
Written and illustrated by: Yi jia Zi

In a valley somewhere in the middle of Britain was a small, magical,

beautiful town named Violet. Inside the town lived many fairies. They

slept inside giant magical flowers and ate fruit from trees that grew all

around. The most beautiful fairy was Urrutia. She was very kind and

friendly. All of the fairies liked

her. They were very happy.

One day, a vampire came

and everything changed.

The vampire’s name was

Villard· L · Alucard. His pets were two big bats. The two bats could take

him to fly.

One year ago, his father duke Alucard told him, “You are 500 years old,

and you can’t live with your parents any more. You need to find a place,

and use your magic to build your own castle. Then the vampire king can

give you the rank of duke.”

So Villard began to look for a good place, and he finally came to Violet.

He saw this beautiful town and wanted to build his castle there. But he

knew there were many fairies who lived there. So he walked into Violet.

He wanted to make the fairies find other place, so Villard could build his

castle at Violet, but the fairies did not want to leave.

Villard was the duke’s son, so nobody could say no to him. He became

very angry, and suddenly killed the fairies who talked with him.

He thought, “If I killed all fairies in this town, I can build my castle and

nobody can stop me.”

Then he began his massacre. The vampire had many powers, so to kill

the fairies was not a difficult thing for Villard. Two hours later, Villard had

killed many fairies. There were many skeletons and skulls covering the

floor. But one beautiful fairy made Villard stop killing more fairies. She

was Urrutia, and she used magic to protect some small fairies.

Villard thought, “Who is she? And why will she protect the small

fairies. Are these fairies her children? No, she is very young. Are these

fairies her sisters and brothers? No, they are not like her. But why does

she will protect them?”

He came in front of Urrutia, took her hand, and asked her, “Why do

you protect them? Are you not afraid of death?”

Urrutia answered him, “Because we are fairies, and they are younger

than I am, they need everybody’s protection. Why do you want to kill

them, like a monster doing those evil, nasty things?”

Villard thought, “This fairy is very kind, and beautiful. I want to make

her my wife.”

Villard said, “If you’re made my wife, I can let they survive.” But

Urrutia said “No, I do not want be your wife. I can protect them.”

Villard was very angry, and began to cast a spell. One minute later,

there was many clouds came. All Violet was gloomy. All fairies were

under the spell and changed to the stone, without Urrutia. Fairies

change to the stones like many tombs, and Violet became like a big

cemetery. Urrutia was very horrified, and Villard let her ate his blood, let

she under his control. He made Urrutia to be his wife.

One week later Villard toke Urrutia to his home, and to introduce to

his father and mother. Then get married in his duck Alucard’s big garden.

At that moment the vampire king came, and gave Villard the rank of


The king said, “Congratulations, you have a beautiful wife, so now you

are the Villard duke.” He talked to Villard’s father, “We are old, but you

have a nice son. You are lucky Alucard duke.”

After they married, they went back to Violet, and used the magic to

build a big castle, and they lived


Urrutia could eat, sleep, and

think, but she was always under

Villard’s control. If she saw him, she had to listen to his words. But one

year later, Urrutia felt Villard was very kind, and slowly she felt love for

Villard and Villard loved her too. But Villard killed many fairies and every

night he needed to eat her blood, so that made her feel eerie.

One day Urrutia thought,

“I can’t love Villard because

he killed too many fairies.”

So she ate a kind of poison.

Then, at night, Villard went

to drink her blood, and he

felt very painful. He looked at Urrutia and saw that her tears fell on her


Villard said very angrily, “You want kill me, Urrutia?”

Urrutia said, “Yes, I thought you were a nice person, but you killed

many fairies. Every night they come to my dreams, and I’m very afraid.

They told me to kill you. So today I’m very happy because you are dying.

Don’t worry, I’ll die with you. Today I want tell you not to hate me,

because I love you.”

Villard smiled and said, “Urrutia, I need you to know that I never hate

you. I’m happy too because you tell me the truth, I love you too.”

After this talk, they smiled then closed they eyes. They died together,

and suddenly changed to two huge, beautiful crystals.

For many years, nobody came to Violet, so the forest covered the

castle, and covered the crystal. Now nobody knows there used to be a

town in this forest. Violet is under this territory forever.

About the Author

Yijia Zi, the author of “The Vampire and the Fairy,” was born in

Dali, Yunnan in north China in 1999. As a child, she liked scary stories

very much, and read

many books about

vampires, monsters, and

fairies. At the school, she

liked to talk scary stories

with friends. Now she

lives in Quito, Ecuador,

and studies at Academia

Cotopaxi School. Her

favorite animals are rats and bats.

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