  • 7/31/2019 The Temple of Nim Newsletter - January 2010


    The Temple of NimMonthly newsletter


    Blue Mountains UFOResearch Club.

    Vol. 6 Issue No 1

    January, 2010.


    Are we Martians?Worm Holes in Time and Space Revelations of a Katoomba Photograph.Light Energy Orb Hunting at Katoomba.2010-A Big Year for Blue Mountains UFO Research Club.

  • 7/31/2019 The Temple of Nim Newsletter - January 2010


    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter January 2010.


    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club News. Our meetings are held on the third Saturday of the month, at the

    Gilroy residence, 12 Kamillaroi Road, South Katoomba, from 2pm onwards.

    We are situated on the corner of Kamillaroi Road and Ficus Street, and as we always say, park in Ficus Street wherethere is safer parking.PLEASE NO SMOKING ON THE PREMISES.


    PLEASE NOTE. Please contact us prior to bringing along any new friends interested in UFOlogy and the mysteriesgenerally. Anyone with any personal experiences involving UFOs or the unexplained are invited to share them with usall.

    Contact Information: Phone: 02 4782 3441, Email: [email protected] [or catch our website on or]. Please note our new email address.

    A plate of food to share for afternoon tea is appreciated.



    Latest Blue Mountains UFO reports from members Discussions on UFO matters. Other DVD presentation/s. Other surprises. Weather permitting there will be a Skywatch out on Narrow Neck Plateau. [Dont forget - warm clothing is

    a necessity as the weather can change very quickly!]. Dont forget to bring your torch and binoculars.

    ARE WE MARTIANS?by Rex Gilroy

    Copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    This is an old debate but I have my own theory to add to the discussion.

    From all the available photographs of the Martian surface, including those taken above the surfacethat show the controversial pyramids, the mighty human-like face and other structures, it is certain that theplanet suffered a devastating ecological disaster which killed off all plant, animal and intelligent life, parallel

    with the drying up of the Martian oceans and rivers etc.One old theory is that Martian scientists could have created all life on Earth by seeding our planet

    after it cooled down following its fiery beginnings, and that life evolved here from that experiment alongsimilar lines to that on Mars.

    Another possibility is that microbic life arrived on Earth on a rockthat blew off mars to create lifehere which evolved along much the same path as that on Mars. If this was the case, then we should expectthat some day Earth astronauts colonising Mars will, once scientists begin researching the fossil evidencethere, find much the same microbic life forms leading on through a local Age of Dinosaurs to early

    [Martian] Man.And, as on Earth, a Stone-Age history of Martian hominins will be uncovered, following much the

    same pattern as is being found here on Earth today, only it will have preceded Life on Earth by untoldmillions of years.

    Rex and Hea th e r Gi l r oy , Aus t ra l i a s t op UFOand Unexp la ined Mys t e r i e s Re s ea r ch t eam.

    Photo c op y r i gh t Rex Gi l r oy 2004 .

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 7/31/2019 The Temple of Nim Newsletter - January 2010


    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter January 2010.


    The question arrises if our proposed Martian ancestors were capable of Space travel, they wouldsurely have sought out other environmentally friendly worlds to populate and develop once it was realisedthat their own planet was dying. Earth would have been their nearest objective, although they may havefound other worlds elsewhere in our galaxy where they were able to survive and develop their advancedtechnologies. Only when our astronauts finally land on Mars will such speculations be proven one way or theother.



    by Rex Gilroy.Copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    There are millions of planets beyond our Sun and which are far older than it. There is no reason whycountless numbers of these might support forms of technological life.

    Yet to contact these worlds beyond our sun we will need a far more advanced communicative spacetechnology than we possess at present. Scientists speculate that it would take 100,000 years for radio signals

    from Earth to cross our galaxy, so that if intelligent life exists on these planets they are so far distant by manymore millions of miles, that we would need a super technology capable of sending far stronger signals toreach such incredible distances.

    Actual space travel to such distant worlds seems far beyond our present scientific technology and thetime involved at once dismisses such voyages. However, the harnessing of what scientists call worm holes intime and space could be the answer, provided that a means of harnessing these can be found. It seems certainthat these worm holes have already long been harnessed by advanced extra-terrestrial civilisations elsewherein our galaxy and beyond, which explains the countless ET visitations to our world. These are of courseTime Windows by which beings inhabiting a parallel world in time and space [unseen to us but for digitalphotography evidence] are able to visit us, and by which means we Earthlings can at times visit the past. Bothphenomena are similar in nature although Time window contact is instantaneous.

    *****In previous newsletters, and in my books Australian UFOs Through the Window of Time [URUPublications 2004], and Blue Mountains Triangle Secret Underground Australian/American Bases and theET Connection [URU Publications 2006], I have published accounts of people on the Blue Mountains inparticular, who have experienced momentary visits back into the past.

    Take the case of Mr Steve Donovan, who in October 1970 entered Cedar Valley over the saddlebetween Ruined Castle rock formation and Mt Solitary on its western side. This ridge separates the Jamiesonand Cedar Valleys below Katoomba, and is one of the most eerie locales for mystery happenings on the BlueMountains [has the Australian/American top secret underground advanced space technology base inadjoining Burragorang Valley got anything to do with these phenomena?]. Steve, in those days a long camper,

    was working his way down the steep slope, intent upon crossing the creek to explore the western side of the

    valley. There had recently been a bushfire through here that had burnt all the forest on the saddle and down the west side ofthis ridge.

    As I reached the creek and crossed over onto its western side, I looked back at the ridge. It was then that I got a shock,for I could see that the whole slope that I had just climbed down was covered in dense forest, just as it had been before the recentbushfire!

    I also realised that, while the weather had been hot with a clear sky while I was on the ridge, and also as I was climbingdown the burnt slope, now that I had reached the western side of the creek they sky was dull and it was now freezing cold! Mistand rain was descending upon me as if from out of nowhere.

    I decided to get out of that valley as soon as possible. Then as I recrossed the creek to begin the climb back up thesaddle I discovered that the green forest had vanished, the burnt landscape of the western slope had returned and the sky was

    again clear and the weather hot.Blue Mountains Triangle contains many such accounts, and the evidence for American-ET contactwhich has aided the space scientists there in the construction of spacecraft able to explore space via wormholes.


  • 7/31/2019 The Temple of Nim Newsletter - January 2010


    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter January 2010.


    As members of Blue Mountains UFO Research Club can testify, many strange events over the pastfew years alone, both day and night, .have been witnessed in and over Burragorang Valley about which therelevant authorities maintain a cloak of silence. Many mysterious glowing craft have been seen to fly out ofsecret openings in that valley, or descend into them at night by our members and also other local residents.

    That worm holes and Time Windows exist on the Blue Mountains we have no doubt, as from timewindow photos taken on the Blue Mountains and shown in a previous newsletter; but on Monday 22ndDecember 2009 at 8.15pm, this author while photographing valley scenery in setting sunlight [daylight

    summer time] with a digital camera, captured two bright white-glowing worm holes of considerable size. Asthe photo shows, one appears high above Burragorang Valley just over the north saddle of Ruined Castlerock formation, and the second one, like that above is curved, descending behind the western saddle slopeabove Cedar Creek. Both were transparent as the clouds can be seen through the top worm hole and the farBurragorang Valley cliff summit can be seen faintly through the bottom hole. The question is - have theseworm holes anything to do with the top secret activities going on beneath Burragorang Valley, or are theyunrelated phenomena?

    So many mysterious phenomena have lately been photographed with digital cameras on the BlueMountains; ie eerie beings and other images on other dimensions reported in previous issues of our Clubnewsletters, and now this worm holes photo, that the entire region seems to be one whole window not onlyto the past, but also the stars.



    Copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    Beginning last November there have been some really fantastic developments with regard to digitalphotography of light energy orbs and other phenomena on the Blue Mountains. Aside from hazy presencephotos and the images of two worm holes over Ruined Castle on the western side of Jamieson Valley, manyfascinating light energy orbs have been recorded in south Katoomba, the later being the work of myself andour new club member and field assistant, Mihaela Hilla. The following photos say it all and are but a smallselection of the great many photos taken on one night alone, Saturday 19th December, 2009 following theClubs Skywatch out on narrow neck Plateau.

    With few exceptions all the orbs recorded at the South Katoomba [Katoomba Falls] site have beenwhite with a few blue examples, whereas previous visits have captured green and yellow orbs on digitalcameras. The reason for this colour change is still being investigated.


  • 7/31/2019 The Temple of Nim Newsletter - January 2010


    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter January 2010.


    Mihaela Hilla and Guy Chervas during a November 21st light orbsearch at Katoomba Falls. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010. Rex Gilroy at Katoomba Falls, Saturday night,

    November 21st 2009.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    Small light orbs and a mysterious haze-likepresence photographed on a Cliffside track.

    Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    Mihaela Hilla at a lookout as a mysterious presence

    in the form of a haze gathers above her.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    Light orbs photographed rising from the forestfloor into the trees.

    Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter January 2010.


    A haze amid light orbs drifts among trees. There may bea human-like image approximately right of centre of

    photo. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    Orbs rising from the ground into trees.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    Mihaela at Katoomba Falls picnic ground, surrounded by small

    light orbs. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010. Orbs rising from the ground at the picnic ground.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    Mihaela amid small light energy orbs.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    Note rising orbs with tails about Mihaela. These orbs travel fasterthan others which tend to drift slowly upwards.

    Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter January 2010.


    Mihaela appears to look towards small light orbs in thisphotos, which are otherwise invisible to the naked eye, and

    generally only visible through digital photography.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    Mihaela, photographed on the road back to the Gilroyresidence, encircled by tiny light orbs.

    Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    Here Mihaela was completely shrouded by a ghostly haze. Many such hazeshave produced images of mystery beings on another dimension.

    Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    The haze appeared to follow Mihaela for a short while onour way back to the house, together with numbers of small

    energy orbs. Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    Light energy orbs rise from the ground amid roadside trees.Black and white copies of these photos do not do justice to the

    light energy orbs photographed on this investigation.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

  • 7/31/2019 The Temple of Nim Newsletter - January 2010


    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter January 2010.



    by Rex GilroyCopyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    The New Year has barely begun and I have made important archaeological discoveries.On New Years Day, Friday 1st January Heather and I, together with Mihaela Hilla and our visiting

    Brisbane [Queensland] friend Geoff Holland, made a visit to Mt Wilson, which together with adjoining MtIrvine forms a huge extinct volcano now covered in rain and gum forests.While foraging around the edge of the picnic ground I chanced to spot a curiously-shaped lump of

    basaltic rock embedded in hard ground. Digging it out I found it to be a mineralised hominin lower jaw,coated with a thin brown patina of mineralised mud. The jaw was so old that it had become part of the rock it

    was attached to. A number of teeth are still faintly visible and by its size, it would have belonged to a beingabout 1.2 metres in height.

    The jaw measures 7cm in length [no mandible remains are present] by 5.7cm wide at the rear, 5.6cmwide at mid-point and 4cm wide across the six frontal teeth.

    By its state of mineralisation the fossil is at least 1 million years BP [Before Present] in age and is ofHomo erectus identification.

    Some months ago I picked up a small boot-shaped lump of ironstone out on Narrow Neck Plateau.Taking it home I afterwards decided that it was only a simulcra and placed it in the garden rockery at our backdoor. I later used this stone among others from the rockery in a bucket as support for the Christmas Tree inour dining room. On Wednesday 6 th January having dismantled the tree, I was putting the rocks back in thegarden, when I chanced to take another look at the boot to discover that it really was a fossil boot, that of ajuvenile hominin, containing the bottom portions of the tibia and fibula leg bones.

    The fossil boot measured 12.5cm long by 4cm across the toe section, 4.5cm wide at mid-foot and2.5cm wide across the top of the boot where the bones are still visible; the ankle area of the boot being7.55cm tall. The boot shows shrinkage and some distortion and had been made of marsupial hide, the sole ofthe boot measures 1cm thick.

    As if this was not enough, on Friday 8th January 2010, Heather and I took Andy for a drive up to an

    old World War 2 airstrip at Blackheath for a bushwalk. While taking him along a forest track I picked up anironstone endocast of a second juvenile marsupial hide boot at least 1 million years old!The boot is 12cm long by 5.4cm wide across the toe section, 7cm wide at mid-foot, 6.4cm wide

    across the heel. The boot is 9.2cm tall and 4cm wide across the flattish ankle area, with a sole 1cm thick, anda foot depth of 4.5cm. The specimen is coated with mineralised mud and tiny gravels. Its owner would have,like the Narrow neck Plateau boot, have stood about 1.2 metres tall. Several eolithic tools were also recoveredabout the area of the boot find.

    These finds demonstrate that our Stone-Age ancestors who peopled a pre-Aboriginal Australia werefar from primitive. Homo erectus created fire and it is certain that, like other, later Stone-Age hominins, thesepeople also manufactured crude animal [ie marsupial] hide garments, including boots.


    On Sunday 3rd

    January Heather drove Mihaela Hilla and I out to Kanangra Boyd National Park,where I took her deep into the forest depths to a temple site surrounded by creeks, presenting the appearanceof an island. Here a lengthy alignment of large upright granite stones, arranged in sets of two stones somedistance apart from one another aligning with the moonrise were identified. Mihaela discovered a large centralcircle once the scene of ceremonies. Near two altar stones I uncovered an inscription in Uru script which Ilater translated to read:

    Gather at this mountain temple,the place of hidden knowledge of Ara the Moon on high.

    Pour libations of water in the light of the Moon.This inscription, and the nearby large granite head of the Goddess, identify this site as a temple

    dedicated to the Moon-Goddess, Ara. Measurements of the temple and its island base will be carried out by

    us in the near future.On Wednesday 30th December 2009 I uncovered a new Uru astronomical observatory temple sitewhich early in 2010 I intend a full investigation, as part of a major ley line identification begun recently atLeura. With Greg Foster assisting on weekdays and Mihaela on weekends I anticipate some rapid discoveriesconcerning what is surely a gigantic series of ley lines covering the central Blue Mountains and beyond.

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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter January 2010.


    Thanks to the assistance of Mihaela much important night-time full moon and other Astro-Archaeological investigations will be carried out in 2010.

    Another investigation for the Gilroy field assistants will concern the uncovering of Bronze-Age Celticrock inscriptions and temple remains in the St Albans district north of the Hawkesbury River. This followsmy discovery of a McDonald River temple and Celtic ogham inscriptions site on Tuesday 29 th December2009.

    2009 was a year of Skywatching successes for the members of Blue Mountains UFO Research Club,

    and 2010 is expected to be filled with many more, as members carry out weeknight and weekend Skywatchesin between our monthly meeting dates. These Skywatches will be carried out at sites beyond Katoomba, so allthose interested are welcome to join in.

    Further revelations on the underground top secret Australian/American advanced space traveltechnology base in the Burragorang Valley [and its Wollondilly/Wollemi extensions] can be expected andobservations of these areas will be carried out throughout the coming months.

    Meanwhile URU Publications will begin releasing new UFO books in 2010-2011 based upon the Clubfindings.

    Digital photography by the Gilroys alone continues to turn up new mysteries, and Club member PeterOBrien has some surprises of his own, taken at Petersham recently. We are all interested in seeing anyoneslight energy orb and other similar phenomena photos at our meetings. Research on the association between

    light orbs and Uru megalithic sites will be conducted this year in our continuing investigation of thisphenomena.*****

    As part of a new book project by the Gilroys concerning the Uru civilisations Earth-worshipphilosophies, field investigations are already under way to identify new Ara and Nif [ie Moon-goddess andEarth-Mother] temple sites across the Blue Mountains, Sydney district and elsewhere. A large number ofthese womens worship sites are already known on the Blue Mountains and investigations will include sitesin the central west.

    The book concerns the pagan worship beliefs of the Uru which laid the foundations of theEuropean Wicca, called by many today the Old Religion. However, although it certainly pre-datedChristianity it owes its origins to the spread of the Uruan megalithic culture across the Old world from

    Australia, birthplace of the Uru. Gilroy field assistants have already uncovered countless Uru temples sitesover recent years, and 2010 will see many more added to the list by the time the gathering of evidence for thenew book is completed.

    Research into Blue Mountains pyramids is already under way, and Club members are involved withhelping the Gilroys in the gathering of evidence for another forthcoming Yowie book. URU Publicationshave a number of book surprises for 2010-2011, all tied in with the activities of our Club. All in all, it lookslike an incredible year of activity for Blue Mountains UFO Research Club.


    The Mt Wilson fossil jaw, right profile with teethoutlined.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

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    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter January 2010.


    The Mt Wilson jaw.[Left image - the untouched specimen and the right image with teeth outlined. downview].

    Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    The Narrow Neck Plateau fossil boot, right profile.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    The Narrow Neck Plateau fossil boot[downview] with leg bone fragments outlined.

    Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

    The Blackheath, New South Wales fossil boot, left profile.Photo copyright Rex Gilroy 2010.

  • 7/31/2019 The Temple of Nim Newsletter - January 2010


    Blue Mountains UFO Research Club Newsletter January 2010.



    Our next meeting will be held on Saturday 20th February 2010,same time, same place12 Kamillaroi Road, Katoomba.

    Our previous meeting was a huge success and we look forward to seeing you at our next one.There should be some good Skywatches ahead of us up here at Katoomba weather permitting.

    `Meanwhile, there isa lot happening up there at present so-

    Until our next meeting

    Watch the Skies!



    Lost Pacific Colonies of theBronze-Age God-Kings.

    The latest book byby Rex and Heather Gilroy




    URU Publications

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