Page 1: The Three Scariest People at Work, from Darcy Eikenberg & Red Cape Revolution

By Darcy Eikenberg, ACC

Founder, Red Cape Revolution


Page 2: The Three Scariest People at Work, from Darcy Eikenberg & Red Cape Revolution

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Page 3: The Three Scariest People at Work, from Darcy Eikenberg & Red Cape Revolution

Who he is:On the surface, everyone thinks Frank

rocks. He's the hero, the savior, the one you call

when everything is falling apart. In fact, he's often the one to tell you that

it's falling apart in the first place.

Why he’s scary:Heroes are great, but when we hold out for

a hero, we fail to develop heroic skills in ourselves. Relying on Frank cheats others out of learning how to get things done, and

trains your organization to expect fires rather than building the skills to to prevent

them in the first place.

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Page 4: The Three Scariest People at Work, from Darcy Eikenberg & Red Cape Revolution

Recognize where you add the most value--and where your talents or approach may be overkill.

Bring a colleague along to the next fire, and show her where the ladders are.

Step away from the fire once in a while and give someone else the space to douse the flames.

And don’t get burned.

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Page 5: The Three Scariest People at Work, from Darcy Eikenberg & Red Cape Revolution

Who he is:Life is hard for Sandy. Each new project or assignment feels like walking through mud.

No matter how many hours he works, he struggles. And as his colleague, you know about it, and you feel bad, but you're never quite sure how to help. You're just waiting for him to "get it”--and you keep waiting.

Why he’s scary:There’s nothing worse than someone who sucks all the energy and positive action out

of the room like a struggler can. Sandy might be a nice person, but he’s hard to be around--and you feel worse

because you just can’t figure out what to do to help.

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Page 6: The Three Scariest People at Work, from Darcy Eikenberg & Red Cape Revolution

Wondering if you’re struggling or just being challenged for your own

good? Those struggles can look similar on the outside, but feel different on the inside.

If your struggles are exhausting and frustrating instead of energizing and hopeful,

it's time for a change.

You may not have to leave your company or even your job, but if you don’t change your life at work soon,

you’ll be struggling out the door.

It's time for an honest conversation about why you're doing what you’re doing--and what you are really meant to do.

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Page 7: The Three Scariest People at Work, from Darcy Eikenberg & Red Cape Revolution

Who he is:No matter what's going on, ask Oliver how

he is and he'll say, "I'm fine." He's perfectly pleasant, always reliable,

and doesn't demand much from his colleagues

or the organization.You don’t know a lot about him, but if he

says he’s fine, you figure you should believe him.

Why he’s scary:Consistency and reliability is great--until

one day, Oliver stops by to tell you that he's leaving. Right when you need him.

And you had no idea.

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Page 8: The Three Scariest People at Work, from Darcy Eikenberg & Red Cape Revolution

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying your work, your colleagues, your success as you define it. As long as it’s the truth.

It’s easy to lie to ourselves and say we’re okay when we’re really not. We think changing our life at work means changing too many things in our life,

and that feels overwhelming and hard. So we pretend it’s all okay.

There are proven ways to change your life at work in small but significant ways that can help you go from okay to excellent. If you’re really not okay,

get the support you need now.

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Page 9: The Three Scariest People at Work, from Darcy Eikenberg & Red Cape Revolution

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Are you one of the scary people? Then it’s time for change.

Download our Change Your Life at Work toolkit today, packed with tools

and strategies for you to use immediately. You’ll also get our

ebook “27 Days to Change Your Life at Work.”


Click “Start Changing Your Life at Work” at the top of the page

Page 10: The Three Scariest People at Work, from Darcy Eikenberg & Red Cape Revolution

At Red Cape Revolution, we help smart leaders change their lives at work without

changing everything in their lives.

We take a fun, playful approach to revolutionizing the career and success issues that often feel too heavy, intense, and

overwhelming for today’s busy professional.

But our results are far from playful or light.

Our coaching programs, corporate and professional group workshops, and online tools at create practical, real-world results for people like you and

your colleagues.

Let’s talk about your life at work, and how it can work for you and your organization again. Call 404.857.2738 or email

founder Darcy Eikenberg at [email protected].

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