Page 1: The The SentinelSentinel April 2017 · 2019. 8. 26. · The The SentinelSentinel April 2017 Volume 55 No 3 Magazine of Giffnock South Parish hurch Dear God, Teach us to love one another

The The SentinelSentinel April


Volume 55 No 3

Magazine of Giffnock South Parish Church

Dear God, Teach us to love one another like you love us, and to love our enemies. Show us how to be patient and kind and not be jealous or selfish. Let our love be eternal and teach us to always tell the truth and not lie. Give us faith and hope that the little ones grow up to be kind, patient and that they always tell the truth. Give them the faith and hope so that they never fail or give up. Amen

13th April at 7pm: Joint Maundy Thursday Service in Giffnock South

14th April: Good Friday Reflections - Church will be open 11am to 2pm

Good Friday Service 7pm in Orchardhill Church

16th April 8.30am Easter Morning Sunrise Service followed by breakfast

11am Easter Sunday Morning Service

All will be warmly welcomed at all these services

Nicola's prayer from the morning service on 26th February

Concert cancelled -

see page 2

Glasgow Care

Foundation chosen

as this year’s


See page 7

The Easter film this year is Risen (2016), starring Joseph Fiennes in the role of a Roman tribune, tasked to find the missing body of an executed Jew rumoured to have risen from the dead. The film will be shown in the Eglinton Hall on Wednesday 12th April at 7.30p.m. There is no charge for admission.

Please come along and bring your friends to watch this interpretation of the Resurrection.

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Contributions for the May edition of The Sentinel should be sent to the

Church office or emailed to [email protected] by 16th April.


Concert Cancellation

As you are probably aware, the Makaris Quartet

concert scheduled to take place at 1pm on

Saturday 25th March has been cancelled due to

one of the saxophonists having broken his elbow.

Rory Simons, the baritone saxophonist in the

group, was recently involved in an accident on his way into university

and, as a result of his injuries, is currently unable to play. We are

assured that he is recovering well and will be back rehearsing in about

a month’s time, so once everything is back up and running, we fully

intend to bring our recital programme to Giffnock South. In the

meantime, we wish Rory all the best in his recovery and those with

tickets are encouraged to contact a member of the Giffnock South

events team for a refund.

It was decided by the Session at

January’s meeting that the morning

services in July and August would start

at 10.30am as was the case last year.

The Stated Annual Meeting of Giffnock South will

follow the morning service on Sunday 2nd April.

Anyone interested in joining

the Sound Team should

contact Laura Beattie at

[email protected]


Congratulations again to Dorothy Scott and Sheena Ireland who both submitted all-correct entries for February’s quiz and they each received a prize at the morning service on the 5th March. The answers are shown below. Entries for the March quiz should be handed into the office by the end of that month and April’s quiz will be available on Sunday 2nd.

Which sport - Answers No.19

1 It makes nun grin

2 Small owl call in Germany

3 Jimminy

4 Used when baking

5 Greet His Majesty

6 Mixture of raw gut

7 Backward alien leaves crumby


8 The French go over east

9 Probably round your garden

10 Unravel Glen’s writ

11 Performed at the hairdressers?

12 William with one on a way south













13 Sell ABBA when mixed up

14 A VW

15 A smaller VW

16 Sing my ‘cats’ when arranged

17 Inferior china

18 Confused insect in the railway

19 Rebuild hit castle

20 Small cosy corner with the queen

21 Crosby swallowed the ruminant…

22 ...or he’s with 151 thousand

23 Sounds like hose?

24 Could be orange?













A short communion service has been introduced

during the morning service on the first Sunday of the

month (Though not February, May and October, the

normal communion months).

Mearnskirk Avril Holland ably conducted her first service at Mearnskirk in January and we are grateful to Martin Bennie who played the organ.

Many thanks to Eileen Crawford who has led these services for many years. She will still continue to participate with the group.

Eastwoodhill Care Home

There has been notification from Crossreach that Eastwoodhill Care Home is to be sold to a private care provider. The involvement of the Church of Scotland will be discussed at a future meeting of the mission committee.

Thanks to all the dedicated quiz aficionados who have regularly stumped up their £1 every month. Congratulations to those who were successful and commiserations to those who tried but failed. Nicola’s Ninjas Muscular Dystrophy Research Fund has benefitted in no small way and is grateful for your support. From April, the church charity, Glasgow Care Foundation will be the beneficiaries from the monthly quiz. Keep trying!

The April Contemporary Evening Service will be

at 6.30 on Sunday 9th

Fairtrade The Fairtrade stall

is open in the Winton Hall

on the second Sunday of

each month. It is managed

by a rota system organised

by Myra Rao.

The Lodging House Mission

Giffnock South is involved in the

Saturday rota on 13th May 2017.

Ronnie MacIntosh will organise the


Page 3: The The SentinelSentinel April 2017 · 2019. 8. 26. · The The SentinelSentinel April 2017 Volume 55 No 3 Magazine of Giffnock South Parish hurch Dear God, Teach us to love one another



The Minister:

Rev Catherine Beattie BDMin

0141 258 7804

07709 086 767 Mobile

[email protected]

Church Office Hours:

The church office is open in

the mornings from Monday to

Thursday from 9am till noon

0141 638 2599

[email protected]

Session Clerk:

Alison Fenton

07713 242 080 Mobile

Church Website:


Scottish Charity:SCO007807

Dear Friends,

Lent is well under way, and we have a few weeks yet to continue with our Lenten disciplines.

We look forward to Easter and the joy of meeting Jesus after the great sadness and pain of Holy Week. We try, during these days of Lent to follow Jesus as he walks towards Jerusalem, but it is a hard road, and we are constantly drawn away from the Way of the Cross, by the business and demands of life.

Perhaps these words will help us as we journey on through Lent and holy Week:

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Enjoy a cup of tea or coffee before and

after the service every Sunday.




But a time is coming, and has come, when you will be scattered, each to his own home. You will leave me all alone. Yet I am not alone, for my Father is with me.

I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.

John 16 31-33

Jesus, as we start once again to follow you, on the Way of the Cross,

we are apprehensive, for we are not sure of ourselves. On our journey we have often been afraid,

often sought the safe options, often fudged the sharp solution. On our journey; we have often tried to hide our real selves from others, and from you. We, who dare to say we are following you, know how faltering are our footsteps, how delicate our discipleships, how feeble our faith. Yet, you still call us by name and invite us into your company and onto your road. So give us the courage and commitment we need: help us to look out for one another on our journey; show us how we may share the duty and the joy of discipleship, knowing that in the end, it is you who have lit our path, you who accompany us all the way, you who will meet us on the road, and call our name. Amen. (John Harvey - Iona Community)

The Minister’s Letter

May God bless your Lenten journey as he leads us to the Cross and the Resurrection.

I wish you all a very happy Easter, Catherine

Paraclesis : Journeying Together

“He comes alongside us when we go through hard times, and before we know it , he brings us alongside someone else who is going through hard times so that we can be

there for that person just as God was there for us.”

(2 Corinthians 1:4 The Message)

The Paraclesis initiative has been well received by the congregation with Catherine’s sermons on the key themes of Caring, Loving, Journeying, Living and Healing being both thought-provoking and challenging, with the sermon on Connecting still to be delivered at time of writing.

The pilot group has worked through the Daily Guide and met mid-week to examine the Paraclesis material in more depth and relate the themes to personal experiences. The pilot group has bonded very well in a very supportive environment with Catherine as Group Leader.

This has been a worthwhile initiative as it has given us a chance to set aside time and space to reflect on how to stand alongside one another during hard times and to focus on how to develop opportunities for pastoral care within both the congregation and the community.

Please keep the project in your prayers as the pilot comes to an end. After an evaluation of the first course, it is hoped to run more groups in the near future.

For more information please visit the Paraclesis website

Page 4: The The SentinelSentinel April 2017 · 2019. 8. 26. · The The SentinelSentinel April 2017 Volume 55 No 3 Magazine of Giffnock South Parish hurch Dear God, Teach us to love one another

The Guild session is almost complete but we still

have three interesting meetings to come.

On Wednesday 5th April at 2pm, Louise, a speaker from

EMMS International, will tell us about the rehabilitation of

Nepal after the devastating earthquake there. Many lives

were lost and thousands made homeless but many were

given real help and we will hear about these.

On Wednesday 19th April, Dr Rosemary Hannah will speak

about the ‘Creation of Mount Stuart’, the magnificent grand

house on Bute.

We warmly invite members of Giffnock South and friends to

come to our meetings which since 1997 have been open to

all - ladies and gentlemen.

On Wednesday 3rd May we have a brief AGM mainly to

discuss the disbursement of funds to good causes in

Scotland and abroad. Our speaker this time will be Graeme

Whyte, who will enlighten us on the work of the Glasgow

Care Foundation - our Church Charity for this year.

Page 4

The Guild




The Annual Ladies’ Golf Outing is on Thursday 24th August at 2pm at Cathcart Castle Golf Club. This is a very friendly tri-am format over ten holes followed by a meal and prizegiving. All handicaps, including lapsed ones, are welcome. We mix high and low handicaps happily and ladies enjoy meeting

church members from different golf clubs.

April dates at a glance Sun 2nd 12 noon: Stated Annual Meeting

Mon 3rd 7.45pm: Final Lent Bible study in GP room

Wed 5th 2pm: The Guild - Louise from EMMS

Sat 8th 10am-12noon: Coffee Morning for Eastwoodhill

Sun 9th 6.30pm: Contemporary Evening Service

Tue 11th 6.30pm: Easter service at Eastwood Court

Wed 12th 7.30pm: Easter film show in Eglinton Hall

Wed 19th 2pm: The Guild - Dr Rosemary Hannah

Sat 22nd 10am-1pm: Art Show in the Winton Hall

Sun 23rd: First Aid Training Course

Sun 30th 12.30pm: Souper Sunday for Christian Aid

Some May dates Wed 3rd 2pm: The Guild AGM and Graeme Whyte

Mon 8th Art Club outing

Sat 13th: Lodging House Mission involvement

Sun 14th 11am & 3pm: Communion Service

Wed 17th 7.30pm: Session Meeting

The lunchtime service is every Wednesday at 11.30am.

Craft Club is every Thursday from 2-4pm. Come and enjoy the company and do some sewing, knitting, art, etc. It will be fun!

Saturday coffee mornings are every Saturday at 10am.

If you are interested in a Friday afternoon walk in Rouken Glen, meet at the car park beside the vets' practice at 2pm.

Giffnock South Art Club plan to mount a display and sale

of artworks on Saturday 22nd April in the Winton Hall

from 10am till 1pm. Refreshments of tea and coffee will

be available with soft drinks for children. Entry is free and

members are invited to come along with friends for this


The Club is arranging its annual outing - a superb

conducted visit to the Glengoyne Distillery in the Blane

Valley on Monday 8th May leaving from the Church at

2.15pm allowing time for a stop at Drymen. This will

include a tour to see the traditional processes for making

malt whisky with time thereafter for looking round the

attractive location and for sketching or photography.

A buffet meal is planned, overlooking the beautiful dam

and waterfall where colourful rhododendrons and wild

bluebells should be in flower. We plan to leave there at

8.15 pm arriving back at Church around 9 pm when it will

still be daylight. The cost will be in the region of £30 all

inclusive. As there may be some seats free, anyone

interested in coming please contact Jim N Scott on 639


Art club

The annual Giffnock South Bonspiel was again held at Greenacres. Sandy Halliday, an elder in Maxwell Mearns, made up the numbers for the two teams who fought out an excellent game.

The winning team of Anne MacDougall (skip), Sandy Halliday (three), Alan Smith (two) and Graham Stevenson (lead) were presented with the Quaich by Catherine. She also presented the Angus MacDougall Stone for the Best Shot of the Match to Anne Airey and the Anne MacDougall Stone for the Best (Pseudo) Rookie to Willie Dunbar who had flown in from the sun of California to the ice of Greenacres just in time to play in the match. Willie had the added disadvantage of playing in Alistair Orr’s borrowed curling shoes! A good time was had by all who took part and the spectators enjoyed the good play. See photos on egap.

Giffnock South Bonspiel

The Easter service at Eastwood Court Care Home is on

Tuesday 11th April at 6.30pm. The Rev Catherine Beattie

will lead our worship and as always the 30-minute service

will include four hymns, a musical item from choir members

and appropriate readings.

Please note that this is the second Tuesday of the month

rather than the usual third.

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Karene Forester from St Andrew’s Ambulance will take a basic resuscitation and first aid training course on Sunday 23rd April.

There will be a Sunday lunch after the service on 30th April in aid of Christian Aid.

Outing to Harrogate 7th-10th May.

Heart & Soul, Edinburgh, takes place on Sunday 21st May. A bus has been booked and the cost will be £10 for adults and £3 for children. Under fives free.

On Sunday 11th June there will be a family lunch in aid of Ekwendeni.

Classes at Giffnock South Join our new Saturday

morning group at 10am

for Slimming World. Meet new friends, enjoy loads of

recipes and food ideas. Never feel hungry and lose

weight. That slimmer, healthier, happier you can be

closer than you dreamed.

Contact April on 07903167198 for more information

and to hear about any special offers.

The group will run from 10am to 11.30 on Saturdays.


A PILATES CLASS is held every Tuesday at Giffnock

South Parish Church from 10 to 11am and if you are interest-

ed contact Janey on 07714 677 993 or email

[email protected]

Cost:£30 for a block of 4 weeks or £8 per session pay as you


Facebook: janeysPilates

The newest Line Dance class for beginners is on a Thursday evening

6.30pm–7.30pm at Giffnock South Parish Church - £4.50 pay as you


A partner is not required and you do not need fancy footwear or

clothing. Routines are fun and easy and there is no need to book

just come along. It is not a workout, more like a night out. So if you

like nights out and dancing, then please come along and give it a

try. A friendly welcome awaits you.

The Wednesday morning beginners class also has spaces available

at £4 pay as you go at 10am-11am

For more information call Allison 07783 027 757 or have a look at

the website<http://



in Giffnock South Parish Church


Saturday 8th April

10am till 12noon


Tickets From Sandra Mitchell or the Church Office The proceeds from this event will go towards buying equipment

for games and activities for the residents.

Conservation Repairs To The Roof Of The Sanctuary - 4 Years of

Commitment by the Congregation

Over four years ago, the Fabric Group recognised that it was no longer acceptable to patch up defects in the lead gutters, flashings and cast iron downpipes and that a more radical approach was required if the ingress of water to the Sanctuary was to be prevented and serious damage to the roof timbers and masonry avoided. There followed many months of surveys, intrusive investigations and planning and, as our buildings are Category B Listed by Historic Environment Scotland, the appointment of a Conservation Architect was recommended to assist with the design of the works. The Heritage Lottery Fund and Historic Environment Scotland were approached for support which involved an exhaustive analysis of the present and future involvement of Giffnock South Parish Church within the local community. Although past heritage was important, it was the vision of our Minister and congregation for future involvement in the community and further afield, together with the wonderful financial support and active involvement of the congregation, which persuaded the HLF and HES to assist with a generous grant. Six months ago, the contractor, John Fulton Ltd, was appointed and, by the end of March, all but a few items will have been completed. The contract has been delivered to programme and on cost and, together with the improvements to our halls over the past two years, ensures that our buildings are now in an excellent condition for many years to come and builds on the legacy left to us by the founders of our church.

The Church House was constructed back in the late 1960s and, with the retirement of Graham Morton after 10 years service and the house standing empty, we have the opportunity of bringing the building up to modern standards. This includes re-wiring, the installation of smoke and intruder alarms, new carpeting and decoration. The decoration has been undertaken by Irwin Houston, a member of our church. A contract has been placed with Scottish Power Energy for the installation of a new power connection and meter and, as soon as this work has been completed, the house will be ready for occupation.

After confirmation from the War Memorial Trust that they will fund 75% of the £11,900 required for conservation repairs to the War Memorial at the foot of Greenhill Avenue, a grant of half the balance remaining has been promised by East Renfrewshire Council. There is therefore a small outstanding amount required to complete the work and contributions will be sought from within the communities of Giffnock and Clarkston for whom the memorial was erected. SEE ALSO PAGE 7 WD

The Fabric Convener reports…..

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Page 6 Parish Register If any of your personal details

change please notify the

Church Office at:

4 Greenhill Avenue, Giffnock,

Glasgow G46 6QX


Telephone 0141 638 2599



To ensure that we comply with the Data Protection Act, we will no longer

publish addresses in Sentinel. Anyone who requires further information about

any of the intimations above should contact the Church Office.


To order, contact Alan Gray

on 0141 639 1401


EASTER An Unexpected Easter Feast Jolyon Mitchell considers the impact and influence of art in telling the story of Emmaus and opening eyes Clearing the Way at Christ’s Baptismal Site Tim Porter highlights the work of the Halo Trust, a charity involved in a key project to improve access to the site of Jesus’ baptism Easter Prayer from the Moderator of the General Assembly Bethlehem and Calvary In his final reflection for Life and Work, the Very Rev Dr James Simpson highlights parallels between Bethlehem and Calvary A Desire for Justice Jackie Macadam interviews Val Brown, a Church of Scotland member who has opened her home to a Syrian refugee From Reform to Renewal The Very Rev Dr Finlay Macdonald introduces extracts from his new history of the Church An Artistic Legacy Alison Roberts pays tribute to the life of stained glass artist Crear McCartney Christianity is Not Dead Ron Ferguson argues that Christianity will not disappear in Scotland as humanity continues to seek meaning in life.

Baptism: Suffer the little children to come unto me.

On 26th February 2017 Alastair Robin Callander & Sophie Louise Callander

Deaths: Well done thou good and faithful servant. Rest safe in the Lord.

On 23rd February 2017 Jean McIntosh

On 26th February 2017 James Robb

Parish: On 20th February 2017 Jean Imrie

Joining us: 28th February 2017 Rosena Gow

Date 2 April 9 April 16 April 23 April 30 April

Welcome Teams Team11 Team 12 Team 1 Team 2 Team 3

Crèche Anne McDougall

Alison Campbell

Elspeth Marshall

Isabel Steele

Cher Thomson

Marjory Grimmond Jean Lennox

Irene Japp Lisbeth Taylor

Linda Stevenson

Sound System Charlie Hunter Bob Bryce Robert Beattie

(Evening Service)

Laura Beattie

Laura Beattie

Robert Beattie

Charlie Hunter Bob Bryce

Laura Beattie

Café Rota 1 Myra Rao

Isabel McGregor

Marjory Grimmond

Anne Gilchrist

Liz Burns

Avril Holland

Sue Harvey

Elinor Watson

Pam Wallace

Kathy Fitzgerald

Wilma Park

Café Rota 2 John Fitzgerald

Myra Rao

Isabel McGregor

Bill Steven

Morag Steven

Sandra Mitchell

Mora Kerr

Jeanette Wright

Eileen Crawford

Marjory Grimmond

Alison Campbell or Elaine Crawford

Sheila Walker

Jean Lennox

Irene Japp

Christine Gray

Sunday School David Wilson

Avril Holland

Fiona Devon

Anita Callander

Kirsty Duncan

Lorna Wyllie

Helen Black or Elaine Steel

Margaret Scott

Diane Johnston

Anita Callander

Flower Delivery Margaret Allan Pauline Bell Grace Bodie Vicki Bryce Carol Cochran

A Spring welcome at the rear

entrance to Giffnock South

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Willie Dunbar emailed from Los Angeles. “I know you were only looking for one more member for the quartet but this guy on Santa Monica Pier offered to come over and provide a one man quartet all by himself, although he’s possibly not a classical saxophonist.”

First of all can I thank Giffnock South for making the Glasgow Care Foundation the charity that it will be supporting this year?

Most of you will know of the charity from the toys you so generously give every year at Christmas, which we distribute to many families in Glasgow. However, you may not know that the bulk of what we do is to support many needy families

and individuals with practical help that it is not available elsewhere. Things like washing machines, cookers, bedding, floor coverings and fridges that make a difference in helping to keep families together and to support independent living.

We receive requests for help through a number of agencies (not directly from individuals) and our Welfare Officer visits homes and assesses their needs. We also support a number of Glasgow based community projects where funding can't be found elsewhere.

Although we have been in existence for over 140 years, we are still a small charity that relies solely on donations, legacies and trust funds and we do not have the resource (or the inclination) to use professional fund raisers. It is, therefore, most welcome and greatly appreciated to have the support of Giffnock South, particularly as we seek to reach out to meet what is an increasing need and work collaboratively with other charities and agencies.

Graeme Whyte

Graeme Whyte writes...

The War Memorial

In preparation of cleaning and repairing stonework at the War

Memorial, the hedge at the back of the memorial has been removed. It

was in any case becoming untidy and overgrown. It will be replaced

with appropriate plants. The removal opens up new vistas of the church

from Eastwood Toll with the church and our signage much more


Note the new


downpipes to

cope with the

extra rainfall….


experienced -

probably due to

global warming.

Birthday girl,

Sandra, gets

offered a tray of

cakes to celebrate!

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With Fairtrade you have the power to change the world. With one simple choice you can get farmers a better deal. That means they can make their own decisions, control their future and lead the dignified life everyone deserves. FAIRTRADE PRODUCTS are on sale before and after the service on the second Sunday of every month.

The scaffolding being removed has revealed the

Kennedy window in all its glory after refurbishment

This is a photograph of Andrew's Mill which is being built at Ekwendeni in

the grounds of the Mission Station in memory of Andrew Connell and

funded by the generosity of Pat, his wife. Maize is a staple food in Malawi

and there was a great need for an accessible mill. Andrew and Pat

planned a trip to Malawi many years ago but the trip had to be cancelled.

The local community are very much looking forward to making use of the

new mill.

Late News. The lunch on Sunday 19th March raised £300 for Gorbals

Destitution Cupboard. Thanks to all who helped and contributed.

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