited calorie intake protracted for a long time in natural

situations means lack of food availability. Your body response is then primed to

stop using precious fat storage for energy and to start using less important

muscle tissue instead.

2. The result is that after an initial loss of fat, you also start losing muscle, ending

up weaker and even fatter than before when you start eating again, because less

muscle translates into lower metabolism and an increased ability to store fat, the

typical yo-yo situation.

Instead, the Venus Factor goes the progressive way. What happens is that at the start of

a diet, with a high percentage of fat tissue, your body has a greater ability to handle a

more drastic calorie deficit. Since it only needs less calorie than it spends in order to lose

fat, this seems to be the way to go. And it is, for at least at the start you can afford a

greater calorie deficit than your real daily requirements are.

However, as you go along and start getting leaner, with less body fat but still the same

muscle tissue, you should start increasing your calorie intake progressively to reflect your

body diminished ability to cope with a drastic calorie deficit.

Here is what happens with Venus Factor:

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1. As you get leaner and leaner, your ability to lose fat quickly will diminish. The

more body fat you have, the faster you can lose it, the less body fat you have, the

slower you can lose it, so you need to adjust your diet as you go along until a

balance is reached, say you achieved a low fat, lean muscle body type or even the

mythical Venus Index as mentioned above.

2. All this sounds complicated because it requires by default a regular check up of

your body composition and an adjustment to your diet as you go along. However,

Venus Factor is set up in a way to make all this regular updating a breeze.

3. The program comes also with a calorie software telling you exactly what you

should eat day by day, week by week in order to take all the guessing out, while

keeping your rate of fat loss optimal as you go along.

4. The Virtual Nutritionist is in fact the center point of the Venus Factor, because it

is the collection of a vast database and years of expertise and scientific knowledge

packaged to actually give you a customized, tailor suited protocol in a user

friendly way to maximize your goals and make it error proof. The software

actually gives you 2 calorie counts, one for fat loss and one for maintenance and

by all accounts it is indispensable to calculate your calorie intake adjustments.

Click Here To Visit Venus Factor Diet Official Website

The Workouts And The Venus Immersion Community

Exercise And Social Connections For Lean Mass And Fat Loss

Diet alone if properly implemented in a regular, progressive way can alone achieve great

results. Optionally, you can throw in exercising to maximize your efforts and increase

metabolism and fat burning with the addition of a moderate amount of lean, sexy muscle

in the right places.

While the Virtual Nutritionist and the Venus Factor Diet can be used stand alone with

great effect, the Venus Factor system also offers a complete, separate guide to working

out called Venus Factor Workout. This is a 12 week fat burning and muscle tone

manual in PDF format with all the basics of exercising AND access to 130 exercises

demonstration online videos.

It goes hand in hand with the 12 week diet and it offers an extra edge to women who

really want to go all the way in reshaping their body composition. This part of the

program is very flexible, you can exercises at home with basic tools like barbells and

dumbbells, a bench and a mat, starting from just 1 set per exercise and increasing upward

to your levels of fitness.

Regardless of workout volume, this 12 week program is in turn split into 3 cycles of 4

weeks each in order to prevent stagnation and stimulate growth of lean muscle. In our

opinion, working out should be always part of a dieting regime because it helps increase

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metabolism and improve body tissue composition, increasing lean muscle and helping

burn fat even more, maximizing results.

John Barban's diet program comes also with a handy social community called Venus

Immersion Community. This is a very popular social hub for all the Venus Factor

members where participants are encouraged to show their results, give suggestions and

tips to other members and help each other with descriptions of their achievements as well

as podcasts of their stories.

Three times a year they run a contest and the winners (Venuses) are interviewed by John

Barban himself. The winners then go on releasing podcasts on their success stories,

spurring members into action. The community is a key factor in the success of the Venus

factor program because it encourages support and sense of belonging while keeping

members a little accountable for their progress.

There are not many programs that can boast of an online community where members can

support, encourage and give feedback to each other in order to take results to another

level. The Venus Immersion Community is set up in a way to keep its members focused

on their task (losing fat and toning muscle) that would otherwise fad away in most cases

if they were left on their own. This is a trick to keep you accountable for your own

progress, albeit in a friendly way.

Click Here To View Venus Factor Real Users

Page 8: The Venus factor

The Venus Factor Does It Work?

Is It A Good Weight Management Program?

Like similar programs of this kind, the Venus Factor is concerned with reducing

fat tissue in order to achieve a better body composition. It also gives blueprints and

layouts for dieting and exercising, but this is also nothing new.

What is unique of this program is the approach to leptin and the set up of a diet targeted

at restoring leptin sensitivity that in turn kick starts the fat burning process. It is

surprising that there is one single particular herb that has the ability to increase leptin

sensitivity sky high, this alone is probably one of the most important components of the

Venus Factor, aside from diet and exercise.

The nutrition part is laid out in the 12 Week Fat Loss System in which John Barban

explains how to manage your diet plans, which foods to eat and which ones to avoid like

the plague, even some alleged healthy foods.

The workout part is also arranged in 12 weeks divided into three 4 week cycles, 3 times a

week. The exercises can be implemented at home with basic equipment such as a

reclining bench, a set of dumbbells or a barbell, and a mat. No need to join a gym, unless

you want to. It is also very flexible because you can perform from 1 to more sets per

exercise, depending of your fitness levels and goals. The workout program itself is very

well set up, offering over 130 high quality online videos that you can access from the VF

official website.

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However, we all know how difficult it is to adhere to a nutritional plan when all

temptations are there ready available in the fridge, but Venus Factor offers its own

software to calculate calories you need depending on your weight and body proportions

as mentioned above.

So yes, the combination of sound scientific foundation coupled with a detailed nutritional

and workout implementation, the online community and the successful results of

thousands of members make the Venus Factor an attractive and effective ladies' fat loss


Click Here To Visit Venus Factor System Official Site

Venus Factor Contents Review - Pros And Cons

What's The Bottom Line?

By all accounts, the Venus Factor is not a fad, it has already helped thousands of

women achieve their dreamed of lean and sexy shape as proved by countless testimonials.

It looks like a program based on scientific evidence and insightful knowledge by a

leading expert, John Barban.

The main components of the program are as follows:

1. The Main PDF Manual - 12 Week Fat Loss System PDF: complete information

on which foods to eat and which to avoid, including the leptin response triggering


2. The Workout PDF Manual and Demonstration Videos – 12 Week Fat Burning

And Muscle Tone Workout PDF: a solid exercise blueprint in online video format

with over 130 demonstration videos.

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3. The Software for Calorie Intake and Body Measurements - to accurately

calculate your caloric intake depending on height, waist, weight, shoulders and

age in order to achieve a perfect hourglass figure within an ideal Venus Index.

4. The Social Community: a supporting community of ladies in exactly the same

fat loss, muscle toning situation to help boost determination and dedication and

stay focused.

The Pros:

1. Unique scientific leptin hormone approach. Just knowing how to lower leptin

resistance to kick start metabolism and fat burning is worth gold.

2. Progressive approach to losing fat - lose just fat, not muscle.

3. Helpful online Venus Immersion Community to help you stay focused while

being encouraged and supported.

4. Flexible workout program. It can be implemented at home or at a gym.

5. 130 plus online workout videos to explain in detail what words or pictures alone


6. Good, solid nutritional plan with all the foods to avoid and to eat, including the

secret leptin response herb.

7. Instant download and accessibility, no shipping required.

8. Last but not least - 60 day money back guarantee.

The Cons:

1. The program is designed specifically for women, it is not as effective for men.

2. It is not a quick fix. It requires time and dedication. So if you are looking for a

dramatic fat loss in 2 week time just before your beach vacation, this is not for


Bottom Line

How Good Is The Venus Factor?

Apparently, the Venus Factor system has been successfully used by thousands of

women and boasts of an endless catalogs of satisfied women who gladly posted their

before and after pictures to showcase their results and thank the community and John

Barban for their support.

Click Here To Visit Venus Factor Official Home Page

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