
The United Nations

“Keeping peace throughout the world.”

The United Nations (UN)

Currently there are 192 members

Four Main Goals of the UN

1. To keep and Maintain Peace throughout the world;2. To develop friendly relations among nations;3. To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor

people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms;

4. To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals.

History of The United Nations (UN)

Based upon “League of Nations” (WWI). 50 members in original UN charter. Prevent another World War. Established October 24, 1945 (post-WWII).

League of Nations (1919-1946)

Treaty of Versailles (Part 1). Jans Christian Smuts (Unionist prime

minister of South Africa). Woodrow Wilson. League on Nations FAILS to prevent WWII;

contributes to rise of Hitler in Germany. United States isolationist policy (negotiate

separate peace w/ Germany; doesn’t join LN)

World War Two (1939-1945)

Nazis & Imperial Japan. Prevent atrocities (such as

Holocaust) from ever happening again.

Promote the democratic process/human rights around the world.

Way for different governments to talk to each other; problems, help, etc.

San Francisco Conference (June 26, 1945- October 24, 1945)

Original UN charter is agreed upon. “Big 5” established as permanent members

(USA, UK, USSR, France, China). Main headquarters in NYC.

UN Headquarters in New York City.

UN Peacekeepers

More peacekeepers (blue helmets)

Organization of UN; 5 Organs (bodies)

1. General Assembly

2. Security Council

3. Economic & Social Council

4. International Court of Justice

5. Secretariat

General Assembly

Main Parliamentary body.

192 members. 2/3 majority vote

required. Each member gets 1 vote.

Just about everything is discussed in the GA.

Security Council

Military branch of UN. In charge of peacekeeping,

land mine removal, refugee protection, etc.

15 members (5 permanent: USA, Russia, UK, China, France- each has a ‘veto’ vote on ALL Security Council measures.

Decisions known as “UN security council resolutions”.

Security Council cont….

Economic & Social Council

54 members. The economic branch of UN (ECOSOC controls 70%

of entire UN budget). promoting higher standards of living, full

employment, and economic and social progress; identifying solutions to international economic, social

and health problems; facilitating international cultural and educational

cooperation; and encouraging universal respect for human rights and

fundamental freedoms.

International Court of Justice

Judicial branch of UN. Establishes international law. Mediates disputes between

countries. Has tried war criminals in the

past (Nazis). Based in The Hague,

Netherlands (only one not in NYC).

15 judges elected by GA- 9yr term.

Official languages are French & English.


Administrative branch of UN. Handles day to day operations; international disputes

to peacekeeping logistics. 44,000 employees world wide. Interprets and translates documents into official UN

languages (Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish).

Provides the research for UN studies, investigations and General Assembly meetings.


The head of the Secretariat and also President of the General Assembly.

Appointed to 5 year terms by General Assembly.

CANNOT be from one of the “Big 5” permanent members.

← Ban Ki-Moon of South Korea

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Adopted by General Assembly 1948. Main document to support UN intervention; General

Assembly, Security Council resolutions, and International Court of Justice.

Established in direct response to Holocaust atrocities committed by Nazi Germany in WWII.

United Nations Human Rights Council was est. 2006 to monitor human rights around the world.

World Food Program and High Commission for Refugees.


The UN is funded by voluntary donations from member States.

Donations are based on the Gross National Income of each country.

USA is largest donor (22% of 2011 budget). Most of UN budget is spent supporting

peacekeeping operations and providing humanitarian aid.

Criticism of UN

Failure to enforce Security Council resolutions in Rwanda, Darfur, the Gaza Strip, and Bosnia.

Corruption in Cote d’Ivoire, Liberia, and Haiti. Some member States of UN are guilty of Human Rights

Violations (apartheid South Africa).

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