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During the Spanish Colonial Period…

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Since there was this spreading of Christian doctrine,

The task of translating religious instructional materials was obliged to

the Spanish missionaries.But these missionaries took a practical step, it was to employ native speakers as translators.

So, these native translators eventually learned to read and write

both in Spanish and his native language (Filipino).

Then, this development marked the beginning of Indio literacy and the three

greatest Filipino translators were among the earliest writers.

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First Filipino Translator:


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He is a Dominican priest. He is known as the FATHER OF TAGALOG GRAMMARIANS and He was credited with the first installing of the printing press in the Philippines in 1602.

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He produced significant treatises on the Tagalog language and He is the founder of the Dominican-owned printing press in Binondo, Manila and in Pila, Laguna

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Libro de Nuestra Señora del Rosario en lengua y letra de Filipinas

- the first book to be printed by movable type in the country in 1602.

Libro de los Cuatro Postrimerias del Hombre

- the first typographic book printed in 1604.- Printed by Juan de Vera. (Binondo, 1604)

La Regla y Arte de la Lengua Tagala- the landmark grammar book in 1610.

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Learning Tagalog, Francisco de San Jose moved to Bataan and had his “Artes y Reglas de la Lengua Tagala” (Arts and Rules of the Tagalog Language) printed there in 1610. The printer was Tomas Pinpin.Further discussion of analysis will be made by Jackie Tanaleon….


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Second Filipino Translator:



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According to some research found on the net, his surname BAGONGBANTA means: a threat to the Filipino language (Tagalog) because it injects Spanish language to Tagalog poems.

He is a writer and a Castilian poet in tagalog.

His poem is considered to be the first written in Tagalog with Latin characters, although it was united in fact of a poem in Spanish with the literal translation after each line.

  His purpose is to introduce the author as a 'ladino' that knows two languages.


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What is a LADINO? It is the name given

to the natives who had mastered the Spanish language.

Either trained or educated in parish or catechetical schools and were used as interpreters and informants.

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The poetry in tagalog, written in Latin characters appeared for the first time in a religious work directed to explain the basic doctrines of the catholic faith: “Memorial of the Christian life” in language tagala (Manila, 1605).The work contained

poems of three authors:Fernando BagongBanta, writer and Castilian

poet in Tagalog An anonymous native poet andthe author of the book, the monk Francisco of San Jose.

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•San Jose denominates “The Romance” poem.(The work takes each one from the Ten orders and in the preface the work of San Jose appears a poem of BagongBantá’s praising. )•The poem of the anonymous author (It appears at the end of the book with the same function that the one of Bagong Bantá. The poems of San Jose follow texts in prose like poetic summaries of the taught lessons. )

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Salamat Nang Walang Hangga


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For the full content of the poem:

Further discussion of analysis will be made by Christine Cometa….

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An excerpt of BagongBanta’s masterpiece..





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• Thanks occur duranceswhich made leave the star:that it exiles the darknessesof all this our earth.

Salamat nang ualang hangaSa nagpasilang nang destroysmacapagpanao nang dilimsa lahat na go natin.

Or precious book piece,your in you you contain and you lock up:any good doctrinethat inside the soul penetrates.

Or sulat na lubhang mahalicao ang pinagpapalamnannang dilang magandang aralnacatataos sa loob.

Your you are as full coffer,of all precious silksthat engalanan and hermoseanto the soul that is right and


Ycao ang napoponong digsnang mahal sleeve taloquengipagbubuting totoosa banal na caloloua.

Pretty, rich and beautiful jewel,that to the Christiano chest you urge onand of rich gold chainthat I will not suffer to you loose.

Mahal Ycao ang na gamaymacabuti sa Christianosampon talicalang guintona I gave to Co DIN cacalaguin.

Your you are strong and certain weapon,that I in the war will usewhen badly the devil touches to me.

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• Ipagbabaca Ycao ang sandatangmatibay na aquingcun tinotocso nang devil.

Pigrim's staff of estraña firmnessand will give great lightnesswhile I walk in this earthuntil to he himself God sees.

Ycao ang matigas na toncodicalilicsing I gave ualasdito sa you would paglalacaranhangan I gave to maquita ang God.

You are rudder that bankruptcyalthough is not strong stormmy hope in you is putin aquesta my race.

Ycao ang oguit na matibaycahimat binabagyohansa iyo aco nananaligsa aquing paglalayagan.

Aprended aquesta letramuy poco trabajo cuesta:mucho es lo que se interesaseremos hombres de cienciay de ajustada concienciaque no haya ya diferenciadel de España al de esta tierra.

Totoong di ualang liuagbago, y, ang daming paquinabangdudunong na di sapalaat maguiguing banal dinna ualang pagcacaibhannang Castila,t, nang Tagalog.

Oh grande ventura, y buenadel que goza esta legenda:quedará su alma llenade celestiales riquezas.

Si, galing aya nang paladnang tauong nanasa nitomapopono ang calolouanang cayamanan sa langit.

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•Tu seas mi propia haciendasiempre estés junto a mí cercasi me llegaré tristezadarme has consuelo de veras:si hubiera cansancio o penaen ti el corazón alientalos provechos son sin cuenta,que de ti mi alma esperala gracia y la gloria eterna.

Aaquin aquinin catasumaaquin aquin cacun acoy datnan nang lumbayicao ang tantong pangalingat cun may pagal at hirapicao ang pagpapahingahansasang anong paquinabangang magmomola sa iyogracia pati pa nang gloria.


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Third Filipino Translator:



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He is a Filipino poet and translator of the 17th century and He is the author of Pasyon.(devotional poetry written in the Roman script in the Tagalog language)

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Ang Mahal na Pasión ni Jesu Christong Panginoon Natin na Tola

(The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ that is a Poem)

This development marked the beginning of Indio literacy and thus spurred the creation of the first written literary native text by the native.

This marked the beginning of the end of the old mythological culture and a conversion to the new paradigm introduced by the colonial power.

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The indigenous form of the Pasyon was first set into writing in " Ang Mahal na Pasión ni Jesu Christong Panginoon Natin na Tola" ("The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ that is a Poem"), written in 1703 and approved in 1704 and published in Manila by the Imprenta de la Compañia por Nicolas de la Cruz Bagay.

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The more popular version of the Pasyon is the "Casaysayan nang Pasiong Mahal ni Jesucristong Panginoon Natin na Sucat Ipag-alab nang Puso nang Sinomang Babasa" ("The History of the Passion of Jesus Christ our Lord that will surely Set Afire the Heart of Whosoever Reads it").

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PASYON An 1852 erudition by Aniceto de Merced, El libro de la

vida (The Book of Life), did not prove popular with the masses.

Another kind of Pasyon is thePasyong Pilapil or Pasyong Henesis. Written in 1814, it narrates stories from the Creation of Adam and Eve.European culture and Roman Catholic religion were introduced to Filipinos during the establishment of the Spanish colonial government over four centuries ago. The religious orders’ monopoly of printing presses during the early 19th century published predominantly religious materials aimed to teaching the Catholic religion to the natives.

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The Pasyon (Spanish: Pasión) is a narrative of the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ woven with the standard elements of epic poetry and a colorful dramatic theme, with stanzas of five lines. Each line has eight syllables. This form of the passion narrative is popular in the Philippines, especially during the Lenten season or Holy Week.

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PASYON The Pasyon is normally heard during Holy

Week in the Philippines, where its recitation, known as the Pabása ("Reading") can span several days over the course of the period, extending no later than Black Saturday. Readers will chant the verses of the Pasyon without pause from beginning to end in front of a specially-constructed shrine or altar. This non-stop reading of the Pasyon is facilitated by the chanters working in shifts.The reading of Pasyon must be finished before 3 pm of Good Friday (the time when Jesus died on the cross). Musical accompaniment to its recitation is practised by some though is by no means universal.

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